The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1911, Image 6

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    ' "M r - v -t.
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The Chief
C. B. HALE, PubllBlicr
Icrns of Events That Arc Trancplrlng
In Our Own as Well at In
Foreign Lands Washing
ton Political News.
I'oaro will n-lr.n In Mexico within
n fortnight Ik the opinion or Senor
Francisco Uo La Harm.
Robert B. Peary lias botn eoniinls
tloncd a "civil fiiglnter of tho navy
with tho rank of icnr admiral on the
retired llfct."
Senate progressive republicans arc
planning on taking an aggressive
Hfntiil In the extra session on the
question of the tariff.
Klnkald Iioiik slenders In Garden
county, Nchr, are anticipating trouble
with cattlemen who aro trying to drive
them from their holdings.
The department of agriculture will
make war on pcBtB and dlBcnses that
annually destroy the major portion of
tlio fruit crops of tho country.
Tho .lapanet-c privy council has rati
fied the treaty of commerce and navi
gation with the L'nltcd States. The
signatory exchange will be made on
April -1.
The two-cent passenger rate In Okla
homa has been declared to be con
llscatory and wns held Invalid by a de
cision or the United States circuit
court of appeals.
Seven army secretaries of tho New
York Young Men'H Christian associa
tion havo been sent to tho trooru en
campments In Texas by the Interna
tional committee.
Tho rational forest iCRcrvutlon com
mission, created under tho Weeks law
is ready to begin purchnslng lands
for national forests In tho Appalach
ian and White mountains.
Tho war department Is so eager to
enlist men that recruits who did not
como up to the regular physical re
quirements have been admitted on
waivers signed by the adjutant gen
eral. Arrangements have been completed
by Postmaster (!eneral Hitchcock and
tho Pennsylvania and MlsEourl Pacific
railroads for u new fast mall train
from New York to St. louls nnd Kan
vas City, Mo.
General Newa.
Manitoba miners bavo
voted to
striko Marcli 31
Postal banks In France aro rapidly
increasing In popularity.
KansaB crops were seriously dam
aged by a recent dust storm.
Dr. FranciBco Hertrand is now pro
vincial president of Honduras.
iA grand military tournament will Ik?
held at Chicago, July 27 to :t0.
Dr. Francisco Dertrnnd ,will bo In
augurated president of Honduras.
The New York state house was
damaged ?r,0).000 by lire Wednes
day. Work has been suspended tempor
arily on the Darlington million dollar
depot at Omaha.
Achilles P.intarakis and his wife,
Angillque, Greeks, are under arrest at
Kansas City, charged with a Chicago
The Hiiralan go eminent has formal
ly untitled China that It Is satlslled
with her tlnal reply to the Russian til
tlmntum. French wine growers are threaten
ing trouble over recently enacted
laws which they claim aic a menace
to the ir.du.Ury
MIbb Phebo Cousins has had a
change or heart and most sarcastically
excoriated suffragettes before the Illi
nois legislature Wednesday.
Tho birth of her nineteenth child
was recorded Wednesday In the Chi
cago health department by Mrs. Join:
Adduce!, wife cf a laborer.
Hot and medicinal springs in Alas
ka, which aro believed to be of bene
fit to the public, especially the natlvoE
of that territory, nre to bo preserved
Dlshop William Croswell Doano of
Albany. N. Y., has refused to permit
Mrs. Elizabeth II. Grannls, president
of tho Nntlonul League for the Pro
motion of Purity, to speak at the
convention of the league, which was to
havo been held In that c'ty.
A band of filibusters not Identified
with tho federals or revolutionists
entered northern Sonora at Slrace,
captured a young Mexican and shot
111 in.
George W. Glover has brought euP
against Doston Christian Scientists
claiming undue lnlluence in the Mrs
Eddy will caso.
Dlhicultles are presenting them
selves in the formation of Slgr.or Glo
lottl'B new Italian cabinet.
Governor Hartley has signed bills
providing for bi-partisan olcctlor
boards of roar members each for Kan
.as City ami St. lxuils.
Tho celebration of tho firtloth mini
vorsary of tho proclamation of Dome
as tho capital of united Italy by tin
Italian parliament, was continued.
