'" B. ft M. lime Tabic I -l IKIfVll No. II llirotiisli train, tlij urn . .'ia. m No. 1(1 t.ut-al iatiii!ir " tl:.V;t. m No. 171 Acconi limitation Noitli v- ct'pl Momtny and Vnl UmrN 1:10 p. m. No. 1T0 -AtToiiiinmlatloii North Monday and Wiiliu i1ity i!( p.irts II 10 a.tr. w i r not mi No. V! -Through train, tit part's t: -a. m. No. 15 I.ornl p.isscmtir ;. w p. m. HlJtHnfMC ft LOGALETTES Next Sunday will lie Ulster. Curl Warren litis gone to California. For good Job I'rititiug call on the Chief. A. K. Cox was down from lliadon Friday. Clias. Ungate was down from lihidcii Friday. A. 12. Yarter of Hastings was in town Monday. Sheriff Hedge was in (.Julde Uoek Monday. Art Robinson was in North Hrauch Tuesday. Miss Until Olm-jteail was iu Superior Tuesday. Kov. Cole went to (tttidc lioek this morning. C. V. tJund was down fiotn ISlue Hill Saturday. Isaac Myers went to Kansas City Wednesday. Chris Fussier was down from Illuo Hill Frldny. Mrs. A. liable of Yuma, Colo , is in the city visiting with 1 A. Wtillbrundt and family. S. 12 Worden eamc up from Guide Roclc Monday Win Kocstor of Hastings was in town Saturday. A (00 J sewing macliino for sale. In quire at this ollieo. W. J. Coleman of Superior was on our streets Friday. Mrs. N. Longtiu returned from Hastings Saturday. C. J. Koades of Hastings was in town on business Friday. Guy liarnes arrived homo Friday morning from St. .loe. P. J. Fonts of Hastings was in town on business Thursday. Wilbur Hamilton and family spent Sunday in CSuido Kock. Wm M Ileum of Hastings was in town on business Friday. A. E. Woleott and wife of Ii.avale spent Monday in our city. Itev. Cressman returned home Tues day from Sj racuse, Nebr. Farm Loans There are seeial leasons for seeing J. II. Hailoy for a farm loan and hero they are. He is solo agent for Treett Mattis & i linker. This company is here every day in the year ready for business and not lioro this week and gone next. They loan on anv tarin having the value in it improved or unimproved. You don't wait from two to four mouths for your money but surely get it on the day called for. They gle the host option in the market. passeng' :k a- in for Lincoln days in Big Ben has something to say to people who like to get u o promptly in the morning. He guarantees to call them on the. dot just when they want and either way they want, with one pro longed, steady call or with successive gentle rings. Ami he'guarantees to do it day after day and year lifter year, if you only have him oiled every year or so. I've known him ever since he was "that high" and I'll vouch for every thing he says. J.C.Mitchell The Jeweler. Matt and Win. lMle umo eis to Amherst Wednesday. W IT r t ..!i . i. iiii-j in VMlllie line town on busings Siltmluy. Mr-. ('. K. litu-k tuft Monday I. liic. In to visit her paiontM. IJubcri fiani-oii and wife of (inide Ihui: ueie on our streets Tiusday. II W. Kokjer of Oiks. X,.ln-., was m town last week Kiting friend. I!. A. "iinpson of Hlue Hill was in town Friday attending DMiict Court. The ptngiam at the high school to night will he a good one Do not miss it Hilly Hunts and Silver Longtiu will leave the llrst of the week for Califor nia. The Odd Fellows at .Superior will dedicate theit new hall Filday, April 'Ji'.tli. 1-2. l Cook of l tastings returned home Fiiday alter visltin,' friends in town. .1. W. Williams returned to Monday alter spending a few town. Sam Dyer of Denver was in town the last of the week renewing old acquain tances. Carl Thomas left Saturday morning for I'liilllpsburg, Kansas, to visit Ills patents. Mr and Mrs. I". H Hays of Repub lican City were in town on business Tuesday The Chief docs all kinds of Job Printing neatly, accurately and promptly. i:. M. (lard and family and Miss Katie Gilliam will leave Sunday for California. Judge Dungan and Court Reporter 1 laird arrived in town Monday to hold District Court. Veru and Cllas. Kmick left Monday morning for Montana where they will locate on a farm. II. C. Harris eamc in Saturday night from Witchita, Kas., where ho has located on a farm. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Red 97. The W. II. C, will meet Saturday afternoon at 15 p. tn. Every member is requested to attend. The program at the high school will be a good one. Do not miss it. Guy P.radbrook left Tuesday for Uruning whcic lie entered the lumber firm of Sauuder.s Pros. Dr. J. C. Caldwell of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting at tlio home of his brother E.G. Caldwell. Mrs Wm. Peltier and children of Cowles were visiting her sister Mrs. R (i. Kunchey Tuesday. Chas. McKeighan of Mt. Pleasant. Mo., is visiting his mother uud other relatives hero this week. Mrs Oscar K. Van Ayers was in town over Sunday and returned to her homo at A.stell Monday. Roy Hby, who lias been visiting with R. W. Koont. and family, lelt Tuesday morning for Reno, Nevada. The fittest lino and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Mnitii.urr Uiuw. Special attention given to diseases of eye and ear. Classes accurately tltted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nobr. The D. of 11., will meet next Tues day e oning and a program will be given by the good of the order committee. Foil S!.i; Red Rivet Seed Potatoes at $.V Iiiqiiiic of Chas, Passer. I'JoirJ. Dr. Cross will be in hi I ho State Hunk everyday in the week. Hiiviiiir dleontinueil his visits to Rlveitoii. Mis Olive Jones returned to Red Cloud Siturday afternoon to resume her school work. Monday' Hastings Republican. Mrs. Hurke of Walnut, Iowa, arrived hero Wednesday for a visit with hor daughters the Misses Marie and Knth otitic Hurke. Foil Sam:; The two buildings oc cupied by the Chiuf Ollicc and E. H. Newhouse's jewelry store. Inquire of 10. H. Ncwhouse. Judge Perry, who was holdiug Dis trict Court hero last week for Judge Dungan, left Saturday night for his home at Cambridge. Fred Wallln had the misfortune to got his thumb caught in the disc sharp ening machine and had it smashed Saturday afternoon. On Good Friday, April 5th, there will be services at Graco church at 10 a. m. and 7:.')0. Also Easter day mid the Sunday following. John Morltz returned to Red Cloud last night, after spending the day here with his friend, Clarence Gittings. Friday's Superior Journal. Frank Aniack went to St. Joe with his stock last weok and accompanied his wife home from Omaha Friday wheroslic had been iu a hospital, Rev. Dates of Red Cloud preached at St. Mark's church Monday and spent yesterday with Rev, Leo 'Young Wednesday's Huttings. Republican. lkuly Ohio per bushel. I'houe I lid. i otllce over Don't forget we make farm loan, money ready the day the title Is ap proved. G Mini it. HiTilllsos . Hw.vnr.N Harry Carpenter, who lives north west of luavale. died Wcduesdayoven lug at his home, lie leaves a wifoand several children to mourn his death. Conductor 15. J Moore of Red Cloud, spent Saturday in the city on railroad business and to bilelly visit MeCook relatives. Monday's MeCook Tribune. Rev. IMwin Jarboe will preach at the Indian Crook school house the Hot and thiid Sunday of each month. Rveryotie welcome next Sunday at " p. m. Found CoU bind ring; lias been a piesotit to some one in l'.io'i Owner can have sumo by calling at tliisolllce, describing property and paying for this notice. Mrs. Alice FI.mii ami Chiis F.niiok weie man led Saturday by Judge liaiuii'.v and will make I heir homo iu M nt.ina where Mr F.iniek has a homestead Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, who lime been spending the winter with rela tives at Indianapolis. Im!., returned homo this week. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet o.ye, ear, nose ami throat patients and those needing glasses properly titled at Dr. Dainerell's ollicc In Red Cloud Tuesday, April !. John Keltltly, proprietor of the Model Variety stoic is making alter ations iu the room formerly occupied by A. H.Atkins and will move Into the same next week The Juniors of tho high school enter taiued the Sonlots Tuesday evening at Potters hall. Refreshments were serv ed and a most enjoyable evening was reported by all present. "Choosing a Farm and tho Type of Farming" the title of an articlo In The Youth's Companion or April llth will inlet est till thoso who feel tho drawing back to the land. Whenever you go away, get married, die, or Iii'.ve company from away or have a baby born at your house phono It in to us. We have both tho phones and arc always looking for news. Drs. Riddllo & Footo, of Hastings, Nebr., will meet eye, oar, nose and throat patients, and those needing glasses titled, at Red Cloud, Nebr., Thursday, April 11, at Dr. Cross' olllee. The pages of tho April numbers of The Youth's Companion arc studded with those effective character sketches which have for long amused, comfort ed, sustained tho paper's mlllious of readers. R. C. Khode Island Red eggs for hatching at 6-'.2. per hundred. Paby chicks nt to cents each. Mas. T. W. White, Hod Cloud, Nebr. Rural Phone 2 10. 1j a .n d Wo havo for sale farms on easy payments and special terms, worth the money. Several mighty good deals. Tho largest list of local farms from which to select. Dan Gai;iii:u & Company, Cuinr Ollicc. Tuesday evening Mrs. Willis Fulton invited in the different pastors ol the city to sutptiso her father, ifev. Cie-s-man, and a very pleasant tinio was en joyed by all. Those present were the Revs. Colo, Payne, Jatboe and Tomp kins. Port Ciarber and brother havo been wotklng on organizing a ball club hero this season. A meeting was hold Wednesday night at the barber shop to discuss ways and means of bringing the team into practice. Liwrenee l.oeotnothe. Will Kudriui nccumpiiiucd by Dr Mitchell left, for Chicago Sunday where .Mr. Kudrna under went an operation for appendicitis and gall .stones. A telegram received by Mrs. John Havel a sister, states that the operation was successful The Willing Workersof tho Christian church at luavale, will hold their annual ba.aar iu Hunter'?, hull April 0, aprons and etc. Sale beginning at 2 p. m. Supper at 5:110. All arc invited to come and enjoy a sociable evening. Price of supper '17o and l!5c. Max C. Elliott, the general agent and producer of Muslctal Minstrel Shows was a caller today In the inter ests of his attraction The McCabcs Georgia Troubadours, tho real colored show with a class. Prices for this en gagement arc U5, 35 and CO cents. Scats now selling nt Dr Cook's drug store. It Is understood that this at traction is guaranteed a No. 1 or your money back after the llrst act. On Wednesday evening at ft o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Clam Sherer oc curred the marriage of Ceo. F. Brad shaw aud Miss Winnifred Putnian, Uev. W. F. Colo, nastor of tho Dautlst chinch ollloiatlng There wero only a few of tho immediate families present. lho young couple left on tho evening train for llloomington, their future home, where Mr. Uradshaw and his brother are runuiug a meat market. The McCabefl Minstrels Colored. Will Appear at Red Cloud Nebr. Opera Houro for one night only Sat April Oth. This attraction Carrys all Scenery Equipment And All new songs and dances, 3 Changes In watdrobo and 3 Changes in Scenery. Tho attraction Is said to De the Finest Equlped Colored show In this tato At the PronpntTIrae Special Red Cloud Prices, '.'5 35 SOot. Men! This Store Will Set You Right on What to Wear for Easter TO YOU WHO ARE CONSIDERING the question of Easter Clothes, this store pre sents a wealth of helpful suggestions. From scarf to suit, you will find here a stock that completely meets every dress need. and taste-that correctly expresses the season's every style tendency. That teastor Suit will be espe cially easy to select from our unusually line showing of Cloth craft All-Wool Clothes. These cleverly designed, well cut, skill fully tailored clothes, with their snappy, tasty style and pleasing, comfortable fit, will give you that sense of case and satisfac tion that comes from knowing yourself as well dressed as the next man. You can know, too, with abso lute certainty that your Cloth craft Clothes will keep you well dressed to the last day you wear them. For in every Clothcraft Suit or Overcoat you will find a signed guarantee that insures pure wool cloth, first class tailor ing and trimmings, lastingshapc satisfactory wear and setvice. Yet, with all theirstyle, fit and guaranteed quality, Clothcraft Clothes cost you only $10 to .