Y JPJB1 "HWi frf ".-- n- utwsM"t,.T " 7af,r"'"" r - y - jujniw.mijiiu.iuJHiiJ.n 'ttwaitfraiCTTtiTOiMi:uJJ.wwaiWB.JJXflBgB yjrj-r r4"Jf","? !WR CHESTER S PUIS D-ArVOND fffi BnAND ! . k-3r) ft.,. i' i lv'lMi! h m 6?r? MV19B JT f Furniture of Finest Quality Always On Hand. On February 1st. We will open up the finest line of Carpets and Rugs to be seen in the Valley. Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL TOE PHONES LAM!'- t " -' ! MOM IIJIANI1 I'H.l.H, for twemv-llTO yc.ti tcirariltil 111 i:eit,tt.irM, Aiwayj kcji.-uhc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Wl EVERYWHERE UU jimr I'mrpM for CHICHI" Tl'.IVS A OIAMONI) liKANI) t'll.l.'l III Hi miilA Jom nirln no lmxr, cestui Willi MucCO iiiiiinii. Takij j o ortirn. r.ujr or your v n.....i.t ..-..I .u rr ciii.Lm-.M.ri.uH v a 8 v 9 I i' $ v I ? tt i -.1 .1 r( ii V O i mack, Prop- LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Ed. A &:a: :-::-:' ?::-: 'vW'XirW'Cw:- r-: to "The Whole Family" is extended a cordial invitation visit ourstudio and sitfor Their Photograph You can come singly'or all at once. $ It doesn't matter how or when you come only so you come soon. Single i pictures will be nice, but a group picture would be lovely. i The quicker you come the sooner J you get the pictures. THE MODEL STUDIO Stevens Brohters R.ed Cloud. Nebraska. :i:s:?'rew:-:is::? I 3 s s s While They Last 20 per cent Discount HORSEBLANKETS AND LAPROBES 20 per cent Discount ) P. L. Ha.nsen, Prop. Vj Successor to A. C, Slaby Red Cloud, Neb. (Continued from First Fage I I Senator Itoagan of Omaha hits iiitro- Report of the Comlitlon npiiii Vebsler County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. I'liiirur No. lot'i incorporated In the Mali of N(llll.lk.'l 111 lllll clow Of hllrillll'SS I 'I'll. IT. 11)11. m:snt'i:iKM- Loans iiiul DiscounlN :iil,7n:.(L"i Overdraft, hi cured and iiustcurnl lWi.ll l'iiriiittin mill l-'ixtiti-M ,:w.w I'lirrriit cxpcnsis mid taxes paid I.iMI.'Ji; Doc from national mid statu banks J-'j t'.'l.vj 1 'urn ni'y . . .. 'i.'i'A.W HIIxt, ulcki'ls and i't nit ;r!.7il lotal rush on bund V l.ilul I.I Villi. I 1 10: Capital Mori; paid in Undivided prollln Indlvldiiiil doposllsHiiliJi ct Kictiprk .Vi.lyi.fi lUiuinudiiud Tliuu rurtlll- fiitt'h ill deposit ll.rj.i.H) Tolnl dcpoilln . 'JS.III.OTi ? U l,08ti J) . fci'i.tXJO.UO II.IH7.HI fil,fi!IS.W S'JI,0CB.l v Total SI'ATKOrM'.IIKASICA 1'iiiiiity il Webster. I.S. It. I'i.oiia.nck, cnsliliir of Ibu above named bmik, do hereby Hneur that Mm above hlalein.nl Ifi a correct mid Irua ropy of Hie report niudii to (lie Mule lluul.lin; Hoard. s. it ri.oitANci:, ii'Kii. Cashier. II. I''. Mli.it, lilnctoi C..I. I'oi'K. IMneloi. Subherllxd and sworn to befoie me this Jlsl iln of Itbr. IHtl . II. .SKI.I. i:s, im:ai) Notary 1'iibllc. Order to Show Cdusc The new Furniture Dealers. miilr cil Nebraska Webster County ' In Hit ouiiiv nun. If you need anything in the line of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Lino leum, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Lace Curtains anH the cele brated Kirsch Sash and Curtain Rods in any finish. Undertaking a Specialty. We are in shape and will save you money. s s s s s s s s I Hills lmvu been introduced in Hie lliouso and bonuto proriditiK for elmiiK- duocila Mil whlcli Ims for iUs object i"" '" , imnK Kuaranteo mv passed tlm biispenshiii of tin- s o'uloclt uIiisiiik i Uy tlu' la9t ''Klslaluri. TI10 law was i..w i.v.i vnii.nf ilui i.eonle iii tmviis ' (H,1' I'l'ccntly sustained hy tlio I'nlled liiivinK over .',00(1 population. (Ivor in tliu house llepiesontative (laltof liny county lias introduced a hill tor a pro posed eoustitutional amendment for statewide prohibition. It is hardly probahlo Hint either uutasuie will pass, while it is quite possible that both may be indefinitely postponed. (jov ernor Aldrleh would bo pretty npt to veto the former, oven If it should pa.su. Legal executions will continue in Nobnibliu, the house having defeated a bill by an overwhelming majority to abolish capital puniHhiueut. Almost an entire day was dovotwl to a dlsuus