The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 29, 1912, Image 2

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. JMifiM& m
'Sr1 ""fe ry-x. iJ&o
-" nJBKai? AfflL
Klnm It.irrilflh, Itiinwii nil tlirotlirb. Alns
in fin " Hurrilnuc I ayllhl.' rotrliruti's IiIm
loth lilrtliil.iy wltli it i niuil of mt ti-r at
tlic t'lri'lo I'llV Tlvoll. 'I'll" laiin: IpiuIh
!o liMivy t;n in lil I in,. In willed orr WW)
w ntakei, llarnlnh Iij-m-h IiIh money and
!iIh mine lint wIiih (lie mull conlriict. II"
IntlH mi lil.i mall trip with tloK-t find
tleilKt'i lellltiK III frlemlH that lie will It'
ll! the tiltf Viiltuii Knlil mrllu- at the Htart.
IturnltiK IhiyllKlit makes a i-.i'imitlnmilly
railil run m-riis country with the mull.
Htipeiits at the Tlvoll and l now ready
i.. I..1.. l.u. ri.. ...I., l.. . .l.tul. f.. lfn. nniv
... jw.i. ...r. ...' inn. it. ..i.m. -. ...' . - --
OKI llelilM. UicliIlliK that MOIU will no
l.m.wl I. lit. ..!.. .tlMltl.'l llilllllHIl
titivii two toliH of Hour wlileli lie ileeliirei
will lie wot th Km wi-lKht In Ktil, hut
when ho arrlveH with IiIm Hour he limit)
Hie blir Hat ilenohite. A t-tiliiriuln iIIm-iiv-era
Kohl and W,iIU-lit roiiH a rleli liar
vent. Hn koph to luiwHon, lieeotneH the
niont prominent tluuie In the Klondllte
and ile renin a roiiihlnatlnn of eaiiltallHtn
In n viint mining deal. He rettirun to
civilization, and. amid the liewllderlm;
roiiipllcntliiiiN of IiIkIi llnnnre, OtiyllKlit
IIihIm that ho lirtH t n led to Invent hit)
pleven tnllllotiH In a manipulated Hi-hemo.
Ma Koet) to New York, ami confrontluK
IiIh dliiloval tiarttipra with a revolver, ho
threatens In kill them If IiIm money In not
returned. Thev are cowed, return their
MteallnKi and I f nr tiIhIi koch hank to San
iTiinriHeo Wlpre he nieem niH rate in
Deilo MiiMon, n pretty HtenoKiaplier. Ho
laaki'M lnrn Invi'HlmentH and if'tH Into the
Iiolltlcal rlriK. I'or u ret ho noes to tho
country. Dayllxht I'Pto rteeper Into IiIkIi
finance In Kan Francisco, lull often tho
liitiiflnK for the Hlmtilo life nearly river
lOiiii'H hltn. Deile Mnion IiiiVh a Iiotho and
Daylight meetH her In tier hikMIh trips.
Ono day he iih1h Dcile to ko with him
tin ntio more ride. IiIh purpose lielnR to
link her to marry Mini and they canter
away, nlie trvltitf to analyze her feelliiKM,
)edn telln Daylhtht that her happiness
could not lie with u money manipulator,
llayllcht uudertakea to build up a Kreiit rlnl community.
CHAPTER XVII. Continued.
Sho lotl tho way throtiRli the tlonr
nponlni; out of tho hall to tho right,
and, nnco IiihIiIo, Ik? titood iiwkwurdty
roototl to tho door, K'izIiik about htm
tintl at hur and till tho ttmo trytiiK not
to Ktizo. In his perturbation ho failed
to hoar tintl huo her Invitation to a
"Won't yon sit down?" kIio repented.
"Look here," he Raid, In a volco that
fdiook with pnHHlon.'thoro'H one thing
I won't do, and that'H propose to you
In tho office. That'a why I'm hero.
