The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 06, 1912, Image 8

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BiKQter Marions
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Cradle of King Henry V
r-v jma' - ;p t a .y.. .n.vty,t,jvAA ",-,
i' ? ...aBaBSBaBSBaBSBaBSBaBBBftta
E lff'liiVHBlBBBBBBlBk.
.- -' .X''StIsbbbbbb. ''
BBBBBBawSBBBBmi1 ' '& sB$BB.
BBBBBBm...., "JIbSBBeV , kM ' llB
bbbbHb''':'s' tTvL vl'" vrM'Ml,H1fy!lkBlBiiBBB&
bbbbI ,?'. &Ci-
TfcBTaW. 'JIbCScYbBbbIbW'
Yt VbbbbbbhbblJb1bbDZvV
avaA " w ii' BBBaSBBBBBBaiSfeKTBWBaBBaM'vOr
x? 'V vTW BBBBhBBUbBBBmu A i
' (V VJA 7 laHBlBBfflBVBii'' '
''urrym)$ AfrT rZrrr ' rY 1
Among tho thouiandt of Interesting objecU placed In the recently estab
lished London History Museum In Kensington Palace Is the cradle of King
Henry V. It has carved ends and two carved birds on top of the supporting
posts, but It would be considered very crude and uncomfortable by a modern
baby of high degree.
" v:' '
i.' .s.'--i,vri
.Tyi-iM,-? .,&?;
.'.For a lung tlmo tho pagan kingdom
of Wukari, la Socoto, Nigeria, has
tie'en known to civilization, but evon
tho conquering Fulanl stoppod short
of subduing It. Aa befits such a rec
ord, the chief of Wukari Is literally
a 'great man, with nn imposing figure.
In the accompnnylng portrait he 1b
carrying the staff of offlco. the em
blem of his allegiance to Great Brit
ahj, and wears Bnndals. adorned with
dstrlch feathers.
England has timur ruby
, It has JUBt become known that the
famouB Tlmur ruby, known in tho
dayB of the Mogul omplro as tho "Trib
ute of tho World," Is now among the
British crown Jowels. . Somo experts
bad supposed It was last. The gem Is
royal match to the Kohlnoor dia
mond, the "Mountain of Light," which
has been In the DrltUh regalia since
The Tlmur ruby Is the largest In ex
istence, weighing in its present shape
a trifle over 352 carats, it Is uncut,
but polished. Tho first account of
this ruby Is In 1398, when tho Ameer
Tlmur, known In Europe as Tnmerl
nno, plundered the Indian city of
Delhi, and seized a groat Btock of
princely gems. Tnmerlnno bequeath
ed the Tlmur ruby to his son and
BuccesBor, Mir Shnh Rukh, who passed
It down In turn to his eon, Mlrza
TJlugh Ileg.
The ruby fell Into tho hands of n
PorBlan king at tho downfall of tho
Tartar empire. In 1C12 tho Btone was
presented by Shah AbhaB I., greatest
of the Sofavl kings of Porala, to tho
Mogul Emperor JehariBlr. At that
time It had engraved on It tho names
of Tamerlane and his son and Shah
Abbas. Tho Emperor Johanglr oblit
erated thorn and engraved on tho ruby
tho nomeB of himself and his father,
Akbar tho Great
Nur Jehan, faorllo wife of .Tehan
glr, told him ho ought not to have
scraped off ' Tamorlano's name, to
which the Persian monarch replied:
"This Jowel will more cortalnly hand
down my namo to posterity than nny
written history. Tho House of Tlmur
may fall, but as long ns thoro lb a
king this gem will be his."
Shah Julian later put his uamo on
the ruby and Bet tho etono In the
famous Peacock Throne. There It re
mained until Nadir Shah Invaded In
dia and sacked Dolhl in 1739. He car
irled off tho Tlmur ruby and 'J5.000
other gems., When tho Nadir was as
sassinated In 1747 the ruby descended
to Ahmad Shah, who founded the king-
idon of Afghanistan. His son surren
.w ". xivi. v-'Bspr. , "
dered It ns well ns tho Kohlnoor, dia
mond to Mnh'araja RanJIt Singh) and
tho English got the two jewels when
thoy annexed tho Punjab In 1840.
