"ffWi K 1 want every pcrnou lio It lilllom, iMtiml luted or liai iiiiv r ini!i tieli or luer Mum tit to t-eml for ii free iiiicl.'inu ! my l'.iu I'uw MM. i tnnl to iinr tlinl tlioy lMiiltlu'lj euro In 1ll!.'tliii. Hour simii' noli, II Irlilii, Wind, llnulm-lio. Nonotii- llt,HiMt-t'l1"iIIPH' nml mo mi Itifnllllilu rtiru forCiintloiiltiiti. Tuitii Oil I lira v llllns to rlvo millions of free tun-knifes. I tiiku till tin rlnl. Soli! by drupclM forWcotilsn vlnl. For fioo ii.ii'kiipp mlilri-iR, Prof. Munyon, D3rd & Jeffcrxm St Philadelphia. Pa, Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan (Western Canada) 80O Bushels from 20 ncron t ut wilful was tilt llircKtir r tcturn from n l.lovil Imlt.Mer fnim In the rnon of 1510. Mmy lid Js In thnt niu ell an other district yield. eil from 25 to 35 bu fihclo of wlient to the ncre. oilier urulnu in tire portion. LAnGE PROFITS arc (lilts il -r 1 oil 1 Ironi (lie I'lM'.l'. IIOM i:m i:,l) IAMKS il llostorii Cuiiuilii. 'linn n.'ili'iii s ln) mur cntip pr.l.H III llitMIIH'l1. iJlllil Y. Illl" nlmnM ilonbliilti two jenn' Hue drain t'niii liic.iiilxcil rami Inc, ci.tllo riilMiiKiiiiililiilr lug mi till iriliiuliU. 1 rrn iiiuiwfctftiilAiif lllo neri-mir.' lo ht liuil In tlio ry lit-nt IUlrlot: lllo item iri-eniit-tlonniit FCI.Ull iktihic ullfi; In en lulu urfiiM. m lioolftinol . llllfKll. III .tlil't' Ml till III III. lllllHllll IIIIOXecll.il. nollllio rlilit'xt: hihiiI. wutrr nml ImiI lillnir iiiutorlul lili'iitlfnl. , . , .. ' Till '.l 1 I IV 'Hill-. Ill W "I.'""" 1iuv tvi.ttprv rnllwnv rales ami ilenrtli'tlto llliiMrnled uniphWl, "iJiM lli'-t West," anil oilior In formal Ion. nrlto to Sup t of linnil trillion. Uttann, Canada, or to muiuiian umcrnniriii jim-ui, W. V. BENNETT Room In Bldg. Omaha, Nib. rimra write to tlicarent nearest you r RELIEVES TIRED EYES THE WAY NOWADAYS. t J- Hoax My daughter has reached the nge when a girl begins to think of marriage. Joux Just ecven years old, eh? Coming Financier. In n certain country village, where co-operation has a firm hold on tlio Inhabitants and where the "trndlng check" habit also flourishes, one lit tle pirl proudly called to another: "We've got n new baby ut our house!" "Where did you get it?" was the re ply. "Oh, the doctor brought it." "Now. why," queried the thrifty lit tle sympathizer, siavely, "didn't you buy it nt the store and get -either a dMrier.tl or a trading stamp? The doctor doesn't give either, docs he?" Not Militant. s "The poclal function at Mrs. Como np's the other afternoon ended In a drawn battle." "What? Not a quarrel?" "No, Just a tea light." Ever notice how much cnsler It Is to go from bad to worse than from good to better? SURPRISED DOCTOR. Illustrating the Effect of Food. Tho ' romarkablo adaptability of Grape-Nuts food to stomachs so dis ordered that they will reject every thing else, Is illustrated by the case of a woman In Kacluo, Wis. "Two yeais ago," sho says, "I was attacked by a stomnch trouble so se rious that for a long time 1 could not take much of any sort of food. Even tho various kinds prescribed by tho doctor produced mobt acute pain. "Wo then got somo Grape-Nuts food, nnd you enn Imaglno my surprlho and delight when I found that 1 could eat It with a relish and without tho slight est distress. "When tho doctor heard of It he told mo to tako several small portions each dny, becauso ho feared I would grow tired of It as I had of all other food. "Hut to his .surprise, (and that of everybody elso), I did not lire, of Grape-Nuts, and became better day by day, till, after somo weeks, my stom ach entirely recovered and I was ablo to eat anything my appotlto craved. "My nerves, which had become so weakened