"" '"WT ' - How to Tll Age f , . . t,M of fl'hM " bo told b? their otolith!. Otoliths are little bony concretions found In the auditory ap pnratus which assist In the auditory work. The otoliths grow every year, forming one ring In summer and one ring In winter. The ring formed In Prlng and summer Is light, the ring formed In autumn and winter Ib dark. The rings are very distinct and the fish has a pair a light one and a dark one for every year It has lived. Har per's Weekly. Preparations for Shocks. For moat of the wrenches and Jolts of life there are. happily, conditions which alleviate what would otherwise eem unbearable, conditions which often and break the most cruel hocks. Death, for Instance, the great t shock of all, unless It ts very sud tea, seldom comes as an unbearable wrench, because weakness or suffer nt has prepared us for it la XetffcM A. DauaUa wa kun mm tie LRUs OtaatL" Asms attar saull atataeei bmb wke have sa4e aieterr was Tatars f Iraaea. lees tlw Ira feet Ma, wfco femed a etrtkla eon trast to the glfaatlc Mesaarek waea durlnt the Franco-Prussian war they set In conference at the Chateau do Perrleres. Loots Blue was evea skorter than Thiers. Wlndthoret, the leader of the CaUollo center and for many years Bismarck's most formlda ble opponent In the German relchs tar, was almost a dwarf and nearly two feet shorter than the Iron chan cellor. THE HOME P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop, W Carry Complete Lin ! Staple audi Fancy Graceriee, aJaa the Lataat Pattarna in HAND PAINTED CMNAWARE It Win Aba Pay Yau to Ramambar That in briar to Secure tha Baat in Cannal Gaada Obtain " A. B. C. " CANNED GOODS Ball Phana 201 Indapandant Phone 44 Mrr AmoNm you there's none that stay suddenly be come more Important than your Are Insurance polio. Fire Is no respecter of either time or persons and It may be your turn next to softer from it. IT YOW NOT INU0 better have us attend to the matter atonoe. The fact that you have escaped fire so far doesn't for an lastant mean you will always be so fortunate. O. C. TEEL, Bfllmblo Inmurmno: nnm nan m Bank of England Employe. There are about 1,060 persons on the staff of the Bank of England, of whom 840 are at the head office In London and the remainder In the branches throughout the country. Five hundred porters and mechanics are also employed. The bank prints Ha own notes and Indian rupee notes, together with all postal orders and old-age pension orders; this work Is done at the head office. Manner and Customs. The manners of some people en countered In taking walks abroad are suggestive of the report made by the old British sea captain who waa seat out to Investigate the manners and customs of the Inhabitants of a newly-discovered Pacific Island. Hts re port was brief, as fellows: "Manners they have none, and their customs are beastly." Cewera. New Terra hotel ana amy they conical stop their guests frost Upptag if they tried, ami one of taesa suggests the reason when he tastes Mr. Dooley's remark about a sua famous for his millions: MJsa Is th' bravest man la thl' world. He can stroll away from a table without tlppln' th' waiter." Boston Qlobe. Hardest Kind ef Work. "I want you to understand that I got my money by hard work." "Why, I thought It was left you by your uncle." "80 It was, but I had hard work getting It away from the law yers." i GROCERY Fresh and Salt Meats A A A John E. Yost "Tha Dutch Butcher." mum m m IMPRESSES THE OFFICE BOY Chleagoan Enthusiastic Over Scheme Which He Claims la Great hue- ceis 'n New York. Gerald Jones came here from Chi cago. Consequently there are a num ber of things about New York which he compares with the same things In Chicago much to the disadvantage of New York. One that chiefly Irri tates him Is the office boy habit here, the Cincinnati Times-Star's New York correspondent writes. Gerald Jones enters the offlre of a friend of his. A small, cynical boy meets him at the mahogany rail. Mr. Jones declares that he wishes to see his old college. pal, P. Norval Smith. The small boyi demands a card, and hands him a blank form. "Write here what youj want to see him about," says the; small boy. ' Mr. Jones protests. What be wants) to see Smith about Is something that ho does net propose to confide to any! small hoy In the world aaneetalf-r to. a small hoy toward whom ae feels a! sentiment perilously approaching hate.! He waves his hand. He dlreVts the', small hey la a lordly way to take his. ame and he quick aboat It, aad never; mlad the eard. "Just say Jerry Jones, Is here," he says to ths shall hoy.) The small hoy puts back .ike hunkl of gum and sits down on his slippery; tittle bench and Indicates with aa air or finality that there will be nothing! doing until he gets the card he asked) for and the full history of Mr. Jones't recent past. If Mr. Jones gets In to see P. Norval Smith It Is only by as-; tenting to the terms made by the; small boy. Therefore Mr. Jones has! had a fresh set of cards printed fori use upon the office boys of his friends. They bear the most awe Inspiring' names Jim Jeffries, for example, and,' James J. Corbett and Packey McFar land and Cut Throat Jenkins, the ter-' ror of the gulch. He observes that the small New York boy Is not well' posted upon the life and crimes of Bloody Hand Ben, the scourge of the Sierras, but every one of them knows all about tha ansa of the Hag. "And toll that old fool Smith," he hallows,; la tha