The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1912, Image 7

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    i New Books
? Wu sold luitwlruds of those Popular
Copyright Books clutiim 1911 ami
wu expect to sell more of them
this year. We have just re
ceived over
A Hundred
, 4mHJ!3ifft5-C-ff
I). II. Well was in Hastings Wodnes
I'or goou Job i'nutiiig ca
ill on tlio
Win. Scott of R'ioni .spent Sunday
in town.
S. .Jenkins of Alma was in
flood mrrow stripe fur Sl.oO. J. O.
X. A. Corte ol III no Hill was in town
II. It Harrison of Lincoln wiia in
town l'
.luhn Crawford of Olilowu spent Sun
dav in t nvn.
('..!. Miller of Schuyler was in the
city Tuesday.
Mike Durdin was down from ISlue
Mill Mc mlay.
.N'ewton Smith of Blue Hill was in
town Sunday.
C. D. I'erriue of Hustings was in
town Tuesday.
Chus. Uudorwood of Hastings was in
town Tuesday.
Tue county commissioners are in
session this week.
II. II. Clarke of Hustings was iu town
on business Friduy.
R. A. Wylie of Hustings wus iu town
on business Muaday.
C. D. Olseu of Kansas City, Kas.,
was in town Moudny.
J. F. Grunt of Druulug is in the city
this week on business.
Farm Loans
There are several reasons for seeing
J. H. Uailey for a farm loan and here
they are.
Me is sole ngent for Trevett Mattis
,fc 1 taker.
This company is here every day in
the year ready for business and not
heie this week and gone next. They
loan on auv farm having the value in
it improved or'unimprovcd. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
culled for. They give the best option
in tlio market.
Why Not Build
a Home Ihis
and let 1912' mark the
beginning of your fortune
t "i IV T 1
and a new life.-' Nothing
on earth gives a family
standing in a community
like the ownership of a
nice, comfortable home.
,, . . i .
The winter is a good time
to perfect all the little
details and we've a good,
warm office and lots of
time at your disposal to
help you select a suitable
. i ii. (i,
piau auu iuiiv uvu "-,
lumber you will need.
Come in and let's figure
it out together.
"There's No Place Like Home,"
t . r '
x - w s '
r , i . w
; ' (bf Ulasic
1 i t r
New Ones
and more coming. Come in and
look over the titles. You are sure
to find one that you want. Only
50 cents per volume, formerly $1 50,
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
I). W. Turntiro iiiiulu ii business trip
to Chester Wednesday.
.Mr. an 1 Mrs. (). V. Hughes returned
t ) Hastings Saturday.
A. Kopisli of ifluo liill was in town
Wednesday on business.
Paul storey was in Lincoln on busi
ness the Ilr.stof the week.
The Congregational ladies will nut
have n market this month.
Mrs, On. .1. Warren entertained the
.VJJolub Tuesday evening.
A. K. Kdmislou of Lincoln was in the
e'.ty on business last week.
II. W. Wheeler of Hasting?, was in
tjwn Wednesday on business.
Mrs. Clius. I'rabill left Wednesday
for Lincoln to visit her parent".
llemetnber the date of Kd. Seaton's
public salo Wednesday, Fob. '.'3.
Miss Cortrudo Wullbraudt returned
home Wednesday from Hastings,
The V. P. dauco club had a pleasant
evening Tuesday tit Potter's hull.
Mis. lioyd Smith was a passongor to
Lincoln Wednesday to visit relatives.
Attend Seaton's sale which will take
place Wednesday, Feb 29, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. .on IMdy visited her daughter
Mrs. Juck Musters at Guide Rock Mon
day. Fred Guud and family of Blue Hill
spent Sunday in Red Cloud with rela
P. A. Wullbraudt has had his store
papered which ndds greatly to its up
pcarance. The Chief does all kinds of Job
Printing neatly, accurately aud
W. S. Benso's public bale will beheld
at his farm Wednesday, March 6th., Ht
1 p. in. sharp.