that I feared I would be como Incane, were also restored by tho Grape-Nuts food in connection with l'ostum which has become our tnblo beverage I appreciate most gratefully and thankfully the good that your food preparations have dono me, nnd shall bo glad to answer any letters inquiring ns to my experience." Nnmo given by Postuin Co., 13attlo Creek, Mich. Read tho Uttlo book, "Tho Road tc Wellville," in pkgs. "Thero's a rea son." Kvcr rend the nbove IctlfrT A ti one npticnm from time to time. They nre iceiiulue, true, and full of liuranu u(rret. ""illB'-" III1II.IH I . i.TIIT. mnm VI TT m$m wmrui WdM&A 'ipxtfim 3r lfcl urn iv S ZzJ .""s" &' S ir ID HUMDOLDT CHILD'3 CLOTHING IGNITED DY KITCHEN FIRE. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Htre and Titers That is of Interest to the Read' am Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Xl'imboldt The !)-ycnr-old daughter of Will Collins and wife resolved fatal burns at her homo hero, Tho little girl's clothing became Ignited while putting coal In the kitchen stow. Tlio mother attempted to extinguish the flame, but ilio child rushed Irom tlio room out Into tlio open air, and lie foro the likui! could he oxtinKulahod slio had Inhaled the Uames and ie eelved burns which proved fatal, death occurrltiK the following moru liii,'. Many Pay Last Tribute. Orand Island The funeral of .lames M. Punkel, sheilff of Hall county, who was accidentally killed by a I'nlon l'aciflc train at Chapman last week, was held from the court house, the Ilcv. L. L. I.lpe of St. Paul's English Lutheran church olllclatlng. Kully 2,500 people are estimated to havo called at tlio building during the afternoon. All of the halls, corridors and looms were tilled and only about one-tenth of tho assembly could be seated In the court room, where tho tervlces Were hold. His Mind a Blank. Fremont .1. W. Allberry, a Sunday school missionary for the American Sunday school union, caused the police a two days' search and his family and frlonds much worry by mysteri ously dropping out of sight for a period of two days. He returned with ids feet frozen and only $2 left of a $20 bill. With regard to his conduct or his experiences. Allberry's mind Bccmc-d to be a blank. Bible Reading Imperative. Kearney A resolution has been adopted by the board of education making it imperative that the Ulblo he read In the public schools. It was also resolved that copies of tho ten commandments nnd the lord's prayer be conspicuously posted on the walls of every school room. Some Cold at Lynch. Lynch Tho thermometer report for this place last week is as follows. .January !, 10 below; January 10, 10 below; January 11. 20 below; Janu ary 12, -10 below. This is the record of tho government thermometer. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOU8E. Congressman George W. Norrls has filed application for nomination for United StateB senator. Governor Aldrlch was tho speaker at the meeting of tho Stuto Volun teer Firemen's association at Kear ney. Henry Howard of Elk Creek, for merly commandant of tlio soldiers' homo at .Milford, has Hied us a repub lican candidate for state land com missioner. Three hundred corporations doing business In the stato havo had their charters forfeited through failure to pay tho corporation tax to tho state, according to law. A "blue sky" law similar to tho ono now In operation In Kansas wbb unani mously endorsed for passago in Ne braska nt tho recent meeting of tho state board of agriculture. During the month of December the state used $3.13 worth of sugar in state Institutions, over $3,000 worth of moat and over $14,000 was spent for fuel nnd lights. Vouchers allowed for supplies