.' fU "'!.' I -1-V it mo UUlorlciil Society V ft' -.4&'- 'gjf"fcJg- fi iil -i"I?i; j'sf i; l,J II I llil I . ' I ..'. - i' !.. !..!.! :li jrfgWfa - ....: - 'ijgcv..., . . ... "---pjw.-iii -'-'"' '--"' )Rs B Jr if Ira "P "' jla' V-feN iJ-LJ.. - illlM T llH J7 K in - miiim V iiH 'JHWr -iTZ7"-'-VJ. illllim .rfT ' iiiiK VHLfll 1 llH 11V Hl Hm.M M F" k 1W . 1H1 K . IH ..Hi. - fflMiiPff k j;IS?:.:'.iyiBe33?v DliiiaaitfKaBB .f n r inwr r a- &-j i',A3mmm2Z&j&&?j- r v M-r;-jsJWV?s r " n a i at h'imi nuns' i Mmmma1 m : 3ssis5-3g25si rdSr&?aSBSB- -P "CVk' Y Hc3BBBBSSSmtfl-2!??.rfr"'?--l-l J'IP. .f-' ,- n ltJk , IiBIIiW I i M i illnW IHllilWU'l iiilW i iH H Mil fc ' i;&- ggteJ-AS -K3?fei W. VOLUME xxxvun. 4 Newspaper That dives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, 28 EBRASKA, MA HOI I SM911. IN DAYS OF YOUTH 4 pri'imro for ii niitiy ly. wli'ifh is sure to lonie Sicknu&h ami trouble come iiiH'xpuctertly to all. The Fruits o? Wise Provision in youth and manhood will come homo to you in compotoucy for old hro, when you have placed your money in a reliable Hank. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Hiifr ffnfiWi irk ii il Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. LESTER Mr. and Mrs GoorgeUlalrSundayed at Bill Lane's. Horace Triable Las beon visltinR relatives in Guide Kock. Miss Lacy Decker visited Mrs. An drew King a few days last week. Mrs Mcllride the mother of Lora frisble has been visiting with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Swnrtz and family Sundaycd ut Charlie IVisbles. Tom Simpson and Miss Dollle Kasser spent Sunday evnning at Al Deckers. Misses Kll'u Holcomb and Miss Fran ces Correll has been visiting at John Holcombs. Mibs Wecsiier gave her pupils a weeks vacation. She is spending her vacation in Lincoln. Miss L.acy Decker left Monday for tiuide Rock whore she will work for Mr. and Mrs. tJarrisou. Walter and Hon Nasser returned home Sunday. They have been visit iug relatives near Guide Rock. GARFIELD George Jennings and family called on Guy Karnes Sunday. Tom Hawkins and Jim DeWitt ship ped cattle to market on 'Sunday. Clyde Simpson moved his family on theN. L. l. Smith place on Friday. Will Fisher has been on the sick list for two or three days with the la grippo. Smith Ilros , are located on the Coon ranch and Mauley Uros., moved over the river on the farm they bought. The Smiths are about to take It. F. D. No. ,'. There is seven or eight families of Smiths on tho route and none of them wants to claim each other. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Thornton has bought a new buggy. Mrs. ii. C. Cone is enjoying a visit from a sister. Georgo McUarley has moved out to Kd Umr's farm. Mrs. H. M. Parker was on the sick list a few days tho past week. Mrs. George Gleason and Mrs. John Gleason Jr., arc both on the sick list. Mrs. F.mauuol Peters Is taking treat ment at St. Fjli'abcth's Hospital at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Lano Collins, who live near the state line, have a fourteen pound son, born Fobr. i!dth. The Kensington club met with Mrs. I). Jones Wednosday. Mrs. Doudna Is tho new president of tho club. Mrs. Albert Kellum of St. Francis, Kansas, arrived Thursday to visit her mother, Mrs. G. W. Hoovor.and sister, Mrs. Eli Fowler. Mrs. Shccloy has bought some lots of Mr. Fringer and has begun building a residence. Her son, Arthur Sheeley of lied Cloud, is doing tho carpenter work. Kay Lutz, a friend of Lloyd Hunter, gave a very interesting "chalk talk" at the M. E. church Friday ovening under the auspicees of tho young people's IMble class, which is taught by Murray Uickard. Mrs. Thomas Dillin of McPhorson county arrived from Red Cloud Thurs day to visit her sisters here. She had been called to Red ("loud during the severe illness of her mother, Mrs. Miles Doyle. Mrs. Fordyce of Hostwiclc died sud denly Sunday afternoon after a brief illness. The funeral was held at the Methodist church in Bostwlek Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. E L. Darch. The deceased loft her hus band and live children. TgR I A New Store Feature For Women In Chicago and New York women who appreciate and de mand the utmost in style, quality and tailoring skill in outer ap parel go direct to the Radford Shops. And NOW, the selfsame styles and fabrics that have always characterized Radford Garments Tailor ed to Measure may be obtained HERE at your own store. As exclusive representatives of E. B. Radford &' Co., of Chicago and New York, we now offer you the complete Radford Shop Service. You can take your pick of over 5 1 RadfordStyles and 230 Spring Fabric patterns for suits, skirts, coats, dresses or capes. You can have any style any price garment you select made to your in dividual measure by the Radford Shop at Chicago prices. Come see and make selections (rqnj this early Spring display. , 1 M a iw j I Why the Bonds Should Be Voted In tho mat tor of voting bonds to the extent of