The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1911, Image 7

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    "i j ".
lad Can of Catarrh and Othir
Complloatlont. Fully Ra-
stored by Pcruna.
Mr. Chria. I
Sauer, Grand
Scribe, Grand
I. O. O. P., of
Texas, writes
from San An
tonio, Texas:
"Nearly two
years ago I
acoop tod a
position as
secretary and
treasurer of
one of tho
lead lng dry
goods estab
lishments o f
Oal voston,
Texas. Tho
a u d d e n
change from a
high and dry
Mr. Chas. L. Sauer.
altitude) to sea level proved too much
for mo and I becamo afflicted with ca
tarrh and cold In tho head, and general
debility to such on extent as to almost
tncapacltato ma for attending to my
"I was Induced to try Peruna, and
after taking several bottles In small
doses I am pleased to say I was entire
ly restored to my former normal condi
tion and have over slnco recommendod
tho uso of Teruna to my friends."
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna
Almanac for 1911.
"I have used your valuable Cascareti
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for
some time for indigestion and biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, you
will never be without them in tho
family." Edward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Tnste Goal.
Do Oood. Never Stcken.Weaken or Grlpp.
10c.2Jc.50o. Never sold In bulk. The act
ulua tnble t stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
euro or yo.'.r money back. 929
Some Good Advice for Those Daring
Mortals Who Would Do Their
Courting Aloft.
Bocuro a nlco roomy aeroplane, and
place In It nn old-fashioned sofa or
armchair. Then put tho girl In, got
in yoursolf and turn on tho power.
Do not bo In any hurry. Get far
enough up so that you enn bo prooc
cuplod for a fow moments without
It Is Just as well to strap tho girl
In. She can't get away, of course, but
you can kiss a girl In nn aeroplane
much easier If sho Is firmly socured.
Always keep ono hand on tho stoop
ing apparatus and tho other on tho
girl; but If worst comes to worst, lot
go tho Bteerlng apparatus.
Tho following schedulo, If adhored
to, will prevent ordinary accidents:
Flvo hundred feet up, hold girl's
Six hundred fcot up, arm around her
Soven hundred foot, drop ovorythlng
and hold girl, working Bteerlng appa
ratus with both fcot
Do careful, when you nllght, not to
co mo down near a church. In tho ex
cltomont of tho occasion you may for
get yoursolf and marry tho girl.
Many fatal accidents have resulted In
Jils manner. Puck.
Father of the Man.
Miss Amelia Austin listened with
breathless attention to Mrs. Amnsa
Hunting's rndlant account of tho do
ings of James Hunting, her husband's
younger brother, who had loft Wo-brook-ln-tho-HIUs
In his youth and
had become a mllllonairo.
"Whore is Jim this summor?" Miss
Amelia Inquired, at tho end of tho ro
"Ho has gono abroad for baths," ro
plied Mrs. Hunting.
"I ain't ono mlto surprised to hear
that," Miss Amolla said. "His mothor
never could mnko him wnsh his
neck." Youth's Companion.
Your tracts to tho Hottontots may
count for llttlo compared with your
acts to your own washerwoman.
The reason tho bigot advertises his
ono Idea bo vigorously is that it Is
his whole stock In intellectual trado.
Change Food When You Feel Out of
"A great dool doponds upon yourself
and tho kind of food you oat" tho
wlso old doctor said to a man who
camo to him sick with stomach trou
bio and sick headacho onco or twlco a
week, and who had been taking pills
and different medicines for tbreo or
tour yoare.
Ho was Induced to stop eating any
eort of fried food or moat for break
fast and was put on Grape-Nuts and
cream, leaving off all modlclnos.
In a fow days ho began to get bet
tor, and now ho has entiroly recover
ed and writeo that ho s In bettor
health than he ban boon boforo in
twonty years. This man is 58 years
old and sayo ho feels "llko a now man
all the time."
Road "Tho Road to Wollvillo," in
pkgs. "Tbero'B a Reason."
