The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1911, Image 4

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Red Cloud - - Nobrnsktv
entered In tlio I'oBtotllre Milled Clnilil.Ndi.,
ah Second Clii's M niter.
There ought to be at least one good
government post olllco building In
Webster county. Other places in this
district have government buildings and
tills county ought t bo represented,
Ho long as tt h. the policy to locate
public buildings in the various dis
tricts we feel that wo ought to receive
a share of the spoil.
Wo trust that those who have charge
of the programs at the In.stitutu will
glvo each speaker notleo of the time
'he is to oeoiipy and then unrryont the
program to the lutter. Where more
than one appears at any one lime It is
unfair to the speakers and unfair to
tlio luidlunee to allow more than an
hour and a half to the program.
Itoginuing Wednesday of nexi week
the Farmer's Institute will be In sess
ion and u careful examination of the
program will convince anyone that
this wlll'tie an institution well worth
iijih wiuue an
attoiull3&r Tl:
spcndtdg.n gro
I'ho Statu University is
rout deal of money in
npreadiiiilnformatton and their 011'orts
should be appreciated. I lie men who
are coming arc experienced, and are
the best material which tho'iinlvorsily
has. In connection with the institute
thore will be it lingo horse and poultry
uhow and an exhibit of vegetables and
grain. In fact this will be really a
winter fair and will be worth anyone's
time. The Instituto this year will un
doubtedly be a groat success
Uncle Sam is now u recognized bunk
or. Ho has entcrod the banking busi
ness and is ready foijeustoincrs Hole
in Nebraska wo can take our dollar
down to Nebraska City and deposit It
with Undo -Sain and if wo leave it there
for one yeai ho will pay us two per
cent interest. Unquestionably the
llrst and greatest users of the Postal
Havings banks will be tlio foreigners
who distrust any bank that Is not con
nected with the government. In time
those banks may be found in all the
cities and towns and their ell'eet will
bo to call out all money that is afraid.
The ordinary citizen, tlio one who is
ucqiiaiuted with Nebraska and the
methods of Nebraska hunkers will
have no use whatever for I'nele Sum
in his new rule.
Mr. Merchant, wouldn't you be pleas
ed to iiierijiisii jour business twenty
percent this yeai? We would like -to
see you do Hand w me willing to of
fer you the means whereby you may
bring that about. If you have some
thing good something the people want
tell them thru the columns of this
paper. There is not a merchant in
town t lut t dots not have something
which people would buy if they knew
that they could procure it at jour
store. Advertising is no longer an ex
periment. It Is a money getter. Why
do the cracker companies, the candy
people, the large mauufatures ,ull
fipoud millions of dollar ouch jour in
advertising? simply because tlioy
call attention to their goods uud the
people want them. There Is not a
business lu town but whm could nm.
k'lially increase its sales bj the judi
cious use of adieitising. The Chief,
has an excellent list ofsubscribersiind j
you can talk to them overj week and.
tell them about your goods. Try it i
lids year. Set, urdde an investment j
fund and reach out for more business !
We know that it will puj
Oddities and novelties exist in evm ,
IKS (-. i.icy Mom.
We curry a notable stock of Watch
es, Clocks, tiold and Diumoiul Rings,
and uiuuy otiicl useful and pictty
things that make a tine display in the
JEWELRY line. Our Repair Depart
meiit is also wortny of notice
aud look over our Hue stock,
Call in
Tlie Jeweler.
dy I ' .". - s- j i i
0 i ,r I
'I Inu'J Is u dlu"eronce between hav
ing it good tline and being a uulsiiuec.
Tlie dlMiidorly eoudiiet on the streets
Siitiuday nlKht was a reproach to the
good iiamo of our town and It should
not be allowed to be repeated. Once
the bars are let down there Is no limit
to the doings of those who care little
for law and order. We tin it that I ho
Mayor and Council will See to It thai
there will lie a strict enfoieeineiil of
all laws and that such scenes do not
again oecur on our streets, If our
present police foiee Is not stillleieut
let more men bo employed, lty all
means let us have order.
lust because we are having a mild
winter we uoed not work ourselves up
to a lit of frenzy. It does not follow'
that there will bo a failure of crops
this coming season. Old timers tell
us that it is absolutely impossible to
toil what the summer will be. Take
last winter for instance when wo had
an abundance of snow on the ground,
If there was anything in the winter at
all one would suppose that there
would bo an abundant crop. Hut the
outcome was wo were about twelve
inches short of our normal rainfall.
