"""" -iifT in ii ly t The Chief C. 1). HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA MUST FIGHT TO STAY ROCKY ROAD PREDICTED FOR SENATOR BROWN. THE SENATE MAY BE DEMOCRATIC Gamble, In South Dakota, and Kenyon in Iowa, Aro Not Assured of Return, But May Mannno to Pull Through. ' Washington. The probable politi cal complexion of tbo United States Rcnate In lit 1 1! was fully discussed In nn article which appeared In the Wash ington Times Thursday. The Times writer's conclusions aro that the ten nte after tho presidential election will bo democratic. The nrtlclo nlso states that Senator Brown of Nebraska will probably be defeated and replaced by a democrat. In thlH connection, bow ever, there Is n strong fooling hero amongst the friendn nnd admlrern of Georgu V. Norrls that If ho Ehould go into the race tho scnatorshlp would bo saved for tho republicans. Tho ar ticle alto dlBcusscH the situations in Iowa and South Dakota and places Gamble on the doubtful list. In part tbo article says: "Norrls Urown of Nebraska con fronts tho probability of one light for his nomination, and a still more dan gerous ono for election, with chnnces in favor of the democrats malting a gain." A 500,000,000 Bond Issue. Washington. Secretary .MaeVcagh has Invited popular subscriptions to a ?f0,fi00,000 lssuo of government bondB to reimburse tbo treasury general fund for expenditure on account of ho Panama canal. Treasury officials expect the loan will bo largely over subscribed and n distributing new se curities the government's announced intention Is to glvo prcfcrcnco to tmuller bidders. Payo $1,000 for a Stato Song. Jefferbon City. The stnto eoiib com mittee which met at Columbia Friday, Eolectcd words for tho stato song, but did not find suitable music, according to Governor Hadley, who has received tho committee's rerort. The governor expects to announce tho award of $r00 for words agreed upon and offers an other JHOO for music to lit tho song. Theru were 1.01.1 pongs submitted. To Change Inauguration Day. Washington. A revised draft of the proposed constitutional amendment, changing tho date of the president's inauguration to tho last Thursday in April, providing for tho convening of congress tho second Tuesday of each January and eliminating the biennial Fhort session of that body has been presented to tho house by Chairman Henry of tho committee on rules. Odd Fellows Dedicate. Grand Itaplds, S. L). Tho South Da kota state Odd Fellows' home, erected at a cost of $75,000 was dedicated free of debt when .",000 Odd Fellows from .all parts of tho stato gathered liere. Tho dedicatory address was delivered by F. D. Raymond of Aber deen, nctlng grand master. Oklahoma G. A. R. Blnckwcll. This city is entertain ing the annual stato encampment of tho Grand Army of tho Hepubllc and the meeting of the Woman's Relief Corrs and other auxiliary bodies. Vis itors from all parts of Oklahoma aro 'n attendance. Southhampton, England. Tho long threatened International strlko of sail ors and firemen, It Is reported, has been tlxed for May 25, with the object Mf dislocating traffic during the coron atlon of King George. Waupon, Wis. Tho case of John F. Dietz, who was found guilty last week of killing Deputy Sheriff Oscar Harp on October 8, during a raid on tho Dietz cabin nt Cameron dam, will b nj pealed to tho superior court. Death of Mark Twain Character. St. Joseph, Mo. Rev. Henry Bill iard, for forty-three years pastor of tfco Westminster Presbyterian church here, one of tho heroes of Mark Twaln'B "Innocents Abroad," died hero .Tuesday night. Ho was prominent In tho affairs of his church, having been "moderator of tho synod of Missouri. National rejoicing upon an unusual ly extensive scale Wednesday marked tho twenty-fifth birthday anniversary of Alphonso HI. king of Spain and tin youngeBt of nil European monarchs. To Oust Lumber Companies. Jefferson City. Testimony in tho proceedings Instituted in tho supremo court by tho attorney general nguinst more than forty lumber companies In Missouri alleging thnt they nro In a combination In restraint of trado was taken In St. louis Wednesday. Frank N. Hoffstot, the banker-mnnu-faeturer of New York city, was ac quitted nt Pittsburg of tho chargo of bribery In connection with tho bank depository oidlnanco exposed in tho councilman graft crusade.. T ITEMS OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO VARIOUS LOCALITIES. GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANT the News of Many Climes