The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1912, Image 5

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"I want a doe-collar, please."
Yos'm. What sizo shirt do.
slzo shirt dooa he
wear?" Life.
Ir. Pierre 8 Pellet-., small, siiKar-conted,
a?y to Uko as cnndy, nvulnte and invig
orate stomach, hvcr and bowels and cure
At the Bank,
"Your huabund has stopped payment
on your ulltnony chock."
"1 know It; ho uo longer lovos uio."
Colo's Cnrbollaalvo quickly relloves and
cures burnlnK, Itciilni; nmt torturing akin
diseases. It Instantly stops the pain of
burns. Cures without -curs. 25c and 0o
by rirutrijlstH. l'or fren imiipln writo to
J. W. Colo & Co., Muck Ilivur Kails, Wis.
On the Trail.
"Does your flauco know your age,
"Well, partly." Fllegondo illaettor.
Important to Mothers
Examine curefullv evnrv imttin nt
CASTOHIA, u safe and euro remedy for
Infants and children, and seo that It
Ucnra tho
itho Stf . , i
In U8o For Over an Yrnm
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Styles In Ailments.
"Well, hero I nm," nnnounced tho
fashionable physician In his breezy
way. "And now what do you think
Is tho niattcr with you?"
"Doctor, 1 hardly know," replied tho
fashionable patron. "What Is new?"
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eyp ltrmedy. No Smarting Fecll
Flue Arts giilekly. Try It fur ltiiMWak,
Watery Kjos mid (Irnniiliilpil EjelliK Itlu
trnted Hook In cuoli l'uoluitfc. Murine it
eompounJdl by our urtiliHt-nut n "Patent Mod
lelno" but used In autvi"iriil I'hr'U'lutis' I'rac
tlco for ninny yrurs. Now iliHllniii'it to the Tub
lie and Bold liy Driirglitn at iivs nnd We tmr Hot' In
Murltin Hjro balro In Asujitlo Tubd, a'e nnd Wo
Murlno Eye Romody Co., Chicago
But Mamma Didn't.
Little Mabel was always tumbling
down and getting hurt, but us soon as
her mother kissed tho bumped fore
head Mnbel would believe It cured
and cease crying. One day sho accom
panied her mother to the Union depot,
and while- they were seated in tho
crowded waiting room an intoxicated
man entered tho door, tripped over a
Atiltcase, nnd fell sprawling on tho
floor. Tho attention of every one was
attracted to the Incident, nnd In tho
sudden Bllcnco following the fall Ma
bel called out:
"Don't cry, man. Mamma '11 kiss
oo, and 'en oo '11 bo all right." Llp
pincott's Magazine.
Mean People.
Henry Russell, the head of tho Dos
ton opcru, was describing his foreign
tour in search of talent.
"They wcro raeun jieoplo," ho said
of tho singers of a certain city. "I
could do no business with them. They
thought only of money."
Mr. Russell smiled.
"They were as bad us the man who
discovered tho Wank theater fire.
"The first intimation tho box offlco
had of this fire camo, at the end of
tho third act, from n fat man who
bounded down tho gallery stairs,
etiick his face nt the ticket window
and shouted breathlessly:
" 'Theater's afire! tilmmo mo mon
ey back!'"
Plan for Tuberculosis Day.
Sermons on tho prevention of con
sumption will bo preached in thou
sands of churches on April 2S, which
the National Association for tho Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis has
Bet nsldo as Tuberculosis day.
Ijist year out of 200,000 churches
in tho United States, over GQ.000
observed Tuberculosis day, and mil
lions of churchgoers were told
about this diseaso from tho pul
pit. This year will bo tho third
observation of Tuberculosis Hay. FlunB
are being made to have the gospel of
health preached more widely than
ever before. Tho movement will bo
pushed through tho GOO anti-tuberculosis
associations allied with tho na
tional association and through the
bonrds of health, women's clubs and
other organizations in hundreds of
cities and towns throughout tho coun
try. Through theso various bodies
tho churches will bo reached and In
terested In the tuberculosis campaign.
