The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1911, Image 2

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i .. .'
The Chief
C D. HALE, Publlsner
Missionaries Bring Tales of Wholesale
Massacres at Shen 81 Province
Steamers Are Being
Poking. Ministers representing the
foreign powers hero havo decided thnt
it would bo advluanlo to Increaso tho
legation guards. An edict Just pub
lished orders ShcngYuan, tho now
governor of tho provlnco of Shcng-SI,
to attend to his post immediately to
suppresB outlaws and protoct foreign
ere. Piracy on tho rivers Is so ram
pant that Btoamboat companies In
Hong Kong havo been obliged to sus
pend service Several steamers havo
been looted and Homo of tho olllccrs
and passengers killed.
Two British todpedo boat destroy
firs havo left Hong Kong to patrol tho
West river.
Missionaries nrrlvlng In Peking from
Tung Chow Fu, eighty miles north
st of Slan Fu, glvo accounts of the
recent rovolutlpn In tho provlnco of
Shen SI, whero tho nntl-forolgii cle
ment declared Its intention to ox
termlnato foreigners, Christians and
Manchus, but only partly succeeded.
Tar Party" Celebrants- Found Guilty.
Lincoln Center, Kan. Two of tho
defendants in tho "tar party" caso,
John Schmidt and Shcrrlll Clark, Fri
day wero found guilty of assault and
battery by a Jury that had been out
continually slnco 11:30 o'clock Thurs
day morning. A. N. Slmms, tho third
defendant, was acquitted. Sentcnco
on tho two men was deferred to per
mit attorneys to nrguo a motion for a
now trial. Sentences of ono year each
In tho county; Jail, tho oxtrcmo penalty
In Kansas for tho offenso charged,
wero pasBcd on Kvorott C-. Clark, Jay
Fltzwator, Watson Scranton and Ed
ward Itlcord, confessed assailants of
Mary Chamberlain,
Course In Matrimony.
los Angeles, Cal. A courso In mat
rimony Is Included In tho curriculum
at tho Gardona agricultural high
school. Under tho namo of "house
hold economics,"; nvo classes of girls
daily take advantago of examination In
tho caro of babies, mothercraft and
domestic economy. Boys will bo
glvpn a somewhat similar courso be
ginning next year.
Automobile Takes a Header.
Denver. A high power automobile,
occupied by two women and throo
men, plunged from tho Colorado
Springs road near hero, turned over
twico and ended Its flight at tho foot
of a forty-foot embankment. Tho oc
cupants of tho car wero hurled somo
distance. All escaped Injury savo W.
H. Mooro of Fort Worth, Texas., who
yas painfully bruised.
Beattle Pays the Penalty.
Richmond, Va. Henry Clay Beattle,
Jr., was electrocuted In tho state pen
Itcntlary Friday morning. Ono min
ute after tho shock he was pronounced
dead. Boforo his death ho confessed
to the murder of his wifo.
Long Distance Talking.
Tucson, Ariz. Now York and San
Francisco aro now connected by tele
phone wire by way of this city and
Los Angeles. The last link has been
completed in the lino between Benson
and Tucson.
Manila. Tho Fifteenth infantry,
Which Ib duo here on December 1,
probably will bo sent at once to China.
The Boldlcrs will arrive on tho trans
port Thomas and will leave for China
on tho Bamo boat.
Toklo. Tho Jnpaneso destroyer
Harusoms foundered off Shlma prov.
inco In a Btorm Friday and forty-flvi
of tho crow of Blxty porlshcd.
Will Touch Jewish Question,
' Washington. Thoro is a well de
fined report in Washington that Pros!
dent Taft, in his forthcoming messago
to congress, may havo something to
say on tho subject of posslblo negotia
tions between tho United States and
Russia, looking to a revision of tho
treaty of 1832, principally to removo
tho present restrictions upon tho
rights of travel and domlcllo of Amor
lean Jews In Russia.
Inspecting Wreck of Maine.
Havana. Tho board of Inspection of
tho Malno made Its first preliminary
examination of tho wreck Wednesday
Rear Admiral Charles E. Vreeland,
president of tho board, and his col
leagues, clad In rubber boots and over
alls, descended to tho lower depths of
,, the shattered portions of tho wreck.