Told In 8hort and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ ten Expressly for the Busy Man's Perusal. Washington Attorney General Wlokcrshnm may consider criminal prosecutions for tno olllclals of tbo Stundard Oil Co. Tho supreme court of the United States haa ordered tho dissolution of the oil trust to take place within six months. CongrcsB Is wary about tackling the free wool schedule as It will mean the cutting out of nearly forty millions of revenue. Much Interest centers on Nebraska in regard to Its position in Senator La Follotte's candidacy for tho presi dency In 1912. Although the special session of con gress is but little moro than a mouth old, talk of adjournment has already become general. .Material growth In the popularity of tho postal savings bank .system Is In dicated by n statement by Postmaster General Hitchcock:. The United StatcB government has announced its intention of prosecuting Seattlo enumerators who are accused of padding tho census returns. There ecoiiib to be a diversity of opinion among the members of con gress In regard to the decision of the biiprcmc court In the Standard Oil case. Exports from the United States for tho llrst tlmo In any twelve months period passed the two billion dollar mark, being $2,012,749,505 for tho year ending with April. In Investigation of the United States Steel tru;t has been ordered by the house, when It passed without opposi tion tho Stanley resolution providing for such an Inquiry. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and Its nineteen subsidiary corporations have been declared by tho supreme court of tho United States a conspiracy and combination In restraint of trade. Tho supremo court of tho District of Columbia on its own inltlatlvo has reinstltutcd proceedings for alleged contempt against President Gompers, Vice-president John Mitchell and Sec retary Frank Morrison of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor. Samuel Gompers, John Mltchcl and Frank Morrison, president, vice-presi dent and secretary of the American Federation of Labor, respectively, have been purged of contempt by tho U. S. supreme court nt Washington, In cases growing out of the litigation botween the Pucks Stove and Range company of St. Louis and the federa tion. General Newn Tho Nova Scotia legislature has dissolved. Tho provisional government is mak ing progress in Mexico. Hoy scouts of America want a snne Fourth of July nt Spoknnc. A treaty between Japan and Spain has been Elgned nt Madrid. The Victoria memorial monument was unveiled In London Tuesdny. A petition for the admission of Hawaii as a state has been received by the senate The Gambler, Ohio, State bank has been closed and a receiver api.olnted by tho state examiner. The new roadwny to tbo top of tho Royal gorgo of tho Arkansas river wns formally opened Friday. The general B.vnod of the Reformed :hurch of the United States elected Dr. James 1. Good of Dayton, Ohio, president. Delegates from forty countries nre !n Rome, taking part In the confer ence of tho International Institute of Agriculture. Former Congressman Willlnm B. Raker, known n& tho father of the rural free delivery system, died at Aberdeen, Mr., aged soventy-one. Decapitations of rubelB and suspects occur dally in Canton. Tho relatives of thoso executed do not dnro removo the bodies from the streets. It begins to look Hko the Mexican federal government s Inclined to ac cept tho peace overtures of the rebels. W. J. Uryun, who Is in Toronto, Can , in speaking of tho Standard Oil decision, said that It was likely to re lve tho entire, tiust question again. Tho resolution for tho federal In come tnx nmendmont has been con curred In by tho Wisconsin senate. It has already passed tho house. Eighty students of tho University of Missouri occupying the Y. M. C. A. building, were placed under qunran tlno when It wns discovered that one of their number had smallpox. D. E. Howard, formerly secretary of tho treasury of Liberia, has been elect ed president of tho republic. A poll or the democratic editors of Missouri by tho Republic sIiowb that llfty of tho 100 editors who replied favor Champ Clark, speaker of the natlonnl houso of representatives, ag tho presidential nominee. Tho Boston board of health hag of fored tho position or secretary or thnt body to Dr. Francis H. Slack of the University of Kansas. Ho will receive l salary of $3,300 tho first year. Tho present secrctnry, Charles E. Davis, is to bo retired under the veteran act. NEWS