The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1911, Image 1

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k Ncxspancr That filves The Ncns Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
Don't curry liirtfe sums or nionov
around with yon. Hold tips uro not
unlioiml of.
Don't bide motley tiround the iiottso.
Tlicro tiro fow bttrKhirs left.
Don't be e.travngiint, nut your
money in this bunk and rnltl nil yo
van 8puro to it.
Don't fail to take this ml vivo ami you
will hnvo an ensy and happy oldno
Interest Paid en Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florancc.
good thing-
Mr. and Mrs. Rico .spent SundHy
evening with Mrs. Hoover.
John Gluasoti, jr., and wife have a
now daughter, born April 1.
Dr and Mth. Hoie.s entertained Goo.
J'airtlold and family Sunday.
The Baptist ladies will hold an Kas
ter bazar and Supper Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Oleason were
over Monday from the state lino.
Mrs. M. Lovitt onteitainod tin M.
t. K. club Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mr. lUy of lloldrcgo wore
quests of Mr. ami Mrs.Uhns. Hodges
Mrs. II IVteis is home from Lin
volu, where shu took trtatineiit at St.
lili.uboth liospital.
Mrs. Mayine H. Cleaver, 0. C of II.
of the Degree of Honor, will meet
with Guide Rock lodge on Tuesday
the jewelry business, has taken pos
session. Chris Columbia and family will
move in with John Dunbar to oaro for
him. Ho is the father of Mrs. Colum
bia. ,I.T Mason and family will oe
eupy the Columbia residence.
Mrs. (5. W. Hoover is greatly pleased
with the thoughtfitlness of her many
friend", sho having received on her
hhthday, Mai oh SO, one hundred post
cards and many pretty and useful
piesetits besides.
N. V. linker and family have moved
from the Faoe property, recently pur
chased by Klinor Doughinuu of Dres
den, Kan., to olio of Mrs. liurber's
liouses in tlie east part of town. Mr.
Dougliiuan's goods nrrived Monday.
"Y" branch of tho W. C. T. I', gavi)
a tine cnturtaluinciit of plays, music,
monologue", pantomimes, tablea.,ctc,
to a big audience at the opera house
' ti t .,ii,i i tur rPlii irl,iw tinr.nlo
tloserve great credit for their splendid
evening, April 11. All members are
rcquusted to to be present.
Four boys mid four girls of tho L.
T. L. will contest for a modal at the
M. E church next Monday evening.
Admission 10 cents.
There was n bigicrow 1 at the go9pol
temperance rally at the hall Sunday
night. There was a good program of
music, reuitutious and addi esses.
MUs Stolla .Smith departed Sunday
evening for her home in Diesden,
Kan. Her aunt, Mis M Idella Watt,
accompanied her as far as lied Cloud.
On Thursday the liaptisls held a
veiy Interesting 'mil vail" meeting
of the church uilli an all day and
Charley Harpham was in St. Joe
this weok.
Harry Cillumi of Ked (Jlottd was on
our streets Sunday.
The County Hoard was up last week
viewing roads and bridges.
Simeon Thomas has a new ltrush
runabout Look out girls.
John Luwler from Iowa is visiting
his parents for a short time.
Kick Thomas is very busy thee
dus lie a Driish auto
Miis Iiene Hall is vlsUing Miss
Mabel llcckwith of Ked Cloud this
evening session, at which a splvndiil p Wl'''
piogram was caineil out. hew at d lirubaker is sick at this
One of the tllnch clubs gave a sur-1 "' " ,,!IS '"Ptoiih r typliol.l
prise party Monday night for Mr. and j tcnL'r
Mrs. L. 1'j Hunt, who are soon to Miss Maud McCiine of Hod Cloud
leave hero. Mr. Sring, who bought was visiting friends in Cowles this
A Few Items From Our Large Stock
The Latest Develop
ment in White Goods
Permanent Linen
Thread Finish
Has all the merits of
a Handkerchief Linen
Lawn, with double
the strength and durability of India
Linons or Persian Lawns.
Several widths and qualities.
T TQPTQ White Wasting
"" Underwear
Prices:--PIain White 1 5c to 50c, Printed 8c
See our line before buying as we can
Save You -Money
We have a large line of ladies Hand Bags
in all styles and sizes. Prices 25c 1o $3.50,
The only stock
ing made with
a seam. No
hard knots to
hurt the feet or
make corns.
