MitnrrrrmrtntxtitixnienuiiimratmniBemsiiM jy1? R S ft F? i BS ' i'i. ! A PI' Se CHIEF Kd Cloud - - Nebraska PUULISHM) hVI.KY 'MIL'l SDA uloroii In Hip Pcwtonirp l Jtit (Mm.I. iscti n Hfcninl Cln'j Mutter c it. ham; rctit.imii'.it rilK ONLY IIK.MOCUATK' I'At'HK IN WI'.IIHTr.HOH'NTY FOR IlKl'ltlWKNTATlVi: 1 liiruliyniiiinuiirn myHiir iih n miullilatc tor llii- iiiniiliiiitlon for repni.ntiillo from the iniliillHtrlct of Nitirnskn. hiiIJiiI lo tlio will of tlio lKitiocriitli' iiml 1'iopliH IihIi- l('llll( lit MltlTNIlt tlm prl IIIIirllK to III) lu hi April II), till!!. (lloimuW. MMisin. They've till got to take their Imt.s to Nebraska! of Tlio mail to Mioees-t is paved with good advertisements. In tiilwi tlsliifr iiiwayH My what you believe, if you wish people to believe wlmt you Hiiy. Vusbliiti)ii ivnit opposed to third terms on principle, but (Seorgo wouldn't amount to shiiclcs by tlio sldo of Teddy were (Jeorgo ullvo today. . More molstuio hub fallen this winter than for many ycuis and the ground Is in most excellent eoiulltloii Winter wheut is In prime condition and I In -outlook is very bright for another bumper crop. J'i'rineis tyl! ' that if this moisture is properly conserved it will bo sulllolent to miituro the wheat crop without another drop o rain. Suroly the soil waft never in better condition n nil there are gioat possi bilities for U)li. Pull together, brethien. We are all hero for tlio aame purpoio. Then live and let live. The lest way to build up a town 1" tor each and every man to pull togulhcr and not htrive lo tend and tear down. All the residents of a town are pai-lncis' not opponents. In all likelihood the mote business ilinio by your rival the inoio you will do, Every merchant who tieats his cus tomers honestly and faiily will get his share and the more business that eau bo secured by united olrort, Iho bolter it will be for all. Wo owe It to the. community In which wo llvo to do everything wo can In every way possible that will bo to its advantage. Our nclghbor'a pros perity means u great deal more to us than someone's who lives elsewhere We should bear this in mind in buying our goods. Wo can aliord to pay our homo man a linn price for his wares ruther than send our money away, knowing as wo do that every dollar our own citizen makes will help in sustaining our schools, churches and public institutions, It pays richly to patronize homo bullish y. Now that tlio business men of the city hnvo selected a set of business mi n for city olllclals wo trust that tho re publicans and the cltious can see their way clear to endotso these candi dates. Wo have heard harmony preach ed on tho stieet, In ihe stoics and ut Big Ben has something to say to people who like to get up promptly in the morning. He guarantees to call them on the dot just when they want and either way they want, with one pro longed, steady call or with successive gentle rings. And he guarantees to do it day after day and year after year, if you only have him oiled every year or so. I've' known him ever since he was "that high" and I'll vouch for every thing he savs. J.C.Mitchell The Jeweler. fi rNsov rs y aim Jmw at' Chilli iliii ft.r tlie pnV si . tno.itl s an I the nppm tunll v to put this lint in ou inn pr ujllt't'. It makes no dlll'or- i i' whether you admiro these men pi-is mally or nof tlie fad entiuot be denied that they me nil Miocssful limine uii'M and would mulo cvcelb elil olilceis If I hesc llletl eannot solve our pioWenis who can? Wo haw per sistently advocated having but one tlelcel this j ear and the way seems to open for the cirrying out ! this ideii. We all want better erudition", these men are willing tu accept Hie icsposi blllly lei us give them our hearty sup-port. Nebraska produced more agricultur al wealth per capita in 1!M1 than any other .state, and pel formed the feat, upon fewer acres per thousand dollars of wealth produced. Statistics are not, at hand to verify the e'lilin, but Will Muupin'.s Weekly is willing to wager a doughnut against the hole that Nebraska has fewer convicted criminals per 100,000 of population than any other .state, fewer convict Ions for misdemeanor per 100,000 of popu lation than any other .state, fewer de pendents upon public charity per 1 00,. Olio of population than any otherstate, more churches