Ever rend the nliove Iettert A new
one nppr from time to tlra. Thor
are genuine, true, and full of buau
. lifMTiS
Chicago Is to Have
CHICAGO. Chicago Is to have a
bank by women for women on tho
proposition that It Is the womoti who
do most of tho economizing and conse
quently lmvo most of tho money to
deposit. Tho originator of this bank
ing Idea Is Mrs. Antoinette Funk
While a bank owned nnd conducted
by women Is not an experiment, tho
pioneer of women b banks being in
Joplln, Mo., it Is nn experiment in n
largo city. All similar Institutions
havo been In comparatively sninll
communities. The ntinouncuniont
that it Is n women h bank for women
Is also flomowlmt of s n Inlovutlon.
as tho otnor women's banks havo
sought business wherever It could he
found, but In tho Funk bank mcn'n
business will bo tolerated If the de
positors como well recommended
Tho bank will be located at Edison
I'ark, u suburb, during tho experimen
tal stage, but tho real Intention Is to
establish n downtown bank llocatiso
of high rent nnd other oxpenscH, It
was decided to try tho Idea In tho
nJHifl tiw 7VB. At kivtsi I
City Will Pipe Water Long Distance
I . J) -J?CX
HIS 15 mo-
KANSAS CITY. Mo. With tho Kan
sas and Missouri rivers combining
to furnish water for Kansas City and
Bomotlmcs supplying moro of it than
can bo taken caro of. It Is somewhat
surprising that local capitalists should
bo negotiating for tho purchaso of wa
ter 1 HO miles away for tho city sup
ply. Efforts havo recently been made by
thorn to purchaso tho Hennott Spring
In Dallas county, Mo., with a view to
piping tho water hero to supply resi
dences with drinking water.
Reports mado to tho Intending pur
chasers by an expert sent to tho
spring show a dnily output of 104,000,.
000 gallons. Slnco tho spring was
discovered, which dates back to In
dian times boforo tho advent of white
sottlors, tho spring has been pouring
forth tho samo volumo of crystnl puro
water of tho samo tomporaturo whoth
or It wns July or January.
Tho term spring 1b misleading for
, ,- . b?W71
-P &MrO
New York's Big Bridges Are Useless
NEW YORK. After having spent
between $90,000,000 and $100,000,
000 for bridges over tho East river,
Father Knickerbocker is now inform
ed that all of this sum except about
one-quartor tho amount expended on
tho original Brooklyn brldgo repre
sents money thrown away. Tho per
sons responsible for this disquieting
statement aro tho moro or less emi
nent engineers who hao boon criti
cising tho latest rapid transit plans
of tho city.
These plans, which provided for n
$100,000,000 subway to bervo three of
tho flvo boroughs of tho greater city,
contemplated tho tiso of two of tho
now bridges tho Williamsburg and
tho Manhattan to carry theso lines
over tho river, but tho engineering
critics declaro that this Is not fenslhlo
for tho roason that theso bridges aro
Table Manners for College Farmers
YES, butI
MANHATTAN, Kan. A new courso
of study Is being prepared at tho
Kansas Agricultural College, and it
will bo Installed as a part of tho regu
lar work beginning with tho spring
torm. It la a course In table manners
and was asked for by members of tho
senior class, and whilo It Is proposed
to mako tho courso ono of the roquirod
studies for graduation ami will bo
given In tho senior class this year, It
will become a part of tho work of tbe
early classes.
It has long boon a habit with many
Kansas men to pour tho coffee Into
tho saucer, blow on it boforo drinking.
Thoro aro other things required at
tho tablo In polite society, such nn
which fork to uso for different foods,
placing tho elbows on tho table,
l Una t " I yn
1 9m M n mtu "S. m a. -
7ifoS. eWA" FK
rm 5Tvv
v -ir-sr Vi
Y--r-imHHM n
(prof " j
V V Id X.I J I
.W r P-) feerf J
A, 4
a Bank for Women
suburb under Biimllcr xpouso and In
vade tho loop when bucccss Is as
sured In discussing the project, Mrs. Funk
snld "Our bunk will oxplodo a the
ory thut hns long prevailed In tho
minds of a fow that women do not
trust women. We will demonstrate
that such n belief is n fallacy Wom
en are tho money BiivcrB of tho world
nnd wo will attempt to appeal to
those savers through our trust and
savings departments.
"Many women Fiive not only their
own money but that of their sons
and husbands nnd brothers. When
women are left dependent they mnko
special cfl'ortB to save, and we will
endcavot to show n class of this Bort
that we can help them. No Induce
ments will be made to obtain stock
holders or to attract depositors. When
tho bank Is ready for business It will
be found that the backers are women
of sufllcient (Innuclnl stnndlng to In
sure a good, found, business proposi
tion. "Our original Idea was to establish
:i hank In tne downtown huslneis dis
trict, lint for the pake of economy,
while becoming established, we de
cided to choose n suburban location.