And How She Overcame It.
When well selected food has helped
tho honest physician place his patient
In sturdy health and free from the
"doctor habit," it is a source of satis
faction to all parties. A Chicago worn
an says:
"We havo not had a doctor In tho
houso during all tho 5 years that we
havo been using Grape-Nuts food. Ho
foro wo began, however, wo had 'tho
doctor habit,' and scarcely n week went
by without a cull on our physician.
"When our youngest boy arrived, 5
years ago, I was very much run down
and nervous, suffering from indiges
tion nnd almost continuous henduches.
1 was not able to nttend to my ordinary
domestic duties antf wns so norvous
that I could scarcely control myself.
Under ndvlco I took to Grape-Nuts.
"1 tint now, and have been ever slnco
wo began to use Grape-Nuts food, ablo
to do all my own work. Tho dyspep
sia, headaches, nervousness nnd rheu
matism which used to drlvo mo fairly
wild, havo entirely disappeared.
"My husband Jlnds that In tho night
work in which ho is engaged, Grupo
Nuts food supplies him thu most whole
EOtne, fitiengthonlng and satisfying
lunch ho over took with him." Namo
given by Postum Co., llattlo Creek,
Rend tho littlo book, "Tho Road to
Wcllville," In pkga. "There's a reason."
I'tt-r rniil (lie iilmie Irllrrf A new
one npiiciirt Iroin time to time. They
lire genuine, (rue, und full ( litimuo
Universal Furnishers (Inc.)
(Copyright, isii by Aisociatail Ultrarr I'rcu.)
Wo enn find you tho thing you'vo
seen hunting for!
No mntter whether It's an nnt-cator
or a ploco of early Jnpaneso pottery
Just tell us what you wnut nnd we'll
get it
What you want furnished when you
want It. Give us n trial.
"Thnt tho nd. that'll bring em!"
Sam CuIbertBon, thu aged president
nnd prnctlcally solo owner of "Uni
versal Furnishers (Inc.)," spread
the morning pnper before him on his
handsome new desk and leaned back
In his richly upholstered now chair.
Ho ran his hands through his scant
locks, screwed up his far from hnnd
Romo fnco nnd winked nt Salllo Jor
dan, his pretty stenographer.
"Thls'll bo tho best little graft I
ever worked."
Salllo looked far from pleased nt
this announcement. Sam laughed
loudly at her expression.
"My dear girl." there was vast
condescension In his voice. "I cnll
everything 1 do a 'graft.' There's
nothing wrong about tho scheme.
You needn't feel at ull worried, even
If you havo got one share of Btock
and even if you are one of the Incor
porators. Neither does Dill, tho of
lice boy, need to feol worried, though
Iio'b got a share and Is also one of the
Incorporators. No ono need feel
worried, because this business is go
ing to bo fnir nnd nbovo bonrd. nnd
it'll be about the only square thing
I've been In for 20 yenrs."
"Out why do you cull It n 'graft'
then?" Snllle spoke timidly. She was
fresh from a business college and this
was her first position.
"I cnll everything graft, but that
word is good In this case, because It
will be something of n graft In tho
prices 1 chnrge the customers. You
see, peoplo who are so anxious to get
things that they will employ a pro
fessional getter to get them, will pay
almost any prlco If the getter Is suc
cessful. Thnt's where tho graft comes
in. Ah, Salllo. it will bo wonderful
what prices we enn chnrgo our dear
customers nnd still get awny with It."
"Out you say 'our prices nro nomi
nal.' " Salllo's voice indicated her lu
dlgnation. "My dear little church-worker, our
prices aro nominal comparatively
nominal. We will scalo them nicely
to what our customers think the
thing we get for them Is worth. Now
Its all fair and squnro Just forgot
your Puritan conscience for n time.
I'd hate to havo ono of my fellow
Incorporators out of sympathy with
tho plans of tho business. Ah. here's
our first batch of mall."
Sam took the three letters extended
to him by the postman and opened
them rapidly. It took him but a mo
raent'to digest their contents.
"Three orders already, Sallle.
