The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1912, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HAIjK, Publisher
Immediate Consideration by Conorcco
Is Urned Monetary Commission
Thinks It Can Cut Out
Wall Street.
Washington. -Tim monetary com
mlHHlnn'u Ioiik usaltcil report detail
im; u plan to reform the currency iiyn
torn propones a pcifectlon of Chair
man Aldrlch's original plan Tor a. na
tional reserve association liicli Ih to
tic a cooperative union of all tho
bankn In effect an evolution or tho
clearing house tclii extended to In
elude a central organinllon. Tim re
port Includes a 1)111 to make effective
the plan as It now stuntls and to re
peal all national banking lawn which
would conflict with Itn operation. Kew
hasio changes hnvo been mado In the
proposed plan which Mr. Aldrlch Biib
inltted to the commission aeveral
weeks ngo. It Ih proposed to Incor
porate, the national reset ve assocla
tlon with a capital equal to lit) per
cent of all the bankn which become
members. Ilefore the aHHoelatlon can
begin business $IO0.00O,0Ul In cash
capital must be paid In.
Recommendo Liberal Leasing Law.
Washington Enlarged application
of tho leading piinclplo applied to the
public domain, especially n liberal
leasing law for the development of
11m mineral resources of Uunka. par
ticularly ILk coal lands, and liuincdi
nte eotiHlderatlon by congress of the
whole subject of water-power develop
ment and conliol, are the moat Impor
tant recommendations contained In the
annual report of Secretary of tho In
terior Fisher. A general oveihaul
Ini: of conditions In AhiBka la needed,
tho secretary nays, lie favors a law
for the retirement of government em
ployes, placing It on the ground ()f
good biiHiiieHH policy, lie urges the
creation of a bureau of national parkH,
each of them at present being "a dep
urate and distinct unit for administra
tive purposes" Thero Is also serious
need, lio declared, for tho enlargement
of the work of tho bureau of mines.
German Officials Deeply Interested.
Merlin. Official circles hero and the
tiovvspapera generally display deep In
terest In the speech delivered by Sen
ator Hitchcock of Nebraska In tho sen
nto on tho arbitration treaties. Ab
stracts of bis address have reached
llerlln. and these contain what are
considered such rash statements that
government olllclals have decided to
wait for a full report of his speech be
fore expressing any opinion
Omaha Bishop Injured.
Omaha. The Klsht Rev. Richard
Gcamiell, bishop of the Catholic dio
cese, was painfully Injured when ho
fell the entire length of the llight of
stairs leading from tho second to the
Urst lloor of the bishop's residence.
The fall resulted from an attack of
dialiiess, and the Injuries consist of
bruises about the head, body and
Governor Can't Do Both.
Lincoln. (Jovornor Aldrlch desires
to go to the republican national con-
ventlon as a delegate, but as he Is a
candidate for governor, under tho rul
ing of Secretary of State Walt ho can
not bo n candidate for governor and
also have hhi name on tho primary
ballot as a candidate for delegate to
tho national convention.
Duluth, Minn - Inuuliies mo being
rcoelvod hero from Winnipeg u to the
extent of tho facilities at Duluth and
Superior for tho storage of Canadian
gialn. It Is understood that tho grain
elevatoru capacity of Fort William
and Port Arthur will be exhausted Feb
i nary 1. and there will bu millions of
bushels of Canadian grain yet to be
Leavenworth. Kan. A new regime
lia-i been Inaugurated at the military
prison at Fort l.eavenwoith with tho
receipt by Col. T. II. Slav ens. com
mandant, of an order from the war
department to transfer all purely civil
offenders to the mllitaiy piitnii at Al
catra. Island. Calltornla. On January
12 a transfer or 12." men will bo made
A strong guard will accompany them
to California and return with sixty
bovon military prisoners for the In.
liilutlon here.
.. Thousands of Sheep Doomed.
