SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiiBSSB5!i55SSSSSSgP , H,iww.-waw i vLJ---..Jr.rTrT-..p.Lrmaw-ir. .. y v. --rr'i-frTLTM TiiiiiiiTiMiTi'ritMteikwyfvtffli wwiiiiijtiilliiiiiiiwiii)iiiiiiiiiirinr "m is, m im r MM. ' T "Uf. jMiiiin.Mi iMji-jiri,-i-nwinii' f AM re'l $gmafflB A Frame Building Has Possibilities in Itsjidaptation to thecliiuiRlntf conditions and needs of the in habitant possessed by no other mode of construction. It enn lie successfully moved if desired, at mall expense; it can bo easily altered or enlarged, it can be re painted and its entire appear ance changed. In fact it is capa ble of being mm! i! to fit any. con dition that may bo demanded and instead of your original in vestment depreciating it can, with little expense, be made 'more valuable aiid kept in per fect harmony with other proper ty around it. These, of course, may not seem vital questions to you now, but that they are like ly to arise in the future you must admit. Ilefore building better come in and let us talk these features over and show you some lumber that will out last you. f here's PU Place Like Nine" Saunders Bros. Lumber and Coal RED CLOUD, : : : NEUKASKA n9 MM-f r 5 lAT.AIFTTFft v "w 1 Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over State Bank. I y 'John Gale of Trumbell was in town I to-day. mf II. O. Jones of Shclton spentSunday J In town. ' P Did Red Cloud ever have a Commer- jjfc olal Cluur Mrs. Aiei Aiciora is on wie hick nsi this week. .T. V. White of Nebraska City was in town Tuesday. All kindsiof Electrical work done by Morhart llros Jas. C Collins of Wood Ittver was In town Monday. Ncls Omstram, of Crawford, was in town Mouday. A. 1). Mattick of Elkhorn was in town Saturday. Fied Steffen returned from Urand Island Monday. y C. F. Blalna of Fremont spent Sun day in the city. Frit. Moede returned from Sterling, Illinois Friday. Ired Steffen returned from Womer, Kans., Thursday. John vaul, of Manlcato, Has., was in town Tuesday. Noble Ball wot in Alma Saturday on telephone business Have your picture framed at Sloss'. Best selection -In town. H. A. Letson and A. IL Kahry took n the liladcn fair Friday. C. S. Fletcher of Kansas City visited with friends -over Sunday. John Yost left for Omaha Monday to witness too Ark-sar-beu Tuece will be regular seevices at Grace churdh next Sunday. 11. E. McFarland is in Omaha this week on business and pleasure. Joe Fogcl and wife returned from Hollidy,.l'a., Saturday morning, Fraafc Roue, of Hastings, was trans acting business in town Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. F. W. Cowoku and C. H. i'Uttvweie in liladen Thursday. John Etret of Superior visited his pareutsin town the first of the week. o Mrs. iternnid McN'eny letiirnedfrom a short pleusuto trip to Omatm Tues day. Miss Coin WVesner hns accepted i position ns cashier at Miner lltos. store. The F. A. A. meet Tuesday evening and after lodge a splendid lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fruit and baby returned home fiom Glen villa Tuesday. Mr. aud Mr-,. Chas. Steffen spent Sunday in Guide Hook visiting their daughter , Ernest Stroyer and family of Mc Cook have been visiting his parents this week. Mr. Peggls quite low at this writing and the children have arrived to be nt his bedside. Chas. J. Brown returned to his home at At wood after transacting business here Monday. . Miss Coon is a graduate of the State Normal nnd State Unlveislty. Vote for Miss Coon. The Diamond Electric Vacnm clean er demonstrated in your home free. Call Phone Red 07. The High Sohool foot ball team goes to Hustings Friday, October nth, for their opening fjamc. Mrs Gertto MclCetghan of Mucoln arrived in town Monday for a short visit with relatives. A, D. Wonderly departed Sunday morning for South Dnkola to register at the land opening. The Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday evening. Every member is requested to be present. Clifford Eshelman accompanied) his nephew, Clinton Eshelman, to Canton, III., for n visit with relatives. Pon Sale 12 to 14 yards of new rag carpet, all in one piece. For further particulars inquire at this ofiico Wall pnper, paiur, varnish, mould ing, painting and papering contract ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Moiihaiit Bnos. C. L. Cottlng left for Omaha Tuesday to replenish stock for his Drug Store and also to witness the Ark-sar-beu. R. M. Ilentty and son for General Itlacksmithlng, Wagon Work, Horse shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. Special attention given to diseases of eye aud ear. Glasses accurately fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr. Mrs. Mark Parks departed for a three weeks visit at Denver aud Colorado Springs wltii friends and relatives The Misses Smulley, of Eureka, III., arrived Wednesday for an extended visit with their sister, Mrs. Fred Plumb. Miss Lillian Jones who has been visiting her father ano brother Russel returned td her home in Oklahoma Sunday. Miss Coon 'has had experience in rural, grade Hud high school. Vote for Miss Coon. For Sale Household furniture, to 1e sold at once at private -sale. Also -a good house tent. Call at the house Mns. L. H. Fort. The opening foot-ball fiaino on the local gridiron will be between Frank lin Academy and Red Cloud High School, Friday afternoon. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas Whltaker are in Omaha this week enjoying the Ark-tar-Ben. Mr. Whltaker is also trans acting busiuess for Ills firm. Misses Marguerite Richardson and Grace McCall who Hie teaching school 'uear Bladen spent Saturday and Sun day in this city .with their parentis. ;Sl'0 .1. H. Bailey for n farm loan. Re has a reduced rate of Interest aud is sole agent for Trevctt, Mattis A Biker who are noted for promptness ao'-wiuaro dealing and are always ready for business Mr. and Mrs. Ellis gave some re markable changes In costumes and character and kept their nudlenco In a thoroughly good humor. Peoria, 111., Star Opera house Friday, Oct. tilth, auspices M. W. A. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming ou, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It cheeks and re lieves. Use no substitute. The genu ine in u yellow packngu always. For sale at Dr. Cook's drug storo. The Epworth League of the .Method 1st church giuen parly last Friday In honor the old people who are 70 years old and older. A largo crowd was out and all report the entertain ment grand and the supper splendid. Mis. J. H. Robinson Is enjoying a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mary Jones abuiher niece Mrs. George Weaver both of Stella, Nebr They are also visiting other relatives Mrs. Jones is a mother of Sam Jones and Mrs. Noah McDowell. Wollo X. VhliRker, general black smiths, now carry n full line of farm implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes, nil kinds of machinery and heavy hard win c, and all supplies for same. Also all kinds of oil. The play concluded with a very im pressive scene, when in time of dis tress the widow receives it check for Tin eo Thousand Dollars iu payment of her husband's insurance certiticatc. -Fondu Lac, Wis., Dally Bulletin. Opera house Friday, Oct 13, auspices M. W. A. Wo wish to announce to the public generally, that we have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of MO acres, 0 miles south east of Red Cloud. This pluce needs no corameda tion ns it is known far aud near ns the Very best bottom farm in Webster County. W'At.KKii & Kent. We learn from a letter written by Rev. W. F. Cole of the BaptiBt church, now in Hillsdale, Michigan, that on account of the death of his mother which occurred on September, .To, that he is unable to be iu Red Cloud Oct 8 Judge I. Wu Edsou has been secured to Qll the pulpit ou that day and cveiybody is invited to be present. uo not lorget that you will have an opportunity of hearing Hon. W. J. Bryan speak heie next Wednesday evening, October 11th. As everyone knows Mr. Bryan is a zealous student of human affairs and never fails to de light his audiences. The entire even ing will le given over to him and you are assured of a great treat. Come. S!tt 'tJt KU ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmolutely Pure W ?& Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only. Baldna Powder from Royal GraaeCreaat of Tartar The revival meetings at the Clnlst iuu church will begin next Sunday, October,.8th. under direction of the minister, C. F. Rose. The music will be lei'l by Miss Wafford, of Enid, Okla homa. Each have been engaged in evangelistic wmk In seveial states. Everybody come aud enjoy these ser vices. The song service will begin eacli evening at 7:30. This week we arc bciug moved into the street preparatory to occupying our new quarters which will be erect ed ou the same site. Mr. Cecil Mat thew, the genial editor of the River- ton Review is here giving us a helping hand and assisting us as only a master- hand can. With his help we expect to present you with as good a paper this week as it would be possible to get under auy circumstances. Last Monday night twenty four of the gentlemon friends of Hon, Ed Garber surprised him by mulching in aud informing him that he was forty six years old to a day. Mrs. Uarber engineered the surprise and "erred a delectable lunch and otherwise made the guests enjoy themselves, The 'gentlemen presented the Hon. KA with a nig easy rockiug chair aud to Mrs. Garber they gave a handsome chafing disJi. Here's hoping that Ed will live sixty four years more. L. II. Fort was buried two weeks ago toitay. Last Friday, the eighth day after the funeral the officers of the A. v. ki. n.iu.ijiiuMiuiiuiaan, fore a warrant for two thousand dollars. Mrs. Fort had nothing to do; no papers 10 prepare, .no occasion to even speak to anyone on the subject. The busi neas was all transacted fqr her with out even application on her part. We understood Mr. Fort had Insurance in the old line companies but we venture to say that she will not obtain her money ns readily and promptly from those companies as she did from the Workman. t to to to to m to m v