The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 29, 1912, Image 5

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" 'S-,
We sold iiumln-clRof tluisi! Popular
Copyright Books iluiinu 191 1 and
wci (.'.s-pi'ti to sell moid of thorn
this oar. Wo have just re
ceived OV'T
1 1 V KJ '.
, a Vrtsj
A Hundred New Ones
lAvLf''S-i '," r
'.' '.stew'
,, - ffS ww
t "1 lTf "" M
1. .
-r .
and more coining. Come in and
look over the titles. You are sure
to find one that you want. Only
50 cents per volume, formerly $1.50.
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
B. ft M. Time Tabic
i: sr noi'si)
No. II Through train, ilejnrts 'J:00 :i. in
No. Hi iassi nucr " H:.lja. hi. !
No. 171 AiToimiioiliitloii Nnrlh i
cepl Monday ami Weil., rti parts IM p. m
No. 170 Arcoiutiintlallim North .
Monday ami Weilui'ilny drparts ll:'
vi:ir noi Mi
No. 13-Throiiuh train, ill parts .. li.ija. in
No. 15 Local passenger " mil) p. m
9 -1 5-3 ii-J-3 5r-C-f 5-fC C tC f C
K. K. Hill and wife of IMoomiiigton
spoilt Sunday in town.
Ivon Jonos of rranklin, spent Sun
day with frlend.s hero.
Jot- 11. Baker of I ebatiun, Kits , was
! on our streets Tuesday.
J Lowell Robbiiis arrived homo from
((irand Island Saturday.
V. I). Harold of Hastings transacted
business in town Tuesday.
J. M Itiley of Ijawreneo trausaelo 1
business in town Mt-n lay.
Lou Keith or St. Paul, Neb., spent
Ktiudav in town visiting fi lends.
The Loekes are coming March '2nd. MUs Klliel I'urker of Liuvreiiccspont
For Rood Job Printing call on the Sundtiy liHown visiting friends.
Chief. O. II. Lawrence of ijong Island, Kus.,
.1. D. Jones of Fiankllu was in town was In town on business Monday.
Sunday. I Zel;o Johnson eaine in from Minneso-
(i. CJ. Crow of Hastings was in (own tu Wednesday night to isit his sons.
Monday. Mrs. Certrudo Hanson returned
Good narrow stiipe fur 3I..10. .1. O. ltomo from a visit at Lincoln Monday.
Caldwui.L. George A. Adams of Pawnoo City
K. R. Mni-r of fiuido Uoek was in the . was visiting friends in town Wednes-
city Monday.
Jas. Mcllrido of Cowles was in tlie
city Tuesday.
Charles (i recti of Wilcox was in the
city Tuesday.
J. l Thayer of Hastings was in
town Monday.
Mrs. Chas. Lucszler is on the- sick
list this woek.
All kinds of Klectrieal work done by
Morhart llros
11. It. King of Lawrence, Neb., spent
Sunday in town.
Attend Kd. Scaton's auction Falcon
Friday, March b.
Lyman Kssig returned homo from
Knusas City Sunduy.
Chas. Staley of Grand Island was in
the city over Sunday.
Farm Loans
There arc seveial reasons for seeing
J. II. Uailey for a farm loan and here
thoy arc.
He is solo agent for Trevett Mattis
&, linker.
This company is here every day in
tho year ready for business and not
hoto this week nnd gone next. They
loau on nnv farm having the value in
it lmproed or unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give Ihe best option
in the market.
Red Cedar
are a hobby with us be
cause we Unow how they
last when put onto a
house properly We've
investigated them thor
oughly and the mills we
buy .of today assure us
our Shingles are all cut
from sound bolts a n d
dried slowly under a tem
perate heat so as to re
tain their life. Whether
repairing an old roof or
putting on a new one you
want the best -see ours.
"There's No Place Like Home."
Miss Ilenu Herrickstead of Denver,
Colo., is visiting fiiunds in town tills
V. A.Smith left for Omaha Tues
day where be will take medical treatment.
Wm. Wcesner and .Tas. Mcintosh
went to Kausas City Wedtiesdny with
The Chief docs all kinds of Job
Printing neatly, accurately and
Fifteen carloads of emigrants wont
thru here Wednesday morning from
the west.