Snntn Harbara. Cal. Thirty thou
rand sheep In Santa Cruz Islands aio
doomed to starvation, drazlng Is e.
treinely low owing to the lauk of rain
und It Is said that tho owners have
llttlo hopo of saving more than two
thirds of tho sheep ranging the hllln
cm tho Island, numbering about 100,000
in all.
Washington. Loglslatlvo machinery
to provldo for oporatlon of the Panama
canal and control of tho canal zone.
will b started in the houBO this week.
noosevelt to Commit Himself
on Presidential Question Im
perial Troops Attached by
Kan Francisco. In i espouse to a
call by Piesldent Kun Yet Hen, several
leadern of the Chinese i evolutionary
Junta here will sail for China Janu
ary 10 to offer their sen Ices to the
new republic.
Peking.-- Several hundred imperial
troops ate repoited to have been
Killed and wounded Thursday in a bat
tle with revolutionists near Hankow
province of the Hu J'eh. The Im
perial troops were evacuating the city
when two of their trains weie de
nt toyed. From these trains one thou
sand (loops, Independent of their com
manders, weie making an effott to re
turn to Mankow The levolutlonlsts,
however, attacked them vlgoioiisly,
Inflicting heavy losses.
Has Nothing to Say.
Ojfstcr Hay -After a talk In New
York with .lames It (i.irlield. e-sec-ictary
of the Interior and a leader of
tho lepuhllcau piogrosiilvos in Ohio,
ex-l'icsldcnt Itoosovolt has returned
to Oyster liny. Colonel Itoosevelt had
Just ouo thing to say It was that he
had no Intention of lotting the public
know what he thinks about the Se
lection of a republican candidate for
president. He declared hit; intention
of bottling himself up at Sagamore
Hill and refusing to answer any
Found Dead In Cellar.
Omaha. Husband dead from hiait
f.illme and the wife fioni a fall down
stalls, .Mr and Airs. William I. Kielle
were found at an eail.v hour this
moinlng by their son. I' William
ICrelle. Mr. K relic was ill years old
and li Ih wife i"0 earn old. The opin
ion of the physician who examined
tho bodies Is that .Mr. Krelle went
down cellar to look after the lire or
attend to some other matter and died
of heart failure; that his wife, anx
ious over his prolonged absence, start
ed down cellar after him. slipped and
fell to the bottom, sustaining Injuries
fioin which she died. The bodies were
found lying lu the cellar near the foot
of the stairway.
Biggest Man Is Dead,
nioomlngton. Ill Leonard ("Haby")
Miss, lepoitcd to be the largest man
In the world, was found dead In his
home here. He had not been seen
about tho place for several days, and
neighbors made an investigation, llnd
lug his froen body, seated lu a chair,
in his night clothing, with gas escap
ing from a gas stove. It is believed
ho aroso several nights ago to get
warm and in some way accldentall)
opened the jet unknowingly.
Nebraska Man Injured in Ohio.
Cincinnati Fred Uverett. aged 2.1,
ft school teacher of Peru, Neb . en
route from New York to St I mis.
was found on a stieet corner heie with
his jaw broken, a briib-e on his left
cheek and a scalp wound Patrolman
KriiHo of the central district, who
found him. could get no intelligible
statement from him and sent him to
tho city hospital.
Son of Reyes Arrested.
Mexico City -Charged with linplica
lion In the Re.ves revolution plan. Ro
dolfo Reyes, son of (leneral Reyes, ban
boon arrested and placed In Sandlgo
j mllitnry prison, where his father Is
common liouoiro prior to his arrest,
placed himself voluntarily at the ills-
posal of the authorities.
He denies
his guilt.
Cuban Official Resigns.
Havana The societal y of tho troas -
ury, R. Martinez. Ortiz has lesigned,
his announced reason being dlssatls
taction with the present tiend of af-
fairs and the Impossibility of serving
under existing conditions. This Is
the third cabinet position vacated
within a fow weeks in response to tho
agitation of the veterans association
Winnipeg. Tho trapplst monastery
at St. Norbet, Man , was destroyed by
lire Thursday The fifty-three men re
siding in the building sought shelter
In a monastery nearly completed. All
of the winter stores were lost and tho
monks must depend on the charity of
farmers for siiatonence until next sum
mer Tho burned building was erect
ed twenty years ago and tho first
built by the trapplsts when they start
ed operatlonti. and was one of tho
threo lu America.