Tho Kohlnoor was sent direct to
Queen Victoria, Tho Timur ruby, aft
er having been for somo tlmo In pos
session of tho East India company, Is
suld also to hnvo been Bent to the
queen, but It got into tho privnto royal
collection and hns been lost to public
notlco over since. Kb history was
collected by King Georgo on his In
dian coronation tour.-
Tho total population of tho world la
now estimated at 1,700,000,000. This
Ib based upon tho moat recent con
BUsoB, which nil civilized countries
now take, with a careful estlmnto of
tho number of Inhabitants of uncivi
lized lands. Tho proportion of the
soxob is known for 1,038,000,000 of
these, tho ratio being 1,000 males to
990 females. Tho ratio varies consid
erably In different places. In Europo
there nro 1,000 men to 1,027 women;
In Africa, 1,000 men to 1,045 women;
in Amerlcu, 1,000 men to 964 women;
in Asia 1,000 mon to 961 women; in
Australia, 1,000 men to 937 women.
Tho highest proportion of women is
found in Uganda, whoro there are
1,407 to every 1,000 mon. Tho lowest
proportion la in Alaska and tho Malay
States, where there are, In tho former,
391, and in tho latter 389 ' women
to every 1,000 mon.
Tho finest caviar 1b tho bloluga pre
pared from tho roo of tho white stur
geon; littlo lesB flno is tho sevrluga,
prepared from tho sterliated Hturgcon.
Doth are put up at Astrakhan, Hub
sla. According to United States Con
sul John H. Grout, stationed nt Ods.
sa, tho roo Is rubbed through a Blove
wim care not to bre.ilc tho grain. It
falls into biine. whore it rnmnlnn fnr
threo or four hours, after which It is
packed in sacks and allowed to drain.
This Is tho only preparation 'nlvnn to
the best caviar. Tho cheapor varie
ties aro more strongly Baited. Caviar
Is digested with easo and Is ono of
tho finest forms of nourishment, espe
cially for tho sick.
Roman Bar Found In Pompeii
Kit. ife ' J$$y v H VLdLilBBiiiiiiiKf i ""Blr
LaiHBfav. " "H 'it-BBBBk-Jik IbbiiiiiiiV' '''J'A.Sf'vf "vr'"" .
Vf n'V'' "Hubbb MJIBBB i f i wffiffWiawBBiaaaa nTfc asst J'1 iflsiw
Bct. BBnV'SJBttlBBBBBBBlBM-iiAaaaaaaaaaaaaattaaaaaa s!-w-a jbbI
f9ftto,aaHAJS'WiMBBBBS& ?bbWbVbb - V? - v. - jbbI
R? BBBBBaaaaauflBBsBBiaaaaaaaaaaaaaafBBaaaBF' .BWaaaaaB
BaaaB&WBaVBaaaaVBVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw? -bbbf -jk jBaVBaVBaVa
yESSEKE?!.'' '"J v' Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
Recent excavations In Pompeii have revealed a number of houses In the
Street of Abundance, and a wine shop or bar. The latter haa the customary
counter, with holes for tho terra cotta wine jars, and a raised piece of
masonry holding a copper boiler with cover made to close hermetically, which
rests above a square hole for the fire. Various wine Jara lean against the
wall, on the counter are copper coins, and a small square box of bone contalna
gold and silver coins.
A substitute for hard rubber, gutta
pcrcha and leather, has Just been put
on tho market in England under tho
namo of scagumlte. It Is prepnied
from Beaweed. Tho properties of the
now discovery nro said to bo that It
Is non-lnflnmmnblc, proof against
heat, cold, oil and weather; Its insula
tion resistance lncrcasos with Immer
sion In wutor; it is unaffected by di
lute BUlphuric ncld, which makes It
especially valuablo for uso in storago
battory Jnrs and separators. It is
well ndapted for motor gears, switch
board panels, switch handles, steam
and gas packings nnd to replace leath
er In beltings.
