The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1911, Image 6

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    m:fsmmmsmmM'ymur n nwnawJ
Airifion Yyi
iiiei ican w omen ,
Don't Deserve the
Criticism they Get
occasionally about deteriorating
In their homo-making instincts.
The trouble Is they are not given
half a elmnee. Can't expect
thoitttotukc the siitnc Interest
In a rented house or apiutment
that, their mothers took in the
home they knew was their own,
can youV Just think this over
carefully. We know what we're
tulkingubout, because invariably
when we sell a house bill It's
the wife that has the most to
Hay about It, anil usually it's
through her efforts the start Is
Is made. And let us tell you
she has pretty good Ideas about
what she wants, too goes a lot
on appearance, as well asqiiallty
on an attractive front- door
wants good, natural figured
linlsh, huiilwood lloors, etc.
She's particular, but we've the
stock that makes 'em happy, and
when you're ready to build we
want to talk you.
"there's No Place Like Home"
Saunders Bros.
Lumber and Coal
,,944443 444C ttf tttttttf
Old papers for sale at this ofllco
Matt Doyle was in Cowles Thursday.
Misi Mabel Day was in &t. .loe this
Wilbur Hamilton was in (initio Uock
Lloyd Mines returned to Hastings
.loo Fogcl went to Lincoln this
Don Fulton was in Oxford the last
of the week.
Lee Ilajos was up from Guide Uock
Willis Fulton was down from River
ton Tuesday.
All kinds of Electrical woik done by
Morhart liros
A. 11. Carpenter was in Norton,
Kan., Thursday.
II. 1 Keukeu transacted business in
Hastings Friday.
If you want all the news while it is
fresh, read the Chief.
A. T. Walker and Chus Strong are
home from Colorado.
llertCiirruf Mimlcn is visiting In
Red Cloud this week.
Tress llarwood was u passenger to
Ulue Hill Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tulleys went to
Guide Uock Thursday.
(Juy llradbrook was down from
Fruukliu over Suiulay.
Have your picture flamed at Sloss'
Host selection in town.
A. P. Ely joined his wife at MeCoolc
Saturday lor a short visit.
Mr. and Mis Fled Guild wctc down
from Uluo Hill over Sunday.
. The IJurilngtiin reports 17 tickets
sold to the state fair Tuesday.
O. A. Arnold anil A. D. Rauimy were
down from Ulue Hill Saturday.
Dr. E. A. Thomas came down from
Hastings Wednesday inMiis auto.
The regular band unmet t will bo
given on Friday night this wick.
Mayor Si.nt Foe went to Lincoln
Wednesday to take in the httito fair.
Mrs. Noble Hall rutiirneil Siitmdny
from a two wvokb' visit in Franklin.
William Weestier went to Lincoln
Wednesday to take in the state fair.
Clyde Morey, city electrician of Hast.
' irigs, transacted buslues- in lowu Tues
day. Mrs. L. K. 'fait went to Lincoln yes
tcrday morning to attend the state
How, about that Fall Festival uud
carnival at ltcd Cloud? Can't we get
together and start that meeting soon?
Come, merchants, wako up and let's be
Absolutely Purm
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar
l,,of-lt,,lz '""I bis orchestra go to
jvaie mis evening u. .,iv fo, il.mi
Allen Tullcy.s, !fe ami baby of Den
ver are In the city visiting friends and
reliitivc". '1
(Sen. ,1. Warren has Installed antloc-'
trie piano at the Topee as nn added
Mrs. W. K. Goer "Ami daughter
Phoebe of Wymoro nro visiting in
Rod Cloud.
Mr.s. 13. E. Mofc'arluuil left Sunday
for an extended visit with relatives in
Columbus, (),
The Holland House has recelveda
coat of white paint, greatly Improving
its appearance,
For sale at a bargain a good Kings
bury (.'bickering grand pluno. Mas (t'l.i.ii'oiii).
The Diamond Electric Vaeiim clean
er ileinonsttated in your home free.
Call l'hone lied 07.
dotting, the druggist, has just re
ceived some line stationery in boxes
and pound packages.
Fred Wallace lolt for Lincoln and
Omaha Wednesday and will visit St.
iloe and Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hart and Mrs.
Raskins autoed to the state fair Mon
day for a week's visit.
The MUses Naomi and De Ette Cor
ner are visiting their btother (leorge
and wife at the fat in.
Morton Smith left Monday for Su
perior, where ho lias a position in
tioodhtie's rostuutant
Uulpli McConkey and family left
Monday for Nelson where they will
make their future home.
Mr. O K Hughes returned home
from Hastings Wednesday prion- to
their moving to Hastings.
(rand Secretary (Jago of the Ne
braska 1. (). O F. Is visiting (Jrand
Master Paul Storey this week.