May Yet Appoint Judge Hook.
Washington Fi lends of President
Taft expect him to send to the sonato
during tho week the nomination of
1'nlted States Circuit Judgo Hook or
Kansas as associate Justice of the su
preme court to succeed the late John
M Harlan of Kentucky. No olllelnl
announcement that Judge Hook would
be nominated has bu nuide at tho
White House, but congicu leaders
doso to the president asserted tha
every other candidate virtually had
boon eliminated.
5 V. 'ffiiCri lfo oubJ
nm ..ff&2- p-lJWIlBBW-f
(Cup) "Kilt, ui-
Dynamiter Will Testify at Indian.
apolls Senator Brown Would
Place Poctal Employee All
Under Civil Service.
IH I'uso, Texas Under the guaid
kinship of two detectives and securely
locked lu the state loom of a sleeping
car attached to the golden state llm-1
lteil Southern Pacllle train. Ortle K.
MeMunlgal Hi lived heie Thursday
afternoon. His car was translerred to
an Fl Paso & Southwestern Rock Is
land tialn. and In a few minutes was
Hying not tli No one was permitted
to see McMauigal. The fact that he
was on the Main was known only (o
the conductor McMauigal is said to
be en i onto to Indianapolis where he
is expected to testify In the piobiug
of the djnamltu cases bv the fedeial
gianil jury now in scFsioti time. Ills
i onto from here will he direct to Chi
cago A Huge Political Machine.
Washington- sseiting that the
post olllce department has become a
huge political machine. Congressman ,
Noiris has Introduced a bill in the!
house io place every emplo.vo of that I
depaitment. except tho l ostmaster I
ili'l'ill LliK lit i-.i t'iL Liu; umiu.iaiv-i ......... ..r.u... . .. ...... .i.v ... . ...j
gem ral, under the eompetltiv" olassl-1 condition of the national banks of No
Mod set vice. The bill applies to first, braska, exclusive of tho reserve cities,
second, third and fourth assistant at the close of business on December
postmasters general, and would put ", as reported to the comptroller of
these high officials under the civil sorv- tho currency, shows the average re
ico inles. It provides a graduated serve held at 1(5.10 per cent, as corn
scale of tlxed salaries for the vailous i pared with 15.SS per cent on Septem-
post offices, and this Kcalo would do
crease many of tho salaries now being
paid. The bill provides for tho reduc
tion of salaries of postmasters vvher
ever the present salary exceeds $-,'100,
the maximum salary being fli.000. The
aggregate reduction would make an
annual saving lu the poFtofflco de
paitment of neurly $1,000.00(1. and this
i eduction would as a rule be says, bo
welcomed by 4he men whobo salaries
will bo reduced, because it would give
them a permanent tenure of office and
an opportunity of promotion on their I
own merit to a possible salary of, urst appearance in Illinois on his pros
$i'.,000 " lent campaign tour, declared It was
impossible for the government longer
Agreement will be Impossible. j not to subject groat money interests
Washington All hope or agree I to leform.
ment between confeiees of the two I -
houses of .ongress on the resolution Woman Made Deputy Sheriff,
piovlding for election of United States Ncw York - Through his promlao
senators bv direct vote of the people ,0 appoint several woman deputy
has vanished. Tho conferees on the kI'UTs. Sheriff James Harbor has
resolution providing for the const! ' elected Mrs. Caroline Truax. widow
tutlonal amendmont have reached the of tlle latc Juatlcp Truax of the state
conclusion that an agreement would
bo impossible and a repoit to that
i effect is expected soon
Is Opposed to Judge Hook.