The Chinese public In tho lower
part of tho nation 1b In a predicament
ilils year owing to tho lack of their
usual almanac, which tells thorn what
days are lucky, what nro unlucky, and
which gives them similar Items of use
ful Information. Each yonr hundreds
of thousands of books arc sjld, and tho
publishers got thorn ready as usual
this year. Thoy put on now covers
with proper dates, and kept tho Insido
Just ns It uns before, aB they were ac
customed to do for many years back.
Then the new government stepped in
and strictly prohibited their sale. The
public now hns no means of Insuring
itself perpetual good luck.
Many royal personages today nro
skilled' In Homo form of handiwork,
ami not a few of them could earn
their living. Princo Frederick
Charles of Hohcuzollern, n cousin of
tho emiieror, is a good blacksmith;
his brother, Prince Fredorlck SlglB
nuind, hns learned tho Joiner's trade;
tho crown prince of Roumanla is nn
accomplished cabinet maker; tho
king of Bulgaria has learned to be an
engine driver, and Princess Marie
Loulso of Schleswlg-Holstoln 1b a
skilled worker In enamel. Uut Prince'
Koulory Onlbero, son of tho Into
Prince Denbnnzln of Africa, actually
found It necessary to earn hiB living,
and not hnvlng any trade, ho went to
Paris and becamo chasseur for a pop
ular restaurant in tho Dots do Dou
Phillips rock, situated near Valloy
Springs, Llano county, Texas, Is a
limestone formation and rises abrupt
ly out of a level plain to a height of
about 80 foot It covers an area of
several acres. The serried sides show
tho cffectB of centuries of exposure to
the elements. Tho-projecting layers'
of tho stono. afford a means of climb
ing to tho top of tho elevation. The
top Is a level surface nnd It Is a favo
rito resort for picnic parties. Its
8ldos are penetrated by wide cavnrns
which nro the homes of countless
New Zealand dealorB recently ship
lied several consignments of frozen
ducks to London, with good results.
They sold for about 75 cents each, and
when ready for the tnblo nro said to
have averaged up to tho English product.
Steamers Brazos, Comanche and
Comal, Were All Late in Get
ting Away.
He Hit the Man Who Prepared the
Food and Two Labor Unions Were
Then Involved Which Delayed Sail
ings Several Hours.
New York. A cook of tho steamqi
Urazos mude an offort to defend him
self tho other afternoon ngalnat the
charges of an oiler of the Firemen's,
union that bo did not know how to
:ook. The Just argument of men of
tho sea, coastwise or othc.wlBeJ,i,8 a
scrap, und.,tho ollorartd" tho fireman
had it. Tho cook got the worst of it
and the skipper of tho Brazos decided
to Ieao tho fireman behind.
Tho fireman nppcnled to his union,
nnd nil hands on three ships under
tho same management, the Hnifcos, the
Comanche nnd tho Comal, decided to
back up the aggressive fireman. They
said the cooks had not been treating
any of them properly anyhow.
Tho Comnnche waB the only ship
that got out of dock nt tho foot of
Spring street with nil her force of
eighteen firemen. They refused, how
ever, to work until they received as
surances that tho oiler would be tak
en back. She sailed promptly at 1
p. m. nnd got as far as Liberty Island.
TUo Bklppor told of his plight. by wire
less and H.. II. .Raymond, bead, of 'tho
line, got busy trying to tBtroUhten out
the troublo. The Atlantic Coast Sea
men's viinion, which hR&.gpneral- con
trol of tho subsidiary. UttiQWB.ot. coast
wise seawtorkeis.. also, got,
having iijContractwJlh tiic'.jyinJjs, to
furnish firemen wli'o would s'tl'ck.
Tho ilremen of tho Brazos nnd the
Comal deserted their ships at the plot
and stood by awaiOng tho result, ol
negotiations' between tho ropresenfa
lives of the unions nnd Mr. Raymond
The Cook Got the Worst of It.
who had volunteered to arbitrate the
trouble. A tug with' Marino Superin
tendent Rockwell went down to the
Comanche, whose firemen had nn' in
dependent gr.'ovanco against a cook' on
their ship, and there was 'an earnest
talk between the union representa
tives, Mr. Rockwell, the skipper of the
ship, and tho aggrieved firemen. Mr.
