u,,..IWMlMri Jt-r .jmKM.Jn . R kV -.,. .... VW- -. .Commencing July 13 and Ending July 27 kMtVllfMVVAWMCfqmnvM To clean up the stock we have specially priced many lines of goods far below iL .. &. vvinMiifoiini'iiiiA ' In rani 4rCK fl fi $KTP t-r,c i-irki!- Q-hAAn rnncilAral "A7ix r--v niwimlvo -r,t -r 7. give the publjic am opportunity to buy DISHES, RUGS AND PARASOLS at their own price iwwwmi'fMWfcttX' SSSSSSBMBSSBSMSSSBSSSSBBSMBSBSSSSSSMSaBSSSSSS - . TURNURE BROS . Ii SALE I ju..iiimnii-- '" " MMww-"""y """"-'""' " -wt.w ! ,..., , . - rTTiiminwinmijii For. (Wfi hemv each dav commencing at 3:00 e hi.-we will sell at Auction the folfowms? rfd! im-tii M. r A I'AKar w .- .,- . ' - - - - -.. ... JJ 'D ' - Mill t-A.5. sold: SO Axminster rugs 27xB4 ins. SO parasols. $400.00 worth of dishes, consisting ol white Havelana cnina, ransom sape wmie jaavaria cnma. jansoin crtape American decorated and white Fnrflicfi xrc7rirnrrolain Dinner sols will he nfforAd in 1-2 doz. lots and single nir-rpc A? o lf vf Fancy China, Salad Dishes, Vases, Plates, Etc. . . Ladies9 Oxfords 150 Pair at Special Half Price. These are all the Irving Drew Co's make, and without question the peer of shoe makers. When you buy a pair pf the Irving Drew Co's shoes or ox fords you have the best. ' Shirt Waists One-third Off A discount of 33, per ct. will be given on all our Shirt Waists and a fine line to select from. $3.00 Shirt Waists for $2.00 2 50 2.00 150 100 .75 1.67 1 33 100 .67 .50 Skirts Twenty-live per ct. oft 25 per ct. discount will be made on all ladies' tailored Skirts. These skirts are exceptional values All t'ne famous Scheuerman Bros. make. We have sold this make of skirts for twelve years and will continue to handle them so long as they keep up their high standard. Summer Dress Goods One-fourth off, 25 per ct. We believe this is the best and most complete stock of summer dress goods ever shown in Red Cloud. Special- 100, 9 and 10 yard dress patterns at 42 cts. per pattern. Only 10 offered each day. m .-r-umMi :s Ladies9 House Dresses , One-fourth off Only a few of these left and they will go at ) off Ladtes', misses' and children's spring coats,' only a few left at XA price. i Silk Underskirt: Sample line of 36 Underskirts 36 silk underskirts ranging in price from $3.00 to $8.00 at , off. $3.00 Skirt for $2.00 4 50 " " 3.00 6.00 " " 4.00 Muslin Underwear A big sample line especially priced for this sale At less than manufactuiers cost. Table Linen This is the largest line of Table Linen ever shown in Red Cloud at 20 per ct discount. Sample Line of Parasols Special prices for this Sale Special prices on Gingham, Muslin, Sheeting and Shirtings Groceries Overstocked on a few items in this line. While they last 4 Cans 3-M Pumpkin for 25c 4 Cans 3-1 1 Homiiu for 25c 2 Cans Standard Tomatoes 25c 8 Bars Lenox Soap 25c I 8 Bars Swift Pride Soap 25c 7rmvc'T'rrrrrjrAr"Mvmisa3me:z saaszJE::., ICLSU 2aSrriIS3rrmvg5..rr,r'.vr-ri WAVAV.VWWV.W.NV.V.Wj Correspondents 4w.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.v. GUIDE ROCK. V.VJ uro Mr. Prank Xowmever ami son visiting relatives at Curleton. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Fish have gone to Culbortson for a several week's stay. Hurolil Million, who was so seriously injured several days ago while swim mlnif was taken to a hospital at Kan Ms CI y Tuesday morning- tie Is a son of Mrs. Kate Million, Mrs. Hannah Uarber Is very low. Her son Ed Uuvber and wife of lied Cloud are spending most oV the time bere helping to cure for her. The Royal Neighbor lodge of Web BtorCi'iiuty met Friday with the Guide Koek II. N. lodge. In the morning they had a business meeting but in the afternoon they had an open sess ion, to which a good many guests were tntlted. They had many songs, read Jnfrs, talks and drills wliieh weie thoroughly enjoyed, in spite of the in louse heat. Mrn. Lawrence 13 uro h and children of Lincoln eame in Saturday night to Tfisit.hU parents llev. Baroh and fami ly. Mr. and Mis. K. L. llagnn are visit ing iclatlves at Clayton, ICas. Floyd Chase, son of Mrs. Cora Chase, it ho is now an inmate of the Keainey Industrial school is reported very ill. He was takeit to a Kearney hospital His sister, Miss Gladys, left Monday night for Kearney to be with him. ' thereof east at said election. The pie- I nli.,,4 ....... ..l. ...I. ..I.,.. !. ... J. .11 . I tiiildo Rock, 10; Heaver Creek, 5: Still Water, 5; O.ik Creek, 0; Garllold, 1; I'luasnnt Hill, 3; Cowels,. J; Klin, Creek, t; Potsdam, 10; Line, !!; led Cloud, 10; Uiitln, (1; C.lenwood, 1'.'; Wal nut, Creek, fi; Inavalc, 7; Cntherton, 7. Harmony, t; H. C. 1st ward, 0; Suit ward, 1.1. C. D. UAL!. Chairman County Central Com. (iHO. W. HUTCHINSON, Setretary. 1. 0. 