Dedo Mason, I want you, I Junt want
So prcclpllnte was ho, that hc had
barely time to cry out her Involun
tary alarm and to Btep hack, at the
enine tlnto cntrhlnt; one of hln hnnds
rw ho attempted to gather her Into
IiIh armu.
"Oh, F know I'm n suro enough fool,"
ho said. "I I gueaH I'll Bit down.
Don't ho ncntrt, MIhh Manon. I'm not
leal dangcrotiH."
"I'm uol nfrnld," sho iitinwered, with
n Rmlle. slipping down herself Into a
"It's funny," Daylight sighed, almost
with regret; "hero I am, strong
enough to bend you around and Mo
knots in you. Hero I nm. used to hav
ing my will with man, beast or any
thing. And hero I nm sitting In thla
chair, iib weak and helpless as a little
lamb. You suro take the starch out
of mc."
"I I wish you hadn't asked," sho
snld softly.
"Mehbo It's best you should know a
few things before you give mo an an
swer," ho went on. Ignoring the fact
that tho answer tintl already been
given. "I never went after n woman
beforo In my life, nil reports to the
His Arms Went About Her and Held
Her Closely.
contrary notwithstanding. Tho stuff
you read about mo in the papers and
books, about mo being a lady-killer, is
nil wrong. There's not an lota of
truth In Jt. I guess I've dono more
than my share of card playing and
wulsky-drlnkliig, but women I've let
alone. Tliero was a woman that killed
herself, but I didn't know i ho wanted
mo that bad or olso I'd have married
her not for lovo, but to keep per
from killing borsolf. Sho was tho
befit of tho boiling, but I nover gave
hor any encouragement. I'm telling
you all (his because you'vo read about
It, and I want you to got it straight
from me."
"I can't mnrry you," sho said. "1
Uke you a groat doul, but "
M i
IIo waited a moment for her to com
plete the sentence, failing which, he
went on himself.
"I haven't nn exaggerated opinion
of myself, so I know I nln't bragging
whon I say I'll make a pretty good
husband. You could follow your own
sweot will, and nothing would bo too
good for you. I'd give you everything
your heart desired "
"Kxcept yourself," sho Interrupted
suddenly, almost sharply. "Don't you
tee?" she hurried on. "I could have
far easier married tho Khun I tarnish
fresh from Klondike when I llrst laid
eyes on him long ago, than marry you
sitting before mo now."
He shook his head slowly.
"That's one too many for me. The
more you know and like a man the
less you wnnt to marry him. Famili
arity breeds contempt I guess that's
what you mean."
"No, no," she cried, but beforo sho
could continue, u knock came on the
Ills eyes, quick with observation
like an Indian's, dnrted about the
room while sho wjih out. Tho Impres
sion of warmth and comfort and beau
ty predominated, though ho was un
able to analyze It; while tho simplici
ty delighted him expensive simplici
ty, he decided, anil most o( it left
overs from the time her father went
broke anil died.
She re-entered the room, and as sho
crossed it to her chair, ho admired
tho way she walked, while the hronzo
slippers were maddening.
"I'd like to auk you several ques
tions," he began Immediately. "Are
you thinking of marrying somebody
"There Isn't anybody else. I don't
know anybody I liko well enough to
marry. For that matter, I don't think
I am a marrying woman. Olllce work
HccuiH to hk)II mo for that."
"It strikes mo that you're tho most
mnrrylngest woman that ever inndo a
man sit up and take notice. And now
another question. You sec, I've Just
got to locate the Iny of the land. Is
there anybody you like as much as
you like mo?"
Hut Dede had herself well In hand.
"'Hint's unfair," she said. "And If
you stop and consider, you will find
that you are doing the very thing you
disclaimed namely, nagging. I refuse
to answer any more of your questions.
Ict us talk about other things. How
Is Hob?"
Half an hour Inter, whirling along
through the rain on Telegraph Ave
nue toward Oakland, Daylight smoked
one of his brown-paper cigarettes and
tevlewed what had taken place, it was
not at all bad, wan his summing up,
though tliero was much about It that
was buHllng. There was that liking
him the more sho knew him ami nt
tho snmo time wanting to marry him
less. That was a puzzler.
