WW rsv mar-m 11 n ft M i hi, iv i F 5! V r l I I j r -I l iv I i fri Come and See Me When in Need of ELECTRIC LAMPS G.CBailey Agent For SllMIKM iNOAMtKsOKNl L.MI COMPANY Ofllee mid Stock In tho Ileil Cloud Tie Burn Weather Summary for April Temperature: Maximum 85 on 5th; mlntimiim 125 on 7th; greatest dally range 48 on t'iil. I'rvclpllHttou: Total 1 1 inches; greatest In 21 hours 1 Inch on 20th; l)u)s with .01 inch or more (I; doj clear 17; partly cloudy (I; cloudy 7. Prevailing wind direction n w U days. Ciias. 8. LtMil.ow. C"vv"'y'x' s The New Prices: Watt Ma. lu's ii ti 15 2- to (10 loo lr.o 2:.o 25 10 80 no 100 4WWWWVa ' 8 .00 .60 " " .76 ' " 1.10 " " i r.5 " ' 3 HO " TiiiitnlcliiH .12 " " .12 " " 70 " Cfiim .20 it ti id ' .30 THE HOME GROCERY Superintendent Rich's Annual Report Ahsktth Physical value May 1, 1011...S0154S.82 Betterments Steam 40.51 Electric 6177.7.'! Water IW.i.23 Italauuo levies Including Judgment -O'J?. IS 7t'3:n.7lt L MUM 1 IKS (i pet cent light bonds 100010 I K per cent light bonds.... lo.Ooo.U) I percent water bonds .. 22,000 00 Unp.iid bills (old) 0278 00 1.111-12 unpaid hills 276S S'.i 1 i0.'l7.70 Appreciation of plant and system S.V.'Ou.uu 2O2T7.70 KlIVI.NLT. Pi l nte Electric to May 7th.. 7:,nlS " " " sth.. 3V..i:i 757S :m Water to May 7lh. . .2707.'.O " " 8th 11.10 S7I8.81 Supplies i'IiIS Sit P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop, s We Carry a Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE I '" "" 11.11 -!, I. I It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain "A. b.c;" THE OLIVER GANG PLOW VV CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 IndependentThone 44 -r .-. L.- ' XV Jf'. & Ji Total lPOittfill Pl'III.IC Light levy 1560.00 Water levy 10.V1 00 .Judgment levy, paid in S3S2 00 Uoner.il fund I7:i2.(!'.' Public subscription ISoO.Uo Interest levy M" 0 t Balance 1010 levies 'lll.'ll.n Total "... '.'022352 ISIIIh outstanding S76S HO D(siuirsemi:nih Manufacture and mainteniince 12000 80 Betterments electric 5177 73 Betterments water Betterments, steam.. Judgments paid Interest on bonds.... Retailed supplies . . . 5)30.22 540 54 2382 00 .. .1080.00 351,92 Come In And See It .v ! , t 822087.21 C(MI'ARATI K DATA Physical value plant and accessories, Less depreciation 809000,00 Same, May 1st 1911. ... .' 6154800 lucrease C452.00 Liabilities May 1, Ml) 48075,84 11 " 1, 1912 45037.79 Jcanuot save you entirely from loss if a fire breaks out at jour place. Kven If be save the house from destruction, be cannot save it from all damage. Flra Insurance Proteota youfiom nil loss whether It be total or partial. Have us Issue you n policy today. Even a very little tire would cost you more than inauy years' premiums. r r Billable Insurance. Not the Stately Oak. Many a boosted family treo la xner ly underbrush. Fresh and Salt Meats A A John E. Yost "The Dutch Butcher.': Decrees 3i7.4j Revenuo private 1011 &. 1012.. 11040.47 " 1910 & 1011.... 0998.52 lucrease 1041.95 Opkbation Manufacture and maintenance 1200080 Interest on bonds 1080.00 Depreciation on plant 1230 o0 Total operation expense 11910.80 Had the levies (or street lights and hydrant service been commensurate with the service rendered) the revenue from the sale of light and water would be as follows: Sale to private consumers 10005.53 110 lamps at lrt.uO pea annum.. 1981.00 41 hydrants and public watering troughs 3400,00 15100.53 Total operation as above 14910 80 189.73 Respectfully submitted, D. II. Rich. HbbBBKC .,aaaaaawL jHaHMdaaa&Mt iaffr?