Today is Washington's birthday aud
tlio school children are enjoying a
day's vacation.
Get Nevcr-fillp shoes put on
your horse. All slzos at Fred
Wallln's shop.
The Diamond Electric Vaouui clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call, Phone Red 97.
For Furniture repairing, upholster
ing und olmir caning soe S. J. Fair op
posite high school.
Fred ruold of Iuftvulo was iu town
I Saturday evening. He wus on his way
home from Wymote.
I Women's Winter Coats at One-Mult
Price tit Miiu'r liios. Co. The coats
! ate new winter coats.
I The Degree of Honor will meet next
I Tuesday uiglit. Every member is re
quested to bo present.
J Hiukeinan 1J. O. Dickey went down
to Red Cloud umluy morning Mon-
nay s aiciooi; muiiuu.
Ilert Ilurilsop ariived home from
Washington this morning where lie
had been vicitiug his parents.
IWI I HIMi Hi 1', Mil 111 I'D Wi 1
, wei.0IUJlll!St!,of Ki Li (.ri
Mr mi 1 Mm, , I. F. Gtimes of Hluo
and George Wurrau over Snnlny.
The finest line and best assortment.
of Harness ever carried before. Call
und look It over. MoitHAitT Bnos.
an iiui!. i oiier u no uaiiLTiiier
jBerlia Hre 0XpeetL.rt homo toII,K,,t
from an extended visit in Chicago.
Ml.St Vt Mornnvillo returned from
Kansas City Sunday where she pur
c,,,lwrt ht'r b,,rin bUuik of "ery.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. (Musses accurately
r.... r,i.-, ii. .4 . .1 .1 ,..
ilttud. Dr. Stockmun, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Adam Morhurt Is home from Omaha
and Lincoln where he attended the
Nebraska Hardware dealers associa
tion. Dr. Cross will be lit hlsvotllue over
the State Hank everyday in the week.
Havinir discontinued his visits to
I For Sali:; The two buildings oc
, cupied by the Chief Olllco and E. II
, Newhouso's Jewelry store. Inquire of
E. H Ncwhoiise.
I! nil In .Mr mi I .Mis lm s'liioKor
tli's nun nii'c an o'ght pound bnhy boy.
l See I! 1. .witou'.s ndv elsewhere in '
tills paper for a (loiMiplion of the live
stock -itnl fiiriu implements to lie sold ,
at his salt- Wednesday. Feb. '.n ; foigot we make farm loans,
inoni-y toady the day the title is up
proved. (i.vinir.ii. lllTOlliso.s A S.W.UtUN.
Fun U:: My iosiduni,i pioperty
o insisting of two lots and eight room
hoiisi- with bath. Miss.; Four,
Orleans, Nob.
Mr. and Mis W..1. Iloirigan und .Mr.
and Mis. Warren Lotm'tlu of Hastings
were in the city Tuesday enjoying the
V. P. Club Daiii-eand visiting lvlatlvis
Mr. and .Mrs Darrol Bunion and Mrs,
.las. A. lturden returned Saturday
f i otn Kansas City and St. .loo where
they purchased their stock of spring
.1 C Mitchell and M. 11. Now house
wi-h-passengers to Hustings Wednos-
d.ij to attend the State Optical society
which is held there Wednesday and
Then will boa wolf hunt iu Cither
t n township. Fob. 'JS, Tnc co.Miers
will start, at 10 oVlcek mi I the con tors
al lo:':o. Round up iu I'. ). IVUtmiii's
ii' fill fa pasture, hunch on thegiounds.
I'M. Sealon. who lives a mile and a
half oast of Rod Cloud, will soil at
public allot ion on nenlny, Feb.
',n, .sale to begin at 1 p. in., twenty
eight head of live stock, farm imple
ments, and miscellaneous at Holes.
h A .n ii We have for sale farms on
easy payments and special tortus,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
farms from whic'i to select.
Dan Uai:ui:k v Comi'xny, Cninr Oillci.
