' 4' Itui HWlnrlcal Society mL. - VOLUME XXXX. THE New Banking Law is now in force and' the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 rffifrr'j'lf't'rf'Sf'rt PAINTS For Every Purpose Paints for homes, liarus, shorts, buggies, furniture, ceilings, (loors, roofs, etc. Sew&lls Chemically Pure, Paints Will give you satisfaction. They are uiado in the west, to stand tho peculiar conditions of our climate. You will Hud them far superior in durability to many j other kinds. Come in and let ? us figure with you ) Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist i WWWWWW WWWW4 Weather Summary for March 1912 Temperature: Maximum 71 deg. on 80th; minimum 7 below zero on 0th and 15th. Greatest daily range 40 deg. on lGth. Precipitation: Total 2.83 inches. Greatest in 24 hours l.r0 inches on 14 th., days with .01 inch or more 8, total snowfall 24 M inches Days clear 12, partly cloudy C, cloudy 13. Prevailing wiud direction n w 8 days. Ciias. S. Luiu.ow. Grand Ice Cream Opening At'the Puritan cafe Hater Sunday. Carnations will be given to each custo mer that day ns long ns they last. 'PR' PRICES CREAM Bawn Powder Is a protection and guarantee against alum which is found in the low priced baking powders. To be on the safe side when buying baking powder, examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made from Cream of Tartar. 1 Ileal Estate transfers. Heal Estate Transfeis for week end ing Tuesday, April 2nd, 11)12. Compiled by M. W. Carter & llourtcd Abstractors. C. Kochlur and wife to 11. J. Koeliler, w d miscellaneous lots and lands in Webster Co. John M. Clialllu to Anna J Chaf llu, qcd lots 5, (i, n j of lot 2, Blk 1, Smith it Moores add to Son Ked Cloud 1500 Mary 8. Cielghton mid husb., to Ira 1$. Wagoner, w d to lots 0, 7, S, Blk. 21, Red Cloud r.Oo j Theodore F. Watt and wife to Winnie A. Campbell, qcd to lots :i, 4, 5, G, 7, Blk. n, Guide Hock, n'j'Mv1, sec 13-1-9 1000 Henry Wichmanu to Anther O. Short, w d he,1 sec 21-1-0 COOo Harry L. Clialllu and wife to Holiest A. Simpson, wd lot G, sVt lot 7, Blk. 4, Swee.ys Add to Itluellili 400 Lewis Kent and wife to Ellen J. Kent, qcd tH nwJi, nw nwM sw'isec 15-1-10 and ue of ne sec 10-1-10 1 L. I). McLaughlin and wife to George V. Shuck, w d to so of ne'.f, nj sej-f and seU of sej sec22-l-l 0700 Kimo Goos and wife to Onno Goos, w (1 to undivided J ol ne421-4 10 ....: 8000 Hannah C. Hatfield ct al., to Loyd I'egg, qcd to lots 1, 2, Itlk. 21, Smith & Moores Add to Red Cloud 40 Adalinc Wilson to Charles Han son, wd to njtf sec 27-1-12 12800 Mary Prance to Jesse 1$. France, wd to lots 5, 0, Blk. 4, Cowles 2000 Charles W. Cowley nnd wife to Stanley M. Hall, w d lot 15, Blk. 11, Bladen DoO Mortgages filed, S42,2oO,00. Mortgages released, 51,545.52 -; ga-llgaS?!! 1 .LLIy - -; j-- "-- im 1 z A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Neiks Each Ycnr For 91. 50. If ED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, A PHI LI, ISM 2. District Court Proceedings. Disti let court eon veiled a week ago last Monday with ludgii Perry pre siding over the jury eases. These eases eie concluded last Hat Urdu and the jury discharged Last Mon day Judge Duiigan came down and completed the tenn by hearing the equity eases. Below we five a list of the cases and the proceeding'-: State of Nebraska vs lletiry Kuinke; plea of guilty to assault and lattery; line of S20 and costs imposed by the court. Maude Newman vs. John Dovey Jr.; charge of bastardy; defendant gave bond of SlOoO for his appearance at the next jury term. State of Nebraska vs. Oliver Lord; gland larceny; plea of guilty; an in-del-terminate sentence of from one to tin ee. veins imposed by the court. Ida r Dewoln vs. L. O. Chapman; judgment for $10 for defendant. Kussell Grain