v It h ,f '""tv v lair- 'ft s The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA PRICE IS TOO GREAT YUAN SHI KAI l& STILL LOYAL TO THE DYNASTY. PERSIA YIELDS TO RUSSIAN BEAR Republic Too High a Price for Peaci Official Beheading of W. Morgan Shutter Nebraska Membera Stay at Washington. Peking. Yiinn Shi Kal, tho pre mier, evidently remniiin Btoadfnflt In his decision not to ncccpt n republican form of Kovernment for Chlnn hh the price of peace within tho empire. Members of tho premier's entourage reiterate that Yuan never will advlso tho abdication of the emperor and thereby become traitor. They Bay that if the formation of a republic Is un avoidable he will resign as prime min ister. It has been suggested Hint Tang Chao Yl, the representative of Yuan and tho Imperial government at the Shanghai pence conference, and Yuan wcro playing a prearranged game with tho Intention gradually to shear tho Manchus of power nnd thereby prevent a Manchus rising In Peking, but tho fact that Tang has telegraphed friends here, asking them to endeavor to persuade Yuan of the necessity to ncccpt a republic seemingly Indicates that Tang and the premier are not In accord. Persia Yields at Last. London. Persia hns at last yielded to tho demand of tho Russian ulti matum that W. Morgan Sinister, nn American who holds tho po.-t of treasurer-general In tho Persian govern ment, bo dismissed from the service. Tho Russian ultimatum also cnlla for the payment of nn Indemnity, which la to reimburse Russln for money ex pended in sending nn armed expedi tion Into Persia to enforce her de mand. Mr. ShuBter's administration of Terslan finances hnB been displeas ing Russia from the stnrt.nnd when ho caused tho seizure of property be longing to the brother of the former shah, over tho protest of tho Russlnn vlco consul. Russln at first demanded an npology, nnd when this was not forthcoming called for the dismissal of Mr. Sinister. This has finally been no ceded to. Will Stay In Washington. Washington. The Nebraska delega tion will remnln nn unbroken circle In "Washington during tho Christmas holi days, with one exception, bo Its mem bera In both tho seimto and house an nounce. Senator Hrown, who has gone homo for Christmas, expects to bo Joined later by Mrs. Urown and their daughter Lucille, nnd upon their arrival they will take up their old quarters at tho Portland for tho re mainder of the session. Senator Hitch rock, who occupies n spacious house In tho fashlonnblo quarter on II street near Seventeenth, docs not contem plate a western trip nt thlB time, It It said. Work New Game on Ministers. Now York. Tho police nro Bearch Ing for a thrifty bridal couplo who have been married at least suventy flvo times, each ceremony costing nn unsuspecting clergyman $10. Every minister who smiled over them and bade them good fortune nnd success Is tho possessor of a $20 check for which ho gavo $10 In change. Tho checks wero bad. Topekn, Kan. Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In His Steps." nnd many other bookB, has resigned the pastor ate of the Central Congregational church of Topeka, which ho bus held for twenty-three years. He will de Toto himself to a tour of tho world visiting missions nnd Y. M. C. A.'s. Shenandoah, Pn. Joseph Reed and Thomas Lovan, miners, were burled nllvo behind thousands of tons of coal nnd rock In the Packer No. 4 colliery, when n fall of coal filled the chute. Rescuers aro working to clear away the debris. Converted at a Dance, Renfrow, Okl. Learning of n dance being hold at this plaro a few nights ago, Rev. Robort V. Whiston of Lin coln, Neb., who is holding a series of revivals at tho Christian church here, paid the proprietor of the hnll $.1 for tho privilege of preaching for fifteen minutes during tho dance. The ca pacity of the hall was taxed by a largo crowd, but there was no disturbance while tho preacher spoke. One con version resulted from tho sermon. And Geese Saved Rome, Too. Chicago. Flocks of geese, by their cackling prevented what inlgh,t huvo been a disastrous flro In tho down town district Tho geese were In crates on the third floor of a building occupied by a commission house. Flro started