. atnv Jjtmtz.. tV ,, Tf-V -J" .& , J tT , ,4,,jWl& ,.U. ltjhM.ifti.ww'i1ij,.ii,,Ljtf3MfciMhiiteyii1i...y- - m1v I I.". .N ' V iffeN. " i. fa? - ,i - 4y ! V & HVVVVVV'W VAV DR. ROBERTS Calf Meal used with the milk whey makes it as good for the Calves as the pure milk. : TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD BY CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist t'WAA'WAW"'WA'WW'WW'W'W ' I .m44444444f'((((( l JP LOCALETTES Next Tuesday Is Decoration Day. Leo Keith was in lUue Hill Monday. Paul Storey was' in Mncbin this week. France Ray of Xnponec was in town today. Dr. Trumble and wile are home from Lincoln. Chas. Hennett of Cowles was in town Tuesday. 1. Hyde of Hastings was in town Monday. A. II. Records of Hastings is in town this week. John Dntr of Hastings was in town Wednesday. For short ordcis and meals jjo to II. Ludlow's. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart llros. FoitSu.E- A good barn. Inquire of K. W. Cowden. Chas. Milli?an Jr., was down from McCook Sunday. Miss Dora Pope arrived home lrom Denver last week. Mrs. Noble Hall wus a passenger to Krauklin Wednesday. Mrs. Adolph Cloth is visiting in Wray, Colo., this Week. Nothing like White Loaf Hour for making the best bread. Noble Hull took in the opening ball game at Superior Monday. Herb Ludlow was in Superior .Mon thly taking in the ball game. F. V. Cowden took in the Superior- Columbus ball game Tuesday. Try LuldowV 10c Ice Cream Sodas. Positively the best in the city. The lied Cloud school closed this week for the summer vacation. H. C. Cutter is in Franklin county this week looking after his farm. For sale one building lJxH2. out Hide? Call at Newhouse's store. If you want high grade cement get the K. C. brand of J. O. Caldwell. Mrs. Homer Bayles of McCook spent Thursday in town visiting friends. Lloyd Brad brook of the Saunders Lbr. Co., of limning, is in town today. Mary Dainerell returned Saturday from Lincoln after an eyjteuderi visit- Alf MeCall left for a short business trip to Kansas City Wednesday morn ing. Jim Hyan and Lew Wallets witness ed the opening game at Superior Mon day. Albert Meiiiire returned from a business trip at Kansas City Wednes day. Farm LoanSt I am again leady to make farm loan at the lowest rate and best terms. 1 am tole agent for Trovott, Mattis A Baiter. Some pi I vate money J. H. Bailey, Kod (.loud, Nebr. HAS HO SUBSTITUTE pOYAl SSI mm POWDER Absolutely Pure Tha only baking mowdar mada front Royal Grapa Oraam of Tartar WALUM,N0 LIME PHOSPHATE Unas, (iiirney shipped borne fat cittle to market Sunday and Wednes day. Stovens Bros., up-to-dnfe methodsdn Photographs, material and workman ship. Mrs. Young of Benkleinau Is visit ing her brother, Harry Stroup, this week. Mrs. Ed Liunbcrry retained from a visit with friends at Franklin last week. Mr. Lorercheck will leave Saturday for Belvidere to visit frionds and rela tives. The Miner Bros. Co., store has just received a now up-to-date lino of hair goods. Satislled customers are good ones. All who use Aniboy White Loaf Hour are such. Dell Turnure was in Superior Tues day taking in Superior's defeat by Columbus. Miss Hazel Potter ol Franklin visit ed friends and relatives hero the first of the week. Several June weddings are duo to happen as reports go. King on ye wedding bells. Ice Cream by the quart, half gallon or gallon delivered to any place in the city by Ludlow. C. S. Florance is in the city this week visiting his biotheVrS. H. Flor ance and family. Mrs. Bernard McNony left for Lin coln Monday to witness the (divine) Sarah Bernhardt. