r I 1 I rC lJ i The Chief C. n. HALM, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA UNITED STATES CRITICISED BY COLOMBIAN MINISTER. M. W, A, INSURGENTS TO MEET Visit of Secretary Knox Creates Seri ous Situation Oponents of M. W. A. Insurance Rates to Meet at Minneapolis. Washington. A grave diplomatic r It tint ton between t ho I'nltcd States mill Colombia has been prcclpltiltcd y t ho publication of ii letter which Sonor Pedro Nol UhpIiiii, tlio Coloin Man minister, Iiiik written to Acting Secretary Huntington Wilson of tho state department, suggesting that It might ho "InoppoituiH)" for Secretary Knox to visit Colombia during liin pro jccteil tour of South America. Tho Coloinlila tnliilHter. llrst drawing at tention to the fact that tho vIowh aro IiIh own anil not olllclally those of his government, seilously criticises tho United States for not submitting to arbitration tho differences with Coloin lila, growing out of IIiIh government's acquisition of tho l'nimina canal 70110 Insurgent M. W. A. to Meet. MlnneapollH, Minn. OlllcerH of tho national Woodmen assembly recently organized hero to protest against tho bo called .Mobile bill adopted at tho re cent meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America, aro hastening preparations for tho "insurgent" convention which is to bo held here on Washington's birthday, February 1!2. According to Dan H. Ulchtor, ono of tho local members of tho Insurgent faction, tho meeting will last several days. Ac cording to tho leaders or tho faction, action will bo taken at tho meeting either to compel tho withdrawal by the Woodmen heads or tho Mobllo bill, which they declare makes tho rates too high, to have tho courts net on the measure or to form a separate Drgaulutlon, In Memory of the Maine. Now York. The cornerstone of tho national Maine monument wns laid Thun-duy afternoon by Hear Admiral "W. II. C. Lutzo, U. s, X., commandant of tho Prooklyn navy yard, at tho Columbus clrclo cntranco to Central park, The monument Is designed to commemorate tho destruction of the battleship Malno In Havana harbor 'jurtoen years ago. Will Fight the Amendment. Lincoln, Neb. Tho Anti-Saloon league has sounded tho battlecry against "homo rule for cities," ono of tho constitutional amendments to bo voted upon at the coming primary and general elections, and will dovoto much energy from now on In tlghtlnj? that proposed law. Want It Changed to Monday. Des Moines, la. Congress Is asked to change tho presidential and con gressional elections so they will fall on .Mondays Instead of Tuesdays, as nt present, in resolutions ndopted by tho commercial travelers congress of Iowa hero Saturday. Stop Checker Game for Sunday. Omaha. Hecauso It Is wrong to play checkers on Sunday tho tournament at tho Young Men's Christlnn association here, wab brought to n sudden post ponement Saturdny at tho hour of mid night. The games wero resumed Mon day afternoon. Governor Aldrlch Goes West. Lincoln. Governor Aldrlch ban gone on a trip of Inspection through what Is to him a hitherto unexplored portion or his realm. He will visit tho irrigated region or tho western por tion of Nebraska and will be gono un til tho last of tho week. Pittsburg. Pa -Itnllroads In tho Pittsburg district aro preparing for n coal strike and largo quantities of coal nre being stored. All companies In tho district aro w 01 king full time till ing contracts, much or tho coal bolng Ktored. Royalty o Visit Lincoln. Lincoln, Neb All airangements hnvo been completed by state univer nlty authorities hero for the blt of Count Luotow. the Uohoml.in, who will lecturo befoio students at the con Vocation March 1. Tho count aicom panled by tho countess a jettnuo of servants and several ksser lights of toyalty, will nrrlvo lute February '") and will bo entertahml dminK h's stay at tho homo of Chancellor Awry Plnchot to Support Roosevelt. Washington. GIfford P-miim In a Blgned stntoniont Just made public an nounces ho has withdraw 11 i11H K'p, jiort from Senator LnFolu iuh presi dential candidacy mid tli.i h,. wjjj hereafter advocato tho nomination ol Theodoro Koosovelt, Chicago, Commercial and othei travelers In mass meeting hem otod to stmt u systomatic campaign to im. proxu hotel, railroad nnd baggage transportation conditions throughout tho country. VISIT IS U ED 1 ra m c LOOKING FOR CONFESSION BY DYNAMITE SUSPECTS. BANDITS TAKE VANDALIA TRAIN District Attorney Thinks Suspects Will Make Confessions and Ask for Clemency Vandalla Train Is Held Up. Indianapolis. Intimations aro said to have been received by tho govern ment that homo of tho defendants In tho dynamite conspiracy cases were preparing to "tell all they knew." Tho statements followed the government's charges