The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1911, Image 3

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fcWH-7- vrn- teu m yimM
I em.-, h I GEN. SI HOUSTON!
a ierenaers r
1 SuoJay School Lnion for April 9, 1911 I
U Specially Arranjed tor TM lipr I
MiSSON THXT- 2 Klnc? 0 S-M Mem
ory Vcrsci 13-17
GOLUi:N TnXT-"Kor ho slmll bIvc
Ilia ntiKt'M oliiirRf over then, to l.crn thee
In nil thy wnyn-Psa. 01.11.
TIMIS According to inoit scholar, till
rvent (irrutrn! til tho iIrii of .Tohoriini
H. C. HOI-tni, llurrhor, Sfil-SP. HustltiRN)
Mrs. Houghton. howecr, hotdi thnt the
Syrian Mug of tlila story whk IIuzhpI uml
tho king of Israel win Jehu.
1'IjACK Ilothrtti, a Miiull town nhont
trn miles north of K.utiiirlu. Rltuuteil on ii
remarkable iHolulml bill. MUiruiitutiM on
three sltlcq by hllN Tiiuts of wulH tuny
Rtlll be svon ull nroitml tho hlll-lop Alio
Kitmnrlii, tho capital of thu Northin
How did Kllfllm show himself to ho
a tiuo patriot? Hy using for his coun
try Ills supernatural knowledge, as wo
should use for our country our lesser
knowledge, and all our powers. Assy
rlu was not at the Hint pressing upon
Syria, so that Syria rould attack her
hereditary enoiuy to tlio south. Hut
tho plans of llenluulad II. wero frus
trated over and over. lillsha was
then living in Hothan, about ten tulles
lorth of Samaria. Dothau was "a small
town, of which some ruins and u well
r.tlll mark the Rite." The caravan route,
from beyond Jordun pusses, front tho
Plain of Ksdiaclon, closo to It. Prob
nbly nenhddud's route on his preda
tory expeditious lay through this pass,
which was narrow and easily defend
ed. Therefore when tho Syrians' com
ing wus rovnaled to Kllsha and told by
him to King .lehoram, a comparatively
small body of Israelites, posted a ltttlo
north of Dothan, would effectually
check their progress.
How can we apply to ourselves KII'B advice, "Bewaro that thou pass
not such a placn?" Hy recognizing all
places of special temptation, and being
on our guard there. "Think of tho
men who cannot get past any gam
bling resort to save their souls! Thero
nre certain stores and hay-lofts and
street corners and ucant lots that
nre more dangerous to hoys than pest
houses. Thero Is absolutely no pos
Bible safety except In n voiding them."
Boys, and men. too, beware!
How did Ttenhadad plan to circum
vent ISlinhn? Sending hples, and learn
ing that th prophet was living at
Dothnm, he sent a large body of cav
nlry and chailols to capture him. To
secure such a man was vital. It would
nt once deprive .lehoram of one who
was Inspii ctl by tho gods and put him at
the service of Syria, for It would be as
sumed that he could be bribed to help
either hide.
How did Kllsha, In tho knowiedgo
of his heavenly helpers, meet tho
Syrlnns? Our version, the Hebrew,
implies that Kllsha and his servant
boldly went down from Dothan Into
tho valley, and that the leaders of the
Syrians came down from the heights
on which they wero encamped, to par
ley with the prophet. Ho prayed; for
prayer is the recourse of all the strong
est men in the time when they need to
bo strongest. Prayer Is a powerful
thing, for God has bound nnd tied him
pelf thereto. He prayed that blindness
'might fall upon the Syrians, and at
onco his prayer was granted. Not lit
eral blindness Is meant, probably, for
they woro ablo to follow Kllsha to Sa
mnrin, but a confusion of vision or of
mind, so thnt they wero readily de
luded. Perhaps only tho lenders wero
1 Why did Kllsha lead tho Syrians ten
miles to Samaria? To show them, and
also to show the Israelites, how power
less they wero before Jehovah. Kllsha
raado the pompous and confident Inva
ders nppoar ridiculous, which Is tho
most thoiough defeat that can bo
given to any enemy HcHldes, one rea
son why Kllsha had led tho Syrians to
tho capital was tlmt they might bo
kindly treated, feasted and sent back
to Henhadad with coals of tire heap
ed upon their heads.
