The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 16, 1912, Image 3

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    trawr piijMWt
W Vn-kHU ,
r $? I
w- wtfvrTBwwtir'
. MM
Mrs. Hay Trustier, UO V. 3rd St.,
New Albany, Intl., snys: "Kidney dis
ease had rendered mo n chronic In
valid. 1 lay In bed unable to tnovo
hand or Toot. My
right limit was swol
len to twice normal
size. I looked the
picture of death and
kiny enso puzzled the,
doctors. Kidney se
cretions were hlchly
colored and scalded
terribly. Marked Improvement follow
ed the use or Dorm's Kidney Fills and
in six weeks I was n well woniau. My
friends and relatives marvel nt my
"When Your llnck Is Lame, Itcmenv
ber tho Nntne DOAN'S." GOe nil stores
Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Uuflnlo, N. Y.
The Largest Belts.
"Oreat Paul," the bell of St. Paul's.
Cathedral, In London, wclgliB nearly
17 tons and Is nearly 30 feet nround.
JTho first "His Hen" of Westminster
wnB cast more than GO years bro and
welshed more than 14 tons. Hut "Hie
Hen" had a crnck and wns cast over,
loslns sonto weight, and tho clapper
was made smnller, now being about
00 pounds lnstend of a ton. The
preat bell, "Peter of York," cost ?10.
(100, weighs about 13 tons mid Is 22
feet In diameter.
The largest hnnglns bell In tho
world Is In tho great Huddhlst monas
tery near Canton. It 1b 18 feot in
height nnd 40 feet In circumference,
being cast In solid bronze. This Ib one
of the eight monster bells that were
cast by command of Emperor Yung
Lo about A. D. 1400. It cost the lives
of eight men, who were killed In tho
process of casting.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTOHIA, a Bafo and Bure remedy for
Infants und children, and Beo that It llin
Signature of C&rM&U
in uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"Why wouldn't you put out your
tongue for tho doctor this morning,
"Oh, Emmy, I couldn't. I don't
know him well enough." Fllegendo
We Can and We Do.
"It has been demonstrated thnt wo
ran have plnys without words."
"Yes. Also that we can havo plays
without actors."
Faxtlno Antiseptic sprayed Into tho
nasal passages Is a surprisingly suc
cessful remedy for catarrh. At drug
gists, 23c a box or sent postpnld on re
ceipt of price by Tho Paxton Toilet
Co., Boston, Mass.
Some people nro such sticklers foi
form that they expect Dame Fortune
to remember their "at homo" dayB.
"That liorrlblo leather" how pleasant It
reiilly In wluti you uro well! tiurlleld Tea
hellis ulwujs.
Occasionally we meet a man who
would rather work for a living than
set into politics.
Over Fhto Million Free Samples
Given Away Each Year
The Constant ami' increasing
sales From samples proves
the Genuine Merit ot
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic
poivder lor the feet Aro you a
trlflo sensitive about the tlzo of
jour shoes? Many pcoplo wear
shoes a size smeller by shaking
Allen's Foot-Easo lata them. If
yon have tired, swollen, hot,
tender feet, Allen's Foot-Ease sires
inttant relief. TRY IT TODAY.
'Sold ercrywhere, 28 ct. Be not
accept say labtUtute.
rait TRIAL MCKOCnt by mall.
Tasptech. Unihor n,.,1. ewfiai pflwfjflr.
SVa! tho twitmwIlclneforFev.rliib, sickly
MI-ESWi children. Bold by Pmircltia tiny
wliorr. Trial packac PHI. address
Splendid Crops
In Saskatchewan (Weil ern Canada)
800 Bushels from. 20 acres
Wl WMI ,. m
return irom a iioya
I minster farm in the
I season or 1910. Many
I fields In that as well as
I other districts yield
led from 2S to 35 bu
Ishels of wheat to the
I acre. Other gralna in
I proportion.
I are tana, aerlvaa
iron Iks FREE
of Western Canada.
