K1amWV' lMWMWf"M,w" Yi i. 1 r. I ' I 1.' i The Red Cloud Chief ReJt Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVKKV TIlUlthDAY Kntcrcil In llm l-oMoltlro at lied Clniut, Nek, jb Second Claw M niter. c it. UAL l : lMJIU.tSIIKIt THE ONLY DHMOCUATIC I-AIM.K IN wnsTi:u COUNTY If the phonograph maiiufiietuiers were not on liuml at the Chicago mill Baltimore conventions they lost 'a. msgulHcent opportunity. Americans do love oratory anil will take the canned article If they cannot get u fresh Strange how Teddy aud his follower delight to borrow Ideas from llryau In 1890 tho red bandanna figured largely in the nomination for llrynu for president and having taken all of Bryan's clothe, the Tcildyltcs have now robbed him of his handkerchief. It was an itnusal thing in political history to see one hundred republicans In line, marching to record their pro test againat a republican nominee for president, and to hoar one hundred republicans In a little town like Hed Cloud, uhoer the bitter denunciations flung at a presidential nominee. That is what took place in this city Friday night. From all we can learn the same feeling prevails throughout the Btatc, which Indicates the hopelessness of the Tuft campaign. In tho ilnal outcome we are the 'creatures of mystery, birth and death are not tho results of human calcula tion and existence lets in the midst of weather which is equally incalculable. Something of the laws, if wo may call them laws, something of the modus operandi may be learned; some more harmonious adaptation to the condi tions which surrouud us may be ac quired, but, In the end, uncertainty must dog our foot steps, and faith and hope must supply the place of know ledge, with admiration and gratitude as their counterparts. The mysterious alternation of cloud uud sun, of storm and calm arc the conditions in which it was provided that most lives should bo lived, and we, for our part ratber like the uucalculable uncertainties which are our lot. nut, honestly or not. His udinliers de dal ed him lobegiealer than cVi'r and his unoinlt'v thought he gave the big got example of fake motives eier seen In American politics. It all de pended upon the viewpoint One thing wils veiy notlclblo and that whs the closeness with which all iii'onle followed the movements of that gieat. convention. livery little political tuition was noticed and com mented upon, no detail was lost which goes to show that the campaign will candidates are ill the. Held. 'Hie intense party Interest so much in evidence in other years has been al most entirely lacking this year. There seems to be a genuine desire upon the part of the ordinary voter to Hud the right, Mind adherence to party is a thing of the past. Men now want to know why and if you think that the first man you meet does not know why he Is for a certain candidate or a cer tain principle you are badly mistaken. The general feeling is that this is a democratic year. The pretentions of the republicans have been unmasked and the people show a sure disposition to turn to the democratic party for re lief. The general sentiment is that it is better to have a party untrained in the Hit of government control to be in power than it is to have a party that knows all the methods of fraud and deceit. No longer will the ordinary voter turn to the republican party with a feeling of safety. Its glorious history has been scrutinized to closely and It can no longer fool the man who thinks. This is a democratic year and tho leaders of the p.trtv are alive to the situation ami they know Unit it they would hold the cuiitldcuce ot the nubile they must live up to their pledges jitHl as they have done in the past whenever they have had the opportunity. Weather Sunini.trv for June:. TeiuperHfiire .M.ix'lmuiii JM dtg u i '2.7. Minimum li'l (leg. mi 0. (!lc;ite-.t dally raug IS deg. on 'J Precipitation ,-Total i 'M luetic. I !i en test, In '.'I hours l.'.C! Inclie, m !. Number of dus wl h .01 or nioie i, Days clear IS), paitlyrlomly 'J, cloudy , i). Piovgiliiig wind Sail I 8. 1-2 ndu. Thunder storms on 1, 1'J and I?, rain fall since April 1st S.OJI inches. CllAS S l,Uir.ou. Dissolution Bailee Notice Is hereby ijiveii that, the partnership subsisting between us, II, K. Asher and I). IJ. Pine, oirryiuir 011 a veterinary business at lied Cloud, Nebraska, under the stylo or llrm of Asher fc Pine, was on the 121st day of June, Him, dissolved by mutual con sent, ami that the business in the fu ture will be carried on by the said II, B Asher alone, and who will receive all moneys payable to suid late firm. II. E. Ahiier 1 D. B. PINK. - Dr. Edith Smith lavs Just now all eyes are turned toward the gretit Chautauqua which will soon be here. Never befoie have our peo ple looked forward with keener utitl clpatloii to a real platform treat. It acenis almost out of the question to expect hiicli an array of talent us we