.lohii Grimes, who has been assisting
lit the Urlcc drugstmc. returned to his
home at Ulue Hill Wednesday.
Any party wanting dirt to 1111 in on
lawns, enquire of Ellis (iiiHil'oul. lie
has about 1(1 loads to dispose of.
Miss lua (Sittings has returned to
her home in Superior, after a visit
with her sister, Mrs. Paul Pope.
Foil Sale 12 to 11 yards of new rag
carpet, all in one piece. For further
particulars inquire at this ollleo
Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould
ing, painting and papering con ti act
ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man.
The Christian ladies will hold their
monthly market at Ed Amaek's furni
ture store Saturday, September 10.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look It over. MoiuiAitr Ulios.
If you need a knife or scissors or
razor get one of those "Shur-Edge"
patterns, guaranteed, at Cotting's.
Harry Schwann left for his home In
Pittsburg, Pa , this morning, after an
extended visit with relatives here.
J. II. Elllnger this week purchased
A. I) Stanley's Interest In the real
estate Unit of Stanley & Itosencrans.
Earn $i:.0 to S200 per month by
learning a trade at homo Start now.
Part ictilars free llo.x Ills, Hooper, Nob.
Boyd Smith, t.eoigo XV. Lindsey and
C. N. Loudercheek wete pasngers
for the state fair at Lincoln Monday.
It. M. Iteatty and sou for General
lMacksmithlng, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop.
Mrs. !. A. Tulleys, who has made
home in Denver for tint past two
weeks, has leturued to Hed Cloud to
Mr and Mrs. Ira Wagoner left Tiles
day for Chicago, where Mr. Wagoner
will resume bis studies for the min
Mr. and Mrs Frank Perry have re-
turned from Harvard, where they at-
I tended the funeral of Ad-. Perry's
.mot her.
The Degiee of Honor meets next
Tuesday evening. Evety member Is
urged to bo present, as there will be
Harvey RiekotMin, Chas. Kaley, It,
E. .MuFarliiud. Kellar Coplen, Earl
Diukorson, Geo. Coon, Chas. Gurney,
.Mis. L. C. Garbor, Mrs. Hoy Talt, Miss
Etta Keilier were passengers to the
state fair at Lincoln Wednesday.
I Farm Loans. 1 "' icndy to
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best terms. I am sole agent for
Trevett, Mattis & Baker. Some pri
vate money
J. H. Bailey. Hod Cloud, Nebr.
Dr. T. A. 'Crumble and wiTo left fur
Lincoln Wednesday morning to take
In the fair ami spend two weeks visit
ing lelntivcs,
Haymond Wullbramlt came down
frotri Lincoln this week for a visit
with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Wullbrandt.
Dale F. Koontz of Iudlanoplis, a
brother of H. W. Koontz, who has
been visiting here for several days,
has returned home.
A full attendance Is desired Ht the.
Odd Fellows' meeting next Monday
night, us very important business is
to come before the lodge
I.H. Ualley, Mrs. Dave Kalev nnd
Mrs. Chas Robinson were passengers
on 10 Wednesday to take in the clos
ing ball game at Superior.
Carl McArthur and Edgar Mcintosh
left Monday morning for Dos Moines,
Iowa, where they will attend the High
land Park college this year.
Wanted Piano pupils. University
School of Music graduate. Tlnee years
pupil of Henry P. Karnes. -Maiiii:
Smiiii Buck. Phone Bell 111.
Mr. and Mrs Hurt Hat Held arrived
Tuesday evening fiom .lainestown,
Kan., having been called here by the
illness of Mr. Hatlleld's father.
The Misses Marie and Katherlne
Burke arrived the last of the week
from Walnut, Iowa. They will teach
in our public schools again this year.
Kev. W. F. Cole of Hillsdale, Mich.,
will preach at the Baptist church Sun
day morning and evening, Sept. loth,
at the usual hour. Conic and hear
Misses Hazel and Rosclla Harrison
of Oak, Neb., are guests at the home
of O. C. Tool this week. Miss Hoselln
will remain here and attend high
Mrs Parrisli and daughter, Mrs.
Stetson, left this morning for their
home lu Waupaca. Wis , after a pleas
ant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs
C. ,1. Pope.
.1. II. Elllnger, F. W Cowden, II. A.
Letson, Dave Kaley, W. A. Sherwood,
Clarence Hall, Ben Mel'arland and
Ned Grimes took In the ball game at
Superior Monday
Dr. and Mis R. F. Kaines left Tues
day for Chicago, where tlio Doctor
will attend a convention of Burling
ton physicians and surgeons,
will be home next Tuesday.
All old soldiers
and Spanish war
veterans are most cordially invited to
the McKluley memorial service at the
Congregational church next Sunday
evening. McKlnley's favorite hymns
will be suiur.
