JU2, AWW '4iiw1 .-twac" If ..WL "jtteT v a su? -jr fjt . -V" I U t Paradoxical Politics. 'There Is one odd thing about tho LriRllsh candidates for pnrllatnont." "What Is that?" "They btnntl for a Feat." For llrrr or kidney trouble, nothing la Quite k rtllnblu as tiurlleld Ten. Even n love match tuny havo Its flaronpg. Everybody Doing It! Doing What 7 Taking HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS For all troubles of the diges tive organs Biliousness,Con stipation, Headaches and to drive out the blues. 60 Years Doing It. CEMENT BLOCK ES our prior on Kcllpo lllock M.ichlncs nnd Mixers. IlUy Ihtl UekU kri.Lpk.r Boa, Mtra., Mlrklls, KkM. Nebraska Directory kwww'iMkywvkkwMvvvvsM'vwvvvvvvvyv FREE OneMiMternSclMIeotlnir Iron and nutllt "J clrriifreetnoneltidylnenelicohimiiiilt.v. WrlteforpiirtlcularH. BifttawCulikC..,Lacels,N. Cleaner-Dyer LOOK OUT FOR IfAII Imun Your Crop "rtlw The National Hall Innurauee Co., of Lincoln, Neb. IritliPoldCHt Hall InHnrnneeCo.lti Xebntv kn ; has paid o t?r (300,000 In Iokhos. Write tha Homo OQlce lodnv. Delays arc dangerous. KODAKS unit Photo Huppllca of all kind. We ilo DEiElO IDC and fRmTINO for uiimteiirM. head tm jour or ders. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., Liicoli, Ntb. SILOS SOMETHING NEW Addren.C. H. BARST0W, Box 918, Lincoln, Neb. WSHINCOLN HIT WORKS Panama experts. Manufacturing, renovat ing nnd cleaning soft, stitl.silk, panama hats. 1 20 N. 1 2th St., Basement Burr Blk.,Lfncoln,Neb. WESLEYAN HOSPITAL filtuateil In beautiful realdencn tuhnrb of Lincoln. I.-.1 ut rarn for MKIUUAl, Oil SUUUICALiCUkcs. HIM. COW'S Ol" NIIHHKS and pti)klcluni In ut temlanee. Kor lull Information. Imiulro 11. II. Saw. for, M. i, l'lijuclun lu charge, Lincoln, Nebraska. Wear Anchor Brand lir WATERPROOF 'As IBRAND LINEN COLLARS Kiuaumiry mux, win not wilt, elegant. htyllHli, Mrletly san itary. Hold liv alt dealers. Capital Collar & Cuff Co., 31 frs.. I.ltieoln POCKET BOOK FREE If j on will wrlto u h and Rive Mm name and nddrexnof tlirec uelKhbnm ur frlenils who nrn thinking of buying a plnno, now or Boon, wo will M-nJ a leuther pocket book free, charges prepaid. May be lined by irentlcmnn or lady. We 111 also Bend you unotber valuable present. Prescoft Music Go.. Lincoln, Nebr. AUCTIONEER Auctioneers are not all alike. Hums ara much bet ter than others. Tho better the auctioneer tha larger yonrencca. Tho belt selling service ousts jou no mora than tho poorest. Tbere'i profit, security and ssttsfac (Ion In doing buslnesii wltb Z.8. UltANHON. LinMMk aaa R.sl fatal Iwll.iMr, t Yuri liKriim, im WW, (Is, Town and Farm Light Plants O.K.ActtttnsCo.,llacoln,Neb. Thousands of oners Free es timate. Write today. Batla f action guaranteed or money refunded. No water to be removed when recharging Simply the Simplest Genera tor manufactured. Do All Your Hard Work with CUSHMAN BINDER ENGINE Thonrlelnalblnderen (lino uves extra team ut hirvest, but It's the enyino lor an work uuto&h. n. Wi'luht under'AUIus Consumes IMkoltne according to work. tOcaduy runs It full rflimcitv. Kusr n ehnngrs. Hold on 10-year guarantee hook tree. Aaa, CuthmanMolorWo.kt,303NSt.,llacota,Ngb.' GREEN GABLES The Dr. Bej. T. Bailey Saaatorisa Liacola, Nabraaka Its brick and atone baildinga so ufste fully furnlihed and thoroughly equipped, In the beautiful park of 23 acres, with staff of experience and a nursing: corps of unusual merit, offers you most per fect hospital results, yet always pre serves the atmosphere of a delightful country HOME. Write for particulars, j m jwi m HI asBBl?M12nWM. rMMD V i ww XsBSc-U'v 0191 til -HMTmtiNW! &MsV Js3a;JpPp ! I I s ( , : i Resurrected ; i Romance !i I