The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 01, 1912, Image 1

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-V.n HUtorWl Sonl"ty
"yHE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Mr. niiglohiut bailid hay la-t week
.Joe .loliiiole butcheied it hog
Tlio roads In this locality aiealtn
.lack Wiislcom oallod on Chailoy
IIui ris Siindity
.iitnios Mcltiide of Cowlos was in this
locality S.t tin day.
Fiank Kliobl tool; a little tide in hi
nutoinobilo Satin day.
How about that wolf hunt? I'.ovs
lots ho stin tiny ono soon.
Veiu'll Kijluaud fmnily visltod Run-
. . . . ii ti t i i
i avwitli his wife's folks Mike iMiduias.
Voncil Zajic lost ii horso and a cow. I
Alhoi't Kiij-luliiirt houyltt u hoy flom j
Willie Vavih'I'H.
James UucUlos is hailiii'r hay this
wcuk. Koy Caniphi II
aic doiny the h.illiny
mid .hie Itm i'
1'. A. lioud was in Ited Cloud Mon
day. A. T. Vance came down finm Hast
iuys Tuesday.
Dou't foryct the I-'armers' Institute
to be held here Fi iduy ttml Saturday.
Kinery Waller returned from Hast
ings, Monday, where he had boon vis
iting Karl Paul.
Clins Heidi ink of lied Cloud is in
Cowlos this week phihteriny Mr. Dea
kin's new residence.
The Right Place have u fine display
of white goods in their windows that
Tne Cook
I 4
i arwavjs xeeis
confidetii of
pure anawnoj-esoiine I
oodwiien tisindl
APure,GrapeCreamTartar 1
vvvvxvvvvvv.vvvsvvvVvWvm 1
1MIMI oamg fowaer
in-: 1 veil from tlio Onrihii inaihi't this
w eok
Tlio Midland Conceit (Jo had a huge
a ml .ippii ciutivoiiiidioiioo Filduy eeu-
I...... ..,.,... ... j .
ing t ho.'Sf l church, 'litis was I
lout III 11111111)01' of the lecture oouisi'
I his was tho
N-r..o uti-icviiMiii in it-Mi wiiiiiiiur
IV .1 1 I 1 fit I ..
riven tit i oaios .Moun.iy wiui uis iaui-1
ily and household (roods. II" anil Ins1
hiothor itittiiid to worlc at tho hhicU
smilli trailc. NVo wi 't tliom ovory sue
eoss iio-.iibk'
The asslsjaiit sta'-o Mipeiinlenik'nt
n ill sn.tiU in ('ml.t tiiMiiitMow nn I In.
I '
'('omhlniition ot rural 'cliool distiicts
' This iiiidoiihtcdlv will i-c well attond-
uh, in tin-it n "iiiMii: iiiuv in ; in i ttK
' .
such a school hero This is the proper
llJnB t() (() ,f R s lulUy mn(,,,.
,)r Caulu js UmUlK ,is ,))()s ilt() a
c . pi,.pai,itoiy In nioviuy to tlio
.wi .. tl... : f,in. i,.ii .r r.i.tnt.i..
noithoast..rii p.ut ol tlio state. Ilo
opeots to loao today. W o under
' stuiid he intends going into tlio di tig
! Inislnc's. Wo uio s() cy to have yr.n
loiivo, doctor, but wish you success in
your new ontorprisp.
Miss Klla Wliite is it pleasant caller
in Garfield this week.
Coons, Harnes and company butcher
ed hogs on Saturday. '
l Smith Bros, bought some hogs from
Mr. Stevens on Friday.
Kent Hros. shelled corn Monday.
Mr Weaver did the work.
. Clms. Ailes finished hauling his rent
corn to Smith Hros. last week.
(icorgc Harris has a smilo on his
face now. II in wife returned home on
S X"f 8
uttMKwmum N
Powder I
. r t
Made frony Grapes
4 INcwMMiHX That lvt:s Ihr. Nw Flft-tw Weeks Year For $1.50
S.iliiiduy fiein it li tctidcd lslt in
.1 o Miiilil mill N 1. ('nnip'vll weto
h'gitig nil wind mill io Tliuisdiiy.
M st of the business on wli.d tlilll
tow is hauling lut) from tl .luoksnii's
pi .100. j
Wo begin t' lit'in dislnn' echoes of
those that lime to mow tho Hint of
Mm oil. i
The weather is IIiil' oer head hut not
titan going tlmt way and piolty nasty
under foot. i
Jonas Campbell ami wife mid Mis.1
Uawls woio ploasaut
o:i Hits at licrt
Kind's Monday.
Horn to Ml', mid .Mis. Clyde How on
on Tlinisiliiy inoriiiuir a boy and it Is
just like its papa.
