-. 'X ,! S" h WWFHMftVW!i maun witm ' 1i ttMy - fM" , e MirMffjpnr lm tTWrr fffftV VOAf.rTrV.t V -VsFl ,- I A(iMA Ik H - 7. y if V V t i I. & x 73he. CHIEF ftedClovid, - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVKKV IIIUllMUV lateral In tho 1'onMfflru milted olnml.Nr-ti hk Scroml Clnm Mftttor. 0 n. HALE l'init.iHifKit THE ONLY DKMOOItATlO I'APKH IN WKHftTKIl COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET JUDUKS HUPHKMB CUUIIT. JamM It. Dean Ilroken llow WMIto D. Oldham Kearney William h. mark. Aurora RAILWAY COM. TO VIM VACANCY. Clarence K. Ilarman Iluldrege UEOKNTH OF UNIVKKBITY. J. K. Miller Lincoln Charlc L. Andcmon , Oxford Chariot T. Knnpp -... ..Lincoln JU1HJK TKNTH JUDICIAL DMTIMCT. Harry H. Dungan Mattings COUNTY JIJMJK. A.I). Hanncy.. IJluo lllll COUNTY rOMMIHSIONKUH. f (loortfo K. Coon ... District No. 4 A. It. Ilrluht.... Dlntrlct No. I COUNTY CLEHK. William It. Ilallcy . . Itcd Cloud COUNTY TIlKAHUItKH. OtMar A. Arnold llluo lllll CLKIIK OK DISTINCT COUItT. Kdlth L. McKclghan Tied Cloud COUNTY Hit Kill VV. James Mcllrldo .. ... - Cowlcn COUNTY HUPKIUNTKNIlKNT. Gcrtrudo Coon.. ... Itcd Cloud COKONK.lt. l'ctcr Morten- - llluo lllll Miss Edith McKelgbnn has litul tho experience, tho training and tho edu catlou which nro neeessury for u clerk of tho district court. Sho was roared in this county ntid tho people 'out-rally know lior worth. As an olllccr of the county she would bo painstaking, ngrceublo and competent 13o sure and voto for Kdlth MuKelghmi As the election draws nearer it Is very evident that James Mcliiide, tlio popular candidate for Sheriif, is gain ing strength all over tho county. Mr MoUrldv is well liked where evor he goes and commands tho respect and good of all. Ho is well qualified fur tho ofllco and would nmke.au excellent official. The duties of that office may be intrusted to him. Give him your vote. X, The Review would be highly pleased to see Hon. I'. W. Shea of Orjeana' be come a candidate for a delegate from this district to the democratic national convention. He Is a thorough-bred democrat and has never wavered in his loyalty to Bryan. Let Mr. Shea give us his word that he will enter the race mnd we'll promise him the election. Rlverton Review. We heartily second the motion. T Miss Gertrude L Coon democratic candidate for the office of county superintendent is well equipped for that position. Sho has tho necessary schooling and knows the needs of our schools. She returned Monduy from Hillings, Montana, where sho has been teaching successfully, to take an act ive part in tho campaign Miss Coon makes one feel at onco that she would make a first-class superintendent, She Inspires all with confidence and is especially well prepared for, the of toe. The office of county commissioner la one of the most important office in the county since all the money that Is levied by taxation and expended by the county Is directly under control of the commissioners. It is important therefore thutNthe men wo select to perform this work should be tho very best that can be found in the county. Mr. George Coon and Mr. Fred Bright are both of good judgement and would make good officials in that capacity. They nre careful and prudont and know the value of a dollar. When you enter tho booth remember Coon and Bright. The people of this county are be coming nioro and more dibcrimluntluK in their demand that those Necking offloe should be honest and qualified. It is not now enough to Ray a candi date wants the orlleeor that he needs It. When the oflice deals with large sums of money the demand for honesty and elllelcncy becomes htrongor. The Democratic nominee for county treas urer O. A. Arnold, meets all the condi tions. Ho Is well qualified, is eftluie,nt and is in a position to render this county splendid service. In his home community hu Is much roi-peottd and fully trusted by all his acquaintances. If elected he will mow to this city ami tuku charge of the oflice pcisoiuilly. No mistake will bo made by easting your vote for O. A. Arnold tyr county treasurer. James Mcintosh, Uotid Overseer, for this district, hub made the mott re marUable improvement in the rouds of the dlstilct of any luuu lu recent yearn. He hus worked diligently and faithfully and the tax puyers can readily see l)ie value for their, money. "Jim" worhs the rouds with the muuo diligence that he worked his much, and ho cuilalnlj itinvci tho dirt. lie Is Improving Ills iiicIImhK for smooth ing and lewlitig tht surface of tho rond wliilo green and' fresh wit limit too much I (iks of Hum and pt amines soon to bo olio of tho tnnsi vnluaUle niun to road liull(llii,' In Webster county Moving tho dht is the