That'B fine. We'll Just stop adver
tising until we get theso orders out
of tho way. It would never do to
burden the company with too much
business at the start. Here's a man
in room 314 that's en the third floor
of tho Portland flats. He's making
a collection of hats and ho wants one
worn by an American soldier In
the Revolutionary wnr. Hum. that
ought to be easy. Here's another,
from Rudolph Erlckson, 917 Jefferson
street. Rudolph wants a key that will
open a slx-by-four trunk used by his
grandmother. That's explicit, Isn't It?
Guess I better call him up and get
fuller details he gives bis telephone
number. And hero's the third one
some fellow by tho name of Ernest
Randolph. Ernest will not confide his
desire to his letter; bo wants to see
a representative of the company. 1
tell you what, Sallle, you go up and
see Ernest I'll be so busy with these
two other cases that I won't have
time to work him for graft De sure
and get a good fee from him that's
the Important part you know a big
Sallle was Inwardly rebellious at
being connected with any concern
which even savored of graft, but she
waa exceedingly anxious to make a
little money by working In an office,
so she had no thoughts of resigning.
After all, tho business was really le
gitimate, and for bcr part she decided
as Bhe walked toward Ernest Ran
dolph's address sho would charge
nothing but a perfectly honest, mod
erate fee.
When Sallle returned to the office
she found Snm sprawled back In his
chair and looking the picture of de
spondency. "This Is tho limit!" Snm fired the
remark at her the moment she en
tered the room. "Hero I've incor
porated for $1,000 and really put $200
In tho company, which I've put into
office furniture, nnd now It looks like
I was up ngnlnst a brick wnll. This
thing Isn't going to go so well us I
thought it would. Npw you'd think
It wouldn't bo such n thundering hard
Job to llnd a hat worn by nn Ameri
can soldier In the Revolutionary war
and tho key to a slx-by-four trunk
which a man's grandmother used and
which ho doesn't wunt to break, but
which, also, yet onco more, ho wants
to flud out what's inside of It Hut
let mo tell you right now, young
lady, that its ono deuco of n Job.
if I charge theso fellowB what their
jobs are really worth I'll put both or
em in the bankruptcy court I don't
believe I'll ever bo aHo to Und what
they want Tho huMncsa Is on the
blink. This concern will never be
nble to And any ono what they want.
Salllo's blubhlng stnllo stoppod him
"You don't mean thnt your client
hntl something ensy?" Sam'a ejacula
tion was an liicreduloiu burst ol Joy.
"Yes." Salllo dimpled nnd blushed
and smiled "He only wrnts n "
"Don't tell me!" Sam stopped her
with an upraised hand. "If yon told
mo, I'd queer It. You go ahead nnd
till tho order nnd I'll givo you half
tho foo. You make mo hope again
Perhaps I can get n hat und trunk
key thnt will nil tho bills, after all."
For four moro days Salllo biiw but
little of Sam. Shu was btsy with
her client. Ernest Randolph, nnd she
supposed her employer to bo busy
with his clleittj. At the end of n
week sho determined to seo him, ns
sho had Information of considerable
Importance. At length Sam camo In.
No man could possibly have looked
moro down and out than ho did. Ho
seemed to bo utterly exhausted. Ho
seemed even to havo lost weight. Do-
nenth his eyes were deep circles, und
his face was crossed with lines more
prominent than Salllo ever remem
bered seeing them before
"Whnfs tho matter?" Salllo'B first
thought wub one of pity. Snm might
bo a grafter of tho deepest dye, and
ho might be utterly unscrupulous, but
ho appeared sick and old, and Salllo'a
kind henrt bled for him.
"It's the limit, thnt's what It 1b.
You remember this fellow on the
third floor of the Portland flatH want
ed a hat worn by nn American boI
dler In tho Revolutionary war?"
"And you remember tho follow at
917 Jefferson street who wanted a
key to (it some Impossible trunk used
by his grandmother?"