that 40,000 hitters and tele grams taken from tho International association of bridge and structural Ironworkers showed that Frank M. Ryan, tho president; Herbert S. Hock In, tho second vice president, and members of tho executive board and business agents conducted tho dyna mlto plots through tho mail, pointed out "Jobs" to bo blown up and main tained n system or destruction against non-union Iron and steel contractu! h Illinois Train Held Up. Effingham, III. Train No 11, of the Vandalla, westbound, was held up at Liggett, Intl., four miles west of Torre Haute, lml about !:II0 Friday night. Tho robbers failed to obtain any plun der, apparently through a mlBtako in signals among tho bandits. Ab tho train approached Liggett ono of tho band, riding the tender, pulled tho boll eord. Tho signal was wrong and when tho train did not stop tho robber climbed over tho tender and began fir ing at tho cnglno Crew. Ono shot knocked a cigar from tho mouth of tho engineer, who Jumped out of tho cab nnd escaped. It Is reported that tho fireman waa compelled to aid the bandits In their work. A special train waB.sent out from Tcrro Hauto with detectives nnd bloodhounds in re sponse to n mcsBuge from tho operator at Liggett. Protests Treatment of Mormons. 121 l'aso, Texus. American Consul fidwards, In Juarez, has protested to Knrlquo Portillo, commanding the rebels In tho Casus Grandca district, against tho recent demonstration jnado upon Mormon colonists for their arms. Consul Kdwnrds Informed tho rebel commander that their arms were tho only protection tho Mormons now huvo and they would not surrendor them. Free Lunch for Denver Schools. Denver. A movement has been started by leading educators hero to install free 'lunch counters in tho city schools, since a recent Investigation by school authorities showed that many Denver school children nre un derred nnd nro suffering from a lack of proper nutrition. At ono school re ports showed llfty per cent of tho pu pils underfed. Favor Appointment of Nagel. Omaha. The German-American Al liance of Nebraska has sent a letter to President Tnft urging tho appointment of Secretary Georgo Nagel of the de partment of commotio and labor to Justice or the United States supreme court. The letter denounces tho no tion of tho Anti-Saloon league of Ne braska for opposing It. Salt Inko City. Flvo men wero killed nnd three seriously Injured when a locomotive drawing thrco cars loaded with ore Jumped the track, rolled down a hill seventy-five feet and crashed through tho roof of the Citizens Stato bank and tho P. Ingham Dyo Works nt HIngham, Utah. Three of tho men killed wero sleeping in the dyo shop. Denver, Col. Heprescntatlvcs of '.ho rtate organizations of tho Woman's Christian Temperanco union today filed with tho secretary of stato a peti tion containing moro than 2.1,000 sig natures to Initiate a constitutional amendment looking to statowldo pro hibition. San Francisco, Cal. Fnlluro to poll hreo per cent of the total vote of the stato at tho general election in 1910 has deprived tho prohibition minority nr tho right to be represented on the ballot at the presidential primaries to bo held next May. El Paso, Tow American soldiers went Into Juarez by mistake, and In ternational trouble threatened ns a re sult. Tho soldiers wero new men here. A company of them nttempted to go round from ono International brldgo to nnother on tho Mexican sido. They wero stopped by Mexican guards nnd tho wholn town quickly was In arms. Cars hnvo stopped run Ming; no Americans can get across .'ho river Is lined with armed Mexi cans doing guard duty. Says He Killed Gov. Goebel. Ilolona, Arlc. Fatally wounded In n duel with n bartender here, James Gilbert, who came from Kentucky, do elared ho wns tho man who fired tho shot that killed Governor Goobol nt Frankfort, Ky., In January, 1000, Gil bert said ho had boon a momber of tho Hargls faction, notorious In Kon tucky feuds for two generations. Gil bort caino to Helena threo years ago, nnd wns mado a deputy shorlff. County I authorities declaro ho was without souse of physical fear. AGAIN! (Copyright. 