What Is tho great teaching of our
lesson for modem people. Tho real
ity of tho lnvlslblo world, and Its pow
er to help antl comfort. To have no
sense of tho lnvlslblo Is tho ruin of
art. It is the ruin of all life also. .Many
will believe only what their uiilnstruct
ed eyes can see.
Christians should be continually up
held by tho realization of their angel
ic helpers. The bravo man need not
neo any celestial form with spear and
helmot by his side, yet ho may know
as ho goos out to the battlo that tho
nplrits of justico everywhere are sym
pathizing with him nnd helping him In
unknown ways. Tho mother may
not discern an angel bending over tho
bed on which her child is laid, but'
Btlll she mny know that thoro aro othor
watcherB by Its bed besldo herself, spir
its whom Ood has sent to seo that
nono of his ltttlo ones take any harm.
The soul In Its bereavement may not
look to see hero again tho very pres
onco and fonturo of tho friend whom
God has tnkon, yet still mny bo sure
that even now, In such unknown wnys
as soul may present Itaolf to soul, his
friend is with him, for encouragement
and strength. Pity wo cannot now
practice Kllsha's plan of ending war.
When tho comet of Octobor, 1S58,
appeared, a lecturer made a tour of
Bomo country villages In Devonshire
with n view to telling tho country peo
ple como facts about tho beautiful ob
ject; and among other points ho touch
ed upon tho calculations which astron
omers had made as to the enormous
longth of tho tnll of tho comet. A
countryman treated this part of his
lecture with contemptuous Incredulity.
"I saw the comet mysolf," said tho
man, "nnd Its tall wns Just four feet
long; nnd how aro wo to bollovo this
man who comes to tell us that It Is
ever so many millions of mllos?"
Romantic Career of "The
Man Eloquent."
Great Southwestern Pioneer Who
Was Chief Among the Cherokee
Indians Ho Best Understood
the Indian's Character.
Austin, Tex. No more unique and
remarkable chnrnctcr ever appeared
in our history than (len. Sam Houston,
of Tcxns. lie camo of a family that
emigrated from tho north of It eland,
n place which may Justly boast of tho
ancestry of such men as Stark, of tho
Revolution; Crockett, of the Alutno,
nnd Jackson himself. Tho family uaH
one of consideration, entitled to coat
armor In the old country. Though they
did not belong to tho landed gentry,
they had been largo and prosperous
Houston's father was nn ofllcor of
tho brigade of rlllemen that Morgan
led to Washington's assistance from
tho right side of tho Potomac. Ills
mother wns one of thoso pioneer wom
en of superb physique, high principles
and strength of mind and couragu to
match. After tho death of her hus
band when Sam, who was born In
1793, wns but 13 years old, Bho took
tho family over tho Alleghaules and
ECttlcd on the borders of the Chcrokeo
nation In western Tcnncssoe.
Sam's educational opportunities
wero meager, but ho made tho beBt
of them and hnil no occasion to blush
when pluctd besldo tho most distin
guished men of his time. According
c some, his unwillingness to clerk
in a country store, and, according to
others, tho refusal of his older broth
ers to permit him to study 1-atln,
caused him to abandon civilization
and cast his lot with the CherokeeB
After several years ho returnod to
civilization and opened a country
school, but soon left It to Join tho
army. Ho enlisted in tho Creek war
in 1813, nnd greatly distinguished him
uolf nt the battlo of Tohopeku, or
Horscshoo Dend, whero ho wns twlco
Tho war over, ho studied law, and
in 1819 wns elected district nttorney
of Davidson county, Tennessee. In
1823 ho was elected to congress, and
Gen. Sam Houston.
was ro elected in 1825. At tho closi
of his second term he was elected,
practically without opposition, Gov
crnor of Tennessee, and was spoken
of as a presidential possibility.