"Well. 917 Jefferson strcnt Is the
Portland flats. Doth of my cllonta
lived In tho Portland flats, only one
of 'em wns on tho third floor and
tho other was on ttio fourth. Thoy
never' knew each other until tho other
night, when they collided on the
stairway in tho dark. Then they gol
to talking together nnd thoy found
that each of them had what tho othe:.'
ono wanted. The man on tho fourth
floor had tho hat tho man on the third
1 floor wanted, nnd the man on tho
third floor happened to have a koy
llko the one the man on the fourth
floor wnnted. because hlB own grand
mother had a similnr trunk. So I
don't got a fee from cither of them!"
Gloom settled deep upon Sam as
ho finished talking. Snllle gazed at
him with mournful eyes. For a time
there was Bllcnco in the office Then
Snm bestirred himself.
"Rut how nbout your client? You
said you thought you could got what
ho wanted. Whnt did ho want?"
"A good cook!" Salllo's voice
brimmed with unshed tears.
"A cook? That was easy to get.
of course, and we'll get u good fee
from him."
"Thero won't bo any fee!" Intense
grief shook Sallle's voice.
"Why not?" Sam'e ejaculation win
tho acme of dismay.
"None of the cooks I selected suit
ed him."
"Rut there nre other cooks. There
must bo Just the cook he wants Bome
whero about tho city. Find her!"
"Too late!" Salllo sobbed.
"Rut why Is It too late?"
"Why," Salllo wept unrestrainedly
Into her handkerchief, " he died this
morning from chronic dyspepsia!"
The Scotch Negro.
A Scotchman landed In Canndn not
long ago. Tho very tlrst morning he
walked abrond ho met n coal-black ne
gro. It happened that tho negro had
been born In the Highland district of
Scotland and had spent tho greater
part of bis lire there. Naturally, ho
had a burr on his tonguo. "Hey,
mannlo," said the pink Scotchman,
"can ye no tall me wheer I'll find th
Tho darkey took him by tho artr
and led him to tho corner. "Go rich!
up to yon wee hoose nnd turn to yo'r
rlcht, and gang up tho hill," Bald he,
Tho fresh Importation from Scot
land looked nt him In horror. "Anc
aro ye from Scotland, mon?" he asked
"R-rlcht yo arro," said tho darkey
"Aberdono's mn name."
"And hoo lnng have yo been hero?'
"Aboot twa yonr," said tho darkey
"Lord save us and keop us!" said
tho new nrrlval. "Whaur enn I got the
boat for Edlnbro?" Cincinnati Tlmea
Classes for Backward Children.
Undonatlio direction of three New
York city school touchers n unique ex
perlmenl Is being made at tho Unlvor
slty of Pennsylvania. Tho teachers
are conducting n class of (Ifteen buck
ward children undor the nusplces of
the department of psychology Theso
children, by proper training, they
hope to bring back to the normal with
in two months. Tho oxporlment Is bo
lug made as an object lesson to tho
public schoolB of tho country Noth
ing la being dono for the children that
could not be curried on under uny pub
lic school system
Not in This Wicked World.
Virtue Is Its own reward. It sol
dom gota an encore.
fly lleV.WIIIInni It.IMrertorllUilnCulma
SiiKKij illhln ltiMllute, CliUngi).
1.1'SSON Ti:.T- Murk 1 !M3; Matt.
MKMOllV Vl'HSKS Mutt 4 3-4
('N Tr.XT l'or In Mint lie Hint
Pi If liiltll HUnVrcil lining teii'plt'il, Me It
iiMi to Hiici'or f llt'in t lull in i' teinliteil
Meli : IS.
Three things deserve special notion
In connection with tho scene of tho
baptism of Christ: Tho baptism It
M If. the descending dove, and tho
heavenly olcc.
The baptism of Clitlst Is connected,
with the fact that Christ was thlity
yo.ns old. This was tin ago when l.o
vltloul pilosis were sot apart nnd eon
faoi rated to their office. The baptism,
tin tefoie, has reference to tho priestly
oiT-'o of Christ. Dy submitting to bap
tism Jesus IdontlfWu himself with the
world's sin.