nyLILLIANE.SWF'ETSER o o o I (Copyright, 1912, hy Associated Literary Press.) Hang!!!! Tho Hlam of tho hlg front doorphook tho house. Aunt Hetty, sitting nt her 6iinny window, stnrted nt tho noise, nnd. RlnncinR out, saw Jnck Maynnrd run down tho Btepu nnd hurry nwny nngor nnd decision In every movement. A few moments Inter n, step on tho BtalrK nnnotinccd tho nrrlvnl of her niece, Mabel, n sweet, lovnblo girl, but somewhat spoiled by tho constant nt tpntlon of tho whole household to every whim of Its youngest member. As tho door opened, a flushed, tenr Btnlned face appeared, nnd Mabel was soon enfolded In Aunt Hetty's com forting nrmB, while- tho soft, whlto hnnds caressingly smoothed tho tum bled hair. As far back as Mabel could remem ber, Aunt Hetty had always been her refuge her haven In all of childhood's storms, nnd, even now, a young wom an, with a sparkling engagement ring, tho sweet, old lady was Btlll her con fldant Day nfter day she might bo found In tho 6ame rocker, In tho same win dow, occupied with n dainty bit of sow ing, which, whon finished, Invariably found Its way Into Mabel's wardrobo; and nobody know of tho drcaroB nnd memories woven Into tho Bheor gar ments. Happy days passed In rovlow. as some girlish confidence would re call a similar occurrence in her own history; nnd, though years had passed, n tear would fall for tho lad who bad died to save others. After tho burst or grief had sub sided, Mabel raised her head, and gravely announced: "Jack nnd I are through. Auntie." At tho question In tho gentle look she added: "Well, It Is Just this way, dear; If he cannot trust me now, ho never will, nnd I will not stand being order ed llko.n child!" A sob Interrupted, then sho went on: "You know those beautiful roseB papa brought homo for mo yesterday aro In tho library. When Jnck noticed them, to tense him, I asked him If he did not think they were n 'nice pres ent.' He asked whom they wero from, of courso, and I said, 'a gentleman Then, Instead of Joking, as I was do ing, ho got angry, nnd ordered mo to tell him who sent them. At that, nat urally, I would not, when ho was so cross, and he said such mean things was willing to believe that I had been playing with him all tho timo. When I wns wearing his ring, too, auntlo! I tried to glvo it back, but bo throw It on tho floor nnd rushed out, without giving mo a chance to explain. Now he can stay, if ho doesn't care any more than that!!" A fresh burst of tears and tbe curly head went deep Into tho comforting lap. Aunt Hetty thoughtfully contem plated tbe sorrowful figure. "Do you think that you wero Just right yourself, dear? Remombcr that tho forbcaranco and forgiveness of true lovo cannot alwayB be on one Bide. True hearts should bo above causing another pain, for a simple Joke." "I know it wasn't right," was the faint response, "but I meant to tell him In a moment, and never thought of bun doing that way. Ho ought to have bad more faith In me than that" Mabel wiped her eyes defiantly. Aunt Hetty sighed, and a mist came before her, as she replied genUy: "Little girl, people can live years In a minute countries and lives be de stroyed, but an angry word lives for aver. Would you like to hear a story a true one, about a girl, Just as lov ing, Impulsive, and thoughtless as you?" Mabel assented eagerly, her own woes forgotten for the time, at tbe prospect of one of her aunt's stories. "Tears ago," began the sweet voice, "a girl lived In a beautiful southern town. She bad everything to make her happy father, mother, brother, and a homo, of which she loved every nook and corner. Sho was very popular In tho younger set, and many wero the flntterlng proposals