The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1912, Image 3

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What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Auburn Miss Hannibal Anuu of
this city was burned to iloatli at tho
homo of her parents in Mnlvurn, la.,
accoidltiK to word rocolvod in Auburn.
Hums duo to a gasoline explosion
caused her death. Miss Aukus had
been visiting with her parents allien
Erected Tabernacle In Six Hours.
Aurora Fifty volunteers erected a
70x100 foot tabernacle with a seating
capacity of 1,'JUO people, in six hours"
time Saturday. The building will bo
used by tho Mlngcs evangelists, who
will hold a revival hero next month.
Woodrow Wilson May Speak.
Fremont County Superintendent
llatzen, who is president of the Kast
Central Nebraska Teachers' associa
tion, lias received partial assurance
that Coventor Woodrow Wilson of
Now .Jersey will accept the invitation
to bo one of the apoakers. Tho asso
ciation will hold Its annual meeting in
Fiemout, .March 27, as and 2'J.
First Leap Year Story.
Fremont Tho lirst successful leap
year proposal was recorded in Fre
mont when Flossie Cutbertli, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Cutbertli.
claimed Theodore Osmon for a hus
band. Tho brido Is sixteen and the
groom eighteen years of ago.
Clay Center's Largest Funeral.
Clay Center Tho largest funeral
Clay Center lias ever had occurred
when tho service.; over the late M. .M.
Johnson were hold in the family home.
Tho Odd Fellows had charge of the
services nnd were represented by a
largo number of members.
Tho state board or agriculture rec
ommends tho establishment of farm
mochunlrj. agriculture and domestic
science courses In tho rural schools
of tho state.
Itobort C. lions, the Lexington man
who has filed for tho democratic nomi
nation for president of tho United
States, intends to run on the primary
ticket in tho four other states where
preferential laws aro operative- New
.Tersey, TVortli Dakota, Oregon and Wis
Hecause of the accident at the state
fair grounds during the last ralr, in
which Frank Kuzelka lo3t hia life, a
$L'.".000 damage suit has been brought
In Hie federal court against the West
ern Silo company of Iowa. Kuzolka
was struck on tho head by a hood
which Hew off flout a demonstrating
silage cutter.
Special trains carrying experts from
the state farm may bo sent over tho
state within n short time to instruct
Nebraska farmers in methods of
choosing seed corn. Lectures will
also bo given at the stopping places
on improved 'methods or farming.
Tho main object of tho project, how
ever, Is to sco that the farmers aro
Interested in securing good seed corn
for planting this spring.
A picture of "Wild Hill," tho famous
gun man of early Nebraska days, will
Foon bo placed in tho archives of tho
State Historical society, according to
b letter received from D. Cramb of
Denver. Tho latter's mother was n
fchoolmato of .lames Hutler Hitchcock,
or "Wild mil." when both wore chil
dren In the lato ::0n back in Illinois.
Tho picture is described by tho pros
pective donor as being a typical pose
of tho well known pioneer.
In an opinion rendered by tho at
tornoy general to tho stato oil inspec
tor, tho former asserts that under the
stale oil laws tho salo of ndultorated
gasoline is prohibited in this stato,
despito tho fact that Its specific grav
ity may bo' above (12 degrees, as re
quired by tho state law. Ho also
rtates that all low-grade gasoline
fchould bo inspected, but that any of it
registering less than tho legal ronuiro
nuint shall not bo used for lighting or
power purposes.
H. H. Hartllttg of Nebraska City has
filed as a candidate for state senator
from the Second district.
Labor Commissioner Ouyo !s the re
cipient of several letters frorv farmer1?
over tho stato asking that ho aid them
In securing hired help.
A petition signed by forty-four re
publicans of Omaha, asking that tho
Jiamo of William Howard Taft bo
plucrd on tho primary ballot as a pref
erential candidate for pro3ldoil or tho
United StaUs, lias been received by
Secretary of Stato Wait.
Flvo cr.rdidatos for president of tho
United States, four for United States
senatcr, eleven for eoncroi.3 and flvo
for governor cor.atltuto tho Wings so
far of political aspirants for thus'.'