Christ's baptism then was not per
sonalfor ho himself was sinless.
Tho lesson tells us that while others,
after their baptism, stood confessing
their sins in the .Ionian, he Immodl
utely went up out of tho water, for
ho had no sins to confess but official
nnd representative. Christ submlttett
to the same baptism which the genera,
tlon of vipers had received, not be
cause, he wns ono of thorn, but because
he was their representative, and bad
conio to tnko upon himself their sins.
Christ, In submitting to John's bap
tism, set his seal upon the divinely
appointed ministry of John us the ful
fillment of tho Old Testament
prophecy, llo recognized In John's
baptism God's plan for him, nnd ho
submitted to It without questioning.
If any man In his own right did not
need baptism, It was Christ. Dy this
net, Jesus set his teal upon the rlto
of baptism, a rlto which may bo aban
doned only when It no longer tenches
tiny truth. Rebellion against customs
and rites for rebellion's sake Ib vicious
Tho descent of tho Holy Spirit Indi
cates Christ's equipment for his serv
ice. In his sermon In the synagogue
ho referred to this truth when ho said,
tho spirit of tho Lord God Is resting
upon mo, bectitiBo ho hath anointed
me to prench tho gospel. Even Christ
could not accomplish his life work
without tho aid of tho dlvlno spirit.
Nor can wo.
Tho volco from heaven could scarco
ly havo boon heard by Christ without
his associating it with tho identifica
tion of himself with tho servant of tho
Lord in tho prophecy of Isaiah (chap
ters -12 to CO).
I Tho temptation Is closely nllled to
tho baptism of Christ; Indeed. It Is
based on tho proclaimed sonshlp of
tho baptism. From this wo learn that
! tho greatest temptations ofttlmes. In
deed generally follow tho greatest
Tho 'cmptntlon was a real event,
and not n moro mental or soul strug
gle. Tho iwrsonnlity of Satan Is as
evident as tho personality of Christ
in tho narrative. Nor Is thero any
thing in tho story to indicate that It
Is nn allegory, but everything predi
cates n reality.
All of tho temptations were along
tho lino of Christ's intention to estab
lish tho Kingdom of God in tho world.
Sntnn's suggestion to Christ wnB to
tako a short cut to tho obtaining of
tho Kingdom Tho ndvcrsnry did not
nsk Christ to do a slnglo wrong
thing; ho did suggest doing right
things in a wrong way nnd with wrong
motives. Thero Is nothing wrong In
being hungry nnd satisfying hunger,
but it Is sinful to uso wrong measures
to satisfy even so natural an appetite.
Nor is it wrong to trust In the word
and promises of God for dellveranco
when we find ourselves In plnces of
danger, but it is wrong to unnecessar
ily plnco ourselves In compromising
positions because of tho temptations of
tho evil one, und then presume to rely
upon tho promises of God to extricate
ub from a position into which wo havo
thus been brought. Such is not an
act of faith, but of presumption It la
tempting tho Lord God. Nor Is it
wrong to ongago In tho act of worahlp,
but it is sinful to worship anything
or anybody other than God.
Christ's method of victory Ib signi
ficant. Ho does not resort to dazzling
Inventions or manifest uny attempt at
BhrewdnesB in his unswers. Ho does
not even try to bo original. Ho goes
to tho quiver of God's word, nnd takes
out an arrow that had been polished
by much uso, und hurls It nt tho ad
versary. Ho cxompllcs tho psalmlst'u
expression: "Thy word havo I hid In
mlno heart, that I might not sin
against thco." No doubt Jesus quoted
from memory. Herein lies tho bless
ing of learning gospel texts, nnd of
storing tho memory with Bcrlpturo.
Jesus was tempted In nil points like
nB wo nro. Wo must not think that
theso thrco temptutlons were tho only
ones Christ endured, oven in tho wild
erness. Tho narrative saya that "When
Satan had finished all tho (wholo
eyclo of) temptations, ho left him for
a Hanson." This Implies that thero
were other temptations, and that his
wholo Ufa was beset by temptations.