A clear chain of wireless telegraph
stations, extending from Maine lc
Florida, h now included in tho Mar
coni Wireless 'folegraph cc:npnn
Col. W. F. Cody (iluffalo Hill) Is
ambitious to become tho first United
States senator from Arizona.
IXitnlnlck Cocl, an Italian laborer
at Chicago, was found dead, presum
abl murdered by Waek Hand mem
bers. Governor Carroll lias signed tho bill
Increasing the salaries or members of
the Iowa legislature 550 to $1,000, to
take effect at the next general assem
bly. Directors of the Missouri Pacific
railroad met and approved the expen
diture of $1500,000 for betterments on
the road.
In response to n request signed by
many Influential friends, tho lord
mayor of Iondon has called an early
meeting In stipjort of the arbitration
Home. The celebration or tho jubi
lee or Italian unity began Mondny
with the formal opening by King Vic
tor Bmmnnuel of the International art
A. II. Armstrong, candidate for the
republican nomination for mayor on
the Hus'.nthH Men's association ticket,
at Lincoln, has been nominated over
Mayor Love.
Tho California legislature has ad
journed after enacting Into law prac
tically all the lefornis on which (lov
crnor .lohnson mado his campaign as
a progressive.
No arms and ammunition were rotinu
on the jncht Loyal detained off Sandy
Hook on suspicion or being a Haltlen
filibuster, and It Is understood the
lesBcl will be released.
Vigorous in spirit and hale In body,
Fanny Crosby, the hymn writer, ap
proached her nlnety-lli st birthday
"feeling like a girl." she told her
friends at Uiidgcport. Conn.
Herman H. Colin, a wculthy Omaha
clothing merchant, was shot and
killed within hnlf a block of his home
In tho best lealdence poition of the
city Saturday night by two thugs.
Mas. Thos. Biuery or Cincinnati, a
summer resident or Newpott. who re
cently gave $2.0.00() lor a home for
tho arrtiy and imvy V. M. C. A. tlere,
has added another $25,000 to her girt.
Dr. II. O. Gates, superintendent or a
Los Angeles hospital, died or blood
imlEoning. tho result of halng acci
dentally rrlckod ills band with a
safety pin while bandaging a wound.
An oidor has been signed virtually
granting tho reller recently proposed
by tho North Platte Water Users 'as
sociation Tor the further extension of
tliuo to make water right payments.
Wisconsin's $100,000 monument in
tho Vlcksburg national military park
will bo dedicated May 22. the fort
elghlh anniversary or General Grant's
famous charge In which the Wlscou
s'n troops had a prominent part.
Jack JohiiFon, champion heavy
weight pugilist, was sentenced by a
San Francisco Judge to serve twenty- (
IHc days In the count) Jail on a charge
of exceeding tho automobile speed '
The floral wonders of Scotland, Hol
land, England, Fiance. Mexico, China,
Japan. India, and many other parts of
tho world aro on display in Doston,
where the great national llower show
Is in session.
Citizens of Wathcna. Kan., were
spattered by a shower of mud from
tho clouds which is accounted for by
tho fact that a high wind and dust
storm was prevailing when a light
rain began to fall.
The cninorrlst lut'oinier. Abbatcniag
nlo. wns on the witness stand at Vlter
bo, Italy, for five bourn, giving testi
mony against his former associates,
and was soundly denounced by the
furious prisoners In the ease.
"With the proposed international
highway rrom Now York to Montreal
apparently In a fair way to be carried
out. rriends of the project aro iuw ad
vocating an extension or the road from
New York to Jacksonville. Flu.
Flx'ng the blame tor the loss of
112 people In the Now York 11 ro of
Saturday drew to a focus the energies
of the district attorney's statf. the
Ore marshal, the coroner, the state la
bor department and Doroiigh Presi
dent MeAneny of Manhattan.
Ono hundred and fort) -eight per
sons, nine-tenths or them girls Horn
the east side, were crushed to death
on the pavements, smothered lnsmoke
or burned crisp In a factory lire In
New York Cit) Saturday afternoon.