If the business Justifies wo will havo
a branch downtown. Hut a conserva
tive policy will control nil of our
tho water supply Is really an under
ground river which comes to tho sur
face nt this point, forms u surface
river of Its own for a mile and a
auarter to Jump farther down from n
bed 111! feet above Into the Little Nlnn
gun rlvor. Tho spring (low ranches
tho river with such force that It
shoots half way over tho slrenm be
fore its waters fall to mingle with
those of tho Llttlo Nlangua and flow
away to the northward
The only practical uso made of tho
water from this spring Is nt Hrlce,
near where It Jumps Into tho river.
Thcro one-Hovonth of tho supply Is
turned Into n mill race to furnish pow
er for a mill.
The water from tho spring, In addi
tion to being puro, Is said to possess
mcdtclnnl qualities for which It has
Homo local reputation.
The plan of utilizing tho big supply
In Kansas City Includos building a
plpo lino from tho spring to tho city.
This lino would cross nearly all of
Dallas county, for tho spring Is on Its
eastern border, nnd all of Jackson
county, for tho city Is on Its western
border. Tho counties between nre
Johnson, Henry, St. Clnlr nnd Hick
ory. Tho plpo lino would probably
extend over lfSO miles.
not located on any main lines of
travel; in short, thoy do not lead to
or from anywhere.
In support of this view they point
out that nono of tho threo bridges
built within tho last fow years at an
outlay of over $06,000,000 Is used
to moro thnn a Binall percentngo
of its carrying cnpaclty, while tho
Brooklyn bridge, In splto of the efforts
mado to divert tralllc from it, remains
at tho dally rush hours tho scene of tho
worst congestion and tho most lndo
cent crowding to bo witnessed any
whero In tho world.
Moreover, nccordlng to tho vlow of
theso experts, bridges uro out of dnto
for tho purposes of rapid transporta
tion, and nro far Inferior to tunnels.
Just what Is to bo dono with theso
expensive luxuries In tho form of mag
nificent bridges, If they cannot bo
mado to fulfill tho purposo for which
thoy wero built, Ib dlfllcult to sny.
At n mark-down snlo thoy would
hardly bring 10 por cent, of their orig
inal cost, bo It Is prohablo that thoy
will remain where thoy nro In tho
hopo that tho futuro development of
tho city will bring them into grentor
maklngfn noise while drinking water,
and numerous other Items of soclnl
etiquette. Now tho young men who
aro attending tho Kansns Agricultural
College and who cat most of their
meals in restnurants want to know
about tho soclnl requirements. Tho
Agricultural Collcgo propoBos to teach
Last summer the stnto board of
education adopted a conrso of morals
and manners to bo tnught In tho com
mon schools. In nil country schools
In tho stato tho small boys nro re
ceiving dnily lessons in honesty, ad
dress and othor importnnt pnrta In the
making of nn upright, moral citizen
of good rannners In social and busi
ness affairs.
Tho 7,000 KniiBnB school teachers
wore told that tho state board re
garded tho courso in morals and man
nera of equal Importanco with read
ing, writing nnd tho rther common
school branchos, nnd tho tenchors
wero Instructed to rend up If they
did not know and do Instruct tho chil
dren how to bo good llttlo girls and
Fancy Feathers and Wings
I II o o
THOSE who make up feathers Into
fotms that ate to decorate milli
nery, look with Interest upon each
wearer of plumage and each scparitto
feather Many thousands of persons
spend their woiklng houis sowing
pasting, wiling, branding and other
wise manipulating the plumage of
birds (mostly domestic fowls) Into
new forms Each feather Is icgnrdcil
with an eye to lis possibilities In the
evolution of something new by the
manufacturers Emu ihe tiny feath
ers from the neck m tie pigeon or
peacock are haudl'il i-cpurntely, In
making up tho most expensive pieces
Just lately, tnige buttet tiles made of
these, pasted to a foundation, ooied
on tho outside and Inside of the
wlngB with the tiny feathers have
made us marvel at the work of tho
designers You can Imagine the
Hhoen of the wings and the splendor
of color. The bodies are of velvet
and the antennae of wired chenille or
gold cord.
In Fig. 1 a fancy feather pleco Is
shown, In which the form Is putely
nrtlllclal, that Is, not made to copy
any particular uatiual object, but an
arrangement of plumage from differ
ent sources Into an ornamental piece.