Oliver Ford, n yegguiau, was arrest
ed at I'.lue Hill for breaking into a
fill in lioiro no'ir there Monday and
was brought down hero and is now
boarding at Slietiff Hedge's hotel, lie
wiis bot.n 1 over t) the next term of
district court.
Mr. an 1 Mrs C L. Murbnoli and son
left Wednesday fi.r their home in
Wasliingtou. Having sioppod over
iioie on their return from spending thi
winter in illiiriis, to visit Mrs. Mur
bucli's brotlier Dr. Santkraon and her
sister Mrs. A. .1. Moron of Cowles.
The insiiy friends and patients of
Dr. Ruck, the Quaker Indian Special
ist, will be pleased to leant that he
will make regular visits to tlio Hotel
Royal beginning with Tuesday, Feb.
27th., where he can be consulted by
anyone wishing expert medical advise.
"Tlio special message of Jesus to the
Modern man and .the modern world"
will bo the subject of the morning's
discourse. The subject for the Sun
day evening sermon will be: "Music
for Songless Lives". John J. Buyne,
pastor Congregational church.
All persons interested iu Sunduy
school work in the S W. District of
Webster county are asked to meet at
the Congregational church Saturday,
March 2, at 2.!J() p. m. Especially are
all olllcors, both district and local,
are urged to be present to assist in
transacting uny business t hut may come
before the meeting. Mrs. hutuly,
Tlio Rebecca lodgo formed them
selves into u St. Valentino party im
mediately after tlio regular session
last Thursday night aud proceeded to
do honor to his Saint's memory. Games
aud utntibenieiits of various kinds were
engaged in after which they all sat
down to an excellent supper. When
it comes to real entertainment i ud a
sociable good lime the Rebeccas may
be depended uimii to (ill the ineasiue
full and running over.
$& r2
rT.j j ii
It doesn't make any dif-
C C 1 1
rerence, if tne goocu
come out of our store. We
guarantee them. That's the reason
it pays to trade with us. Reliable
groceries bought right here at
home, arc bought right if they
come from us. v
0?J3te.&A Vi N
r 'i Bin
B. E. McFarland
-:- All the Phones -:-
A number nf tin- Indies of the oif '
gutiioi'id at the homo if Mrs (J U
I'i,l,lsey lst Satiinla.v afternoon in
celebrate I In- liirtliiln.v of (!oorge Wu-di
inlnn All the diiliu s iwic diessid
in caudal costumes and tlii'ir ipia'nt
all in- gave a most pleasing elliit
A ii ular New England feast was
spieiiil and hatchets woio given us
inotiniitos of tln occasion. Mis Mutlej
was oVoled piosident and Mm. Tur
nine was elected score lury of the now
oigani.atiaii which will moot jeuily
Miss Juliet G.ilusha entertained lllty
young people with a dancing party in
Monte i tisto hall, Tuesday evening.
The event was in honor of Miss Zolla
Taylor of Itod Cloud, who Is visiting
her. Decorations were lingo bouquets
of red and white carnations. Puttie
(iiiliisliu and Schobel served
shcitict, wafers und mints at a cm tier
table. Heart shaped ptogiatus anil a
"favor" dunce for which the boys
matched "cupid" fivors with "hourt"
fawn's similarly marked carried out
t lie valentine scheme of the nlValr.
Tliuisday'.s McCiio'c Tiibune.