0. F.. Lottie Installs Officers Monday evening J. II. Hamilton n. I) (J. M of the 1. O. O. F., came uu from Guide ltoclc and instilled the following ollleers in Ben Adhem lodge No. 180: Noble Grand, Harry Gllhum. Viee Grand, A. 11. Saladeu Conductor, Wilbur Hamilton. Wurden, Will Mountford. Chaplain, Dick Ilunchey, In-lde Guardian, C. It. Hale. Scone Suppoiters, E. II. Ncwhousu ami Ed Hanson. 11. . N. G , F. K. Maurcr. L. S. N. (5., A. ll.'MeArthur 11. S. V. G., Clias. Urubaker. J After lodge the members went to Wan en's restaurant where ico cream ami cigars wore sorved. If You Don't Like tin: Toxn If you don't like the kind of town That this town seems to be, If bulh'ings heie t re tumbled down A way you hate to s-c, If something i-n't up-to-date, Or good as things of old, While other towns aro simply great (Or so you have been told); r r If you would like to see a place That's full of push and snap, A town that hits a faster pace, A town that's on the mnp; Yes, if a way you'd like to know To llnd It in a jerk, I'll tell you where Vou ought to go You ought to go to woik. You needn't puck a trunk or grip And leave the folks behind. You needn't go anil take a trip, Somootlior place to find, You needn't go and settle down Where friends of old you mis'. For, If you want that kind of town, .lust make it out of this. Probate of ForeUn Will. N'uIIi-uIh herclu dvt'iitlmt n iietltlmi luw bein itli'tl hy I'rauk A.CoiiIkoii lutluu'ounty Court ot WolwUfr Ciuuity, Xclnnskii, jtray liii: Hull tlit'liislniiiiint tin row llh pri'scnlid ami illrd iiurpurtlim to lu a copy of ilio will n( Henry A. (illitdcn, iltcLiihud. late o( urltiuiHi.'uuuty, New York, niiil of the pro I i:id tlureol duly autlirullciUi'd nml pniylnn Unit wild Instrument bo ullowtd us llio Iiihi will and testnuiiiit ol nuld dieciiiicd, and llui ropy lllfdniid lifordcd and tliiiwllludiulttcil to probnte to liu o tliu kiuiio (orco mid ell ret null orlnlually provid und allowed In this court. WliiToupou I lmve llxcd llio lOlh ilay ol August lUUut ten o'clock n. in. at which time The following named business firms will close at 7::i0 p. m. Saturday, July '20;h for the oponng number of the Red Cloud Chiuitamjuu. Kd Amack Ionry Nowhotise llarbara I'haros Hetiry Conk Pope Droi. lied Cloud Imp. Co. Miner Bros. Perry t Weesner Cottlng& Mitchell Frank Smith M. A. Albtlght John Yost J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and' Varnishes. ; Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DCNTI9T OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' ' ' Nebraska See Dr. Cross over State ItHuk. i -.. Democratic Co. Convention The Democratic Electors of Webster County ure hereby called to meet in delegate convention in the city of Blue Hill, Tuesday, July 23rd, 101) at 11 o'oloulc a. m., for the purpose of elect ing delegates to the State Convention to bo held at Grand Island, July Both, SfllS, the election of a County Central Committee and the transaction of any other business which may properly oine before the convention. Tho representation in said oonven tlou will bo based upon the voto cast Sot presidential electors 1003 and each freclnct will be entitled to one dele gate for each ten votes or fraotlon all perhoiiH Interrnted hlmll appear at the County Conn In Med Cloud, WeWer County, NebriiHliu, and attend the probnte ol wild 11 B. McFiirlaud Morhart Itros A. K Atkins Bailey .v Halley l'aul Stoioy. GTice & Co Will Koon Tuinuto Bros, .lames Burden P. A. Wullbiundt Cowden it Kaloy D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Olueo in Moon Block. Bell, Black t; lud., I'M Residence, Hoyal Hotel. Bell, 47; Ind., 27 Calls Answered Day or Nigh! iit:i) ci.oi'n, xr.it. is w Vi ii iff ii i Hi to to to to to to NOTICE! ,UR window is full of Shoes which vou can purchase at Bargain Prices. These are not cheap shoes but some of our best numbers. We would rather sell these at .bargain prices than carry them over. Look in our window and be convinced. These prices will not last long. o BAILEY & BAILEY etRseefeasase&s&fres' w c" y f s will audMiow e.iiiKc II any nxlm. win- tho Mild Instrument Rhould not bo admitted to probate mid reeoid an prayed lor. It ix further ordered that notice bo iglvwi by tho publication ol thin order tor three weekKHiicciHHlvcly In the Itcd Cloud Chlul prior to kfilil day ol heiulni;. Dated J uly in, UH'J. JSKUi I A. 1). HANNT.Y. ln,"x" f . Comity .Indue. I.. II. 1H.ACKI.KIM1K. Attorney lor Petitioner. T he Helfl Feed Store The CO. D, Feed Sure We carry a full line of Feed, Hay, Flour, Oils und das. Try our Machine Oil on your mower, At presout wo have- some choice Cane and Millet seed, come in and con tract what you need before its gone. P. E. HENDERSON. Jl We handle only the Best Grades of Flour, and Feed ol all kinds. Your inspection of my place is respectfully requested " Both Phones, Opposite P. Oi GEO. W. TRINE if '1 ft I 8 to m m m (t m Ik If 1 Ktf i . . ti rmy