The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1911, Image 2

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7 T Ik dlfllcult to Imactno America's
annual Aiuinorim day wituuui
llowcin. Indued, Decoration day,
the other mimo by which this
Bprliu: comtnmnorutlvo festival la
Tp, so often designated, enrriOB an in-
uniauon ot now iioponuuni mis
dny or and memories Ik upon the
brU;ht-eycd bloHsoms that servo
as tlio moat npproprlato of all
tola'iis of rutnoinlirancc. To ho
sure, lings arc also made uso ot
extensively on Memorial day not only In tho
ornamentation of dwellings and places of husl
ness, hut in marking tho graves of fallen heroes
"whom It Is desired to honor on this occasion.
After nil, howovor, It Is llowors which aro most
oxtenslvoly relied upon to express tho sentiment
of tho occasion. And In tho broad term "Mowers"
aro Included the flowering plants, the Ivy and
other of nature's products that arc employed to
(form tho wreaths which aro ho popular on Memor
'lal day.
All told there aro Inllnltely more (lowers used
on Memorial day than aro employed nt Kaater
und yet the general public docs not hear so much
or tho Memorial day "llowor trado," nor havo
Its magnitude so conspicuously brought home.
Tho explanation Is found, of course, In tho clr
eumslanco that tho Easter (lower trado Is almost
wholly In tho hands of tho professional florists
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Memorial day, always hereto
fore n serious problom to the
public-spirited rltlr.ciiB who
liavo chargo of this work nnd
who could only plead with the
people of tho community lo
got their donations of flowers
to the town hall early, but
usually found that their most
emphatic appealB were Insuf
ficient to get the posies to the
rendezvous In time to permit
of tholr proper nrrangement
In time for tho starting of tho
parade at the scheduled hour.
Tho bringing of flowers to the
larger cities on Memorial day
has been further simplified by
the fact that in many local
ities special flower trains aro
operated by the steam rail
roads and the lntorurban trol-
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to whoso Interest It Is to mako tholr nctlvltlcs
occupy a3 large a place as possible In tho public
oyo. At Memorial day, on the other hand, tho
regular flower marts, although thoy hnvo a. "rush
season" In consequence of tho holiday, supply
but n fraction of tho (lowors that aro placod on
tho graves of the nntlon's warriors.
Tho vast preponderance of tho (lower's that aro
usod to express tho lovo and gratitude ot tho
peoplo of tho republic on tho yearly-recurring
Memorial day aro homo-grown posies whoso cul
tivation with a vlow to such ultiniato use Is as
much n labor of lovo as la tho strewing of tho
blossoms on tho graves. Or. at least tho (lowers
aro for tho most pnrt garden bloouiB rather than
tho frail products of tho hot houses. Indued tho
coloctlon of May 30 as Momorial day In a largo
proportion of tho slates of tho union was mado
primarily because It was an occasion when spring
wbb presumed to ho In her most attractive garb
and when tho spring lloral harvest la at its
liolght. Similarly tho southern statCB, being n3
eured an nbundnnco ot flowers nt yet earllor
dates, have, as much for this reason as for any
other, chosen ns Memorial day datCB that scorned
to mark tho culmination of tho floral flood in
tholr respectivo states rather than strict con
formlty with tho dato at tho end of May, which
Is bo unlvorsally observed In tho eastern, north
ern and wostorn states and In tho moro northorly
o tho commonwealths of Dixie. This will ox
plain why certain of tho statos, notably thosa
of tho Gulf of Mexico, obsorvo Memorial day
dayB or weeks In advanco of tho romalnder ot
tho sisterhood of statos.
Tho uso of flowora on Memorial day Is varied
nnd appears to bo growing moro bo as time goes
on. At first suggestion of tho occasion tho
roador Is apt to think only of tho custom of plac
ing bouquets nnd wreaths In garlands on tho
grassy mounds beneath which reposo In tholr
last droamlesB sleep tho boys in bluo nnd gray
who gnvo up their llvos in defonso of their flag.
Dut'as n matter of fact It Is n long-established
custom for tho American pooplo generally to
chooso this occasion to placo opeclally elaborate
decorations upon tho graves ot loved ones, ovon
though thoso whoso memory is thus honored had
naught to do with tho stress and strife, the
sacrifices of which Memorial day is prlmnrlly
intended to commemorate.
Ono of tho comparatively now uscb of (lowers
on Memorial day, which has grown greatly In
recent years, is tho custom or placing wreaths
of floral festoons or other similar tributes upon
the statues which havo been erected In tho
various American cities to our war-timo heroes.