for state Institutions for tho month of December aggregate $S0 251.47, according to a compilation by Land Commissioner Cowlos. Following an effort made to organ ize a statu peace Kiclety In Nebraska, several of tho out-ln-tlie-stato towns have responded and havo Indicated that they would start activity in that direction at onco. Professors Howard nnd Fling of the stato university and tho Rev. A. U Wratherly of Lincoln urn prominently Identified with the movement. State Treasurer George will call In $1.")0,000 of registered stato warrants. This will wipo out about hnlf of the list of outstanding stato warrants. Judge James C. Qulgloy of Valen tino has written the game warden that tho snow nnd continued cold hns killed a largo number of quail In Cherry county, and If present condi tions provnll much longer thero will bo no quail left. Ho laments this out look, because quail had Increased in numbers under the stato protective laws. Thomas L. Sloan of Pender, an at torne who lays claim to Indian an cestry, hns filed nomination papers as a democratic candldato for represen tative in tho legislature. State Flro Commissioner Randall estimates tho total fire loss In Ne braska last year as something over mo and three-quarters million dollars, as compared with more than $2,100, 100 tho year previous. His figures in--Mcsto th.it while tho loss was smallor. 'ho number of fires in tho Btato was 'tout 10 per eent more in 1911 than in 1010. blULH NLW5 t)l- NuUilASKA Rpnallo h figuring on putt'.iig In n system i.f w.iterwoiks Him spniig. The Kearney Comtnrclnt club v, HI hold Its annu.ll "hpread" Fein nary 2, The Franklin County Tribune, at Hloomlngtou, hao suspended public.) Hon. The cider factory at Peru shipped eleven cailo.ids of cider the past season. The line new $20,000 opeia hoiffio at Palmer was totally destroyed by lire Sundny. Revival meetings at Sterling are be lug well nttended and much Interest Is manifested. ('apt. Cyrus N. llalrd. pioneer of Lincoln, early postmaster and promi nent cltl.ni, Is dead The Cuming county runners' Insti tute will meet at West Point. January 31 and February 1, 1.H2. The annual meeting ot the N'ebtas ka State Press association will he held In Lincoln, .tunc li, I and 5 Ilwlglit .Matdin, of Peru, fourteen yenrs of age. was u victim of coasting, having had one of his nrms broken. The Dodge county board has de cided to Increase the dike work at the head of Fremont Island In the Platte river. O. T Little of Humboldt may loso the sight of an eye tut the result of a mass of mortar striking that organ while plastering. Henry C. Me.Mnkcn, one of the old est pioneers of the state. Is dead of Ilrlght's disease nnd heart trouble at Plattsmoiith, aged 72. The Rev. George 11. Tafl of N'orman, Okla.. who has accepted the pastorate of the Hastings Haptlst church, has arrived with his family. The Alliance postal savings depos itory has been made a general depos itory lor all of the smaller depositories In northwestern Nebraska. Mrs. I. F. Roach, wife of Rev. I. F. Roach of St. Paul's Methodist church at Lincoln, Is dead of blood poison contracted several weekB ago. The Farmern' Elevator company nt Shickley totaled a business of nearly IIOO.OOO bushels of grain biBt year, and netted a profit of over $1,000 as a re sult. Thero were twenty-four applicants for the position of janitor of the Gngo county court house before the county board. II. E. Palmer of Beatrice has landed the Job. M. .M. Johnson. Inventor and owner of the Old Trusty Incubator, manufac tured at Clay Center. Is dead at Idaho Springs, Colo., where he went In Au gust for his health. A mass meeting Is called at Pawnee for January 22 to tako steps to