The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1912, Image 12

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    -4rtJ1-iVltMlX' "I
,1 I
i w M W 9
Palace Late
The New Restaurant J. H.
Robinson's old Stand.
Good Coolcing, Good Service and Good Treatment.
Tables Reserved for Ladies. ::::::::
Jan Opportunity Success
There aTe -splendid openings in the Big Horn Basin
.for .the following:
Alfalfa Mill
.Brick Yard
Grocery Store
General Store
Livery Stable
Grain Elevator
If your present business is not as successful and profit
able as it should be, why not investigate? You can se
cure particulars about any of these opportunities at, a
total cost of 1 rent. The chance of it being worth sev
eral thousand dollars to joii are all in your favor.
Orop jour postal in the box today
D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
. Koom 4, 0. Bids,. Omaha. Nebraska
Going at Public Sale
The Original NcKibbon Herd of
1 will sell at public auction at my place, 2 miles east
and 8 1-2 miles north of Campbell, and 2 miles west and
3 miles south of Hblstein, on
Thursday, Feb. 1
IS Pure Bred
Hereford Cows
All these cows are heavy with calf, except two that
have calves at foot, and were bred to a Thoroughbred
Hereford Bull.
Sale to begin after a Free Lunch at noon.
'1 hllMS Dglit month' time will he given dm approved security bearing
JO per cent uit'MD-t. Nn stock to bo retnowd until settled for.
COL. J. L. WATSON, Auct.
Our house Is burning down niitl
.lohu'h away u million miles oft on
hi vacation. A true picture HioukIi
u bit exaggerated.
.Get an Insurance Policy on
rrourHouso and Furniture
-while you think about It. For
solid secuilty have us write it up.
Our premiums uro low uml compan
ies lire safe.
m 0llabl0 Inturanc:
,i.1i6ir' , Sy 1
Drug Store
H. C. ARNOLD, Clerk.
and Bacon
.. '. "1 1 w
lF7i 1
ForSale ilmll
John Yost 3
-THE- lkl!
Mitigate Heat and Cold and Check
Tendency of Earth to Exces
sive Dryncoc.
Fortutn lontrlbuto to the grnmnJ
health by breaking tho lorcd of mumi.
Ily blowing Imln. They mltl ut Un
heal of summer by the vast amount
ot evaporation fliat occura In then
leaves by day. Hy rilslit tho corre
Kpondlng condoiiMitlon of moisture up
on tho leaves (Mil fifrtlier absorbs the
heat on the evaporation ol tho mols
tin c tho next morning They also pio.
moto inlnrnlln. Thus thoy check tho
tendency of Uo earth to loo great
dryness, which Ih almost aa injurious
to health as It Is to vegetation, tor
onldeiuic dlnenea are sure to do their
faal work where the foil-water Is bo
low the oidimiry standard.
lleiirp choMa olteti passes a wood.
oil flldrlcl and i elu In a tuch-as
one Theie .ire utituuroiiH lads lil.e
the lolloping: A ctrt.iln road In In
dh le.ids lor slxtv nilles thtough a
deiiso forest. Further on It tuns lor
ninety inllos thiourh a barren plain.
Hundreds or persons travel tho entile
toad daily. Xow, In the first or wood
ed section, cases of cholera seldom
occur, while within the latter it has
been of frequent occuirencc. One year
cholera raged in Allahabad. Soldiers
whoso barracks weiu on a hill snllered
the most from the epidemic; those in
banaeks surrounded by four rows ol
trees much let-s; hut not a single case
occurred among the soldiers whose '
barracks were In a thicket. It was '
the same the next year.
We All Have Our Troubles but Should
Learn to Keep Them In
If there is anything that is Irritat
ing It Is the way that some people
talk of their troubles, as If they were
n kind of n treat not cheerfully, but
with a kind of gloomy Joy; in a word,
they tiro resigned. It Is only mighty
big humbugs that will say they are
thankful for troubles. We may even
tually live to bee that they were right
and best for us, but al the timo It 19
sheer hyprocrisy to waggle our heads
solemnly and say: "Happiness Is a
snaie, anyhow; It is foolNh for any
one to expect happiness In this giU
zly old wot Id."
People who talk that way don't de
serve happiness. We woren't put hero
to be miserable. The idea that life
Is for suffering and not enjoyment is
fast being tfhelved. If the Lord art-
proved of lamentations and tears, ho
would not have put so much In tho
world to make us hopeful and happy.
There Is nothing more common than
trouble. We all have our troubles,
but It Is tho wise ones of earth that
keep their burdens In the background.