John Scott returned to Grand Island
Wednesday after a visit here with
II. C. Cutter shipped a carload of
hogs to St. Joe. Sunday. He accoin
paired them.
V. S Uenso's public saluwill bo hold
at ids faun Wednesday, March Gth., at
1 p. m. sharp.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demolish nted in your home freo.
Call Phone lied 97.
For Fin nil are lepairing, upholster
ing and chair caning see S. J. Fair op
posite high school.
Guy Iinid brook and his friend Mr.
Dtleho.xde ot lllue Hill spent Sunday
in town visiting (iuj's mother.
Ueo. Hadcll went to Long I-luiid,
Kns., S.ttuiday morning to visit his
parent and Inother and family.
I'hel). of H met Tuesday night
and took n a large class of candidates.
After lodge a banquet was served.
The tlne-t lino and best, assoitment
ol llrtiiH'SS ever carried before. Call
and look it mor. MoitHAitr linos.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear Glasses ai'curtitely
lltted. Dr. Stockman, lied Cloud, Nubr.
The ladies of the M. K. Aid society
nio making big pioparatlons for their
auiiiuil Jlustor bazaar to beheld Match
Call Simpson retained to Chadron
Monday night after a pleasant visit
with his parents Mr. and. Mrs, N. It
Dr. Cross will bo in his otllce over
Hie State Hunk everyday in the week.
Hnvinir discontinued his visits to
Foil S.Li:; The two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Olllce and K. II.
Newhouso' jewelry htore. Inquire of
K. II New house.
The W. It. C. will meet Sutuiday
afternoon at t) o'clock. Rvery member
is requested to be present as thcro will
bo a short program.
IM. Syaton's salo of horses, cattle
and farm implements will bo held on
Friday, March S, sale to begin prompt
ly at l'.' o'clock noon.
Mrs. J. M. Wordcn and daughter,
came down from Kfd Cloud today,
where thoy have been visiting friends
for a few days Supuitor Journal.
Tlurc will be 'o's of pc'n1tU'i and'
Mituu woodensliuc dancing glvni bj
l'lie LocUes at thoopei.i house Satur
day night. Maieh ','nd.
There is no killing, no -.hooting, no
bloodand thunder in any of the play
given by Tlu Locke. Opel a boilM',
Saturday night, Match '2nd.
I) n'l forget wo uiiike farm loans,
inoiipy leiuly Ihe dny the tllle is up-
pi nved.
G utiu ii, lit ictiisos iv S.u.umv
I'uii li.: My tesidenei) ptopertj
c iisi-,tlnK of two lots and eight loom
house with lutli. Mns. A I. in: Four,
Orleans, Neb,
Stiike l!ros., bought a new iuoss
country Ilambler Koadster atllo at the
Oniaha auto show lust week. The
Staike llros, evidently think thai the
best Is the cheapest.
Tlie Ladles Aid of the Christian
cliuieh will hold theirnioutlily bargain
ut P. A Wullbrandt's stoic Saturday,
March L'ntl. The bargain will bo In
('hinge of Mrs. John Myers.
The man who takes for his motto
"Never say die" and who holds on just
a little longer than everyone thinks he
will is tho in ni who has the best
chance of winning in the end.
There will bo regular services at
Grace church the next two Sundays.
Cottage services will be held at the
homes of the illlVoiPiit members eacli
Wednesday at 7:.1() during Lent.
J j A x n Wo have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
D.w Gaiiiii it A- Company, Cim:r Olllce.
Mrs. Cloia O.ven went down to lied
Cloud Sunday to sp n I tlie day with
her daughter, Mia. Cha-. n-os. She
roturiic 1 on No. 1" that night, but on
account of the snow It did not get here
until thrco o'clock in tlie morning.
Franklin County Ncwm
Juo. Fogel, the popular lrirncss mil
ker, has purchased an electric motet
nnd quite an assortment of harness
and slice niaehin"ry for his business.
When ho gets into his now building
lie will have one of tho best equipped
shops to bo found in smaller cities of
tho state.
licad IM. Seaton's. big advertisement
elsewhoro in this paper and do not let
tho date slip your memory. Tlie salo
will take place on Friday, March 8,
and a large number of horses and cat
tle will bo disposed of. Farm ma
chinery and household goods will also
be sold. See bills for particulars.