are going to have. Somehow wu are prone to think that wu live in a place too small to ultrucl the really great "but they are signed up uud wo know that they will lie here. Of course we know that they would not come if this were the only place they would uppear but when they arrange themselves in to a circuit the mutter is easy, A chuutatiquu such iih we will havu is an Immense asset to any community. Here we are entertained, instructed, amused and educated. A great big vacation fur a little bit of money, A place where we can forget the daily round of duty. A place where we cau meet our friends uud reuew old ac quaintances, be merry uud curry away enough Ideas to last us another year. Hats off to the Red Cloud'Chautauqua. There is a genuine treat in store for those who love music. The Chautau qua management miudful of the wants of the people selected, some of the very best musical talent to be found In this country. There is the Appolu Concert company which is composed of bell ringers, singers and muslulaus who play nearly every known Instrument There is the English Opera company which sings everything from the coin mon melodies to the most difficult oratorios. They uppear In costumes representing the Gypsies, the sailors, the Uermau and others Then there is Hy ion's Troubadours celebrated per formers with the harp, tho 'ceolo. the mxaphoue and the great organ chimes, an Instrument fifteen feet long with fortytwo pipes and one hundred twen ty six tones. It is no wonder that the management this year Is so enthusiastic over the aucoess ot this year's program. With auch companies as these we can expect peoplo to come from many miles. No one ueed to go to the larger cities for something good because we will have as good as there is anywhere. Not withstanding the excellence of the program It hiu been decided that ow Juk to a lariter attendance there will be no necessity of raising the price of the season tickets. ' No one would accuse Tom Auld ot beliiK a humorist, yet lie has his fun, fun of the deep satisfying kind. Not long ago he sent Ulxby over to Europe to have a good time, lllx was elated at tlrst and poured out his grati tude iu poetic verse, but by the time lie lauded on foreign soil his tlrst stanza breathed a most plaintive note aud the next step he took carried him aboard a bi liner bound for home. We have no means of knowing just what was the matter with dear old lllxby, whether it was the great body of water that surprised him ur the longing for corn bread aud molasse, nobody knows, he got homesick aud came back. Needless to say all the delights that Tom Auld had pictured to himself iu the way of letters troui the old country were rudely si. uttered. He lost his fun but not his ambition. Tom is 110 quitter and he does love Ms fun so what does he do but iituke ur raiigemeuts so Ulx won't get lonesome iicrain by..scudiug with him Richard L. Melculfcaud Edgar llowaid to make things cheerful and bright. Fun? These three will have tho lliueof theii lives, but how about Tom AuldV Ills fun will be four times gamier, it will last longer, will carry him smilingly along during the rest of his stay on this globu uud half way to the next Hut say, wouldn't it be fun if he should send one of the boys from his home aloug with the party, llostner, for instance, that would be hilarious fun. This is what Edgar Howard says about the trip: "I have never traveled abroad, but I have consented to spend some time iu Europe next winter, or possibly next summer. 1 have held Iu my head and heai t for many years I he dear desire that some ''ay I might be able toyjac complish the journey, but I did not hope that the time was so near,-at baud I have consented to go in ca- Leo Year Ptctry Tell us not in idle jingle "marriage 1m an empty dream;" for the girl is dead that's single, and things ate no what they seem. Life Is reul, life is earliest, single blcsseduessailb; "Man thou art, to man retuiucth," has been spoken of the rib. Not enjoyment aud not sorrow is our destined end or way, but to act that each to-morrow finds us nearer marriage day. Life is long and youth Is llcetlng, ami our hearts, though light aud gay, still like pleas ant drums are beating wedding march es nil the day. Iu tho world's broad fields of battle, iu the bivouac of life, be not like dumb driven cattle be a heroine a wife! Trust no future. however pleasant; 'let the dead past bury Its dead; act act in the living present, heart within and hope ahead. Lives of married folks remind us we cau live our lives as well, and, depart ing leave behind us such examples as shall "t ell" such examples that anoth er, wasting time in idle sport, a for lorn, unmarried brother seeing, shall take heart and court Let us. then be up and doing, with a heait on triumph set; still contriving, still pur suing, and each one a husband jret. WE SELL Good Broad Shingles! Just the Kind