This irMnt ahowlna caniN
prices to adTonco. land values
Urstin KrowlnK.inlxeil f nrru-
ins;, cat lie raisins; mm usirj
iiiiira all nroltlaUle. Free
iii:mi,Milinf 1 uu hpii srs
to be bad in the very best
districts sou aero pro-niui'-
tlonsatSS.uu psracrewun
In certain areas. Hrlioolsanil
mIhihiIi In alitpv anttlff
meut. climate, unexcelled,
suit the rlchvU wood, wutcr
and building niitterial
plentiful, ... ..
or particulars as to location,
low settlers' railway, rales anil
(lMCrtptlTe Illustrated pnrupbtt.
"Last Host West," nnd olhvr In
form atlon.wrlto to Hup't of Imml
ratlnn, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Canadian Uotcrumcni Agent.
RoesMlMBUf. Oetki,,
Fleaas srrlts to the aeent nearest yoa
ihhi nriti. cjnan,
I ornamental, conren-
inn. curup, uiu wi
mimo. Maaaof metal.
I cantsplllortlporuri
I will notiollor Injur
I anything. Guaran
teed eHoctlre. 16 cu.
leach at Ssli or I
sent prepaid torn uu.
AxOLD S0MERS, 1 JO DeXa Are., lrosklya,N.Y.
Y 7
a. U4T sCsViJI
(f y
Has 8mall Opening at About 8pot
Where Bottom of Cream Line
Is Quite Apt to Be.
Various devices have been Invented
to get the cream out of a milk bottlo
find a Michigan man hns contrived n
way that Involves n new bottle. In
this new bottle there Ib a small open
ing at about the spot where tbo bot-
New Style Milk Bottle.
torn cream line is npt to be. Normally
this opening is plugged with a re
movable pin, but when the cream Is
to be run off this pin is taken out
and tho cream allowed to flow through
Uio hole. To do this, however, nlr
must bo admitted to the top of tho
buttle, so tho plug is made with a
sharp point which can bo jabbed
through the pasteboard seal that is in
tho top. It la Importnnt to keep each
plug with Its particular bottle, for once
the plug 1b lost the bottlo Is of no uso
until another stopper can bo found
for it
Caused by Certain Bacteria, One Type
of Which Is Found in Dirty,
Stagnant Water.
A woman render wishes help regard
ing ropy milk, asking tho caiibo and
the cure. The milk Ib strained nt
night and the next morning the cream
is ropy nnd must be thrown nwny. It
Is not nlways easy to trace tho cause
of ropy milk to its source. Without
going into any lengthy explanation, it
mny bo said that ropy or Bllmy milk
Is caused by certain bacteria. One typo
may be found In dirty, stagnant water.
If tho cows wado in this water their
flanks nnd udderB become the resting
placo for this type. Tho bacteria are
euslly transferred to the milk at milk
ing time. Tho stable becomes Infect
ed, as It'vore, nnd also the utenslla
that como in contact with tiro milk.
The germs lodge In tho crevices of the
utensils nnd readily propagate in tho
warm milk. Tho cure lies in absqlutc
cleanliness. All utonsllB should bo
thoroughly scalded. Lime is an ex
cellent destroyer of nil gorm life. Tho
titcnsIlB may bo given a coating of tho
slaked lime, then washed In boiling
water. It may bo necessary to glvo
the stable a thorough cleaning with
lime used as whitewash.
Lever Attached to End Used for Open
ing and Closing Stanchions
How It Is Made.
I have a handy device for opening
and closing stanchions, says a writer
in tho Missouri Valley Farmer. When
making it I took first a strip of one
by four and bored one-half Inch holes
In It. These h61es were as far apart
ob the stanchions were at the top.
Tho Lever Does It.
Then I bored holes tho same size near
the bottom of tho swinging side of the
stanchion. I bolted the strip to the
stanchions, and at tho end attached a
lever by which tho stanchions could
easily be closed. The lock on the end
of tho stanchion is tho only one now
that need be closed, as the strip
keeps all the others closed.
Effect of Feed on Milk.
Some dairymen believe that if the
feed of their cows Is changed It will
have a bad effect upon tbo milk flow,
but repeated scientific experiments
show that changing from one feed to
another, and frequently additions to
the regular feed, helps the milk flow,
Money In Dairying.
