The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1911, Image 7

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"" It"'
.v :,,
Now is the Time to Order
Your Monument
for Fall Delivery and have it (erected
before cold weather sets in. First class
material and workmanship guaranteed.
Overing Bros. . Co.
Dealers irv 'Monuments, Red Cloud
Don't Throw
My paying more "A for COO pounds
than Vv capacity
for this is the price of a
tkcr Sicca at Other
The most sanitary separator built The
ly separator supplied with a centrifugal
washing device that overcomes an.
the drudgery ot washing up tne
Beatrice Creamery Co.
fcUMHw Not.
Highest Market
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllee in Moon Mock.
Hell, Black 4; Ind., 103
Uoiidimce, Royal Hotel.
. Hell, 17; Ind., 27
Calls Answered Day or Night
unn rt.ouu, m:u.
Red Cloud -a a a Nebraska
WMsn's Penslsn.
The recent act ot April 19th. I90g
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
ot 913 per month. rVod Maurer, the
attorney, has all neoossarv blanks.
AiallCsrrlr's Lod
yecias heavier when he has a weak
taok and kidney trouble. Fred Dueh
ren, mail carrier at. Atchison, Kes.,
ays: "I -have been bothered with
kidney and bladder trouble and had h
-severe pain across my back. When
ever I oarrled a heavy load of mail,
tny kidney trouble increased. Some
time afro, I started taking Poloy kid
uy pills mid since taking them I
liave gotten entirely rid of all my kid
ney trouble and am us sound now us
ever." For sale nt Dr. Cook' drug
toro. .
I have opened a bakery inlled
pond and solicit u share of
your patronage.
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always in stock. Phono mo
.your grants (Ind. phono 188.)
Retail store opposite' Iostof
flee, in Diaderlch building.
Away Money
For Poultry.
J. V. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St., Ft.
Smith, Ark., says that he bad taken
many kinds of kidnoy modicine, but
did not get better until he took Foley
Kidney Pills. No matter how long
you havo hud kidney trouble, you will
Hud quick and pcrmnncnt bencltt by
the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start
taking them now. Sold at Dr. Cook'
drug store.
Patronize Home Industry
And Buy Home firewn Potatoes
The Miner 15 row. Co., inform us that
they are well supplied with Kurly Ohio
Potatoes (Homo Grown) which are far
superior to any stock that has been
on the mnrket from other points.
TheyXLoolc Hotter! Cook Better!!
Keep Detter ! ! !, Are Better II!!
SI per bushel in 5 bushel lots or
and Bacon
For Sale
l a-
Appl!o4 Into th nostrils
Is itlckty absorbed.
It elonnsca, soothos, heals and protects tho
diseased meinbrauo resulting from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold iu the llend quickly.
Restores tho Bowses of Tusto and Smell.
It is easy to ubo. Contains no injurious
drug. No morcury, no cocaine, bo mor.
phlno. Tho bousoliold remedy.
Price, CO conts at Druggists or by mall.
ELY' BROTHERf , IS Warns St., N.w York.
stU'v&iW wJ
-BY- M9k
Yost TjM
trfi afaW
. ik so-
Ul o???
E apes?.
X 5
Covington was cleaning up the
desk. Tho upstairs girl, answering
his ring for a larger waste basket, al
most fell down the back stairs In her
hurry to spread the news.
Covington had coma to board at the
Bradley's three years before and
since then no one could recall having
aeon the top of tho desk. A little
apace in front, just large enough to
write upon, was kept fairly clear, but
(or the rest, Covington seemed to
take pride In tho confusion ho main
tained and boasted that ho could And
anything ho wanted at a moment's
At tho olllco his desk was scrupu
lously neat, hut tho roll-top In his sit
ting room, used for htu personal cor
respondence, was piled high with pa
pers and books.
It might have continued so far an
other three yenrs, hut Covington was
restless. Ho found tho evening pa
pers dull, tho theatrical advertise
ments innde no npttonl to him, and
books wcro intolerable.
In his restless roaming nround tho
room his nttentlon wns attracted by
tho desk, and sinking Into tho chair
ho began to clean up. Hero, at least,
was a novel occupation, and soon he
was busily engaged In reading over
old letters and discarding thoso of
no further Interest.