To Spink The Kids With! And Then Put on The Roof to Keep Them Dry While They Cry!. The Quality Of Our Shingles Is Ample Proof That They Will Do The Work While On Your Roof Saunders Bros. Farm Loans At Lowest Interest, best option, least I expense. Call for tue at State Bank, 1 ItedUloi.d. C. F. Catiieh. ' MRS. EDITH S. DAVIS, A. M., LITT. D., Super intendent of Scientific Investigation and of Scientific Temperance Instruction, World's and National Wom an's Christian Temperance Union, will appear at the Red Cloud Chautauqua, Tuesday afternoon, July 23rd. Mrs. Davis is a trained woman, having graduated at Lawrence University, Wisconsin, after which she took post-graduate course at Wellesley College. She has been connected with the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union since her girlhood and was Miss Will ard's chosen assistant in the White Cross and White Shield Department of Purity work for some time. As it speaker she is one of the brightest and best now be fore the public and has a world-wide as well as a national reputation. Her name is listed with such special speakers as Dr. David Starr Jordon. Booker T. Washington, Shailer Mathews and Geo. E. Vincent, which is sufficient guarantee of her ability to interest. CASH- ftK&. iwwgMta'fflsBsgaai . News from the Ualliuiore convention was eagerly awaited In thli city by both Democrats and Republicans Kvorjnne seemed to have a favorite and as that favorite gained predictions of his nomination would be mude only to be replaced by expressions' of gloom when the favorite lost. ground. It has been auybody's light and all candidates booked to win, Opluion was divided as to whether Bryan acted wisely or have lost none of its Interest when all pacity as chaperon to a young man who feels incapable of doing the con tinent unattended. He tried it two years ago, got as far as the outskirts of Loudon aud returned home by first boat, never even waiting to pay his respects to the royal family. The name of the unfortunate young man is Ami L. Ulxby, u person of note in Nebras ka chiefly because of his modesty. I shall also be accompanied on the journey by another noted Nebraskau, not noted for the same reason as Ami lllxby. The gentleman to whom I i ' fer is Mr. Kichard L. Metcalfe, a per son who has great Influence over t! wayward Mr. lllxby, and for that reason he will prove very valuable to the consummation of the plans of tl philanthropic gentleman who will finance the expedition. There are some things which Nebraska people do not know about Europe, In desire to promote knowledge Mr. Thomas Auld, a gentleman with a fad for help ing humanity in all directions, has asked Ami L. llixby to make the trip abroad, accompanied by Mr Metcalfe and Myself, the three of us being under commission to write for Nebras ka newspapers all information neces sary for Nebraska to possess in order to understand all things foreiyu. I have been repeatedly warned by many friends that I am taking great chances by agreement to make a voyage as the companion of Ami Ulxby, aud Indeed Mr. Metcalfe and I have not been In seuslble to the danger of it, but we dare not let danger serve to make us allow lack of appreciation of the kindly offices of Mr, Thomas Auld. Over three hundred Suits of Men's and Young Men's Clothing have been taken from the regular stock and will be offered at the above discount from the regular marked prices Some $25 Suits at $12. SO " 20 " . - IO.OO " 15 " . - 7.so These Suits have been selected and placed in lots "One," "Two" and "Three" ' Lot "One "-Will be sold at a discount of 50 per cent as they are sold at this price no alterations will be made. Lot "TirVo'VAt one-third off containing over one hundred suits is the most remarkable bargain offering I have ever made. They came from such makers as Hart Schaffner & Marx and Michaels Stern and arc all new clean patterns. They are broken lots and I wish to clean them up. Here is your chance to buy suits that sold for $30.00 for $20.00. Suits that sold for $20.00 for $13.65. $18.00 suits for $12.00 and $15.00 suits for $10.00. These suits will not last long at these prices and if you want the choice get in early. Lot 'Three' -Is all this season's goods and only because I am overstocked and feel that I must reduce the amount of clothing do I make this cut price which means a saving to you of from One-Fourth the regular price. No suit sold in this sale except for CASH. Any suit that does not give satisfaction will be made good just the same as - if you paid me full price for it. Let us show these suits to you. You will find them "right." Po it NOW. PAUL STOREY RED CLOUD NEBRASKA i JV. , . ...r,r.TM, y. rrt'TirirTitiKinmiriTSfi i,Jti'yu-lia!.'-iii.j,-itj44 iJJ-,-i--iiI - ...,..-.. ?y. . w.'y ...- r. niit. . i i.i ir.in..i.,.i.. ..u-fcK -.---. "" .i.i..i.CT,i,,tiMlttftrliTnMWintitf)W ayiiLiiitSMiaiflijbiiMilttlWiiiiiitfi