There is money In dairying In spite
of a prevalent notion to the contrary,
but It needs a combination of good
cows and good management to get
it out.
J j
Animal 8hould Be Kept In Welt
Fenced Pasture Ration of Wheat
and Ground Oats Is Good.
Tho service bull should bo kept in a
wcll-fenriul crass tiasturo with a shed
to go under in stormy weather during
tho grazing season. Glvo a mixed
grain ration of wheal bran and ground
oats. Glvo two or thrco nuarls ot
gtaltt night and morning. If grass is
short, nn armful of comfotlder should
bo fed twice a day. Tho cow to bo
served mny ho turned into tho lot
with tho bull; after servico, glvo a
small food of bran nnd whllo bull Is
cntlng, throw the stanchion lever, thus
securely fnstciilng tho bull; tho cow
mny then be removed without danger.
Ily having tho cows served so thnt
part of tho herd will como fresh In
tho fall and part in tho spring, a reg
ular quntitlty of milk may bo had tho
year round, without the necessity of
selling off half-fnt cows at ruinous
prices nnd buying In fresh cows nt
high prleeti. When this method Is fol
lowed, the dairyman Ib ulways In dobt
to tho cow dealer.
Tho bull should bo kept In good
thrifty condition. A crohs bull may
often be tamed by turning one or two
dry cows Into the lot with him. null3
should havo dally exercise and bo
grain fed. If thlB Is not done, they
mny become Impotent or slow In
serving. Tho young bull should be
kept In n separate pasture nnfl not al
lowed to run with the belfcro.
Building With Cement Basement ana
Holding Twenty-Elght Cows Is De
scribed and Illustrated.
My barn has a cement basement, tho
walls being eight feet In tho clear, cx-j
cepting where tho driveway goes
through, writes W. J. Yurnnll in tho.
nreedoiH Gazette. The side wnllsnro
1C inches nt tho bottom and 12 Inches
at tho top. Tho end walls are 14 Inches
at tho bottom und tho same at tho,
top. Tho driveway goes through on
tho level of tho ground or about four
Inches above the ground level. It all
has a cement floor. Tho barn cost In
Satisfactory Barn.
all about $3,000. The cement base
ment cost with the wall about $1,000
of this.
The bnrn holds 28 cows, 14 cows on
n side. I. also holds eight horses. It
has one box-stall, one double stall and
four single stalls, and a harness room.
Keeping Milk 8weet.
One of our enterprising dairymen
Bent a bottlo of milk to Paris at tho
time -of the exposition. It made tho
journey over aim back, a trip of 28
days, und was still sweet. There wns
no preservatives used, and the only
precaution was to have the dishes and
bottlo perfectly sterile, cooling tho
milk at otico and keeping It all the
time nt a low temperature. This seems
n good whllo to keep milk Bwcet, but
it shows what cleanliness and a low
temperature can do with milk.
Tho baby calf should havo her ra
tions changed by degrees.
Name tho calves from the first and
their training will bo much easier.
A calf should be fed flvo times
dailx, about thrco pints at each meal.
One of the greatest mistakes in
dairy farming Is having too much
No farmer can afford to have a
cheap, Inferior made silo on bis
Regularity In feeding and milking
will go a long ways toward making
dairy work successful.
After a cow begins giving new milk
you will find that her udder Ib some
times "caked." Rub It gently.
A cold rain, fall or spring rain,
will check tho flow of milk as much
as a snow storm If the cows are ex
posed. Look out for the gcntlo bull. Remem
ber that it is not usually the roar
ing, bellowing, blustering bull that does
the killing.
Do not feed the cows corn meal It
you are feeding corn silage, for thero
is as much corn in tho sllago as tho
cows should have.
Butter from fresh and properly
ripened cream not over one day old
keeps better than does butter mado
from sweet cream.
A sore teat (remember the sore may
bo Inside) will cause a cow to kick, but
if handled gently sho will not take on
tbo kicking habit.
The heifer that is cared for and han
dled gently throughout her entire life
will need a little breaking In when it
comes time to milk her.