In 1829 ho was married to a beau
tiful and highly accomplished young
lady of Nashville. Three months lat
er, to tho surpriso and utter aston
ishment of everybody, he suddenly re
signed tho governoshlp, deserted hie
young wife, and mysteriously disap
peared. Ho was next henrd of anions
tho Cherokee Indians, tho friends of
his boyhood, who had been removed
to tho Indian Territory.
Ho remained among the Indiana
four yenrfi, was admitted to their coun
cils, wan elected a chief, and took un
to himself a wife, the dnughter of n
famous warrior. In 1S32 ho vlslttd
Washington In tho interest of the
tribes who wero being defrauded by
tho rascally agents of tho government
Tho same year he went to Texas on
n mission to the Commancho Indinns
as a representative of President Jack
son. Texas wns Just entering upon
her strugglo for independence from
Mexico, and Houston was Induced to
remain In the country and glvo his un
divided nld to tho causo. On tho out
break of hostilities ho was elected
commander-in-chief of tho .Texan nrmy.
Hy n masterly stroko of military
ntrntegy ho succeeded in decoying
Gen. Snnta Ann, tho Mexican comman
der, from his baso of supplies and ad
ministered to him n crushing defeat
at tho battlo of San Jacinto, April 21,
In September following ho wnB
eloctcd president of tho republic of
Texas, whoso Independence had been
prevlouiily dcclnrod on March 2, 183C,
and, after an Interim of two years,
was re-elected for a second term. HIb
Influence was potent in bringing nbotit
tho annexation of Texas to the United
States in 1845; nnd, on the accom
plishment of annexation, ho wns elect
ed to the United States senate, whero
ho sat for 12 years. Two terms as
governor of tho state rounded out his
official career. Ho died in lluntsvllle,
Texas, July 2G, 18G3.
No other man In this country Tins
so fully understood tho Indian's char
ncter nB Houston, Ho of all men, best
understood their feelings and as
plrations, and most dooply sympa
thized with them in their strugglo
against manifest destiny in tho person
of tho white man. Ho fully entered
into their thought and was "Tho Red
Man Eloquent"
Leaves Kidneys In Weakened Condition
Doctors In all parts of the country
hno been kept busy with the epidemic
of grip which has visited ho ninny
humen The sytnptoniB of grip thlo . ear
mo ery distressing and lenvo tho sys
tem In a run down condition, partlcu
laily tho kidneys which beem to Buffer
most, as every victim complains of
lnmo hack and urinary troubles which
should not bo neglected, as these tlnn
ger Blgunls often lead to moro serious
Klcknc8S, such ns dreaded Hrlght's Dis
ease. Ixical drugglstB report n large
sale on Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which
bo mnny people say soon honln and
strengthens tho kidneys nfter an at
tack of grip. Swamp-Root Is a great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy, nnd,
being an herbal compound, has u gen
tle healing effect on the kidneys, which
Ik almost Immediately noticed bv those
who try It. I)r Kilmer & Co., Ring
hamton, N. Y . offer to send n t-umplo
bottle of Swamp-Root, freo by mull, to
every sufferer who requestn it. A trial
will convince nliy one who mny ho In
need of It. Regular fIo bottles DO eK
and $1.00. For sale at all druggists.
Ho sure to mention this paper.
The Pronress of Music.
A Get man baker in WeEt Philadel
phia has a young hopeful who Is be
ginning in youth the Mudy of tho vio
lin lie takes wookl Iishoiik and the
parents nre sanguine of his becoming
a great musician.
A friend strolled Into the lml.c-hhop
the other da and inquired of tho
genial (termini what progress the boy
was making.