Special detectives have searched
the hills In every direct ion from Lena
pah. Okla.. whore I'our men hold up
a north-bound St. L011U. Iron Moun-
.ain & Southern passenger train,
rilled the safe In the express ear and
escaped, but not tho slightest trace
of tho bandits has been found.
"Fainting Dertha" Llebeke, released
slv weeks aeo from tho ptiflon at Job
let, 111., and arrested at Kansas City
two weeks later on a charge of steal
ing a watch, has been taken to the
stato asylum for the Insane at St.
Two thieves hurled a padded brick
through a window or a Jewelry store
near ono or Chicago's busiest corners
and escaped with Jewelry worth
The Diaz cabinet resigned In a body
at a special meeting Friday. The
president deferred action upon tho
Tom Robertson, C5 years old. who
took a vow In 189t! that he would not
permit a razor to touch bis face nor
shenrs to touch bis hair until William
J. Dryan was elected president, is
dead at Macon. Mo., as the result of
a fall down 11 buig llliibt of stairs.
A funeral parade of ten thousand
persons without a corpse was sanc
tioned by Major Gil) nor on applica
tion of orthodox Jewish worshippers
it tho old Cl.r'sty stieet. sioagogue.
recently destio)fd by the. Tho cere
mony will mark the burlri of sneunl
ioHcb taken troni the lulus and is
suIU to be the first lu Id In Anieile.i.
What Is Going on Here and Thero
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Schujlor. On Sunday, March 10,
Mr. and Mrs. ('. ,1. Phelps celebrated
their golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs.
Phelps are old lesldents of this
county, halng lived lieie since Col
fax count j was organized. Charles
.lulius I'helps and. Sarah Blfaheth
Wells wore married at West Hurt
ford, Conn., in Si. James church,
.Mm cli l!i. I Si; I, by the He v. Samuel
P.vnchoii. who afterwards became
pioi-ldent of Tilnity college at Hart
loid, Conn.
Young Wife Shoots Herself.
Lincoln. Mrs. Winona l.amh, tho
seventeenjear-old wife of Aaron
Lamb, shot and killed herself In front
of a Itoiivo on At street. After a
slight quarrel with her husband he
turned and walked away. She drew
the revolver ft oin her bund hag and
placing it to her right breast tired.
Fred Brown Dies at Kearney.
Kearney. Frederick Drown, man
ager of the Daily Hub and son of the
Kearne) postmaster, M. A. Drown,
died suddenly of appendicitis Tuesday,
lie was ill but three days. He was
a newspaper man or wide experience,
lie leaves a wire or but three months,
having been married Christmas day.
Nail Penetrates His Eye.
Indianola. Whflo driving a nail.
W. S. Coleman struck it a glancing
blow and It Hew from under the ham
mer with such lorco as to dilvo it
through tho ball, completely de
stining the sight.
Court House Bonds Carry.
Sidney. Returns from all precincts
but two in Cheyenne county Indicate
that the $."0,000 court bouse bonds
have been carried by 200 majority.
Tho Commercial hotel at North
Matte was destroyed b) lire Saturday
Three-year-old Richard Middaugh
was tramped to death by a horse near
Charles Whyinnu, a pioneer settler
in Nebraska, died at Lincoln Thurs
day aged 8!l.
Threo frame buildings at Grcsbain
were damaged by fire, ono being tho
reataurant of F. C. WIlllaniB.
Hastings Elks feasted on roast wild
boar at a recent banquet. Tho animal
was killed in Mexico by Adam Dreede.
Wilson Denver, a York boy, wns run
over by an automobile going a pretty
good gait, but escaped with only minor
Frauk Krdnian. was convicted of
dynamiting the residence of Tom Den-
uisoti at Omaha last Ma) and sen
tenced to llftcou years In the penl
tentlury. Huuchiueu In northern Nebraska
declare tho past winter to havo been
the easiest on catle in tho past thirty
years and as a result cattle aro look
ing line.
Alter the tuncral of Mrs. J. F. Dot
lefsen at Grand Inland, $000 in silver,
bunk deposit ceitltlcates and building
and loan shares amounting to over
$2,000 wero found secreted about the
home, tho result of frugality In her
savings allowance, unknown to her
The Congregational church at York
has decided to erect a new house of
worship and work will begin at once.