re place the school building recently burned there, and to securo additional educational facilities Tho biennial conference of tho Sev enth Day Adventlst church, now in, session nt College View. Is one of tho largest in tho history of tho church and will InBt threo weeks. Nebrasmi farmers are feeling ex tremely good over the snow lying on tho ground for so extended a period. They say it Insures n record-breaking growth in the spring for wheat, Tho Rev. C. F. Stevens, pastor of the Central Christian church of Seat tle, Wash., has accepted a call to tho Christian church of Heatrlce, to suc ceed the Rev. .T. E. Davis, who Is soon to leave. Milton R. Powell, for many yoarB a resident of Nebraska City, has been elected president of the Young Men'B Christian association at St. Joseph, and will uso his best effortB to ralso the $2.-,00() that Is needed by tho asso ciation of that city. Sixty horses havo died during the past week In tho vicinity of Firth nnd Hickman. Though an attempt has been mado to find tho cause, little headway has been gained. Tlio symp toms nro similar to those which fol low tho eating of loco-weed. A coroner's jury failed to clear all the mysteries surrouiyllng tho sudden accidental death of Postmaster Charles A. Brandt of Glcnvlllo, who was found In a dying condition bo nenth his automobile in his private garage near his residence at that place. A movement Is on foot in north' eastern Nebraska to develop the power of tho Niobrara rlvor for tho purpose of furnishing current for the oporation of electrical trains between South Sioux City, through Jackson Ponca, Martlnsburg, Hartlngton Uloomfleld and Center to Niobrara and a branch lino from Center throurh Vordlgro and Walnut to MIncola. Four Hastings young people, Miss Maudo Darter. Miss Cora Wllloy CharleB Hammor, and Chris Roush escaped possible death or serious In jury when an automobllo turned tur tle on the asylum road, near that place. Twenty-four years ago January 12 Nebraska was In tho grip of tho "big hllzznrd," In which nearly ono hun dred liver, wore lost. Nearly half that number occurred In this stato, while Iowa and other surrounding Btatcs suffered Bovcrely. Students of that state attending tho university will organlzo a Missouri club. James Stewart roll off an englno In tho Falrbury yards with a torch In his hands which, exploding, burned him Bovcroly. During a lire in tho Stolnnuor high 1 school tho pupils wcro marched out In perfect order by tho principal In less than flvo minutes. By tho overturning of a stovo In his mail cart, which destroyed n quan tity of mail matter, M, H. Isabel, a rural carrier nt Plattsruouth, was so vorcly burned, cut and bruised. LOST 01 POUNDS. Another Terrlhlo Case of Gravel C'jrcd By Doart's Kidney Pills. Clias, L'nderhtem. 50 W. I Ith St., Chi- cage, HI., says: "Kidney tumble ran me down from W to i:U5 pounds and 1 was but n shadow of my former self. Oh! how 1 suffered. I became f-o bad tho doctors said my left sldo was paralyzed. I could not walk with out assistance. 1 grew art? worso and went to n "'wllC lK'fM'ltal but was nol not y-v v" '",,r",d. ' mentis WW nil thought I wouh s I illo. 'I'hi-oit weeks I after I began taking Dean's Kidney Pills, I passed n giavel ntonc mi largo as a pea. Tho stones continued to pass at intervals. 1 passed eleven In ono day. Doar.'s Kidney Pills finally euied mo nnd I have had no kidney trouble KllUO " "When Your Hack Is Lame, Remem ber the Name 1)0 N"S " 500.1111 stores. l'obler-Mllhurn Co , Buffalo, N. Y. An Evcry-Ony Creed. I dcMiie lo radiate health, cheerful- ness, sincerity, culm coinage ami good will. I wlhh to lle without hate, whim, jealousy, enw or fear. I wish 10 he simple, hone.