Thero Is not a single noto in tho
great organ of our humanity, which,
'!:en touched, does not produce a sym
pathetic iratlon inUho mighty scopo
"il range if our muster's being ox--,'
l'. i. J..riliig discoid of sin.
Read About These Three Girls. How Sick
They Were and How Their Health
Was Restored by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Appleton, Win. " I tukf 'iIoiikuiv in writing yotl
nn uTi'ouut. of my HldciiosH. I told a friend of initio
Iuhv 1 felt and sho said I hurt feinnlo trotihlu and
advised mo to uso l.yrtiit Ii. Piiikham'n Vegotnhlo
Compound, as sho had taken it hetsell' forthusruiui
trouhlo wth wonderful results. I hurt been sickly
for two years and overworked myself. and had stieh
hint feelings every inonlh that. I could hatdly walk
for uin. 1 was very nervous and easily tired out
and could not uleep nights. I had dizzy spells, and
puiuilcs came on my lace. nut. l nave tiiKen your
Lydiu K. Pinkham'H Vegetable Compound and it has
h. I think it is tho ln'st medicine in existence."
restored my lieu
Miss Cecil. ia M.
H.u'int, 1KU L'lwreneo tit., .Applet on, Wis.
Geneva, Iowa. "I have Ih'oii teaching school for some years nnd I
have neglected mv health ljcoatiso I was too busy with my work to
attend to myself properly. I sulVctvd greatly every month and was
on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"1 wrote to you about mv condition and took Lydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and the I Mood Puiitler as you recommended.
Theso remedies have dono wonders for mo and I can highlv and
widely recommend them to every sull'cring woman." Miss Minnib
SiiAVint, li. F. 1). No. 1, Geneva, Iowa, eo Ham Eriukson.
Montrose, Col. "I was troubled very much with irregular periods.
Sometimes two mouths would elapse. I sull'cied severe headache,
was weak and nervous, could eat scarcely anything.
" 1 1 nlc both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd Mood
Purillcr and tho result, was wonderful. I feol like another ierson.
"I think your remedies aro tins best on earth ami cannot expiess
my thankfulness to you for what they have dono to me. I help my
neighbors when thev aro sick, and 1 shall always recommend your
medicines." Miss Em.a MoCandi.i:ss, Montrose, Col.
Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine that did
so much for these girls will benefit any other girl who is
suffering with the same troubles ?
Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such, a
medicine at least a trial ? You may be sure that it can do
you no harm, and there are lots of proof that it will do
you much good.
For 30 yours Lydia K. PinkhnniVi Vegetables
Compound litis been flic standard remedy for fe
male, ills. No out) siek with woman's ailments
does Justice lo herself who will not try this fa
mous medicine, made from roots und herbs, It
lins restored so many suffering women to licnltli.
Wf (CONHIMINTIAIi) LYNN, MANS., for advice.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by u woman and held in strict confidence.
Irascibility Explained.
"Isn't your husband getting u fear
fully bad disposition?" asked Mrs.
"No," replied Mrs. t'odout. "llo
Iiiib lead somewhere that brainy men
aro always cranks and he's trying to
get a reputation."
Onfnrn tint I'uTillc. Over Kivti Million Kn-p Samplci
glvi-n iiwajr i'iii'Ii yi-iir. 'I'll" chiihiiiiii nnil Inrri'iDi
lit union from hunipU'n iimn's tlin w'milm' inorll nf
AI.l.KN'S KOOI'-KASK, tlin Hlitlhi'l'lln kihi1it to
tin shiiki-n Into tlin tl fnrTlrml, Aelilntl, Hnolkn,
Tender frrt. llcllcvcsi-ciiiisnn.l hiinliniBuf nil .uln.
B.luililoKllLE. AiMrmm Alli'iiS.OIuiili'iI,l.vItiijr,N.V.
Sharp-Eared Maid.
Wife Our new iiutlcl hns
Hubby Yes. I noticed thnt the
doors are all scratched up around the
Thnt Is 1.AXAT1VK IIIIOVO Ulfl.NINK. IM.k fur
tin. iilBniitiirn nf i:. V. (HtllVK. Iltcil Oin Wnrlil
our Uiiuruu Cold III Ono liuf. lie.
