PWjX"KjBE5KXS iwupsevy i i t ji&d . HEADQUARTERS FOR Builders' Hardware Heavy Hardware Majeslic Ranges Laurel Ranges German Heaters Bath Room Specialties Rope and Oils 1 iwtnmwwMMmiMiimwwuwriwwi't 1rrf,Mffwiniwt Paints, Wagons, Buggies Gilson Gas Engines Fields Gas Engine Olds Gas Engines Badger Gas Engines Joliet Corn Shellers Louden Hay Tools Inllu: District Cent 1 cf Webster f.otmt). PHi-.liriiska. I llrltl. I iMniiinir. I.ulu It'itlttl. Iiuijiiiii I!.. I. Kent. I Marlon 'I . .liiiWoit, . l'i I.. W Illinium li'Mln '. I'm iW i-r. , Kin it 10. 1'arkiTi i llurliiu (I. I'urktr, limits II. 1'urkcr. Iliii'l T. I'm kcr. iiihI Mllilll .1. Smith, Dcleuiliinls. Tlio above iiiiini'il ilefi'iiila ts w II tuki until etliut mi llif 'ilil ilny iifiietiilier. Hill, l.llilik' llrltl plnlntlll'liiTi In Hint Inr petition In tin- District ('Kurt uf 'listtri'oimt,v. Ne liiiiska iiu'iUiist tln above uainul tic feniliiuts. tin' iilii el mill priivcr (it vrhlelt Ik to ileler inlue the rights l tlw p.itk's l On nlow lllillieil t 'IM'. to t ,e (iilliiwlim lUsrilliul pre iiiIm'. to ult: Ints ten n unit i lisin iiii 1 1 lil' k ttfiity mil' i-JIi In I lie illy i I Knl limit, N i' in. isl, a, ami ( fik, Juitidiii u fun il mlii'i tin shun snl tin i:ii'tU miii tin uiii.M iti ri Hit il p i iiiNf ntnl l'ii ti partition uI tlii' alil nliiiM' ill -,1'tllii il premises ni'cnnllMi; to tin- ninrtli rklitsof tint parties lutcroH d ilieiclnuiul II die saute enuuot lio equitably illslili il tlii'.t .l!il prciiilMN be milil atnl the plortnK lie ilhiiti'il hetvvi en tlinji'ii ties here in itiroiilltii; tn their re pie Ivu rluh h am) (or ueiieiul eiiiltali1u relict. Vim me reitilreil to answer said petition on ir liefme the tltih ilny rVbrimry, Hit'.'. I, iiiiiii: Din ri. My V. '. Hol-ey nilil llernard McNeny Her uttnl'lieMi. 9 Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils,. Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal Delivered to Your Door. s i s w "II CALL AND INSPECT THESE GOODS Everything of the best at Lowest Possible Prices. : : : : Satisfaction Guaranteed s Both Phones: Ind. 48. Bell Red 28 rrcOc:iisroajr3ir () 'ft m m TO TO TO TO tii to 0 tit ib tit tii tii J h l il it, tii tii ::r9e:Vr!cr!3r:r!e:C'.e''999 A COMPLETE LINE OF Sewing Machines Singers New Homes Whites and New Models Get Our Prices Before Buying A. E. ATKINS, TO TO ti lt TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO tii tii U l tii ib tii tii to ti it U ii fe til -m'- m -m & S -St JC ' J? ' ? Ta " The Furniture Kan and Undertaker. ;..( ".'. .-' POLICE! MURDLK! FIRE! Our house !. bttrtilii(f down mid loluih iiwity a tuilliiui Utiles oil' on hihviiiMi iiui A tnioplctniu UioiikU it lilt ex.iefateil. Get an Insurance Policy on Your House and Furniture wliilo you think ti out, it l-'or Milid siicutllj htive us write it up. Onrpu'tniuins tta low uuriuompuii its life safe, O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance, Spiffs 1 niii irr , ' ) Hams ' A; W "..-""i Dnt.1 X 8, i lil "v--w I ll l n,r v il l... liwtVVX 1 vT V V KAWa I itiWVk. '4 Www I WHV.''li --.fegl For Sale John Yost -TIIK "Dutch Butcher' First l. C.rlpp5. thr.n Bronthltls That mis thu (!iii with Mr- V. . ltnile, Mi'Cit'.ny.K.v 'I, u,.- ii t il,-i tl'iwn with a -or if lit' M of In fcrippi', wlnoli run into liruneiiln-, .-10 ! lUKlllll US tllll ollf h.