from an overheated stove and had spread to tho woodwork in the room whero tho noisy fowls attracted the attention of a watchman, The urrrent deficiency bill, carrying an appropriation ot $2,270,000, has passed tho houso. CHINA IN BAD SHAPE YUAN REFU8ES TO 8ANCTION DE MAND FOR REPUBLIC. HARMON BOOM GETS LAUNCHED Premier Will Uphold Monarchy Harmon Given a Surprise Party Government Records on Bad Paper. Peking. Premier Yunn Shi Kal haB given his answer to those who aro attempting to reform China into a re public. In an oillclal statement ho declares, without qualification, that ho refused to accept a republic. At the Shanghai peace conference Thursday Wu Ting Fang, foreign minister of tho revolutionary provisional cabinet, spoke strongly In favor of a republic, and later Tnng Shno Yl said that he wax convinced that the abdication of tho emperor nnd the eatublslnnent of a republic was the only thing that would satisfy the people. At the same time ho expressed doubt whether it would be possible to persuade Yuan Slial Kal to abandon his plan for a limited monarchy. A Surprise for Gov, Harmon. Columbus, O. Gov. Juduon Harmon waB given a surprise party in the ex ecutive offices Thursday and his presi dential candidacy endorsed by tho meeting and organization of demo cratic slate oIllclalH to actively cam paign for a solid delegation from Ohio to the national convention favoring tho nomination of Mr. Harmon for president. The delegation of stato of ficials gathered In the corridor outside of the governor's otllces nnd marched In on him Just as he was closing his desk at the finish of his day's work. Big Waste In Lumber Industry. Washington. A great undeveloped Industry, worth millions of dollars an nually, lies at the doors of tho people of the south and tho far northwest In the Immense wastes of wood Incident to the manufacture of lumber. An nmnzlng statement of these wastes nnd the consequent loss in wealth and conservation of timber resources Is mado as a result of a two years' gov ernment Investigation, not yet con cluded, by E. P. Veltch, chief of tho leather and pnper division of the bureau of chemistry, nnd M. O. Donk, assistant chemist, whoso preliminary conclusions have Just been made pub lic. Records Printed on Bad Paper. Washington. Discovery by tho con gressional Joint committee on printing that "adulterated" paper had been used for years In ,tho government printing ofllco has led to the announce ment of a complete new set of govern ment paper standards. Tho paper adulteration was accomplished by tho substitution of clay for the moro sub stantial wood or rag fibers, loading to tho grave fear thnt mnny of tho print ed recordB of tho government will crumblo and becopio unrendablo In less than a century. Nashville. Tenn. A night In the Btato penitentiary hero convinced Gov ernor Hooper that roforma were neces sary in the stnte prison system. He submitted to tho deprivation of his liberty so that ho might observe moro closely the condition of convicts who had asked Christmas pardons, and has announced that he will grant several conditionally. Chicago. At tho eighty-first convo cation of the University of Chicngo, held Thursday, un students received various degrees and titles, Including three from Nebraska Harold L. Kra mer, Columbus, Neb.; Herman Ko paid and Howard P. Roe, both of Om aha, all associates in philosophy. Chicago. The Jury which is to try tho ten Chicngo packers who are charged with violation of tho criminal provisions of tho Sherman anti-trust law has been completed and tho open ing stntement of United States Dis trict Attorney James H. Wllkerson begun. Washington. Both houses of con gress adjourned Thursdny for tho holi day roccss and will reassomblo at noon, January 3. Tho house adjourned nt 2:21 p. m. and the senate at 2:34 P. m. Moras Still Belligerent. Manila. A battlo Is Imminent In tho Island of olo between COO Moros and a force of American troops. The Moros, who aro defying tho ultimatum Issued by Drigadier General John J. Pershing, ordering tho disarmament of the natives In tho district, have ro tired to tho top of tho peak of Hud Dajo, which they havo fortified. . Thoy nro surrounded