The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1911, Image 6

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Rett Cloud - - Nebraska.
gntcrciJ In Hie I'oHtotlldi iiliHwl t'loml.Ncli,
Kt hcroml Cluf MnltiT
Ttntisfers of real estate Med for
rccoril for I In- week ending Mutoli 8
reached the record breaking tnaikof
Tho Irlotids or .li)i. Crow mv groom
ing 111 in for shcrllV and tlio ohnnee.snro
that tlnw will insist upon bis running
this full. It 1h u lilt curly in the game
but ut llrst blush wo know of no better
man for tlio position lliuii Jo. Ho
bus been living hi tin- county for the
pant twenty-live yours ami is well and
fitvoinhly known In Ibis pint of the
Tuesday night we visited tho Tepee
moving picture .show and we were
simply delighted with the excellence
of the films displayed. "Tins Mexican
l.cgond" was surely Hiiburb Mr.
Hughes Is to bo commondod for select
ing nrtistie views of u most elevating
oharaclcr. He believes and wo be
liovo Unit tho only should be giv
en. An hour .spent In enjoying pie
turcH of this character Is uu inspir
ation. liixptets are pleasant especially to
editors who seldom receive them. Wo
received words of commondutlon from
a dozen different sources for our little
nrtlole on informing the curfew ordin
nneo This Is very acceptable. This
week wo suggest that tho city uso tlio
power plant whistle nt nine o'clock as
a warning to all children to seek their
homes There would bo no expense
connected with this method and tho
whistle could be easily heard all over
the city.
Down In Mexico,
I'M u:u 1 1 n in il In c'olimilms I ili'utniii.
.Initio. Mexico. Feb 'Si. I am now
in tho city of second importance in
the republic of Mexico. It is the real
gateway between the two icpubllcs
It is a very nanow gateway, and he
who would enter must pass inspection
by the Dla. soldiers at tho south end
of the bridge which spans tho Rio
(iraude, and upon attempting retain
to (Jod's country he must convince the
polite customs otliciiils of our own
nation, posted at the north end of the
biidge, that his pockets and baggage
contain no in tides subject to tarllV
duty. Tlio Mexican soldieis made no
inquiry about dutiable article:-. They
questioued tt only as to military
matters whether we had any con
cealed arms, or if wo had any rela
tions with the tolicl army, now mak
ing things intciesUng in this vicinity.
1 could not speak p.iulsh. but for
I Its Flavor Is J
j SimpJyMaiietic I
& I --! -MJltV5l4efcJfcVIiwrmjK! X& I
FOR ksl.K IiN
tiinntely my two companions, II M. j
Husliitell and Edgar Woslervclt, both '
of Lincoln, lluenlly icplled in the
Sp.iiii-h tongue. Colnnel Westervclt.
because of his mllltaiy bearing, was
questioned very closely by the Moi- j
runs. Headers of the Telegram will
iccall that under the rule of (Imor-
nor Shallenbeiger, Colonel Wester
vclt was the pibo colonel upon the
governor's stall'. 1 was proud to be in
such company, and yet veiy uneasy,
because the Mexican soldiers viewed
our party with earnest Mispleloii be
cause or the presence oT our milltniy
friend. Wo better undei stood that
suspicion when wo afteiward learned
that tho rebel hosts in Mexico wore
constantly winning to their ranks
some of the most iutropld Aincrjoan
spirits, and that no less than seven
sons or nobility In Europe aio now
lighting with the rebels against the
autoctatic rub) of President Din.
Why arc the Mexican rebels trying
to overthrow tho government of the
tepubllcV As well ask why the edu
cated Russians arc always trying to
overthrow tho government of the
of Russia I have never been in Rus
sia. I have not seen much of Mexico,
but during the past live years I have
been gathering information In an of
fort to iiudorstand ie situation down
here My experience leads mo to con
clude that If I were a citizen of Mex
ico I should also bo an liisurrecto. No
people on earth were over taxed to
death at any faster rate than now. pre
vails in Mexico. This rebellion is
lightly regarded by Americans gener
ally, but not so with Americans who
have had opportunity to sec the situ
ation at close range. I talked today
with one of the prominent men of this
section. Ho is one of President
Tuft's closest friends, and fought
Spaniards under Colonel Roosevelt at
San .luiin. This gentleman tells me
that there can bo only one result of
the rebellion tho utter destruction of
the DIhz government.
