The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1911, Image 6

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The Chief
C. D. IIALK, Publisher
The News of Many Cllme Told In
Short and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ.
ten Expressly for tho Busy
Man's Perusal.
President Tuft Is much pluiiBotl with
tho results of his Hying reciprocity
campaign In Ohio and Illinois.
Andrew Cnrnenlo urges early and
favornblo action by congress on the
Canadian reciprocity agreement.
Tho election of United States sena
tors by direct vote of the people 1b
favored by former President Iloosc
velL Tho McCall bill, carrying into effect
tho Canadlun reciprocity agreement,
has reached tho lloor of the Iioubc and
probably will be passed at once.
Tho reciprocity agreement with
Canada was ratified in the houso of
representatives through the support of
an almost solid democratic vote.
Cardinal Gibbons was appointed by
President Taft to bo n member of
tho board of Indian commissioners to
tako tho placo of tho lato Archbishop
Only sterilized and pnstuerlzed mill:
may be used by tho government clerks
at Washington for their lunches here
after, as an order has been issued to
that effect.
By a vote of eight to three, tho sen
ate commltteo on pensions havo
agreed to report to the senate the
Bulloway general pension bill, which
already has passed the house.
Tho Joint resolution naming San
Francisco as tho place of holding tho
next exposition In 1915, In celebration
of the opening of tho Panama canal,
passed the senate without opposition.
A number of Cheyenne and Arnpa
hoo Indians from Oklahoma, In charge
of Commissioner Valentine, called on
the president to confer with hint re
garding tho proposed taxation of their
Postmastor Oenornl Hitchcock has
received a petition from tho Ancient
Order of Hibernians asking him to
prevent tho circulation through the
malls of postenrds offensive to tho
Irish race.
Tho senate has passed tho bill ap
propriating $2,000,000 a your for the
purchaso of land for forest reserves
in eastern statee and especially in
tho Whlto mountains nnd southern
President Taft has sent a message
to congress vetoing a Joint resolution
authorizing him to rclnstato former
endets of West Point mll'tary acad
emy, who wero convicted of having
violated tho law prohibiting hazing.
All farm animals, excepting sheep,
showed an Increase In averago value
per head on Jnnunry 1. compared
with their value on that dato In 1910,
according to tho department of agri
culture. Mulos showed the greatest
increase In value, It being $5.78, or to
$125.62 per head.
Ell'ott Northcutt, the newly np
pointed American mlnlstor to Mica
rngua. has assumed his post.
Dob Moines has put a ban on cold
storage eggs, and nono can bo sold
until nfter ofllclal examination.
A large number of NebraskanB will
nttend tho mooting of superintendents
at Mobile, February 23 to 26.
Tho Oregon plan for tho election of
United States senators passed tho
Iowa Bcnato by a voto of 31 to 16.
Tho contract for a loan of $10,000,
000 to Honduras by American bank
ers has been signed In New York.
Tho roundhouse and sixteen loco
motives of tho National lino burned
at Monterey, Mexico. Saturday night.
President Taft and ex-President
Roosevelt nro both 7.ealous ndvocatea
of tho American boy scout movement.
Clara Burton, founder of tho Amer
ican Red Cross society, who has been
111 for several days, Is reported much
Mr. nnd Mis. Ifytnnn Hcrkowltz and
their live children were killed by Il
luminating gus in their homo In Phila
delphia. A convention of women held at
Pierre. S. D havo taken first steps
towards the organization of a "wo
man's party."
Tho nlant of the Maquoketn, la.,
Water company, on account of floods,
Is FhuL down nnd tho c'ty faces u
water famine. ,
Huron Albert S. A. Rothschild, head
of the Austrian branch of tho Roth
schild house, Is dead at Vlcnnu. He
was born In 1844.
Sovcntcen lives wero loBt in the
explosion that wrecked tho Cokedalo
mine of tho Carbon Coal and Coko
company nt Trinidad, Colo.
Mrs. W. S. Corsu, of Whitehall, ill.,
has Just paid $3,500 for a Pcrcheror
draft marc, tho highest prico over
paid for a mare of that breed.
A movement has been started by
tho churches and Christian endeavor
unions of Chlcngo to relieve mall
clerks nnd carriers of Sunday work.
Permanent headquarters havo been
opened at Cincinnati from which tho
work of booming Governor Harmon
Tor president In 1912 will bo directed.