All members of tho board wero ex
tremely reticent regarding tho infer
ences thoy drew from what thoy saw
Tho inspection will continue probably
(or ten days.
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rAura,jc;l- "'M'teivuz
Activity of Special Government De
tective Rewarded to the Limit
Chicago and New York Cul
prits Concerned.
Chicago Ono of tho largest ChlncBe
smuggling plots unearthed by federal
officers In years was rovcalcd when
"Crappy" Nelson was arraigned beforo
United States Commissioner Footo,
charged with bringing Chinamen Into
this country from Canada. Twenty
men charged with being implicated In
the plot are under arrest In Chicago,
Now York and Detroit, whero the bnnd
mado its headquarters, according to
a government agent, who has been
working on the caso.
Thoso under arrest In Chicago are:
"Crappy" Nelson, Lorno Stonobcrg,
Albert Arthur, alias "Jlmmlo" Oul
ette, Gordon Ferris, Moy Sing, wealthy
merchant; Chung Hu and Moy Foot.
Thoso under arrest In Now York
are: Wolllo Tom, Jock Norn, Nig On,
Nlng Back Sun, Nlng Hong Jon, Moy
Sal Tlgo, wealthy Chinese- merchant;
Dos Shin, Ling Hung Scung, Nlng
Chung Lam, Ling Kwong Foot, Ming
Inn, Chlng Quong, Nlng Jung.
Frank Walsh Is under arrest in De
troit. Denies the Allegations.
Now York. John D. Rockefeller, in
n statement given out hero, replied to
tho charges mado by tho Morrltt
brothers beforo tho Stanley steel In
vestigating commltteo regarding tho
methods used by Mr. Rockefeller In
securing control of tho Mcsaba ore
mines and tho Duluth, Mcsaba &
Northern railroad, pointing out that
theso charges wero denied under oath
as long ago as 1895 In litigation over
tho Lake Superior Consolidated Iron
mines. IIo furthermore submits tho
text of a paper bearing the dato of
January 22, 1S97, to which nro at
tnched tho names of Alfred and Leon
Idas Merrltt and "all tho other mem
bers of tho family," declaring them
selves satisfied that neither Mr. Rock
efeller nor his agents committed fraud
or mado misrepresentations in tho
mutter in question.
Indorse Socialist Efforts.
Lincoln, Neb. Tho Initial session of
tho Nebraska Woman Suffrage leaguo
Indorsed tho action of tho national so
cialist party in Itp efforts to securo
tho adoption of an amendment to tho
federal constitution providing for
granting of the ballot to women. Tho
action of the socialists was highly
commended by tho dolegatcB and the
memorial reciting their appreciation
was Toted with loud acclaim.
Cabinet lat White House.
Washington. For tho first tlmo for
tnoro than seven years a formal meet
ing of tho cabinet was held in tho
Whlto Houso Tuesday Instead of tho
executive- offices. President Taft's
cold shows Improvement, but his phy
sician persuaded him not to vonturo
over to his blfice, nnd the cabinet of
ficials wero summoned to tho White
Houso proper. Tho meeting wns held
In the president's study.
Rigid Postal Ruling.
Chicago, 111. A statement that Post
master General Hitchcock intends to
advocate a law that newspapers car
rying more than GO per cent of adver
tising be refused admission to tho
malls as second class matter was
made before tho Illinois Dally Press
association by President John Harri
son of Danville. Resolutions of pro
test, it waa said, will be adopted.
Malabang, Mindanao, Philippine Isl
ands. Tho Moro secret polico Thurs
day killed four outlaws In tho cam
paign that Is going on for the suppres
sion of tho bandits, Tho disarmament
of tho entire Moro population con
tinues. On tho one hundredth anniversary
of tho peace pact among English
speaking peoplo, February 12, 1912, It
has boon suggested that five minutes
of silent prayer be taken somo tlmo
during the day, throughout tho world.
Shaft to Mormon Apostles.
Richmond, Mo. In tho presence of
many high church dignitaries and 300
momberB of tho Mormon church, who
traveled from Utah in special trains
to bo present, a huge granlto shaft
erected to tho memory of Oliver Cow
dery, David Whltmer and Martin Har
ris, tho throo apostles who witnessed
tho translation of the Book of Mor
mon, was unveiled here. Herbert J.