At tho national capital, whero there aro moro
than two dozen such BtntueB, tho pedestals aro
nlso draped with American flags, This decora
tion of tho statues in piuks and public buildings
throughout the land is, of courso, quito nsldo
from tho usual placing of tributes nt tho graves
of these self-samo heroes. Another interesting
and beautiful now uso of flowers on Memorial
day Is found In tho practice
of setting nfloat lingo baskets
of miniature ships laden
with flowers as a tribute to
tho American sailors who
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.,, nave given up muu mua mi
tf'wi"' flowora nro quickly borne
out of Bight by tho waves,
and mayhap float out to sea, but tho sentiment
of tho occnslon la served.
As death has year by year remorselessly
thinned tho ranks or tho Grand Army of tho
Republic, tho Confederate Veterans and other or
ganizations ot one-tlmo soldiers thero has of
necessity been a change In tho plan of hearing
flowers to tho cemeteries and decorating tho
graves of thoso who havo answered to tho call
of "taps." Tho approved plan was to havo in
each community on tho significant day u proces
sion to tho comotcry In which tho principal par
ticipants woro little glrla dressed in whlto, each
carrying a hugo bouquet or basket of flowers
and, marching boaldo or behind these flower
bearers, an equal number of veterans, each with
a wreath of evergreen or holly or Ivy on hla
arm. When tho procession nrrlved at tho ceme
tery tho participants distributed themselves
throughout tho burying ground until n llttlo girl
with llowors and a veteran with n wreath stood
bealdo each grave marked with a tiny Araorlcan
flng Then at a prearranged signal all the flowers
and wreaths woro placod simultaneously upon tho
graves of tho comrades whom death haa "mus
tered out."
This improsslvo ceremony, nnd thero .could bo
nothing more appropriate, Is yet followed In
countless communities, but thero havo had to bo
many modifications. For ono thing tho graves
to bo decorated havo become much moro numer
ous, whereas tho number ot surviving veterans
who are nblo to mnrch to tho cemctory with
tholr wreaths haa dwindled appreciably A solu
tion has been found, In many placos, by drafting
for this task members of tho Sons of Veterans
or other organlzatlona mnde up of children of
old soldlors and also votorans of tho Spanish
American war, ninny of whom are comparatively
young men and who aro sufficiently numerous to
decornte tho graves of their own fnllen comrades
nnd nlso tho resting places of tho heroes of tho
earlier wara.
Another factor that has oporatcd to Influenco
n change In tho uso of flowora on Momorlnl day
Is tho growth In tho sizo of many of our cltloa.
In towns nnd small cities It la still practicable
for tho Decoration dny host to march to tho ceme
tery, but In all tho larger cltloa It has become very
much of a problem. In many Instances cemeteries
nro so remote from tho central part of tho city
that It is unwise to ask ased votorans to attompt
to march nnd out of tho question to allow flower
girls of tonder years to trudgo through tho streets
for hours ut a stretch. Consequently it hns bo
come customary under such circumstances to
convey the flowers In quantities to tho cemeteries
nnd thero distribute thorn to thoso who aro to
participate In tho decorating program, For this
dollvory of (lowers tho modern motor car hns
proven a most nonvonlent vohlclo and in all our
largo cities on tho morning of Momorial day ono
may now see tho hoavlly laden "flower cars"
spinning along on their way to tho co motorics.
Tho speedy horseless vehicles havo also proven
a boon in tho collecting of tho flowers for
ley lines in order to convey the tons of blooms
needed for tho great memorial ornamentation.
And, speaking of the lnterurban elcc.ric lines
It may bo added that these roads now make It
porslblo to decorate with flowers tho graves of
soldiers in many a country cometery which, un-dt-r
tho old conditions, could not readily be
l cached by members of tho organizations of vet
eran!, and other bodies that aim to see to it that
no soldier's grave is unadorned on this significant
Almost every known variety of flowers that
bloom in tho spring Is employed lo n greater or
less extent on Decoration day, but naturally tho
wild llowors of tho season aro especially popular
for this purpose. In tho sections whero tho
Beason is sufficiently advanced tho roses and
peonies aro great favorites on this occasion and
In tho cooler climes violets nnd the hardy "pinks"
nro used extensively. In the moro southemly
Btntos tho yellow jnsralno and the honeysucklo
make admirable Deconulon day festoons and at
Arlington and other great national cemeteries it
scorns as though Memorial day has been timed
to find the gorgeous purple wistaria at tho climax
of its glory. The mountain laurel Is another
floral favorite that lcnd3 itself to tho purposes
of tho h611day, but of course It is not obtainable
In all soctlons of the country.