1912.) CLAIM TO HAVE AMPLE PROOF RIGHT OF INDIAN LAND TRANS FER QUESTIONED. Act Will Be Rescinded at Once Dynamite Prosecutors Making Up Their Case China's New President. Washington. Doubt ns to the legal ity of executive orders signed by The odoro Roosevelt two days beforo ho left tho White House has caused the transfer back from tho forest service to tho department of tho interior of 3,500,000 acres of Indian forest land In California, Now Mexico and Arkan sas. President Taft, It is thought, will sign tho executive orders at once reversing tho action of his predeces sor. A dispute having arisen between tho forest servlco nnd tho Indian bureau as to whether the profits from tho timber sales on tho Indian lands which President Roosevelt's order had made part of tho national forests, should go to tho Indians or to the forest service, tho question wns re ferred to Attornoy General Wicker sham. He decided In favor of the Indians and in his opinion suggested that Mr. Roosevelt's order had not been legal. Make Sensational Charges. Indianapolis. Sensational and apo clflc charges that tho dynamite con spiracy was conducted with full knowledge of members of the legisla tive board of tho International Asso ciation of nrldgo and Structural Iron workers, including President Frank M. Ryan; that tho whole conspiracy, extending over years, was recorded on paper, and that Ortle F3. McManlgal, tho confessed dynamiter, was shirted over tho country on missions or de struction, ave boon made public by District Attornoy Charles W. Miller, who announced tho contents of nn In dictment known aB that covering "un consummated acts" of tho conspiracy and It is to be the basis upon which tho government Intends to conduct Its prosecution. School Children Go on Strike. Columbus, Neb. Following tho dis missal of Miss Ella Barrett, Instructor of mathematics In tho Columbus high high school, the student body went on a strike, refusing to come back until action was taken upon tho matter by tho bonrd of education. Tho pupils claimed Miss ilarrett was discharged because of untrue charges and de manded that the board ask for the res ignation of Principal A. M. Vance. Nanking, China. Tho national com mission hns elected Yuan Shi Kal president of tho republic and decided tho sent of government shall be locat ed at Nanking. A majority of the members aro willing for tho removal temporarily of tho capital to Poking for convenience. Lincoln. Albert Prince, charged with tho murder of Deputy Warden Davis of tho state penitentiary last Sunday, wns arraigned in county court Thursday afternoon, pleaded not guilty to tho chnrgo against him, waived preliminary hearing and wnB bound over to the district court with out bail. Now York. Tho recent announce ment that J. Plerpont Morgan would bring a portion of his nrt collection from London to Now York has led to tho discovery that the financier hns Invested a sum estimated at more than 1 00.000,000 in art treasures, consist tig not only of paintings, statuary and Jewels, but of collections of wide range and enormous valuo or ceramics, porcolaln, bronzes, reliquaries and an tiquities of almost every foim and con ception of eory nv.c In the Heart of the City, Too. New York. Twonty-llvo thousand dollars In currency wns stolen from a taxlcab in tho heart of tho financial district by three hlghwn.unon who sprang Into tho vehicle nnd overpow ered W. F. Smith nnd Frank Wardoll, messongers of tho Fast Rler National hank. Both messengers wero set Ions ly Injured, and tho robbers escaped with tho money $1,',000 In V bills uind $10,000 In $100 bills. Tim cur rency whs being transported from tho l"roduco K.xchnngo bank In tho lower "art or tho city. .DECLINES CHINA PREMIERSHIP MADE SIMULTANEOUSLY ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. ana onao yi ueciinea cninese pre. 1 mlershlp Fifty-four Arrests of Dynamite Suspects Made Wednesday. Indianapolis, Ind. Tho United States government Wednesday arrest ed almost all of tho fifty-four men in dicted in tho dynamite conspiracy cases. It took into custody within u few hours practlcnlly tho entire of ficial staff or the International Associ ation or Uridgo nnd Structural Iron workers, including chler ollicers, mem bers of tho executive board and about twenty business agents and former business agents. These include Frank M. Ryan, tho president; John T. Hut ler of Buffalo, N. Y., tho first vice president; Herbert S. Hocking, the second vice-president, and successor of J. J. McNamara as secretary-treasurer, and each of these men wus required to glvo $10,000 bond for his appearanco for arraignment hero with all tho other defendants on March 12. Moro than forty of tho men, chiefly labor union ofllcinls, who aro charged with conspiring to destroy by dynnmito or nitroglycerine tho property of employ ers of non-union labor, wero tinder ar rest by night, and It was declared the apprehension of all tho others would bo accomplished within forty-eight hours. "Bllllkln" Vindicates Himself. Kansas City. Illlllken. tho god of things nB they ought to be, has vindi cated himself and In tho rolo of Cupid has brought good fortune to his orig inator, Miss Florenco Petz of Kansas City. Miss Petz Wednesday was mar ried to Robert Smalley, a motor car dealer of Lincoln, Neb. Miss Petz got tho Inspiration for Uilllken in 