An ordor fro mthe management ol
Emery-Blrd-Thnyer company, tho big
Knnsns City house, forbids tho use of
puffs, hangs, paints, etc., by Its sales
The Most Rev. Patrick John Ryan,
archbishop of Philadelphia and Metro
politan of Pennsylvania, died Satur
day at the nrch-eplscopal rcsldcnco in
Mrs. ' Zerelda Samuel, elghty-slx
yenrs old, mother of Frank and Jesse
JnmcB, the former bandits, died on a
St. Louis & San FranclBCO train nenr
Oklahoma City.
Mrs. J. A. Moss, of TIgnall, Ga..has
not taken n mouthful or food or a
particle of liquid nourishment foi
forty-six days, yet physlclnns say hei
heart action Is perfect.
An unsuccessful attempt was
mndo on the lifo of Alejandro Ler
roux, deputy nnd chief of the repub
licans at Darcclonu. Spain, as he was
on his way to a meeting.
Tho McCurtaln county court house
at Idabell. Okln., collapsed, fatally In
juring two men and causing a loss of
several thousand dollars. Rains un
dermined tho foundation.
Philip W. Rusby, a night watchman
nt tho state house at Lincoln, was
What la Going on Hire and Thar
That la of Intarost to tha Raad-
ara Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Cozad. Governor Aldrlch hns been
nsked to assist In checking the epi
demic of smallpox which has stricken
this community, and In this request
tho statement Is made that tho con
trol of the disease and the enforce
ment of proper protective measures
has passed beyond tho control of the
local authorities. A number of cases
now exist and much apprehension is
I ZniF2
ulssl i I la, V I 1
i o.n avii
KJzSiUc yU
Is Held Without Ball.
Mndlson. The 'preliminary hearing
of Henry Stchr, chnrged with the
murder of his four-year-old Btep-son,
Kurt Stehr, waB hold before County
Judge Wllllnm IlatcB. He was bound
over to the district court, ball being
dented. Stehr Is the step-father of
Kurt Stehr, whose feet wore so badly
frozen during tho blizzard about
Christmas time that amputation was
After in vnin trying to take up tho
consideration of tho Initiative nnd
referendum bill and after half an hour
had been wasted In a discussion as
to which end of the bill to take hold
of, the Iioubo has voted to put off the
heavy labor until next Monday after
noon. It then grappled with Quacken
bush's bill to enact Into Nebraska
law the Iowa tax ferret law, which is
now before that body In an effort to
securo Its repeal. No conclusions
wore reached, discussion of the prin
ciple of tax collecting Involved taking
up all the time and several members
being still loaded with ammunition. It
will become the first order of busi
ness In tho next committee of tho
Idaho 8enator Relents In His De
mands for Continuous Session,
But Question Comes Up
on Friday.
taking liquid physic or big or little
pills, that which makes you worse
Instead of curing. Cathartics don' t
cure they irritate and weaken tho
bowels. CASCARETS make the
bowels strong, tone the muscles so
they crawl and work when they
do this they are healthy, producing
right results.
CASCARItTS ioc a box for wtfkj
treatment. All drupgUU. Dltfetell
In the world. Million boiea month.
Contest Involving $150,000.
Droken Dow. The Booknau will
contest, Involving the sum of $150,000.)
was brought Into probnto court before
Judgo Charles II. Holcomb. Ixwls
Booknnu was killed by tho cars last
Octobor at Hazard, and when his will
was opened It was found that Jennie
Booknau, a half-sister with whom he
had formerly lived In this county and
later at Lincoln, hud Inherited all of
the property.
Tax Ferret Bill.
Quuckenbush Iiub had a bill on gen
eral file for ten dnys, relating to
methods of listing taxable property in
tho state. Ho has had It put down
from time to time but hns asked to
havo It considered. The bill is copied
from tho Iowa law and provides for
a tax ferret who shall for a consider
ation ferret out hiddch property for
taxation purposes, and provides thnt
the county treasurer shall place such
hidden property on the assessment
rolls any time it is found unless moro
than five years since tho escape has
elapsed. The ferret Is to get 30 per
cent of all taxes collected on proper
ty which has been hidden from tho
regular assessor.
Against Parcels Post.
McCook. The merchants of Mc
Cook havo declared themselves unnnl
mous against the local parcels post
mensuro proposed In the present con
gress. Tho McCook Commercial club
hns expressed n similar opinion oX
the proposed legislation.