Cluirli .1 Smith ('ml at lis h
(hue miles Mulhwc-t cf Guide- Uoek,
Flldny, Pel,. '2.1, l'M2. hut leH sniveled
a M'voic atl'iek of n union! i last No
vember mi ! bad In e,i cm, fined In h'.s
lied nil vl- I r I'lm List few days 1 e
fote death i-flii ved him his si.tVoring
was lutt'ii-.)'. He Iciiii's a wife unit
llilei- "in ill chihmn In uimirii his h, lki.s wife being a daughter of
Mis. HI. Ibd.Mns of thWclly.
The funeral servb'e was held at
Not lb Piratich Sunday at o'clock
after which he was laid at lest in fhe
Noith l'.r.mch cemetery.
Winnie l'.lilh D.tvU was born Oct.
.., Ib'.M, In Floyd county. Indiana, and
died Feb '.'., UU'J, u! the age of I,',
years, I mouths and '.'ii days.
She came with her parents lo Ne
braska when iwojearsof age When
about live ,cats old she hail a spell of
sickness fioui which she never fully
recoveied but gradually giew
as she mhanced in jcuis, sull'oring
p.itli'iitl, until the end.
She was b.iplltd by l!ev. Malo of
the Metlnwist ehutch. of lied Cloud
when she was seven yeais old. .
At. an early age she began to read
the bible and her litteiest grew as she
grow in teaiH,auil forlhelast eigliteen
mouths never lailed to tend and study
one chapter or morn each day.
A short time before Iter death she
saw that her loved ours weie greatly
tumbled and t-ild them .she knew what
was troubling I hem and for them not
to grlcu', but stld "she sometimes
woudeied what it would be like, and
for them all to b good, and to lead
tlie bibb- each day."
Her life an example of putity
and truth, a true clnisliaii lile.
Funeral services were conducted at
tho M. 11. church on Wednesday after
nobn at '.' o'cli ek by the l!ev. II. N
Pcllllon tSeitiHIrculdtcd.
Tlie biislnes3 ineti of the oily arc
circulating a petition to have the fol
lowing Ii -ket placed o i the ballot tor
cousiik ration at tho hands of lb
voters at the spring election:
For M nor D. V. Turnure.
Ahleuuen, First Waul H. S itin.ieis
and W. A. Sherwood.
Aldermen, Second Ward F. W.
Cowden ami Paul Stoiey.
Treasurer S. ii. Floratice.
Clerk-o.C Tool
dD 1
SX fmmV. i f
" A duw fi-ej J?
Reduction on Heavy Weight
Suits and Overcoats
A k .
ii . v j";..iA
A-NflW fell
""ill1" I
n .pK'!1"11, .
Mm llcun' i Kii, .cnliai
Will close soon. So if you
want to get some of the best
bargains ever offered in im
Cloud on Suits and Overcoats
We are getting in
and must move the heavy
stuff to make room for them
and we ate not particular
about making any profit right
now on winter goods.
Come in and see the advance
styles of Spring Suits, Hats,
Caps, Shirts and Shoes. Wc
want your Spring business and
will show you the nicest Cloth
ing for the money you have
ever seen in Red Cloud.
One Price Clothiers
Tho Junior Protective league will
hold a meeting at tho Congregational
church next Sunday afternoon at .'1
o'clock to which all parents and others
interested are invited. There will be
a program consisting of a .10 minute
address by Mr. Herrick of the High
school and his subject will be "What
the Parents can do for the Teacher."'
That will bo followed by u HO minute
discussion by Mr. K.J Ovoring Jr.
Tills section of the country was vis
ited by the worst storm that has been
experienced here in years. Sundav
afternoon and evening almost develop
ed into a real blizzard and the sight
that greeted all eyes the following
morning was something that Nebraska
people do not often see. Snow drifts
eight fuct high right in tho city limits
told plainly what the night had been.
Trains woio delayed and the rural
carriers did not. get out on their routes
till Tuesday. Fortunately the temper
at ure was not very cold and thoie was
little or no suffering. This storm re
minded the old settlers of one or two
others that came along in the early
da.s and they were busy teding of
their c.i'crieii es when roads were
practically unknown.
mjmw U
f JSM'fcfe Pi
m 1 1 1 liisaJI L
It doesn't make any dif-
if th
rerence, lr tne gooas
come out of our store. We
guarantee them. That's Ihe reason
it pays to trade with us. Reliable
groceries bought right here at
home, are bought right if they
come from us.