John Christian of Red Cloud, Nib.,
who Iu might down jostorday . oar
loii'lsol led steers, slates that a goo I cuttle ate still back on I' 'oil
thoie. Mr Christian has l.'.O steers
back which he will make pretty good
bef.ue letting Ihelil go. "Moie cattle
and luigsweie fed in that vicinity this
wiiiti'i- tliiiu at any point along the
Republican valley," Mi. Christian said
"We had rain last year just about us
we neodid it. and for that reason fared
better on corn tli in other sections of
the country. Alfalfa is a 1 it t lo more
plentiful and is cheaper there than at
many other points, so v.o are in better
shape to feed than others. While a
good many cattle have boon shipped
out, there are still left many that ate
going to be made good bofoio letting
them go." Kansas City Drovers Tv'e-
The Real Estate and Farm han
Department in the Chief olllco lias for
sale u large list of Webster und Frank
tin coi.uly farms, the best and cheap
i"-t ull-purp0'0 fill Ills to bj found
This part of the Republican Valley
count i y is the heart of the Corn and
Alfalfa Rest, and Is unexcelled for
easy, thrifty funning. The soil is fer
tile and"produces bountiful crops of
corn, wheat and alfalfa, aii'l this is
one of the best districts in which lo I
raise grain, hay and hogs, and food
cattle. Among their lhtare a number
ol farms that will pay good interest
on the investment; several that can be
purchased on easy payments and spe
cial deals; und many that will pay
their way and grow iu value, The
prices vary accoiding to quality, loca
tion and improvement. This country
lias good schools, rural malls, tele
phones, good roads, convenient mar
kets mid shipping facilities, and every
qualilioutiou necessary to profitable
grain und stock farms, dairy farms and
feeding stations. Land values, prices
und terms that should Interest uny
lund-buyer or hoiueseeker. Also u
number of desirable City Properties
listed and several good local farm
trades. Coriespondence solicited
Jury List
For term of court beginning March
:., 11)12
D. M, Hulsebiish, Red Cloud.
G. A. Wells, Cowles.
John N'itzel, Cowles.
A. V Urown, Uluc Mill.
Louie Uangert, (initio Rock.
J. M. Albln, Uiiido Rock.
C. E. Vutiiihn, (iuide Rock.
John Guy, Citii le Rock.
Clias Wolfe, Red Cloud.
Max, Red Cloud.
J. h. McChII, Red Cloud
John Weesner, Red Cloud
Frod Plumb, Red Cloud
J. W. McCrackcn, Red Cloud.
Joe Marta, Red Cloud.
Jolm E. Fox, Red Cloud.
John Mitchell, Iuuvale.
W. II. Cloud, Iuuvale.
John May, Campbell,
OttoSlolfregien, Itluo Mill.
Ed. Funk, Jr., Kino Mill.
Robt. Thomas, Red Cloud.
Joe Denton, Dliiden.
Seed torn.
I will not have seed corn on display
ll lot Vet't ls.wl 'lint kllntilv nf Uiii.i1
I ""i-r-j
loom will bo limited this spring, and if
I you have to buy you can get seed corn
from the Item mentioned below. If
you order please mention my name.
' Vlch K. Springer.
.'100 bu. King of tlio Karlies (Yellow )
.'.(() lm Pride of tlio North (Yellow )
10U0 bu. Iinproved.Keaniiiig (Yellow.)
UOObu Iowa (Sold Mine (Yellow.)
Hoot) bu. Champion White Pearl.
1000 bu Iowa Silver Mine.
loOObu. Wisconsin White Dent.
1000 bu. White Cap Yellow Dent.
Prices with sack i'i.Mi per bushel.
Ten bushel lots 8,1.0(1 per bushel; 20
bushel lots Sl.So per bushel, f. o. b.
Waterloo, Nebr.
Cash witli order. We cannot open
.1. C. ItOlllNSON SKHl) CO,
Waterloo, Nebr.
Farm Loans
At Lowest interest, bt-st option, least
expense. Call for me at State Dank,
OS CZS3&SZES&3& 0 S2XaOQB2uKC&Siai$
Farms listed and sold on straight commission
basis at owner's price. Cash buyers for improved
(arms and ranches secured through careful, lib
eral and systematic advertising.
No. 81- (jiiuiter section, Ml acres under plow, Till iu alfalfa, bal
ance lu pasture, mostly excellent soil hut somo rough aud gravelly;
good house and complete set of improvements: abundance of well
water; 'J'u miles from town on main traveled road. Price !',Uii.
