The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 3

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Chinatown Tragedy
NKW YORK.- PuzzIIiib conditions
Rurrouiullug tlio murdor of Dr.
Frederick EtiRene Post, u wealthy
dentist of Now York city, havo been
olenred up, revealing it wanton crime.
Dr. Post was mortally shot whllo In
n Rtuplfled condition by John Halton,
n youthful criminal with a long rec
ord, in tho prcsenro of another man
and two Chinatown women. Police
CoinmiaBloncr Cropoy has iHsuod clr
rulnrs for distribution throughout the
country, asking for Dalton's arrest on
Information on which Dalton Ih
charged with tho crlmo wan given to
the police after much persistent cities,
tlonlng hy Lulu Smith. liS years old, a
lodger in tho Chinatown dlBtrlct.
"I hail known Dr. Post pietty well
for a long time," she said. "Ho
didn't havo to live In Chinatown bo
cauao ho had a good deal of money,
but ho seemed to like the life thero.
I knew him well enough to know ho
Hall and Churches for Courting
lb 00?- I- H
Sweet sugar
CHICAGO. Lady Tennessee Clallln
Cook hns becomo tho champion
of Chicago lovers, and would Intro
duce a system In tho churches where
by young men and women would bo
enabled to abandon tho street corner
ns the place of mectlnr and courting,
out of sight of unsympathetic parents.
Bho would furnlBh halls nnd churches
whoro they might enrry on thole love
making unmolested, but under tho
euporvlnlon of not only tho church,
but also of tho stnto.
Lady Cook at heart is a matchmak
er, nnd says sho is proud of it. She
declares tho reason for fo many un
happy marriages is that the young
men nnd women havo no renl chanco
to becomo well acquainted before
matrimony .
In her apartments at tho Congress
hotel, surrounded with flowers, books
nnd candy, tributes from her Chicago
ndmlrers, Lady Cook told her views
on love-making.
"Yea, I am a matchmaker. Why not?
I am proud to bo one. Thoro is no
better work that a person can do than
to Etnrt tho hoys and girls on tho
right path to a happy marriage. What
I would do is to open tho ohurchc3
which lie idle all week and thero al
II l ' Jr h Vr
She Runs Hotel for Good of Town
US 37AY.
you OOrt'T
a hotel for tho good of tho town
is tho last word in civic prldo and
credit for this degree of municipal
patriotism belongs to Mrs. Lcwla
Her husband Is president of a
bank horo nnd amply ablo to furnish
his wife with any money she needs
for enjoying life, but sho continues to
maunge the Cottage hotel, much to
tho satisfaction of her regular board
ers and tho trnvellng public.
Twenty years ago Meado sold his
hardware business and bought con
trol of a national haul;. He and his
wlfo decided tlioy would build a now
houso nnd bought a desirable lot on
which there was a boarding houso, In
tending to remove the building and
erect n modem home.
Tho houso wus full of boarders
when they camo into possession and
Like Miracles to
NASIIV1LLU, Tenn. Mountaineers
regard as miracles tho hook
worm cures recontly porformed in
Tennessee Tho stnto has four field
workers out and they havo discov
ered about 1,000 cases since last July.
Thcso field workers do not trent
cases unless thoro is no other physi
cian available. Tho plan is for tho
field worker to travel through tho
country calling upon such persons as
are reported suffering for a prolonged
iperlod. Ho explains his mission and
asks permission to mako tho hook
worlc investigation. If a diagnosis
895 .S:rji
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iMSJSlMsaaajSrgaaHHHSjaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaa - -...- . ..,,.. WM.
Is Cleared Up
had begun to use morphine HKo ho
many of the rest of us, and I know
him well enough not to want to havo
any other woman coming between
him and me.
' Last Thursday I wont to hoo him.
I never used to knock at the door,
and when I opened It Thursday I
surprised him nnd thlB May Manscll.
They looked foolish. There was a
blame good reason for this May Man
Hell looking foolish, becauso her fel
low, Dalton, Is a gunllghter. I ran
over to Pell street and found Dalton
and his pal, .lohn Wee. I lold them
what I had scon, and they went back
to Dr. Post's hou8o with me. When
wo got thoro Dalton and Wee pulled
their guns nnd Dalton shut tho door.