bion of the measure, limvever. The' ioinl eommittoe ol the house and senate appointed to investigate the alleged Omaha election frauds re turned to Liueolu L'rday. Senator Al bert, chairman of the hcnate end of the committee, was called to iowa be cause of the seiious illness of his mother, however, so that it is hardly probable a report will bo submitted before the lattor part of the week. County oiiloials who have entortalu- ed aspirations for Increased salarlts through favorable chauges intno pres ent laws are apt to be disappolutod. Already meusurcH to Increase the pay of county attorneys aud county assess nru have been dofeatod in the house, btntes bnpreme Court, and any chang es that might now be made would pro bably have tuoulTect of again tieinglt up for an indefinite period lhcie are three apportionment bills ponding in tlio senate, Senator Hong land having introduced the llrst one and tlie others being by Senators Al bert and lMncolt. The indicaTions are there will bo a hard light over this quest ion bo fore it is disposed of. A'l :i County four, held at the Couut. Court room fu mid forxald iiiiiiity Monday, rehrunry (1th A. I)., imi. In the matter of tb estate of niiuer K. Harvey, Deceased. ONrendliiandllllnutlie petltloliof i:ml I.. Ilnrvey. Illedon tbeOlh day of l'ebrua A. I)., lull, prajlni; for tlipexatiilnatlun anil allow auee of her final account of the sauir dale, adeereof itshlKiniient of the lands Ik Imiifliig to said estnto to the jiersons entitled to the Haiue. mi order distributing the residue of peroonal estate and there uion an order dlsi'harRlni! her from lurtber burden ami Ncrlrclu lift s.ililotlleeasiiilmlulslralrlx. Oiim.iii 11, I hut Widnesdaj the 1st day of March . I) mil. at one o'clock p. mi.. Is assigned for hi arlii,' said pi till. m ulna all peiMiiu Initiated ln.s:ilil matter tmiyapinar at 11 Counl Court to bo held In and for said count) Mini show eiuise h, pr.i.MT of pi tlllniier should not lo Kruiited. and that notice of Hie prudenci of sulil pdllloti and tin beiirliu; I hereof be jjlien to all persons Intetestid In said matter, by publMiInt' a copy of this order In tlio lied Cloud Chief, a weakly newspaper printed In xald county. for three const cutle weeks prior to said duj of hearing. si:.w. 1. w. Imisos County .ludsp Order To Show Cause. 1 Stuie of Nebraska. I ,. n.,. .,, ,. ,., Webster Countv. I "lle ' ouro t ourt At a County Court held at tin County Court room in and for said county Monday February (Uti A. I)., mil. iNtha matter of tha estab- of llauiiah Saunders, Deceased. ON readlna and lllliii; the petition of Sum uel Saunders tiled on tlietltli day of I'ebitinry A. D., mil, praylni; for the eamlniition and allowance of his llual account of tliesiiuie date, a decree of aHslynment of the lands be loiiKlin; to said estate to the persons antitled to the same, and there upon an order ills ehartjIiiK him fiiim fin ther burden and ser vice In hit said otllceas administrator. oitiiKUFii. That Tuesday thevwth dm ol February A. I)., mil. at ten o'clock a. in., IsashlmiiM for hearliiu mid petition, when all persons liiteroleri In said matterma appear at a County court to be held In and for wild counlj and show cause why praer of pell- tloiiersliouldnot beuranted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the bear ing thereof be given to all peisons .Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in the Ked Cloud Chief, a weekly iimys- papor printed In bitlit county, for three con ccutlve weeks prior to said day of bearing. IHFVI.l I. V. IIDSUN CountT Judeo. ATKINS & BARBER w .A.vyNAvNA'i J FERE INSURANCE POLICY r&2r I. W 3 mWU mmwlv '"" .--'?ya-,a-?ya,a'is'S'?'Jr,j'iT"'s,4a"jr'a v s rS "'. Don't Delay Ordering a lire Insurance policy from us a singlo day. Fire isn't going to stay away becuuso you nre not in surod. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to be without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you n policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The tire fiend may. have your house down on the list for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY Reliable Insurance. rn ft & ik) to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E very thin$ IN atables I carry a coir- cte line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rode Prices. It is hard to forecast jttst wlmt wil be tho outcome on the Initiative and referendum bill, although there is no doubt but what It will go through in some form. Senator Sidles bill, S. P. ISO 1. passed tlio senate last week by a vote of 20 to o, seven members being absent at the time the vote was taken. Tlio measure is now in the house, but a hard light is being made on sections of it and it may be returned to the senate in quite n dttlerent form from what It was when it went to the house. ltenicbontativc S. O. Itassutt of Buff alo county, who voted against capital removal, is having u hard time of it. Kearney, the county seat or his coun ty, is a prospective candidate for tho future capital, and since ho voted against what Is regarded as tlio inter- CATARRH "ise-y and bills nll'eoting the salaries of other ! csts of his own community the people ofllcers are apt to meet tho same fate. The sheriffs of t lie statu hart a measure In to suspend the anti-pass law 60 far ib they are concerned, but one vote us all tliat could bo mustered in Its favor. out there have been Hooding him witl protesting petitions. On tho other hand tho houso has expressed its ap proval of the member from ltulValo through a vote of confidence in his Integrity Order to Show Vaus. Hiate of Nebraska, i T.. (..,,,. ,.,,,,-, Webster County, i "' ' "" l '"t l ourt At a County Court held at tlin ouuty Courtroom In and for sulil count) i'rlday, February 10th A. I)., mil. is tba matter ol theesiatt of Ihomusir (ulKitle Dd'aased. On readlmsand illing the petition of An diew.l. Macellled on tha Kith day of Fb ruary A. D., nut, priolui; for the anamina tion and allowancoof his llnal account of tho hninedate. anorderdlHtrlbutlmj the nmldue of porsunalehtuteand ihere upon an order dlacharRlni; him from further burden and tervlca In his snld oilier as admlnWlrator with Will nuuexed. )ltl)i:ili:ii, that IuimIm) tbu 7th day of March A. D. mil, at one o'clock p. iu s aiwRncu inr nenrinic said petition when nil persons Interested In said mutter may ap pear at a County Court to lie held In and for said Cunuly and show causa by prayer of petitioner should not bo itrnhieil; find that notice ol the pcndeiiP) of said petition and tbehearlns thereof be vei to nil persons Interested In said matter, by publUhlm; a copy of this order In limited Cloud Chltf. a Weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three couiocutlve w f ek prior to Mild day of lirarlm;. I. W. lillsOS 'a'1 Count) Indue, 5tf-oo Zzz?) 58 ra S 5 &J?5B to to In a (iroeery More more than in anything else, buyers shouhi demand Absolute Cleanliness. cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, ill-kept place and be snro o $ Cleanliness Yoi pure goods Cleanliness'and sanitation nre our hobbies. eecseeeeeeeeeeeecsC'' M to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to bF S-s c a E.-2 tic 2 2S S 2 u 5 2 HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into the noatrlla la quickly abaorbad. GIVES RELIEF AT ONOE. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tho diseased inenibruue it suiting front Catarrh and driv en uwuv n Cold iuihe Head quickly, ltrstolbs the Menses of 'Tasto' and 8moll. It is easy to tihC. Contains no injurious drugs. No mercury, no cocaine, no inor. iililnii. Tho household roiiirdj . Price, Till cuiits at DruggistH or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, GG Warron St., New York. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. -4 ; " i iJsij THL Read the adds in the Chief . rNrxy Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds! Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. FOR SALE HY YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avonue Meat Marhot Widow's Pension. The recent act of April 10th. 1008 glvos to nil soldiers' widows a pension of 512 per month. rYed Maurer, the ttnrnev has all necessary blanks. V v