per 100,001) of popula tion than any other .state, more- school houses per 100,000 of population than any otherstate, and fewer illiterates pur 1,01)0 of population than any other stale. -Will Miiuplu's weekly. The olllclals of the Ant' Saloon League, may bo very good and wholly oonsciencioiis gentlemen, but when it COUP'S to a knowledge of law they are wholly dotlelent They protect ugiiust the constitutional amendment allowing allies of fi.GO') or More to make their own chart, us, based on the fear that snub cities would thus be able lo con travene tho constitution and statutes, is nothing more nor less than an exhi bition of Igii'iiMiieo of the piopcc-od amendment, which .poi'lllctilly provid es that "any city having f,u)() or moio inhabitants may form a charier of its own government consistent with and subject to the constitution and the laws of this state." The tumble with people obsessed of one Idea is that they see in every pr (position a menace to their wwu particular hobby, l.ut tho olllclals of tho A ntl-Saloon League must always bo doing something, else the collection baskets might miss their regular tilps. Will Muupln's weekly. Will Muup'tn has announced himself as a candidate for the nomination on the demociatlo ticket for railway com missioner and true to his character ho states in plain tonus that his object lu making the raeo Is to securo tho throe thousand dollar salary that goes with tho job. Ho makes it clear that there was no largo popular demand for him to cuiiio out but on tho con trary ho Is acting on bis own motion and his own advice. And why not'.' Why should not all candidates Lo frank'.' Itistiuo tlial there are oc casions which bilng men out for cer tain olllces regardless of their own will but under our present primary systoinlt lakes a teiriblu jolt to get tho great public to demand a man to "saerlllco" hiiir-clf. Uut l!iolhor Will Is in tho moo and we cannot see why a newspaper mini of twenty-llvo years expel louco in the state should not bo a (list classman to have on this commission. If thoie is any man who is in touch with public innttois it Is tho newspaper man who has been In tho thick of tlio fray like Will Maiipin. Of one tiling wo would all be oi tain and that Is the public would know every iiiiiiii'o just what was going on mid you can nM assured that Will knows nothing but honesty anil full- dealing. The people do" not want mote than is coming to them and tlio lailroiul- mitv always bu depend ed upon to act faiily if a matter is presented to them fully. rVotlct: of Ccnvrtttlon The Kcpnbllciin cllyci uvuiitiuii will be held on Monday, Murcli lib., in the court house at 7:110 o'clock in the even ing. Ikich waul of tho oily will be en titled lo rcptoM'iitntion at this cut vetilion on the bu-lsof one (1) delegate for every ten votes for mayor at tho last municipal election, to-wlt; The Hist waul :.'l delegates and the second waid 'JS delegates. The purpose of this convention is to niiiiiii candidates for the iiitire city ticket, to-wlt: One Mayor One Clerk. One Treasurer. On City Ihigliieer. One Police .1 iid.o. Two Aldeiinen from each wind. 'I wo members of School Hoard. II. W. S Ik .1. Ovinuxo .I.i., Sorotaiy. t'bairuiiin. CjiUrciJtlonal thttrcli Services "The Statin e of a Full (irowu Man," will be the subji ct of the morning si'imou Set vice at 11 o'clock. Kwnlug seivieo at 7:!t0. Subject of sermon: "The Sougand the S.iorillco.' Mid-week uieetlng on Wednesday at 7:30 Suiulay-seliool at 10 a in. Sunday morning. All e 'filially invited to tho above fcorvlois. John .1. Hayni:, I'astor. ",tyT" (iovurtior Vh Pr'm;ir Klfcticri. Governor Aldiich has prepared a ptoclnm.itinii i-alilng ! pi mi irj election ' to be held April 10th. In accordance J with (be laws his proclamation calls J lor the M'leollon f caiiilidiitcH for tho following olli'-es: I'refoieuilal cindldato for provident. IVi'fcicnllnl candidate Inr ice nrisl dent. One I'nited Stales M-nutor. Knur delegates at largo and two from oich congiovsloiinl dlsttictto at tend iwit'omil conventions of the rati ons political parties. One national commit tcemaii for each political paity. One oongiessmau from cael of lb six co'ircss. iii1 distiicts. Govei nor. Lieu tuna tit governor. Sccro'ury of stale. Auditor of public accounts. Slate treasurer. Superintendent of public Instruction. Attorney general. Commissioner of publio kinds and buildings. One railway commissioner. Light presidential (doctors. Slale senators and representatives for adoption as party measures by tho vaiious political parties, as follows: 1. Reserving to tho people tho right of direct legislation through the initia tive and rofeieudutn. 