most Iniporlutit Item In rond building and smoothing tliustirfnccnnil '-boulevard-lug" Is one of thesccicts In tho trade that will develop with practice mid experience. A voto for .llm Mcintosh for road boss is to endotsc faithful and oiliclent service. W.'It. Halley Democratic und People's Independent candidate for county clerk in a young man of such sterling worth, character and ability that it would seem that there should be no hesitation upon the part of the voters to elect him to that office for the next two years. Horn and educated In this county tills Is the first time that he has been a candidate for any oflice. He is sociable, pleasant and accom modating and is well known. He is an expert, accurate and rapid account-, ant and bookkeeper. Ills qualifica tions to discharge tho duties of the office are of a high order. His eduoiii tlou and natural inclinations all in cline him toward the Hccurnto mid careful work required in tho county clerk's office. Ho hits served as deputy county clerk for two yoms and is fully acquainted with all of the details mid intricacies of tho ofllco. His ambition will be to do his woi k well. Knowing him as wo do wo are sum that all customers transacting buslni ss with him will Uud him pleasant .and accommodating bo that customer u democrat, republican, populist or socialist. If lie Is elected ho will feel truly grateful for the great favor unci honor. Special Session e? the Board of - Education Ukii Cloud, Gum., Oct. '20, l!)l 1. Complaint having been filed with tlio Hoard of Education that children were unjustly excluded from school because they weio under live jears of age, the Dourd met in special session totlike action relative to these com plaints. Upon Investigation it was decided that the Hoard has no legal right to receive children in school under live years of ago uud any money appro priated for Mipplles,' teachers, equip ment, etc.-, for tho education of child ren under tho age limit is spent Illegally. The . superintendent was Instructed to noiify parents to this effect and exclude all children now in sohonl'contrary to the provision of the law. Day--AlbrlKht At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. S. Day on Sunday evening counted a quiet wedding when Miss Mabel Day was united in marriage with Mr. M. A. Albright. Miss Day is well known us an educator in 'this county and her abilities were recog nized two years ago when the people of the county placed her In tlio otlleo of county superintendent. Sho Ins made a very proficient, ofilcer uud Is loved uud inspected by a largo number of friends and ucquiautences. The groom is a prosperous merchant iu this city and enjoys a wide circle of acquaintance. The new couple will make their homo in this city and the Chief is pleased to extend happy con gratulations. GUIDE ROCK. William Jackson returned Saturday from Wuuueta where his biother-lu-law, K. E. Mm phy and family reside. We hear Mr. Murphy intends leturu lngtouuuie Koek to live In the near future. W. 12. Montgomery ami family aie (joint,' to Orleans ami may deuide to locate there. NEW JEWELRY I t' YOU IilKKnii'o. dainty Jnwelry and goods th it are up-to-date, visit our store. Wo make u specialty of llrst clasi noodh nml our ijinilifleil guiiraiitei'tl Is back of everything we sell. Wo will soon it'ceive uniro tine Cut Glass whluh is tho be-t, nianufactuiTiH. mad e. by the best J. C. MITCHELL, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN M aaHaaKaaaU?!iaaa.x .v vv'v"v HUTHORITHT Styles 111 1 if """ JfefTr' 2809 Th ft j ' ,. THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL G. W. Hagan delivered some very nice arplcs in town Monday They were wluesops and geultens. Charles Molley is still In a critical condition. Mrs. Matlssa Hunt and her grand son Wendell Campbell were Sunday guests at the home of W. S. Lambert and family. Mrs. Lambert 1b a daugh ter of Mrs Hunt. Elmer Watt, who has resided several years in Idaho, returned to Guide Rock Sunday accompanied by his brother Wilbur. Mrs. (i P. Uuntgaveu rurally dinner Sunday fit which twenty wcrojresent. Those present were Prod Wutv" Wil bur and John Watt, I'd me r Watt, wife mid four children, John Onlovie, wife and live children, V. Hunt, wife and two children. Uev. Williams of Kansas has been hired to preach for the Christian ohufch here for the coming year. Mrs. I. B. Calvin and daughter llessio have been visiting a few weeks in the western part of the state. Fall house cleaning .cems to be the order in Guide Uoclt at present. Mrs. Gnriisnu and Miss Van Woert wore In Red Cloud Friday. Real Estate IraMfers. Transfers for the w'eek ending Wed- ncsday, October as, 1911. Alloo Tort etal., to K, J. Pulslper .W, D. io lots It) 17-18 11 1 Gar burs addition toll 0 "... 