of marriage that sho received. Dut, In Uer open-hearted manner, sho liked them all tho same, and after repeated refusals (contrary to the usual rule) they wero all like big brothers to her over watchful for her pleasure and comfort, without riv alry and Jealousy. i "Matters went on this way for sev eral seasons. Gossips wondered talked, and finally doomed her to a solitary splnsterhood, as one after an other Joined the ranks of tbe 'big brothers.' "But one day came a change. Tha girl's brother brought home a friend a former collogo room-mate. His home was far away, and on a trip for the business interests of his father he bad combined duty with the pleasure of a visit to his friend. "We read of 'love at first sight,' and I think that is what It must have been, for, from the first, tbe girl was a dif ferent person. Tho Interest was mu tual, and they rode, danced, and sang together. In quieter moods, tbe quaint, old summer bouse was their retreat, where many happy hours wero spent, reading together or exchanging con- donees. Tho wholo household realized how mntters woro developing, oveft be foro they did themselves, but, nu thq young man was abovo rcpronch In every respect, nil wero dlscrnotly blind. "Meanwhile, tho young man's futhor was growing Impatient for bis return, so tho luevltnblo parting grew ne.ir. It camo nnd wont, leaving a tearful, yet happy maid, with nn engagement ring, that recalled tho loving protnlBo of n speedy return, nnd then no more pnrtlngH, "Tho ring wns set with n single por feet pearl. It had been his mother's, nnd, ns bIio turned It on her finger, sho reflected Its purity, and resolved to bo worthy of It, Mabel's eyes grew wide nt the men tion of tho ring, nnd sho stnrted to In terrupt, btr. with a glanco nt Aunt Hetty's absorbed expression, sho re sisted, and listened with n sympathetic wonder. IJnronseloiiB of her hearer's surprise, tho old lady dreamily continued lior nnrrntlve. "Tho weeks Hint passed wero busy ones drosHtiiukorB nnd the wholo let Inuo of servnnta preparing for fie event to come, nnd tho time via checked off dally on tho llttlo desk calendar, ns the letters wero written. Tho replies woro carefully hoarded, nnd put nwny In a dainty book, with keepsnkes of other dnys. "At Inst, tho dny of her lover's ar rival dawned, nnd sho moved about b If In n dream, until sho was clasped In a pair of strong, young arms and real ized that it meant tho end of part ings. "Hnppy dnyB followed In BWlft suc cession, until tho wedding dny wns but a week distant. Whllo sitting In tho summer houso, plnnnlng their bright future, sho spoke of tho beauty of her ring. Ho had noticed a llttlo plain ring that she had nlwnys worn, and Idly In quired about It. To tease blm. she Ignored tho Inquiry, thus rousing his curiosity, nnd, before they realized it, heated words bad followed. Then, girl fashion, she felt abused, never thinking of tho silly wny It had all started, her own fault, and how easily It might hnvo been remedied. Ho told her that If she left in anger, It would bo tho end. Of courso, she did not think ho really meant It. nnd liked to seo how far her power went, so, wltb her head In tho nlr. sho wunt to tho house, never dreaming but wbnt ho would follow her. Ho did not. "In the morning, after a sleepless night, sho descended tho Btalrs In a repentant mood, to find a note on the ball tabic, simply Informing hor of bis departure, In responso to an urgent messngo from homo. 