It is so common and cheap and selfish
to bo continually parading one's griefs
and disappointments. Whatever our
lot, we should nil learn tho wisdom of
that helpful little prayer: "Help mo
to win, If win I may; but if I may not
win, ranke mo a good loser." Mary
Elennor O'Donnell In Chicago Trib
une. The Fountain Source of Pies.
Tho Metropolitan club usually
called "The Millionaire" experi
mented for a half dozen years with
pastry. Try as they might, thlB im
portant branch of the culinary service
was not satisfactory. The cakes, or
tarts, were not up to the standard.
The pies were impossible.
Some months ngo, a native or New
England became chairman of tho
house committee. When tho pastry
ghost again walked, ho snid: "Leavo
that to me."
Ho went up to Winsted, Conn., and
after much persuasion brought bade
with him two maiden Indies whom he,
had known lor years. Ho turned them
looio In the Metropolitan kitchen with
tho direction that they should tako
orders fioni no one but hlmselt.
Today tho "girls" are putting u
hundred dollars a week In the Win
sted bank, and the millionaires are
slighting tho other courses to get
down to pie. Now York Sun.
Lure of the Author.
Ono wonders why bo many novels
are written. Yet consider the state
ment Just mado by the managers of
tho play adapted from "Hen-Hur."
They havo paid $250,000 In royalties
to tho estate of Its author and expect,
to pay much more before tho public
tires of it. Tho book Itself has had
a sale of.ovor a million copies, never
In a cheap form, and has probably
earned another quarter of n million
for the author.
"Mrs. Wiggs of tho Cabbage Patch,"
o little book of only 20,000 words, has
paid to Its author ub book and play
about $10 a word, and "David Ilaium"
produced a fortune for the heirs of
tho mnn who wrnto It. Aside from'
tho glory of satisfaction, every novel
ist, whether mnn or woman, is nviinnt.
Ing to crento some day a "Hen-Hur"
or "David Harum."
From the Ash Tray.
Even tho ash of hubhy's cigar can
ho utilized. In what way? Why, as
a polisher for gold watchca, bracelets
and rings, let alone chains and a mul
titude of other trinkets. This comes
from a prominent Jewolor, so It must
bo nearly correct. Ho even goes to
tho extent of carrying with him a
small caso In which ho preserves all
tho ashes from tho clgnrs which ho
umokes. Ho says that tho grain is so
fine that it leaves no mark that Is
lsceitilblo to the naketT yo.
Ill Up: Dlslrlr.l ;omt of WY.hMir
Courtly, N.-brashn.
I.l' llrltt,
l.ulit l!:ulcll,
liiiiiiim II. .1. K'l-ilt.
Iiiirti nT, .luiMoti,
tin I.. Wllluiili. . ,''7
I mJn '. I'iiikrr,' '.
i-'linir I!. PnrKcr.
Hurton (I, Parki r.
In me M. I'm leer. '
Itusul T. I' ami
Mtmili'.l. smith,
The nlmvo iniiiml tlcfi'iiilimH w II nil.c
iiotJi-c that on Hut '.1 il:t ol October. 11)11.
I.lbl lelitlirtilnliitia Hun In iIIpiI her )itllliiu
in tin- Ills' r'oi Co irl nl WolHter County. Ne
hrnk,i,i'nlil"t t!ionlio( ii nun 1 ili'tcmil.tuts
tin ii'ili'i ' uml ri( which l to ilclt r-
inliicllii ilqlilMot 1 1n- p'ltlrs I i (he iiIhim
iriiiti il i' im'. In t'ie followliu tliscillicil pii
inl'i -. lo wit: lot H tell tl mid ilcxtti (Ihln
I ii'i ck iwinij one uii In il, e il v el Itnl
l i im I. Ni hrs'sU'ii, ii'i.l fur h .IuiUiiicii' con
in till ii u lli siiaresiif tin inirlleslnthenhoM
i ,1 mtMh it im inl(..s uml lor u imrlliloii of Hie
vllil liove ilesc'llicil prellllsiH iirconlllli: to
I Hit n HpictlM' iluhlsof (he imrt'es InlertNliil
I .he i Inaiiil If Hie Minie cannot he eiiilt:ihly
lllilul Hint snhl jiremlsts he m( unit the
' prncii-ilN he ills lilt-it lieiMi en tin putli s Ik re
1 lo iicconlllH' to tlnlr repec'lc lltili s mil
' ti r hi in ml eiiiltulilei'i ,li f.
Von are reiiilrril toiinswer s.ihl pctltlnn on
it hcfoiolhe Hllh ilny 1'ehril ity. I'.IIJ.