Co. vs. U. C. Iloriim; judgment for plaintiff for S75.0U. Johti Patterson Jr. vs. M. L. Glld den; join nal entry corrected, rate of interest on mortgage changed from ten to six per cent; SOCi refund to M. K. (Hidden. In the mattor of the estate of Maltha A. Columbia, deceased; sale of real estate confirmed in Jeff Beau chump. Kniimiicl Fit, vs. W. K. Wondcrly; judgment for defendant for SI and costs. J. A. Herbenrur vs. A. A. Hart etui,; decree granted foreclosing mortgage; Fred Maui or appointed receiver to collect rents. Hattie M. Churches vs. John Lempke; continued for term Sarah A. Smith vs. The Royal High landers; judgment for defendant for 81,578.45. "" James Burden vs N. D. IUIngsworth; settled and dismissed. Lloyd Cassell vs. P. V. Roland; damages for injuries received at the roller skating rink of defendant; judgment for dofeudant; costs taxed against James J. Cassell, father of plaintiff. Emma Jones et al vs. Mary Burnett et al; partition; settled and dismissed. In the matter of the estate of Ven zel Hesman, deceased; appeal dis missed. Joseph Inter et ul vs. August Inter et al; land ordered sold. II. L. Yerkcs vs. Theodore Shultz settled as per stipulation. James Paddou vs. C. S. Olmsteud; decree of foreclosure granted. Georglana Maker Dewltt vs. Blauche Hggers; p.utltlon; property ordered sold Bessie Cornell vs. Hrnest Cornell; divorce; continued for term. Fairbanks Morse vs. Bladen Village; dismissed by plaintiff. GIiIouko Lumber ( o vs. C. M. Paugh etui; foreiilosuie mechanic lion; de cree of foreclosure gi anted, Kniina M. Wright vs. Cliailes M. Wright; decree of divorce planted de fendant, and maiden name of Hiniiiu Peiiy lestored. Uetta Miner vs. C. II. Fit.; settled and dlsiuKscd, Nancy J. Woodward vs. Clarence S. Jones et al; mortgage foreclosure; continued C. F Cather vs. John B. Stansor et al; not at Issue. First National Hank of Campbell vs. Wm Cooper and C. J Ware; not lit issue. Sarah A. l'urkison vs John O. Park! son; application to modify decree of divorce; defendant withdraws applica tion. Charles K. Eddy vs. Clareuco S. Jones et al; mortgage foreclosure; con tinued, John W Orovos vs. John Polfus; continued Amboy Milling & Elevator Co. vs II. C. Harris judgment for plaintiff for 12558. Commercial Bank of Nelson Ne braska vs, A. L. Hansen et al; con tempt proceedings filed; defendant A. L. Hansen delivers up property and. proceedings dismissed. Interest In Boy Scout Movement Increases After our article on the Hoy Scout movement appealed Jast week We have received uiiineious inquiries for moiu infoi niatlon. We ucic asked to o In fo details and explain the how of tho movement The oigiiulation has a dopted an olllclal hand-book which sets out In full all the rcquiienicnts and Miles pertaining toscuuts and fiom that olllclal book we leain that "The aim of tho boy scouts is to supplement the vaiious existing educational agen cies, and to promote the ability In boys to do things for themselves and others. It Is not the aim to set up a new or ganization to parallel in its purposes othersalieady established. The oppor tunity is afforded these organlatlons, however, to intioduco into their pro gianis unique featuies appealing to interests which ae universal among boys The method is Hummed up in tho term seoutcrafl, and is a combina tion of observation, deduction and handlne'-s, or the ability to do things. Scoutciuft includes instruction in (lrst aid, life saving, tracking, signaling, cycling, nature study, seamanship, eampcraft, woodcraft, chivalry, patrio tism, uud other subjects. This is ac complished in games and team play and Is pleasure, not work, for the boy. All that is needed is the out-of-doors, a group of boys and a competout lead er." The oath and scout laws must