Onco again, on a rainy Sunday,
weeks afterward, Daylight proposed
to Dede. Ab on tho first time, ho re
drained himself until his hunger for
her overwhelmed hint and swept hltn
away in his red automobile to Horke
ley. Ho left thn mnchlno soveral
blocks away and proceeded to tho
hoiiso on foot. Hut Dedo was out, tho
landlady's daughter told him, and
added, on second I bought, that she
was wallting in tho hills. Further-
, more, the young lady directed him
I whore Dede's walk was most likely to
extend. Daylight obeyed tho girl's In
structions, and soon tho street ho fol
lowed passed the last house and Itself
ceased whero began tho first steep
slopes of the open hills. The air was
dnmp with tho on-coming of rain, for
tho storm hnd not yet burst, though
the rising wind proclaimed Its im
minence. As far as ho could sco,
there was no sign of Dede on the
smooth, grassy hills. To tho right,
dipping down Into n hollow and rising
again, was a largo, full-grown eucalyp
tus grovo. Hero all was noise and
movement, tho lofty, slendortrunked
trees swaying back and forth In the
wind and clashing their branches to
gether. In tho BqunllB, abovo all the
minor noises of creaking and groan
ing, aroso a deep thrumming noto as
of a mighty harp. Knowing Dede ns
he did, Daylight was confident that ho
would find her somowhero In this
grovo whero tho storm effects were so
pronounced. And find her ho did.
across tho hollow and on tho exposed
crest of tho opposing slope where tho
galu smote Its fiercest blows.
"It's the same old thing," ho said.
"I want you and I'vo emtio for you.
You've Just got to hnvo mo, Doile, lor
tho moio I think about It tho moro
certain I am that you'vo got a sneak
ing liking for mo that's something
more than Just ordinary liking. And
vou don't dast say that it Isn't; now
dast you?"
"I'lenso, pleasu," sho begged. "Wo
can never marry, so don't let us dis
cuss it."
Daylight decided that action vn3
more elllcient than speech. So Ho
stepped between her and tho wind
and drew her so that sho stood closo
in tfca sholtor of him. An unusually
stiff squall blew about thou aud
?sW0P 0 VfrST T7Z 0A rWLlr,
wft ffwo;
(ConvrlKht. 1010, lijr Iho Now York Herald Company.)
......4..t. tain l. tliA f nnrillfin r,....-.....
VflrilillH . l tltQ ..A............. xUllll't4llt
'- -it, I-. r mSBBk
.. i sA V iI J nil 1 lu -y 1' iV5
1 V J--" . . t . I ll I i 1 11 U. T rr A ll lilt
V v
"Dede Mason, I Want
thrummed overhead In tho tree-tons,
and both paused to listen. A shower
of Hying leaves enveloped them, and
hnrd on tho heel of tho wind came
driving drops of rain. Ho looked down
on her and on her hair, wind-blown
about her faco; and because of her
closeness to him and of a fresher and
moro poignant realization of what she
meant to him, ho trembled so that she
was aware of it In the band that held
hers. She suddenly lenued against
hltn, bowing her head until it rested
lightly upon his breast. And so they
stood while another squall, with Hying
leaves nnd scattered drops of rain,
rattled past. With equal suddenness
she lifted her head nnd looked nt him.
"Do you know," sho said, "I prayed
last night about you. I prayed that
you would fall, that you would lose
everything everything."
Daylight stared his amazement at
this cryptic utterance.
"That suro boats mo. I nlways said
I got out of my depth with women,
and you'vo got mo out of my depth
now. Well, you'vo Just got to ex
plain, that's all."
His arms went around her nnd held
her closely, nnd this tlino sho did not
resist Her head was bowed, nnd ho
could not sec her face, yet ho had u
premonition that sho was crying. He
had learned the virtue of silence, and
he waited her will In the matter.
Things had come to such a pass that
she was bound to tell hltn something
now. Of that ho was confident.