Tho designer must consider whether
tils work Is to bo worn at the ft out,
back or sides of a lint. The pleco
shown Is made for tho front. Beau
tiful and wonderful color studies nnd
Simple Model That Calls for Either
Serge, Fine Cloth or Cash-
Sergo, fine cloth or cashmere might
bo used for our simple model, which
Is mado with a panel front laid on
Bldos In a wrapped scum, and trimmed
with buttons sown on In sets of throo
Ono tuck Is mado on each shoulder,
For Small Girl.
stitched to waist back and front; the
skirt Is gathered to wnlsthand, which
connects It to tho bodice.
Materials required: Four yardB 48
inches wide, ono dozen buttons.
Velvet Bags.
When you gathor up tho scraps of
your volvet afternoon dress, don't
throw thorn away. Make them up Into
a soft bag that should ho carried with
tho drosB. It can be square or round,
and whatever other material you wish
can bo combined with It. A long silk
cord, or silver or gold If you wish tho
metallic noto, must bo nttachod. This
1b thrown over tho arm
Beads, embroldory, little patches of
tapostry or brocades and braid or lace,
aro easy ways of decorating tho flat
upper Burfaco.
Just as a personal touch, embroider
your monogram In a clrclo or diamond
down In one corner.
Tho gloves of tan dog-skin or of
gray undressed kid are tho correct
things to wear with the tailored suit,
but tho white glove Is permissible on
many occasions and tho prettlost fancy
In a whlto glovo Is tho thick kid which
may bo bought for Jl.tiO a pair. Thoy
are Boft in texture and wear well,
VtlLZoii &
ginceful lines art brought nut In
many of these decorations now al
most UIllM'IHUl
To use thent effectlvrl), whero they
are large or elaborate, one must
choose a prnpi-r shape and color, and
remember that the hat and other trim
mlng stuffs are to be considered as a
background for Ihe feather. In the e
ample shown Ihe hct shape and rlh
lion hows all In one color and shade,
frame In the handsome piece mounted
at the front.
A small feather piece Is not used In
this wav. The other trimming select
ed for Ihe hat. leads up to It, and tho
fancy feather Is to be used us the fin
ishing touch, simply pnrt of a wholo.
Hut milliners, and therefore manufau
tut ere, are regarding with ever In
creasing favor, those feathor pieces
that are almost If not quite a com
plete dimming in themselves.
Nearly all tho wings worn on lints
are "made" wings, which term distin
guishes them from "natural" wings.
They are made so cleverly that It Is
dllllciilt to believe they aro put to
gi titer by the hand of tnnn. A pair
of Mich wlugh springing from a Imnd
of featheiH, Is Minwu In Fig. 2. Tho
band and wings form a slnglo piece
for which tho velvet draped turban
makes an effective background. Such
feather pieces mnko tho work of tho
homo milliner easy.
White or Cream Colored Voile, Em.
broldercd Heavily, Approved
Thing In Lingerie Dress.
Tho very latest news from Paris
tells us Hint whlto or cream-colored
voile, embroidered heavily, will ho
tho approved thing In lingerie dresses
for early spring. That seems to bo
looking a good ways ahead, hut If you
do your own embroldory you will wnnt
this time to got rendy In.
Really tho possibilities nro ondless
nnd fasclnntlng. Either heavv em-
broidery (wallachlan, for Instanco)
will bo used, or bcadwork with rub
ber heads, or n combination of tho
two. Cnn't you Just sco n wnll-of-troy
design, worked solid In whlto and out
lined heads? Or, perhaps, tho boads
would bo black, and a black hat would
bo worn with tho dross, or Allco blue,
or old rose, or some othor becoming
and striking shnde.
How pretty this would bo In n
three-plcco suit, with tho embroldory
consisting of n sklrthnnd, sldo plaits
on the wnlst nnd collars and rovers
on tho cont! Then thero are other
Illoas a Persian desltrn wnrUoil nut In
varl-colored hi ads, for Instance, or a
spray of henvy flowers, morning
glories or pnsslon flowers, with cen
ters nnd veins accentuated by moans
of heads In tho proper colors In this
case, tho embroidery Itsolf would bo
equally nltrnctlve In life colors or In
whlto. or ovon In black.
Then there aro nil tho metal effects.
How lovely bronzo would ho on cream
voile, or silver on pure whlto! Vollo
hns tho ndvnntngo of raveling enslly,
nnd so It would .bo quite possible to
draw a thread all tho way nlong tho
materlnls nnd work from thnt. Even
drnwnwork could ho combined with
these othor effects.