Herman Nave, a deputy garr.o war
den, hai !-i'F';r,!tod a plan for tho pro
tection of quail in northern Nribrasdiix.
and propnros to enlist tho help of tho
roi!(io:u.T in that section, in placing
r!icaca o'.' grain I-.' upright p'HMons
.'iicit.;' olui'P-i of bushes. Thin, ho
tisrrttn r. Ill nrovlJ1 pi nty of food for
tho bit da whil.i tho ground I J covorcd
with am;..
Postmasters of tho state will hold
their next mooting at Lincoln In .Innc
Tho Deshlor olttnteor lire depart
ment will give a benefit ball Febru
ary L
A lumber of arrests for hunting on
Funday have recently boon made in
Cage county.
A fiddlers' contest will be held .it
l'lattsmouth, February 10, by tho Order
of lied Men.
Kd Richards, a farmer of Hurt
county, was killed by a falling feed
trough Tuesday.
Wano is making war on gamblcn
and dives, mid a number of urrcstf
have been made.
Hcatrice will entertain the state 0
A. H. veterans in their annual encamp
tneiit. May lit to u.1.
Mrs. C. B. Smith, aged SO, for thlrt
yeais ti resident of (Inge county, it
dead at Crab Orchard.
Ex-Chancellor Huntington of Wer.
leyan university was a teacher in
1817, and is still teaching.
.1. K. Wilson of White Cloud. Kas
lias been called to tho pastorate of
tho Christian church nt Salem.
A farmers' Independent lumber and
coal company lias been organized at
Creenwoodwlth a capital or $."0,(i00.
Pupils or tho Lincoln grade schools
in the typhoid zone will bo supplied
with boiled water for drinking pur
poses, Tho C-oneva city council has adopted
a system of clock registration with
nine stations for the night watchman
of that place,
In order to assist in the men and
religion forward movement, the Lin
coin ministerial union will hold week
ly meetings.
The Rev. Mr. Arnold, pastor of the
United Ilrcfhren church of York, Is
very ill witli pneumonia, and it Is
thought lie cannot recoor.
The commission form of govern
ment carried at the special election
held tor the purpose or voting on it at
Nebraska City by a majority of 10i'.
The leap year ball given by the
young ladies of Newman drove was a
success, and several young men aro
wearing a serious east of countenance.
Little Donald Klumb. aged :'. years
was badly scalded when he knocked a
kettle of boiling water off the kitchen
rang" at his parents' homo at Aurora
Two hundred and fifty men took
part in the wolf hunt In a scope of
country northwest of Unadilla. They
rounded up nine wolves, killing six of
Mrs. Lillian Pete, of Liberty, war
burned to death In Solum, La., where
she was exhibiting trained anlmalc
with a circus. She will bo burled at
The rest rooms, which have been
maintained for the accommodation of
farmers' wives coming to Falrbury to
do shopping, have been closed owing
to tho lad; of funds.
Mrs. Klsie Heaucliamp. 27 yearn old.
was stricken with heart failure while
seated at a piano at tho home of her
sister at Dunning, and died before as
sistance reached her.
The business men or Holdrego
through the Commercial club, are tak
lug an active interest In seeing that
the farmers of Phelps county mako a
test of seed corn beforo planting.
Harry Snltz of Do Soto raptured the
sweepstakes in his exhibit of ten oar?
of white corn at the corn show which
was held in connection with tho state
corn improvers' association at Lincoln
Irvin Irons, tho thirteen-year-old
son ofMr. and Mrs. .T. K. Irons, living
near Douglas, committed suicide
Wednesday by shooting himself
through tho head with a thirty-two
calibre rifle.
An iron horseshoe bearing In crude
letters the sentence, "My peace 1 give
unto you." was found In a load of
sand used In the Comniorclal club
building in Lincoln, tho Band havlnt;
come from tho pits near Louisville
Whllo the dozon members of the
choir nt Holy Trinity church nt Lin
coln were conducting devotional ex
ercises Sunday, a thief went through
tho wrapB left in tho cloak room and
extracted what money had been left
In the garments.