$2(5. Just to show you what this means, ask us to show you some Clothcraft Easter Suits at $15, $18 and $20. S The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, at 1 $15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold shape and . . ........ . .- s to give satisiactory wear anu service. ! c I CowdenJCaley Clothing Co. "The Clothcraft Store" Actual Starvation Facts About Indlftest Ion and Its Relief That Should Interest You Although Indigestion mid Py-pepsia uroso nrovalent, most people do not thoroughly understand tliciri'iuisoitiid euro. Thero is no reason why most people should not cut anything they desire if they will only chew it eiue fnllv mid thoroniilily. .Many actually sturvo themselves in to slehness through fear of eating oveiy tfood-lonluiitf, good-smollint,', mid (,'"' 1-tnstliifr food, ueunuso It doos not nreo with tliom. The best thln to do is to fit your self to diuest any tfood food. We bolleve we can relieve Dyspepsia. Wo nre so confident of this- fact that wo guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to every ono who will use it, who is not per fectly satisfied with tho results which it produces. We exact no promises, and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely, nothing could be fairer. We are located right here and our reputation should bosulllciont as surance of the geiiuinenessof ouroller. We want every one troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and buy a box of Hexail Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, according to directions. Then, If not satisfied, come to us and get your money back. Thoy nre- very pleasant to tttlcn; they aid to soothe the irritable stomach, to strengthen mid invigorate the digestion organs, and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, thus leading to perfect and healthy digest ion aud assimilation. A 25c pachago of Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes 15 dayb' treatment. In ordinary cases, this is sufllcleut to produce acurc. In more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is neces sary, and depends upon the sevority of tho trouble. For such eases, we havo two larger sizes which sell for Goc and SI. Kemember, you can obtain Kexall Remedies In thlh community only at our store The Kexall Store. The U. 1. (irice DrugOo. Card 0! Thanks, We desire to express our sincere tliiinUs to the neighbors aud frlonds who wore so kind as to render us such loving assistance during our hour of trial. Words fall to express our deep gratitude but we thank one and all. 13. II. Ilulscbtisch aud wife (jerliurd Olmstedo and wife Henry Olmstcde and wife. A 4l , LSA' ' ? &J. ' J lift'" .,,). . 'ill Easter Goods! For Sale. 1500 bu. of good white ear old corn In crib nt 81 per bushel. Inquire of D. U. Hulsebusch. IT IS NOW TIME TO anticipate your wants in Easter wearing apparel. We are selling Ladies9, Misses9 and Children's CLOAKS -finest line of goods of this class on the market today. Our best advertisements are the people who wear these garments. They are satisfied as to Style, Fit, Workmanship and wear. We are glad to show these goods. EVERY GARMENT A PRIZE WINNER. CLOVES! It is a WHITE SEASON and in view of this fact we have bought an extensive line of White Gloves-Kid and Silk IN ALL LENGTHS Ladies1, Misses and Children's Oxfords and Slippers All leathers-all prices See our Special White Buck Oxford at - $2.76 Turnure Bros. 1 3i(JVtinMLUHMiiv 3 y v l-'-ir ifjij TJESWlfflWWH iifiiiWmiCSa)2U 4. SSSSSSSSSSSSsaigSS&SSSSSSSS