Escape While Watchman Telephones,
loxlngton. Thieves broke Into tho
store of Lembach & Welse and stole
about $200 worth of silks. The night
watchman heard the parties, but they
escaped while he went to phone.
Probing Committee at Omaha.
Two legislative committees, con
sisting of five from the senate and,
five from the house, are taking up tho
Investigation of election frauds In
Omaha, under the charges made by
Governor Aldrlch in his special mes
sage to the legislature that there wero
wholesale frauds in Omaha, and that
the number of votes enst in the Third
ward at the last election was nearly
three times as large as the number
of males of voting age. The hearing
began at the Paxton hotel Monday.
Washington. That the prejudlo
against tho negro is Just as intense In
the north us In the south, and that the
north plays the hypocrite In its con
tentions to tho contrary, was boldly
and bluntly assurted in the senate by
Senator Borah of Idaho. Mr. Borah'i
decalrations regarding the negro wort
made at the close of n prolonged
speech in opposition to the Sutherland
amendment to the senate resolution
providing for the election of senators
by popular vote. That amendment
would have the effect of giving con
gress control of senutorlul elections.
The Idaho senator's pronounce
ment on race problems was mado in
response to the recent assertion of
Senator Root that without tho Suth
erland provision the resolution would
deprive the southern negroes of fed
eral protection In the exercise of the
franchise. Mr. Borah dissented from
the Now York senator's view and in
doing so used language which dieted
congratulations from many senators.
To Head Off Filibusters.
New Orleans. That the United
States government Is going to put a
Btop to filibuster expeditions from
New Orleans nnd other gulf ports to
Central American countries was In
dicated when an Investigation was In
stituted before the federal grand
Jury In the matter of the departuro
from this port, December 22. of tho
steamer Hornet for use In tho Hon
duran revolution. The proceedings
wero Instituted by tho department of
justico at Washington.
three and one-hall months' duration each.
The first to le&ye New York Nar. 1. 1911.
and (he teeond from San f raaclsc res. 1 7.
1 9 1 2. by the large tram&tlanUo steamer
"Cleveland" SATS
liclndiii All Eiitaiei Aktari ill Asian
U'Hll fir ItlultrttiJ Bnlttn
Broadway. New York. P. 0. Ill 1 7S7
Lincoln. Prof. Frank J. Phillips,
head of tho forestry department of
tho stato university, committed sui
cide Sunday night or early Monday
morning, by turning on tho gas Jet
in his room nt 18 9 K street. His body
wns found Monday morning by Mrs.
Difficult to Settle.
Members of the legislature find It a
rather dltllcult task to settle for them
selves Just what their constituents de
sire them to do. Just at present tne
houso members are being bombarded
by petitions upon tho Sunday baseball
question. Some of the pcltlons re
quest them to voto for the Bartllng
bill and others ask them to vote
against It.
"What ought a member to do?"
asked Representative Eastman, as ho
looked up this morning from a pile of
petitions he had Just opened. "Here
Is ono signed by fifty persons asking
mo to vote for the bill. Here's an
other with exactly llfty-llvo names on
It asking me to vote against the bill."
To Pipe Oil From Wyoming.
Wyopo, Wo. The Wyopo Pipe
Line company, capital stock $10,000,
000, has filed artlcels of incorporation
and will, it is assorted by its Incor
porators, engage in the Immediate con
struction of plpo lines for tho con
veyance of oil from central Wyoming
fields to the railroad, and ultimately
will bulUl pipe lines from these fields
to Omaha, Lincoln and Denver to
compete with the Standnrd Oil company.
Happy but Perplexed Father Thought
Himself the Possessor of
"There's nothing llko temperance,"
said Mnyor Shank at a temperance
dinner in Indianapolis. "Take th
case of John Humphreys.
"Humphroys, nt a supper, drank
more than was good for him, and ar
rived homo at 2 a. m. In a rather un
fortunate state.
"Tho family physician met him at
the front door.
" 'Humphreys ho said, 'I congratu
late you. You are a father again.'
"And tho physician led Humphrey
upstairs to Cho nursery, where th
nurso proudly exhibited a fine infant.
"But Humphreys, lnstend of mani
festing RooBevcltlnn Joy, frownea.
swore and left tho room.
"The next morning, when he again
snw the newborn child, ho showed
amazement nnd perplexity.