Tho plan of the now building Is or tho
Greek temple stylo, with dome In the
center or the building. It will have
a seating capacity of about 1)00.
Leo Miller of Geneva was badly
burned when a quantity of powder ex
ploded in 1111 amunitlon box ho was
Olllcera arrested n negro at Falls
City while ho was trying to burglar
izo tho convent.
The Masonic temple at Geneva has
just been dedicated. Many out-of-town
Masons were present.
Tho body of General Nikolahas, a
twenty-seven year old Greek, missing
for a week, was found on tho banks
of Fisher's lake, three miles south or
Falls City.
Mrs. Florence Uethol was given a
Judgment of $2,000 against tho county
at Pawnee City because of tho death
of her husband In tho collapso of a
county bridge.
Herman Casper of Western got bis
hand caught in tho belting of a saw
mill and sustained soveral broken
bones hi that member.
C. A. Fulmor has been mado chan
cellor of tho Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity at University Place. Mr. Ful
mer has been noting chaucollor since
tho resignation of Chancellor W. J.
Dnvlilson last year.
Durglars broke into tho postodlco at
"unison and got $25. Thoy overlooked
$100. They also ontercd tho A. E.
Filler ficnoral Htoro and C. A. Miller's
meat market and tho Burlington de
t, Kolting only $2.20.
Governor Aldrlch has signed II H.
107, tho nntl-trndlng stamps and anti
free gift enterprise bill which was
passed by both houses of the legisla
ture. Tho bill has no emergency
clause and will become effective three
months after the legislature adjourns.
The governor !s Mild to doubt tho
legality of the bill, but be believes it
will be better for those Interested to
test the bill In the courts of Nebraska
than to continually maintain n lobby
Union, Nebraska
State Senator, Fourth Dictrict
at the legislature. The Nebraska lie
tailors' association asked tor the puss
age or the bill and manufacturers of
prize packages trading stamp com
panies had able lawyers on the ground
to combat the bill and to question Its
Eager Wins Charter Fight.
The troubles of the Lancaster coun
ty delegation were aired at length be
fore the house In discussion over the
Lincoln charter bill, introduced by
B.iger. It was a ease or Bager against
the rest or the delegation and he won
out. The chief bono or contention was
over a proposed change In the date of
the spring election. Bager's bill pro
ldes Tor setting this date ahead to
permit the men In the Russian colon)
to vote beforo they leave for their
summer's work in the beet fields. This
has back or It the old "wet" and 'dry"
tight In Lincoln, the Russians being
supposed to favor the "wet' policy for
the city.
Had Up-Hlll Work.
Numerous efforts were made to get
bills advanced In the bouso without
tho intervention or the sirtlng commit
tee. Most of them wero iinliormly
unsuccessrul. Representative Quack
enbush mado a bard fight to bavo
brought out the bill providing lor a
levy of a quarter of a mill for support
of tho stato normal schools. He even
had a special meeting of tho sifting
committeo called, but could not get
the bill through this. An effort was
mado to bring out the McKelvIe bill
appropriating $25,000 for a state pub
licity bureau, but this failed.
Non-partisan Board.
A final effort will be made to get
through the Iioueo the Matrau non-partisan
board of contiol bill, a measure
which. It Is believed, answers more
specifically tho platform pledges of
both democratic and republican par
ties than any of tho others now rend
ing. As a step toward this effort, the
vote, defeating the bill, was reconsid
ered and the bill was amended lu com
mittee of tho whole to remove an ob
jpctlonablo feature. It has been again
placed on the third reading calendar.
To Adjourn April 4.
Members of tho legislature awoke
to the fact that they liniBt do a prodi
gious amount of work In a short time
or remain In session for a consider
ably longer period than is agreeable
to most of them. This realization
caino with tho report of the joint com
mitteo on adjournment.
The committee agreed to an ad
journment April 4, which will give
two more weekB of work. This would
probably mean actual adjournment
about April 7 or S.