The Great American Play "Paid In Full"
For local jdavgoors tho treat of tho
season comes next Monday, March 111.
when at the Opera House the I'uitcd
Play Company will present Eugene
Walter's drama of New York life of to
day. "Paid in Full "
Not to know of this most celebrated
' play of the time is to confess one's
! self uuiuforiuud us to the exceptional
features of the American stage; not to
liavo seen it Is to be outside tho '2..VK,
(lOO who had witnessed 2012 perform
ances up to the end of last season.
No play ever produced in this coun
try or abroad has tho brilliant record
of "Paid in Full." It has been teen
by more persons, it has been played
by nioie companies and moie times
than any other, it has had longer
runs. Two.MMtts stialght away and
several return engagements are to its
ctetllt in New York, where as in Chi.
cagoit won celebrity as the only drama
ever to go through a -ttnunor. Five
companies appeared in it all la-t seas
on, and the same are touring I lie coun
try this year. It is the only play evei
acted by so large a number of com-
P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop.
panics at the same time
All litis goes to show "Paid in
Pull" getieiously met Its its fame lis
the gi cutest play of the age "A
triumph" is the tribute paid to it by
Retinoid Wolf, the cleier wilter of thu
New York Moitiing Telegraph, "real
play of real life, with re til human being-.-'
he said, which is it lilting sum
mary. Ills n play oi. America, wmi
stiong elituacteis and stiong situat
ions. It is singularly lilelike and ot
eiigiossing interest. Those who have
seen It tiro its inostetithusliistioadinir
ets; those who have not will surely
welcome this opportunity. It will be
acted by a magnlileent cast and every
detail of tho performance will bo pre
cisely tlio same as in Now Yoik.
Every character in 'Paid In Full" is
it striking type, every scene and situat
ion holds deep emotion or gay humor.
To seo these characters played and
these ellccts produced by a talented
Now York cast is a good fortune that
local t heat ic patrons will surely aim
to enjoy.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tho Fort
struct Co. for tho week ending
uesday, March H. 1011.
Solomon licckwith to Evan
Lovejoy, ivi scl and set sel
.li-.'l-l'i, wd
. 1.100
John II Hanson to Arthur C and
Geo Rradshaw, so 20-1-11, wd.
Ernest 11 Hncdoker to EIbo Rose
u wl 23-MI, wd
1 1 tOO
Walter C Dttbbs to Elso Rose
ne4 2:M-ll,wd U00O
t Seo W Shuck to Alva O Barnett
sw4 se4 and lot b in 15-1 .i, wd. 1050
Oscar Monla to Edgar S Cox sw4
oo.o.u uvl . 12000
John D Storey to Louis A, Law
rence and O Mauley, net 22 2-
lo. wd r.coo
Arthur C Brudslmw to John W
Most, lots If) to 21. block 22,
Red Cloud, wd
Rotta Miner to Snralf L Smith
lots T and 2 blk 2, sub dlv an
nex lot 27, Rod Cloud, wd....
Warm V Real to Vein V EmloU
ne I net 21 and nwl 22-2-lO.wd.
Miles Doyle to Robert A Simp
son, nwl s.2-J0. wd
George A Gueck et at to Win and
Walter Rasser, sel 17-2-10, wd
Ed Setiton to (ioo .1 and l.eliora
E Warren , sw !J2-2- It), wd
Robert S Norrish to William R
Householder, pt sol 3l-l-U,wd
Hiram J Saunders to E l Over
man, e'i lO-.'Ml.wd
Fred L Oatman to Edwin (!
Oatman, mid
- 1 0, wd
w. sw'4 2.V
Edwin (! Oatman to Fred L
Oatman, und ; w1. nw' 2JJ
I II, wd " r. 0000
I'aul Frobliek to Hhl'Ii II Hun
ter ne I 28 2-0, wd
t'lias lloswell to ('iitlieiineHeliu-
maun, lots 10 and II Ml; 21,
ISlue Hill, wd
laeobCioll to K L Seliumann.
lot li blUtl, little Hill, wd ....
Jaeob tiill to EatliariiH Selitt-
manii, lots 7 and 8. block 'J,
Kolirer'n 2nd add, and
blk I), llluo Hill, wd....