"'Now,' ho says to Dr. Post, Tvo
got you right. I'm going to give It to
you now.'
"lie nnd Wee Jumped on Dr. Post.
When t hoy had gotten all tho doc
tor's clothes off they backed him up
against n wnll and Dnltou shoved his
revolver against Dr. Post's body nnd
fired. Dr. Post screamed and Dalton
llred ngain. Then he and Wee put
their revolvers back In thole pockets
nnd walked out." Dr. Post was taken
to a New York hospltnl and died a
few hours later.
low the young people to meet. They
could bo furnished with Innocent
"Wodd It not be better for these
young men nnd girls to meet In a
holy plnco and become acquainted
than to bo forced to use the street
corner as a meeting jdace? Hoys
could come from tho streets and meet
girls who otherwise would ho forced
to stay at home.
"Somo peoplo say that tho sexes
should bo kept apart. I say that it is
natural for boys and girls to grow up
together to pure man and woman
hood, and that this plan will aid In
their doing so.
"At these meetings thero should ho
present somo older person ho inny
bo a minister or not who will super
vise tho whole plan. If this Idea wero
followed, allowing tho boys and girls
to really know each other, great
good would bo accomplished, I am
Lady Cook, formerly Tennessee
Clallln, was one of tho most famous
beauties in this country and among
tho first to marry a foreign title. In
her youth sho was tho sensation of
society in tho ca3t on account of her
remarkable beauty. Her hand was
sought by n multitude of suitors from
among her own countrymen, hut Lord
Cook, an English nobleman of wcnlth
and a prominent leader in society In
that country finally won her hand.
The marriage occurred iii New York
and wns solemnized on a most elabo
rate scale.
all wore told to find other places.
Two of them begged so hard to bo al
lowed to remain that Mrs. Meado
yielded and sho has been in tho bust
ness ever since,
Hy allowing tho two boarders to re
main sho wns barred from making
serious objections to others and they
kept "edging" In until Mrs. Meado de
cided to repair tho old houso for a
hotel and build an addition to it.
Since then other additions havo been
built and tho whole houso nicely fur
nished llko a home. There is no of
fice, no cigar countor and none of tho
hotel air about tho place, features
which mako it a novel attraction to
tho traveling mnn.
"I can't tell you whether It pays
to run a hotel," said Hanker Meado,
when asked about tho profits of "The
Cottage," "because if there are anv
prollta they go to Mrs. Meado und If
there Is a deficit it comes to me. Tho
deficits, however, do not come often.
What wo llko about this hotel busl
nesB that wo were forced into Is that
wo are ablo to furnish a comfortablo
home for strangers who como horo
and that Is profit enough so long as
Mrs, Meado likes to run tho place
and sho scorns to enjoy it."
Mountain Folk
shows the hookworm disease, ho calls
In tho family physlcan nnd gives him
tho data obtained nnd consults with
him as to treatment. Dr. Olln West
of Nashville says:
"In mlddlo Tennessee a llttlo boy
who had had been fiat on his back for
thrco yoars walked nix miles to seo
n field doctor and walked homo again
the same afternoon. This was within
a month nftor his first treatment."
A woman who had been doctored for
years for henrt trouble was treated
for hookworm and a completo rccov
0(y followed.
"Wo nro lltornlly taking thorn out
of their bedB," says Dr. West, "and
many cases nro reported of men bed
ridden for soveral years who are now
ablo to work."
Whllo this hookworm campaign is
on tho field workers aro making re
ports on general sanitation, tubercu
losis and typhoid fover,
SuaiJsy School Ltuon for April 30, 1911
Specially ArnnEed for Thli Paper
I.K8SON TWXT Jcinuli 8 I Ml Mem
ory Vrrne 11.
(IOI.DKN Ti:.T "fS, t therefore, nnd
touch nil untlnus." Mutt 2S I?
TIMK-Jrrobonni II. IiIiik 'if lriel. In,
whose time .loiiuli tiraphcMiMl, lolRiird;
lUorelllT) H. C. M2-7M, (IliislltiffH) H. C.
C04-Jt3 Anion mill IIuhcu uriu eutiti'in
porury prophrtn.