Sufficient subscribers have been se
cured to assure tho erection of a 200
rrypt mausoleum In Aurora, and the
city council has voted a plot of ground
In tho routh end of tho cemetery for
tho building, which will be built next
spring at a cost of $30,000,
Tho nthletic association of tho Falr
bury high school haH presented a
sweater to each member of the 1011
team. The sweaters aro bright red,
with a largo yellow "F" on tho front.
Several merchants In Auburn re
cently held a piano contest as n trade
stimulator, with tho result that some
of the merchants who were not In tho
deal aro threatening prosecution,
charging violation of tho statute rela
tlvo to free gifts.
Social workers at Hastings Inter
ested in tho national movement for
opening tho people's buildings for tho
mo of all thlnga of public Interest aro
pushing vigorously plans for weekly
or bi-wcokly free public mcotings in
tho high school building.
Wymoro sportsmen predict tho best
local duck hunting for this spring
known for year?, all kinds of blrd
having lice reported already.
Tho wife and ron of Clark Perkins
who have been very sick with typhoid
frver cinco moving to Aurora from
I Incoin turco weeks ago, aro Improv
ing viry slowly and aro not yet ou'
Of '' Pig'"'.
Tho annual roport of Fremont's fire
department shows that tho cltv
neaped with a l!ro loss of only ?S,nm
'urln- tho year Hill. Thin sum If
Uvlded between forty-two fires to
which tho department responded
n mm girls
Mexican Town Has 3,000 of
Them and Only 500 Men.
Although Amazonian In Tendencies
and Assume All Hardships, There
Arc Many Beautiful Young La
dles Among Them.
Mexico City. Thoro is a town in
Southern Mexico which boasts I1.00C
women ami but f.00 men. Not onl
this but tho women have tho reputu
tiou of being tho prettiest in th
world. They aro not only pretty but
thoy aro Amazonian in their tendon
cles and asstimu nil the hardships ol
lifo ns well as tho responsibility ol
finance and municipal government. In
fact this south Mexican town, To
huanlepcc by nnme, Is the place- ol
theoi all most dominated by tho influ
ence of woman, yet tho region in
which most deference is paid to man.
Tho cause of all of which being tho
discrepancy In tho numbers of tho two
Tehunntepcc Is on the isthmus of tho
satno name at tho point where Mex
ico Is narrowest Just nbovo Yuca
tan. Tho town is nt the highest point
where the waters of tho Atlantic aro
separated from those of the Pacific.
It Is an Indian town and Its Inhabit
ants were living comfortably hero
when Kuropo knew not of tho exist
enco of America. They aro n hand
some, clean, intelligent, prosperous
people who today lead Uvea that
might bo envied by the effoto in tho
cltion that aro termed most civilized.
Tho first Impression of the tourist
ia the beauty of the women. Near the
station of tho railway that was two
years ago completed across this isth
mus, In tlio market plnco In tho cen
ter oT tho town. Hcro'Src the women
selling their goods. No man Is to be
seen. About tho market place arc
stores and In these also woman Is
supreme. It is Impossible to lind n
Tehuana Belle.
jaan about tho place engaged In any
sort of activity. Tho women think
too much of tho men to allow them
to work.
It Is because of tribal wars ami tho
cruelty of the Diaz regimo that tho
men of the tribe are almost extinct.
Man Who Asked Permit to Kill Hlo
Wife and Family Dies Soon After
Getting Work.
Louisville, Ky. Death which he sc
eagerly sought a few weeks ago whllo
out of work came unexpectedly to
John JL McCord tho other day when
ho was killed nt ono of tho barns of
tho Louisville Street Railway com
pany, where ho hnd secured employ
ment only a few days ago.
A few weeks ago McCord walked
Into tho office of Prosecuting Attor
ney Harry Robinson of tho police
court and startled that official by
nsking to bo glvon a permit to kill his
wlfo nnd three children and end bis
own life.
He said ho has been without work
for a number of months and that bis
family was in destltuto circum
stances. Having tried In vnln to secure work,
McCord said ho had concluded to kill
his family and then end his own Ufo,
but ho did not wish to break any law
In so doing nnd desired to know If
ho could not sccuro a permit that
would legalize tho act.
McCord was placed In custody, but
wns later released nfter tho authori
ties had Investigated conditions nt
tho man's homo and supplied the im
mediate wants of his family.