Wealth may not bring a man happi
ness, but It surroundB him with u
multitudo of would-be friends.
Mrs. Whwlow'H Bootlilni? Syrnp for ChlMrrn
torthliiK, Kiftrim tlic kii'iih, ri-iliici-H Inllumiiui
llou, ulluy pain, cure wind voile, SStt a bottle.
Too often tho mnn with the hoe gets
tho worst of an encounter with the
man with tho gold brick.
Stomach Blood and
Liver Troubles
Much llckneil atari with weak stomach, and consequent
poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack
4(ood, rieb, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating
for, after all, a man can be no stronger than bis stomach.
A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver
active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives
out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi
tude of diseases.
Cef rid ot your Stomach Wcaknta am
Liver Lazlntaa by taklni a courne ot
Dr. Picrce'a Golden Medical Dlacovery
the fir cat Stomach Restorative, Liver
lavliorator and Wood Cleanser.
You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown
composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
ery," which is a medicine oh known composition, having
complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bot-He-wrapper,
same being attested as correct uuder oath.
Dr. Pierce's I'laisant ItlMn rtgulato and
25, 2.50, '3, 3.50.4 & 5 SHOES
All Style., All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths,
for Men, Women and Boys.
give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L.
Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar
antces superior quality and more value
for the money than other makes. His
name and price stamped on the bottom
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having
IttiaTa. rranilltlA W l I lr.ttvltia
Take no substitute. 'JZJ?W::m t
I A$yiJov
,1. iioiikiai iiioi m an' ni'i ioui in
i y eij
ui iuui ua auun ii in iiiixii Pintr .iyii-(irnrii i .iv nnu wiiiiu uiiitiiv m rill Plant
or nil. lo; Ii.-ivy, uie.lmin or luhl fule, ifnCirtiirar.tahovtiiuilorierAiiiU
ruuainfieu-uriii. Illua.CuUlugl'ri'V. W.L.DOUaUL8,li3Bpirallt.,Brocetoo,Uae.
Fvr 'iuitcd iiy iiutti, tin or
tit nAltn ulml Honk I. .t (ma
JOHN L.. 'IIIOMCnO MINSCO., 'lrjr, N. Y.
I rl triMrl VIM ii"pitHiH with
(!!' r Hill c MM, U'lUS I'll I M, Kills I Y I'f.AtlllHl DID.
r asm, mutism t' iih.hkis mii i-tiuni- miir.ttnKX
H.I.I nllrMi . i.v-Im- r.r KltKK l.k. In lr. 1. Cl-to.
Rpnrlprc of thi3 papcr desirin8 t0 bu'
Iwaliei 3 anything advertised in itscol'
timns should insist upon having what they
csk f or.ref using all substitutes or imitation
ITlOUttue lOOOCHcry
7SO Onion tOOI'artler
1 0OO llxllih BOO Cabbiga
lOOTomito lOOOCtrrol
1710 Turnip 100 Melon
1 700 Plownr Reurf. Manrla
Any on ol ttitM packiget ! worth
in ynca we bik mr mo wnoi
10,000 kernels. It It merely our
wit of felling- you ten our teed
proving to you now mighty good
HmnA llMnl, In .l.nn. 11.. ..J
wawllt land you thla great collection ot aaada
by return mall. We'll alio mall you Ire our
great till catalog-lf you aik for ll-all poitpald.
100 Be-Ill (laklll BtrMl La Oreaee, Wta.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 8-1912.
Invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
ohnao V.
4AWe7 w,
Shoes Sunt Evorywhoro All Charges Prepaid.
inur mn r. h'ihi uirrci m laciurr. I iikk liiratiremeiila
Iv l!
1 1
1 1
P&VAW V.-V.X kST :tt.WYl
AAl 'a., ', V'aa'i ySTagTm"iti"'WiB
zzi2---jmv xr . raraftf -a;. .- . a; m-