William F Carr to Hiram Hen
dricks, w2 n w 1 8-3-11 . wd
Hiram Heudrieks to Win Klatt,
w2 nw I and n2sw2 8-3-11, wd.
Lottie 11 Doyle to Byron L
Coodell, lot land w2 lot 3 blk
I, add to Itladen, wd
Elizabeth Met'liiiu to Lelali L
Delnrranana, lot 7 block 1-',
litiido Koek, wd
Edward Uowlands to Otto L
stollretfan, sel nwl ll-l-l0,wd
Jaeob Chaplin to Emma Hruuk,
lots 1 to 10 blk V, lirusol'h sub
div to Kobier's add to llltiu
Hill, wl
( lit ton Killam to D L Dalle j.
in I IJO-2 12. wd
Arthur O Short to Mary E Clark
wdu&nw. 11-1-9 $
Ella M Albin to Lizzie Sehultswd
pt no nw 10 1-9 0000
OscarW Emick to Paul Storey wd
tie 8-2-10 12800
Herman Bros & Co to William M
Brown wd lota f, 0 and 9 and so
no 13-1-9 SOW)
Rufua Doutliet to Gilbert G Den
ney wd ne 23-3-9 1000
Christian F Panzer to John
Schults! wd lotB 14 to 17 blk 7
Guide Hock 11W)
Dora Olmsted to Clyde L Wick
wire wd lots 5 and 0 blk -I Ina-
Cora E Ktdd to John Hasmelhach-
er wd lots 3 and 1 and nj nw
and no nw 12-1-1 1
Mike Strobl to Hetta Miner wd
ne and rj so 21-3-11
Uetta Miner to Mike Strobl wd sj
' Mike Goll etal to Frank Kuhn wd
sw 32-1-10.
Sarah E Reeves to Hans J Oyt,
Jr. wd ej se 7-3-10
HukIi B Hunter to Eva L Mont
gomery wd 1st 7 blk 5 Guido
i Uock
Laura A Winters to Isaac W Ed
! son wd lots 4 to 8 Smith &
' Moores add to Red Cloud 2000
, Jacob Goll to Mike Goll wd nw
1-2-10 UfiOO
G B Bonker to C Zepp Wd pt ae
8-3-9 8000
A J Maco ndm to W L Crawford
are a big line with us.
We carry the very best of
You have your choice of an
ordinary good clock or a big fancy
We will appreciate an inspect
ion of our line before you buy.
The Jeweler.
wd its 9-10 blk 13 Rosemont . 030
Ora J Mace to W L Crawford wd .
Its 7-8 blk 13 Rasemont -150
G A Wells to WellB & McTaggart
wd lotl0b3Cowlea 200
A L Soucek to Charlotte E Stev
ens wd sw 1G-4-9 8000
E Buss to Jacob Goll nenw 3-1-10 4000
Total $292606
Mortgages tiled $102230
relsd 24905
Chautauqua Talent Endafted-
The semi-annual meetitig of the
stoekbolders of tho Red Cloud Chau
tauqua association was held in the
Commercial club rooms Monday aft
ernoon. The talent secured for this
summer is as follows: Furtisou Ju
bilee Slntfors, Rev. (iretllth, Chicago
Ladies, Mrs dates, Burkdtirfur,
Forbes hand. Prune of Chicago. Ollie
James, Dr. Adattts. Mr. Wheeler, Dr.
Utiiro, Red Cloud baud and orches
tra; Rev. Tompkins, platform man
ager. CeutlllPates of stock were turned
over to the subserlbeis and it. whs re
ported that there were about eighty
shines yet to sell. Hills for printing
were allowed to the Argus and Com
mercial Advertiser. The next meet
ing will be held In September
Monday, March 1 3
2 Years in N. Y., 7 Months in Chicago
Willi a Brillia"-! Cast of Players, Most Important Theatrical Event of the Season,
Cm -f,ilk i ' W tK H . 1 m u' ..
I 4.ii ..II - ---' --" ;
I J HWUiHUHHiil'l I il I il I1 llllll I'M WJ
loud Opera House
JiiimH ' HW'TT ''""
6 to 18
i MftvMw j.w mnmm
-Mfc -, - iMb 4