A few dnys ngo McCord secured
employment wnshlng caxz In ono of
tbo barns of tho Loulsvlllo Street
Rnllwny company. Yesterday after
noon ho was Btruck by a car backing
Into tho barn nnd knocked Into a ro
pair pit, receiving Injuries thnt result
ed In death fov minutes later.
Barber's Posthumous Joke.
Elizabeth, N. J. Tho champion wit
of Elizabeth, oven whllo dying,
planned a Joke which bo could spring
la death.
Ho was Georgo Sclperl, an Italian
American, and for many years con
ducted a barber shop nt 432 Front
Etrcet. Hia original Bnyinga attracted
much patronngo and bo wns reputed aa
being wealthy.
Selpcrl'3 last request "as that a
silver plato bearing an Inscription bo
placed on tho top of his cofiln. When
his many friends gathered to pay their
Mat respects they did not know wliwth.
r to bo amused or shocked whon thoj
oad tho inrciiption:
It tit-id: "Ynu'ro noxt."
WBex Ml
Only Way to Get Hid of Them, and
Occasion Was Made a Good
Object Lesson.
A ramshackle building In Wlnston
Salem was recently binned at the re
piest of the local Antl Tuberculosis
league, hcrmisc It was said to be alive
with tuberculosis germs and could not
lie properly fumigated.
I'or days before the building wan
burned huge placards announcing the
hour of destruction nnd giving iea
sons for the burning weie hung about
in piomluent places. Among other
tilings the placards said' "Within the
past 15 months two men who sold
fruit, etc., hero have died of tuber-
miosis, but unconsciously left millions
to tuberculosis germs by cureless
spitting The building is so open that
it cannot bo effectively fumigated.
The only piactlcal means of disin
fecting Is by Hie."
At the appointed hour, while mil
lions of tuberculosis germs were be
ing burned, fi.000 pamphlets telling
how to prevent consumption were dis
tributed to tho crowd looking on.
"When my first baby was six months
old he broke out on his head with llttlo
bumps. They would dry up ami leave
a si'ale. Then it would hi oak out
again antl It spicatl all over his head.
All the hair came out and his head
was scaly all over. Then hia fare
broke out all over in red bumps ami
It kept spreading until It was on his
hands and arms. I bought several
boes of ointment, gave him blood
medicine, mid had two doctors to treat
him. but ho got worse all the time.
He had It about six mouths when a
lrlentl told me ji'iout Cutlcura. I sent
and got a bottle of Cutlcura llosolveut.
ft rake ot Cutlcura Soap and a box of
Cutlcura Ointment. In three tlityu
after using them ho begnn to lin-,
prove. Ho began to take long napii
nnd to stop scratching his head. After
taking two bottles or Resolvent, two I
boxes of Ointment antl three cakes of j
So.ip he was sound and well, anil never
had any breaking out of nev kind. HIn
hair came out in little cutis all over
his bond. I don't think anything else
would have cured him except Cutl
cura. "I have bought Cutlcura Ointment
and Cutlciiru Soap several times since
to ufo for cuts and sores and have
never known them to fall to euro what
I put them on. Cutlcura Soap la tho
best that I have ever used for toilet '
purines." (Signed) Mrs. F. 13. liar-1
mon, It. F. n. 'J. Atoka. Tenn.. Sept. '
10, 1010. Although Cutlcura Soap and '
Ointment aro sold everywhere, a sam
ple of each, with 32-page book, will j
be mailed free on application to "Cut!
tura," Uopt L, Houton.
Dublouc Compliment.
Tom Piirdie, an old man-servant In
Kir Waller Scott's household, used to
talk of the famous "Wavorloy Nov
els" as "our books," and said that the
reading or them was the greatest com
fort to him.
"Whenever I am off my sleep," ho
confided to .Mr. .lames Skene, tho au
thor or "Memorlea or Sir Walter
Scott," "1 have only to take one or tho
novels, nnd before 1 have read two
pages It Is sure to scntl mo asleep."
Who the Heathen Be.
Father llernartl Vnughan was con
demning a snmewhnt acrimonious re
ligious argument.
"Disputes of this kind,' ho said, "re
mind me forcibly of a little girl.