In recent years tho ubo of natural flowers on
Memorial dny hns been supplemented by tho ex
tenslvo useof nrtlllclnl flowers, particularly In
tho form of wreaths or designs emblematic of
war-tlmo badges or flags. However, tho "art"
flower designs" of tho present day aro Indeed
a revelation ns compared with the crude attempts
of some years ago. Somo of the Decoration day
designs aro executed in metal, tluted to counter
feit nature, and this form is of course very
permanent, but most artistic effects of lasting
chnraotor aro also being obtained by means of
fine wnxod cropo pnper flowers. Such designs
nro being employed to an Incrcnslng extent un
der nil circumstances whero It is necessary to
send Memorial day designs long, distances. How
over, tho Whlto Houso at Washington, which
sends such remombrnnces to various partB of
tho country, always employs natural flowers from
tho president's conservatories.
"John, wo havo been married for nearly twenty
years; I want you to tell mo something."
"Oh, yes, Mary, you look just as young nnd
ns girlish ns you did tho first tlmo I ever saw
you; I have learned to lovo you moro nnd moro
as the yonra havo drifted by; I wouldn't bo free
again If I had a chance; If you woro to dio I
shouldn't think of marrying nny other womnn,
but I'd spend tho rest of my life pining for you;
I admit that your family is tmucli superior to
mine,; I rcnllzo that I never should havo amounted
to anything If It had not beon for your influenco;
you are tho best manager I over saw; your now
spring hat is very beroming; you look fifteen
years younger than Mrs. Rransthwalle; yes, I
llko vory much tho wny you nro wearing your
hair; I think of you Btoadlly nil day; I am sure
that any young woman who would look at me
twlco would do bo only bocauso she wished to
mako n fool of mo, and I acknowledge that you
mako a much better showing than any other
woman could mako on our income Now is there
anything cIboT I'm inn good doal ot a hurry
this morning." Chicago Record-Herald.
Patriotic Citizens Sot Up Huge Bowl
der In Memory of Great
Roscawen, N. II. Doscawcn, an ln
torestlng llttlo post village in Morrl
mac county, N. II., and on tho Morri
mac, is the birthplace of William Pitt
Fcssendcn who, enrly in llfo, ongnged
in tho political affairs of Maine. Tho
houso where ho wns born was taken
down many years ago and a more
modern ono erected on the site, which
wns In tho main ntrcet of tho vil
lage. Notwithstanding that Mr. Fvsaon
don's ontlro public llfo was spent In
Maine the patriotic citizens of lies-
Z- QinrriPLKCf Or 5LiS
The Fesenden Tablet.
cawen set up a huge granito bowlder
near tho placo of tho old houso in
moinory of tho great statesman. On
ono of tho sides of this big bowlder
ia a bronze tablet which makes known
that William Pitt Fcssendcn was born
October 6, 1800; that he was United
States senator from Maine for 13
years and secretary ot tho United
States treasury from 18G4 to 1805.
William Pitt Fessenden was gradu
ated from Howdoln collcgo in 1823.
Ho was admitted to the bar in 1827,
and was a member of tho "Maine legis
lature two terms. Ho was elected to
congress in 1811, nnd from 1854 un
til tho tlmo of his death, September
8, 1S69, he was United States senator,
except when secretary of tho treas
ury, ISO 1-1805. IIo was ono of tho
founders of tho Republican party In
18CG and throughout tho Civil war
ho did eminent servlco as chairman of
the finance committee of tho sonatc.
Parts of Oklahoma Have a Model
Building Material Found In
Large Quantities.
Cache, Okla. In the Wichita moun
tain region, notably In tho Wichita Na
tional forest reserve, tho ground Is
covered with untold numbers of
smooth boulders, both spherical and
elliptical in form, ranging In size from
a few inches to moro than a foot in
diameter. In many places these boul
ders aro so close together as to form
a substantial pavement, giving a
Btrango and unusual appcaranco to
the landscape. Their form and tholr
eroded surfaces suggest that they may
have dropped from melting glaciers In
prehistoric times If tho glacial drift
reached this far south. Tho deposit
seems to reach only a short distance
below tho surface of tho ground.
Thoso stones Mend themselves In
many wayB to ornamental uses In
building nnd havo been employed by
residents ot Lawton in tho construc
tion of summer homcB In the Wichltas,
An Oklahoma Cottage Built
Thoy are reddish In color and contrast
prettily with tho green vineB that
clamber over them.
Occasionally, similar formations of
much greatorv8lzo aro found. Ono of
tho most unique lies in tho Wichita
reserve north of this place. Tho
diameter of this boulder Is far greater
than the height of a man. Its peculiar
ity is its smooth, spherical form and
tho fact that through the formation of
sandstone projects a core of tho hnrd
est granite, from which wind nnd'
weather hnvo worn nway tho softer
nandstone. It could have sorved as
tho wnrclub of some monstrous glnnt
in tho stono nge.