"'But, nurse,' ho Bald, 'where is the
other one?' "
Cook will havo electric lichts In tho
found dend on tho first floor of thnt i noar future.
building, his skull fractured by a fall j A p,nn ,8 ou foot t0 number the
from either tho Becnnd or third floor, i gtrect8 ot Geneva
-Magazine publishers declare that , Tho TecumBch "Cominercial club hn,
tho passage of Postmaster General rn,scd ft neftt gum for ft ncw au(,.
IIIICIICOCKS proposition 10 ruiou mu
General News.
The Iowa legislature has adopted
the Oregon primary plun.
Sixty Chinese havo been deported
from Texas territory.
Nicaragua has been placed under
mnrtlal law by President Estrada.
Los Angeles has ordered 25,000
Bibles for distribution In hotels.
Federal otllcers havo arrested a
gang of counterfeiters near Somerset,
The popo Is ill and physicians have
Advised thnt no audiences be hold
for several dnys.
At least $2,000,000 will bo required
for the adequate relief of the famlno
sufferers of China.
Winona, Minn., street car employes
have been locked out as a result of
attempting to form a union.
A boxer uprising is moro Imminent
in China, it la declared, than at any
other time In the Inst ten years.
Three persons wero drowned nt
Sueboygnn, Mich., when a street car
went through an open draw Into tho
Tho trado of tho United States with
Hb non-contlcuous territories has
doubled In volumo in tho last soven
April 30th has been set nslde this
year as "Tuberculosis Day," and will
be observed In 200 000 churches In the
Tho fine of $500 Imposed on Brough
ton Brandenberg, the author, by n St.
Louis court, for kidnapping his step
ton has been utllrmed by the supreme
Tho proposed Canadian reciprocity
igrecment has been attacked In a Id
ler sent to Secretary of Agriculture
JnmeB Wilson by former Governor
Nahum J. Ilnchelder of Concord, N.
H nntlonnl master of the nntlonal
Oklnhomu's drouth of nlmoBt nix
months' duration hns been broken by
n light rain, which continued several
A plan to distribute 100,000 boll
weevil Insects In tho cotton districts
of Georgia and South Cnrollna has
been discovered, and the plague frustrated.
rate of postage on nuveriiBing sec
tions would put them out of business, j
Tho southern commercial congress
will conveno at Atlnntn. da., March 8
in 1f Tlin nrlnnttml nlilect of the
assembly will bo to demonstrate tho ! worth were bndly poisoned by Indulg
i..nrtnnr tn tho n.itlnn nf that sec I 1"B too freely in ptomaine infected
terium nt that plncc.
The machinery for the gasoline en
gine factory at Plattsmouth hnB ar
rived and Is being placed In position.
George Wheeler and wife of AlnB-
Maine to Vote on License.
Augusta. Whether tho prohibition
of tho manufacture and sale of intoxi
cating liquor shall continue under the
constitution of tho state of Maine Is to
bo determined by the voters ot the
stato at a special election next Sep
tember. By a vote of 105 to 40 the
houso of representatives passed the
senate resolution resubmitting to popu
lar vote tho constitutional prohlbitorj
amendment adopted in 1844.
Granite of tho South.
When one speaks of granite the
mind nnturally reverts to Vermont. It
Is difficult to associate grnnito with
any section of North America outside
New England, yet It must now bo ac
knowledged to tho credit of tho South
thnt Georgln, North Carolina, Mary
land nnd Virginia are producing large
quantities of stono of good quality
which insures tho South a place in
tho market at any rate.
Tho annual output Is now worth
about $3,500,000 and tho industry Is
growing. It tuny bo of comparative
interest to know that Now England'
output is about $9,000,000 worth ot
etono annually.
"Fainting Bertha," one of tho best
known confidence women In tho west,
whore sho has made her homo nnd
operated more or less, has Just boon
pardoned from tho state penitentiary
nt Jollet. 111.
Four men were crushed to donth
and live others were perhaps fatally
Injured when a roof tf a brick shod
of the UlinolB Brick company In BIuo
Island, 111., collnpsed, burying ten
men beneath It.
With practically every city in the
country represented In tho exhibition,
tho nntlonal stlo show and conven
tion of the national association of
merchant tailors of America opened
nt Washington.
The French government is much
Interested In the plan for reclproclcal
trado relations maturing between tho
two xrent governments of North
Amerlcn, while French exporters are
plainly npprehenslve.