Grant, second in lino of the apostolic
succession, presided.
lowan Dies of Hydrophobia.
Iowa City, la. Elijah Barry, farm
or, bltton by a mad dog months ago
in Sharon, la., died of hydrophobia to
day in tho stato hospital here. Ho
responded to Pasteur treatment, hut
hydrophobia developed months after
ward. Surgeons stato that hydropho
bia results only once out of 200 times
after response to Pasteur treatment.
Stockholm, Sweden. Crown Prince
Gustav Adolph of Sweden was oporat
ed on Thursday for appendicitis. His
condition Is quite satisfactory.
.'mr - .i --
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K'i& -j'Of . ,'jBB'wev - , 'ttfiiiTt"SnilW
limits Hi;" S-.
(Copyright, 1811.)
The New Premier at Peking 8ald to
Have Been the Victim of an
Assassin "Watch the
Shanghai. Wu Ting Fnng, director
of foreign affairs, has notified tho con
suls that tho bombardment of Nan
king will begin shortly. Ho warns
them to withdraw their respective
countrymen from that district.
Peking. According to a Chlncso re
port an attempt was mado to assas
slnato tho premier, Yuan Shi Kal, on
Monday laBt. Thero havo beon ru
mors that tho premier's llfo was
threatened and ho has been going
about escorted by n guard. An edict
has been Issued giving' Yuan Shi Kal
freedom from a dally audlenco with
tho throno, thus permitting tho pre
mier to proceed with his attemptn to
bolster up tho administration without
Interference Tho president of the
Shantung republic has sont another
message advising tho abdication of tho
throno and Yuan haB replied, accord
ing to the Chlncso newspapers:
"Watch tho Germans."
A special dispatch from Shanghai
says that not only was tho governor
of Tal Yuan-Fu murdered, but his
wifo and two sons also havo been ex
ecuted. Tho yamen has been burned,
tho Manchu city entirely destroyed
and tho whola city looted by a mob.
It) Sympathy With LaFollette.
Detroit, Mich. Progressive repub
lican leaguo leaders held a conference
horo Wednesday to lay plans for fur
thering the presidential candidacy of
Senator LaFollette In Michigan.
Among those present wero United
States Senator Crawford of South Da
kota, Frank A. Harrison of Lincoln,
LaFollette manager for Nebraska;
Stato Treasurer Dahl of Wisconsin,
Secretary A. L. Cohen of tho Michigan
committee, and other Michigan poli
ticians. Mr. Harrison declared In an
interview that while Theodoro Rooso
velt did not want to make any public
announcement of his views' at this
tlmo, tho former president had as
sured the progressive leaders that ha
was In sympathy with them and with
Senator LaFollette and would not him
self be a candidate for tho presiden
tial nomination.
Bryans on Grounded Steamer.
Lincoln, Neb. Charles Bryan,
brother of W. J. Bryan, recolved a
wireless message picked up at Key
WeBt station from W. J. Bryan Wed
nesday morning. The message reads:
"Ship aground mile from land; no
danger; do not worry."
The steamor Is the Hamburg-American
liner Prlnz Joachim, which sailed
from Now York last Saturday for
Kingston, Jamaica. Sho reported by
wireless that sho had struck on tho
Chicago. Most of tho government
literature on agriculture Is too tcchnl
cal for tho furmors it is supposed to
reach, and thereforo falls In its odu
catlonal purpose, according to James
J. Hill, chairman of tho exccutlvo
board of tho Groat Northern road.
Austin, Tox. J. R, Hughes, senior
captain of tho Texas rangers, In
charge of tho Rio Grando border
patrol, has reported to Governor Col
quitt ho had evidence that n Mexican
revolution will bo launched within tho
next two weeks and that somo of tho
plans are being perfected In ToxaB.
Govornor Colquitt has ordered a moro
stringent Investigation to dctnrmlno
what steps ho shall take. Captain
Hughes believes the plan Is to over
throw Madcro.
Now York. In a freight car filled
wtth copper bullion shipped from Om
aha, Neb., tho body of a man was
found suspended by his clothing,
which had caught on a nail, when the
car was opened at Perth Amboy, N, J,
The letters "J. I." wero tattooed on
the man's arm.
