The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 26, 1911, Image 1

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A Newspaper litat film The. News Fifty-two IVat K LmM Year For $1.50.
VOLUME xxxv nn.
Hair Wealth
Take Advantage of Tkto 6rnereus Offer
Your tnonny hack upon request Ht
our store If Rexall "3" Hair Tonio
doesn't do at we claim. That's our
guarantee. You obligate yourself to
notliiiiK whatever. Could vim tisk or
could we ylve you stronger pi oof of
our confidence in the hair restoring
qualities of thin preparation?
We could not afford to ho strongly ,
endorse Rexall ''03" Hair Toulo and
continue to sell it as we do, if it did'
not do all we claim it will. Should!
our enthusiasm have curried us away, '
and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give ;
entire satisfaction to the users, they
would lose faith in us and our state
ments, and in consequence our busi
ness prestige would suffer.
We assure you that it your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall out or if
you have any scalp trouble, Rexall "03"
Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate
dandruff, stimulate hair growth, and
preveni premature baldness, or the
above guarantee becomes operative.
Two sizes! 50c and 1.00. Sold only at
our store The Rexall Store. The (I
E. Grlce Di u Co.
-JK V. OCTOIircit !!, 111.
. .
tf-i 41
BmssBUMSrfcHkW' flH"H .. JimtA mmmM
The New National Alarm
Miss Coon is a graduate of the State
Normal mid State University. Vote
for Miss Coon.
Pail Surer $
Last Friday marked the close of
Paul Storey's term hh Grand Master of
the Subordinate Lodge of the Nebras
ka Odd Fellows and that order In its
last session showed its appreciation by
electing Mr. Storey ns Oraml Repre
sentative to the SovMiign Ginml lodge.
Ha has been an able o(IIcim- and the
order in the state Iihs grown and thriv
ed utulet his leadei.sliip. Giaud Mast
er Storey will I'O letiieinlirrcd princi
pally becaune It a- during hi-, term
that the Odd Fellow Homo 'in Yolk
"we m
Cop7ri(bc Hut SchaStaer tc lit
YOUR interests are ours, in this busi
ness; there wouldn't be much sense in
selling clothes that were not good for you;
we couldn't keep it up very long. Our
idea is to sell you clothes that are best for
you; we know something about quality
in clothes.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are the best for you, because there
are no better clothes made; they're best
for everybody; best for us.
Suits $18 and up Overcoats $16.50 and up
wan dedicated. e give herewith a
reproduction of that building hh it ap
pears to d.ty. The building la thoroly
Are proof and would past for "A-l" in
New York City. The Interior Im what
is uo in ni only known hh the Johnson
Fireproof Construction so largely used
In Chicago and other large cltlrs and
was put in by the National Fire proof
ing company of Chicago. All floors
are of re enforced conciele, ovetlald
with hollow Ming, that overlaid with
cinder concrete, and over that the
haidwoo I (looriutr. The lonf Is it-in-
forced concrete and tiliiig overlaid
with liid''i-(.eiiiuut. on which )uc laid
asbestos ci'iiimy shingles. The ex
teiior walls are water aud dump proof ,
even the basement will be at all times
and in ail weather as diy and wuole
some ns the floors above.
The building complete cost SUIVOOO..
00 and will bo used for cat lug foi the
unfortunate members and their child
ren and is a ciedil to any state,
t. H. NewheHse.
This city is once more honored by
the- Independent Order of Odd Fellows
in Nebraslia by electing K. II. Ne
house to the highest otllce in the Ku
eampiueut degrees of that order. Air.
Newhoiiae is now Itiiown as Grand
Chief l'atrlat'ch and us such will be
known ull over the state. K, II. Now
house uasboru In MiiiieliCluniU, L'enii.
on Muicb 27, IST0, and joined Men Ad
hem lodge No. 1HG of this city on May
20, 1901. From the moment of his
adoption Mr. look an act
ive interest in, the affairs of the order
and has labored continually for the
establishment of real fraternity among
men. He joined the Grand Encamp
ment in Nebraska City in lOoO and ap
pointed by W 1). CraWford. and soon
made his influence felt there, being an
efficient enthusiastic worker. Uis ef
forts were rewarded by being placed
In positions of responsibility and so
well did he perform his work that lie
was rapidly promoted from office to
office until he now holds the highest
office withiu the gift of that degree in
thin state. To him will be entrusted
all the Encampment lodges in Nebras
ka for one year. Rod Cloud apprec
iates the honor and has every couti
dencc in the Grand Chief P.itriHtch
knowing that ho will make an excell-cutoflicial,
- THE 0,0
This store is the home of Haft Schaffner & Marx clothes
Edson Inconsistent
In Campaign for Judge
"The opposition toMr.Cressman
has been reporting that Judge Ed
son is running for county judgefor
the sole purpose of defeating Mr,
Ranney. It has been told that
Judge Edsonilmself had admitted
that he docs not expect to bo elect
ed but hopes by remaining on the
ticket to defeat Ranney, and that
Mr. Crossmau is paying Kdson's
election expenses. Mr. Cressman
is not in auy way interested in hv
fight between Ranney and Edson,
and any democrat who feels kind
ly to Mr. Cressman should not be
buncoed by the stories of a 'tie up'
between Oressmau and Edson."