Tho house again defeated an at
tempt to kill the university medical
school bill. Ncaily an hour was spent
In controversy over parliamentary pro
cedure. Tho dispute revolved about
the question of the right of the Iiouho
to correct the Journal of yesterday to
make it include the belated Kills mo-
tlon. seeking to reconsider the medlcnj
school bill.
Kespomllng to the senate's Invita
tion to take up the subject of adjourn
ment, Spenker Kuhl has appointed
I.eidigh, Fuller and Nelr as members
of tho joint committee to fix tho time
for adjournment.
Another Hotel BKI by Sink.
Representative Sink, author of the
nine-foot bed sheet bill, has como for
ward In behalf of tho traveling men
of tho state. The hotel commission
bill, sought by tho trnveiing men's
associations wns brought out by the
sifting committeo ns a result of a llt
tlo pcrsrirntlon expended In Its behalf
by tho Grand Island, statesman. The
bill was introduced by Bulla. U pro
vides for a state commission to have
general supervision over the banltarj
arrangements or hc'cls,
But the Circumstances Were Not Ex
actly Alike, That Was All
the Difference.
They wero riding Into town In n
subway train, those two married men,
says tho Now York Times. Ono
seemed occupied with bis own
thoughts, tho other was engrossed in
his copy of tho Evening I'lflle, from
which ho eventually glanced with a
superior smile. "I nlways read what
Betsy Diimstuff has to nay In her 'Twi
light Twnddlo' column," ho said. "Sho
generally hits us off pretty well, but
sho Isn't nlways right. Now. this cvo
nlng, sho getB on tho subject of
elopomcntB. She sayB elopements
never turn out happily. I don't ngreo
with her." "Neither do 1," said tho
man who hnd been occupied with blB
own thoughts. "I am glad to hear you
say It," exclaimed tho Evening Plf
flelto. "I eloped with my wife, and
Pvo been happy ever since." "So
bavo 1 ever since somo fellow eloped
with mine," lemnrked tho other,
"Betsy Diimstuff Is awny off!"
From "The Blue Bird."
In Maeterlinck's "Dluo Dird" llttlo
Tyltyl goes to somo far-off heavenly
place to learn that lovo abides with
him at home. There bo meets Mother
Love. Ho says he wishes to stay with
her always, where sho lookB bo beau
tiful to him. She answers: Dut it's
just the same thing; I am down be
low, we are all down below. . . .
You bae como up here only to real
izo and to learn, onto for all, bow to
seo mo when you sec mo down bo
low. . . . Do yon understand, Tyl
tyl, dear? . . . You bcllcvo your
self In heaven; but heaven is wher
ever you and I kiss each other. . . .
There aro not two mothers, and you
bavo no other. . . . Every child
has only one; and it is always tho
snmo ono and always tho moat beau
tiful; but you havo to know bor and
to know how to look.
Faclngthe Future.
"Even when Henrietta gets the
vote," said Mr. Meekln. "I don't be
lieve sho will bo quite satisfied."
"Why not?"
"Weil havo to reorganize tho ballot
so that when there's an election sho
can stay home and let nic nttend to
that along with tho rest of tho er-
With a Bmooth Iron and Dcflanco
Starch, you caii launder your shirt
waist just as well at home as the
Btcnm laundry can; it will bavo tho
proper stiffness and finish, thero will
bo less wear nnd tenr of tho goods,
and It will bo a positive pleasure to
use a Starch that does not stick to
tbe iron.
The Why.
"How long aro you going
tn Monte Carlo?"
"Six days."
"Why exactly six dnys?"
"Uocauso I've only brought nix cos
tumes with me!"
Cheerful Anticipation.
"Havo you seen my 'Descent Into
Hell?'" asked a poet.
"No," said Curran, warmly; "I
should bo delighted to see It." From
Clark's "Eminent Lawyers."
For Catarrh nnd nil Inflammations wo
rrcommrnd Trnsk's Ointment. It can be
rrliod upon. Auk your druggist and those
who nave used it.
Shortly nfter her marriage a woman
packs her Ideals away In moth balls
and pays no inuro attention to them
until she becomes a widow.
