EgiitiiiliiliTTtijeSSpgl li ;"J ft v , Sra fr"8""1 t. v .yf i.t!S."tiK.ilij i j TIM BtotrlMiM Mi Vm of ft Cbtttra J. II. GAIN frKI'AltTMKNTOr ANIMAt, I'AlllOUKlY Aii appropriation of 15,000 waa ' eiade by tlio Innt legislature for the lirodmillon of hog cholera serum under, the direction of thu Department ofi Anlmul Pathology of tlio Nebraska Ex periment Station. Ah this bill did not ' curry un emergency, the funds were not Hvnihiblu until July 7 In order that tlio Hcrutn produced shall ' bo a uniform as possible, It Is tiecia wary to nils- Mie four bleedings from uticli hog, then mix those from u num ber of lions together uud thoroly test it before (tending out. l-'or these reus i oii3 thu serum will not be rniuly for distribution before October I. Tlio bill provides that the serum be sold at cost of production. The prlco wilt be put at two cents per cubic centimeter, which would malic the cost about forty cento pur hundred pounds cf hog. Tho close ordltiHrlly advised for a hundred-pound shoat is twenty c. c (cubic centimeters), nod this dose should be Increased rather than di minished, especially to valuable pure bred hogs or to brood sows in a herd. ViX weighing under a hundred pounds should not receive less thau twenty c. ., as their resisting power is less than that of larger hogs. When cholera is susjeoUxl, the near est qualified veterinarian, if one Is available, should be called, a sick pig k lied, Hud a postmortem examination made to determine If genuine cholera exlsla. This is important, for, if chol era is not present when serum Isglveu, the hogs will bo protected for only three or four weeks, when they will again become susceptible to the dis ease. If cholera is present and scrum is who ted, use the telephone or teleKiaplt. Donot wrlto n lettot rt questing serum. Tho mulls are somewhat uncertain and thu larger putt of thu herd may be como Infected before erum could be received If ordeted infills way. When telephoning, it tho writer (Dr. J. II. (lain) Is not in the otllce. call for Dr. It, II. Sturdttvant or the ollleu cleric. Thote will til ways be miiiic one in the allien in charge of this work. Always give tho number and weight or the well hogs in the herd. If u certain number of doses are ordored It will be assumed that the minimum dose is meant This department will endeavor to deliver scrum at the express oOlce promptly upon receipt of orders which it can All, but tho delays en route from sending material by express are frequent and sometimes unexplalnable. After determining whether serum Is available or not, where the distance is not too great it will prevent delay if the farmer will come to Lincoln la person to secure the serum, rather, than depend on the express company The serum is put up in bottles con taining 125, 250, S00 and 1,000 c. o At two cents perc, c, these bottles would J range in price from I2.!i0 up to 920.00. It will be shipped by express, C. 6. D. upon request, n new ten c o. capacity syringe, suitable for this work and. also for vaccinating cattle against blackleg, will be shipped with the serum, and the cost added to the bill. Whore the services of a qualified veterinarian c m bo obtained hcshould ( be, called to give the serum. Where, such a man cannot be had the follow ing suggestions .ire offered : j Havo the hogs In n dry place for nt least twenty four hours before giving seiiim. A wet, muddy hog is not easily handled; besides, thero is the Increased of carrying in some in fection on the needle and causing a local abscess. Have at hand a bucket of some disinfectant, such as a five per cent solution of ono of thu coal ' tar dips; wash off thu inner surface if each thigh and inject tho serum deep- J ly into the muscles, dividing the dose , equally between the two sides and putting not over twenty c. o. in one j place. The serum can also be injected just under the skin of the abdomen in stead of lpto the muscles, but is not so readily absorbed and there is great er I lability of an abscess. Some seru m will also leak oat when the needle is withdrawn, ' Leave the hogs In a dry place for two days after receiving scrum. Do not give a sick hog serum. OUe only to those apparently well and leave these for a time in the infected yards. A hog must -he exposed to cholera at the t imi of receiving serum, or within a few days, In order to ae quite a lasting Immunity Some of the hogs that arc apparently well muy have had the germs of cholera in the system for four or live days These will probably die. The new serum plant will not be ready for use before January 1, 1012. With the old plant it wilt not be possi ble to supply all of the requests for set tun for tho next few months. Confidence Wis Back up Our Statements with Our Personal Refutation and Henry We are so positive that we can re lieve constipation, no matter how ch rou io it may be, that we offer to furnish the medicine free of all cost if we fall. We think that it is worse than use less to attempt to cure constipation with cithartic drugs. Cathartics may do much harm. They may cause a re action, Irritate and weaken the bowels, and make constipation more chronic. REDUCTION SALE i OF Wagons - Buggies - Farm Implements and Machinery October 9 to 28th 'I I t Mr. Farmer if you need a new wagon, buggy or any other kind of farm tool or implement, call on us during this sale and buy at a bargain, as during the next twenty days we are going to offer a large stock of wagons, buggies, farm implements, etc., at less than cost. The list includes the following: $ 40 00 1 Parry Surrey - - $112 00 25 00 IP. and O. Surrey - 100 00 22 00 Sulky Plows - 25 00 92 50 Gang Plows - - 42 50 92 50 Pioneer Imp. Co.'s Buggies', te 54 00 ' including the Anchor Line 65 00 ' at $57.50 to - - - 77 50 -.. ... -. T rr -pt , T f iirMgijMMIllUSIIIMSMWBUSttJSUMUJJL- Hay Stackers, I. N. G. 4-Wheel Sweeps 3-Wheel Sweeps Glover Leaf Spreaders -Litchfield Spreaders - Bettendorf Wagons, complete Burg Wagons, complete Also numerous other articles at similar values. This stock will be disposed of for cash only, but at the prices, the reduction will pay interest for two years and more. 20 DAYS ONLY 20 ij Constipation is often accompanied and may be caused by weakness of the nnrves and muscles of the large ititcw tine or colon. To expect a eure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those parts and restate Ihem to health ier activity. The discovery of the Motive nt indole of our remedy involved the labor of skilful research chemists. Tills remedy produces results such as aro expected from the best of the best known in testliial tonics, and it Is priitlcularly prompt in its results. We want you to try liexall Orderlies on our giiiirantee. They are exceed lngl.v pleaMint to ttikq, and are ideal for I'hildieii, They nppaiently net directly on the nerves and muscles of the ho.eeW, having, It would seem, a neutral iictioli on other organs or glands. They d not puige or outt-e Inconvenience. If they do not post lively i ure chronic, or htihlliml consti pation uud thus relieve I lie niyilsula of associate or, dependent chronic ail ments, your money will be refunded. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three sizes of packages, 10c, 'J.o and 50c. , Remomber, you can obtain Rex all Remedies In this community only at our store I he Rexall Store. The H. E. Orice Drug Co. Queer Hotel Custom. Hotel customs throughout tho world are varied. A hotel la France to en wheels aad turns so that any room eaa be given sunlight Regulations govern ing the leagth of be sheets have been made la certain states. Probably the mest unique custom prevails in Tempo, a town la the Beit River valley. Anio ns, Here the proprietor refund the hotel charges to all his patrons 'on any day the sun does not shine. At first this seems benevolent, but look ing into the matter we find that he has been called upon to remit to his guests oaly oaee la the laat fire years. Guar anteeing sunshine to ."an original feature. Used te Light Work. A weather-beaten woman somewhat over six feet la height aad with a pair of shoulders proportionately broad, appeared at a hack door la Wyoming and asked for light house work. She said that her name was Llxite and explained that she had been HI with typhoid fever and was con valescing. ."Where did you come from, LtszteT" the woman of the house Inquired. "Where hare you been?" "I've been workln' out on Howell's ranch," replied Llzsie, "dlggln' post holes while I was glttin' my strength back." Llppincott's Magazine. Fairy's ItdatytrsKdyif. a stdkii lion Aik. .1. B. Freeman says: "I iiad a severe case of kidney trouble and could not. work and my esse seem ed hopetes. One large bottle of Pole s Kidney Itemedy cured me and I have never been bothered since. I always recommend it." Hold at Dr. Cook's drug store A Medicine that AWes CenTltfetce is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Mrs. T. J. Adams. fi22 Nn Kiiih.uu ,vn Columbus. Kuf., writes: "For a mini- ueioi years my clilldicn have been subject to coughs and colds. I used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and found that it cured their coughs and colds, so I keep It in the hoiiso nil the time." Refuse substitutes. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CONDITION. OF THE H. E. 6RICE DRVfJ CO. (Incorporated) Oeteber 1st. 1911. ' AHKKTS Stock ,t Fixtures on hand, 8119.11 Mills & Accounts Hecelvablc, 1890.17 Cash on Hand, M (Hi.07 . 10460.80 LtAlllMTIKH Capital Stock, t 7700.09 Hills Payable : (29 Surplus Kund .. 2115,56 10400.80 II. K. a KICK. E. I,. (HUMES, President. Secretary. The Turner Sale on the Geo. W. Lindtey firm, Tuesday, afternoon, Oct. 31st. Hog r, Horses, Cattle & Implements . NdtlcctdCrtalttrt. wWraSft f m the county Court. In the matter of the estate of Ferdinand H. Qerlach, Deceased. Notice la hereby given to all persons hav ing claims aad demands against Ferdinand H.aerlach,lateofWebstercounty,decesMd, that the time Used fqr filing claims against aid estate Is six months from the 38th day of October 1911. All such persons are required to present ihelr claims, with the vouchers, to the County Judge of said county, at his' office therein, on or before the 38th day of April 1912; and all claims so nied will be heard before tho said Judge on the 27th day of April 1912, at one o'clock p. m.; and that tho Executors aro allowed ono year from tho 4th day of October 1911, In which to pay the debts allowed against said estate and settle the same. hbai. I. W. Kasow County Judge. See this Office for Sale Bills V rberl Atkins 8 Barber Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : window Shades, and : UNDERTAKING Visit 6urv store, inspect the immense stock and gej our prices. We know that We Can Save You Money! $-fjy' h 5 .v Th Home Qrocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. ( A Complete . Lino of Staple and Fancy qrpc'orlos, uiso lav f-atssr raxxcrns in Queensware .-F.-r:w!zrmiT.w.ji'j!": We are also making a Specialty of tho Celebrated . V-I C i Red Cloud Hdw, & Imp. Co. 'i . V "A. B. C." I' CANNED GOODS Red Cloud Nebraska Bell Phone 102. Independent Phone 44 m WvaAWvjA. i$tf&,& ,4..&Wr, ... mjgmNSRwsM