No. it-(uurler section, HID acres indcr plow, '20 in alfalfa
fenced hog-tight, balance in pisture and timber; complete set huge
Improvements with gunigc all good soil, 1 mites from Mine Mill mid
u itiiiu tor mile to school, Price ft 1,111(1.
No. 7S -Half section, 'JS0 acres under cultivation, In In alfalfa
and JU) in pastille, I Mi acres smooth, balance gently lolling,
none rough; all good soil free from sand or rook; complete set large
InipiovoinontM, all largo and lieu; '2 tulles from good town on main
traveled road. Price SI'.i,roo. Tot ins can lie had by purchaser.
No t tjuurtor section, JU acres under cultivation, balance iu
pastille; too notes Mimotli balance gently rolling, roughest laud in
cultivation, all good soli no siitid or rook, complete set ol iiupiovic
incuts; I miles fiom good town on main traveled road. I'rlceS.tK'O
SI, MM cash down, balance (! per cent.
No. Vi (Jinn lor section, VOiicics Mist bottom, balance smooth
low second bottom, To acres now under plow, 'JO iu alfalfa, balance
In pasture, all tenced and cross fenced, fair sol of improvements,
all e.xeelleiit soil Tills tarin will lent for 8700 cash atinuiilly; one
mile from good town. Price 5I I,l0o.
No. .V! I'mirtor section, tin acres under cultivation, balance
pasture aud hay land, 10 acies lino llrsf bottom and much of the
hiihiucc smooth, nearly all excellent, soil some sand, living water
and some timber, r miles from lied Cloud on North side, 1 mile lo
school. Pi ice $s,oH).
No. ID (Juurler section, till acres under plow, til iu alfalfa, bal
ance pasture, about f!0 nores smooth, complete set small improve
ments, nil good .soil and ." miles from good town. Price Sd.M'O
No. HI (Quarter section, fiO acies under plow, Ml lu alfalfa, 10 iu
oreliaid aud timber, balance pasture, complete set fair Improve
ments, nil fenced Mid exes Icuccd, '.!." notes hog tight, about till acres
smooth, nearly all good soil and surrounded by good land.
Price lo,lVo.
Many other quarters and half-sections that will
describe just as well or better. Some or the best
farms in Webster and Franklin counties listed.
Excellent opportunities to get in on a good farm.
Several for sale on easy payments and special
deals worth the money. The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Headquarters In the RED CLOUD CHIEF Office.
Monumental Work
to be erected this spring should be placed at
once thus allowing sufficient time to com
plete strictly high class work. : : : :
Original Designs
Modern Ideas
Overing Bros. (El Co.
Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud
Thcv Met In Caucus.
Ked Cloud, Neb, Feb. l'J, UHa.-At
a caucus ol citizen voter ol ucii
Cloud, at which It Ii. Knit in was
elected chairman, and II C. Wnlfo,
secretary, the following tentative mig
gestlons were adopted:
First That it is tlio sense of this
meeting that all political nominations
bedispensed with and this movement
be absolutely non-partisan.
Second The following names arc
suggested as choice for nominees for
' i) i iWluri'i
I ' vv;4 AJ&j
AhceSutsBy too no substitutes
Many mixtures arc offered as
substitutes for RoyaB. No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness, or
so wholesome and economical,
nor will make such fine food.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
the coming city eloctlon for 1012, sub
ject in tlio decision of a general elti
x.eiis' caucus to be called later, by .
proper aiithoilty:
For Mayor Mrs. Hugh Miner, Mrs.
W. A. Mayiiiird.
For Council Mis. WnlterSherwood,
Mis. Win. Docker, Mrs Barbara
Phut es, Mrs Mary A meson.
11, It Fulton, Chairman.
II C. Wolfe, Secretary.
Ucad The Chief and gel the news.
MWfV rik
kd Mai Hi
WTOiaiitjiTi f IjawiU.'WgMWWfrresI:
;j2g;,v-n"t' jjjh'a - "
Hod Cloud.