'Will write from there,' was tho only grain of comfort sho could see. Frantic nt tho turn of affairs, eho sped up tho stairs, back to follow him in mind, with a rcmorsoful letter. "As sho hastily penned her sorrow and lovo, the houso was aroused by tho news of a serious railroad acci dent. In which wns the very train that her lover had departed on. Later cumo tho nows of his death, causod by a fnlllng beam, ns he wob heroically helping tho wounded to plnces of safe ty before tho flro reached them. "That was tho end end of all the fond hopes nnd plans sho never saw him ngaln, and you can perhaps imnglno whnt that girl's lifelong re morse must have been." Aunt Hetty's volco wns tender, and her eyes suspiciously moist, us sho noted her niece's countenance. "Now, you see," she wont on, "why I havo opened my henrt, dear to snve you from a like sorrow, for tho girl was I, ob you have already guessed. Tlmo softens all sorrows, nnd, eventu ally will mnke nil things right." "I'm going and 'phone Jack right now, aunties. I'm glad you told me, and I wish somebody had told you. I shall always remember it, for what would I do if anything happened to Jack?" With an Impulsive hug and kiss, Mabel hurried out. An hour later two radiant faces be tokened reconciliation, but, as Mabel burled her face in another bunch of roses, a shade of sorrow went over her at tbe thought of tho girl of long ago, and her shattered drsam. Glanc ing at Jack's happy smile, she thanked Qod within herself for the timely warning of Aunt Hetty. WHY ADVERTISE A DIVORCE? Writer Objects to New Custom of In dicating It by Changs of Ring. What is there about divorce that should induce a woman to advortlso tho fact that sho has obtained one? asks Leslie's. Some western women ore trying to Introduco tho custom of wearing a wedding ring on tho llttlo flngor of tho right hand when one bo comes divorced. A truly modest womnn who has ob tained a relenso from tho matrimonial relation will want to keep herself In tho background, and the greator the Justification for such release tho less desire thero is to advertise the fuct. Miss Acton, a prominent Boston law yer, well says: "Any custom that draws public attention to one's pri vate misfortune Is vulgar." Instead of wearing tho wedding ring on another finger as a mark of an un fortunate and untimely matrimonial experience, a sense or propriety should prompt a woman to put the ring in a secret place known only to herself, there to stay with all other unpleas ant memories of the past. New York Herald. Force of Habit. "My dear, what posessed you to send home all those comforts?" "I did It without thinking, John. Tou see, I was walking along the store.' when I saw them on a counter marked 'Down.' " 3tfetfiof ial i Scfiiifurfit "JBP" M- teJ&&2ZFiG&C2GG i n Or winding rivers be ted; They banlch our nnRcr forever When they laurel tho graves of y our ileadl '.' Under the sod nnd the dow, .fj Waiting the Judgment dny: Ji Love and tears for the Blue, Tears and lovo for the Gray. Francis Miles Finch. y. My Captain Viocs not unswor. Kill his lips ate pale and atlll; My father docs not feel my arm, he hus no pulse nor will; Tho ship is anchored tafo and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won I Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells I Dut I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck, my Captain Ilea, Fallen cold and dead. Walt Whitman. ffi .; K Strike not one jewel from the crest The loving mother wore; Reset the gems upon her breast, Each where it stood before. Clasp in tho glorious cynosuro The whole dear Thirty-Four. Samuel Francis Smith. ft "ft-ttr nfter all Jl Hark I from the heights the clear, strong clarion call And the command imperious: "Stand forth, Sons of the South and brothers of the North I , ft Stand forth and be jjj As one on soil and sea Your country's honor mora Ji