The Summer hotel at Mocllps,
Wash., containing 326 rooms, has had
to be abandoned as the sea wall has
collapsed and left a largo portion of
the building hanging over the cllfl
and the ocean below.
Tho stato department has given
permission for tho passage of a body
of Mexlcnn guards through American
territory to protect employes and ma
terial on the dike being constructed
to protect the Colorado river.
Explosion of what Is believed to
havo been n black hand bomb pitched
tho seven members of a New York
family from their beds, wrecked tho
apartment, broke every window in the
building and drove tho two score
dwellers in the street in a panic.
Twenty-ono young men from the
ranks of tho nrmy nnd from civil llfo
nt Fort Leavenworth. Kan., will be
commissioned second lieutenants In
the nrmy.
Owing to tho appearance of the
plague near tho Russian boundary,
tho frontiers havo been closed and
I Guarded
canned saner kraut.
Mrs, George Brown of Nebraska
City, in n.fnlntlng spell fell against a
Btove. broko her nose and cut n long
gnsh across her forehead.
An Institution to be known as tho
German-Amerlcnn Sufo Deposit and
Trust company has been organized In
Bentrlce with a capital stock of $200,-000.
Fred Fleckmon, a 7-year-old Crete
hoy, nenrly lost an eye when a but
ton "buzzer ho was spinning burst
nnd a Bharp fragment lodged In thnt
Lincoln hnB been selected for next
yenr's meeting of tho Nebraska hard
ware dealers and S. A. Sanderson of
thnt placo was chosen president of
tho association.
William Wullonwabor was found
dend of heart dlseaso In his homo at
Seward. His father. Philip Wullen
waher. died suddenly of the disease
two weeks ago.
Sewnrd hns been promlsui n new
Btatlon by tho Burlington thnt will
conform to tho needs of the business
and also to tho substantial growth tho
town Is making.
IhjwIs Wullenwnber. n well known
farmer living nenr Seward, was found
dend In his homo by his wife, who
hnd been to town during the day.
Heart disease Is believed to have
been the causo of death.
A mysterloiiB marauder hns been
frightening Hastings women by mak
ing untimely calls nt residences while
the men folks nre from homo.
Tho Culbert8on irrigation ditch, the
;argcst enterprlso of Its kind in south
western Nebrnskn, has been sold by
United States Senator Buckley of
Connecticut to Chicago parties for
Hlshop Georgo A. Beecher of tho
Episcopal church, whose headquarters
aro at Kearney, has been appointed
chaplain of tho Second regiment, No
No More Trading Stamps.
Housh's bill to prohibit raffles and
the use ot trading stamps was recom
mended for pnssage by the almost
unanimous vote of the committee.
Evans declared that trading stamps
were dishonest In that the prico ot tho
article was put up to cover the cost
of tho prize and the conditions Im
posed nre such that only a small part
of tho stamps are redeemed. Skeen
was against the bill because he want
ed the right to buy baking powder
if he desired with which dishes nre
given away. Taylor of Merrick said
thnt if it would prohibit piano prlzo
contests nmong newspaper owners ho
was in favor ot It.
The Locusts Are Coming.
Lawrence, Kas. Seventeen-year-old
locusts will visit Kansas within tho
next three monthB, .according to Pro
fessor Pagenn, of tho department ot
entomology of tlio University of Knn
sas. The locust, he predicts, will ap
pear first In the eastern part of tho
state, probably about the last of May.
Seventeen years ago this string Kan
sas suffered a vibTtation of tho pest.
Analysis of Capital Removal Vote.
Annlysls of the vote cast In tho
lower house of the legislature upon
the capital rcmovnl bill last week re
veals tho Interesting fact that a largo
majority of the members from central
and western Nebraska wero opposed
to tho measure. It has been claimed
for some time that the capital removal
issue was not seriously regarded in
that part of the state, and the roll
call bears out this assertion.
Senator Tanner's Bill.
Senator Tanners bill providing for
tho re-location of county seats hns
been killed In the commltteo room.
Substnntlnlly the only chnngo con
templated in tho measure, introduced
by the member from Douglas, was In
tho majority necessary to swing the
removal proposition, the required
threo-rourthB ns now called for being
cut down to three-fifths under the
Tanner bill.
Liquor Law Held Legal.