Doesn't It make you want to start
right away? Do havo a dress llko this
for next season. I'm going to!
Lace Flower Pins.
The latest in dainty and charming
pins for wear on collars and cuffs Is
a lnco flower crocheted around an or
dinary small safety pin. Tho flowor Is
usually In violet form, though In white,
and stnnds out stlflly from tho pin.
When crocheted to a violet pin, It
may he used to fasten Jabots of flow
ers, and It Is Just as pretty, though not
quite so new, as applied to tho hatpin
A sot of theso lovely whlto Inceplns
threo for collnr, two for cuffs two
hatpins nnd two stickpins would bo
tho prottlest presont a bride or n trnv
eler to Europe ever received.
Tho bar of the snfety pin Is
crocheted ovor and over to hide tho
steel, In black, with black pins, thoy
solve tho question of what to uso In
Tapestry Hats.
Tapestry-covered hats, the tapostry
In bold pnttorns of soft and old tints
on a light ground stretched tightly
ovor tho frnma, como In wldo picture
shapes and closo mushroom models
Thoy aro untrlmmed.
When Suffering From Baoknohe,
Headaches and Urinary
Tboy aro probably tho truo Bourco
of your mlsory. To keep well, you
must keep your
. , kldnoya wolt
??,rylVm. Thero Is no boU
SJJl0fy tnr virtnnv ram.
cdy than Doan'i.
Kldnoy Pills.
Tlioy euro nlok
kidneys and
euro thorn per
manently, Edward Por
acho, 1833 Clove-
land Avo., Chicago, 111., HayB! "My
eyes wero puffod from dropsy and my
faco and feet turrlbly swollon. I was
laid up for threo months and although
I doctored, I rocolvod llttlo bonoflt
Dean's Kldnoy Plllu rellovod the aw
ful buck pnlus, stoppod tho Bwolllng
and mado mo fool 100 por oont hot
ter." Homombor tho nnmo Doan'B.
For oulo by all ilenlorn. 60 cents a
box. Footor-Mllhurn Co., Huffolo, N. Y.
i mustn't color my llpu tonight, for
I'm sure to sit out half a dozen dancei
with Chnrllo, and bo's such a boy for
"Somo nlno yonre ago I noticed
emnll plmploB breaking out on the
back of my hands. Thoy became very
Irritating, and gradually became
worse, bo that I could not sloop at
night I consulted a physician who
treated mo a long time, but It got
worso, nnd I could not put my hand!
In water. I was treated at tho hos
pital, nnd It wns Just tho snmo. I was
told that it was a vory bad caso of
eczema. Well, I JuHt kept on using
everything that I could for nearly
eight years until I was advised to try
Cutlcura Ointment. I did so, and I
found nftor n fow applications and by
bandaging my hnnds well up that the
burning sensations wore disappearing,
I could sleep well, and did not have
any Itching during tho night I began
nftor a whilo to uso Cutlcura Soap for
n wash for them, and I think by using
tho Soap and Olntmont I was much
benefited. I stuck to tho Cutlcura
troatmont, nnd thought If I could use
other remedies for over sovon yoara
with no result, nnd aftor only having
a fow applications nnd finding ease
from Cutlcura Olntmont, I thought It
desorved a fair trial with a Bovore
nnd stubborn enso. I used tho Oint
ment nnd Sonp for nearly bIx months,
and 1 am glad to say that I have
hands ns clear ns anyone
"It Is my wish that you publish this
letter to all tho world, nnd If anyone
doubts It, lot them wrlto mo nnd I
will glvo them tho nnmo of my physi
cian, also tho hospital I was treated
nt." (Signed) Miss Mnry A. Bentley,
D3 University St., Montreal, Que
Sept 14, 1910.
The Pronouns.
"Wo must economize," said the
man of high flnnnclnl authority.
"Your grammar Is nt fault," roplled
tho ordlnnry citizen. "Why do you
It slst on using tho first Instead of the
fccoiuI poison plural?"
Companions In Misery.
Ella For all sad words of tongue
or pen
Stella Forgot It; I'm an old maid
with Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters for genuine good
ness when the system has
been weakened by some
severe illness or when you
suffer from Poor Appetite,
Sour Risings, Headache,
Bloating, Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Colds, Grippe
and Malaria. Thousands
have found this true during
the past 57 years. Why
not you today, but be sure
to get the genuine.
f& :
mi iff
wSSSjZSmmm' '" ',WSWfr,7aB: