Council Proceedings Keel Cloud, July 2, 1912 Council mot with Mayor Turnun-, mid Councilmeii Storey, Sherwood, Cowden, present. Saunders nlnent. Minutes read and approved. It. B. Fulton und C. C. McConkcy ap peared nnd n?led the council to provit'c drainage from cemetery grounds. On motion council gruntul pernilsalim to association to tun n ditch ncrouH stub cml of Arch street. Curried, Dr. Stockman iippeared und neked council to remove obstruction from nlley back of hi reidence Ills com plaint being .iipanled by u survey of city eng:ner, showing lb condition of ob'ntruciiu i On mo'l-ui tlw city miirshnllwin Instructs! to r.m.vetlie fence under direction t,f i'y attorney. Curried. 0. K. Hoycc again complained of tin waste water in alloy buck of bin resi dence. Moved thftt city uttorney brine; an uctlon to nbn'e the nuisance. Car ried. The following cluims were allowed: Hay $ 125 00 Fatten -.. CO 00 Jay 0 00 Fox 3.') 91 Florance 779 50 Tcel 25 00 Slaby 0000 Clauson . 75 00 I.O.O F . 37 50 Hale -.... 2230 Argun 19 15 Hosmcr 9 CO Fruit 6 25 SrfunderB 434 15 Fry 99 20 Clark j 480 Fearn 15 00 Peterson 16 CO Korsmeyer 42 17 " fil (55 CorbonC&SCo 71 15 Gorlock Pack Co 19 59 liuffallo Meter Co 11 SO Thorpe Mfg. Co 2 00 Hoffman Mfg. Co ' 9 00 Western S 11 Co 27 75 CW&SCo 21 41 Wist-sm B & S Co 17 10 J. A. Tomlinson 4!) 10 ltv Treasurer's Report for June July 2, 1912. Honorable Mayor and City Council, He'd Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen: I submit herewith sUtement of receipts and disburse ments of your Treasury for the period from June i, 1912 to July 2, 1912. Occupation Fund Amount on hind June 4, '12 9 1113 90 Receipts fV-NT-, r UlkUM :"X-:m:x:h. WwOvOy S Announcement! mmow uHtrtwi AttmnAtktMMl.tMii .!- 30 00 11 -,rv ii "?. ryr 3 I B.r?iO StOti-tr Cyjl " WM.i nm tVv . o an All Kinds of Builders9 Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills, Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Paints, Oils, &c, Wagons, &c. Let us figure on ypur Hard waffe and Plumbing Jobs; We believe it will be profitable f 01 both of iis. p o Red Cloud vvAvA NeK s r whm U J Transferred to E. L. Fund.. Disbursements. Balance on hand July 2, '12. ' Water Fund Amount on band June 4, '12 Receipts 1133 09 ' 700 00 433 09 43 5G 390 43 ir.r. 98 on no Disbursements. Balance on band July 2, '12. Water Levy Fuud Amouut on hand June 4, '12 No receipts No disbursemnts Balance on hand July 2, '12 Ueueral Fund Amount on hand June 4, '12 No receipts Disbursements 'Balance on hand July 3, '12 Electric Light Fund Amouut on band June 4, '13 Receipts Transferred from Occupa tion Fund Tran&ferred from Judgment Fund Disbursements 355 7g 115 3D 140 40 150 02 150 02 168 21 00 00 108 21 381 53 70S 40 700 00 HSOll (0 3183 02 273S 09 711 33 Of m m m m m m m m MP W ' t fc WV .. ., , Marvel -- m -. Liine t We' Carry the Celebrated of of JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK tft ? M V Dressers TV X y v y i 5: ,s .?. an i i ii affX&&smZZZi:!lk' . ILAfE have purchased the " W. A. Smith Gro cery Stock and in addition to same will carry a full and complete stock of Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready to Wear Garments. We are ready for Grocery businese now, and Dry Goods are arriving every day, but it will probably be July 1st before our stock will be complete. 1& We solicit a share of your trade and hope to merit same by good treatment and a square deal with everybody. Will pay the highest, market . price for produce. "? $ i C ? y y y y y J Weesner, Perry & Gomp'y y y y ? X. y y i y '4 )MeMg..XHXl.M4M2.M.J 1 . y-vvNy,cv,-v,Av vvv stykss0ymf Moved to Our New LOCATION v i ' : 'i ' . s You wllI..fHM us now fiToitnn In the NEWHTOUSE BLOC with our large line of M I 5 A r catlpri"' A FINE LINE of BUFFETS and CHINA tLUOijio, rituiuiutiui cu aiiu pat ented by the Penn Manufacturing Company, of Montgomery, Penn. Be sure you have examined this fine line of Furniture before buying. All the Phones UitltiiiL'O nn bund July 2, '12 Klcetilc Llj;l)t Levy Fund Amount, on bund Juno 1, '12 ,'oS 0 No leeelpts No disbiusptueiits A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture Man end Undertaker. i At Of ili ib Oi iai m m m m m m m m m m w Wpts vl lt.ilimce on bund July '2, '112 JiuIkiiumiI Fund Amount mi hum! .In no t, Y- No receipts Disbiitsomeiit-. J08 112 liri) 110 1013 ii O.t llulunet) on Iminl July 'J, '12 Flremuu'b Fiind" Amount on bund Juno I, '12 DO '20 No receipts No dlsbiircemmiU Diilnnce on bund July 2, '12 f0 20 Ilceapitiihitiou Occupation Fund 300 -13 Water Fund 1)0 10 Water Lory Fund 150 02 (leuoral Find 108 21 K. L. Fund "4 33 J3. Ii. Levy Fund 2oS 02 JiidKiuent Fund 0 ):! FlromenS Fund r.O 20 J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. i The Only Exclusive Store. Total . . . a, IT'.IS b 1 H. Floranck, City Tieiihiuer. Waete of Time. Never ask a man for a favor nttei you, havo laughed at Itlm for tnaldni fool of himself. D. D. Sanderson, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Ollkf In .Moon lllouU. Hell, IJIuuk ; 1ml., IU.i Itiiildenen, Royal Hotel. Hull, 17; Ind.,27 Cullh Answered Day or Nlybt iikii n.oi'D, ni:ii, Now Ready for Business! The Diamond Milling Go. Red Cloud, Nebraska . . . Manufacturers of . . . The "Diamond Brand" Hard Winter Wheat Flour Also Graham Flour, Pure, Whole Wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Self-Rising Pancake Flour, fee. RUGS, AND FURNITURE Alway Glad To Se You ED, ANACK LICENSED UNDERTAKER-NEBRASKA-KANSAS ALL THK PHONKB vavVvA-Av vN vAvA EXTRA Nebraska People Mice it tin it of the Re- tmeTtlw UNITED DOCTORS Will Be in RED CLOUD AT ROYAL HOTEL TUESDAY, JULY 9th., ONE DAY ONLY operations for appendicitis, gallstones, tumors, goiter or certain forms of can cer. Tney are among the Srst la America to earn tbe nam of the. "Bloodless Burgeons," by doing away with the knife, with blood and with all pain in tbe successful treatment of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder trou bles, bring two-once bottle of your urine for examination. Their Hypodermic Injection treat meuts for Cancer, Tumor, Tubercular Glands, Piles, Old bores, Is the best Curative treatment in the world. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their par Consultation ami Examination Fim; on This Trip T.he above stock can be found at all Red Cloud Grocery Stores A complete stock of Bran Shorts, Corn Chop, Baled Hay, Alfalfa, ike. Free City Delivery. Use Diamond Milling Co- 'Office and Salesroom Don Ton Dakory. Phone, Red 09 ,mVVmAmVfffffJ Tin1 great and good work of these Doetois in the west (lining tliu past thieo years lias gained for tlioiu a standing that pi a cos tlieiu in tli't high rank of specialism and nieiits lortliuui the most implicit confidences in cveiy vicinity they have visited in the state. The DOCl'OUS that constitute' this organization of hpecialiits were select ed from dlffeient parts of the country and aio Medical Specialists of ability and success. The solo object in view, nhen organizing, that each one might be benefited and enlightened by the experience of the others which natur ully of course 14 true, and has led them to success, which U shown by their many cures of diseases of the utotnaiih, ii I kid dropsy, nlcis, immiIi lungs, and those uilliuti'd with louu stiitnHng,'dei'p-seat' ed, cliionlu diseases, tli it have bullied the skill of tliu family physluiiwi, should not full to chII According to their system no moio inaiiv uures in ureases cu me biotnatili, Intcbiiues, liver, blood, skin, grant! liitcdTyelliK, iihivch, heart, spleon, icidnVjys or bladder, ihoumatlsm, AMONG YOUR PAPERS there's none that may suddenly bo comu more Impoitant than your II ro Insurance policy, iro n no respector of cither tinio or persons and it may bo your turn next to suffer from It ir YOU'RK NOT INSURED better have us uttoudto the matter at once. The fact that you have escaped lire ho fur doesn't for an Instant mean you will always ho so fortunate. o. c. Reliable Insurance. The llnost Hue and best assoittnont ol Harness ever carried befoin. Call ami look it over. Momuiir Dnos. - MiS,, i&VxrtrtCTWftAMtawwTMiliiitiwwjFi'Tiiiiitata lwWWwwirtWMiaWBwiiwwiwBwiwiiwMiij WMmfwiytiirtftMniapm'wwwmK.iiwiwwftjy iwiiiil lit .0&..Sa..j:ij...i-J&.ArtijL mMmuw(ii$ P ii gjijglggjtfSKtKBS