The abovo artlolo wus publlsbod in
the Commercial Advertiser last week
and partly expresses one feature of
the county judge situation. That Mr.
Edtion is in the raco for the sole pur
pose of defeating Mr, Ranney is com
monly kuown; and indeed Mr. Edson
himself made the statement several
wcekgo th lit, f he saw later on that
If by his staying on the' ticket would
help defeat Mr. Kauney he would re
main, otherwise he would withdraw.
What Mr. I'M son's opposition to Mr.
Ranney Is e Imve so far failed to
learn, unless It is the puetile one of
personal fueling I nun having been de
feated Ht the pi iiimry by tills gentle
man. Following the piimaiy wo beard
that some fi lends of Mr. ISdsuu were
very wroth over the articles which bad
been piloted in llm Leader the week
piovotts. that they uciu published at
a lime when Mr. l-'.dsoii had no oppor
tunity to uiiiUe answer, and altogether
that It uiisuii tiiigentleiiiauly method
of conduct lug u cuinpiiigu; luid blamed
Mr, Uutiney as lieilig the source of the
articles. ,
It in'oiir intention to bo fair and
deal with the faets as we find them.
It has In en a uumtier of weeks Blnce
that publication date, still ne have
yet had no reply ftom Mr. Edsrfn tell-
4iif tivue any. wrong statemeuU,vVce
made. If he can show where we erred
tve "ill be pleased to make correction
And Tor the benefit of those who wish
to connect Mr. Kunuey with their
authorship we will say that he had
nothing uhutecr to do with that issuo
of the Luader nor did liu know what
mis published Ihcieiu until he got his
papur thiough the mails the same as
other snii-cillieis. The editor of the
Lender alone is it sponsible for the
at tides in question.
Mi. Edson was1 defeated at the pri
mary by a large majority of the com
bined demociatiu and independent
vol ei h, but on the independent ticket
Mr. Hanuey received 70 votes and Mr.
tidsoti 80, the latter having a majority
of t; votes. Ills remaining on the
ticket is an act against all precedent
all over the state. Mr. Wright of Rose
uiout also received a majority on the
independent ticket for treasurer, yet
he realized the fallacy of remaining on
the (icket. Two years ago Mr. Arnold
received the Independent nomination
tor treasurer out withdrew and came
out supporting the man who had de
feated him on the joint ballot Not
only in this but all counties of the
state it is undei stood that when a
candidate is beaten by a majority of
votes on the fusion ticket Jio Is down
mill out.
Mr'. Edson has been in office for ten
yeais, yet otic of the strongest planks
In the platform of the party ho now
claims allegiance to Is opposed to uu
oiliclal holding otllce for more thau
two termfiC So you see, on every side
be is inconsistent. He knows, and the
people know that ho cannot be elected,
yet he wishes if possible by any means
to injure the cause of the people's can
didate und the democratic party.
As for Mr. rressmau, the republican
nominee, we believe him to be a per
fect gcntlemun, aud qualltled as well
as many other people in tho county to
hold that office, but the people Can
readily see the superior iituess and
claims of Mr. Ranney. All we desire
of every voter is to examine into Mr.
Ranney's record, lie bos been a resi
dent of,the county thirty-four years
and bus done much more than the
averagcmtin for the wellfare of the
people. lie Is one of our best citizens
and the people should bo pleased to
honor him by electing him for county
judge and we believe tbey will do so,
-r-Jlluu IIIU Leader.
bibm ft mv kkb
The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built
and runs like a Watch. More than a million
already sold. J If you have not gotten yours,
do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN
Newhbuse Bros.
H-r -Mr
Jeweler and Optometrist.
E.H. NWilOySEProp.
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Successor to Dr. J. S. EMIQH
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phone 131.
Chief Adt Bring Remits I
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllci) iu Moon Block.
Hell, Ulack 4; Ind., 103
Rcildeiicc, Royal Hotel.
Hell, 47; Ind., 27
Calls Answered Day or Night
11ED cr.oun, KKll.
See this Office for Sale Bills
When you think of
They have the finest showing of stoves
ever brought to Red Cloud. : i : :
At special Low Prices and extra High Quality.
CJIJiist as a sample
we have 15 inch
firebbwl Heaters
48 inch high for
milAv ajf V
Always Glad To Show Goods.
i- v
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- ib
' Hit
.. 11' V4JZ' 7 ' 1
Mil liflitfUwwwaUM W.W1W.I.MI.IIM II
TILL, Vi'i
, iwn.r-Mx.S.
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