(l f HiMliiipllon Hill i-iiulil net sleep nt injii,. Tln first lioule of Knl. yV llon.y ami Tar ('iiiupnunil uavf hop so m'ni'li lelief tl nt slm fiiittinueil ininir it until Nhn was leiiiiiiheiilly unit d " Sold at l)r Conli's dm),' sUnv. Love's Spltlt Stirring. "JciIko," Bald tho old colored cltl zen, "how much for a lleenso ffcr r;ll married?' "Want It for jourFoIfV" "Yes, suit; you sco I Klttln' mlRhty old now- rhat's ovldont. Thou why do you wish to Rot married?" "Well. JedRo. tor tell do truth, Fomebody glmrao a Ions coat, a linen collar an' a walkln' enno. en I knows n nnmnn I what eays sho kin mako a llvln' Tor mo, on I feels des like n imnovmnnni' Atlanta Constitution. An Eplclr mtc of llouihlnj Is sweep! n j,' over the town. () daml .voiunr alike nr urtVftfd.iimltlii' strain is.partiiMil.nly luiid on littlo nhtiilren ntnl on el let Iv people. Foley's Money anil Tur roinpoiiinl is a nnlelc. siifnanil lelialil,) ,.1U(. f . ,.1,111,., ,,, ,.,,(js, C'ltltl Ills Ml) (Ipiatis. W.iinliti Ajiiilnst W:t Fi.ct Wet ntnl eliiileil fel usually nlFict he mtic his uietiilirane ol the nose, mi I MtiiKs, mid In Ki'lpiie, broil uhitisor piieiitmniiit iniij lesitlt. Watuh iiirefiillv, p u lieitlat ly the uhildreii. .iiul for i lie lacking stubborn eottclis nlve Kuley's Honey and Tar Coin pound. It mint his the inllatneil iiieinbraiies. ntnl heals the eoiiuh ti'ti.'kly Take no substitute So'il nt Dr. Cook's druj.' Uot o. In Tlit; District Court of Webster Courtly, Nebraska. Cenruhtlia llakt r DuWItt, I'lnliitlll. VK. Itliint'lie 'xu,t r-i, .Inliii ICuu'i'is, her tut liaiul, lareiiiii sai in r, mill Mis. I'laieiit'e Warut'i" his wile llrst full name IlllkllllW II. 1 llllaiii.l. inker, unit Mis. W illitx tii .1. li.iker his wife first naiitu un known. I!. A. Wliltaker, tlrst full naiito unknown, ami Mrs. li A. Wlilt..; r Ills wife. Ilrst name mi- IHIU'll. i'l.ain IIdiiui aiul Mih. Il.i!jfi IiIh w le. InM full n tiie uiikniiu'ii. .klinle Will. Delia Malioiuy, iinli WiiihIiiiII, - Mot 1 Ik M. m Iter, ' I. Ita sliL't'iiimi, now llnweit, .liatitltu Ciomwuil, DIHe lltippi-r, Nellie I liii r, William Win nt r, Majorle 1. Maker, now I tits. W llllain .1. A. Il.kei. U'litlitilnt' II. I). Ilaktr nn Warner, i liarlus W. Warner, ei al., Di leiiilanls. I'liealmve naine.l nun-uslilt nts ileleadmits will take notli e that on the si iinicl l,y ol .lauuary, till.', ifeorulaua linker PuWItt, plalntlll lieielli Hint Iter ietllloii III the Dis trict I' nit uf W't lister County, Ndnaska analnst on. llieobjiet anil prajer ol whleli are in ilu. eriiilnu the rights n( ihe parties In tlie almvu casu to thu liilloMlui; deserllicil premises slluattd In Welwler County, Ne braska, to-wlt: The nnrtli west ijtiartcr of .section '-'I, Town 'J, Itanijui) West of iltu li I'. M., ami for aJiKU'ineiit ciiiillriiiliiy the shar es of the panics to the above described pre mises mid for a partition of tlju above de scribed premises acconllin; to the respective rluhlKof the parties Interested therein and If the same eannot bo enultably divided, that said premises bo sold and tlio procteds be divided between the parties hereto accord lilt; to their respective rluhts and for general ecjullable relief. You are rculred to answer said petition on or before thu null day ol I'ebruary I'Jl'J. Dated.lanuary'J. 1D1J. (iKoiKiiAXA It.vKiut liKW'irr, Plalntlll'. Ily lleruard .MeNeny, Her Attorney. SIMPSON & KENWORTHY : : Opposite Post Office : : awKKssasiBKrea 'Phone Us Your Orders, Bell, Red 57 vT'V-v. 'v.'v'N-iy-sssA. , I The Horn Grocery r P. A. Wnllhrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, J also the Latest Patterns In Queensware S iVc arc al.-,o making a Specialty of the Celebrated "A. B. G." f GANNESS G-ODS s ( ( Eoll Prone 102. Independent Phone 44 o-W '.. rJ v v'vWWMJ -otb W ANTED -assise The Sound SIcid of tiood Health is not for those stUVeriii,' front kid ney ailments anil irregularities. J'he prompt nf Ful j ICi.ln. j pills will iism-i i ,i s.i.Mie in i in it.ii tism, he. ii iiilil-tn'iipl niiMU'i', mil' ntnl ailo,. i..'lnys. i Kip' n tii. ii a,- i,ni, .