be em phasized by the scoutmasters Before he becomes a scout a boy must take this oath: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, aud to obey tho scout law; to help people at all times; to keep my self physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." Tiie Scout Laws. Following arc the laws showing what the boy promises to obey when he takes his scout oath: "A scout is trustworthy. A scout's honor is to be trusted If he were to violate his honor by telling a lie, or by cheating, or by not doing exactly a given task, when trusted on bis honor, he may be directed to hand over his scout badge. "A scout is loyal. He in loyal to all to whom loyalty Is dun; his scout lead er, his home, his parents and country. 'A scout Is helpful. He must be prepared at any ttmo to save life, help injured persons and share tho homo duties. He must do at least one good turn to somebody eveiy day. "A scout is friendly. He is a friend to nil and a bi other to every other scout "A scout is courteous. Hois polite to all, especially to women, children, old people, the weak and the helpless. He must not take pay lor being cour teous or helpful. "A scout is kind. He is a friend to animals, lie will not kill or hint any living Jeieatuie needlessly, but will strive to save ami piotect all harmless life. "A scout is obedient. He obeys his parents, scout uuster, patrol leader and all other duly constituted author ities. "A fccotit is uheeiful. He smiles whenever ho can, Ills obedience to orders is prompt and cheery. He never shirks nor grumbles at hardships. "A scout is thrifty. He docs not wantonly destroy property. He works faithfully, wastes nothing aud makes the best use of his opportunities He saves bis money so that ho may pay his own way, be generous to thosu in need aud helpful to worthy objects. He limy work for pay but must not re ceive tips for courtesies or good turns. "A scout is brave. He has the cour age to face danger in spite of fear and has to stand up for the right against the coaxings of frleuds or the jeers and threats of enemies, and defeat does not down him. "A scout Is clean. He keeps clean in body and thought, stands for clean S- speech, clean spoil, clean habits and travels with a clean crowd. "A scout is icverent. He Is reverent towiml Hud He is tulthful lu his re ligious duties and icspeets theconviet Ions of others in mattcis of custom mid religion." "Theodoie lliinsewlt says, 'Our American youths need to have some of the wild (nought hack to ti(t.i..' Tho Anieilcaii boy knows little about call ing on his own resources for things needed. Ho is accustomed to eating and sleeping without taking thought of how and from where these comforts are provided. One gieat purpose of the scout woik is to teach the boy to use his latent resotnees. It is an edu cative and rccioalivc work." Tho three essentials of a scout troop ai e a Competent leader, a group of boys aud an out-of-doors. The hero for tho boy is his seout-iuaster, who must be a young man at least twenty years of ago. The scout-master may have older boys for patrol leaders and corporals. The scout is expected to do a large amount of out door work. Tho scout unlfoi m is brown. It is olllclal, having tho boy scout buttons on it. The troops of twenty-four boys each are expecting to study btids, trees and animals, Including their habits aud life. Council Meets Red Cloud, April II 11)12 Council met with Mayor Foe, Council men Fogel, Able and Herhurger, pres ent. Hutchison absent. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. , Request of Red Cloud Milling Co. for a permit to erect a building on lots 10 und 17, block 26, Red Cloud, was re ferred to the building committee, with power to act. Report of S. R. Floranco read and ordered placed on flic. A canvass was mado of the last elec tion as follows: Total vote, 1st ward 185 Total vote, 2 i ward 253 Total For Mayor 43 lstwd 2wd Total 146 223 369 3 3 D. W. Turnure Scattering Clerk O. C. Teel 153 Treasurer S. R. Floranco 148 Scattering 1 City Engineer 222 375 217 365 1 3G8 2 149 124 21 2 Geo. H. Overing 151 Scattering 2 Council W. B. Saunders 149 W. A. Sherwood 121 B. E. McFarland 21 Scattering 2 Council F. W. Cowden Paul Storey Scattering 217 218 218 212 212 5 5 School Board E. A. Creightun 123 181 307 T. A. Trumhlo 119 174 293 Scattering 5 30 35 Sa'oons Fur License 108 107 215 Against Licunac ' 78 1 10 221 TIih following cluims wore allowed: E. Fitz $10 00 A. C. Hoamer 21 00 C B. Hale 18 50 A. CSIahy 60 00 St Journul Co 2 13 Joe Carr 4 35 Edson, etal 20 00 C. R. LewU 26 20 FredBlanke 2 80 Geo Clauson 6 60 Lee Parsons 1 80 M.C.Sherman 5 00 Fitz&SmelBer 5 00 IraSmelser 3 00 D. H. Rich 100 00 FredYoungren 75 00 Harry Huffer 60 00 Jackson Bros 58 78 S. R. Floranco 215 89 Chas. Fox 5 07 Beatty & Son 5 00 Wm Reeves 8 50 The Chief Leads-others follow. rjr.g-r -? ' aESa NUMHKR 14 Before You Buy By Mail Bring us the ad, that inter ests yon. II you will do this, you won't buy by mail that's certain. Because you will have no rea son to. Any article of iewelrv or watches or silverware or any thing else in the line can be bought here at prices every bit as low as anywhere else near or far. And you have this advant ageyou can see, handle and examine to your hearts con tent anything that is of inter est to you. Bring us that catalog and let us prove it to you. Remember "Satisfaction or Your Money Baclc." Newhouse Bros., H. II. Newhouse, Prop. C, B. .t . Watch Inspectors. School Board Met Last Monday Evening Ri;i Clouii, Neiih., Anril 1st. . Regular meeting of the Hoard of Education called to order by the Presi dent. Members present Iioreu, Heck with, Cook, Gilliam and Storey. Minutes of previous moetinir read and approved. Secretary reported expenditures for the .'Jrd quarter $H5.').77. Tot'l expenditure for the year $10412.02 " receipts 10733.08 Balance on hand 3 321.00 Superintendent reported the school attendance at the various schools as follows: Lincoln building 419 pupils Washington 175 pupils Superintendent Morit. also reported the probable cost aud requirements of a Domestic Arts and Science Depart ment for tho High school The following bills were read and ordered paid: II. E Grice Drug Co. S 11.45 supplies Pope Bros. 148.30 supplies Frank Peterson 10 25 supplies Argus 3.00 priuting J O. Caldwell 3.05 coal C M. Barnes & Wilson 1.09 books American Book Co. l 80 books E A.Creighton lo.Oo in'p'tlon The building committee reported that the water pipes with hoso con neutions had been extended to the 1st and 2nd floors of the Lincoln building and to the lit floor in the Washington building for lire protection. It was moved and sooouded that owing to tho crowded condition in the Kiiidcrgaifou no more children should be admitted for enrollment. Carried- Superintendent Morit. was instruct ed to sectnc a commencement speaker. The teachers committee was Instruct ed to revise the teacher's wage sched ule If found necessary for the employ ment of next year's teachers. Moved to adjourn to meet at the Washington building at S p. in., for its. next regular session. Carried. R. D. Moat i, Secretary. Baptist Church AnniuRcemeir, Sunday School at Id a. tn. Easter exercises at 11 a. m, In the evening the pastor will begin a scries of three, sermons ou the threo first steps la Salvutlou, Tue first one Is "Repent ance." A welcome awaits you if you see lit to come to any or all of these, services. W. F. Colk, Pastor, All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros. nwvKx.,mm.vt, tmz&