Tho soivlcus at tlm AsllCleolcthlllcllSl-,"),,1 t t -!-1- or the eliuioh. Ilo
Minday woio not very uoll attoiulodon wonl" ""l "-'' l'opl' t lol-l f',"
aoL'oimt ol llioh.d i'oiiN. any .if llnir eliuioh duii.s hut us u
Tlio piosp. e'ois tluil arc lien Injf for
coal and gold got thoii augur stuck
lust week
il lack liarnos.
loltn mid Frank Wi
tei woio on
w mil mill row Monday IImiik the'
pmn,ls I( WI10I.WCI,V
foi Will .'Mi.'
,,,. lH, f.,, ,.,.,. u,
,m .. . t i . .1 . . .
MMSuro has IitM b Vole ol 400 to
Nebraska Deltiftallon Stood 10 For and
23 Against the Rrnoit
Chicago, Jan. 27 The head camp of
tho Mo lei n Woodmen ol A nun ica
ailoiitod the inoiiosHil iL',.iit
plan, ineuasiiig tlio life iiisuiunco lut
es of the society, and closed the ad
journed tegular meeting heie today.
Tito nieasute was cat tied by a vote of
IMHo.'iuV. The Xebiaska delegation
voted 10 for and 'J.'l against the ropoit.
The rerating proposal was made by
the head olllcers after notice from six
teen states that they had adopted a
uniform fraternal insurance bill which
had been dtafted by statu insurance
experts at Mobile, Ala., and therefore
known as tho Mobile bill. This notice
warned the society tlmt certain re
quirements would b". made beforo u
continuation of business would be per
mitted. Figuies showing tho condition of
the society are proposed by head of
ficers and tho statement was made that
in 1014, under present plans, the lodge
would bo unable to pay S.'1,000,00) ol
life liability or about $.'!).' on it 81,000
policy, htiteinsutanco commissioners
spolco for tho in nsiiie, which was op
posed hi niiiiv spi'ukeis is a p an not
in sum onl with fiaicmal iiisinaiico
Too plan a lopted to Iny, which will
bo in loroe af'ei o le ear, will increase
rates of iiio.uhois under "il years old by
from T)') to 100 per cent. Mi'inboir,
over.'il in iy not be assessed more than
S.'l each assessment for eaoli 8.'l,t)'KI and
not more than twelve assessments and
one special assessment. M!ly l0 mnilc
each ye. ir If tho S.l is moio tliuu tlio
inoinior can pay. ho may ptv S2 and
ttio other dolliir will be deducted ftom
the face of his p .lioy.-Mondaj'fi Oma
ha World llotald.
Brotherhood Meets.
I'ho debate on thoquobtlon "Itysolv oilier games than those ptoposed. It
ed that it would be to tho best lutor-! was tliu lnty nl the patent to know
ests of this city to abolish party or- ''' child and bo his compinion. Know
giini. ttiou for the coming city clcc-!"Mltt n'r thoughts and aspiiations
t ion" was piesonted ly botli the itllir-. uu, am' "i'l I''1" to glow up cieaii
mative and tito upgutivo foiccs The Il,l(l l'uru' K'V. Koso believed in at
question was thrown open to all pros-' tufding to the wants of the child by
ent and many visitors availed them- providing, us far as moans would ad
selves of tho opportunity and spoke m'fi M,u'' articles as his individual
fteely about thoir own convictions re-' tllbt0 'Icsiicd. No one hesitates to
gardlng municipal ull'ilrs. The ut-'M'ond whatever is needed for icpalr
most good naturo prevailed during tho ! or nmeliiuery which gives ploitnure
entiro evening and those participate uut often elalnis to be too poor to!
ing beetucd to desire whatevor was all'ord a few cents lor something that
bust for Hie city. It was the regular' would make the child happy. '
meeting of the Congregational Hrothor-I lt Wlls decided to hold another meet-!
hood and thoycordlally woloomed all
visitors and extended mid Invitation
to all come again
All kinds of Klecttlcal woik done by
Morhart Hros.
i. -jji ijjJ-
Parents' Meeting
Christian Church
'I'll p u enis' nil". -tli g lull in lln
("lui-tiili I'huicll Sunday tilMMIlooli
was well iitliMlili'il. .Mip.'ttiiti-tidctit
Mnili doliioied an able tlioiiu'litiul
uddioss i on tlic subject: l'edugogy
ill tin I lottn'. Tlio speaker stnti'il that
what ho would lime to say would ho
tlio looital of his I'spoiMMico anil ob
servation its a to ichor for. neatly
twont uii-s. Ho statod that ho folt
it liiouiiiiiont upon hint to speak plain
ly to tlio f.tthois mid ninthois. I loom-
phaslod tlio fact t lint- I In n spoiisihill-
. ty of iii:lill le.uiiiir tlio child loslod
upon tlie pitiont and not upon the
iniitli I of f let t ho home c.itili llistniid
one wh was a p n out of little chililti n
could lii'tti v luilhei tho lllteiosls of
thouliiueh li lioiiiLr at home where
' ,i.. ..i,.i.i, .... ,i,,.,, i... I., ,...,. tin. in
i uiu .iii'Mirn mi r i nun i v- n .