8an Francisco, Cal. Superior Judge
Dunno has refused to dismiss a num
ber of IndlotmentB still ponding
against Abo Ruef, tho former political
boss who was convicted by tho San
Francisco prosecution of bribe taking
Many Arrests Are Made. Windows
Are Smashed and Much Destruc
tion of Property Follows
London. Tho suffragettes fared
badly at tho hands of tho polico In a
mlxup horo. They had threatened to
forco their way Into tho house of
commons and make a protest on tho
floor of tho houso against tho prime
minister's refusal to pledge tho gov
ornmont to a bill giving equal suf
frage to both Boxes, but" they failed
to reach the entrance to parliament.
Dispersed by tho police, who mado
upwards of ico arrests, tho suffra
gettes resorted to a campaign of
window smashing. Driven from par
liament square by tho police, 1,800
of whom wero on duty, tho womon,
accompanied by sympathizers and
gangB of rowdies, proceeded through
Whitehall armed with bags of stones
concealed under their coats and broko
windows in public offices, liboral head
quartcrB and tho national liberal club.
They oven extended their operations
to tho Strand, whero windows of tho
postofflce, bank and othor prlvato
coaeerns Buffered from tho onslaught
K ,
Pays High Price for Bible.
London. Tho sale of tho Huth
library at Sotheby's furnished a fresh
sensation when a Mazarln Bible
fetched tho remarkable sura of 29,
000. Barnard Quarltch opened the
bidding at $10,000. The next offer was
115,000, and this was followed by bids
rising $2,C00 each time, Mr. Quarltch
taking tho Blblo at a price amounting
to double that obtained for this copy
when It was last sold at auction.
Naval Force to Santo Domingo.
Washington. The cabinet has de
cided that tho situation In Santo Do
mingo was auch, as tho result of the
assassination of President Cacorcs. as
to make It expedient to have a naval
rorce thero sufficient to meet any de
mands for tho nrotcctlnn of fnrpln-n
lives and property and to Insure tho
maintenance of order and the ovsorv
ance of law.
Loss of $150,000 by Fire.
Peoria, 111. Tho Avery Manufactur
ing company, makers of traction en
gines and threshing machines, suffered
a Iobb of approximately $150,000 by a
fire which consumed a block and a half
of their structures Tuesday. The
plant is located In Everyvllle, which
nritnlnu rhla nlrv ani amnlnva
flAft mnn S
Want Sugar Duty Reduced.
Duluth, Minn. Wholesale grocers
here are circulating blank petitions,
seeking to obtain support for a move
ment to ItMuence congress to reduce
the duty on raw and refined sugar.
The petitions are being spread broad
cast through tho country by a com
mittee organized for the specific work.
Berlin. A dispatch to the German
Cable company from Tsein Tao asserts
that the American and Japanese war
ships havo each landed a forco of
men at Chl-Fu. Tho German cruiser
Emben has arrived at Chl-Fu.
Will Entertain Governors.
St. Paul, Minn. Great preparations
are being mado here for tho entertain
ment of tho western states' governors,
who are expected to arrive hero Mon
day to start their four thousand mile
tour to the cast. The entertainment
will bo in charge of the chamber of
commerce and affiliated bodies. Tho
executives will be the guests of honor
at the land show and also at a ban
quet. They also will be taken on a
tour of the twin cities in automobiles.
At the Good Roads Congress,
Richmond, Va. Tho postofflce de
partment's Interest in highway im
provement was made evident at tho
good roads congress by Fourth As
sistant Postmaster General II. V, De
Graw. Mr. DcGraw is tho active hoad
of tho rural free dollvory system.
Thero is a movement in tho conven
tlon to ask tho postoffico .department
to spend somo of tts appropriation
for rural 'free delivery on tho lin
provement of post roads, but officials
of the department think this Impossible.
Nehemiah Builds the
Wall of Jerusalem
Staslay ScYl LtstM far Dec 3, 1911
Specially Arranged for Thl Paper
LESSON TEXT-Nohcmlah 4.
GOLDEN TEXT-"Watch ye, stand fast
In the faith, quit you like mon, be strong."
-1 Cor. 16:13.