'"What are the heathen, Jenny?'
her Suntlny school teacher asked tills
llttlo girl.
"'The beaten,' the child replied,
'are peoplo who don't tjuarrel over re
ligion.' "
Important to Mothers
-Kxnmlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for
infants nnd children, and sco that It
Dears tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorin
Circumstantial Evidence.
"Jones was so proud of his boy and
what ho was going to do. Hut tho
youngster will never mako n nolso in
tbo world."
"I don't know about that. He's Just
lolucd a brass band."
We aro often admonished to "tnko
tho bull by tho horns," but the trou
ble is to 11ml n bull that will stand
for It.
A Poor Weak Woman
At the it termed, will endure bravely and patiently
agonies which a strong man would fjive way under.
The (act ia women are more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that the may obtain
the most experienced medical advice free cf charge
nd in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, It. V.
Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce
bat been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel nnd Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many sears and has had it wider practical eznerienca
fa the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in (hit country.
Xiis medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak nd deli
cate women it Dr. Picree's Favorite Prescription.
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above.
ColormoroBOodsbriRhtcrand faster colors than nnyotherdye. One 10c package colors nil fibers. They drelncnldwnterbrtterthan any otherdye. You can
dye any garment without ripping apart. Writo tor free booklet How to Uyc. Pleach and Mix Colors. MONBOU DWtlG COMPANY, Qulacy. Ufa
Crcmatlo.i Among the Frnnl r
An tntete.-tlug (itclut-otogicnl ill
rovory was made lately near Itrei lit
tllelgium). where the remains of what
was evidently a I'rnnl.Mi cemeterv
have boon lottml Tho main interest in
the dlfcoci lies In the fart that
clear daces ale to be wen In the rent
elei.v of oi emitted remains, as well
an of bodies hurled In the ordinary
way, wheiean hitherto it has always
been belles ed that cremation was not
practiced iimougM the Franks.
For health and energy eat it for
lueakfast. Reduces cost of living.
Tree Silver Spoon in every package.
Ask your grocer for a package.
Wilte It on your
day Is the last day
heart that every
in the vear. No
man lias learned anything rightly, un
til he Known that every day Is dooms
day. Fiiieit-on.
Kprchillration means the ablll' to
focus all of jour energies on one
thing The Fra
TO I'I'lli; A f'IM.n l."S M. HAY
Tulin I.AXATIVK IlltOVO Qiiliilni- 'IliMrM.
llriik-nlMri'iiiiiil iiiniii-jr lr It iitlln In i-u
re. 11. W.
UltUY K S Midutuiii In nil mill 1)0 1. '.'.V.
We are our best when we try to be
It not for ourselves alone, but for our
brethren.- Phillips llrooks.
If you cannot iilletd ll'c cigars fiihiKc
LLU IS' Niili! llitnliM' htitiiitltl !' made
ol cxtiit tpt.ihiy tiib.u'tti.
A woman wants piotectlou, but fn
vers fiee speech.
Hiiro nirAiii1iHimn
nr 'rxiiirtisl " 1, 1. 1 h 1. 1 tir I v.-ti
IO .IB U Mil
i s lun. ;rw
ir v?Mia j ir l
iiml i.i.i tl'ii. Kliliii-t M iniil f i.i'i- nml H In'tili , .' iiihI Hi) ii ilnrpii. i m li.lmiuu
Ki'i'll fhnn l.i WMinlpinttlM. Mh'U'lll till It tiirju'i. I'm' llm'Utt, "lnmnrr
t -uux'.i itti.l turi-n ' r.mlil.Kiiitiitahtiil.
rrWrWTtlgEWW'i lJJJl j ' t'.t '-A U
iment par excellence.
T Imvo napil
cap caused by a fall, atul to my
my duties in less than three weeks
!Ki Wt Jilt H J alv.
IvLviOiKS tlu
is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma.
No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush.
At all dealora. Prlco, 25o., 50c. & $UOO
Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address
No one shows a keener appreciation or
llobin Hood Ammunition when he
has once discovered itthan the "out-
and-out" experienced hunter.
Ho knows. Ho is a real critic, nntl ho soon discovers that
R. II. actually shoots further, gets there quicker, uud hits
harder than the kinds ho used to think wcru best.