Yet there was an excellent harvest.
What couiils Is rain at the right time
and it is useless to anticipate doom
and instruction because wo cannot tell
anything about it. What counts is in
telligent cultivation of crops.
This week Man tiarber of this city
occupies desk room in the Chief Olllce
for the purpose of operating in lteitl
Estate Mr. Oarber needs no intro
duction from ii-. Ho has boon reared
from earliest boyhood in this com
inanity and few people aru in the
country who arc more familiar with
the topography, lauds, land values and
poople In Webster County, or in fact
in the Republican valley than lie. ilo
has been thoroughly ami practically
schooled in the Real l.stulc and Farm
Loan business in all Its branches and
details in days gone by. Mr. tiarber
is a trained and skillful advertiser,
and also has a wido and veiy favorable
personal acquaintance throughout
.Southwestern Nebraska. His initial
advertisement will be found elsewhere
in this idsuc.
The home of Mr and Mrs. T. M.
SliuiubaiiL'h was the scene of a very
protty wedding Thuraday afternoon,
when their daughter. Nelly, was united
in marriage to Mr. John Wccsiior. of
Red Cloud. At four o'clock the strains
of the wedding march from l.ohingrin
was played by .Miss I'Jva Kmbree, of
Lincoln, and tho groom, with Rev.
Kmbreo. euteied the room, followed by
the bridesmaid. Miss Loisshambaiigh.
and the best man, Mr. Iloltou Lelsou.
of Red Cloud Then euiiio the bride,
attended liy her father. They took
their places in the parlor and Rev
I'huhi'cc. of Lincoln, pronounced the
words which made this happy couple
man and wife, the beautiful ring cere
mony being used. Tho color scheme
of pink and white was carried out. pink
and while carnations being u-ed in
profusion. The bride was attired iu a
cteani crepe tie chine dress and carried
a shower boquot of cream colored
roses. The bridesmaid's dress wits of
pink messalino. In the three course
dinner 'which was served after the
eereiuonj, the color sehenie was also
iu evidence, Many beautiful and use
ful presents were received.
Mr. and Mrs. Weosner will livo on
tlie groom's farm north of lied Cloud.
Uefore the ceremony Hss .leanette
Djsurt rendered a beajitUul solo.
Those from nt of tuwn who were
present were: the groom's mother,
Mrs. W. L. Weosner." and his sisters,
Misses Cora and Opal, Mrs. Frank
I'erry and her brother, Rose.oe ot Red
Cloud. Also llolton Letson of Red
Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. Slieppard,of Fnir-
Held. .Miss MiiiiiI .lones-, of Mt. Clare.
Mr and Mr. I. T. Morgan and daugh
ters, of llostwick. Mr. and Mrs. .. W.
White, of llostwick, Mr, and Mrs.
A. W. While, of Host nick, Mr. and
Mrs. Shitmbiiiigh and family and Mr.
laud Mrs. Outshnll ami family, of Host-
In the evening uu informal reception
I wan held for the newly wedded couple,
Or. Trowbridge and C. II. McCregor
, delighting the guests with solos.
IMlsse Kva Kuibree ami Lois Mmm
baitgh pleased thorn with a duet and
other music was furnished during tho
evening. . A. ilui nty tji course supper
I was nerved. - Friday's Superior .lour
' mil. . , , , , ,
The Uhiof hasWns to Join John's
I many fi lends bote in extending tlio
.-...I I J l .ir....i.. ... . .
I,-. mm muni nun ouering nest, wisiles,
Mr. Weesuer bus lived in this com
munity a number of years and is high
ly icsjieeted and esteemed by all.
A4e Limit for Preachers
i iriui; ui miu reunions journals nave
deemed it necessary to raise objection
to a tacit rule of certain churches not
to call pastors over I." yeais of age.
One paper denounces it as "foolish,"
and that seems a mild term to use.
Suuh n disposition" on the part of u
..1......1. ..i ,i i . .
uiiwien oiii.vs a .siiiiinciecs U'UVC.siy yn
! coiislhU'iic).
In the (list, piano, h very
wrongly presupposes the maximum of
church UM'tnlnohS to be leaohed by or
i beforo -l.'ii that men under that ago are
th'eetivo ininisU'i'S while all oer it
are uicllcotlie In muIi a ease the
ministry becomes an isolated profes
sion, for In every othor- law. medicine
or the exclusive sciences the period
of preparation, counting early practice
as part of it. is little moro than com
plefcd by that time. Is the art of suc
cessful preaching so much easier to
muster' Is tho theory carried to its
logical conclusion not something of a
cheapening of the gospel?