Topeka. The supremo court holds
the new liquor law constitutional. Tho
law prohibits the sale of liquor for
medicinal or mechanical purposes.
Will Receive Investigation.
In addition to tho Investigation now
being carried on as to tho advisabili
ty ot moving tho state university bod
ily to the state, farm enmpus and tho
advisability of maintaining a depart
ment of medicine, the connection be
tween tho so-called university school
of music nnd tho university may re
celvo somo attention. State Auditor
Barton has made the unchallenged
declaration that this school Is a dls-
Rioting in Portugal.
Oporto. Serious rioting occurcd fol
lowing n meeting of the Cntholic asso
ciation and mnny persons wero wound
ed. A mob destroyed tho offices of
tho Catholic newspaper, La Parole,
and the hendqunrters of the work
men's Catholic club. In consequence
of the rioting, the civil government ol
Oporto hns resigned.
Faints Away on Stage.
Peoria, 111. Stnndtng In the wings
wnltlng her cue just before the rise of
the curtain. Blnnche Wnlsh. tho well
known nctress, fell to tho stage In a
faint. Her condition Is considered ser
ious by locnl physicians. A capacity
house was turned away on account of
Miss Wnlsh's sudden Illness.
Always Worrying.
Tho Into John II. Barker, ot Mich
igan City, who loft a fortuno of ovor
$30,000,000 to his 14-year-old daughter,
was strongly opposed to speculation.
"Do not speculate," Mr. Baker once
said In an address to young men.
"Speculators stand on shaky ground.
Thoy know no ponce."
Mr. Bnker smiled.
"In fact," he Bald, "a speculator l
always worrying about tho monoy
market, whllo his wifo is alwayB wor
rying about tho market money."
Tho man In the church with the
roving eyes looking over the bulbous
noso Is pretty sure to be strong on
tho doctrines.
Flattery is a sort of bad money to
which our vanity gives currency.
Calls Captain Peary a "Fake."
Washington. Representative Macon
of Arknnsas, spenklng in general do
bato on the navnl appropriation bill
in tho house, made an nttaek on Cap
tain Robert E. Peary, denouncing him
as a fakir and declaring that ho
"should bo driven from tho naval service."
tlnctly private enterprise, using tho
braska national guard, with the rank brand of tho Btato for Its own prlvato
of captain. J financial gain.
Widow of Brlgham Young Dies.
Salt Lake City. Harriet Barney
Young, who beenmo a brldo of Brlg
ham Young in 1851, died hero at the
ago of eighty years. She was ono of
tho Inst survivors of the widows of
tho Mormon leader. The ono still llv
Ing Is Eliza Burgee Young.
Russian Students Still Unruly.
St. Petersburg. Tho rebellion of tho
students of tho University of St.
Petersburg ngnlnst authority has be
come so serious that Prof David D.
Grimm, tho rector, ami Prof. Ivan D.
Aldrejev, the pro-rector, hnvo resigned.
Tho studonts continue still their an
noying tactics nnd one of tho lecture
rooms was so filled with tho fumes of
nox'ouB chemicals that tho professor
In charge fainted. The trouble began
when certain student privileges wore
curtailed after demonstrations offen
sive to tho government.
Can Be Overcome In Cases.
The lnfluenco of heredity cannot, ot
course, be successfully disputed, but
It can be minimized or entirely over
come In somo enses by correct food
nnd drink. A Conn, lady says:
"For years while I was a coffee
drinker I suffered from bilious at
tacks of great severity, from which X
used to omergo as white as a ghost
and very weak. Our family pbyBl
clan gave mo various prescriptions tor
improving tho digestion nnd stimulat
ing tho liver, which I tried faithfully
but without percoptlblo result.
"Ho was acquainted with my fam
ily history for soveral generations
nck, and onco when I visited htm bo
said: 'If you havo Inherited one of
those torpid livers you may always
suffer moro or less from its inaction.
We can't dodge our inheritance, you
"I was not so strong a believer in
heredity no ho was, however, and, bo
ginning to think for myself, I conclud
ed to stop drinking coffee, and see
what effect that would have. I feared
it would be a severe trial V glvo it
up, but when I took Postum and had
It well made, it completely filled my
need for a hot beverage and I grew
very fond of it
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Read "The Road to Wellville," in
pkgs. "There's n Reason."
Ever read the above IrltrrT A new
one nppeura from time to time. Thry
are srnulne, true, oud full of buniaa
i 'I