(l, i u M II il li mill ami Mi e u i, , , s M , I'' .'-p ii, leu , M.'i-ilit. Ill, sis; "j "ii tl' olj.'reiit pain in my I nek ami kiili i-, s, e nilil imt sleep at "iyM, mil I'oulil ir t uiise tin hanilsuvi-ruiy heinl, II ( tw.i l...t..s..f .',.l,.x Kiin,.y I'llls etif il tne.'' Hold at Dr. t.'ouli", drui,' store. Horses and Mules Lii.ll Notice. Notice Is heieby Klven that li..l. Kohmet sdier a resl lent o( Itoseiuout, Nebraska lm lllfdln theoilleeol the county clerk of Wt In sler totint.t. Nibraska an application by pi tltloit of certain iieri-onsi laliiilni! to be a m ijoiltyol tin- ut Irei-hiildeisof Oak 1 l.ek i'ricltiel. WelHter Co'inty, Neluaska. pra) Iiii; the Itiiatd of fouiity I'omitilssluiieih of said County, to Krant hlui'a llci use to sLn malt, spirituous and vinous lliiiors at Lot H, llloek H, In thu I ivn of Itoseiuout, !u said Dak t leek Prteluct. I have set I'uesd.iy, the liUli day of IMi ruaiy, I'JI.', at the houi'iof Two u'eloek In the afu moon at the Court House In Hid rloud, as the time and place for hearlin; on said application. Any person ilt'slilni! to remonstrate or ob ject to tlie Kr.intlny ol said license, must tile their objections In urltlnu with me on or before thoahoeilatisel for hearlm;. Dated this 1st li day of January. i.U'J. II. W., 'oiinty 1 lerk of tSl"l' W'elmer County, How Col.t affects the Kldnns Avoid takiii,' cold If jour kidneys urn sensitive. Cold congests tlie kid neys, throws too much work upon them, anil weakens their action, -eri-ous Kidney trouble and even Hrlj-ht's disease, in iv resiill. StreiiL'then y.nir ...... 1.1 .1- . I. 1.. 1 .........,,, K,i ,,i, ,,, lMl. ji.iiu nun sorn ness, bitid theui up by the timely use llf I'.llllV l.'l.l,,.... Hill., '!,.., t.. I I Cook's dritk' ttore We want twenty draft horses from 5 to 10 years old, MOO to 2000 pounds, and all other fat horses and marcs from 4 to 30 years old. We will be at the Brick Barn, Red Cloud, Friday, Febru'y 2 to buy all the fat Iuiim-s in your country, and will pay more than any in m in the world ft.r a fat horse (Jf nny kjm, yc will not buy a thin nn: at any price. We buy them from 4 to 30 yrars old, from 00 to 2000 pounds. All jour Southern arcs and yeldmgs M.iru jour ood draft horses and fat m plus to real h rse bjiyers. KELLEY BROTHERS. less, oiu ii iiteui up ny iiio timely uMi )f roly Kidney l'ills. Tonie in net- n, qnltik in results. Hold at. pp. ?l)ok's lll'lll' itain to yr.Ais Ey.peniLNc: Sffite CTf.l fc-.l"T i s. 'W iBJTis DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Trade Marks OE9IC.NS Copv-chtb Ar. Anrnuo inillnj nkptrli iiml dpucrlptlnn mil nulcklT iiioiirliiln nur t)iiilnii froi wlmtlior an iiiveiiUnn n prolinlilf tiHti'iiinlito. "oiiiiniinlni. 1 IniVr f 'l.l11","'","""'-,flNDB00K en I'litfiit. t'ltt fri'ii. olilpst i!oiicy fiiriiL'iiiriii-mtoiils. I'aii'iita tuliHii tiinmuli jMuiai AC receive ipic lul iioflcf, mltlioutrlinriio, In tlio Scientific American. A lintiitoinoljr lllimtrntpit wopklr. T.nructt clr. ciilatlou uf any sHuiiiinn Iminml. 'I'prini. Ill nu'iVilSi1 r jj"!""11'' "' L ll newwIenloM. MUNN & Co.30lB'oadNew Yprf' ItrMiich liitleo. 1.25 ." Ht WaiMittftuu, U.C. Suliseribo for the Chief I.5o it year, It gives the news at all times, Chief Ads Bring Results ' Red Cloud Nebraska NEW BAKERY I have opened a bal.ory inRed Cloud and Holicit a sharo or your patronage, Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always in stock. Phono mo your wants (Ind. phone 183.) Retail htoro opposito I'ostof. lice, in DUlurluli building. CURTHATFIELD,Prop. . I -'-' fim." ai'' nf Vl "itf i-r "" :rv. M mt miWTt &S'4' 2j!!!y ww:cgaraift't