Washington. Ills attention being
called to tho telegram from the No-
i braska railroad commission, protest-
I lug against the appointment of Judge
Hook to tho supremo bench. Senator
mown miiii; i am oj.i.oseu io ine ap-
' polntinont or Judge Hook, and favor
I naming Judge Dormer of Iowa."
Washington A busy session Is In
i prospect for congress when it recon-'
' eues and deliberations may run well
! Into the summer, without halt even i
for tho presidential nominating con-
Now York. So widespread has be
oonio the ciime of forgery in tho
United States and bo great has been
the losses within the last twelve cohol and groceries to tho Inmates of
months, that companion Issuing fore- tho municipal night Bholtor for tho
cry Insurance have adopted tho mo-t homeless and tho confiscation of tho
stringent restrictions in Issuing poll- adulterated whisky found on his prom
otes. While no accurate account of Ises no further poisonings havo been
the losses has been kept, Albert S. Os-' reported In tho city. Tho otllclal totnl
born, an expert on handwriting, esh of tho dead Is seventy-two out of 162
mates that they totaled $15,000,000 cases repoited to tho authorities, but
through checks and drafts alono dur -
Ing mil.
Folk's Campaign to Start.
St. Louis. Former Governor Folk,
who is contesting Missouri agalur
bpeaucr ciarK lor tno delegation to
tho democratic national convention
will begin a campaign throughout th
state January 15,
firnml Junction. Col Formal de
maud for a presidential primary will
bo made upon tho republican state
central committee of Colorado, at a
meeting of the Colorado progressive
republican league to bo held on Jan
uary 10.
Imperial Government Calls on Mu
tinecro to Submit to Authority
"Fighting Bob" Evans Dies
Very Suddenly.
Peking. Three thousand Miinchu
imperial troops, drawn from the gar
risons of Pno Ting Ku and Shlh Wang
Tno. have been ordered to Chin Wang
Tito and Uinchow to attack tho mu
tineers thero if they do not submit.
Chao Krh Feng, formerly viceroy of
tho province ol Hze chuan. assloted
by Manchu soldiers fioin Tibet, has
recaptured Chang Tu, the capital. Se
rious disturbances, bowovcr, continue
throughout the province. Foreigners
ore leportetl to left the cit of
Chun King. The railroad authorities
j at Tien Tsin. fearing an attack by the
lebel tionps, have stopped the Siber
ian mall, (icncral U Yuen Heug com-mander-ln-clilef
of the rebel Hoops,
who has been mado vice-ptesldent of
the republic, lias apologized to tho im
perial authorities for the violation of
the armistice at Hankow and has dis
missed two colonels wbo were re-
sponsible for It.
Conditions of Nebraska Banks.
Washington. The abstract of tho
bor 1; loans and discounts Increase
from J50.772.476 to .':!,260,r.rir,; gold
coin decrease from $1,514107 to $1.
r:!7.:!;!."; total specie increase from jfi,.
lS.-.flOS to $S.lS7,0:!n. Individual do- '
posits decrease from $3::,4 llJ.OOt; to
$v 1 1" iiy
LaFollette Opens Illinois Campaign
Chicago. Asserting that every cap
italization of corporations was tho pri
mary cause of the high cost of living.
Senator Robert M LaFollette, In a
speech here Wednesday, marking his
r1'1"' ' '. """ ner wan
mo aiitnority or deputy sticrltT o'
Now York county.
Pasadena, Cal. Tho tournament ot
roses, which has been given In Pasa
dena regularly at the midwinter sea
son for close on to a quarter of a
century, took place Monday In tho
nr..Hnnrn ,lf ,. rnenr.i.t.r,.niH,.P r,i
'()f spectators. Thousands of visitors
tron, wny M.clIon8 of tll0 col,ntrv
joined in the festivities.
Replna. Sask. Ernest Brunnoll,
charged with stealing a $40,000
money package from a Canadian
Northern railroad express car t o
mouths ago. has confessed. The
Package wbb buried In an ash pile
and the money found.
nerlin Since tho arrest of tho
wholesale liquor dealer who had been
in the habit of disposing of wood al-
, these do not Include sonio who died
outside of tho municipal Institutions.