Suits brougift to test the validity ol tho Southern Pacific oil and mineral Innd patents In North Dakota aro be ing pushed. Ono 1b dead and ten Injured ns tho result of tho derailment of an Inter urban car at Oklahoma City. Tho forest fires in Pennsylvania, checked last week by rain, have begur to burn with renewed vigor. Canadian reciprocity will cost tho farmers of tho northwest $10,000,000 annually, according to A. II. Wilkin son, a Minnesota farmer. Prlnco LIdJI Jcnssu, grandson or Em peror Mcncllk, has been proclaimed emperor or Abyssinia. Tho coronatlor ceremonies will take place later. There nre alarming rumors of a rev olutionary uprising in China. Euro peans In Shamlen, tho foreign district of Cnntou, arc preparing to leave. Despite the nttomey general's orderB to sheriffs to urrebt any violators of tho Sunday law In Kansas, places of amusement generally ran is usual. The Brazilian treasure seeking ex pedition, which set forth from hero on April 20, hits returned to Rio Janeiro, having failed in its mission. Tho provincial governor of Yeka terlnoslov, Russia, hnB given orders for the expulsion or all Jews who nre not possessed or permits or residence. Work was resumed nt Sedalla, Mo., in tho freight car repair shops or the Missouri Pacific Railroad company, after being closed down rour months. President Diaz and Vice-president Carrnl wtyl resign before Juno 1, and Minister or Foreign Relations do la Barra will become president nd in tciim. A round-up or CO.00O cattlo on ranches in the vicinity or Cnnnea, No gales and Nnco, Mexico, has been or dered for shipment into the Unltei' States. Thousands of Confederate veterans with throngs of sons of veterans nro pouring Into Littlo Rock, Ark., for tho twenty-first annual reunion of southerr. soldiers. Judge S. B. Pound, a Nebraska pio neer nnd a leading member of tho Nebraska bar. died at his homo in Lin coln Sunday morning. Ho was 78 years old. Forty thousand persons nt Klrln, Manchuria, arc homeless ns. a conse quence of the recent conflagration in that city. The money loss Is estimated nt $20,000,000. Carrie Nation, now in a sanitarium in Kansns, lins notified parties Inter ested that she will be In Spokauo with her littlo hatchet on tho 15th of May, health permitting. After taking i:'.0 ballots. W. R. Greene of Audubon was nominated by the Iowa Ninth congressional district convention to succeed former Con gressman Walter I. Smith. A poll of the Nebraska delegation shows three of Its members opposed to tho wording of tho decision handed down by Chief Justice White dissolv ing tho Standard Oil company. Oklahoma City has two sets of con tending municipal officers as a result or tho rerusal or the mnyor and' city council to turn over tho city ofllccs to the newly elected mayor and commis sioners. A cloudburst nt Boryslaw, nn Aus trian town of 11,000 Inhabitants, im portant for Its petroleum deposits, flooded the place, Inundated the houses and- shops and caused great damage nt the oil works. King Henry VIII and Edward VI of Englnnd were repudlntcd as tho found ers of the Anglican church, and school histories recording such as the truth were scored at the session of the Epis copal diocese of Ohio. After a career of six weoks, tho Deutschland, the lateet model of Count Zeppelin's Ill-fated' dirigible balloons, wns Btranded on the roof of Its Bhed at Dasseldorf n total wreck. The crew and passengers escaped Injury. An Investigation at Kiev of tho mysterious murder of a Christian boy, Yuschlnsky by name, whose death has caused threats to bo mado of a massacro or Jews In thnt city, is be ing mado by the Russian government. One thousand persons nro without shelter as the result of a fire which de stroyed twenty Iiouscb and two largo "bull pens" in which men, working at the Halo lock nnd dam on tho Ten nessee, river near Chattanooga, Tenn., wore housed. Tho high school building nt Port land, Maine, valued with Its contents at upwards of $100,000, was practic ally destroyed by lire Tuesday morn ing nnd many other structures In the business section or tho city were for a tlmo threatened. General Iomell, provisional gover nor of Sonora, l sending rebel troops from Auga Prleta. westward and south ward uB fast as they can be armed and equipped. Tho annual Roman Catholic pilgrim age to tho blnlno of Our Lady of Con solation church at Carey, Ohio, began Sunday. Tho shrine Is ono of tho most famous hi tho country. At least a score of members or a mob of 2,000 striking furniture-workers