The loug, flat-bottomed udder of the
Ayrshire Is typical of the breed, and
no other breed Ib able to show such
wonderful development of tho fore udder.
.i v v'-; i it
1 ""V"" MtC I
' tfl. 1 i I I I I I S
;TTfq; assl M4fW FIT
. ,l..-lMi I I ijj I ,lijl,J I I I 1 L-
ia ' wuvt wu! 1
.& gg no' ,1 I.PmTTTTl M J
B'rffi....... ILL-H1.-
Cntnwbas of South Carolina Have
Always Been Friendly to
the Whites.
In South Carolina Is tho earliest
civilized tribe of Indians In tin- United
States, and they arc not tlio wards ot
tlm got eminent, Tlwvo are the Ca
taw lms, nnd thvy number npprolmnto
ly 100.
State Senator V. 11. Stewart, of
South Carolina, Is In Washington to
rotifer with tho congressional delega
tion of thnt slate with the lcw of
lialng theBo Indians placed on the
siiinu basis ns all other red turn, and
it Is probable that a bill will shortly
be Introduced to this end.
"It Is strange, perhaps, that the Ca
tawba Indians, who havo been wnnls
ot the state of South Carolina for
many yours, should never have receiv
ed any recognition from .tho national
government," said Senator Stewart,
"but It is a fact, nevertheless. The
Cntnwhns are the only American In
dians, to far as my knowledge gocB,
that have nlways been friends of the
white man. They never took the blood
of n white man, and during nil the
early struggles of the whites against
tho Indians tho Cntnwbas remained
true. They were In whnt Is now South
Caiollna when the llrst whites reach
ed that territory, and they have re
mained there.
"For n long time the Cherokees oc
cupied the Lnmo tonltory, and thcio
wns continual strlfo between the two
tribes, for the Cherokees were among
the most bloodthirsty tribes on this
continent. In nil the struggles the
CntuwbiiB took sides with tho seltlern
against the Cherokees. Tho lnttor In
dians massacred many of tho Kcttleis
In South Cnrollnn.
"Tho state government, after having
Ing taken care of these Indians for so
many yenrH, now Is seeking to hnve
the national government mnko pro
vision for thrni, so thnt they can, In
common with other Indians, havo
lands nllntted to them nnd become
American citizens, which Is only Just
and fair." Washington Post.
"I have always used Ctttlcurn Soap
and no other for my bnby and ho has
never had a soro of any kind. Ho
docs not even chafe ns most babies
do. I feel sure that it Is all owing to
Cutlcurn Soap, for ho is fine nnd
healthy, nnd when flvo months old,
won a prizo in a bnby contest. It
makes my heart ncho to go Into so
many homes and sec a sweet-faced
baby with tho whole top of Its head
u solid mass ot scurf, caused by poor
toap. I always recommend Cutlcura,
nnd nlno times out ot ten tho next
tinio I see tho mother sho snys: 'Oh!
1 am so glad you told mo of Cutlcurn.' "
(Signed) Mrs. G. A. Sclby, Redondo
Dencb, California, Jan. 1G, 1911.
Although Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment aro sold everywhere, n snmplo
of each, with 32-pnge book, will be
mailed free on application to "Cutl
cura," Dept. L, Boston.
"Roynlty haB its difllcultlcs." re
marked tho lord high keeper of tho
"Yes," replied tho uneasy monarch.
"It has gotten so that n court function
finds it hard to compete with tho
scenery and costumes ot a big musical
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. NoSmarlluR jtpIs
Pine AptH (juleklv. Try It or Rrd, Wink,
Watery Kjm nnd Urnmiluted Eyelids. IiIuh
trnted Book In cacli 1'AfUnpe. Murlnn la
compounded by onr Oculists not a "Patent Med
icine" but med In turrraaful I'lirftlclaus' i'rac
leo for many yrnrs. Now drdlinnil to tho Pub
lic and mild brlmuKlstsat iOo and tOc nerlkittln.
Murine Kjo Halro In Asoptlo Tubes, ISa and Ulc.