by infantry and artil lery and a fight Is likely to begin at any moment. Western Nebraokans Promised Relief. Washington. Senator NorrlB Drown, In reply to his Indorsement of tho North Platto Vulley Water Users' association contract, suggested by th "m to tho department ot tho Interior, has been ndvlscd by tho department that draft of public, notlco is now un der consideration by tho department, which, It Issued, will dofer the time when tho first Installment becomes due for the landa heretofore oponed to Irrigation under the said project and will also permit paymenta to be mado in graduated installment. TRYING THE CHRISTMAS TOOLS F is5 rss? - cm i (Copyright. 1811.) TERMINATE THE RUSSIAN TREATY Give Sulzer Credit for Its Inauguration Russia Must Now Act Iowa 8aloon Keepers on' , the Rack. . Washington. Congress will actively begin consideration of tariff legisla tion in the committees of tho two houses Immediately after the holiday recess, though democratic leaders of the house, the tariff-originating body, say that no measure would bo ready to report for somff weeks. Republican Leader Penrose of the senate said the tinance committee would begin Its work In advance of the house, while Democratic Leader I'nderwood said tho hill would not be whipped Into shapo for Una! report until February. Tho committee, ho said, must decide Just what rates should bo tlxed after thoroughly comparing its own data with tho facts submitted by the tariff board In the report which President Taft .submitted to both houses of congress. Ratify Its Termination. Washington. Congress ratified the president's notification of tho ter mination of tho Russian treaty of 1832 nnd sent tho measure to tho president for his signature. Tho houso disposed of it according to program within sev-onty-fivo minutes. Speaker Clark signed It at 2:56 p. m.; Vice-President Sherman Bigned It at 3:51, after tho senate had remained In session pur posely to permit him under the rules to alllx his slgnaturo whllo It was In session. Thursday congress took a recess for tho holidays, which was an Important factor In tho expedition of tho ratification. Disprove of Dollar a Day Idea. Washington. Forcea 'nro at work In the senato to bring about radical amendments In tho Sherwood "dollar a day" pension bill, which has passed tho houso. Senators of both parties has expressed disapproval of tho dollar n day Idea. Tho senato pen sions committee Is now compiling sta tistics to Bhow Juat what tho yearly outlay would be If tho Sherwood bill wcro adopted. Partnership Saloons Under the Dan. Dos Moines, In. Saloons owned by partnerships and corporations aro In direct violation of the Iowa Btato law, according to an opinion handed down. by Judgo Ijxwrenco De Graff of the equity division of tho district court hero. Moro than 1,000 saloons In tho stato will be nTTectcd by tho ruling, If It Is sustained by tho supremo court, to which the liquor Interests will ap peal It. Wants Roosevelt's Name on Ballot. Lincoln, Neb. Theodore Roosevelt Is officially a candldato for the repub lican nomination for president. Mr. Roosevelt's boom was launched In Ne braska Wednesday,, when the secre tary of stato received n petition, prop erly signed, asking that tho namo of tho ex-prcsldont bo placed upon the republican ballot at tho April pri maries under tho preferential voting law. Chicago, III. Dr. Alfred Golbort, Snrkls Dekmedjl, Ara P. Chutljan nnd Apknr H. Jafforlas, four south side Ar menian business men, havo been ar rested by Postofflco Inspector James E. Stuart, charged with attempting to securo $10,000 from two of Chicago's wealthiest Armenians by means of al leged blackmail. Garabcd T. Pushman and Karekln T. Pushman, rug mer chants, nro tho men against whom the blackmail plot was directed, accord ing to tho Inspectors. Baseball Man Accidentally Shot. ""Philadelphia, Pa. Robort A. Un glaub, formerly of tho Washington and Boston American loaguo teams and late manager of tho Lincoln, Neb., team, was accidentally shot at Oris field, Md whoro ho was preparing to start on a hunting trip. Unglaub bad gotten up early and was cleaning his rifle, one of small caliber, whon the gun was dicharged whllo in his hands. Tho bullot passed through bis right ankle and lodged in the back of the foot. PROMISE OF PEACE IN CHINA Six of the Great Powers to Assist in Negotiations Termination of Russian. Treaty Assured New President of China. 