"lie pietty good gets along," came
the baker's nhBiirlug answer, with an
elevation of the chin and a swelling
chest, "lie play 'Homo. Sweet Homo'
with such sweetness that makes you
wish for tho Fnderlnnd. And. by
golly, you ought to hear him piny
that 'Nearer, My God, to You.'"
Before a Shop Window.
Hilly Huy me that little rocking
hoi'M. pnpa.
Dad If you aro n good boy, you
shall have It net Christmas.
Hilly No! Huy It now. I may have
a new papa before next Chrlhtnuis.
Allen's I'lMit-lCise, I tie Antiseptic tNiwiler fur Tired,
in. Ill rut, MMillen, nervous fiet. ilw rext nml
eomfurt. M:iki' MaUlia lull Hull!. Nilil eri'r.vtiiTc.
-V. INm't urrept nny Milistllnte. Tor I'ltltU
ljuiple, nililretH Allen S. OluiMeil. l.e Iluj.N, Y.
Heaven won't seem worth while to
some women unless theie's an occa
sional bnigalu sale.
Jtrt Vt'iriHloiv'H SootliliiB Hyrtiji for Children
teellilnt.', Hiifleiih the kumiv. reduees Innninnm
ttoii, nllajs luilu.oiireH wind l-uIIc, 2oU a buttle.
Even tho truth may be told with nn
Intention to deceive.
Titr. cut i
'ssrr tTT-v
" x-Tiyiu v
r V x kgyjw sg. .
r "l.rfSHI,! nw .tlri
OffOTBl Ctf5t
WVi- LL. '-Msw- - -
WltV-."'' -JVyA- -
Colds and Chills Bring Kidney Ills
February, March and April are the backache months, because the' are months of colds, chills,
grip and pneumonia, with their congesting, weakening influence on the kidneys. Colds, chills, or grip strain
the kidneys and start backache, urinary disorders and uric acid troubles. You feel lame, weak and tired
and have headache, dizzy feelings, achy muscles and joints; too frequent, painful urinary passages, sediment,
etc. Chills hurt the kidneys. Likewise well kidneys often prevent taking cold, by helping to pass off
the waste matters of cold congestion. Doan's Kidney Pills are very useful in the raw winter and spring
months. They stop backache and urinary disorders, keep the kidneys well and prevent colds from settling
on the kidneys. Strong testimony proves it. What better evidence could you ask?
Lebanon, Ind., Man Gives Vivid Description of His Suffering.
John T. Anderson, C13 W. Mnln St., Iibanon, Intl., says:
"I was taken suddenly with agonizing painu through my kid
tions. Tho doctor said ho could do no moro for mo, and every
one thought I would die. My friends marvel at my recovery.
Nino boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills saved my llfo and mado a
permanent cure. I gained 28 pounds and have had no troublo
m lUiPfcCT vook Kicwra
Sold by
l i- ) fltifraFi
"Ho always was a bad egg. but
nobody seemed to notice It while ho
was rich,"
"Yes, ho Mini all right until ho wac
Parental Tactics.
A worried parent is sometimes;
obliged to do something like this:
"Pa, what Is a traiihceiidentnllst?"
"Have you chained up the dog ns 1
told you?"
"Not yet. pa "
"Well, do thnt, nnd when you come
back I will tell you what a transcen
detitallst is."
While Hobby wns gone his astute
parent dug the needed Inlonnatlon
out of a dictionary.
In nil itii forniH nnmiiK nil npc of liorfC",
nt- well nn doRs, cured nnd other in came
Mnble picwntod fiotu linving tho dihcnFC
Kvcry bottle giinmnteod Over 000.000
Imttlro t.old liift yenr ? Ml nnd fl 00. Any
good drtt.'Ki.l, or kpihI to niutiufact nvt rn.
A kmi In, wnn ted Spolin Mrdicnl Co., Spec.
Coiitngious, Goshen. Ind.
1'alth must becomo nctivo through
works. Deeds must spring spontane
ously from tho divine llfo within the
soul. C. W Wend t e.