Hard Times Social.
The ladies of tho M. K. Aid society
indulged in u hard times social in the
basement of tho church which was ex
ceedingly unhiuc and entertaining to
say the least.
All oiime in costume us best seemed
lltted to tho occasion and so well was
the get up !u each case that no prize
was given as It could not bo decided
which looked the worst, so all were
invited to the dining room ,ud re
giled willi an old fashioned corn pone
Preacher Tompkins Is feeling ipiilc
grieved as he says he was not Invited.
Avoid Harsh Drugs
Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury
to the Bowels
Ifjou are subject to constipation,
joit should avoid strong drugs and
cathartics. They only give temporary
icliof and their tenet ion is harmful
and sometimes more annoying than
constipation. They in no way effect a
euro and their tendency Is to weaken
the already wouk organs with which
thoy come in con lac' .
V e honestly believe that wo hine the
best constipation treatment uver devis
ed. Our faith in it is so stioiigllmt we
hell iton the positive guaianteu that
it shall not cost. Hie user a cent If it
does not gie cutiie .satisfaction and
completely rnneilycoustipation This
picparatlou is called lie. will Orderlies.
These are prompt, soothing, and most
elTootlvu in action. They are made of
a recent chemical discovery. Their
principal ingredient Is odoi less, taste-lcs-,
and colorless. Combined with
other well-known ingredieiita, long es
tablished for their usefulness in tho
treatment of constipation, it. forms a
tablet which is eaten just like candy.
They may bo taken at any time, either
day or night, without fear of their
causing any inconvenience whatever,
They do not gripe, purge, nor came
nausea. They act without causing any
pain or excessive looseness of the
bowels. They are ideal for children,
woak, delicate persons, and aged peo
ple, as well as for the most hearty per
son. They come in tlnro size packages, la
tablets, 11 cents; 3(1 tablets, 'lr, cents;
SO tablets, SO cents. Keiiiember, you
can obtain them only at our store
The Itexall Store. The II. K. (Iricu
Drug Co.
Monumental Work
to be erected this spring should be placed at
once thus allowing sufficient time to com
plete strictly high class work. : : : :
Original Designs
Modern Ideas
Overing Bros. (L Co.
Dealers in Monuments. Red Cloud
B. E. McFarland
-:- All the Phone3 -:
, 'A .fi Knot rides.
. ( I io 'iiTsbar be
' n'" n man In Cnllfor
, iv-ifMi . (n SflW
in i 'n'fini fih'n atu!
" '- c f rclr
Farm Loans
At Lowest interest, best option, least
expense. Call for me at State IJauk,
lied Cloud. C. F. Catiikr.
The olllcers of tho County Sunday
School Association have just received
woid from the statu association olllce
that tho state workers will be in lied
Cloud and will a-sist in tlie County
Sunday School convention scheduled
for this place on March 13-1 1, 11)12.
livery Sunday school in this county,
by viituo of its existence, is n member
of the slate and county association,
and in order to get the most benefit
should have one or moie delegates at
every session of the convention.
These slate workers come prepared
to discu-s all phases of the Sunday,
school work, and the Sunday schools,
in this county win t-i' -elv much help
and luspiintinii if leinesenlcd in the
coining mcei ng.
Itemcmber Ihe time March t:i-ll,aiid
the place Ked Cloud, and plan to be
Exqulslto Elegy Tribute to Friend.
Tho early death of Keats robbed
Shelley of a dear friend, hut led to tho
writing of tho exquisite elegy
"AdonalH," nnd It Is rather touching to
recall that when Shelley wns drowned,
n year nnd n half Inter, a copy of
Kerits' poems was found open In hla
coat pocket whon his body was washed
What He Saved.
Pnthctlc a3 well, na nmutdng Is the
valedictory of a western editor:
"With grateful acknowledgment to my
friends and benediction upon the pro
feflulon, I tnke my hat the cavlnga
of 17 years In tlie newspaper field
nnd retire."
Have Tho Chief do your printing,
. irtminak
I ii I dnn'l
- i'i t Path
aHwvtw 4-4 j
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powto made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar made from grapes
IMtiftWftiiiiiMiSftkF?!rii?cf'fffin':' ""
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