PLAriJ- ClHtli-lirplirr. noitli of Snr.
rrtli In (Snlllrp. the Metlllcri.iueuti Hen,
Jorum, niul Nltirwh.
KlNClH-.leiolionni It iittiilneil Mine
rnltity over nil the people fioni the Mrill
tcrianenu lo the. Knphrntcn "Tho writer
of the hook of .lotuih Iiiih itiotrnteil ni'Otl
iHtrly tlu valurn of the htxloilml Mltun
ilon. It wns the unknown rtlnHt'T In Am
lyilu, Just nftrr Uuniimui-nlniil luul torn
Vvn thn power of DuiuiiNi-iifi. Hint irti-'
tlereil the uuivmifH of .tprolumiii pciml
ble." .lonnh wan unquestionably n his
toilcnl pcrsonnge. He lived in the
reign of Jeroboam II., king of Israel,
in whoso time Aiiioh'h work was ac
complished. According to " Kings 14:
25, he prophesied tho recovery from
Syria of tho lost border possessions of
Israel, lie Is mild to have belonged
to (lath-hepher, a town of Zebttlon,
nnd his grave Is still shown In the'
vicinity of Nazareth, (lath-hcphnr,
wan about an hour's walk north ofi
Nnzareth. Jonnh was therefore u
prophet of Galilee. Jewish legend'
said that ho was the son of the widow
of Sarcptn. whom EHJnh had restored;
to life; nnd iiIko that he was the youth
whom Elishn had sent to anoint Jehu,
king of Israel.
This llttlo biography begins with
tho announcement that God asked n
man to do something for him. It Is
significant that other Hlble writers
(Nchemlnh, Jeremiah, Zephaulah,
Haggal, Mlcah) begin tho story of
their lives at the sumo point. Our ac
quaintance with Paul begins with his
summons to duty, and the upon! let
wero not known until Christ bade
them follow him. Jonah's call was to
go to Nineveh, the greatest nnd wick
edest city In the world, and threaten
It with doom from Jehovah.
How did Jonah answer his (nlsclon-
ary call? Hy running away. lie fled
from the presence of the Ixird, as if
God were, In his mind, only a local
divinity, ruling over Israel, hut unable
to see the fugitive If he fled far enough
beyond his territory Jonah should
havo asked himself, "If the God of
Israel sees what Is going on at distant.
Nineveh, and Is concerned about it, Is
it to bo supposed that bis unfaithful
servunt will escape his notice, like
pome defaulting apprentice lad, who'
hopes to elude his master's notice by
running away to sea?"
Jonah jumps on board a vessel
bound for the most remote place
known to tho ancient world. Tarsus,
that Is Tartc3sus, on the Guadalquivir
in Spain. God Interfered with Jonah's
plans by Bending one of those midden,
treacherous storms so frequent on tho
Mediterranean, n storm so fierce that
even tho skilful Phoenician sailors
were compelled to throw out their
cargo, nnd were filled with terror.
Jonah calls upon the sailors to
throw him Into tho sea to purchase
their pcaco by his sacrifice. That call
Is the finest thing In the picture. It
Is tho real miracle. It marks the en
largement of tho man. Hut tho honest
fellows were loath to take him nt his
word, and the poor rowers piled the
long sweeps more earnestly than ever.
Even when obliged nt last to throw
Jonah overboard, they did It with n
prayer to Jehovah. And at once the
sea wns calm.
How long was Jonah In the great
fish? Three days and three nlghli:,
which, according to the Jewish mod''
of reckoning, might, as in the case of
our Lord's stay In the tomb, have been
only one entire day and parts of the
day preceding and the dny following
It Is Btrlklng to notice the change
In Jonah as soon as ho ceased to run
nwny from his duty and became oh"
dient to God's command. What was
tho command? Tho first repeated
"Go to Nlnoveh, that great city, nnd
proclaim what 1 bade you proclaim,
the doom of their Hlns."
Then God prepared a gourd. ThU
book In full of thin word prepared. We
aro told that tho Lord prepared a
great fish, a gourd, u worm, and a sul
try east wind. This gourd was most
likely tho bottle-gourd, often plant U
to grow over trellls-work. It Is thought
by somo to have been tho pnlnin
chrlstl, or cnstor-oll plant, which Mill
grown to n great size In tho .lordtfr.
vnlley. It Is so-called because It Is a
Hve-Ieavcd plant, ono leaf of which
outspread was thought to represent
tho hand of Christ.