-tt, natural, frank, clean in mind mid clean in body, uti ntTcetcil, lendy to s:iy ' I do not know" 11 i-o It he, to meet alt men on an nb- rolute equality, to race any obstacle and meet eery dllllculty unafraid and unabashed. 1 wish others 10 live their lives, too, up to their highest, fullest and best To that end 1 pn.y that I may never meddle, dictate, In terfere, give advice that Is not want ed, nor assist when my services are not needed. If I can help people I'll do It by giving them a chance to help themselves; and If I can uplift or In spire, let It he by example. That Is to say. I deslie to he radiant to radl Hie life. Klhert Hubbard. The Thin Girl's Temper. No thin woman can alTord to lose her temper "Nothing," says a good authority, "will make jou so angular ur gle your face such an undesirable look as the fioo Indulgence of your ovtn will." A girl who was thin to n really painful degree galued 30 pounds in 00 days on tho following regime: l'welvo hours sleep a day; a well ventilated and cold room lo sleep In, with plenty of fresh air all night : ilgbt down coverlets for warmth and hot-water bugB at tho feet If they uro cold; loose, light clothing at all times, with plenty of space about the chest, shoulders and waist; a diet of cereals, cocoa, fresh fruits or Btarchy vegetables, potatoes, beans, etc., milk nnd cream everything ot a warming, fat -producing nature In the way of food; warm baths, though not too fre luently. "Those Youthful Prodigies." "Will wonders never cease?" said Jones to his wife. "Here Is an account of a six-year-old boy who can work tho most dilllcult problem In al gebra." "Remarkable!" admitted Mrs. Jones, "but I know a four-year-old girl that knows Greek. Where docs your Ut tlo wonder live?" "In Boston. Whore does your lln gulstlc marvel live?" Mrs. Jones gazed out of tho window with a far-away look In her eye as sho answered: "In Greece." National Food Magazine. When Your Eyes Need Care TryMurlno Kvo Itemcilv. NoSinurtltic Freli Fltio AetM (julol.ly. Try It lor Itnl, We.ilc, Wittery KjeH nml (itiiiiiilati-il i:ji'IMn. IIIiih tratril Hook in etirh r.ii'liiicc. Mnrlno Is rompoandt-d br our Ocnllnls not n"l'utrnt Med Kino" but used In nim stful I'lijilclinin' l'rai--tlio for limny retire. N'ntr ili'dlinted lo tlio I'uli lln nnd told br liriinKlsis nt 2.V nnd 60o per Hull lo. Murine Kjn Hilve In Aseptln Tillies, .c unit Ulo. Murlno Eyo Romody Co., Chicago A Celebrated Basso. "When Herr Growler began to sing did not you abscrvo how our hostess glanced apprehensively at tho win dows?" "Yes. I daro sny sho was afraid the window-panes would be shat tered." Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottle ol CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Tlnnro (lift Signature of l&7&2ZA In Uso For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Escaped. Glllet So you'vo Just como from Honpecked'b funeral. How did the old boy look? Natural? Percy No relieved. ' CREAM OF RYE For health and energy eat it for breakfast. Reduces cost of living. Free Sliver 3poon In every package. Ask your grocer for a package Friendship. "Are they friends?" "Well, ono of them lends tho oth er money, but I'm not sure which is which." Hamlins Winird Oil in recommended by many pliyciciuiiH. It is used in ninny pub lic and private hopitnln. Why not keep i bottle on hand in your own home? A girl may not really object to be ing kissed, but she objects to tho young man's thinking that sho doesn't object. ONT.V ONK "IIIIOMO OIIIMNK." mt ! I.AXATIVK IIIIOMO UUINIKK. lwik for .pit niKPntnrn ot it. w. now. r.. rer lo Curt! u Cold lutmu !;. i: lud tlio World The man who Is compelled to too