Murine Eye Remody Co., Chicago
"What's Cliolly so ungry about?"
"Oh, Bomo rude girl asked him if ho
was a suffragette."
Stop the Pain.
Tlio hurt of a burn or a cut stops when
Colo's Oirlxjllsalve is applied. It heals
Quickly and prevents scant. I6o and COu by
rlriiKglstH. For free sample wrlto to
J. W. Cole & Co.. Uluck ltlver Falls. Wla.
The woman who doesn't care who
knows her ago Is never over twenty
five. Mrs. Wrnalowl Bootblnir Byrup for Cnlldrea
teethlnir, Hottena tbe RuuiH, reducea Inflamm
ties, lUya polo, cure wind colic, 2te bottle.
Even the absent-minded man may
have a good presence.
The best ot us like to play a Uttlo
with fire.
The celebrated Dr. Aberaethy of London was firmly of the opinion that dtsor
ders of the stomach were the most prolific source of human ailments in general. A
recent medical writer says: "ever feeling", emotion and affection reports at the
stomsch (through the system of nerves) and the stomach is affected accordingly.
It is the vital center of the body , He continues, " so we may be
said to live ( through") the stomach." He foes on to show that the stomach is
the vital center of the body. For weak stomachs aad the consequent indigestion
or dyspepsia, and the multitude of various diseases which result therefrom, so
medicine can be better suited as curative eent than
uiiu 10 uiko ut-
nvo ponies oi iu
'the first doSO. I
strong fast. To
day's work with
IfuaxrN, ricrco. Ho bos
CotormoreswxUbriirhtwandfastercolorsthananyotherdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. Theydyeincoldwaterbenerthananyctherdre, Yoacan,
eVe any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye. Pleach o-i Mix Color. MONBOC DBtlO COWrWY, Qaiscy, IIV.
Please Read These Two Letters:
Tho followiiiR lcttor from Mrs.Orvillo Rock will provo how unwise
it is for women to submit to tho clangors of u surgical operation when it
may bo avoided by taking Lydia E. Ilnkham's Vegetnblo Compound.
Sim whh four weeks In tlio honpltal nnd ciuno homo suffcrlnr
woroo tlmii liefore. Thon after all that Buffering lydia & Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound restored her health.
Paw l'uw. Mich. u Two years aeo I Buffered
' 'in'' Mil '
Rockport, Intl. "There novor was a worso case of women's ilia
than mine, and I cannot begin to tell you what I suffered. For over
two years I was not able to do anything. I was in bod for a month
and tho doctor said nothing but an ojieration would euro mo. My
father suggested Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound ; so to
please him 1 tooK it. anu i improved wonueriuuy, so i am auie o
travel, ride horseback, tuko long rides and novor feel any ill effects
fmm if. T nn nulv ilhIc other Hiiffftrinir women to trivo Lvdia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetablo Compound a trial
Mrs. Mahcjahet jukuemtii, u. . v. no. a, uocKpon, inu.
Wo will pay a handsomo reward to any person who will provo to us
that these letters aro not genuino and truthful or that cither of these
women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that tho orig
inal lcttor from each did not como to us entirely unsolicited.
For JJO years Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable
Compound litis been tlio standard remedy for fe
male, ills. No one sick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself who will not try this fa
mous medicine, mado from roots and herbs. It
has restored so many suf ferine; women to health.
SrVr (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASH., for advice.
Your letter will bo opened, icad and answered
by a woman and held in strict confidence.
For Rheumatism,
Camphorated VuMIno (rets right to the seat of tho
tlUcs quick ami Knilful i-llof from rheumatlo and similar
1'ut up In neat, tmititl-rapiiitl K'larn Itrltles.
Kvery mother nhouM Know nil niout the different
"Vnft'llnu" preparation). Thoy nro Just wlmt Mm needs for
the minor family uilmeiilH nnd acelilentK.
Priii! a ponis! to-ctnr for ill pp. Iliustratod booklet
flvo prepaid. Aildruas Dept. H.