and sympathizers wero hurt In t riot at tho plant of the WIddlcomb Furniture- company nt Grand Rapids, Mich. Several of tho injured may die. Queen Alexandra has taken up n residence at Sandrlngham palace, In lxindon. whero she will remain until after the coronation. John Dietz of Cameron Dam wns rouud guilty or murder In tho first de gree by tho Jury-In tho circuit court at Hnyward, Wis., and sentenced to llfo imprisonment. An armored train filled with federal troops which wont south to open tho Mcxlcnu railroad near Jlmlnez, re turned with the report that tho ene my wns in overwhelming numbers ready to attack and tho battle would have meant annihilation. IS FATALLY BOKO COMPANION INJURED TRYING TO SMOTHER FLAMES. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Hera and Thara That la of Intorest to the Read art Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Broken Bow. MIeb Fannie Ross, living near Broken Bow, was fatnlly burned Saturday morning. Mrs. Knoell was also burned but not seriously. A can of paint setting on n hot Btovo exploded, throwing tho blazing con tents over tho person of. Miss Ross. Tho women wero Ironing at the time nnd ns tho paint began to boll Miss Ross reached ror It to set It off and as (tho touched tho can, tho explosion occurred. Lo&eo Part of Hand In Explosion. Auburn. Tho 9-year-old son of Mrs. Rose McKco lost the ends of three of his fingers and the other hand was bo badly lacerated that It will bo hardly posslblo to save the Index finger, and tho palm of tho hand Is badly cut. He was picking tho lnsldcs out or a dyna mite cartridge while sitting nt bis desk in the school room. Dedicate M. E. Church. David City. St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal church or this city was for mally dedicated Sunday. The princi pal services were n Ecrmon by Bishop Mclntjre. reminiscences led by the Rev. B. W. Marsh or York, sermon by the Rev. G. W. Abbott or Omaha and special music by the choir. Lyons. John Craig nnd his mother, Mrs. A. L. Craig, of this place wore killed and several Injured, two prob ably fatally, when n passenger train struck a wagon In which they were riding nt a crossing near town. Parts of the wrecked wagon lodsed in a switch and derailed the train. Will Raise Frogs for Market. Nebraska City. Willlnm Llebold is home from Langdon, Mo., where he was receiving Instructions regarding tho raising of frogs, nn industry he ex pects to start nt once. It is the first venture of this kind In this part of the countrf. Is Badly Fractured at Any Rate. Lincoln. Probably the record for assignments has been broken In the. appeal of William J. AInley to tho supreme court. Eight hundred and eighty assignments of error are made Ly his attorneys. Drowned While Fishing. West Point. Thomas M. Frantz, tho oldest practicing member of the Cum ing county bar nnd a rormer member of the legislature, was accidentally drowned whllo fishing nt a mill pond. -xT- Uf-"- Dcshlor will have a ball team this season. Four conventions opened at Lincoln in ono day last week. The Methodists ot North Loup are building a new church. B. C. Ratho, a Sterling shoemaker, suicided by shooting himself Tuesday. Fremont will have a holiday when tho State ball league opens tho season there. A well organized movement for pav ing tho public square is under way at Aurora. A civil service examination will be held June 3 for rural carrier at Com Btock and Lynch, Neb. Mr. and .Mrs. Will Hay ward or Ne braska City have returned rrom their trip mound tho world. Tho Nebraska Press association will hold Its thirty-ninth annual session nt Omaha, June 5, 0 and 7. Benjamin Volght, who was injured In nn auto accident several days ago. at Aurora died as a result. v Tho annual convention or tho post masters ot Nebraska will be held at York June 13, 14 und 15, Instead of at Omaha us at llrst arranged. Dcshler has sent a car load of brooms to Boston. Kearney Is soro nffllcted with dan delions, nnd has started a movement for tltelr extinction. Andrew J. Minor of Lincoln, n member of tho house of representa tives during the recent session, died Wednesday of heart failure. Ho was 08 years old. Thomas C. Kclscy, a prominent labor leader and a general of a divi sion of tho Coxey Industrial nrmy of tho early nineties, died at Lincoln on Tuesday morning at tho ago of sixty six years. Ernest Hunger, familiarly known ns "Dutch" Hunger, was appointed chief of police by tho now excise board of Lincoln. Churlcs Tuck of Scottsbluff