4:1.1.00 Alice Wnodsides to HertloU Ver ger etal., wd to lot 3-13 1 Cox addition to ltladen U.r.00 A. A. Itoreu and wife to W. H. Caulk wd to lots 07-8 131k 1(1 Cowles ,.1200.69 Eva B. Ihireh toltoscoe U.Bttrch wd to . Int In ne U so V so s w i so no su i i SiVl 110-2-1 1 aud lots U iu sea 1-1-11.. . l.OO ,V a Suits m We now have a most complete and attractive line of Womeni Suits and Coats. The best in line, in quality of fabric, in style and in woikmanship that eastern factories can manufacture. Smartness, modishness character ize every line! We carefully examined the Suits and Coats of the" most, reputable Eastern women's tailors before buying; we compared lines, fabrics, workmanship, lining in short every detail of the gar ment, before buyingl Needless to say, you're assured the best that money can buy! Made of Serges, Cheviots, and Mixtures, in the most practical of fall colors. Some are plainly tailored; others show dressy little touch es of braids and trimmings. Ideal Suits and Coats in weight, color and style for Fall and Win ter wear, Other departments are equally able to supply your wants. Miner Brothers Company GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade" $25,000 Pred Odenrclder to Herman Zachar!a-,wd,to ne i se M 8eo26-30 2000.00 James M. Emerson to L. E. Spence and David O. Bennett nod to lot 20 bfk ISpences ad dition to Hladen L00 August Heinriohs to Alma Bank wd to lots II, Viblk Hoovers addition to Blue lllll 1200 00 August Helnrlchs to Louisa Kru ger wd to lots 1, 2 blk 5 Hoov ers addition to Blue Hill 1200.00 County Treasurer to It. W. Koontis tax deed pt blk 33 Red Cloud GO 77 John H. W ilmot wlfe to Minnie M. Turner wd to lots 7-8-9 blk I Kaloy and Jackson nddltton to Reii Cloud 0m".00 t C037.77 Mortgages tiled, ib05 82 Mortgages released, S133GO W. t. W. UdieCrAailicd In this City. Lost Thursday evening the Wood men of the World lodge was organized In this olty with sixty three charter members. The following ofllcera were elected: J.S.Ullhiiin.C.M. Ed. MoAllslor, A. L. " T. J. Diamond. Clerk. S. It. Plorance, Hanker. H. O. Kunohcy, Escort. W. W. Means, I. O. Ilert I'orson, O. O. Dr. D. D.Sanderson, Physician. l. W. Turnnre ) Hoy Oatman Managers. Uarry LoLsoii. ) Tho ccremouy of Introduction was conducted by State Manager Edward Walsh of Omaha. After lodge un elegaut banquet was served at the Hon Ton cafe to which all tho members did justice. See This Office for3ale Bills. - vs", - A,'vN,vvrVN' - ' d Durability the T IHE paint that holds to the an wood and lasts for years, is the old-fashioned kind, made of pure linseed oil. turpentine and pure white lead. They should be mixed on the premises by the painter, each in the proper proportion for the particular surface to be covered. Use SOUTHERN Pure White Lead It has stood the test of years and is used by the best painters. Set.d for Our Free Painting Helps containing color sclinncs, miscellaneous painting directions nnd n.iniii ol "llluo l.lst" 1'aintens in vnur community who use our vrlilto lead, bend for Helps Nn, I), To r.UHTrns: If you uso our whlti- lead st-ml To r.UHTrns: It you uso our white lead send li.VYvj iylB. JcfcwaaS r I Jaw us your nnmo (or our I'aintcn' "Blue List." iL3bWC? Jl( KitbHbw! am Write lot circular No. I). It k'lves particulars. fff 'f fit i isnafT aV X NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY SWutmy!Cr For male By H. AT. Qrlce Drug Co. and J. C. Mloaa. us your nnmo lor our I'aintcn uiuc JList. Write lot circular No. I). It k'lves particulars. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY WAECHTER'S BIG TYPE POLAND CHINAS AT Public Auction, Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1911 44 H tad Big Useful Boars mnd Gilts -i- SA LB TAKES PLACE AT KIVfcKlUN, NfcBKAMVA THE OFKER1XU Q 5 fall of 1910 boars; 1 7 spring 20 spring gilts, all selected from our herd, and the Get of "Referend um" (56623) winner of I st at Smith County Fair and I st and Sweep stakes at the Franklin County Fair, this year. 3 "Choice Goods" (54 1 1 8) 2d prize hog at Lincoln 1910. "Pan Tecumseh" (58643) and other good ones. Will have in the sale all of winning Boars and Gilts we had at both fairs. We will also offer a few extra fine Barred Rock Cockerels at private sale, Catalogue ready for mailing utter Outohcr 15th. A. N. W AECHTER & SON John Brnnan and Fred rolb Auctioneers. "vZx fnr-. s .'inVKMl' J5L Test for Paint - surface like a nail, protects the wMimJM CONSISTS OF: boars; 2 fall of 1910 gilts; and I "'" II I ll v 14 i n ,i J ' 'bis i. Taa. iH iSrtvvJaV-iBTir JM mirv h. hi) rA . wm jSHHH 4 'laLV