I. mini: liiiirr.
Ily V. i . Hoise.s uml
Ileriiuril McS'en.v
Her uttorueys.
Ill The District Court of Webster
1 County, Nebraska.
liiLurKiniiii llaliir DeW'ltt.
1 vs.
, llhiuchu !'!( rs,
' lolin l'ois, In r liu-h.niil,
j hiuiu'e Wnniir, unit
Mrs. iliiiencf Warner IiIh wife llrsl full inline
' Wllllmu.l. linker, uml
Mis. Wtlllniu .1. linker his w Iff first iiniiio mi
1 known,
I It. A. W'liitaker, llrsl full name unknown,
1 uml
I Mm. It. A. WhltiikerhUwIfe, first iimnu mi
known, llllnni Hopper anil Mrh. Iloppir his wife,
Mist full iiiine uiikiiowii.
.lennlf Will.
' Annie W'ouilriui;
J .Morris .M. W'urner.
ClliiSlieriiiiiu, now llowen.
J Jemictlu Croiiiweil,
OIIe llopinr.
.Ntllle llopiicr,
i U llllmu Wnrner,
Miijorlu Ii. Ilnki r, now I'.iiiu.
W liil.iiu.l. A. Il kir.
K .it ii. iiui ii. i:. iiiii.i i
nii miiei.
i limits v. Warm r, e. nl..
Hi femlmils.
will tnl.e notice Hint on Hie mciiiiiI il iy of
lnuum., l.ipj. i.iurnl.-uiii iiuki r liuWltt,
lil.untlil lieielu lllulhirj.etltloii In Hiu Dis
trict Court of Welnter County. NL-hitiHku
timilusl you, tliu ohjict ami pi:i.erof which
aruioiluiernilnutliorlKlitsof the. pnrtles In
the tlhoM- case to the follow liitf ilescilheil
premises Nlluntut In Weh-,ter County. N(
lirnskn. lo-wlt: The nortli west inmrtir of
SLCllon'JI.I'owii'j. itniiKeU Wistot Hiu ll l
-M..ntul for a Jutlmnuiit ccuitlriiiliiK tliehlmr
tsof the parties to the nhovo ileKcrlheil prc-iiiNi-Naiiil
ior a partition of the nliovc ite
hcrlheil iiremlNfH nt'cordlng to tliu respective
rlKhtHof the parties Intirehteil therein and
If the mtiiit- i-aiiiiut be cipiltalily tlivlilitl,
that mild premises he nulil ami the jiroceeils
lieiilvlileil hetiveen the parties hereto tut'onl
ItiK to their respecth e rights ami for scncral
eiiultable relief.
You tiro required tonnswerHiilil petition on
or before the llUh day of Tehruary 'JI2.
Dated .Inntiary '.Mali
(il OltOIANA liAKKH DkW'ITT, IMallltltf.
Ily lleriiurd McNeny,
Her Attorney.
Lctal PUtlcc.
Notice Is hertby given that B. J. Kohtnet
Hcheru resident ot Itoseniont, Nehrnska has
tiled In theotllreof the county clerk of Web
ster County, Nebraska an application by
petition of certain persons claliuliiK fo be a
majority of thu resident free-holders of Oak
Creek Product, Wehster County, Nebraska,
prnylm; tho Houid ot County (.'oiiiinlssloners
ot Mild County, lo Kinnt him a llcuise to hell
iniilt, spirituous and luous lliiuors at Lot H,
lllocks, hi thu town of Kosemiiut, in said
uakrreik I'nclnct.
I hau set Tuesday, tho anil day of I'eli
ruary. Iilli. at tho hour ol Two o'clock In
the nltu noon ul tliu iniiii llouu lulled
cloud, as the time mid p'liuo for hearing on
Any person deslrliiK to icmoustruto or ob
ject to tho urnnllim ol nil.l license, must tile
Ihtlrohjictloiih In wrltlni; with me on or
before the alios o date set for liiarlmt.
Datid this I Ml It day of .latiuary, lina.
i:. w.,
County clerk of -(enli
Webster County.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Transfers for the weekending Wed
nesday January 24, 1012.
Compiled by M. W. Carter & Son
Ilonded Abstractors.