TIME-Nehcmlah heard the bad news
from Jcrusalom oarly In December, B. C.
14 &
.For four months' he prayed, thought
and wnltoil.
Tho following April (414) he obtained
permission to bo to Jerusalem.
Tho Journey occupied four months and
he arrived at Jorusatom In tho first day
of tho fifth month, Ab July-Aug. (In
1911 tho nrst day of Ab was August 6; In
1916 It will be July 12.) I
PLACE Shushan and Jerusalem.
nULEHS Artaxcrxcs, Emperor of Per
sian Empire; Nehemiah, governor of
Judca; Ezra, tho scribe, the religious
leader of the people In Babylon.
When the right tlmo came, and No
hemiah's heart was burning with sop
row and desire, he found "opportuni
ties concealed in apparent hindrances."
It was dangerous to show sorrow in
the presence of the king. Even a mod
ern autocrat like Louis XIV. expected
everybody's face to shine if ho did but
appear, and how much more an Artax
crxcs? What, wear a sorrowful, face
when he was presiding over Joy and
gayety, gliding them with his pres
ence? If ho had ordered this melan
choly vlBage away to prison or death,
It would havo been Justlfledby prece
dent. A gloomy face might mean dis
affection against tho king. Tho light
of his favor ought to be enough to
drivo all sadness away.
Nehemiah had hitherto been able
to keep a smiling faco when before
the king; but one day at a superb
banquet, when the queen was din
ing with her husband, nmld gold plate,
gorgeous silk dresses of every hue,
tnnrblo pillars, fountains, music, lights,
sultanas, courticrB resplendent as the
Bun, and all worshiping their sun Ar
taxerxes, smiling when he amlled, his
sorrow shone through his face in
spite of himself, so that tho ktng no
ticed it and said:
"Why is thy countenance Bad, see
ing thou art not sick? this is nothing
olso but sorrow of henrt." Then he
was very soro afraid, and Bald unto the
king, "Lot tho king live for over: why
should not my countenance be sad,
when tho city, tho place of my fa
thers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and tha
gates thereof aro consumed of fire?
If it please the king, and if thy serv
ant have found favor in thy eight, that
thou wouldest send me unto Judah,
unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres,
that I may build it."
The kind was pleased to grant his
request, mado him tho Tlrshatha, or
governor of Judea, "royal agent" or
"plenipotentiary," with full powers.
He traveled to Judea in state, with a
military guard of cavalry, and with let.
ters to tho rulers o ftho neighboring
provinces to give him whatever he
noeded for his work.
Nehemiah was very wise. He lay
quiet for throe days, doing nothing, but
learning everything. He showed no
credentials, he proposed no plans, he
told no one what he hoped to do. His
first business was to learn tho wholo
situation, tho feelings of tho people,
who would oppose, and who would
help, how ablo tho peoplo wero, what
obstacles must bo overcome.
' Nehemiah met the rulers, nobles,
priests and peoplo, and told them of
his purpose in coming, how he had
learned of their need, how he had
wept and fasted and prayed, and how
God had heard his prayer and caused
the great emperor to favor his plans,
give him permission to come, and au
thority, with orders for the surround
Jng rulers to give the needed help. He
told them of his midnight investiga
tions. The business side of religion should
be done as Nehemiah did it in the
most skillful and ideal business man
ner. Nehemiah had a layman's good
sense In religion. Walls were neces
sary to the safety of the city. They
wero also necessary to true religion.
The division of labor, tho noble com-,
petition, the interest in their work that
kept them from taking time to even
put off their clothes, the giving each
his own work, and over against his
own house, tho union of watching and
praying and working, the working to
gether of old and young, rich and poor,
form a real master-stroke of genius."
The wall was parceled out among 44
working parties. It was like tho re
building of the walls of Athens after
tho invasion of Xerxes, llko the build
ing of the wallB of Edinburgh after the
battle of Flodden. This (plan made each
ono moro earnest and faithful as ho
saw what others wero doing, it ani
mated tho work with a rioblo emula
tion, and a personal pride. Seo how
fast my work goes on! See how well
my piece Is done! Now, my sons, gird
up your tunic, or Rephalah tho son
of Hur will get ahead of us. Truo
emulation is to do better than we
have done; to seek, not to get beyond
others, ,but to rise to tho best possl
ble for us; and to bo inspired to this
by seeing what others havo done.