190C, while sho was a teacher at tho man ual training high school hero. Whllo looking at a friend's collection of pen sive idols sho decided to fashion a god who would smile and bring to his worshippers cheer Instead of gloom. Tho famo of tho god Ijbb spread throughout tho country. Although sho croatcd tho Idol, Miss Petz received but little money from Its salo, being enmeshed in a mass of legal techni calities. Doesn't Want to Be Premier. London. Tang Shao Yi has declined tho proffered premiership, according to a Shanghai dispatch. All the par ties in China, however, aro insistent, and it is believed ho will eventually accept tho ofllce. According to anoth er dispatch to a news agency here, Dr. Sun Yau Set has resigned his presi dency in favor of Yuan Shi Kal. St, Louis. Former Governor Joseph W. Folk has asked friends In Nebras ka not to consider him as a presiden tial cundidato, declaring ho Is pledged to Speaker Champ Clark. Ho says in a telegram: "I appreciate your friend ly Interest, but as I am not a candl dato'for president nnd am pledged to Mr. Clark, I must declluo to have my name considered, and ask you to with draw tho petition." Makes Forty-eighth Star. Phoenix, Ariz. With western aim- pllclty, known elsowhoro in matters of ficial as "Jen'crsonlan," Geo: go W. P. Hunt was inaugurated ns tho llrst gov ernor of Arbona Wednesday. A fow hours earlier In tho day word id como by telegraph from Washington that President Taft had signed tho proclamation ndmltting Arizona to tho union, tho last of the territories or contiguous soil, and tho forty-elghtr state. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Georgo F. Davis, United States consul at Celba, was drowned Tuesday whllo bathing Ho attempted to swim to a bnr in tho mouth or tho river, but was overcome, Tho body wns recovered, Georgo W. Davis was a native or Missouri and was nominated to bo consul nt Colba In August, 1011. Washington. Tho democratic chem leal tariff bill, mado public Tuesday by tho ways and means commlttoo ol tho house. Is expected to Increnso thft government's reveuues by $3,530,840 BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Osmond now boasts electric street lights Pender will install a steam heating plant In the new school building. Pender baseball fans are making srrangoments for an Interesting soa on. Mary Meyers fell on an Icy walk at Nebraska City and has brotfght suit for $1,055. Will H. Kline of University Place nas boon awarded tho Allls scholar hip at Yale. Carl Hahn, a former Fremont young man, is a candidate for gov jrnor or Idaho. A mon and religion forward move ment organisation has been estab 'Ished at Bonnet. Arrangements aro being completed for holding a farmers' Instltuto at Bancroft on February 21 and 22 Mrs. James McKee of Falrbury was painfully scalded by tho overturning of a kettle of boiling water on her arm. Two tramps broko Into Maple Grove school house, south of York, Fiiday night, wero nrrested and fined fGC each, O. 12. Elder of North Platto has do cllned to run as 11 candldato for presl dentlal elector on the LaFollett ticket. Dr. W. II. Crutcher of Palmer hat ?ono to Kankakee, 111., where ho will serve as house physician in the stat hospital. In an effort to clean off the Fro mont Y. M. C. A. Indebtedness n com mltto is at work. Over $1,(100 hai been raised. Tho annual stag danco, a big event In tho school year, was held in tin Doano college gymnasium nt Creu Tuesday night. Prof. W. C. Green has been ro elected superintendent of the Clnrkt public school. This Is his fourth yeai In that position. A rumor to the effect that one 01 moreases of smallpox had been ro ported at Kenesaw Is denied by Ken esaw physicians. Mayor Wolz has served notice on danco hall owners at Fremont that they must "cut out" the "turkey trot' nnd "moonlight" dances. Two red foxes wero bagged on Fro mont island in the Platte river by six young farmers from Saunders county who were out on a wolf hunt. Some valuable horsoB have been lost in the neighborhood of Brownvillo. It Is thought from eating cornstalks which had not matured when the hard frost came. Noah Lyons of Unadllla. whllo cut ting hedge cut a gash in tho back ol his head with hla ax, savoring an nrtory. He was In a serious condition for a time from tho loss of blood, but Is recovering. Members of tho Biblo study com mlttees of tho Fremont Men nnd Ro Hgion Forward Movement had a ban quet nt tho Y. M. C. A. Monday even ing and later listened to after-dlnnc'i talki on biblical topics. A currow petition providing thai children under 1 1 years of age be kept off the streets artor 0 o'clock at night unaccompanied by a parent, parents or guardian, has been pro sented to tho York city council. An