Tampa, Fla, W. J Hryan, accompa-
ntod by Mrs. Rryan, have arrived here
direct from Havana as the concluding
stage of their trip to Jamaica and
Panama Thoy went Immediately to
tho dock nnd took a steamer for St
Petersburg a popular winter resort on
tho other side of Tam'ia bay. Mrs.
nryan will spend some days thero.
Mr Hryan lenVes immediately for
Washington. Mrs. Hryan expects to
mcnt nn old-tlmo friend, whoso custom
t ls , Bpon(i her winters at St, l'eurs-
inirRi uoth aro looking very wall and
Ogalalla had a SI 0.000 flro New
Years eve.
Nebraska state corn show at Lin
coln, January 1C to 19.
The State Historical society will
meet at Lincoln, January S to 10,
Tccumsoh dry goods stores will
close at i; o'clock lu tho evening un
til March.
The state good rofuls association
will meet at Lincoln on Tuesday of
hum, week.
A defective fluo lu the residence of
John Pentococost at Sterling was the
cause of a $:;,000 llro.
The State Territorial Pioneers' asso
Mat inn will hold their regular annual
session at Lincoln January 0.
According to Secretary Royce of tho
state banking board, Nebraska has not
had a bank failure for live years.
Hioken How reversed tho order ol
things New Years day the men kept
open house and the ladles did the call
ing. ..Jnmes Rryce, nritish ambassador to
thlB country, will not bo able to servo
as commencement orator at tho Uni
versity of Nebraska.
While out hunting rabbits Friday,
near Lorton, a son of Mr. and Mm.
lOlklns lMon accidentally shot and in
stantly killed himself
Henton Queen, at Platts'iiouth. sus
tained a loss of nearly S 1,000 whe
ho set hhi homo on Hie while thawing
out the frozen water pipes
Seven Lincoln dental otllcos were
visited by burglars between Saturday
light and the opening after New Year
More than ?700 worth of gold foil was
A section of tho concrete floor in
'he fccond story of tho new Pawnee
City court house gave way and fell
several foot, tortunatoly injuring no
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carmlchael of
Hastings celebrated their fiftieth wed
Jlng anniversary one day last week,
nearly a hundred guests being In at
tendance. At the H. It Sehertz farm sale
held recently near Auiora. moie than
$5 000 worth of pioperty was sold and
.ill but n very few dollars was p.jld
Dver in cash
The stockholder of tho Ileatiico
lion Woiks have voted to Increase the
-apltnl stock from $50,000 to $mo.00P,
he additional capital to be iimuI In
xtendlng tho work of the Institution
After having been without a pastor
'or several months, the hureh
jf Holdrego has extended a call to
Rev. H. J. Roberts or South llethle
hem. Pa . nnd he has written his ac
ceptance. C. K. Hoggs, at Hastings, narrowly
pscaped serious Injury when the pipes
ac was thawing out in the kitchen
rango exploded, wrecking the range,
and throwing portions of It through
tho celling.
Professor Duncanson of Peru Nor
mal used carbolic acid by mistake for
witch hazel after he had shaved, add
as a result tho general appearance of
his usually classic, countenance was
temporarily disfigured.
One hundred anil twenty lorinir
students or Union college aro now en
gaged In missionary work In foreign
fields. Mission stations of the dvent
1st church have been established in
almost every country of the world.
Jnme.s Richardson, an aged negro,
was found sick and without food or
fire, with the tomperaturo below yoro.
covered up with a pile of rags in a
ooin at Nebraska City. lo was given
'ood nnd shelter and will possibly re
cover. The villages of Shelton and Gibbon
aro wrestling with tho problem of
((ltarantining a number of smallpox
patients, which developed in theso
localities within the past fow days.