"I would dearly liko to marry you,"
she faltered, "but I am afraid. I am
proud and humble at tho samo tlmo
that a man like you should care for
mc. Hut you bavo too much money.
There's whero my abominable com
mon sense steps In. Kven If wo did
marry, you could never bo my man
my lover and my husband. You
would bo your money's man. I know
I nm a foolish woman, but I want
my man for myself. And your
money destroys you; It makes you
less and less nice. I am not ashamed
to say that I lovo you, becauso I shall
nover marry you. And I loved you
much when I did not know you at all,
whon you llrst came down from Alas
ka and I first went into tho ofneo. You
wero my hero. You wore tho Hurnlng
Daylight of tho gold-diggings, tho dar
ing trnvclor and miner. And you
looked It. I don't soo how any worn
nn could hnvo looked nt you without
loving you then. Hut you don't look
it now. You, a man of tho open, have
been cooping yourself up In tho cities
with all that that means. Yoti aro
becoming something different, some
thing not so healthy, not so clean, not
so nice. Your money nnd your way
of llfo are doing It. You know It. You
haven't tho samo body tunv that you
had then. You aro putting on flesh,
and It Is not healthy flesh, You aro
kind nnd genial with me, I know, but
you tiro not kind aud genial to nil tho
world an you wero then. You have
becomo harsh and cruel. I do lovo
you, but I cannot marry you and de
stroy love. You aro growing Into n
thing that I must In tho end despise.
You can't help It. Moro than you
can possibly lovo uiq, do you love this
rtwnn zDcwzrc.
You, I .Just Want You."
business game. This business and
it's nil perfectly useless, so far ns you
aro concerned claims all of you. t
sometimes think it would be easier to
sharo you equitably with another
woman than to share you with this
business. 1 might have half of you. at
any rate. Hut this business would
claim, not half of you, but nine-tenths
of you. or ninety-nlno hundredths. You
hold bnck nothing; you put all you'vo'
got Into whatever you are doing "
"Limit Is tho sky," he grunted grim
"But If you would only play tho
lover-husband that way. And now I
won't say another word," she added.
"I've delivered a whole sermon."
Sho rested now, frankly and fairly,
In the shelter of his arms, and both
were oblivious to tho gale that rushed
past them In quicker nnd stronger
blasts. Tho big downpour of rain bad
not yet come, but the mlst-llke squalls
were moro frequent. Daylight was
openly perplexed, and he was still pep
plexed when ho began to speak.
"You'vo left mo no argument. I
know I'm not the same man that came
from Alaska. I couldn't hit tho trnll
with tho dogs ns I did In them dnys.
I'm soft in my muscles, nnd my mind's
gone hard. I used to respect men. I
despise them now. You see, I stent all
my life In tho open, and I reckon I'm
an open-air man. Why, I'vo got the
prettiest llttlo ranch you over laid
eyes on up In Glen Kllen. That's
where I got stuck for tho brick-yard.
You recollect handling tho correspon
dence. I only laid eyes on the ranch
that ono time, nnd I so fell In love
with it that I -bought it there and
then. I Just rode nround tho hills,
and was happy as a kid out of school.
I'd bo a better man living In tho coun
try. The city doesn't make me better.
You're plumb right there. I know It
Hut suppose your prayer should be
answered nnd I'd go clean broke and
have to work for day's wages? Sup
poso I hnd nothing left but thttt little
ranch, and was satisfied to grow a fow
chickens and scratch a living Eomo
how would you marry mo then,
"Why, wo'd bo together all the
time!" she cried.
Then was the moment, among the
trees, cro they began tho descent ol
tho hill, that Daylight might have
drawn her closely to him and kissed
her once. Hut ho wns too perplexed
with tho new thoughts she had put
Into his bond to tako ndvantngo of tho
situation. IIo merely caught her by
tho arm and helped her over tho
rougher footing. At tho edgo of tho
grovo ho suggested that It might bo
hotter for them to part thore, but she;
Insisted that ho accompany her us far
as tho houae.