tho mark may develop Into a chronic kicker. .TiE HOME LIFE OF THE SETTLER WESTERN CANADA AFFORD3 ALL THE COMFORTS AND MANY OF THE LUXURIES. A young lady of luconsln he cured I a ccitlllcato at the .Milwaukee olllco , of tho Canadian Ciovcitimcut, ami on presenting tills to the ticket agent ol tho uiilway at tho Canadian boundary Hue she scented a delict at a reduced into which carried her lo Edmonton, Albetta, I root which point, about tor t miles, she had filenilu Thin was a couple of years ago, and tho young lady Is now man led to one ot the promising young fainiers or the dis trict. In writing of her trip to the Mil waukee lepret'entatlves of tho Cana dian Government she says: "I enjoyed my trip up lure very much, and ex pect to go out to our homestead In tlie Pembina dlsltlct next spring" To the houscwilo the itilorniatlou that she has "put up twelve quartu of rasp, boirles" Is Important, as they "picked them theiiiselve!!," and they might very beautiful." Speaking or tho friends with whom sho went up to live, sho says: "They certainly liae n beautiful farm and housn" they had been there about four years, also going from Wisconsin "they have about twenty acres of oats and bar ley, flvo acres nllnlfn, three acres po- liiuii'-i nun 1 nun t niiiM. iiui ninny in uvo deked ton i. es the quan.l.y . . JJJ T ft Pinkham's Vcro ll.ey had required the... lor the.e s R CompoUfi for my healUi'-Mrs. no country whole w Id fruit grows In BCT ,'.;. Wampu:k, 621 S. Ransom mini minium ie. mo louir goes on g Qttumwn, lowiu , to say, and this Is Intel est lug ironi n , ' . . ,.; ,, ,, , a.-i..i -J ...... ..I.w 1 lu COIISHlUr HCII M-llltl Annuo. .li.OMlll o niiiim iiiiiiii. .liu iiMMivij n i vegetables. I think they have about I ' .in,!m;l "T ?,; -rf. I lo.ty aces under cultivation alfogelh- eiir 'f.r ' 'AviKl or. They a.e now dialnlng a slough loof Lyd,a L. P.nkham a Vcgeto which they will arterwards plow and bio compound. mil Int.. fnll u-lionl Thov t lun hnvi. ' )'0H w,lnfc HPOrlnl fllKlCO ITrH-n tO put Into rail wheat. I ho also lun ,o j E inuiiBni Medlcluo Co. (coml n largo herd or cattle, and Mrs. C. I, ' .i-iv i.vini. Muhh. Your letter will has about 100 chickens They inako on an average of 30 pounds of butter every week. I novor saw such grand ci earn." Now these people tiro enjoying llfo in Alberta; they have a splendid ell mate, excellent prospects, and are happy that they aro part and parcel in the working out or the upbuilding oi a new country, inni win ins.o us iilnoo ntomn-ut Mm iiriifri-oiiuK-ii ,.,,,.. place amongst ino prof,iessne conn- tries or mo ccmury. .uniuera or loi ters that express satisfaction as ex trcmo as tho ono quoted appear In llteraturo sent out by the Canadian Government r.nd which may be had on application to any of its agents. Asking a Good Deal of Her. Mrs. Back-Bay 1 shnll want you to be drossed by three o'clock, Ellen, to rccelvo any friends who may call. Ellon Oh, lor. goln' to be In? mum: Ain't you The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach A man who has weak and impaired stomach and who does not properly digeit his food will toon find that hia blood haa become weak and impoverished, and that hia whole body ia improperly and insufficiently nourished. Or. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY makea tho atommeh atronQ, promote the flow ot dl&eatlve lulcea, reatorca the loat appetite, makes aaalmllotlon perfect, tnvl&uratea tho liver and purities and enriches the blood. It la the Great blood'tttaker, Slesh-bullc'er and restorative nerve tonic. It makea mem mtroni In body, actlvo In mind and cool la tudgemcat. This "Discovery" is a pure, glyceric extract of American medical roots,"1 absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious, habit-forming1 drugs. All its ingredients arc printed on itc wrapper. It has no relationship with secret nostrums. lis every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum ns a substitute for this Cime-proven remedy op known composition. Ask otm nbioiibohs. They must know of many cures made by it during past -10 years, right in your own neighborhood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N. Y. W. L. DOUGLAS 255, 2.50, '3, 3.50,4 & '5 SHOES All Styles, All Leathers, All Sizes and Widths, for Men, Women and Boys. THE STANDARD OK QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEKT TIME YOU NEED SHOES giveW.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar antecs superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. ti.. ...u.iu.ito '"' ''y v.u'lr1' l"2U anc aiv ouuoiiiiiivi ttaett W TO ORDER BY MAIL Shoes 8ont Every where All Charges Prepnld. If W.l-I 'tii'ln In"'" re not told in ymir limn, tend rtlrc rt lo factory. Take mraiireinenta - of tool nil hown in iimuM i)iile tylcdcirl ; ie and width iiimll worn .Plain tzir Ori'HIIIUH; ir.ry, Illt-H I ne,.inlheuarl,l. lllun p " e iiimi mi,k-i.vujar.'tj-i i sni,,.- Ill ?RUAr)&ktTrtn(itBra awmwoMwan 11 Mliiii"--T" -- i. ja.. . You will like Lewis' SInglo Binder. A fresh hnnd-mado cigar. Dctter tobacco, better mado and better tasting than most 10c cigars. Many smokers prefer Lewie' Slnclo DInder to 10c cigars. mm vwvmw WELL AGAIN Freed From Shooting Pains, Spinal Weakness, Dizziness,, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ottumwn, I own. "For years I wan almost u constant sulTcrer from femalo trouble in all itfl dreadful forms; shootinir painn all over tny body, sick headache, spinal weakness, dizziness, depression, and everythiiiK that wan horrid. 1 tried many doctors in difFeront part:) of tlio United States, but Lydia E. l'inklinm'n VoRctn- ble Compound has dono more forme than till the doctors. 1 feel it tny duty to tell No woman BUiTorinrc from any form of femalo troubles should loso hopo un til bho hns given Lydin E. Pinkham's VvKutuhlo Compound u fnir trial. This famous remedy, tho medicinal in irrcdlents of which uro derived from I native roots and herbs, hoa for nearly fortv vears proved to bo a most valua ble tonic and invii'orntor of tho fo- . , ,,. . ...t- bo opened, read and answered by a nOU.aU UlllI IICIU 1U BUICI, VUIIUUCUCU ES1S If toii unlti-r from Kpllep'le! I'llw. l-'nlHriiHtcfcnrm, Hiiniiin.nrliiiTiMlillilr.'lilliiililnM, niv New 'I'ri-at- ..,.. in iii r..ii.'vii i lii-in. nml nil roil urn imkril to .1.. ... -.nnii r.ir ii riutKiJiKi Hut uttlo of lir. Mr i ..,.r..n,vi.n.v Kiirinnln. It rni miiriwi pxriiinnrinir tor irr-r I wrltn nml itlo B nml rimipli'lo mlilroki. t I)Iti w MAV, mh lvuri nt., Now Vorli i ryiiiinarinnimii iwiiru. iiumii CuKMnlva How tn kill nnd corn pork nnd be& rQinlUlal llm to tun fur mid Irutlii'r nt timne. Ilun to make nil kinds olaitmaeiH. How toprrimm unit tnknotf lildi'K nnd fur tor niarkil. Hook with lumii-w with plnno, how to rtiro niidliiil.il unftlilnc oulof rruii'iilon thofiirin. 11 nu-niif llfo Ionic in-prlnm-o. I'tko IIM frio. W.l kkLlkK, bfatj,ftik. Kuril tlMo 110 nt-rMr. Liberal -nMi mUnncra. Ki-pi-rli-iii'n nnni'i'i'tft.iry. Wrllo for lormt tinluy. (Ut roti-Miica. Shuriimn NuriurjCo., Clmrloi t'ltjr, la. Meiico Tropical Lands Ji.'ltitl'X'cu'rl Inrm inuntlilr. Wrllo for map, nook, tmllmonlala, KXItik IITIIIIH UkU (., Uru41(U, kiMMlllhlh rjrrt nut rtu. not IIKIII oi, I li.-fr,rrrr '" ""'"''''"" (Utalug I'toe. W.L.buDOLAS,U08iukBU,BocktsaJ(u. OWA : V V' XVyVS. a I J....i nil li i.t in -fiill nf t telafisW ae