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean or demonstrated in your home tree. Call Phone Bed 97. Miss Dr. Nellie .Mauror was a pass enger for Souk City, Iowa and other points Sunday morning. Ueorge .1. Waireu was a passenger to Lincoln Wednesday morning where he will transact business. Mrs. Hughes of Hastings arrived Saturday ovening for a visit with her son, Oicar Hughes and wife. Mr. Jarboe will preach at the Indian Creek school house next Sunday, May 33, at .'J p. in. All are welcome. Warron Longtin spent Sunday at homo visiting relatives and frieiui(s) returning to Hastings Monday. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. MoiiHAitr Bros. Will Rants returned home this morning after- au extended pleasure trip to Seattle and Missoula, Mont. IC. L. Patrick and wife returned to Omaha Wednesday after an extended visit with Dr. Henry Cook and family Homer Sherwood and wife of Salt Lake City ariived in the city Monday for a visit with friends and relatives. Miss Ada Key, of Franklin who has been visiting Miss Retta McDowell a tew days returned home Tuesday evening. . Ueorgo Matkiusof luuvalo who has been visiting trieuds and relatives in Missouri returned home Wednesday morning. Foit Sali.: 1 siuglc iron bed, springs 'and mattress, also 2 porch chaiis and j a bicycle jjood as new, Inquire of J. I. j liurwell. I The M. W. A., team gave another one of their dances last Saturday ovcnlng. Everybody present leported a good timo. W. W. Means, Chas. MeCanii. Clair Wolfe and Frank Peterson wcro in Superior Tuesday via auto taking in the ball gamer Services at the. Bretluen church I next Sunday both morning and even ing conducted by Hid. J. -J, Jarboe. ' You aro invited. The ladles ol the Congregational church will hold their monthly market at P A. Will lb run tit's grocery store Saturday, May '7th. ' . Pictures taken of children and fami i ly groups without pain, Our material aud woikiuanship stand the test of time -KiKVi.Nr Hiuh. j The D. of II., will meet in twoweekb ,ou the blxtli of June. They will have a large class to Initiate. All members aro urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bouse are the proud parents of a baby boy whioh was born Wednesday night. Hterett Stroup who fractured his arm last fall had the misfortune to refractute the arm last week. He is getting along nil right now. Will Mountford of Atnboy is step ping rather high this week because he had a baby girl born nt his place. Mother and daughter doing well. Tho G.A. 11. will have an extra meeting 'Fiiday afternoon at 2:00 sharp to complete plans for Decora Hon Day. A good attendance is do sired. Miss Altjha Hale of Wise, Missouri who was enroute to Inavale to visit rolatives stopped off hero Monday aud visited with her uncle. C. B. Hale and wife. She left Tuesday evening for Inavale. Tho High school base ball team went down to defeat, Wednesday afternoon, by the city team by a score of 7 to -!. Batteries city team 11 lines and Saunders, High school Caldwell aud Mcintosh. Roy Rut proprietor of the Royal Barber Shop has all modern conven iences In any first class Baiber Shop. An electric Massage, first class work man. Particular pcoplo patronize his particular place. Col. L. Sherman will sell u lot of drcfcs goods, silks, otc , at the State Bank corner next Saturday, May 27th, nt 2:110 p. in, Cotno whether you buy or not. These goods will bo sold for what they will bring. Owing to the troneral feeling that the city has more population than is given by tho government census we have taken it upon our selves to re tako the census of Red Cloud. We therefore ask that all citizens assist tho workeis as much ns possible. Tuosday afternoon the, Red Cloud Auto Co., tried out au auto road drag, and the same seems to be the very thing. Any nutoisthhould have one and use the same on tho road. It is a heavy iron 1 beam pulled by the auto and Ulls up the holes in the road and cuttiug down all the rough and high places. Last Thursday morniug (iillinm Bros., of this city received word stat ing that their uncle, J. Skewis, aged 8." years, of 1 n wood, lovtn died Wednes day night' at Los Angeles, Calif. His remains were shipped to In wood, Iowa for burial. Mr. Skowis mado a visit here two years ago and while here mado many friends. The Degree of Honor met Tuesday evening and had n very interesting niefting. Several candidates were initiated. Miss Vehna McKiminey, the delegate to the 1). of II conven tion, gave an excellent report and every one prcbent was well pleased with the same. After the meeting ice cream aud cake was served. Oscar Hughes the genial managerol the Topee theatre is right up to the minute when it comes to pleasing his patrons aud giving them tho latest. Aside from giving excellent pictures of an educational and uplifting char acter every evening he gives tho re sults of the day's base ball games in tho Nebraska state league and the Western league. Hatb off to Oscar. Arrangements for the Fourth of July celebration are being completed and there arc enough attractions already in sight to warraut us in saying that this will be tho biggest celebration ever given in this city. There will be plcuty of good speaking, and music, ball games aud other amusements. No lire works and people can feel that they are attending a safe and sane celebration. .asasaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaiiisaaaaa Si ft yj f sirawa ( J 1 ljf;f i t$ If everything you wear 2J is as well chosen as your (!) 9 (0 : COAT SKIRT you are well dressed. $1.50 and more. JHart Schaffner :s and Marx Suits Munsing Underwear Crawford Shoes Dutchess Trousers McDonald work Shirts and Overalls. tOn such repre sentative lines I have built my busi ness. This and a square deal to every customer. WMLZlJJALtl It " Tii 'SSBSS ' Mil . - PAUL STOREY, THE CLOTHIER. &6fe.SMSe:SfeiSeseS$':&$':$:feS:S 3 u a) ft $ 0 Hi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Mr Hr Lectures en Socialism. The people of this town were not prejudiced against Socialism was plain l be seen last Saturday night when John (J. Chase spoke in the Court House. Every party or faith seemed to be repieseiited and certainly was interested for they sat for one hour and a halAperfeetly quiet and Inter ested. Mr. Chase understood his sub ject, was reasonable in his argument not easting abusive cpilhcts on any Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restaurant Uread, I'ies and Cakes made in Tied Cloud Troni Ited Cloud FLOUR. MEALS 20 CENTS ICK CREAM aODA 3 CENTS If K CllKAM 25 Cl.NTH l'llll gi-AltT. Wb use artificial Iu; made fiom 111 tciod water pure and clean. one or party. He said Socialism was an education to be thought out along reasonable lines, that tlioy wcro op posed by both old parties who had been lighting each other but wore locked amis against Socialism because they were for the people was plainly evident. His plain facts that wo were being absorbed by corporate interests appeared to be undisputablu. He was not blaming the millionaires or bill ionaires for their groat wealth or con trol but tho people were, to blame for allowing them or rather legalizing them in their robber business. Their method ort controling mil roads or otlfcrenterpiibes was on tho lines of the populists, practically government ownership, just how these enterprises were to bo taken over would he left to tho time aiwl conditions which was a logical point of view. Mr. Chase said lie could not account for the idea prevalent of dividing up propei ty, wealth and comoditio'-, hut when he got through it appeared plain it must be a misunderstood notion Hut that all of tho means of trans portation communication (telephone and telegraph manufacture) and dis tribution should belong to