Mabel's lottcro, of course, ho kept
In a drawer, the top ono with the
Ynlo lock. Well, perhaps it would be
well to clear thoso out, too. Ro
manco was dead. He had written her
the proposal he soemod unable to
mako In person, and had added, "I
shall not wrlto again until your an
swer comcB." That had been a fort,
night ago.
Ills eyes caught' a line In an adver
tisement in a theatrical paper that
formed part of the litter of his desk.
"Consider silence a polite negative,"
it ran. Thut was what he waa doing.
Mabel had not even taken the trouble
to answer.
He viciously thrust the paper into
tho basket and caught up a letter. It
waa that check for his tailor. He had
been positive he had mailed that; the
subsequent argument had resulted In
a transfer of his patronage, yet here
was tho cheek still Inside. Ho was
rather glad that he had commenced
tho cleaning up process.
There was another envelope under
tho pile of 6onsular reports. Ho drew
it out and his faco blanched. It was
the letter to Mubcl. In some fashion
it had sllppod Into tho tangle on the
desk. He remembered ho had writ
ten u number of other letters nt tho
famo timo. When ho hud done he
hnd snapped n rubber band about
thoin and had given them to ono of
the follows to tnko out.
What could she think of him? He
had ceased his customary visits and
had not oven written. He slipped out
of his house coat and into his dinner
Jacket. There was .a telephone in the
lower hall. Perhaps Mabol had not
gone out.
It was her mother who answered,
rather frigidly and with a certain note
of disapproval in her voice. Mabel'
was in, but she waa 111 and had gone,
to her room. She did not think that
he could seo Mr. Covington.
But Covington waa persistent and
In the end ha gained permission to
call. He found her pale, with nervoua
llnee to her face. She triad to laugh.
H off hot ha would aot havo It ao.
1 have a special delivery letter Cor'
tob." he announced. "It ahouM aot
have bean a letter at all, bat I gneaa
I'm a aort of aural coward.
"Anyhow, I waa oleaalng up ay
deak at the houee tonight and I fond
this. I thought It had been seat two
weeks ago."
"Letters often go astray." she com
mented as she stretched out her band
to receive It.
"It was my fault," he said humbly.
"You see I've a desk up at.the house
and Pre rather prided myself upon Its
confusion. Tonight I cleaned It up.
Just to have something to do, and I
found this letter."
Something In bis tones conveyed
IU Import and ahe slowly broke the
aeal and glanced through the con
tents. At last she looked up.
"So that la the reason I have not
heard from you lately," aha aald. "I
wondered that you forgot the Apollo
"That la only one count," he aald
humbly. "I did not bring the letter
expecting that you would give the
same answer I hoped for two weeks
ago. I Just wanted you to see that I
was not quite at bad as you think I
"I did not give it great thought,"
she said, while the red, flooding her
faco, denied her words. "I thought
that perhaps you were ongnwsed In
tomo Important deal."
"This Is the most important 'deal'
In a man's life," he laughed a little
bitterly. "And I havo bungled It
badly." '
Tity Is akin to. love," ahe remind
d, "and do you know, Frank, I think
I have a mission."
'(And that?" he asked hoaraely.
"To keep that desk straight," abe
He Shouldn't Have Dona It
The impassioned orator at the
tramps' convention paused and wiped
bis perspiring brow.
"Brothors," he said, "this Is bard
Then they expelled him.
Colored Man Discourses Philosophical
ly on Those Soothing, Cooling and
Filling Fruits.
A well-known lawyer, who 1b spend
ing his vacation at home doing noth
ing, or, as ho says, "loafing with nil
his might," tells of a talk he had re
cently with his colored hired man.
Going to the stable he found J6hn
with his face burled in a big piece of
"Why Is It, John, that colored people
are so fond of watermelons?" '
"I don't know," he replied, grinning,,
"less Its Jcs' because dey's people. I;
knows a heap o' white folks 'at likes;
'em, too. 1 likes 'em 'cause dey's sooth,
In', an' coolln', an' flllln', an' I spose,
dey 'slmllatcs dat n-way wld whlto
folks., I reckon dey nln' much dlffor
cuco 'tween whlto folks and cullud
folks' insidcB." i
"Perhaps not. Do you consider tho
watermelon n fruit or a vegetable?"