Chesebrough Manufacturing Company
17 State Strent (CoruolldaUd) New York
'2.50 '3.00 '3.50 '4.00
W.L.DouRlad $3.00 & $3.50 shoes uro worn by millions
of iiien.b ocuuso thoy uro the bost lu tho world for the iirleo
W. L. Douglas $4.00, $4.UO & $5.00 shoos equal Custom
Bench Work costing $0.00 to $8.00
Why does W. L. Douglas male and sell more $3.00. $3.50
and $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world ?
BECAUSE t he stamps his name and price on the bottom and
guarantees the value, which protects the wearer against high
prices and inferior shoes of other makes. BECAUSE i they
are the most economical and satisfactory i you can save money
by wearina-W.L. Douglas shoes. BECAUSE t they have no
equal for style, fit and wear. DON'T TAKE
II your drsler cannot
W. L. Douglas shoes,
Shoes snt evsrywhers delivery charfes prepaid.
"That man seems to bo greatly de
pressed about something.
"Yes. He must live in some town
whose baseball team Ib at the tail
Some people Impress us as being
too polite to get all that's coming to
Garfield Tea keeps thn liver In condition,
Insuring a clear bead and t'ood t'cuerul health.
Drink beforo retiring.
Many a fellow who puts up u good
front is talked about behind his back.
Dr. PUrem Golden Mmdlomt Dlucovtry
Sovcrnl months afro I sufTorod from a sevoro pain right
nndor tho broast-bono," writes Mns. O. M. Muhken, of
Corona, Calif. "Had HniTerod from It, off and on, for sev
eral years. I also sudoral from heart-burn, did not know
what was tho matter with mo. I tried several medicines
put they did mo no good. Finally, I was told it was my
liver. I did not daro to cat as it mado mo worso. When
fiver Icwallowod anything it seemed that I would faint it
hurt eo. I grow very thin nnd weak from not eating. Was
I'lcrco'B uouicn Aieaicai uiscovery. i wok
anu coma ieoi mysnir gotung Doner irom
could nut a llttln without nuln and crow
- day I am strong and well and can do a big
ease. Can eatuvcrythlrig and havo nut on
i win say to an suuerora write to ur.
my undying gratitude,"
very severely with a displacement I could not
Iki on my feet for a long timo. My physician
treated mo for several months without much re
lief, and at last sent mo to Ann Arbor for an op
eration. 1 was thero four weeks and camo homo
suffering worso than Irofore. My mother advised
mo to try Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vegetable Com
IKiund, and 1 did. To-day I am well and strong
and do all mv own housework. I owe my health
to Lydia E. 'Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and every woman who is afflicted with any
fomalo complaint to try it." Mrs. Okviluc Rook,
R. R. No. 6, Paw Paw, Mich.
beforo submitting to an operation."
Gout Lumbago
W. L. Doughu mmksj and acll mora
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes tkan
any other manufacturer in the world
writs W. I.. Douglas, Brockton, Miss., lor catalog.
rati C.ior tCylU Vnd.
Every home should make
rootbeer in springtime for
its deiiciousness and its fine
tonic properties.
Oos tosiofsou s folltos. Iff set irssor
Ua't SIMII. . Will (Mil s fMkaf.
a rscslft at SM. Visas si? his issn
WHH for anvmravft passl.
ni 1 of this paper
Reader desiring to
' buyanything
columns should
advertised in its
insist upon having what they ask for,
refusing all substitutes or imitations.
TIJE'D ADlOI.IUsedlafc'rerjca
I nttlMlTrljJlwUorUUwltB
84 siHRU mv.lop. tor VUCK bookt.t lo OIL LK CUM
buHlntts wrltn tho Una nl of Tradis Wujbarn. Saakat.
clrnwan. Wo want Imluiirli's, ri'tallrra und itbals-sulr-H
Klriirlc piiwrr. water, furl cheap. lluKdora
with capital net'dvil. rnpuUttondoubloUtlits year.
lrrtiatlon caussa
. - -- -.r-,- - i--""i T"
CVST WaTsTSf ir uuk. sun. or
" .lt if fl ibis wlud. Mookl.trr!
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 20-1912.
X"" i
if,t EfTt
sm. ivSt-'' Vl yw