character ef Tea Sharaey.i that If ha seeaat come at here in seat him to death." Gerald Jeaee la perfectly happy. Ha haw to elreamveat (ha adtoa WORTHY OF CHEAT MONARCH King ef Sarainla'e Taetfal Manner of! Csaaaallwf Klndneaa Dene to Impoverished Petlewer. The King of Sardinia, Charles AK bert, wss very kind and obliging to' the French royalists who were at' Turin. The Duke of P , with whom be was connected, bad an employment about the court he had been severely wounded, and lost a leg In the affair of the Three Days. The king heard' that the duke wbb anxious to visit the king and royal family at Prague, but. that his finances were not favorable to so long a Journey. His majesty, there fore, thought of an expedient which would enable the duke to gratify his loyalty, without hts feelings being wounded. "Duke," he aald. "would you do me the favor to choose some horses for! me In rtobeuila; and as your best way,' will be through Prnmc. of course, you' will pay rehpccts iu uo royal family' there." As the Journey waa on the king's. service, the duke con hi feel no reluct-' aaee about having bis expenses paid, i Tha Overwrought Meoee. ftaeh air will atrlag ap any grenp ef ', aervea not hopelessly demoralised.' Wbea yea feel that "dying te pieces": tacllsatkm overUklag yoa, Jerk your self to order with tha cheek rata, ef determination aad thea, If yon cannot rsgala aaU-ooatrol, stop aaythlag en. earth yoa may be doing and go oat of; m,m. si juu tHUUl IUT lV BOBM, man out or a window, or step for a lit- w - ..w w fvivai vu will BWl' lose any time you, will. In fact. gala nmo uj increasing emciency in waai-i ever you may he doing. Sleep also Is! a great restorer of nerves to a normal1 tone, and sleeping with all windows open secures for us two nerve cures' at the same time. In foods, raw on-' Ions, carrots, lettuce and celery, wlthl plenty of olive oil, are excellent nerve! foods, all valuable as aids in the good work, but the chief remedy Is strong; will and the compelling, of your body! to obey your mind. Man and the Mammeth.t . The skeleton of a mammoth discov ered In the department of Pas de Ca lais, France, measures 496 feet In! length. The head Ib well preserved,' with finely enameled molars of the' true Siberian typo, thus furnishing one more proof that the whole country was; once a land of Ice and snow. At a din-, ncr given recently on n sand-bar In the Danube an attempt was made 'to con vey an Idea of the food consumed by man In the time of the mammoth. Cab bage soup cooked over hot stones, horse ham, ronst pork with boiled millet, and turnips cooked In hot ashes composed the bill of fare. The dessert waB dried pears and honey. Harper's Weekly. ' Exaggerated Expectations. "I'm afraid," said Bronco Bob, "that Pluto Pete's Ideas of the game Is get in' kind o' warped." "What's the trouble?" "Every time ho picks up a band an' finds less than tbreo aces be thinks it wasn't a square deal." 9 BBBBSsnayABggBHVLwB j i -SI Dealers in I I -m All Kinds of . . I S d?i Builders Hardware, Plumbing Goods, Furnaces, Windmills. Buggies, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Paints, Oils, &c., &c. smBmmmmmBnmBamBmammammmmgammmmmmmmnsnBnnm Let us figure on your Hard ware and Plumbing Jobs. We believe it will be profitable for both of us Red Cloud aaaa' m m m m m. m m m m m m m m m is m m i m m m m We Are Showing the Largest Line of KITCHEN CABINETS Ever Shown in Red Cloud Let 'k t . ? Us Show You ,AJ A. E. ATKINS, m J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure v Framing, Pictures and artist Material The Only Exclusive Store. WMaa'e PsaslM. The reoent aot of April ltb, 1008 Rives to all soldiers' widows a pension 112 per month. Fred Maui or, the at torney, has all neceshary blauks. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DMTIT tVEl STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' Nebraska The Makes of Four Factories Including "The Hoosier" HAVE YOUR TICKET READ "IJURLINOTON." GO SOMEWHERE THIS SUMMER The entire scheme of summer vacation rates to Eastern cities, or to the mountain and 1'itcHlu Coast, becomes effective about June 1st. With liberal ruriiiittiou-, with the luxury of modern travel, whh the attractions of tlm Hciisidu, the mountains, the Pacific Coast, with everything combin ing to invite you to break awuy from the grind and monotony of work, you ought to go BOmowhor: Hoarded 'money has no value. There is education, besides health, iu travel. Your choice Includes the Pacific Coast, the Yellowstone Park, ranch life in the Big Horns, m-ar Hherldan, Colorado's mountains and ozoue, the Mack Hills, and Hot Springs, S D Olaoler National Pari:, Lake Michigan and Huron resorts, Muskolca region, Cannda, Eastern tours to Portland,, liostou, New York, Atlantic City every Summer looality in Amerla lias been included In a system of through rates, convenient through tickets,' and the comfort of highest class through trains. Skk Youb CountuyL There a-c no such rutes and comforts of travel In the World as American railroads provide. , Neb. t All Of The Phones The Furniture Flan and Undertaker. if. r. ro, Ticket Agont. L. W. WAKLY, Qonoralaongor Agt.f Omaha, Mabraaka. i Si " ,s ft t if "n' .T'i"t m Vs 3f $; -M hf 31 .Ml m it Vr .r a 4. Jj ssaVsmwsaVsVar ' BaalBaVHBalaVBBBli I m 'Mm it' 411 - fll sLgssaaaaaSiaaaa ' " . ' 'J " ' ggggggggggggggg ' " mmm m'm'm''tavuMu'&?ttfs iau . .i. ; - - , ji vinrmrattajmummtwiiHmSSffm ?, &iii,. , 4