Besides the hostility of the Samar
itans the Jews themselves wero becom
ing worn out with tho fatigue of such
strenuous work.
No good goes on to success without
meeting obstacles. Evil does not fall
without a battle. It throws slander,
ridicule, treachery, conspiracies, Influ
tnce, discouragements, every possible
hindrance, in the way of reform. Even
some of the Jews were arrayed against
their brethren. Thoy planned to tako
Nehemiah and tho city by surprlso
slay the workers, and thus put a stop
to the work, but the answer was watch
lng and prayer,
In fill its forms nmnng all necs of horses,'
rr well ns dogs, cured and others in samo
stnble prevented from having the diw,a
Kvcry bottle guaranteed. Over 500.000 bot
tles sold last j ear .50 nnd $1.00. Any,
good druggist, or send to manufacturers.
Agents Wanted. Spohn Medical Co., bpec.
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, lnd. .(
A Warm One.
Bacon An honest man has no show
In this world.
Egbert I notice you've been pretty
Till Then.
"Will you bo mine?"
"Ycb, till we nro married."
"Till wo arc married?"
"Yes; then you'll bo mine."
One of the most common of blood dis
eases, is much aggravated by the sudden
changes of weather nt this timo of year,
Begin treatment at once with Hood's Sari
sapnrilla, which effects radical nnd per
manent cures. This great medicine hat
40.366 Testimonials
In two years, which prove its wonderful
efficacy in purifying nnd enriching the
blood. Best for all blood diseases.
In usual liquid form or chocolated tab
lets known as Saraatabs. 100 dooa $1.
Splendid Grops
In Saskatchewan (Western Canada)
800 Bushols from 20 ooros
oi wntai was me inreiner
return from a Lloyd-
minster farm in the
season or 1910. Manx
fields in that ns well as
other districts yield
ed from 25 to 35 bu
shels of wheat to the
I acre. Other grains in
are thus derived
from the V R K K
of Western Ganndn.
This eirellent shoins cantes
prices to advance ljmd values
iwmtd ilmihlnlri Ivn ,am time.
Urnln Rrou Ing.mueil fn rut
in K, emtio roiniiiBiiiHi uniry
Iiiic lire all lirolfinbln. reo
to lie. IihiI In tho very hest
districts) lOO aero iire-emp-tlntisntsa.oo
iern'ro with
in certnltiaruas. Hrlioolsitnu
churches In every set I le
nient, climate miexrelleu,
soil the richest! vrixxl. water
anil linl tiling material
ulentirul. , " , . ,
tor particulars as to location,
low setkJera' rallnar rates and
di-serlptlvo Illustrated pamphlet,
"list Doit West," and other In
formation, wrllo to Bup't ot Immi
gration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Canadian Uovcrnment Agent.
Rossi 4 lit llsi. smalif. Kit.
Please write to the agent nearest yoa
Nebraska Directory
Itooms from 11.00 up dingle, 75 cents up double.
1 limit my practice to Heart and Circulatory
ailments. Thirty years experience ought to
mean much to such patients. Experimenting
and neglect is coitiy and bad. Write
3. S. LEONHARDT. M. D., Heart Specialist
1726 N Street Lincoln. Nebraska
Auctioneers aro not all
allkti. Sumo aro much bet
tor than othen. Tho better
tha auctioneer tho larger
vimrchcck. Tho best selling
semen costs you Do mora
tban tho poorest. There's
f ro n't, seen rltrandsatlsfao
Ion In doing business vtltb
7..N. 1IKANM1N, LlteStMk
sa4 Resl Butts ivelkatsr, tt
YtsrsKsatritM, UMOLS, SIB,
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho 8aline 8prlngs
Located en our own premises and used In the
Natural Mineral Water
Unturpused In the treatment of
Heart. Stomach, Kidney and Liver Dlieaset
ant M y.Sv.w' VERBTT. Mar.
1409 M Street LlncoTn" N.h.
"-W " w"
$2.00 per hundred lbs,
paid for 4 milk.
$2.40 per hundred lbs.
paid for 5 milk.
Write for particulars
Lincoln. Nebraska