Dr. IVrco'H l'leasint Pellet regulate
nnd invigorate t-tonwcli. hwr mid IiowcIh
.nl:nrro.itcd, tiny gmtitilen. ldisy to tal.t
nn c.indy.
Actions, looks, words steps from
the alphabet by which ou r.pell char
acter. Lnwitor.
ril.ns CI'KF.i TN O TO I I 11AYH
liinnlrtiKUlxt will leliinn money Ir I'A.U (UST.
MT.NT f.illH tn euro nnv dim of lirlnnK, llllmL
UleiiUlik' or rrulruilliiii I'llen lu 0 U 14 diitn. hie.
Tho vacant room at tho top is due
to the fact that thero Is no efevator
service V help the lazy man.
Whenever there is n tendency to rointi
patioii. t-ick-lienilaelie or luhoiii'iiesR, tal.e a
cup of Garfield Ten. All diuggiftb.
The busiest thing In tho world Is
Idle curiosity
Tfm w
neys, followed hy n atopnago of the urine. I
called In a physician, but ho gave mo only
temporary relief, by drawing tho urlno with
n cathetor. I was soon in such agony I
could not llo In bed, and for four weeks sat
In a chair, propped up by pillows. After
about a month, It seemed as If something
burst and I passed a regular flood of water,
mixed with blood and mucus. After that I
had not a parttclo of control over tho secre
Cut out this coupon, mail it to Fostcr-Milbum
Co., Jiuffalo, N. Y. A free trial package of
Doan's Kidney Pilli will be mailed you promptly.
No. 1 83
all dcalors. -. Prtco So cents. Foster
The healthiest ever; you enn grow
It In your own garden on u Hinnll
patch 10 by 10, producing 50 pounds or
more Ripens in Wisconsin 90 days
1'sed in great quantities In I'liinco,
Germany und nil over Kurope Send
15 cents In stamps and wo will mall
you n package giving full cultuio di
rectlniiB ntt also our mammoth seed
catalog free, or send 31 cents nnd get
In nddltlon to nhovo 10,000 kernels
unsurpassable vegetable and llower
seeds enough for bushels of ego
tables and tlowern. John A Saler
Seed Co., 1S2 S. 8th St., La Cioasc, Wis.
Why Maria taunhed.
lllrnm paused nt the door and hold
Ing up a steel trap, said:
"Marlar, when you nee thin trap
ngnln It will have a skunk in It"
Fifteen minutes later he leappcnicd
"Marlar." he yelled, "jou come heiv
nnd loosen me out of this nll-tln-il
And then ho gn made at '"
because she laughed.
C.lve Defiance Stnrch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold Btnnhliig.
and If ou don't think jou do better
work, In less time nnd at sinnlli r cost,
return It and jour giocer will give
jou back your nioiiej'.
Filling Her Program.
"Ah, saj. Mlz Mnndy, am yo' pro
gram full?"
"Iordee, no, Mr. I.umlej-. It takes i
mo nn n hiiii'wlch an' two olives to
f 11 1 my program."
For n diHordered liver, tnkc tl.tilieM Pea.
the Heib lax.itive. All dntta'.K
Yesterday Is certain; tomorrow, tin
certain; today, half and half.
l.rwiV Rincle Hinder. etin ipi-itil to
bacco, coiits iiioio thiin otlut fir i
A woman who K)ietiks hut one l.m
gunge UHimlly tnlkn enough for two
viien a perinn ha heroine illsrmirrtrr-.l
throuuli vonrs of fiillurc to llml .1 tun-,
unit llimlly. iierhnpt, nlveu tip trjItiK, It
Ii Hinnll wonder Hint ho In comes aUeji
tlenl And yet, to nil who lmi i oti
Hllpullon, mo would Hay, "Try Just one
thlnu niriie."