to dl pose ol thoii own time while the
paiont was altt iidinu somo social ser
vice. lillc the foiul p uenl was ui I
ing to abate one oltl tho child was
loin iiiiik' two ovlls on llio sdfi.t. The
sunt.' le.isoiiiug held trut) of those who
soiiulil eiiterliiiiiiin ut or tileasuie and
neglected tho child at homo The
mtt ,llls,ll1V , lhl, lllIullt ,.I1S
jlhe 1,lirmt; , lh), vMM anil nll
01ll,b,1'1 ,k,'"'ll"N "P"8' ';, l,,"
siiomiii iiiuu m'ooiiii (iiiieo, no sum ho is frequently called upon tho
telephone b. some p.iient asking that
, c Hiloi in suae pupil that no one
would bo at home alter school and
that (he pupil should wait at s -ine
neighbors hou-e (Jtli rcliildien he
know wont home alter s lioul and
found no one theie. This practice he
coudomnod ill strong terms because it
aeled in a veiy harmful way upon the
child No one should take upon him
self the responsibilities of paieiithood
unless he is willing to sactillce hisowu
pleasure of selfishness.
The Professor also gave some most
practical suggestions as to the amuse
ments permitted childi on. Too often
the ban was placed on so called ques
tionable amusements and nothing pro
vided in their place. No ono can ox
peot a healthy American jslilld to for
ever heep his hands folded or icsist
the impulses of activity. So far its he
was concerned he much preferred his
children to feel free to use his home
and ougiige in games with their parents
than to lie away oil' in some back lot
playing the same games with other
children w hose morals wir) in I the
best 'i ho Mil. 1 1 1 ss w is fu I of eiitiiiie
goo I h ml seii-i an I mei miiIi g.
approval. Tlio mooting u,,., ihmwi
open lor kOliornl discussion, i . J.
Uieiiug .Ir, supplemented ami .sup
ported the ideas given b siaiiug hat
ll was no oiodit to any community
when five thousand people would at-
tMiI it meeting tor llm puipose of
learning how to ittlse Iioimos, hogs ami
eattlo and loss than a liuiidr.d would
attend a meeting that would throw
light on low to bet or tear their own
ollspiiug. Dicli child was a distinct
individual and should bo Healed as
haiiig tights as well 'is tho grown nps '
Kev. Colo heaitily agieed with the
I'lofeHsor in his leasoning ami peda
gogical principles but would substitute
ing in four weuks and hold monthly
meetings thoioiifter.
.special attnution given to diseases
of eye and ear. (Musses accurately
fitted, Dr. Stockman, lied Cloud, Nobr.
RS ,
IJuys tin' i'disnn (ii'in pho
nograph, pl.iys both the two
ami four minutr records. Oak
cover, blaclHinrn, metal parts
finished in Japan and nickel.
For the fireside, also plajs
the two and four minute rec
ords, straight horn, oak cabi
net and cover, metal parts,
nickel and Japan.
lidison Stand.iid Phono
graph antique oak cabinem
new style cygnet horn, meial
parts J, i pai), nickel and gilded.
(Pk tf j jjjjl
Come and hear any of these at your leisure or send for
complete catalogues of machines and records. We have an
easy payment proposition on any of these.
Newhouse Bros.
Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Furniture - Rugs
and Carpets
Now open for your inspection.
. Prices the lowest. .
Licensed Undertaker Nebraska and Kansas
D. D. Sanderson. M. D.
Pnysician and Surgeon
Olllue in Moon Block.
Hull, Ulack 1; Intl., l'.M
Ueihloueo, U iyal Hotel.
Hell, 17; In.., '17
Calls Atiswoted Day or Night
iu:i) n.oiM), m:ii.
Foloy Kidney Pills will cure any cao
of kidney or bluildor trouble not bo
yond tho reach of medicine. No medi
cine can do inoro. Sold at Dr. Cook's
Widow's Pension.
'I ho recont act of April lOlh, 11)03
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
$12 par month. Fred Maui or the
attorney, hits all necessary blanks.
Hujs the N'ittor Victrola
'I1I, one of the latest achiev
ments in the talking machine.
Made in solid oak without
horn, all metal parts nickeled.
Fqual in tone to any other
make at from $10 to $25 more.
For the Victrola, one ol the
most popular self-playing in
strumuits ever made. One
of the greatest successes in a
moderate priced instrument.
For the Victrola, absolutely
the best low priced instru
ment on the market. Hear
these now. Cash or easy pay
ments puts one in your home.
One of these makes Xmas
la'st all the year.
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material.
The Only Exclusive Store."
Gives Quick Action
C. L. Cotting reports Unit A SIN
GIAj DO.SIJ of simple buckthorn bark
glycerine, etc., as compounded in Ad
lor-l-ka, tlio now Gorman appendicitis
remedy, relieves coustipatlon or gas
ou ths.stoniiicli, alnnt INSTANTLY