"Do you know," ho said, "taking It
by and largo, it's the happlcbt day ot
my life. Dedo, Dodo, we've Just got to
got married; It's tho only way, and
trust to luck for it's coming out all
Hut tho tears wero threatening to
rlso In her eyes again, ns sho shook
her head and turned und went up the
Right Kind of Smile Stands Alway3
for the Dcst Things There Are
In This Life.
At tho door of a hospital is the
sign: "If you enn't smile, don't go In."
Tliero are smiles and smiles, but of
course this means tho smile which
stands for the best things In life, not
tho kind that IrritntoB. but the kind
which cheers and Inspires nnd stimu
lates and nourishes. Whoever con
ceived of that sign was not far from
being n good physician, though ho may
havo been serving ns janitor. Hotter
than medicine is the smile of friend
ship to those who nre set npait by
their infirmities. And the snillo of
cheer nnd hopefulness Is not only the
passport to the hospital, but to all
tho world, if we but knew it. Some
ono remarks: "Who Is beyond the
ministry of a kindly smile? It Is a
tonic to the discouraged. It helps the
llttlo child for whom the world holds
so much that makes afraid, and it
cheers tho agetl who Hnd llfo unspeak
ably lonely. As King Arthur's court
was built by music, so the happier life
we all hunger for hero upon earth is
built in largo part by the cheerful
faces we see, as we bear the load ap
pointed for us." 1'nlversallst Leader.
Saving a Desperate Man.
"Why did you get engaged to Har
ry? You swore that you would never,
never, have anything to do with such
n man."
"Yes, dear, I know I did. Hut well,
I wouldn't hnvo accepted him if ho
hadn't made such a perfectly dreadful
"Oh! That old stall about rushing
out and committing suicide?"
"No, worse than that."
"Hut any of those threats are bluffs.
1 suppose he said ho'd kill tho next
man who called on you, eh?"
"No, no! I've heard that before,
Dearie, he threatened that If I did not
accept him he'd go and propose to you.
And I believe ho would have done it,
too he was perfectly desperate!"
Truth Alone Not Sufficient.
Just consider for a moment how
ridiculous it would be for a lawyer
to attempt to win a case on his client's
bare assertion as to tho facts. The
facts as btated, might be true, but
truth alone Is not sufllclent cither in
law or lu advertising there must be
proof positive or at least evidence
(reasons) sufficiently good to convince
the Jury or tho Judge that the asser
tions made are probably true. John
E. Kennedy In Printers' Ink.
Stop the Pain.
The liurt of a burn or a cut stops when
Cole's CnrbollBalvc is applied, it lieals
quickly anil prevents senrs. 23o and BOo by
tlruRKlcts. t'or free sample write to
I. XV. Colo & Co.. Bluck Klvcr Falls, Wis.
A man's nature runs either to herbs
or weeds; therefore let him seasona
bly water the one and destroy the oth
er. Hacon.
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate
nnd invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
SuRar-co.ited, lin granules, easy to take
Do not gripe.
Time is Incalculably long, and every
day Is a vessel Into which very much
may be poured, if ono will really 1111
It up. Goethe.
YmirdruKkMst will reiunil money If I'AiCO U1NT
MKNT faun to cum unr cum- of Itching, Hlind,
Ulcedlng or I'ruiruuiim 1'lloa In (1 tu 14 ilujs. Mc,
Some married men look upon home
as a plnce to rest and some others
get anything but a rest while there.
Mrs. Wrnslow'a Soothlnfr Syrup for Children
leethiuir, softetitt the etini!, reduceit Inflammiv
lluu, allay pain. cure j wind colic, 25c a bottle
Many n flowery speech has been
nippetl in the bud by a nonapprecia
tlvo uudience.
Awgetablc Preparation tor As
similating IheFoodandRegula
ting (he Stomachs and Bowels or
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
nessandRcst.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Atifif troMDrSAMvamurst
Avsywi'n i)m-
ffcktUtSNl :
Aiin ShJ
ipfrmiml .