His Game Is Freezeout.
Now York. Fourth Deputy Pollco
Commissioner Reynolds of Brooklyn
nnd 15 men went raiding and wore
starting ofT with four prisoners from
nn alleged gambling placo In a bowl
ing alley under tho saloon at 382 Fifth
nvenuo, when they heard a groan.
They hunted for Its sourco and in an
lco box, between two big cakes of
ico, thoy found Albert Spellman of
3D8 Eighth avenue.
"Whnt aro you doing horo?" de
manded Reynolds.
"Freezing to death," waB tho reply.
Spellman wns so cold ho had to be
thawed out boforo ho could be taken
to policy headquarter!.
Sr inr-y-M
TRADE, tfi Mjlfl XJ. MAtJK
'A trial package of Munyon's Paw Paw
Pilli will be Bent free to an) one on re
quest. Address Professor Mitnyon, 63d St
Jefferson Sts Philadelphia, Pa. If you are
in need of medical advice, do not fail to
write Profcisor Munyon. Your communi
cation will be trsatcd in strict confidence,
nnd your case will bo diagnosed ns care
fully as though you had a personal inter
view. Munyon's Paw Paw Pills nro unlike
all other laxatives or cathartics. Thoy
co.ix tho liver into activity by gentle
methods. They do not scour, they do
not crlpc, they do not weaken, but they
do start all tho secretions of tho liver
nnd stomach in a way that soon puts
these organs in a healthy condition and
corrects constipation. In my opinion
constipation is responsible formost ail
ments. There nro 20 feet of human
bowels, which is really a sewer pipe.
When this pipo becomes clogged the
whole system becomes poisoned, caus
ing biliousness, indigestion and impure
blood, which often produce rheumatism
nnd kidney ailments. No woman who
uffers with constipation or any liver
ailment can expect to havo a clear
complexion or enjoy good health. If
I had my way I would prohibit tho salo
of nine-tenths of the cathartics that aie
now being sold for the reason that they
soon destroy the lining of tho stomach,
Bttting up serious forms of indigestion,
and so paralyse the bowela that they re
fuse to act unkbs forced by btrong
Munyon's Paw Paw Pills nro a tonio
to tho stomach, liver and nerves. They
invigorate instead of weaken; they en
rich tho blond Instead of Impoverish
It; they enable the stomach to get al
the nourishment fioui food that ia put
into it.
Theso pills contain no calomel, no
dope; they arc soothing, healing and
stimulating. They school tho bowels
to act without physic.
Regular si7o bottle, containing 45 pills,
2j cents. Munyon's Laboratory, 53d &
Jefferson Sts.. Philadelphia.
Why Stent a Farm
nd be compelled to pay to your landlord most
of your lmrd-earncd profits? Own your own
larm. secure a free Homestead In
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta, or purchase
land In one of these
districts and linrtk n
profit of S 10.01) or
Slli.00 an acre
every year
Lund purchased 3
years aeo at $10 00nn
acre hns recent ly
chanced hands at
$23.03 an acre. The
crops crown on these
lands warrant the
You can
Become Rich
by cattle ralstnc.dslryinir.mlxed
farmlnc and eraln crowing: In
the pro luces of Mnnllobo,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Free homestead and pre
emption areas, as well as land
held by railway and land com-
Fanlea, will provide homes
or millions.
Adaptable soil, healthful
climate, splendid schools
and churches, dood railways.
.. For settlerb' rules, drscrlptlre
Uteraturn-'Uist Host West,fLow
to rrucb tbocountrr nnd other par
ticulars, write to Hup'lof Immi
gration, Ottawa, Canada, or to tho
Cauadlan tiovernuieut Agent.
Oes Building Omaha, Neb.
(Uso address nearest jon.) S3
LO isMsiiiiTfTWrn
rSJt?3c5iT(K advance
Instead of Liquid
100,000 peoplo last year used
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
Tho new toilet germicide powder to b6
dissolved in water ns needed.
For nil toilet nnd hygienic uses It Is
Letter and moro economical.
To save and beautify tho
teeth, remove tartar nnd
prevent decay.
To disinfect tho mouth, de
stroy dlseaso genua, and
purify tho breath.
To keen artificial teeth and
brldccwork clean, odorless
!To remove nlcotlno from the teeth and
purify tho breath after smoking.
To eradicate perspiration and body
odors by sponge bathing.
Tho best antiseptic wash known.
Relieves and strengthens tired, weak,
inflamedeyes. Heals sore throat, wounds
and cuts. 25 and SO cts. a box. druggists
or by mail postpaid. Sample -Free.
D Lw ----""---t . i. i 1 1