"Well, now, It's Jus'liko this: Water
melons oln' no vegetable, caiiBo doy
won't stun' cooklu' like cnbbago nor
cnnnln' llko beaiis, nor drylu' llko red
peppers, nn' dey nln' no fruit, 'cause,
dey doan grow on treoB an' you can't,
put 'cm In your pocketH llko apples
nnd peaches. Looks to mo like dey's
Jcs' watermelons."
"How would It do to call It tho fruit;
pf a cucurbltaccous vine, distinguished'
for Interior pulpiness and copiousness
of watery Julco?" i
"Dat's It, 'zactly," said John; "dat's
Jus' what I was goln' to say." Indi
anapolis News.
Young Suffragette Appeared to the,
Youth's Mother to Be 8ultable '
as His Wife.
The young suffragette who had in-!
slstcd on marrying the young man
With whom she had fallen in love, ap
proached the young man's mother In
fear and trembling.
"Can you support my son," asked
that lady sternly, "in the stylo to
which ho has been accustomed?" .
"I cannot, madam,. Ho will have to
aupply all the cash."
"Urn. Are you able, in spite of your
advanced views, to keep him badly in,
"I am. That Is my specialty."
"Do you know how to nurse him If
he should fall 111?"
"Haven't tho remotest Idea. Myj
childhood has been spent In attending
"Ha! Will you guarantee to klsB him
good-by every, morning?"
"If I happen to remember it but l'
can't guarantee anything."
"What tlmo do you expect to como
Jn nt night?"
"O, anywhere from 12 to 3 In tho
morning." ,
"Do you rehcarso your speeches at
"Yes, na a rule."
Tho mother's fnco relaxed.
"Wo munt bo cautious In these mat
ters," she cnld sweetly. "But, on tho,
whole, I think you will do." Life.
Then and Now.
Prior to tho last 15 years, by the,
tlmo peoplo had attained their first
quarter of a century, they considered,
themselves pretty much formed as to
physical and mental characteristics.
If they were ambitious and energetic!
they perhaps carried on Bomo kind,
of exercise for their physical well-being,
and guarded against mental de-j
terloratlon as they advanced In years
by occasionally taking up new atudlea
or reviewing old onee; aa a dear old
lady of ajr aequatataace at the ag ef
elgaty-alaebegan to review kar al
gebra to keep bar atod active.
Now ovorythlng to chaagot. Wo,
eanaot aettle down eomfortably la tho
thought of anything In tho regular
routine of life which wo may aot bo'
called upon to alter at a aoaeat'a!
notloe. Moat of us havo found that'
few of , our established hablta are
light and that unleaa we are. willing
to bo left hopelessly behind our'aeeo
clatea we must learn over again all
that we acquired In Infancy, and that
baa since become a matter of auto-'
matlc action. The Atlantic '
Shins With Every Drink.
There have been In .the history of
barber ahops such plana aa " above;
and a ahlno all for a dime," "A hair
cut and a ahlno free," but It waa left'
for a negro barber abop at IS Ivy;
atreet to give a free shoe shine when
a drink was paid for. That la, It waa1
a Sunday blind tiger In which Will
Strong, a bootblack, aold liquor and
then gave his customer a free shine.
The police had suspected the barber
shop for aome time and on last Sun
day they made a raid and found a
large lot or whisky in pint bottlop.
Will Strong was in charge and was
running a bootblack stand. He claim
cd that another negro had brought the
whisky In to the shop without his
.knowing It. The Recorder sent Will
Strong to tho chain gang for thirty
days. Atlanta Constitution.
Cooper's Plane.