Onifiehl Tea stimulates the liver, cor
rects coni-tipation. clwmies the py&tcm and
rids the blood of impurities. All di-uggiftB.
Many a young man earns a living
by working bis father.
ALconoiI-a pen tent
AVetJetablc Preparation for As
similating iheFoodandRegula
ling the S lomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digslion,Chcrful
ness and Rcsl.Contoins neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not TMahc otic
Rnipt cfOM DrSAMVSLmVJfEft
Junp!iin SitJ-
iiV StiJ
Ctfini Suf
tttUiymn 7tvcr
Anerfecl Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fever 1 ah
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Toe Simile Signature of
Tire Centaur Company.n
Hi J
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
NgGuarnnteed under tho Fuodanj) PJjfgt&jv M LDm
Women tmffcrine from any form of
Illness nro invited to promptly com
municato with Mr8.Pinkliam at Lynn,
MasB. All letters aro received, opened,
read and nnawcrcd by women. A wo
man can irceiytnnc
of her private- ill
ness to a woman;
thus bna been es
tablished this con
fidence uotwoon
Mrs. rinkham and
tho women of
America which ha9
never been -broken.
Never has sho Dub-
llshed a testimonial or used o lottcr
without tho written consent of tho
writer, and never has tho Company
allowed theso confidential lutters to
pet out of their possession, as tho
hundreds of thousands of them in
their filc3 will attest.
Out of tho vast volumo of exporienco
which Jlrs. Pinkham has to draw
from, it is moro than possiblo that sho
has gained tho very knowlcdgo needed
in your case. Bho asks nothing in re
turn except your good will, and her
ndvlco has helped thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, should bo
glad to tako advantago of this gener
ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs.
Pinkham, care of Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Every woman ought to havo
Lydia E. jPinkhnm's 80-pago
Text Boole. It is not a book for
general distribution, as it is too
expensive. It is free nnd only
obtainable by mall. Write- for
it today.
Splendid Crops
In Saskatchewan (Western Canada)
800 Bushels from 20 acres
o wheat wui tho thresher a
return from a Lloyd
minster farm in the
season of 1910. Many
fieldaln thatntmellna
other dlitrlcts yield
ed from 25 to S3 bu
shels of wheat to the
acre. Other grains in
aro 1 litis derived
irom Hie I'llKK
of Western Canada.
Thin excellent obunlna c&tisen
prlcr to ailvsncu. Land vulues
.hmiM rin..t. 1.. I n ,n wnnrv tl.r.n
Uriiln crow liii;.iiili)l farm-
irnnd clulry-
lnir. urn nil prnlltnblo. lrrt-e
llmtir.foailKif 1 HO meres nro
tn ho lintl In the very best
dlstrlrU: iOO ncre pre-emptions
ntHS.OO perncrntvltb;
In curtain firi-P". M-liooUnnd
churches In mery settle
ment, cllrnnto unexcelled,
(toll the richest t wood. Ttnter
ti ml hnlldlntf tuutorlsl
plentiful. , ....
Kor particulars 13 to location,
low Kctilers' rullHsy rntes and
dMCrtpllTn Ulimratf-d turaphlet.
"I-nul llrst West," and other In
formation, wrllo to Snpt of Immi
gration, Otmna, Canada, or to
Caoudlan UoYornmcnl Agent.
Bee Building Omaha, Neb.
(Uso address nearest yon. S9
The use of tho
starts habits of cnergy-initiation
DROEITARI IT lnrwtmrnt for rnoderato sums.
rnUrilHDLC Kull pmlrnlars will rortlrra
uierltundiTuUt. (Kii llux 41s, zi.iEbtlLLK, omu
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 13-1911.
Tor Infants apd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
nP A At)1 I
For Over
Thirty Years
TtitoinTAuiiaoiiMiir, NsurTonaomr.
7 fa &? r
I Rk
I I W Trf rr-MHk
Btay Ja Ml
v- -jm Iff vi
Ml''. $ 1
" IM m
m km tfhfl1
-i:' Imp
ftgBS'3t'w,rt-'W3frS3; .' "
,"TT,T .?TrIflSr3MFraiaF
.-" d)
- ' -