SfiooiMM for the extension of our water system it is altogether titting that tho tax payers of this city should bo guided by prudence and economy. lief ore the individual makes up his mind in regard to voting upon himself extra bonds it is woll to candidly and honestly investigate the question from all sides. Ordinarily we are all a little touchy when the subject of water comes up and it is timo togo slow. At present 0111 water system lacks about 8R!00 Cd per year of being on a paying basis. In other words tho tax-payers are called upon to make good the de Heincy of SlilOO.OO by direct taxes each year. And wo have 820,000.00 invested in our water plant. No private cor poration or iudvidual could stand this loss year after year without going to the wall, All that has kept our system going soj fur 5S the inouoy taken from the pockets of the tax payer. Now the iutorest on the f 0000.00 proposed bonds will not exceed 100.00 and the 80000.00 will connect tho bpriugs with our pump which will represent the amount necessary to put our water system on a paying basis. Therefore it would seem that it will bo far easier to vote the bonds, pay tfllOU.DO per year instead of SP200.00 as at present. With the carefulluess and thoroncss with which this project has been approached it would seem that there ought not to be any objection o.vpreSHcd by a single voter. During the summer months when water is in great demand there Is no supply and coiihe(uontly just ut the time when the city could sell water and make a profit it has no goods to sell. There is not a single merchant in the city who conducts his business on that principle and it is foolishness for the city to lougorcontiuue to do business at a loss. In five years the Uurlington alor.e will have paid tho amount of these bonds and it would be using water which costs practically nothing since the pressure from the springs will throw the water in the mains without the expense of a pound of coal. Some have expressed themselves as being opposed to tho issuoing of any more bonds for any purpose whatever but if wo can issue bonds and save money it would seem that we are in duty bound to do so. Others think that if we vote these bonds it will in terfere with sewer bonds which mav bo needed in the future but sewer bonds can be voted regardless of any other bonds because there is a special provision which takes care of the con struction of sowers. Another thing a bewer would be of no boueilt what ever if there were no water to tlush it out hence the water comes tirst. Lot us save money, obtain pure water and vote for the botids. I F. NEWHOUSE PHONES: Rural GJ1. ' Hell, 131k The Doctor's Question Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dlsot tiers A doctor's first question when con sulted by a patient is, "Are your bow els regular'.'" He knows that 03 per cent of illness is attended with inact ive bowels and torpid liver, and that this condition must be removed gently ami thorouuhlv before health can be restored. Roxall Orderlies are a positive, pleas ant and safe remedy for constipation and bowel disorders in general. We are so certain of their great curative value that wo promise to return the purchaser's money in every case whou they fall to produce entire satisfaction, lloxall Orderlies are eaton like candy they act quietly, and hajo a soothing, strengthening, healing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, causo nausea, Hutu lence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea or othor annoying oil'cct. They aro osppolally good JorchUdren, weak per sons or old rolkt. TVobles, 23c. and too. Sojil only at our store Tl.o Roxall Store. The II. E. Grice Drug Co. NUMBER 10 vt nnxif ISP'" ll II wmm mm Pr""fnMlpl PIHi I I y-i ;w erg AH The Year 'round. Its easy and Daylight all the way. CALL OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. r THE NEW WAY OF SMOKING ME ATI By applying two coats of WRIGHT'S CONDENSED SMOKE directly to tho meat with a brush after tho meat haa gone through tho salt, It will bo thoroughly mnoked, will have a delicious flavor ana will keep nolia and sweet and free from Insects through tho entire summer. Wright's Condensed Smoke is a llauld cmoko and contains nothing: oxcont what Is obtained liv burnlnsr hickory wood. It Is nut tin In sauaro auart bottles only, each with a metal cap. NEVKU SOLD IN BULK. A bottle will smoko a barrol of meat (280 lbs.). For buIo by all druggists at 75c. Every bottle guaranteed. Ask druggist for FREE HOOK, "Tho New Way." Bo euro to get tho Rcnulno WIliaUT'S CONDENSED SMOKE. Mado only by lo THEE. H. WRIGHT CO., Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. 1 Wiiihiiiiiii i i. ii lj. ..ii i mi .a a m H. E. GRICE, DRUG CO. IS YOUR FARM on the MARKET ? We want a complete list of all Webster county lands for sale on straight com mission basis. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED DAN GARBER & CO., Red Cloud CHIEF Office. N a