2. Fixing the term of olllco and in creasing tho salaries of members of tlio legislature. .'I. Creating a board of commission ers for .state institutions. 1. Providing for goueial election once in two years 5. Allowing cities of moio than .',0(10 inhabitants in this state to fiaiu'j their own dinners. A W.triiltii Aftainst Wet !:r,r.t Wot and chilled feet usually affect tho mucous iiiembr.iiio of tlio nose, thioat and lungs, and hi grippe, bron chitis or pneumonia may icvult. Wateli mi of till v, particularly tho children, and for tlio lacking stubborn coughs give Foley's Honey and Tar Coin pound. It soothes the iutlamed membranes and heals the cough quickly Take no substitute. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. tslatc transfers. Transfer for the week ending Wed nesday Febrnaiy t!8, UM2. Compiled ly M. V. Carter A llonded Absti actors. Kobortsou Adamsoii and wife to Annie .Maude Harrington, vd, lots 7, 8,1), Hlk 11, Cowles ... Vein V Kmlck tol'orterlt Ilnlo, w d , und ' hit nw'f, no'i Son ir.o Oooo Clinrlas J Croin an 1 wife to Ikl ward lielbe, w d, si; w f 1-12 700 Antonin L. Souchek and wife to Kussoll V Shields, w d, sw'4 lOiMO 10000 Hugh W Gulliford and wife to CJ rubor, w d, lots WW to 11, Ulk. :i7(birbcis L'ud add'lted Cloud 1 J. Henry Tlhen to .1. Henry Tihon Uishop of Lincoln, lots 11, 1?, Hlk. l."i, Ued Cloud, qed 1 I'jihvard II l'oo and vifeto Fran cis, A Mills, w d, lots l.'l, 11, Ulk 7, Cowlos 300 W A Lacy und wife to J. T. Lacy, w d. lots l, 2, :i, I!lk. l.", Cowles 1300 Arthur Laey and wlfo to .1. T. Lacy, w d, lot I, Ulk. 1.1, Cow les, 30(1 W. C. I'lahin and wife to Hans Oyo, w d, sw'f n-II i) lor.00 M. H. Cliilden and wire to 0. ,1 Sliimeall, w d, s .ec l'. 1-10.. KiOoO i: llojd Smith etal toLilliiin .M. Doling, w d, pint w J1V.M1 1 Lillian M. DoliiiKand husb., to ilati.i'i O. Uutlor, w d, pt iu '4 :i."i -1 1 1 K. .lout's and hub to .lanioi O. Hutler, w d, pt nw-'J :i5'J-U aooo :i(ioo Iklw.inl Scaton and wife to Cliar les ,1. l'latt, w d, iie', oi nwj (1-1 10 .'ll-VSO Hdd Ileiidersou and wife to Oli ver Hudson, w d, lots t, ,, lillt. 7, lbcuiout 8 Itnboit I). Post ami wife to Web ster County, v d. pt ll' lie, II -a 10 CO Lloyd II. Hunter to Mabel C. lbmlnnd,qod, a sw'( -1-1-0. . . s.110 I'Lter Nelson and wife to W. L. noun , w d , w y, s j as i a moo !)3.-iSl Moilg'itfcs tiled, SIll.VJO. Mortgiig'-s leb'ased, Sl'J.l Ul.80. . o.u coun .lata Lloyd . I Mi The Sound Sleep of Good Health Is not fur thoso buffering from Kid ney ailments and Irregularities. The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel hackuchc and rheumatism, heal and stroiiKtheii sore, weak and ailing kidneys, icstoro normal action, ami with it hoalih and strength Mrs. M. F. Spalsbiuy, Sterling, III,, says: "I sulVorod gicat pain in my back and kidi.eys, could not sleep at night, and could not ralso my bauds over my head. Itul two bottles of Foley Kidney IMUs cured inc." Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. aa3gui'-..'. . si"r. "tiey v,,:i v nurjj . Can, n 4- r C-g r. 1 4' c W" 1 Wit & dib o III lb DJm.II t& Smart Exclusive Models in Best Colors, Materials and from. The have ever GENERAL MERCHANTS t A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE 6- Is vyv vvWfs AvsA A Great discovery Cf.rlainliiirfditutsTliatRiuillyl'rciiiolc I3a!r (irovfth when Proiisrly Ccir.ljhtct! IJcsoicin is one of tbo moil UYoetho germ dostrovci.s ever diicovered by science, an 1 in ei'iineetioii with Uetii Xaptliol, '.vhtch is both geirnlcidal and antiseptic, a combination is formed wltloh deitioys the germs which rob the hair of its natural nourishment, ami nl-o croatoi a clean, healthy con dition of the scalp, which prevents tho development of new germs I'llocarpin, although not a colniiug matter of dye, is a wol'-kiiown ingre dient for restoring tlio hair to its na tural color, when tho loss of hair has been caused by a disease of tlio -cnlp. These