had his head caught between n heavy wheel nnd tho body of n traction engine, nnd is in the sanitarium with a t badly crushed skull. It is nulto doub'trul if ho recovers. Democratic State Chairman John C. I Byrnes of Columbus was stricken IV .... II.I.I. l'...l. ..!.. ., klr Willi uppeiiuicius ' uuhcbuuj nun i condition became so ciitlcnl that ho wtiB taken to a hospital for an opera tion at once. dESjfcMJll' lWt(.. The Fairmont Methodists will erce. a $10,000 pressed brick house of wor ship. The race meet which wns schedule for Broken Bow during June has been declared off. Dr. J. M. Carr of Fairmont lost n foot when a gun supposed to bo un loaded exploded In his auto. Six horses wore burned to death when Hie bnm of Jack Hlllycr at Beat trice waB destroyed by fire. Marvin Pnpc, a Hooper boy, was In stantly killed when ho fell from i tree while hunting birds' nests. The vlllago board of Chuppcll hart let the contract for the construction of a water nnd electric light system. John Barrett has carried the mall from the Surprise postoffko for twen ty-ono years. He has never missed train. Dr. J. L. Webb, a pioneer resident of Beatrice, died suddenly after an lib ncss of a rew hours. Death wub cause from acute gnstritls. J. P. McRca of Bloomlngton dreamed tho house was on fire, and jumped out of a hotel window at St. Joseph, breaking a leg. Robert Murray of Silver Creek fell, from the roof of a barn to a cement walk eighteen feet below, and was fatally Injured. Willlnm Lclboldt has stocked his farm near Nebraska City with froga and tadpoles, nnd he will endeavor to rnlBo frogs for table use. Bert Greenwood, living near Dillcr, plowed out and killed eleven rattle snakes In two days last week whllq breaking up n piece of new ground. Henry Palmer, who killed his wife nt Hastings some time ago, plead guilty and received a sentence of twenty-two years In the penltentinry, A Junior band has been orgnnlzcd la Tccumseh. The band Includes thirty live boys and will be conducted undo: the direction of the Tecumsch mllltnrj band. Charles F. Bryant, nn Inmate of tho hospital ror Insane nt Inglcstdc, near Hastings, hanged himself with a picco of barbed wiro and was dead when found shortly afterward. Tho son of Frank Gundy, 7 years of age, residing, near Broken Bow, waa burned in a horrible manned, when an older brother playfully shoved hire Into a smoldering strawstnek. During a thunder shower Saturday evening lightning struck a bam on Lee Huston's farm near Genevn. One horse nnd a colt, with feed nnd bar. ncss were burned with the building. Tho golden wedding nnnlversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilms was cele brated with appropriate ceremony nt the First German Lutheran church at Hastings, Rev. L. Frank, the pastor, officiating. 1 "llrfPmW Major Penn to Instruct Guard. Major Julius A. Penn of the Twelfth Infantry, United States army, now with his regiment In the Philippines, has been assigned by the war depart ment for duty nt Lincoln in connec tion with the Nebraska national guard. Ills assignment is under a new act of congress which permits officers on the active list to bo assigned as advisors of the guard in the various states. Morefleld Asks for Tuberculars. Moorefleld, Frontier county, Is the fourth town In the state that haa asked tho stato board for the proposed state hospital for tubercular patients. Governor Aldrlch has given T. E. Stewart, former bookkeeper at tho In stitute for the feeble minded at Bea trice, the alternative of mnklng up the entire amount of tho shortage revealed on tho books of tho Institution or stand prosecution. Tho governor says he dees not wnnt to bo captious nbout tho matter, but that ir Stewart does not make restitution an action will bo begun. Adjutant General Ernest II. Phelps Is preparing an order noticing the Nebraska national guard that tho an nual encampment will be held rrom September 27 to October C. Tho camp will be near Omaha, but tho groundB hnvo not been selected. The guard will spend two dnyB In Omaha and participate In street parades. Assistant Adjutant General Scothorn of tho G. A. R. boa compiled a con solidated report showing that there wero 4.GI0 members ot tho G. A. R. In tho department of Nebraska Janu ary 1, 1910, and that at the close of tho year tho number had diminished to 4.22G, n not loss of 314. Moro than 200 of the loss was cuused by death. Tho supremo court held several months ago that another woman, Ger trude Johnson, was qualified to hold the office