Next In tho nctod parable camo a
worm, destroying the gourd, nnd the
sirocco, driving its hot blast down
upon the sweltering prophet. Then,
by a wonderfully true touch of human
nnture, Jonnh transfers his pity for
himself, as an Ill-used prophet, to the
gourd which likewise had been hard
ly treated.
Tho divine question, "Should not I
havo pity?" remains unanswered.
Above tho stir and din and wickedness
the divine compassion is still brooding.
Tho argument Is very flue. On thn
gourd Jonah had spent neither labor
nor Btrcngth. How much more should
God, of whoso goodness man'B highest,
vlrtuo Is but tho faintest shadow, pity
nnd spare tho helpless and ignorant
works of bis own hands who now Mil
the streets of Nineveh with pathetic
nppealB for forgiveness! God's pity
extends to tho llttlo children, that can
not discern botweon their right hand
und their loft hand, nnd even to the
cattle. There Is no finer close in
tho whole realm of literature than
this ending. God's love Is broader
than tho measures of mankind.
Traveling through the stnto of Iowa
tho other dny. nnd Iowa in no excep
tion to the story about to be relntcd,
the writer was shown n farm that was
offered three years ago for $200 nit
aero. That appeared to be a high fig
ure for laud upon which the owner
depended upon the crops of corn, hogs
nnd cattle that could be raised upon
it. Hut it wasn't. A few weeks bIkco
the farm changed hands at ?325 nn
ncre. Over In Illinois, down In In
diana, up In Wisconsin, across the
lino In Minnesota, the same experi
ence wan met with And then atten
tion Is directed to Canada, which has
hcen the Mecca of ho many hundred
thousand Americans during the pant
few years. Not only in Eastern Cnn
ada lian the prlio of lands increased,
but In Western Canada, during tho
past few weeks, farm lands have In
creased from three to live dollars an
acre, with the prospect of a nlmllnr
ndvance during tho next three months.
The reason for this is very apparent,
nnd In u fow words It may ho pointed
out that the lands are worth a great
deal more than the present prices.
Tho Northwestern Agriculturist of
Minneapolis, n paper that wan ono of
the first of the American farm papers
to discover the real merits of tho
Innds of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, says: "The reciprocity nehed
'tile would encourage American farm
ers to move to Canadn. where tho vir
gin soil will produce greater crops of
grain with less Inbor thnn can ho pro
ducod In our own farina In the North
west. The result will be (o enhance
land values in Canada." This paper
Is afraid laud values in Cnnada will ho
enhanced nt the expense of land
values In the I'nltcd States. In face
of the fact that land values In tho
United States nro Increasing tho rea
soning scarcely holds. Tho reason for
the advance In value of Canadian
lands Is partly accounted from tho I
nici, iiuuimcu oy nun papor, mat Can
ada's virgin soli will produce "greater
crops of grain with lean labor." Hut
that Is not tho only reason. During
the past twelve months 1120,000 peo
ple have made Canada their home nnd
these nro mostly of the farming class.
They want farms, nnd tho demand nt;
well as tho wealth of tho soil is regu
lating the price. A study of tho In
crease in tho ncrcngc of laud put un
der crop last year, which can he hnd
from any Canadian government repre
sentative, will prove tho point, thnt
the demand is increasing nt a greater
ratio than even the most snngulno
would hnvo predicted.
Symptoms Were There.
"Your husband might Imwi ,i llttlo
solid food directly he begins to
mend," said the doctor. "Hut how am
I to toll?" Inquired the anxious wlfo.
"The convalescent stnges of Influ
enza," replied the doctor, "arc marked
by a slight Irritability."
The next day he called and found
the patient's wife radiant. "When I
refused to order his Mcak and on
ions," sho explained, "he camo Into
the kitchen and nmnshod fourteen
soup plates and u dinner service; so,
of course, I sent out lor steak nt
once." Stray Stories.