A farewell dance was given to Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Hughes by tho Dance
Club Wednesday evening nt the Ma
sonic hall. Bet.'s orchestra furnished
the music and an enjoyable time was
reported by all present.
All laboring men are most cordially
invited to come to the Congregational
church next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and listen to a sermon on
"Ciipltr.l und Labor." Como ami re
ceive a hearty welcome.
Wednesday's State Journal says
that Frank Strobl of Hed Cloud had
his pocket picked of S2o while return
ing from the state fair. Ho had no
knowledge of the theft and could gie
the police no aid in capturing the
Ancll Crabill s-tys he feels very
thankful to the Bed Cloud spoits who
saved him the trouble or picking a
load of wntermolotis-tllis morning.
Those Jackson auto lights blinded
him n he was unable to determine
who his friends weio.
Wotte x. Whltiiker, general black
smiths, novv cury a full line of farm
iiiiieinoiiis, suireys, iiugglox, wagons
gang plows, gas engines, slacker
rope-", all kinds of machinery and
heavy hard win e, mimI all supplies for
same. Also all kinds of oil.
We wish to announce to the public
generally, that we have. I ho well known
Taylor Ranch for Mile. This consists
of 510 acres, (j ,Mit.s boutli east of Bed
CIoikL ' This place needs nocoinuiodii
tion as it is known far and near as the
very best bottom farm in Webster
County. W a i,Ki;n ,fc Kkni.
Messrs. and Mesdaines Ed Gather,
William Wolfe, Charles Wolfe. Wirt.
Stevens, Orvlllo Ferguson, Harry
Stroup, B. A. Simpson, M. B. Corner,
Virgil Beal, Dr. Wolfe, Charles Rust,
Fred Maurer, II. Wilmot, Oscar Boyco
and Ernest Husking were pussongors
to tho state fair at Lincoln Tuesday
In h fast eleven Inning game Tues
day Superior defeated Grand Island,
r to 4, and clinched the state league
pennant. Among those who went
down from Red Cloud to see the game
were Charley Robinson, John Garbcr,
Dr. Mitchell, Dal Turnure, J. A. Bur
den, Nate Illingwortb, C. B. Hale and
Lucius Friable.
The service at the Congregational
church nextSuuday evening will be a
memorial In honor, of President Me
Klnley. The pastor will speak of him
as a citizen, soldier, statesman and
friend. The high school students will
find this a service, of special interest
uud help to them in their study of hlt
tory and biography. 'AH cordially In
vited. -" jS,,, ,1
Chas. derrick. Geo. Ilollistef, Mr
C. II. Potter, Mrs. T. A. Jones, Miss
Wilmot, O. J. Joyce, Chas, Eldrege,
Will Eldiege, Ed Metcalfe, Clyde
Bowen, P. A. Vtillbinmlt, T C. Hack
er, Mrs. J. A. Burden, A. D. Wonder
ly, J. II. Bailey, Boy Talt, Henry
Hit'iseti, Miss Mary Loom, Miss Mary
Sheldon, Dallas Snyder ami Charles
Dlckei sou went to Lincoln Tuesday to
take In the state fair.
Before yu reach the Limit
Of physical endurance and while
your condition Is still curable, take
Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick net
ion and positive results will delight
you. For backache, nervousness, rheu
matism, and all kldnev, bladder and
urinary troubles. Sold at Dr. Cook's
drug store.
Facts About Accident Insurance.
Omcruiiicnt statistics show that
last year more than eleven million
accidents occurred In the I'nltefl
State, lu other words, one peisnn
out of every eight received an injury!
These facts are astounding and should
cmmiico all prudent people ot the
in ceilty ol instirlugagulnst accidents,
T'i National ccident Insurance
('omp.vy. of Lincoln, gives the fullest
protection against accidental Injury,
and. thio'igh fair and liberal treat
ment ot Its policy holders, has gained
an enviable leptitatlou.
This Company leads all others in
amount of done lu Nebraska,
and has a large number of policj lio'd
ers in Webster County. Nuiioruts
claims have been settled in Bed Clo id
and vicinity: All with complete sa Is
faction. Mr. Matt Doyle Is the Bed Clo id
agent for the National Accident In
surance Co., and will bo glad to ex
plain thesupeiior features of Its poli
cies to interested persons
Red Cloud's Teaching Corps,
Following aie the teachers who will
have charge of the Bed Cloud schools
for the ensuing term:
High School
('has. It. Derrick. Principal, mathe
matics; Anna L. Biehaids, As'l Prin.,
Latin and mathematics; olllo Jones,
German and English; Josephine Rich
ards, commercial and history; Nellie
Caster, history and pedagogy; Nellie
Beece, science.