Than empire's worthl" ) Frank Lebby Stanton, fjj iam-wV 1 Conor to them I Far graves today ') If I) arc flinging ij r up tnrougn tne sou peace-biooma ;( to meet the tun. f .j lhj And daisied heada through summer f winds are singing 'f Their long "well done" fl Irene Fowler Brown. !.' MINGLING OF BLUE AND GRAY Suggestion for One Common Memorial Day While Yet the Veterans Are With Us. Early In 1866, Just after tho close ol the Civil war. Mrs. Mary A. W. How ard, widow of a confederate officer, suggested the setting apart of a day for placing flowers on graves of con federate soldiers and for appropriate memorial exercises. The idea was re ceived with general approval, and April 26, that year, was made' the oc casion for the first confederate me morial observances. This southern idea appealed to the sentiments of men and women of the north as worthy of Imitation. In 1868, Gen. John A. Logan, then national commander of tho Grand Army, Issued an order calling for Memorial day ex ercises May 30. Tho latter dato has been retained an the tlmo for tho annual decoration of union soldiers' graves and publlo exercises commemorative of tho lives and deeds or tho men In blue. Tho ex-confederateB In most of tbo states have continued to observe April 26, thotjgh tho custom is not uniform. On both sides, tbe rosters of tho sur vivors who will participate in the me morial exercises are decreasing sadly, fearfully. In a comparatively short' time all will have Joined their com rades "on fame's eternal camping grounds," There still is left tlmo for both sides to unite in observing a general Me morial day. Nothing in all the world's history was ever so impresalvo ee would be tbe mingling of the blue and gray in paying mutual tribute to tbe dead of tbe two armies who fought each other in the. awful days of '61 to '65. Why not signalize present condi tions and glorify future prospects by such an observance? Col. M. A, Ale drlcb. w "tasa-ssa--- sssssss-aa .as aa s a a, 0 "-. r. T-1, siiisu-llilj imlBI.i iMumnw III in iiinjii q. Jiiji- I . 9EE' The Road to Comfort B M A vanished thirst a cool body and a W refreshed one; the sure way the only k m way is via a glass or bottle of ! I Ideally delicious pure as purity crisp and M sparkling as frost. P m. C1-- Our new booklet, telling M L rCC of Coca-Cola vindication r at Chattanooga, for the asking. w L Demand the Genuine m as made by tn. r Whenever THE COCA-COLA CO. you sec an ATLANTA, CA. A?0W,i IJ r of Coca-Cob. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 '4.00 FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS W.Ii.DougliiH $!I.O() & $:i,50 shoos aro worn by millions of tituti, because thoy uro thobest In the world for the prlco W.L. Douglas $4.(K),$4.f0fc$r.00 shoct equal Custom IJeuch Work costing $(1.00 to $8.00 Why does W. L. Douglas make and sell more s3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world ? BECAUSE t he stamps his name and price on the bottom and guarantees the value, which protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes of other makes. BECAUSE they are the most economical and satisfactory ; you can save money by wearing W.L.Doualas shoes. BECAUSE) thevhaveno equal for style, fit and wear. DON'TTAKEASUBSTITUTEFORW If your duller cannot supply W. I,. Doughs shoes, bliocs sent everywhere ilcimry clurgcs prciuld. A REMEDY. Howell My knees aro very weak. Powell Got a lighter girl. BACKACHE AND ACHINO JOINTS. Together Tell of Weak or Disordered Kidneys. Much pain that masks as rheuma tism Is due to weak kidneys to their failure to drive off uric acid thorough 'y. When you suffer achy, bad Joints, "Exiry Pieturt backache, too, with ,,,a wr BOme kidney disor ders, get Doan's Kidney Pills, which hnvo cured thou sands. Anthony Iluf, 604 W. Elm St., Chip pewa Falls, Wis., says: "My limbs were stiff and soro nnd nlniost pnrnlyz. cd with rheuma tism. My condition becamo so serious I was taken to tho hospital but was not helped. Through tho use of Doan's Kidney Pills, I gradually improved, however, until entirely cured." "When Your Back Is Lame, Remem ber tho Name DOAN'S." 60c all stores. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, Ita Uae. "Has that prison a laundry?" "Certainly. Don't they havo to wash and iron the convicts?" Many a woman who wishes she bad been born a man would be surprised to know that her husband shares the wish. Garfield Tea helps clear a muddy complex Ion, dUiel foul breath and Bwt-eleu tho temper. Tact sometimes consists or knowing enough not to know too much, f sfetwIS nl.iif nTTT bsWHbTIm" vyp W. L. Douglas makes and sella more 13.00, 93.50 and S4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world '4.505.00 wrlto W. I.. Dauelai, llrncVtan, M.isi., (or catalog, fial Color JCytltli t.ri. if w jcF" 4aa W IJK i . t y aw JJ-inaj LD0UGLASSH6ES. INFLUE'NZAilfiyai And nil dlscnnen of.tlto homo nffectlnpr his throat, speedily cured; colta nnd homos in nnmu stitblo kept from linvins; them by HHlnir SPOUN'S DISTEjrPKK AND COUQII CUIMl 3 to fl drmcH often euro. Ono bnttlo Rtiarnntecd to euro ono cnHc. Bafe for brood marcs, bnby col In, stallions all oros nnd conditions Mont Blclllful Bclentlilc compound. COo UOTTLB, $G OOZ. Any riruirrrlat, or delivered by manufac turers. 8POHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN, INDIANA 44 Bu. to the Acre l! ,n "'1 T'eld, but thafs whnt John Kennedy of ISdiiiuntoii.Aluerta. Western Cunudu. vol (rum 41) ucresurriprinK wiieut ii I'.HU. imports fruuioUierdlfctrielsliithnlpriir- mrti luini'umiicr osri'r lnt result such um. CUU linsliols uf wheat i rum ivu acres, or .i i-a bu. unraere. li.WJunil 40 uusiieiyioiuswmt num erous. As lilgb as 1U bushels of oat. to tho aero wnrnthri-sheil from Alberta OoldslnlUlO. The Silver Cup st the recent Bpoksne Fair was awarded to th. Alr-trfa liinrnmHt . Its eihlbltof aralns, grasses and vegetables. Hitunrtsofeicsllont yields for 1V10 come alau from Hsskatcbewan and Manitoba In Western Csnads. Vree homesteads of OSO ncres, snu MilJiHUinsT Sinutlniis of 900 acres (at i3bernerart) tnln bad isiih viiuicv.i iii.iricta Schools convenient. nil mate iimiiini, oil rla fli. hitiil, CbSSD. p. f nolp asy to act and reasonable muuiein price, watei llMln Ar m. t..p easily procured, tulx.d liriniHSSlUECIH, . ., Wrlto as to best place for set tlement, settlors' low railway rates, descriptive Hummed 'Last Best Wcst'Nkent frm 0n application land other Inform., tlon, to Hup'tof Immigration. Ottaws, ton., orto tbe Canadian (JovommentAKent. (M) W. V. BENNETT UHllifr . Fa wrlUtothsartntprtrcHS LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALB cAT THE LOWE8T PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 321-531 W. Adams St, Chicago DAISY rLY KILLER thmts ash aiusiu mis. Neat, clean, ornamental, conven ient, chi-up. ua all HiHi. Madeof metal, ean'tsplllortlpoyeri will not nollor Injure anything. Guaran teed effective. It eta. each at sslrs or sent prepaid fofll.OD. HAROLD SOMERS, ISODeKttbAve., BrooJya.N.Y. THE DELINEATOR Evekybodvs Magazine see Amentou want a local Representative. You can earn a salary every month. Write to-day tot Tm Bstlekk rt Ca, tsstrka Mfc. few Tsfk O UftiitH I BEST Iron EYE wura ACHES W. N. U LINCOLN, NO, 21-1912. H IvmI . c." w JaaVvrJlR K3UTOc1In RSi-s,A I sse5s 9 SJl m M V. r -?UJ1 KS33- ?j!!ax-L ' -'' '-tt W- -