Willi n smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can launder your shirt
waist Just as well at homo ns the
steam laundry can; It will havo tho
proper stiffness and finish, there will
bo less wear and tear of the goods,
and It will be n positive pleasure to
uno a Starch that doen not stick to
the Iron.
In Demand.
Hod lick That foreign nobleman In
rending the stock market and I notlco
his eye lingers on "A. (5. Preferred."
What does "A. .." Stand Tor.
Van Albert Associated (Ins, I
Hodeiick H'm! I thought perhaps
It meant "Amerlcnn (llrl Preferred."
AUK roit Al.l.KVK rtiOT-JMHK
tlio Anllwptlc imIiT in hliukc Into juurliir(', Ili
llnvrn Corns. Ilimlniis.lnciiiulnir Null, hwulk-n iiii.l
Hwrntlw; feet, JIIIMi-rx uml Calliiim upotn. Hold
rrcrywiifTp.l'ii-. Jloti f rv-f miitirfihic Hum.
plrUUlt. AUilrt-kk Allen H. OliuMoil, 1m Itojr, N.V.
It Is not tho quality of the meat but
the cheerfulness of tho guests which
makes tho feast. Lord Clarendon.
Simple reniodir ate beit! (JitrlWd Tea
i Kiuiplr, pure, gentle in action, nnd al
ways potent. Competed of llcrbr.not drugs!
To do two things at once Is to do
neither. Puhllus Syrus.
We Give Away
The People't Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain
English, or Medicine Simplified, by It. V. Pierce, M. D,,
Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute at Buffalo, a hook of 1008 larite naiics and
over 700 illustrations, in French eloth binding, tq any one sending 31 oaooent
stamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing euly. Over 680,000 copies of
this complete Family Doctor Hook were sold in cloth binding at regular
price of $1.50. Afterwards about two and a half million copies were given
way as above, A new, up-to-dato revised edition is now ready for mailing,
lletter send NOW, before all are gone. Address: World' DurBNSAtr
Mbdical Association, Dr. R. V. Pieroe, President, UuTalo, N. Y.
THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar aiimaats good enough
that ils makers aro not afraid to print on ha oata&Io wrapper Us
every ingredient. No Seoreta No Deception.
THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol tnd
sto habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots
of well established curative value.
Color more Kooda brighter ami faster colors than any otherdye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye incold water better than any otherdye. You can
dye any annont without ripping apart. WnUS for fa-e wiklet-i-IIoWD,1)ye.illeacl anilMiij ; Wot iMtlNllOIS BlflJO poMPAfiirj'Qulncylll.
; ; '..pi i,.il;:..n.y'iju:1 0 .. t ". i it .'; J1 1 '; ;n ;T v. . ' n . i, I ; l
" "r!, (V n L"1
middle Fay, Joe. dete'H one of do
best places dat Pro got on mo route.
Joe You don't tiny!
Hhodlc Yep, clem people always
buys dere wood sawed and Kpllt.
A Duddlnrj Star.
"The teacher Informs tne thnt Mary
Auileifon Wombat has considerable
dramatic talent."
That'n what. Why that girl can't
rcclto the multiplication table without
making the moid elegant gestures."
Pot Throit i no hiding nilmcnt. It
mnv mm- die,ie uciiiih to nnv put I of
tin luidv throimli the food oii ent. When
you f-el otr throat cotuihK on, ue Ham
lin Winird Oil
Man without patience In the lamp
without oil, pride In u rage Is a hnd
counsellor.--A. de Mussel.
Gnrfuld Ten contains no harmful dniju.
CoinpoM'd of HiM'liM it i nn ideal laxative
Ignorance of one's misfortune Is
clear gain - Kurlpldes I
AYegcroblc Preparation for As
similoting llieFaodatulHedtiLv
ling Ihc S tomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigCslion.Cliccrful
ncssandncsl.Conlains neither
Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral
Not "Narcotic
Pnipi tOM DrS.bwEirK.YEfl
Pumpltin Slid
A In Sin no
Anif Slid
hitm Sttd
CU "Atii Sufmr
i ttittyirtit fhcr
AnrrfcctRernedv forConslion
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoefl,
Worms .Convulsions.Fevcnsh
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
FocSimdc Signature of
The Centaur Company,
'( A tf Ff.f fVi ! WZ-flnTHWOrll
Guaranteed under tho FoodflW
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
II KB Ww I USllll
mR $2332&$4SHOESSwBoliI!
v97"L. Douglas Spring Styles include more
Snappy and Up-to-Date Shapes in Oxfords
and High Cuts than ever before produced.
