!RH!WWWWWKSHBn!S!2!5!HBW55BM'ff55i Tr-'imt rta?i iSh; T xi . ,&M Arf IrVi f;. M.rti fin ,-.1, ril i, )fc1if flTillTJT-r-BJT -"IT - HWIHIPW'IIW --- - - - v 'l Slc IfMorloftl .Soolrtr v-i. K..-rriaaaamiBwaEMaBBjp vwn . w&EaXiitfni "31 ? n; ' jR iliBBftBnlBTMi''1BB-MKMp' BmHiaBW.eaaaaaaaaB in ii tfBJwBBfjifrBEEfiTJMJE zSaMfffSaaaBsT .KEMaBsllTjaBSalgTWSwPirrBJil 11 I'-ill 4r bv9HFWlPWijrH9HBBBDBHHHH9HBiHRwmlHH BBkcSmiPYSylEsSpsr-- .59BlflriBMaiSHiiiBBifB i4SH. tH.VIKllT: "WTm V BaaaaVaaaBm'OaBBBBBBBB jBgfcMZ."AMlRa;s'aig jjjwglMlBPtMlf BLrtMHf jMBy BJBBBMfc?'111 sBSaBri.iSSBSaBSaBSaBSaBBc H BV HaBSaBSaBSaBSaBSaSSBaHBBSaBSaBSal V 1 , ll VOLUME XX XV III1. THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 j ... r I OUR interests are ness: there wouldn't be much sense in selling clothes that were not good for you; we couldn't keep it up very long. Our idea is to sell you clothes that are best for you; we know something about quality in clothes. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are the best for you, because there are no better clothes made; they're best for everybody; best for us. SkiU $18 and op Overcoats $16.50 aid ip This store is the home of Hart NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery in Red Cloud and solicit a share of ypur patronage. Freak Bread; Piea aid Cakea always is stock. Phone me' your waats find phone lS9.) Deliver to any part of fthe city Retail store opposite Postof flee, la Piederleh building. CURtHATFILD,Prop. Off! ours, in this busi Schaffner & Marx clothes DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM MNTIST Succeusor to Dr. Jt S, BMIQH At tltt Vfftltt State Bilk. Ptwatttt . : Ckief Ada Brinsi WmA A 4 NewsHPer That (lives The Newt fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER B, 1911. GARFIELD A fluo Nebraska rain fell hero for three days the first of the week. Clyde Bowcn and George Smith were over tho river Saturday after cattle. George Drake bought a span of mates from Clyde Oowen uue day last week, Smith Bros, bought tweuly flvohead of cows last week. Muriel and Ethel Fisher visited In Red Cloud Saturday night and Sunday Will Fisher cut Jack Barnes' millet with his binder on Tuesday. Miss Ella White ia visiting with Mrs. Omcr Wolfe this week. The rainy weather put a stop to the sowing of wheat for a few days. Col. Wiggins hauled his hogs to market Friday. Julius Wobberman is homo from his trlp.J Will Fisher U filling in the cement bridge ou thejjottom road this week between showers. Jack liarneB is visiting with hla daughter Mrs. George McKlnney north or the river this week. Guy llarnes and wife and Frank Amack and wife called on Joe Mudd and family on Sunday. v Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rawls, a baby girl. Mother and daughter are doing Hno hut, John, you had ought to see him. Dynamite Tom struck, water at, Jack Barnes in, what they called a dry well and now he will dig a well for Chris Hansen this week. Read Thit. This city has been lately flooded with attractive literature which pro fesses to save the community a great deal of money on coal. One of our coal merchants answered the communica tion Bent him and the letter which we print below is the answer he received. BurkCo. WMtaaak Mi BatiM Caal Ml Waal Lincoln, Nebu. Sift. SO, ion. Mn. W. B. Saunders, Bed Cloud, Nebr. Dear Sir: We are in receipt of your valued Jri qulry ot recent date and are very glad of thla opportunity of quoting you our low wholesale prides on our high grades ot coal. Pennsylvania hard coal nut size 110.87 " " " ' other size 110.02 Colo. Niggerhead Maltlandlump 17.23 Rockvale Canon any size $7.00 Silver Hocking any size 15.07 Kansas Weir City nut, mine screened 14.70 These prices are all f. o. b. Red Cloud and are for Immediate' ship ment. ' Now Saunders Brothers would be pleased to furnish all the coal that fonr counties can use -at the same prices and same conditions. Before buying a car of coal it will ba to your interest to see them. PtkyMUNvNU Supply just the ingredients needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. Specially prepared for back ache, headache, nervousness, rheama tlsm and all kidney, bladder and urin ary Irregularities. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. ' jaaj Batata TrutfeTfi Transfers for the week ending Wed nesday, October 4, leil. , Thomas Kennedy to Clarence A. carpenter, ne tf JM-J.J?, wd. . . Mary E. Simpson and husband to 6400 Kattle Hegg, lota 2, 3, 4,ft, 6,8, Morey add B to BIuelHill, wd Mary France etal to William O. Bennett, lota 8, 4, 81k. 4, Cow lee, wd.,,M i .,.,,,.,, Easily E. Davk to Barry F. Mc 180 600 xaggarti lota I, 14, 16, Blk. 17, C6wlee,wd 160 IAlSMft If, Co mdjrlfe to Asum . Setoar. lot 7, Blk. 1.0ex'iM J1, wd.... 1:3 Weeks Each Year Br f 1.5. Fleming, lot '.), Blk. 1, Cox's mid to lllndcn, wd , IGo I. W. Edson, County Judge to Avo J. Cartwright etal, lots 0, 7, 8, Hlk. 0, OriiHsels add to Blue Hill, decree Moiso Bouhei' and wlfo to C. F. Goiter, sej4 20-3-iy, wd. ,,,,,,, 0500 S.C. Shuck, singlo to Albert J. McCartcr, lots 28, 29, .10, Shuck's sub div to Red Cloud 1200 W. S. Harris and wife to Thomas Kennedy, ej nwVf wj mv, ptswf,31-M0, wd 12800 Jacob Goll and wife to Minnie Erf man, lots 11, 13, pt 10, Blk. 2, Uohrcr's add to Bluo Hill.wd 2000 Adaline Mendelbaum and husb., to Jacob Goll, lot 7, Blk. 3, Blue Hill, wd .. . I860 Fred Pol?, and wife to Jacob Goll, lot 21). Blk. II, Blue Hill, wd... 4000 Andrew Hubleiu to Jacob Goll, pt seK "', 7-4-10, wd. 2000 Jacob Mcndlubauui and wife to Jacob Goll, ne swjf , S.4-10, qcd 1 Oliver Hedge, Sheriff to T. G. Montgomery, Jackrou Reserve S.D 1580.10 United States to John' A. Poyer, nc V, 82 3 10, copy of patent 40142.10 Public Sale The undersigned will sell at publlo sale, six miles west of Red Cloud and one mile east of Inavale, Nebraska '' Tuesday, October 10tk Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. 12 head of hordes and mules: 1 bay gelding 4 years old, weight 1400; 1 rown gelding 4 years old welghtl400; 1 black mare 0 years old, In foal, weight 1300; 1 sorrel mare 7 years old, weight VOo; t bay mare 4 years old, weight 000; 1 sorrel mare 0 years old, In foal, weight lloo; 1 colt 1 year old; 3 sucking colts; 3 sucking mule colta. 7 head of cattle: -4 No. 1 milch cows all giving milk, 1 will be fresh in October, the rest fresh in the spring; 3 spring calves 1 steer, 1 heifer, 1 thor oughbred Polled Durham bull calf. 54 neaa snoats weigning irom 7o to ISO. all hure bred Duroo Jersey. Farm Macnmery, etc. use a; men llollne wagon, one 3 In.Mollne wagon, X truck wagon and rack, 3 top buggies, r - a . .' T. . Mccormick corn oinaer, i crown oorn planter; i ueering Q-root mowor, oae 10-foot McCormlok hav rake, on Aoma sweep, one lS in. stirring plow I one 14 in. stirring plow, one M Inch Yankee vans olow. 1 Bnsv Bee rldiBS a culilTiUff, 1 hSwB'sCPtion bsrroW.Oflt new 3-seotlon barrow, 4 seta work bar ness,S sets ll Inch haMHts flew last spring, S seta 1 in. harness, one tat of carriage harness, 90 tons of Alfalfa hay la stack; about 2oo chickens and other articles too numerous to mention GEORGE T0PHAM, Owaer Col. Jake Ellinger, Auctioneer O. J. Pope, Clerk OPERA HOUSE Friday, October 13, 1911 Cbas. Ellis presents his prbteaU piey "Thy Neithbor'i Wife" , A Drama and.Vaudeyille TJV csoftke M. W. A. ! Popular prices IS, 25, and 85o, eserred seaU at Cook's Draft S)tor The New National Alarm BIG BEN The Best Alarm Clock ever made. Built and runs like a watch. already sold, Q If you have not gotten1 yours, do so now. NEW STOCK JUST IN Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. Hmtlng rmll Festival... REMEMBER, this is a Central N- braska entertainment and you are ex-' peeted. Entries are free to all. Auto mobile Flower Parade, Tuesday, Oct. 10th, Fararo' Parade Wednesday, Oct nth. industrial Parade, fjinrs. day, Oct. 13th. Come and see these free parades. A big tlra When you think of SToves THINK OP MORHART 'BROTHERS Tfcey kave tke fiiett akowiif of itom erer broif kt to Red Cloid. : HEATER AND RANQE At special Low Prices aid extra Hifk Qaality. fSF Bmw3mw?Bm. jasHasHmaV JBsMaBafaifcV , 9jSSs5kBB0r ' raaHkSflama iVaBBalHrsTt gppjpppaapjBBjL Always Glad u NUMBER 40 t More than a million C. B. & Ql Watch Inspector D. D. Saidertai, M. D. ' Physician find Surgeon .j. ' " v" Oflloe la Moon Block, Bell, Black 4; Ind., US Resldtnce.'Rowl Hotel. v - Bell, 47 Ud., 37 Calls AnswAred Day or Kighi BID CtOUD, MRS. I J J ! I 1 JJust at suwle we ntYc IS inch firebowl Heaters 48 inch Kt:, for Show Gb; - 7 m .zmstft I lu it V V .J M v Am ' JVJ ' .US"' "V I ? ..' m ? N" yj ii . 3. i$ At.f I 4 k. mmiTmiBi altmiiusHMiisaaiirtgafll sASSjtfvftevttejSaau W uasaMSffmejtei V.! jl