all the people. Under our present system the inter ests catch us both going and coming, tlioy dictate to the man or woman who ba9 their labor to sell and also dic tate what you shall'pay for tho necess ities to sustain the brain and muscle to do the work. His statement that the farmer will bo the next one to suffer from tho passion of greed Lsone to be looked well Into wheu they get control of all other industries we will easily fall a prey to their oppression. x Band tencert Programs The following concert will bo given Friday ovening, May 20th: March "Molly Leo," T. Morse Selection from "The 'I hue, tho Place and the Girl" L.E. Howard Coruct Solo "Tho Charmer," L. F. Boos M. A. Mercer 'Lazutre Waltzs" II. 1). Hianke "Trading Smiles" Don Ramsey March "2nd Regiment Connecticut N. (. ,..,.!). V. Reeves Program forThursday evening, June 1st: March Brooks' Triumphal" ILL'. Sell. "Hits of Romick Hits".....!. R. Lampe Cornet Solo "Zuraida Polka" V. 11. Losey .J. 13ISetz W'ult. -"Spanish Silhouettes" C. E. Pomeioy 'Love's OldSwotit Song"P..I.St Clulre March "Imp" H. C.ilford .1. E. JIki, Director. Keal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Foit Ab stract Co. for tho week ending Wed nesday, May 21, 1011. M. E. (Hidden to C. .1. Shemeall, W$ m-Ldo, wil WOOD Hiildnh V.SayloVto Mary Boner ptsw'i Hlk. 4, LoDues Add to Rod Cloud, wd SWXW Robert TCooper to Cimlley .1, jL'oopcrfpt M nw, pt 'i sw HUBERT NEUERdURIj I it A. Wmpso'ii TtoCharYeV .V...pin, HAVE YOU SEEK TflEB? Beautifully designed GENUINE CUT GLASS tumblers at the ridiculously low price of TEN CENTS EACH. Genuine Cut Glass Pitchers to Match. 85 cents EACH. Only a limited number of tumblers al this price. KEITHLEY'S Model Variety Store. WE LEAD HAYING WOULD Pifrnted. Ettriulon Arm. StuVrr. It the mirvrl of tha vorld. . YoU can itick nJ hnJI mow lnv it leu cost inJ with iruttr conVrnlrnca with our tickrr, thin with an othrr on th tnulut. 'A THEIIE IS NONE JUST AS GOOD. , ',. Thii Juckfr extending iftrr it Is half way up Hjfhten the load aiutH maVet a 'uniform draft from the itart. The cable uwJ in place of a rope la a feature rou cannot afford to overlook. Our nattner (Patented) Sweep lUKce ana i iaiiner mowers, aiwmaae in uenver, are hcii wonn jour itizatlon. Cull dtvrlotive matter will he mailed you on renueit. ' fl.OOpurohaacertlflcate,andiouvenlr,entfrelfyoumentionlhUpaprr. i THE PLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO. peurteMOl 20 BINVC. COLO. 1HAT MONEY CAN BUY 'mBtmKm? . iyp- lV IA wv3$&&&X twin ' I I YiWjarBMraaBour KUck' n It YJnmtVJBrW .X?.'i asHaieiiiiiiUM0 ,y:Mk u .. . '- .,w- lne I t. kHiVBH MONUMENTS for DECORATION DAY should be selected ,now. We have a large assortment at present. f All work done with Pneumatic Tools. Come and see us Overing Brothers & Co. n w 8-1! l(, wtl SMH) Curollno I). Vance t( Kilwnnl 11. Culihvell, lots (I, 10, II. Ill, Hlk. 17, .Smith .V Moores mid to Hi'J Cloud, wd l.'SOO i 3VJ0O Morttfiit'i's lllod, SI00.V).00. .MoitKiics relcnscd. W7f(). J mproved ill fulfil I'arm hinds In tln (Jri'nt llcniibHcau Vnllwy our only spfclulty. Pan CIabuuij a roMPs Chluf olllce Dt.S. J. CUNNINGHAM UENTI1ST r Successor to Dr. .. S. HMIOU At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. Read the adds in the Chief 10 -i ci ' ; i a fliilMRtTrMTa'H ttUa? JLEAft lj F.HGBAVIHGIO I CUTS rfJ AKIL "- - fc' "- daam 3 mmll a 'A.tt.,fcLll:, l O. 0. V. Aleuts every Mouriuy Night. I). M Gitrbor, X. ;. O. C TeeJ. Clerk. KBHCICAH MeeU Kii-hi anil Third Thursdoy, Id I. 0. (i. K. Hull. Mrsr Alice Hunchj-, N. (i. Carrie llolflworth, Secretory. i0 '.i. J . fo. I e- ifMr5. 'Tpr t1-Jlt c"s"-- r". 4ddll ZZ2Psr "je&i'izvf. -,i- -nr liij!' 1 iiik ! mmmzi ,,.i . .t' ...Mi. Mam law i , - ' ' ,. -.wvtr,it,.,i,, . ,AXW&.J. tf f- nif .;. i