Raymond wanted to get tho three
boats away, with their pasengers and
freight, nnd finally did nrter they had
been held up more than four hours.
The oiler was taken back pending
investigation of the case against the
cook. The cook's union will mnko an
effort to adjust its troubles with the
firemen's union meanwhile.
Count as Master of Kennels.
Pueblo, Colo. Puoblo is probably
tho only city in tho country which can
.boast of a membor of tho nobility for
a dog handler. Count Von Rulow of
Germany, woll known In many sec
tions of tho United States and partic
ularly In this city, who returned hero
a short time ago strictly "on his up
pors," hns Just bon tendered tho posi
tion of master of tho kennels In Puo
blo. During the last four or five yeare
Von Bulow, claiming to bo n real
count, has been Identified with somo
romnrknblo performances of various
His most noteworthy accomplish
ment occurred threo yeare ago when,
It Is alleged, he pcrmiaded a Pueblo
woman, Mrs. Christina Pllummer, who
had $!?00,000 in tho bank, to marry
him. Von Bulow, It Is said, spent tho
money, his wife deserted him, then
died, and ho Is back In P.ucbto after
an nbsenco of two years.
Ends Own Life at 80 Years,
Chicago. Charles Stein, for 30
years a manufacturer In Mllwaukeo,
and a brothor of former Superior
Judgo Philip Stein, shot and killed
himself tho other day at the Hyde
Park Rest Cure, where he had gone
for medical treatment. He was eighty
years old. Suicide Is attributed to 111'
"Undo Joe" Cannon celebrated his
aeventy-slxth birthday at Washington
the other day under a cloud of grief.
The night boforo ho exultantly an
nounced that ho was going to observo
tho day by dissipating wildly. A clr
cub was In town nnd he wna going to
take the afternoon and, If necessary,
the evening off and go to see the lions
and tigers and the hlppogrnffe and. the
benutlfulmlady achs&ats and the hair
raising trapetlatt. t1 ,..,
Instead of that he went meekly up
to the homo on Congressman Weeks,
of Massachusetts, with his daughter
and spent .the evening decorously
, "Thought you were going to the cir
cus," a reporter said to him.
"I was," Bald Uncle Joe, "but It
rained. And in tho course of seventy
Ave I mean seventy-six years of
quiet and irreproachable life I have
found that whenever It rnlns and Tgo
In n l I 1 -. .
.u u UI1UUB 1 1IIWHJ8 gCl WGl.
Tho people around me seem to be dfy and iiappy. I always get that
vet Bpot and am miserable. If seventy-five jtehrs I should say seventy-six
each a mnn anything, It must bo to profit by experience.
"It has taken me seventy-five years to learn anything, but now that I'm
seventy-six I hnvo learned this lesson, if not any other, nnd I have Just sense
enough not to go.
"So I'm up here nt John Weeks', with Mrs. Weeks and my daughter, and
'vo missed the circus, but I'm happy and I'm not damp."
"I suppose you got a lot of congratulations?"