1.08 Angeles, Cal. Twenty-three sticks of high power dynamite were found at the home of Arthur Letts, proprietor of two of tho largest de partment stores In Lob Angeles. The dynamite was discovered by a servant, who at once notified the police. After nn investigation tho polico announced their belief thnt the dynamite had been pluccd in the yard by someone who wanted to get rid of it. There was nothing to Indicnte that any at tempt was to have been made to blow up the LettB residence. No caps or fuse wero found with or near tho dynamite. Powers Will Assist. Shanghai, China. Promlae of peaco In China became more definite with the announcement that all six of the great powers Japan, Groat Britain, tho United States, Russia, France nnd Germany are united In a cooperative effort to assist Df Wu Ting Fang and Tang Shao Yl In their negotiations. There waB rejoicing when It was learned that tho representatives of tho six powers wero preparing to offer formally their assistance for tho speedy conclusion of an understand ing. It is clearly understood that this action by tho powers Is taken In tho most friendly manner. Ratify Termination of Treaty. Washington. Tho senate, by a unanimous vote has formally ratified Prepldcnt Tnft's notification to Russia of tho termination of tho treaty of 1812. Tho Lodge Joint resolution re ported by the foreign resolutions com mlttco as a substitute for tho Sulzer resolution that passed tho house, 300 to 1, was adopted after an all day do bato over Russian discrlminntlor against tho Jews of America. Big Increase In Crop Report. h Washington. With Increases in tho (--production of the eleven Important farming crops, not including cotton, the total value of these crops this year reached tho total of $3,700,502,000, according to' tho final estimate an nounced today by the department of agriculture Thin Is an Increase of almost $190,000,000 over their valuo last year. Urged to Practice. ' New York. Practice in throwing stones straight, that they might be prepared for a stone throwing cam paign in case more peaceful methods fall to win their canso, has been urged upon suffragettes by Elizabeth Freeman, tho young American-English leader. The idea was welcomed with cheers. Washington. Many vllla"es on tho Isthmus of Pnnnmn, Intimately associ ated with the history of, the stirring buccaneer days, aro soon to disappear forever beneath tho surface of tho vast artificial lake which l.t now slow ly filling up between Gatun and Mata china. New York. The progress of the sclenco of aviation during the yenr now drawing to a close has been cost ly In human life. The deaths In 1011 more than doubled tho combined num ber for tho three preceding years. In 1008 ono man lost his life. In 1909 four, In 1910 thirty-two, and to date for tho present year seventy-seven persona havo been killed. In 1911, as in preceding years, France has con tributed by far the largest number of victims. " Too Much Irrigation. Washington. Four years ago land owners near Morrill, Neb., wero crying for wator; now they have too much of If. The unforeseen consequences of irrigation will force the reclama tion service to drain off this water in order to save Its own project. Much of the land hear Morrill has become thoroughly saturated with water and tho seepage hnB becomo bo great that some valuablo land is Inundated, cel lars in town nro flooded and an arid district baa threatened to become a swamp. toimnoNAL stiNMrsanoL Lesson mAAAi MMMMMAMMAM LESSON FOR DECEMBER 31 REVIEW. GOLDEN TEXT-"If we confess our ins, he Is faithful and Just to forgive us bur sins, and to clonngo us from all un righteousness." I John 1:9. . To go over all the lessons separate ly, one after another, to repeat titles and Golden Texts in order, to select certain truths we hnve learned this Is not review. What we need Is the movement of tho whole period of the history, to study its meaning, to what it Is leading, how each event, each