Prices 25c to
50c. Every pair
v guaranteed to give satisfaction.
mm B h lEs
Ww to B o 'ImwM
Wm a H a 7K
F. NEYVHOISE, Dry Goods.
week. She returned homo Monday
Mrs. Nickolls Thomiis and her'sister
are visiting their mother, Mrs. Koon
of Bladen
(Juy Kc itt came homo from the state
unlversi y at Lincoln Saturday for a
weeks vacation.
There was a party at Henry Hru
bakers .Saturday evonlng. They all
report a line time.
Mr. and Mrs. I loin of liladen wete
visiting Jus. Mcliildc and family a
few days last week.
Mrs. Ida Stpilios went to Hastings
Monday to vi-dl relatives. Sho came
home Tuesday evening
Ml'n. wotllitd of Hlne Hill came down
Monday fur a nIioiI islt with her
daughter. Mis Costello.
Miss Jessio Squires of Hastings win
is taking a course in a business college
there spent n weeks vacation here.
N V. Anderson shipped out his
cattlo Monday. His shipment consist
ed of three cars of cattle mid one of
Mr. and Mrs. Simons of Ked Cloud
aro keeping house for their son, Elmer
during the absence of his wife who is
attending a wedding of her cousin
near Lebanon, Kas.
Troy Mills and family started for
an extended ttip in Idaho. Troy is
the son or J T. Mill" who has lived In
Webster County for u good many
years. He sold oil' his porsoual prop
el ty last spring and rented his farm
and ho is going to travel a year on ac
count of his health.
i ol. Wiggins was taken suddenly ill
Mrs. (ieorgo Hairis is on the sick
list this week
Al Smith and family called on Fred
Harris Sunday.
(Jeorgo Coon and sons were on
Windmill How Sunday
(Jeorgo Smith was a pleasant caller
at Will Fisher's Sunday.
Will Kishor hr.s most of his corn
ground disked over once.
The oats are all sowed now But
(lee! don't the wind blow.
Another weok until Good Friday,
the great potato planting day.
Diehl brothers, from the Kansas
line, took their fat cattle to lied
Cloud on Satin day.
Quite a number of farmers In Gar
Held were hauling corn from Guide
Uoek Friday and Satin day.
Mr. and Mrs. .Too Taylor came up
ftom Guide Kock and called on their
soti-in law over Saturday and Sun
Tho good-looking assoshor will soon
bo around with a pencil back of his
car, mid he will flguio out how much
you aio worth.
Muriol Fisher and Clussio DeWltt
aro the only pupils in district 85 who
have been neither absent nor tardy
during the present term di school.
The Birthday Gift
The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a
modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original
significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift.
It is nevertheless a beautiful idea.
A much more expressive and consistent gift is a Birthday or other
anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas
is everbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gilla com
pliment that the Christmas gift lacks.
Give her, or him, or them, m oilier, sister, wife, father, brother, hus
band or friend a gift on an nnniursary nrd it means something.
Make that day the happiest of the year.
Our slock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc
casions, qualities unsurpassed and scn.elliiiig at a price jcu can afford.
Newhouse Bros.
C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jcwolcrs and Optomotrlsts.
Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly
Done at FCH'S
Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs
including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery.
My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I
can give you just what you call for in this line and prices
always the lowest.
Joe ITogel, The Harness Man.
m Mimiio
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Uasser spout
Sunday at Al Decker's.
Mrs. Ida Blair atld daughter spent
Saturday autl Sunday at Ilulsobusch's.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hasscr visited
at tho homo of Louis Borgfleld Sun
day. Mrs, John Etnlck and son Sylvester,
Mr. aud Mrs. Will Lain spent Sunday
at George Blair's.
Mr. and Mrs, James Mitchell, Dr.
and Mrs. Bobt. Mitchell and son spent
Sunday at I, Frlsbic's.
Weather Summary for March'
Temperature: Highest 83 on 20th,
lowest li on 18th, greatest daily range
HO on 2oth.
Precipitation: Snowfall Vx inch.
days clear 23, partly cloudy 5, clondy
3, prevailing wind nv 10 days,
Ciias. S. Ludlow.
Several road and bridge measures of
lar-i caching importance have boon
enacted into law within the last fow
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ifci'3aw.KiTj,' fsuff v.-7."A'.
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KI nMMV BnbUA lAiLX&.J'li !fui i-1
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BWEti.&i?. . &
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"IMPERIAL" high patent Flour $1.00 a sack, "SELECT"
Flour, 90 cents a sack, and in addition, in each sack of
Flour will be found a coupon, and eight of these coupons
and $2.95 in cash will entitle the holder to an
Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not
satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded
Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. ALL
Froo Delfvory made to all parts of tho City,
'zsmesmssx , .."ptjsacg