Pearl P. Ely, et al to Mary A
Burnett, wtl.part nwj. .Ti-U'-U, l
On in M Hedge midwife to Stella
M Niles, vd, lot'., lllli' 0, Lo
Duo's Add to Red Cloud 2000
Edwin liagnon to Herman II
Treboltl, wil, pait swj. sw'-J
lti-1-12 "000
C K (liiud Htnl wifo to Fred Cop
ley, wd, HIU 10, llom-er'h Add
to Hlne UUI TOP
State of Nebraska to l.iuvrenee
E Lewis, deed, s nvi IW-L'-IO 1200
Charles Uoswell anil wifo to
Hugo Schult., deed, lot 9, lilk
SI. Hluo Hill o.'iO
William J Vwuce and wifo to
William V Uettkol, wd, lot 8,
lilk 12, Iuavale 1.10
I W Edson, County Judge to
Heirs of George W Swlgait,
Deceased, decree, pint ejij w
pnttseU 4-2-10, I6ts 8 to 11,
Ulk 20, Cowles, lots .32 to 38,
Mortgages tiled, SlHfiO.
Mortgages released, 810500.
Hay, Grain, Flour,
Alfalfa Meal Delivered
: : Opposite Post Office :
'Phone Us Your Orders, Bell, Red 57
'," "y.r"j'j 'jvV'y'v
f The Home n$cery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Qrocorlos,
also the Latest Patterns In
Wo are also making a Specialty of the Celebrated
"A. B.
Bell Phono 102.
A'Nys'vVs' w'v
Receiver's Sale of
Pursuant to the order of the District Court of Webster
County, Nebraska, the Receiver in the case of Amboy Mill
ing & Elevator Co. vs. Harris, will sell at public auction on
the premises at AMBOY, 3ls miles east of Red Cloud
Nebraska, on '
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1912,
beginning at 1:30 o'clock p. m., the following property:
38 Head of Mules, From 3 to 5 Years Old, to-wit:
One team, four years old, weight 2650.
One team, three and four year old, weight 2450
One team, three year old, weight 2220.
One team, three year old, weight 2200.
One team, three year old, weight 2150.
One team, five years old, weight 1960.
Six mules, about 900 pounds each.
Twenty mules, from 1000 to 1100 each.
TEIINIS: Salo will be for cash or purchaser maj give note with approved
security at ton months' time bearing 10 per cent interest approved
,,,,. , Vfmr ",T ,l"' ll" F10 T'0'1 im,tlvo "l1,'S 'i K'l ilerti and condition;
iroJo,," ,,,emuru thoroughly broken lo work, and the balance halter
Dated .January 20, 1012.
O. D. HEDGE, Receiver.
Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone Rending n (ketch md deierlptlnn mm
Jlcklv Rirorlnlli nllr nDlnlnn frau whnlhnr an
Invention m prolmulr imtenuhln. rnnimunlno
ilniKmrlctlTrontldeiitlal. HANDBOOK onl'ateuti
unt free, oldest nuency fur lecurins Datentu
l'meiiti taken tlirouuh Munn A Co rccelvt
rptcuunoiut, niinouicniimo, in ma
Scientific Htnericam
A lmntomclr tlluMrnled weeklr.
I.nrsent clr.
dilution uf unr nclemltli; lnurnal.
'I'crint, ti a
yoar: four niunlha, f I. Hold tiyull non(lealern.
MUNN aco.36"0" New York
llruucli ontco IBS K Ht- Wnsliluuion, I). C
Subseribo fertile Chief $1.50 a year
It giveb the news at all times.
Charles Durham, Lovington, 111.,
has succeeded in finding ti positive
cure for bed wotting. "My little boy
wet the bed every night clear thro' on
the lloor. 1 tried several kiudn of
kidney medloiuc mid 1 was in tint drug
store looking for something different
to help him when 1 heard of Foley
Kidney Tills. After he had taken
them two days we could see a change
and when he had taken two thirds- of
a bottle he was cured. That is about
six weeks ago and he has not wot in
bed bince." Sold nt Dr. Henry Cook's
drug store.
Chief Adi Bring Results
Oils, Garden Seeds and
io Your Door.
v's. V'V'N'V7
Independent Phono 44
Red Cloud a " ' Nebraska
Feley Kidney Pills
Always glvo satisfaction because
they always do tho work. J. T. Shel
nut, liremcii, Oa.. says: "I have used
l-oley Kidney Pills with great satis
faction and found more relief from
their use than from any other kidney
medicine, and I've tried almost ail
kinds. I can cheerfully recommend
them to all sufferers for kidney and
bladder trouble." For salo at Dr
Cook's drug storo.
I have opened a bakery inRed
Cloud and solicit a share of
your patronage.
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always In stock. Phone me
your wants (Ind. phone 188.)
Retail store opposite Postof
flee, In Dloderleh building.