of county superintendent In Cherry county. J. H. Broady of the stato commis sion to codify tho Nebraska statutes has returned rrom n trip or Inspec tion in Ohio, Wisconsin and Minne sota, where similar work has been done. Tho information ho obtained in other states will bo mado uso ot by tho Nebraska commission. Minatare, Scotts Bluff county, pro poses to bid for tho stato hospital for tubercular patients. I. L, Lyman, ed itor of the Minataro Free Press, has written Land Commissioner Cowies a letter asking for information in regard to tho form of tho bid which tbo utato 1 board requires. aWta rf f t nt n:- m i ji k DON'T NEGLECT . YOUR KIDNEYS; l9K ijttfcr VlaaaaaaaLKnl "troubi-AI fARRHOFKIDij MmM , , I Willi! The Army of Constipation ta Growing Smaller Every Day CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS an leaponiible they i only pvo relief they perm tnenUy cure tonitlpa tioa. Mil. liomuw iherafor Riltnnft But, Indiftitlu, Sick Hcadufct, Sallow SUaJ SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PHICfl Genuine muubeu Signature 1 LOST FAITH IN WHITE MAN Eskimo Tested Efficacy of Telephono Scheme, and Realized He Had Been Deceived. An Interesting story is told regard ing tho1 efforts or an Eskimo to con struct n telephono lino. Tho Eskimo camo Into possession or a plcco or wiro of considerable length and never hav ing seen wiro before ho asked Profes sor McMillan of tho Peary north polo expedition what it was nnd what it was for. Ho was told that tho whito man strung it on poles stuck in tho ground and a voice talking to nn in strument nt one end could bo heard at tho other end. After some search tho next morning tho Eskimo wns found to bo cngnged in telephone construc tion work of his own. Ho stuck soino sticks in the ground and hung Ms wire on them. Ho held one end of tho wiro to his mouth and talked to it at tho top of his voice. Then ho ran as fast ns ho could to iho other end and held tho wiro to his cur with tho expectation of hearing his own wordB repented. When ho fnlled to hear any sounds the expression on his race revealed his opinion of his whito friend. Too Much Like Work. 3 "Tho boss's son is kicking." "Why?" "SayB ho's overworked. All he used to do was tear the pages off tho office calendars once n month. Now ho has to wind tho eight-day clock, too." A Strong Preference. "Sho is literary, Isn't Bho?" "Yes, indeed: she'd rather read than do housework any day." FEED YOUNG GIRLS Must Have Right Food While Growing Great caro should bo taken at tha critical period when tho young girl 1b just merging into womanhood that tho diet shall contain that which 1b up building and nothing harmful. At that ago tho structure is being: formed and if formed of a healthy, sturdy character, health and happlnefls will follow; on tho other hand un healthy coIIb may bo built in and a sick condition slowly Euporveno which, if not checked, may ripen into a chronic condition and cause life-long? Buffering. A young lady Bays: "Coffeo began to havo such an effect on my stomach a few yoars ago that I finally quit using it It brought on headaches, pains in my muscles, and nervousness. I tried to uso tea in its stead, but found its effects oven woroo than thoso I suffered from coffeo. Thon for a long tlmo I drank milk at my meals, but at Inst it palled on mo. A friend camo to tho rcscuo with tho Buggeatlon that I try Postum. "I dl so, only to find at first, that I didn't fancy it But I had heard of so many persons who had been benefited by its uso that I porsovcred, nnd when I had it mado right according to di rections op. tho package I found it grateful in flavour and soothing and strengthening to my stomach. I can, find no words to express my feeling of whnt I owo to Postum! "In every respect it ha3 worked a wonderful improvement tho head aches, nervousness, tho pains in my Bido and back, all tho distressing eymptoma yielded to tho magic power of Postum. My brain seems also to eharo in tho betterment of my phys ical condition; it Bcema keener, moro alort and brighter. I am, In Ehort, in bettor health now than for a long whllo before, nnd I am suro I owo it to tho uso of your Postum," Niimo given by Postum Company, Battlo Croek, Mich. "Thero'a a reason." ' Ever reail the above letter! A new one nptienr from time to time. Tliey ore genuine, true, nnd full of human Interest. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT V !2aH?AOTnftT mi,imi IMITTI If WBT VCK XVaaW alDtit- fSr V- atonal .xve1-. !22?! jf 1 i 1 Ii