Forty-seven cases aro registered at
Shelton, with almost a liko number at
The commercial club at Lincoln Is
sending out letters to the commercial
clubs throughout the state asking
them to send delegates to tho annual
meeting of tho good roads association,
which will bo held thero January 10.
Replies aro coming In rapidly, and It
Is thought that thero will bo a large
uttondanco at tho meeting.
A copy of tho London Times of June
22. 1S15, giving a graphic account of
the battlo of Waterloo, has been pre
sented to the State Historical Boclety
by the Rev. Father Fitzgerald of Red
Cloud. The story of Napoleon's last
fray gives a list of Hrltlsh officers
killed in that engagement and con
InlnB an interesting recital of tho bat
tle. Congressman Mngulro has an
nounced tho nppolntment of Georgo
Chapllno of Lincoln to tho naval acad
emy at Annpolis.
The deep well which Is being sunk
at Nebraska City Ib now down 2.R73
foot nnd tho drill has struck tho hard
est rock encountered slnco tho well
was started.
Fedoral and private detectives made
a general' round up of tho bootleggers
and gamblers at 'Walthill, raiding sov
eral gambling Joints and captuilng a
quantity of liquor
The Reatrlco Commercial club has
received overtures from an airship
company to locate at that place.
Philip Hess, an old soldier C7 years
of ago, who disappeared from his
boarding houso at Reatrlco several
days ago, was found doad near Pick
orell. Uo hod hanged himself to a
H M. Rushnell, president or No
braska State Association of Commer
cial Clubs, will go to Falrbury, Janu
ary 12 and address tho Falrbury club
on tho subject "What Commercial
Clubs Can Do Without Money. Theie
will bo a banquet after tho address.
My Husband Also Uses
Mis. DilLi
M ay S u m
ueN, w hose
p I e t u i e nc
tump mil s this
t e m I i in
and who ic
ndcs at S53
N. Comic ht.,
Tipton, Itnl.,
writes 'lhe
Pcrim i Co., ns
follow 41
"j:igbt bot
tles ot Peruna
co in p 1 e tely
cuii'd me of
sjstcniio ea
tnt ill of l-CV-eral
ear h'
M.wiiIiiik', and
if my IiihImimI
foeln b.idltv ur
tit her ot us
cuUh cold we
at mice
Fuun.i." il
Stomach Trouble
Mi. WiImmi Robinson, 701 NwIe Si ,
Toledo, Ohio, wiltc:
"I led like ii now person. 1 have no
niniu heavy feelings, no more p.iiti. don't
liekh up ga, evm cut most anything
without it Inn ting me. 1 want to be
working all the tune. I have gamed
tvveiity-fniir pounds.
"People that mo mo now nnd avv me
two month ngo m-ciii nvtoni-hed. 1 tell
them Peruna did it. I will mv It i
the only iciiivdy for epiing and all other
iiiliiii'iit'-i "
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna
Almanac for 1912.
Mrs. Haymore How is that mulo
you bought of tho dcakln, Silas; is he
Haymowe (limping) No, not en
tirely; I discovered his hind legs aro
Was Testing the Baby.
Llttlo Phil Warrlnger, ot Addison
road, was detected In tho act of pull
ing out tho baby's hair desptto her
frantic protest.
"I just wanted to see," he said lu
explanation, "whether sho was cold
storage baby. Teacher told us that's
the way you can tell a chicken, ir tho
feathers come out easily tho cntckon
has been lu cold storage."
Needless to say, Phil -Is doing pen
ance. New York Times.
Guarding the Money.
"Why was he guarded by the po
lice?" "They were afraid somebody clso
v ould get his money."
If ou can't marry tho one you lovo,
try to lovo tho ono you marry.
Of a Good
is fulfilled if you start
the meal with
Sweet, crisp, fluffy
bits of toasted corn
ready to serve direct
from the pachage
with cream and sugar
"The Memory Lingers"
Fotttum cvrf ul Company, Limited,
llalllu Creek, Mich.
. V&isaS''
niPifii xi