to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to rati KvMVtr wr.U'nVflfl Now is the T intern mm a" Right now im the time to buy the Winter Comts for m ikt is' yourself and Children. We are showing greater values this season, than ever before, in this line of Merchandise. Our stock is complete in every particular no two garments alike Our plan is to five our trade assort ment in price, style and pattern, of the best garments $ JKJ1lfi'i ssat r i -5iCi iB 1 JEatflB 1aa from the best garment makers in America. Ladies' Stylish Cloaks ...Up-to-date Kind... From $ 7.50 to $32.00 Suits 14.00 to 25.00 m Or Prices to fit purse of every people. We cater to the trade with the best and newest as- jjj sortment of Shoes and General Dry Goods, in the coun- & ty. Our desire is to have the privilege of showing ft Olr i you our lines. Turnure Bros. James G. Dahlnan, "CtNkay" Hayer eT emana. "inrw8 (he Lariat" Mayor iias. u. UuuIidhii started his career as a cowboy, Hnd is as presont Mayor of Omaha, and has the follow ing record. Sheriff oLDawes Co. Neb , three terms; Mayor of Chad ran, two terms; Democratic Nat'l Committee man, eight yeais Mayor of Omaha, six vis, aim u iuio oandldato for Goveinor of Nebraska, Wrltliiif to Foley .fe Co,. Chicago, he says" "I have takcrt Foley Kidney Pills and thry havaglvon tn a great deal ofre lief so I cheerfully recommend them." yours trnlvr (signed) .Tamks 0. Dahlman. Sold at Dr Cook's drugstore. WlatN'a PmlM. The recent act of April 10th. lOOg g-lvs to all soldiers' wldowi a nensfoB of 119 per month, rred Maurer, the attorney, bas all necessary blanks. The Favorite laxative taeatNlftht Makes the NcxtDavBrlthts WaCwaracIf ItPecsw't Uecauso of its extremely gentle nnd effective action, Rexall Orderlies have become the most popular Remedy for Constipation'. We are so positive that Rexall Order lies will do all that Is claimed for thtm that we positively guarantee to band back the money you paid us for them upon your mere request, If you are not entirely satisfied. Ilexall Orderlies are oaten iiko can dy, are very pleasaut to the taste, do not gripe, cause nausea, or any other annoyance usually experienced when ordinary cathartics are used. " Rexull Orderlies havo a positive re gulatltn effect upon the bowels and tend to provide permanent relief from coustipution and the myriad or asso ciate ailments. Besides, they help to overcome the necessity of the constant use of lanatives to keep the bowels Su normal condition We honestly believe thero Unosimi inr "medicine so good as Rexall Order' lies, especially for childien, aged, or delicate people. Tliey are p1 rebarc4 In convenient tablet formjln three sizes of packages. Prices, 10c, i!5o and GOc. Why not try them at our iUk on our guarantee? Remember, Rexall Remedies can be obtained in this community only nt our siorc The Ilexall Store. The II. E. Grlcc Drug Co., Red Cloud, Neb H. B. Miner Duroc Jersey dwine Sale October 14th H. R. Miner, of Guide Rock, breeder of thoroughbred Durou Jersey Swine, announces his fall sale of 50 gilts and boars to be held at the South Lumber Yard in Guide Rock October 14. Cat alogues nov -ready. Write for one. i Harried Ooober 1st 1911 at the residence of Judge IMsou, Miss Anna llurr and LMr. Roy Campbell. M)is A mm was born and brought up in this county, and is an industrious little woman who will make a helpfvl companion for a man on the farm. Roy moved with his parents to this county twelve years, ago aud has hosts of friends who wish him much happiness in his matrimon ial venture. He has rented the Chas Reynolds farm north of this city, where they will soon begin house keeping The Chief extends congratu lations to the newly wad. BslaTaiaiaaaBjr 30 Horse-power Five-Passenger Fore-Door louring Car This car is now ready (or demonstration. Come and t' . To fully understand .the exceptional value of this car you rvtft l . . compare it with what the entire market has to ofkrfcf'oiZ. Studv th? :pcjfication,s bejow $; fto ottarTcaf wii you find.' uchyajiis ai prcei , Wt-j machine under $1250 can you unc up against this anditem 'for item see so much for Ce'wnqfi When, youlitop to consider the fine thorough construction the .Kv?rlroP" forgings-the pressed steel frame the selective transmission fitted'' F. & S. annular bearings (which the most expensive cars in the world use) -the i 30 horse-power motor, the big wheel base, the fore-door body with door handles and all levers inside the car, you can better realize what an actual advanced manufacluring step this new car is SPECIFICATIONS OF MODEL Sft Wheel baje. 106 incTies; body, five-p.,,cnger fore-door louring; motor, 4x4 I - horsepower, 30; transmission, selective, three speeds and reverse; F. & S. ball bearing wheels, artillery wood, 12-1 1-2 inch spokes, 12 bolts each wheel; tires, 32 x 3 1-2 inches Q. D. Silk Mohare Top and Brass Wind ' Shield SI000 F. 0. B. RED CLOUD JAMES PETERSON ; See The Chief Office for Up-to-date job work P r h ; . . i ' TT jL A!J " f 'I il -J .if A. vl lJT "M 4 1 4 4 m &MI tf. . Mfl .,,y . c$ t4 , '. j.w.tK, fiMi