We wish you would try l)r Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin, a ia.itl tonic that Im.s
heeti used for a k neratlon. ThoiinanilH
me lining It, Hiirnly hoiiio of your ft lends
union;; the utmiher You enn hu It of
any UtilKKlBt lit llfty lents and olio dol n hottle. hut hettcr Ht III. hiiii1 your
niinic nnd addreiis to llr. Culdwell for it
fnii sample tiotlli. Hu will himhI you
enoiiKli to convince you of ll.s nicrltx, and
then If you lllto It von enn buy It of your
' , ,
tvfflPiaviE (&
mis a sim' Wsv
Yen years of suffering.
Restored at Last to Perfect Health by Doan's Kidney Pills.
Mrs. Narclssa Waggoner, Cnrterville, III., It. V. D. No. 2,
says: "For over ten years I Buffered terribly with backaches,
headaches, nervous nnd dizzy spells. I waa
restless nt night and In tho rooming ajoao so
tired ns to bo almost unablo to do my house
work. Tho kidney secretions wero unnat
ural and gavo mo a grout deal of troublo.
Ono day I suddenly foil to tho floor where I
lay for a long tlmo Unconscious. Three doc
tors who treated mo diagnosed my caso a.i
paralysis nnd said they could do nothing for
me. Ab a last resort I began using Doan's
Kldnoy Pills and was pormanontly curod. I
am stronger than boforo In many years and
my kidneys aro In perfect condition."
Tett Donn' Kid
ney Pill Yourself
- Milmjrn Co., Buffalo, N.Y., Proprietors-
Lends all other merhr in
the cure of all spring ailments,
lunnois, In of appetite, that
tired feeling, p.tlenr:.s and
nervousness. T.iki it.
(let K tihv in in i.i ! form or
iliooulit.,1 Mi,'ei ,i,i...i Sarantabn.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Ctn quickly be overcome by
Purely wt!)l
pently on I
liter. Cure
He lie,
a pi us.
new, and InJicetlieu. They do liinr duty.
Small Pill, Doto. Srnill Ptie:
Genuine rnu.tUat Signaluro
Ctl it ft 4ml l-nnr.i tbi htlr.
I'nnnrtM ft luiurltrt irmw'.h
NiTr Villi to Knuturo Onr
llnlr to Hi Vo-jtlifnl t'olor.
Ciutt to'p illirmi-K. Imlr
tw.niHH)t Dnifxli'j
llrill!:' Thompson's Eye Water
Iriitrcint Mr J .1 petty of t'nlonvllle,
M'i . Mi. ii.iiiKe . Xliiiiiieimaii of l(ar
rlnluu k. I' i. .it'd many ulliers of hotli
hi M's ami la all puis of the . ouniry first
twit ii n.uiiplo luittlo uml now havn It
H'i;itl;ii ly In the houso
You will n,mi to do nwnv with K.ilts.
unlets nnd cithnrtli s for the.sii nro Imi
tMiipormv reliefs wliltn Ir ( 'aid well's
Kyi up Pepsin gimrntifei-il to euro per
iiinni'iitl It will Haiti vmir slotiinrli mul
bowel iiiusi len ho that 1 Icy will ilo llielr
worl. itK.ilii tintiiriilly without uitsldo ulil.
f'lst nsliln your sl.eptlelsni and try .Syrup
I'or tho freo mniplo adilri.s Or W. II.
Caldwell, Jut Caldwell building, MonU
eello, III.
if Tit rAiM u Tneuo
jamcr vcun kchiyj i
mmm' w
irJmm cmmi
ir ?5i
linni h mil miiiiiiimii tin i mini
llolirl, t itrl, (...! ..,!., lint
A Country School for Girls
Q IN M'.Vt MIHK ('III. Il.-i. f-AliirM of fl
I riiiinirr ami city life Out nr ilir niairtti im I
I wliiinl rk ill Ihaerra liu tr Him lltutviii 2llvr 1
ArAclouilrCiiuf.i) I'llui.irrl Ijiiliii.riili-.itliiM H
I Miislu uml Art. Hint nji,i t4 msn iiiuiua
' W
-TWy. "'ljalll