Harm Srtd
CafitJ Supa
Hintyttn Fmor
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrlwca,
Worms .Convulsions, Feverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company,
p. '" i,j nlliiiiiiiiflTTuMlMiiuTEHinffiffiioBiffljHI
IgiMliJIlIj iuW mmh
Guui'iritecd under the Foodw4 IS .H W Q M III I AA
Exact Copy of Wrapper. TH1 ,
How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, III.,
Escaped The Sur
geon's Knife.
Peoria, 111. "I wish to let every ono
Compound has dono
forme. Fortwoycnre
( I Buffered. The doc
tor said I had a tumor
nnd tho only remedy
was tho Burgeon's
knife. My mother
bought mo Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and
today I am a well and
healthy woman. For
months I Buffered
from Inflammation, nnd your Sanative
Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell
anyone what your medicines havo dono
for me. You can use my testimonial in
any way you wish, nnd I will be glad
to answer letters."-Mrs. CHIUSTINA
REED, 105 Mound St, Peoria, HI.
Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided
Jessup, Pa. "After the birth of my
fourth child, I had severe organic inflam
mation. I would have such terrible pains
I that it did not seem as though I could
' Btand it This kept up for three long
' months, until two doctors decided that
an operation was needed.
I ' ' Then one of my friends recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
fDund and after taking it for two months
was a well woman." Mra. Josepu A.
1 Lynch, Jcbsup, Pa.
Women who suffer from femalo ilia
should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
i ble Compound, ono cf the most success
I ful remedies the world has ever known,
before submitting to a surgical opera
44 Bu. to the Acre
hn heavy ylld. hat that'll what John Konnrdrof
BdmonUju.AlDcrui, Western Cuna.l.i. uul from 41)
ccrvaui ppnnii wiicuun uiu iicixiru
hut aniiwpii iiurnr excel
lent ri-ftiilLi Hiich nt. 4.-
UUU bunlii'U ut wlirat
rem iw acrrR, or 113 t-s
bu.pi'ruc ro. i.31anMU
busliol jrlelili wero num
erous, ah nitfa an i.u
builu'lft u( oats to tho
acre were thn shed from
The Silver Cup
At tho recent Spokane
li'alr wasuwardod to tho
Alberta (loTemnieut for
Ita exhibit of grains, Krasgn and
Ycueiables. lfrportsofexcolknt
yioius ror iviu come mno iroin
PiMkatchenan and Manitoba Id
Western Canada.
Free linnivtoail of 100
Acre, nnd tuljolulnir pre
emptions of 160urrea(ut
N3 por nrro) nre to be hnd
lu t he 'lioU-Mt tllmrlcU. ..
rjrhooll comenlont, cll
ttiute excellent, noil tho
very belt, rulliTUj-loe at
hand, hullillnir lumber
cheap, fuel eur tnget and
reasonable In prleu, writer
easily procured. luLxed
farming a increia.
Wilteostobcstpluco for Set
tlement, settlem' low railway
rate, descriptive HluMratPd
-I,aatBestWer'(ent freo on
application) and other Informa
tion, to Pup't of Immlprutlon,
Ottawa, t'ini,,iir tot UoCunadlan
UuTcrnmcnl Agent. (SiJ)
Room 4 Bit Bids. Omaht, Rib.
Plenje write totheagent nearest you
Nebraska Directory
Auctioneers aro not alt
alike. Homo arc much tot
ter than nlfurs. Tho better
tho auctioneer thn larttnr
yutirtiu-rk. The best selling
nemo costs you uo moru
than thn poorest. Thero'a
profit. security and satisfac
tion lu ilolnir business with
Z.N. IIKANSON, Lhsfturk
n4 Ileal fcttlts lurllssttr, 3)
TtinKiptrlrscr, UM0L.X, EB.
situated in beautiful residence suburb of Lincoln,
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
i , ,i i m i ii Mil
WiiJm S JEM.!
!J:U Jin:1 A
fv iu
"'jvmx.,::, li,., .