charac ter, bears upon this end, to help or to hinder, to Bee God in the history, and to learn the lessons tho wholo period teaches us. Reviewing is looking backward from some tower or hilltop, over the land scapo through which we havo been traveling. The hills, the valleys, tho cities, the villages, the forests, the fer tile fields, we havo been seeing In de tail through tho quarter we now Bee as ono broad country, nnd we understand the meaning and power of the Innd an a whole. , Tho principal countries where the events took plncc should be noted on tho map, their relations to ono anoth er, tho modern names of these lands given, and tho events In each reported. Tho Illble history is made more real, nnd moro Interesting, when the con temporary events of secular history nro connected with it, Joining day school with Sunday school. And often tho secular history throws light upon tho Biblical history. The monuments, tho remains of ancient times found in tho ruins of their great cities within tho last century, add greatly to our knowledge and Interest. The history we nre reviewing nat urally falls Into four eras or periods. (1) The two streams of the divided kingdom. (2) The single stream of Ju dah. (3) Tho Exile. (4) The Return and Restoration. I. First Period. The Divided King dom. Judah and Israel side by side, a double experiment in the progress of the kingdom of God. This period ex tended from 982-722, about 260 yearB. Judah's territory contained about 3,400 square miles; Israel's 9,400. Judah's capital was Jerusalem with Its tem ples; Israel's was Samaria, with two centers of false worship. Judah was more sheltered than Israel from close contact with the heathen, both politi cally and religiously. Judah had one dynasty of 11 kings and one queen, all of tho houso of David; and Israel 19 kings and 9 dynasties. Judah had several very good kings, and great revivals of religion and reforms of morals; whllo In Israel from the first was a deterioration of varying de gress, with great help from Elijah and Ellsha. Tho principles wo have been study ing apply to our own times, but are worked out in ways adapted to modern life. "The church is an army on duty, an army for tho Christian conquest of the world by loving faithfulness." There are great evils to be driven out of our country. Tho whole land is wait ing up to realize the need of civic right eousness. There is always need of awakening now reforming zeal. For every step wo gain gives us views of new needs, and new ideals. Every Christian land ought to be a perfect ex ample of the kingdom of God, and of the blessings that abound in it. Every failure to live that life lessens its in fluence over tho heathen nations. II. Second Period. Judah the Sole Kingdom. Length of Period, 136 years from destruction of Samaria 722 to final fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the templo in 586. Every failure from tho perfect life, every moral wrong, every fall into idolatry, dimin ished their power for good; and It was necessary that punishment should fol low such conduct, both to persuade them into the ways of God and right eousness, and also to show the heath en that only obedience to God could lead to the blessings prepared for Gods people. III. Third Period. Tho Exile in Baby. on.' Length of period, 70 years, 605 536 nnd 58G-516. A period of discipline, of sifting like wheat, of the refiners purifying fire. Tho Jews learned their need of God, the vnluo of religion, the blessedness of the Word of God; they gained the broadening of their ideas, and sympa thies, tho Increase of their culture. Discipline, purifying in the furnace, tho strength that comes from overcom ing, is tho need of all individuals and churches today, IV, The Fourth Period, The Return. The New Spiritual Nation. This pe riod extends from the first return la C36 to tho close of the Bible history, 400 with an onward vision to the com ing of Christ. Preparations for the coming of Christ. The forerunner. A CURE FOR CARE. "Do not worry; trust instead!" That Is what the Master said. And it cannot bo denied That his teaching, when applied, Proves a sovereign cure for care Lightens brudens