Indoor track meet will bo held by tho Young Men's Christian assocla tlon at Fremont during the llrst week in March. The list or events will in elude polo ault, shot put, twenty-yard dash, potato race, broad jump and hlgt Jump. Tiie Lexington muslcalo rendered at attractlvo comic opera entitled "Th Puritans" to a crowded audience it the opera houso Thursday evening The fifty-seven charactera wert dressed in full costumes especially procured for the occasion. The epidemic of hog cholera that prevailed in Jefferson county last fall which destroyed so many tine herds of hogs, is almost extinct. Tho dis ease prevailed in the early winter and many farmors In the vicinity of Falr bury lost every hog they had. Tho West Point camp of the Cuming county Deutsches Landwehr Vereln, an organization of a semi-military character composed of veterans of tho Franco-Prussian war, has a member ship of nearly 100, 1b steadily growing and 1b in a flourishing financial con iltion. The board of trustees of the new Odd Fellows' home ln York have planned to put in walks, lay out the grounds for the planting of trees and ihrubbery, put In. driveways on the tppronch to tho building nnd many thor improvements to add to the scauty or tho building and its sur roundings. Enrollment in tho Fremont public ichools hns reached 1,8811. which Is a new record, or these, 200 aro en rolled In tho high school. Seven-year-old Margaret Ulrlch of Hooper was so badly bitten by a vicious dog that soven stitches wero required to close tho wounds on her '.ace. The Central City school board Ib considering tho submission of a bond proposition for the erection of a now, nodorn high school. AH tho schools ro very crowded at tho present time. Burwell hns Just organized a com nerclal club with nn Initial membor ship of nearly fifty A total of G20 Individuals comprised tho numbor of tho destltuto cared for by tho Lincoln charity organization luring tho month of January. Tho two-year-old son of Nell Ken nedy, at Plattsmouth, was badly turned when ho foil ngalnst a hot tovo, setting his clothing on fire, Ernest L. Putnam of Gothenburg hnd 1 pitchfork accidentally thrust 'hrough his templo by his brother, and lied aB a result. He was sixteen years ld. HAD THROAT TROUBLE SINGE CHILDHOOD All Trtitments Failed, telimd by Pemni. Mrs. Wm. Hon mann, 2704 Llncfitt Ave., Chicago, III., writes: "1 suffered with catnrrh of the bron chinl tubes nnd had) a terrible cough cvs since a child, "I would cit up in bed with pi 11 owe propped up behind -no, but still the :ottgh would not let lie bleep, I thought nnd everybody else that I had coneump tint ". rending the papers about Pa rana I decided to try, without the least hit of hope that it would do nie any good. Hut nfter tak ing three bottles I tint iced a change. Mv appetite got l...n u. f Lnnf rn Mrs. Hohmann. necr discouraged. Finallv I teemed not to cough so much and the pains in mv chest got better end 1 could lest nt night. "I am well now nnd cured of n chroma cough mill core throat. I cannot tell voit how grateful 1 nin, nnd I cannot thank Pel una enough. It hn cured where doctors hnvo failed nnd I. tails Pei mm wherever I go, iccoinmend it tO evcrjbody. Pcoplo who think they have consumption better fita it S trial." Rl licit Couch Hjrrup. Tutrt (lowl. U M In Urn. Bold br I)mjliU. NO COMPLAINT. Tho Jay Uy Heck! It'd certainly hurt a feller to fall off thet 27-story building. Tho Guide Well, do last guy wot did It never complained none. Domestic Difficulties. Husband What's the matter, dcarT Why do you look so worried? Wlfo Oh, I've Just got everything all ready for Mrs. Neatlclgh's visit 1'vo done up nil tho curtains and pillow shams and bureau covers and centerpieces, and they're all spick and span. 1 Husband Well, if everything is in such npplo plo order why look so dis consolate about it? I Wiro (bursting into tears) Oh, I Just know, as soon as sho sees them, she'll know I cleaned everything all up because sho was coming! Judge. All Fresco. "Why does that old maid use BO much paint on her face?" "She'B making up for lost time." Brooklyn LUo. Some women are peculiar, and some others aro moro so. From Our Ovens To Your Table Untouched by human hands Post Toasties the aristocrat of Ready. to-Serve foods. A table dainty, made of white Indian cornpresent ing delicious flavour and wholesome nourishment in new and appetizing form. The steadily increasing sale of this food speaks volumes in behalf of its excellence. An ordet for a package of Post Toasties from your grocer will provide a treat for the whole family. "The Memory Lingers" PoMum Cerenl Company, Limited Uattle Creek, Michigan Hgvs s I .1 1 1 "vtrM&mmm1"' '"ivwwMp.BllMSi. . l.iH-lllt'"'". MtfWWWISAMKr h. vf