That's because our smoke-lets iwwtlers nro nmdo after a
special formula that practically eliminates tho "kick" and
uses all tho force to propel tho shot.
Your dealer hells It. II. Shot Shells and Metallic Cartridges.
Write today fur our interesting booklet.
8thSTiti:in swanto.v, vt. AaStf
Nebraska Directory
r ---k
Aurlliiiiri rs nrti (tut, nil
rllki- "cum- :itn ln't-t'-rtll.-IM
illii . Tim iH'llnf
Ihn iiiictiiitii'i-r tli Inttfi-f
vmf i Ik k ThitlH-nMellllitf
M.rviii' f-o ' yitu tin won
IImiii Id" Htnrrf. Thorn'
iifiilit m riirilyuiiil KiUUfni
I nil III ilnliiif lnislni' ttlltl
V..1. Illl t Wf I V. IJ.MhlA.k
I .(..I I.UIr ti.rlli.itrrr, 'J
, tlrtlrl-nrr, I IMM.., tU.
Make the Liver
!Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when tiio liver la
right the stomach and bowel: ate right.
entlybut firmly com
Pci a i.zy
liver tOi
do its duty.
Cures Con
ttipntion, In
and Diitreu After Entlng.
Genuine must bear Signature
HAIR BALSAM tii twmiinu ihn hlr.
.,..mif A tntiirlnl ffruwih.
N"er Ptlld to lintor tl'V
JIAir lO ! XU11WHU! vitur,
Cum Hi-alp tliwuri A lilr I.U.hj.
v,ii.UH"t DniCTlrti
Brown's BronchialTroclies
' Hi-Horn 'I liroat '1 nmlili- mill (Vinuti". Ni ophite.
1 S.vmi'lo Inc. .ItlllM 1. IIKII.1.' I.OK, llortnn, M.ia.
I'iltk i:f, KplootlO
.Shipping Fovo?
ft Catarrhal Fever
ritntlt, immuttrr lmw Imwi nt .uvni-ii urn
.,n tln tiiiiiit.,n-ti.i.ii tl IU.,1 un.MIUii.lii itt-li tho
Bnr V"
lvHpa riitWi,
r JWP t - '4
!- MUttl vrrinilinlit llu lnn i imin up if in,-r in imiu . nihi rnii-niii'i urn, n n
'iiiilln f iri-iit M'llhii-IIM'cti'i'k riinnlt hum I n nth t niimiiit Ihiiiihu I" Inn,
RneTimaik Pains
quackly relieved
's Liniment is uootl for pain of
,'sort It penetrates, without rubbing,
ouj;h tho tissue right to the.
bone-relieve.sthecoiigo.sUou and gives
permanent as well as temporary relief.
Here's Proof.
A. W. Lav of Lafayette, Ala.,wrltc3:
" 1 hail rliL'iirr.atisnt for c yens. 1 tried
doctors atul several different remedies but
thuy did not help mo. I ihtainud a bottle
of Sloan's Liniment which did me no much
good that 1 would not do without it
lor anything."
Thomas L. Rick of Kaston, Pa.,
writes: "I have used Sloan's Lini
ment and find it fust-class for iheu
matic pains."
Mr. G.G. Jones of Ilaldwins, L.T.,
writes: "I have found Sloan's Lin-
it for broken hhiews above tho knee
great satisfaction I was abio to resume
after the accident."
(Not Made by a Trust)
ot ljuniiy Alr;oa, can bo secured by any res.
ident of Nebraska or Kansas at special terms
in our Kansas-Nebraska Colony. Close to
town, neighbors and markets. Elegant cli
mato summer nnd winter. Write for book
jet W and information about tho Colony.
GULF COAST DEV. CO., Algoa. Tcxaa
mi of this paper
Headers $K
advertised in its columns should
insist upon having what they ask for,
refusing all substitutes or imitations.
vu AsjinAAUiat
Quickly' rFlloree
I nUrflrOUn Owcak, luUsmiHlnw-,,
EYE WATE R 7ii'ir,?r,,
JOHN L,'UO.UI'MJ.N hO!S3CO., Troy, N. Y.
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 5-1912.
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