"Yes," snld tho ex-speaker, reflectively. "Quite a number of people came,
np to me and congratulated mo on bolng a year nearer the grave. Funny
thing to congratulate a man on. Don't you think bo? But they moant It
bsbPT iBOTfTlCr f T "X, f'?' ' &
BaaaaHLBT , '?.'""'' JMM,
yHKBaaBBBBBaf itaaaBaiiiiiiiiiiiiiH: i
Y"MKkyU x'- lM'
$MMMii1mEmmv '; m,. wmm iiuuu, iuu f ind
ent Sultan and nominal tulcr of Morocco, Is known to his subjects as tho
Prince of True Believers and. is tho thirty-sixth lineal 'descendant of All,
uncle and son-in-law of the Prophet Mahomet. He revolted against his broth
er, the Sultan Mulia Aziz,, In 1907, and his usurpation of the throne waa
recognized by the powers in' January, 1909. He Is a learned and devoted
adherent of Islamism and haa written several books on theology and philology,
gov. West trusts convicts
"The only honor lacking in the aver
age criminal Is that which is wrenched
from "him by Incivility, 'distrust and
Inhumanity. Extend Jlo fa( convict the
courtesy, confidence and' trust Bub him
aB a man and he'Svlll respond with
more honor than the average. person
who has nevcr seen the bqrs, the dun
geon or tho dismal gray walls of a
penitentiary.',' ' ,
Basing his-action on this bit of
philosophy, Gov. Oswald -West of Ore
gon recently threw open the barred
doors of tho Oregon state penitentiary
and turned more than 200 convicts out
Into tho inviting forests and fields to
serve the remainder of their terms
without guards, BtrlpeB, chains or
stockades. '
With one Bweep the dungeon, the
dark cell, the striped suits, the ball
and chain and the gallows wero wiped
out as unnecessary parts of tho Insti
tution and in their stead was estab
lished a unique and revolutionary.
honor system. Since the first wholesale liberation convicts have been added
to the list aB thoy have proven eligible until the total number today is about
500. Honor is the only guard over fifteen convict camps which are maintained
permanently in various parts of the state, in somo cases many miles from tho
dingy walls of the .prison, and in all cases in the forests whero the only
offort required to make an escape is to leisurely disappear.
Tho men are engaged in. building roads, oprating rock quarries and
ilearing land.
'' 'v, . , " J ?
tive officer; ir. Charles F, Wilson,
liplomatlo officer, and Mr, Archibald O. Emery, secretary. General Edwardu
nd Admiral Staunton were detailed by President Taft to represent the army
ind navy. Tho commission is accredited by the department of state to Amer
ican ambassadors and ministers abroad, and bear letters to the highest gov
ernment authorities of the various countrleo visited.
'v; ' st jkrViBBi
; .r .sVwJBBaniBaBl
'i 'LbbkTbbbV
BbP aaaaVBaaaaWB?f9BBB
I VHbW yHBaaaw
V- liBaBBVJBaiiiiiir
BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaaBBBBaV1 BailllllllHBailllllllllllllllllllllllllllH
.. ., w,,.
On March 30. Frnncn lnnnirnmtoH a'
.change 'In! her political' dealings' with
Morocco, by tho signing of a treaty!
with the Sultan', J Mulla-Abd-el-Hafld,.
establishing a French protectorate.,
France .has had much experience In
'the government of the North African
countries, which" llno'the Medlterran'-.
can from Tripoli to tho Atlantic ocean
and the decision to leave the govern
ment nominally in native h'dnds Is a'
wise one.. It Is evidently, based on tho
success' ' of h'or peaceful conquest of
Tunis whero the externals of Arab
rule have been preserved. In Algeria,
on the other band, whero tho admin
istration la directly and openly
French, her domination aroused the
bitter Jealousy and hostility of tho
natives who saw In the elimination of
their native rulety a threatened sub
version of the Mnhommedan religion,
with tho result that France has had
to maintain her footing by rigorous
mflltnf-v ii1a Hfltlla 3nftA 4V.A .....
Reuben B. Hale, tho vice-president
of the Panama-Pacific International
exposition, to be hold in San Francisco
In 1915, colcbratlng the completion of
tho Pannma Canal, was ono of a spe
cial commission appointed to make a
trip abroad to lay before mlnlstors of
foreign affairs and army and navy
authorities, the details and scopo of
the enterprise. The commission sniled
on the Mauretanla April 24th. Mr.
Hale is a well-known merchant of
San Francisco, who was tho first per
son to suggest the holding of an ex
position to celebrate tho completion of
the Panama Canal. The commission
consists of Mr. John Hays Hammond,
president; Mr. Reuben B. Halo, vice
president of tho Panama-Pacific Inter
national exposition; Brlgadlor-Genornl
Clarence n. Edwards, U. S. A.; Mr.
William T. Sesnon, vlce-prc3ldont of
tho Snn Francisco chamber of com
merce; Mr. Theodore Hnrdeo, execu
: J i" '' Mm
mh Mm
-I A '! oi