W.L.HoiiKlftH warrants every pair of his show to hold tlioirtfiapo,
Innk nnd lit bettor und wear lunger thnn any other mako, KivliiR
you better value for tho money than you can obtain clsovrliuro.
ciroEwaf?c of substitutes.-
Tlio Keniiliio Iinvo W. I,. Dmiclim niiiiiii mill tlio rrtnll
irl- Htituiiifil on tlio bottom, wlifoli kiihi-iuiU-i-h (till vultio
linn prol eel m tliouriirfniRiiliiNt lilKli iirlrmuuii inia-rliirnlioog.
If jour itcili-r cannot you wlili tho Kdiultin W.Ut)ok'lK tin", wrllw
fnr Mtlfl llrilr iMlalmr. Klnitl Bent rilrrt friim fm-tfirv In wrmrer. ttll rlixrvti
VtrpM. V. 1,. Ilnuiiliia, 14A Mpitrk
1B uuncea to
'the paclaKD
ntlirr narrh-s only U ouncet iimo prlco and
of Cost
Loss oif Appetite
Wliifli ii 'o rr Mtiion in the Kpring or
' tipnii the ri'tnni of warm wraMicr, li Ios
of Mtnlity, igor or tone, nnd h often i
, fiiei tinner of pr itnlhii; dic.iee.
It ik M-t.niH mill (penally n to prnplo iiitiit Kcrp up nnd d"ing or nrl he
liindlimid. 'I In- 1h'I medicine to t.iUe for it is t Lo
1 Riiut remedy
' Hood's Sas'saparilia
W hirli pitnfic and cnrielu the blood
I nnd Imilils up the whole f Hti,in
d'rt it todiiv in uniml liipud form
(hotoliitcl iiihlrH c.illuil Sarontnbo.
You Pay 10c,
for Clears
fjot ao Goad.
P.LEWIS Peoria. II
A Country School for
Girls in New York City
Deit Fetures nt Country tnd Cltj Life
Ouf-or-iloor Sporti on Frliool 1'nrlt
o H .u'ri'H near the Hudson lllver.
l-'ull Aeiuli inle Course from Primary
C'lintM to Ui'iiilttiitlon, I'pprr Claim
for AiIvnniTil Hprclnl Htuilontn. Mu
kIc anil Alt Hnininiir Mo.sslon. Or
tllli'iit'i uilinltN to Colli';'!. .School
Coin-li Mcittn Day Pupil.
KhjkujundriMYMii, RlvttiWdit., Kit Mi Sl.Ktit
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
TMCoiKTAuneeMMirr, Ncwvonaeirr,
lit., Itrorklon, Illuaa. $2.00$2.00&$3.00
Plnlc Eye, Eptroodo
Shlppliiii Fever
t CuturrhnI Fever
4ft si
Bears the & t
Signature iTAjJ
jf For
Biiriii-iireinclpoiltlTiprairDllTa.nonnttrrhow tcritntonTtiii:nro Infcctnl
nr'eiioaril." Lnuld.irlTunriQ thn tnu jhi acta unthaniixxl anil Olandft nipnla tlw
tuilaomiuauermifromlufllinilT. Curta iltemHT In lioua andKbrapniiilCboleraln
1'oullrr. lArKrataelllriKllvciitockrenirdj. Cnrca I (irlpi.a amonit luiman ln-lniia
nml laaflnoKlilnFT rrmnly. Mr anil ! h boltln; ti matt (lo a iloriu. Cut tlilauut.
Kreplt. hhnw lo Tourilniirirlat.wliiiwlll pet lllor tou. t rco Ilouklet, "UUtuniwr,
CauarramlCiirra." Nlirclal AtirnUvafiti-d.
Instead of
Antiseptics or
100,000 people last year used
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
Tho new toilet frennlcltlo powder to ha
lliholvcd in water as needed.
For nil toilet and hygienic uses it i9
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