-BB DR. CHAS. E. CROSS OKNTIBT VER STATElaUNH Red Cloud a a a a Nebraska The Chief loes all hinds of Job Ptliitlug neatly, accurately uud ptomptly. Breeders Attention I will keep my Studious and .lucks during tbu scuson of 1012 at the Old Day Uarn, South Kim Sti cot, where 1 btmll be pleased to have both my new and old customers call and see mo. H. A. Johnson l'UO.NE I.ND. 202 CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND CO I'r aav BRAND LADins I Ah your lrutstl for CHI-CIIRS-THR'S A UIAMUNU 1IKANI l'IW.3 in Kl" mtl Ooid Uletnlllc boxM, tcaled with BluevO Kiblion. TAUn no otiibr. RirrfT.arV lrnUI ud atk for CIIIUKS.Tt.K V IIIAMOMt nUANll PII.I.II, for twcntT.flfO )cnri recardcit ns Uest,8a(ct, Alway Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS trjhu EVtRYWHEnE Taatijn AtfvertUlil That Marti. The feeling disfigurement of country and woodland scenes is growing every year. As towns and cities become more thiokly populated, people get more and more weary of brick walls and suggestions of commercialism on every hand. They long for green grass, spreading shade trees, and beauty spots where thoughts of busl- neH are awuy. bursting in on tins mooil with a staling blllbourd is much as if you sent a salesman up to n manV house when he is in bed and trying to sleep, lie would be more likely to throw a boot out of his chamber window than come down and buy some of your goods. Whon the travoler sees an ud vortising sign along a pretty country road, his tlrst Impulse Is to tukc a club and buuish it, rather than to buy some of the merchandise theio offered. It Is the beauty of newspaper imV crtisiug that it never offends. It Is omnipresent, picked up and rend at a time and pluce when the people are ill the mood to think, about business, and at times when they are not in a mood for business It is thust upon them Tliu KxHinlner to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Z tx We Are Showing the Largest Line of KITCHEN CABINETS Ever Shown in Red Cloud Let Us Show You The Makes of Four Factories Including "The Hoosier" All Of The Phones I A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture Nan and Undertaker. J. C SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material r Mf TaS VTf af CLM jdrt AAmS 622987,21, 1 kmr WBrWr M S .nil 1 . .aaar af ' 1 vri saaamiiiir-r:iiiiiH iiiiiva sir mmmmmm aav raaj-aMaaMaaM i i t ilfl lalip III M llVlaaftfaf I'llaf i'fcaaaaW aaaaT i ,,.... . i. . ) II n'0m'---------i-f'- mw-- mw--- ---mr--1-im-mi Or Oil Or Or Or 0 0i iti Ur Or Or aV Or Ur 0i 0 i Or ft Or Ht Or V Or Or The Only Exclusive Store. Chief Ads Bring Results Notice Examination for county im 1 for city state. pcrtlOcntes will be given May I7tb ami 181 h., 1012. Ukrirudk L. Coos, Ct. Supt. rYldon's Pension. 'I he recent act of April lOth, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension P12 per month. Fred Mauter, the at toruey, hns all necessary blanks. HAVE YOUR TICKET READ "BURLINGTON." VISIT YELLOWSTONE PARK THIS SUMMER America Flrmtl Tiavelers fiow Eurone visit VellnwKtnna i.i, j say there is nothing comparable with that wouderland. The season of llii" oilers still more atlincllvo routes through the park. For Instance you will be able to go through the Park one way via Cody, thoscenlcentraiico over Svlruii Pass, returning via Gardiner, North entrance, or vice versa. A complete svs tern of automobiles and Park coaches is operated between Codv uud tlm T Jul Hotel, in oonmJctlon with the park hotels aud stage lines. Ke You can buy round trip rail tickets to (lardluer or Cody for ubout SI" 0o and make your own arrangement, Including if you like, W'llev PennaiiflnV i 'amp six dujs tour, or you can buy round Hip tickets to Cody and thoi nL the Fio,t & Rlehaid sixteen day pe.soually conducted camping tours tliroiiirli thoJjak. There a o no such vticatlon touis in tills country. "trough 'TOU van make the Park tour one way through Denver, Seonio Colamrlo and Sain Luke City, tho other via Oardlner. Then th,.r ' ' mI0 .h?l0iV ?." toiiiB from Livingston on the main line of tho Noithem Pacific for those going ir you w 111 consn t with us we will be glad to show you the vui lous uttrnc tlvo ways of maUliig the tour of the Park and hand you folders. u""c- if. aT. For, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKKLKY, General fattcnger Art., Omaha, Nebraaka. ' J y , yraWMv m$ p0ti mmrm, i...iwViV'lrHV'M rMf- fy mm FWCB1