anywhere. Heathen men who never heard Of the Master's restful word Mar be pitied if they let Anxious thoughts their spirits tret, But disciples all may learn Of the Master to discern, That, while God doth reign above. "Providence" mease watchful lore. Free with Mother's Oats fflj$t Description! This beautiful ipoon is triple silver plat ed and if guar anteed for 20 years. The handle is the latest French gray finish. The bowl is hand bur nished. This advertise ment is good for 10 coupons cut this out and send to us with only 2 more coupons taken from two packages of Mother's Oats and we will send this beautiful 20-year Guaranteed spoon free. Only one adver tistmtnt acctpttd from each customer at 10 coupons. Buy a package of Mother's Oats today and send a postal for complete presuaa book. Address Mother's Oats, Chicago $l25nefperAet lumMrs 'Sj Mr. R. D. Hudson, bn his farm in Neuces County in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas and Loui siana, averages 5125.00 an acre net profit ott his cucumbers. He planted them in February and marketed them in March. Thinlc of it enough profit in two months to more tli.m pay lor the land, and 10 months li It 111 which ik grow two ither crops Two anil three crops a year is not unusual in tha Gulf Coxsi Country of Texas and Louisiana for they hive twelve months of prowl dk weather Making money down there is not ditlicult. Any man with ordinary intelligence can make good 111 the Cult Coast Country of Texas and Louisiana. Thousands of men have left the stores, offices, and factories of the north to go down there to lead an inde pendent, out-of-door lifo. They enjoy being their own boss, and piling up their own bank account feels good to them. Better look into this Iuvestigatul Go down there this fall or win ter. See and talk to these growers. Then you will realize the bigopportunitiesopentoyou. The trip, by the Frisco. will alone bo worth the little cost uf going. Excursion fares.via the Frisco, the first and third Tuesdays of eacn montn. make tho trip inexpensive. The Frisco Lines operate splendid, electrio lighted, all steel trains, daily, from Chicago. St. Louis, Kansas City, Birmingham and New Orleans. These trains carry through cars, daily, and on excursion days, through tourist sleeper to the Gulf Coast Country. 3 Splendid Books FREE One on the MldCo.mt country of Texan, one oa the lower Irrigated seotltmN of the itlo Grand vauey una on on Loulfl nua, ull beautifully Illus trated, showing acenea la uctiial colors. They de scribe the country and crops from one end to the other, clvlnir examDlea of mm aucre-m and pergonal Hlatctueuts by men who hnve gone there and made trood. Write for your free copies today, while you think of It. A. HILTON, General Passenger Ageat, 637 Frisco Building, St Louis, Mow Splendid Crops In Saskt.ioh.win (Wisiirn Cinidi) 800 Bushels from 20 aores 01 wntai was me tnreaner return from a Lloyd L minster farm In the I season of 1910. Many I Heidi In that at well a I other district yleld I ed from 25 to S3 bu I allele of wheat to th acre. Other grain In I proportion. LAME PROFITS are the rived Iroea (ha FREE MESTEAD LANDS (Wester Canada. This excellent showlns eantea prices to advance, tana values hnnM rini-hlnln twA Mn llmtt. ..wh. vv-.-. -r f .-..- w. Uralngrowlng.BiUtMlfarm- Ina-, rati In a are .tie raisin 1 all urotl la and dairy liable. Jfc'ree FiXSj lloraestendsoflttO acre are to be hud In the very belt districts! ihu acre pre-eni tlonsateu.UO peraere.vtltl s In certain areas, tie hoolsuntl rlitireuea In evtsrv settle-' inrnt, climate unexcelled, suit we ririieaii witou, wmer and liulldiug material phmtlfut, W cur twriiGmiare m mi iuvaviuii, low Millers' railway rates and dorrlptliH Illustrated pamphlet, 'La&t Hen West," and other In formation, write to Huptot Immi gration, Ottawa, Canada, or to lunumau t.uTeromenv Ageui. W. V. BENNETT RMm4SMBI4. Oaths, M. Pleas write to tUsasut nearest yea I mmmm MMiflS MFAxmmm Mm3tWmm& 1"JhBJJ ffj: -(AX YtVi' sill Wk YQjMm LaBsTwAw! II O rs"ejPar?J o 2afraj 1eiar.STl - r.r r A c l ,- $ P&fcC ffF ?' mmmii iirie'ii'ii li hi l.i iiai 11111 mi n -i -li--f- --. i- eaT - ala..m ... aHM.. aaMaaaaaWlaaaaa