W. N. Potter of Cooperstown, N. Y.,
haa In his possession a piano which
he valuea very highly and Is fond of
jshowing to bis visitors. It was owa-,
jed by James Fenlmore Cooper.
j C. D. Pease of Cooperstown mado
,the piano and the great novelist
bought it. Afterward he aold it to
Judge Stewart, and, after passing
through tho hands of b. F. Jacobs of
Milford and his daughter, it came into
thoso of Mr. Potter. It Is of six
octaves, and fa In a solid mahogany
frame of plain design.
awl bt ww .-aaaWav
wa--aBr .BwaWawP
waVJaV' aVaVJaV'
30 Horse-power Five-Passenger
louring Car
This car is now ready for demonstralionr Come and sec it,
To fully understand the exceptional value of this car you have but to
compare it with what the entire market has to offer for 191 2. Study
the specifications below carefully. In what other car will you find
such value at such a price? What machine under $ 1 25S can you line
up against this and item for item sec so much for so little money? When
you stop to consider the fine thorough construction the heavy drop
forgings the pressed steel frame the selective transmission fitted with
F. & S. annular bearings (which the most expensive cars in the world
use) the 30 horse-power motor, the big wheel base, the fere-door
body with door handles and all levers inside the car, you can better
realize what an actual advanced manufacturing step this new car is.
Wheel base, 106 inches; body, five-passenger fore-door touring; motor,
4x4 1-2; horse-power, 30; transmission, selective, three speeds and
reverse; F. & S. ball bearing wheels, artillery wood, 12-1 1-2 inch
spokes, 1 2 bolts each wheel; tires, 32 x 3 I -2 inches Q. D.
.Silk Mohare Top
SI000 F. 0. B. RED CLOUD
Children Injured
Ordinary Vathattlcs and Pills and
Harsh Physic Cause Distressing
Vim nunnot be over-careful hi the
selection of medicine for children.
Only the very gent let bowel medicine
should ever bo givuii, except in cmorg
ency casus. Ordinary pills, cathartics
nnd purgative aro apt to do moro
harm than good. They may caimo
griping, iinu.son and other ditru&Hin'g
Hfter-eifectN that aro frequently health
destroying. We personally recommend and guar
antee llcxall Orderlies as tho safest,
and most dependable remedy, which
we know, for constipation and associate
bowel disorders. We havo such abso
lute faith in the virtues of this remedy
tbatwesellit on our guarantee of
money baok in every instance where it
faila to give entire satisfaction, and
we urge all in need of such medicine
to try it at onr risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten Jnst like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in action, may bo taken at
any time, day or night; do not oauae
diarrhoea, nausea, 'griping, excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild but positive
action upon the organa with whloh
they come in contact, apparently act
ing as a regulative tonic upon the re
taxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus
over-coming weakness, nnd aiding to
restore the bowels to more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Bexall Orderlies commonly com
pletcly relieve constipation, except of
course when of a surgical character.
They also tend to overcome the neecss
ity of constantly taking laxatives to
keep the bowels In normal condition.
Three sizes of packages, 10 cents, 25
cents, and 50 cents. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in Red
Cloud only at our store, Tho Rexall
Store. The H. E. Orlcc Drug Co.;gJg
A-fcoar Urtuwht for Cm-CHSS-TRR'S A
DIAJIUNU ukand r.U.a la KPP 'ndAX
Gold metallic boxrt, sealed with Blue0
Ribbon. TABS MO OTBSa. Bar fair T
Dra-mUt aa aak far CMI.OMKS.TClt S y
niAHONB HHANB PU.LIL for twenty-flve
yenrs regarded Bent,8aSMt, Always Reliable.
Wolfe & Whltaker, genoral black
smiths, now carry a full lino of farm
implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas englnos, stacker ropos,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
hardware, and all supplies for same.
Also! all kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb
ers tans promptly au?wereu,
.ivta- T'5a$S
Sr I w JM
and Brass Wind
Don't Delay Ordorlng
a lire insurance policy from, usva
single day. Fire, Isn't going tl
stay away because you are not in
sured. In fact, it seems to pick
out tho man foolish enough to be
a rmMiNmumANcmmoucv
Have us issue you a policy to-day.
Don't hesitate about the matter.
The fire fiend may- have yew
house dowa on the list for vtevV
this very night.
Simply Designed Monuments
are often as effective as moro elab
orately carved memorials. It depends
largely upon the skill and taste of the
maker of the monument.
We Execute With Skill
any memorial design you may choose,
whether it be from our book of 1,000
designs or from nn idoa of your own.
Wo aro at your service for any monu
mental work you may require.
About Your
Phone Batteries and
Electrical Sippilei
OMMaTaT t i 3 auaMMaV
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