itigtediculs in proper combina tion, with alcohol added asa stimulant and for its well-defined nourishing properties, perfect perhaps tho most offoutlNU loiuody that is known for scalp and hair troubles. Wo have n remedy which is chiefly composed of these ingredionti, in com bination with other extiemoly invalu able medicinal agents. Wo guarnnteo it to positively cure dandruff and to grow hair, oven though the scalp In spots Is bare of hair If there is any vitality loft In the roots, It will posi tively euro baldness, or wo will lol'iu d your money. If the selalp has a gla;'. od, shiny appearance, if an indieath n that baldness' is permanent, but In other instances wa believe baldness is curable. Wo want every one troubled with sculp disease or loss of hair to try Kex all "tilt" Hull- Tonic. If it doe's not euro dandruff and grow hair to tho satisfaction of tho iner, we will with, out ipiostinn or quibble leluili every cent paid us for i'. Wn pnil' this giiai'iilit"e on eieiy bottle. Il has ef fected a podtivo oui-i! in oil pel cent of eases where put lo a practical tt si. Ko,ull l):l' Hair Tonic is in iidy unlike, and wo think, In every paiticu Inr, liet'er than anything dse wo bii'iw of for the purpose for which it is preset ibed. We urge jou to try this pieparatioii at our u'iro lisk. Cer tainly wo know of no better Kuaraiitee to give you. ISomcmhor, you eau ob tain Ke.all Remedies in Ued Cloud only ut our store The Itoxall Store. The II. K lirice Drug Co. Practice Will Mako Perfect. I'rnctko thysetr even in the things J which thou despaircst of accomplish-1 Ing. For even tho left hand, which Is ineffectual for all other things for! want of practice, holds tho brkllo moro vigorously than the right hand; I for It has been practiced In this. ! Marcus Aurollns I DO VEASiS Ey.PEniENCfj Traos Marks ?ESir.N3 COPVI'GHTS&C. Anrnno unmllnc n nkolcli nuil description nmj qiilcklf iiicprlntti our (irluloii fruc tvlictlicr an luvdiitloii I lirnhnlily iintpnluhln. "'(iiiuiiunim UnuiiKtrlcllyriiiiHilontliil. HANDBOOK unl'Menls init fri'n. nl'l"it nceiirr fur nuciiriiitr )'teiii. I'.itonts tutiMi ilirmmli Muiiii .V C. rtciuvc tyectal tiotkt, vtlthiuitilinruo, III the Scientific flmcilcau, A Imtirti'omPlr IHiictrHldl wprkly. I.firucit rtr, riilHtlmi of liny nck'iitllln jx'innil. ' u ypiiri lour month:), l, Milil b) till nonbilpiilcr. TfHINN & Co.3DlD'Md-y- New Yor Krancll Olllco CiS V ft- WniMliiftOti. '. li 'ivurrz i5KXsarVWKrWWWSffl!aEl vJ&fei, rfSsSlP vN'A - y'VNv New Goods Arriving in All Departments MBflMNKnHlHMHaMHnMaRanMMaHHlHBnHiHniMWMHaBMiiaMiB"flMaaM All the Spring Materials and Spring Styles in the new shades to choose most beautiful line of had. :::::: The Miner Bros. jvAaAaAv' J- A- v. r AmmmWmrTnM.-lM . fiV1) The New Will be ready Jor your inspection Saturday, March 2nd ajasawangL-CTwr; w 'L handle shoes for Men, Women and Children in the latest styles of work shoes and dress shoes. Our greatest endeavor will be to please our customers. Come in and let us make your feet glad with a pair of Kirkendall's Shoes. Best of quality at moderate prices. Bailey The Newhouse Block ''Tirv'zzmxTt&AZKx-jmtFizz: OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLV. Saturday Night, March 2 The Lockes PRESENTING A big double Dramatic-Comedy Vaudeville Bill 6HPH T ine vamDire A Powerful Drama of Life "A Dutch Hero" A Screaming Farce-Comedy. A most novel and jiIoumii perforniaiice, by Ar.i-tsof Wecivnizcd Ability, li-aded b hat cloer littlu'Weslern Actics.s DELLA LOCKE That Versatile Comedian, Will H. Locke The Great Character Actor, Henry W. Locke l-'oiirlcon inimical and specialty nuinbeis. 'i'lio 1-atost Popular Solids Kccontrio Drinciig. W'omlonslioo Danoiii" Elegant Continues!. Tho Hipget Sliow-vixlito for tlio least munuy THE LOCKES (You All Know h .:!r.:rtRttK3SEacia3 j3SWMS'",iD . - " sT""r aV". the Season's Workmanship. goods we Co. Wy-N wA v-.A vA" MnMJUlfUttWTAaWMfWmiiMrKk-WUStrlc3'9 Shoe Store zcxasBrAJiKxtiMaannxa & Bailey Red Cloud, Nebr. sranasfflfciKiaaffl ?awc:saiivas f NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery inHed Cloud and solicit n blmro of your putiomigp. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes nl ways iu stock. Phono mo your wants (I,i, pil0Il0 l83 , CURTHATFIELD.Prop mwmEmmtmsr