They I Buth ..Johnston, Htli; Minnie Chris
jtiau, Principal, Ttli','Elsle Arnold, litli;
J Kuthcriuc Hiuke,
5th; Marie Hurke,
ilil; Alice Coombs,
Ith; Ethel (iarbor,
'Jd; Edith Bauney, 1st; Parl Bryan,
Kitidergaiteu; Norma Bichardsoti,
Assistant in Kindergarten.
Noli Resident Pupils in High School
tit ti grade II. lOtu grade s, Itth
grade 'M, lU'th grade II. Total :3 lion
resident pupils.
Enrollment in High School 170.
A New Arrival.
I'm a little baby. 1 arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davrs
last Saturday. Although I have only
been in this world a few days, I'll have
you know that I'm the boss at our
house. Whenever I want anything all
I have to do is to raiso my voice; then
everyone works overtime to Uud out
what I want. 1 watch 'em and blink
at 'em ami crow. It's jolly fun My
papa says Ptu a little Chinese with a
red face and pug nose and that I only
welch six pounds. But then I don't
think he's so big He. made his brag
that he will have me working with
him befoie many weeks, but I'll fool
him. I'll lose my guess if I don't glie
him cold feet before the winter is
over by making him get up in the
middle of the night for the paregoric,
and he will frost his ems going to the
drug store for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup. Them is a sweet little
woman wilh her head lying on a pillow
near me. cue is goon in me, nun i can
see right now that we nro going to get,
along together all right. I am the.
outlet- of a very nice voice which 1
cultivate every night. If you don't ho
Revo it just ask the neighbors Some .
lay lam going to;jolll the Ananias'
club. Then Ihcm will he "soutolhing
doing." Owing to my late arrival In
this town I have not yet gone out into
society and have only met u few
people. If my name Is not on your
"calling list" will ho pleased to have
you place It there. I'apit says tho
doctor shall haye the honor of naming
me and until he dous will subscribe
myself. mtii.i: six i'ou.ndkii.
va rARAtc
'RSIHiflv "
j . rii Q
m m ft J ill
. nAivrAvruit
.' XHuklDAtAjh
" '
i m r " f
1 1
Hats, Shoes and
Furnishing Goods
Ready for your inspection. We
v will be glad to show them
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits
Crawford Shoes and Gordon Hats
- THE clotSt-
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Oltlco in Monti Block.
Hell, Black I; Ind., UK)
Residence, Royal Hotel.
Bell. 17; Ind., '.17
Calls Answered Day or Night
lll'.l) 11,0111, N'cu.
Dr. Cunningham, Dentist over Mate
F SHE believes that
part of the way to
a man's heart is through
his stomach. She will succeed
best in her bakimg if she uses our
Red Cloud Milling Co.
NMIcc to Ddiniiucnts.
Notice Ih hereby kIncii that the rental upon
the Iruhocnntinct to Hid follow I ni described
kcIihoI laud la et.slu- . utility, Nehnihlm, as
.nut opposite the imiiiuoftlm holder tlieico
ls delinquent and If the amount u lilrh Is due
Is not jmltl vl lilnivi (:ij from tliu date of
llilb notice, kuIiI enutr.'U't will lie dielaitd for
feited by tlio lioanl of l;duc:itlomil I.audH
nnd Kiindn. and wild forMturc will lie enter
'' record In tlu mkiiiiioi roWdul by law:
1-1-10 C. W. K'aley
Lot 1
3-MU !. Kaley
K. II. Ciiwi.ks, ' iiiiiinhsloiicr of
Public l.iimlsaiiil llulldhlKs.
Hand AiiKUhl 17, 11)11.
Foley Kidney Pills
Will reach your individual ease if
you have any form of kidney and
bladder tiouhlo or urinary IneiMihir-
ities. Try them. Sold at Dr. Cook's
drug store.
to OCT. 7, 1911-
i ii
Why Is a bakery like a moat markets
Wfl3 l
330 ' I .
Because there's bakln' there!
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone.
But she was mistaken
For she had ordered some Bacon
of us that morning,
And so the poor dog had none'
Have You Tried Our
Fine Breakfast Bacon Yet?
Simply Designed Monuments
arc often as eirectlvo as mote elab
orately carved memorials. It depends
largely upon the skill and taste of the
maker of the monument.
Wc Execute With SkilH
any memorial design you may choose,
whether It be fiom our book of l,('0f
designs or from an idea of your own.
We are at your service, for any monu
mental work you may require.
Oiiffc- N ssm
Premium ?
and Bacon
- Ill L
' uiijii
it t
For Sale UliClHa
- v - 1j4BbHk
Yost E
- THE - Sl
I 1
" HI
.r".',ll'i.' 'iiyj