The uveraue evangelical church to
day is pleading witli young men of in
tellect as well as courageous herttt to
come into its pulpits and complaining
because so fow comparatively hoed the
call. Hut what docs tho church offer
thorn? Tho glory of preaching the
gospel.' Yes, but tho church has
found that that alouois nut lilting its
pulpits with tho kind of men who can
best glorify that gospel and attract
thinking men. The ministry is, after
all, protty much of a human calling,
the exigencies of the times make itso
Then, wo give this, says tlio church:
Tho privilege of winning souls, with
less opportunity for keeping yourself
and your family In comfortable cir
cumstances uud ulmost none for lay!
tug up u competency for the future I
and, at tho ago of 15, when you should i
be just entering tho zenith of your,
useful period of service, wo
put the
ban upon you and class you
with the I
The average man who enters the :
ministry comolote.s his seinliiurv I
course, after leaving college, not earl
ier than 'JO, if us curly. Many are not
out and ready for a church before "JO,
and some not boforo flit or 111, Rut
place the average at Ji). Under tho 1.V
your limit the man lias seventeen years
of "desirable" activity beforo him.
And after that lui is superannuated
and must take what merciful suifrauce
choosos to give him. Such a rule lends
to destroy tho dignity of tho miuistry
and men; to invito ridicule; to crowd
superiority out and bring mediocrity
Into the pulpit; to glvo the meat to
tho world, the husks to the church.
No wonder the religious journals
have arisen to smite such a tendency
The church will wield tlio Intluencc it
should when it elevates its ministry,
its leaders; when it treats them as
well as tlie outside world tieats its
preachers." It would nut in ally seem
that if there is a vocation anynheie
that calls for years of .seasoned mind
and judgment, of ripened experience,
that calling is the ministry.- Omaha
Why Hesitate?
An Offer 1 hat Involves No Risk
Those Who Accent It
We are .so positive our remedy will
completely relieve constipation, no
matter how chronic It may be, that ne
oiler to furnish It lice of all cost If it
Constipation is caused l,y neaUuiss
of the nerves and muscles of tin- largo
intestines or dcscciidiiigcoluii. Toc
pect a cure you must therefoic torn
up and strengthen those organs and
restore them to healthier activity.
Wo want you to try Rcxall Orderlies
on our guarantee. They ure eaten
liko candy, and are particularly Ideal
for children. They act directly on
the nerves and muscles of the bowels.
They have a neutral action on the'
oiuer organs or gii'iuts. They do not
purge or cause any inconvenience
whatever, 'lhey will positively otcr
come chronic or habitual constipation
tlnd tlio myriads of associate or de
pendent chronic ailments. Try Itexull
Orderlies at our risk. Two sizes, inc.
and 2oc. .Sold only at our store The
Rexull Store. The II. E. Grii-e linn.
Co. I
Lessons and Exumples In kontl Bullrilnftj
Highway construction assumes pe
culiar importance in the development
of tho west where distances am great
and transportation becomes a highly
important motor in tlio cost ot pro
duct ion. Investigation of tho big rail '
road companies has shown that road
improvement always pays buck the I
farmer both principal and interest oh '
money expended, lionoml educational
campaigns for betterment of eoiintrj I
roads liuve been instituted in many j
sections of the country. In this con i
uecliou one of the most important ex
hibits of the Western Laud Products
exhibition to bo hold at Omaha Jan.
Is to '.'8 will bo devoted to the illustra
tion of improved methods of roudjcon-
.1. H. .Mullen, assistant, state eti
glucerof Minnesota, highway expert,
will deliver addresses on tlio luitUIng
of roads at the show. A series o
model roads, previously shown at the
Mincsota state fair and the Conserva
tion congrost, will illustrate the dc-i
volopnient of roads from the ancient
Indian trail to the most modern mac
adam pavement.
liov. Adolph O. Kberhart of Minin
sota uud L. W, Hill, president of the.
Client Northern railway aud head of,
tho Minnesota state highway oouunls i
slon, us enthusiastic advocates of the ,
good roads movement, huvo iiiudo pos .
slide the exhibit to be put nil at the
Omaha show.
See The Chief for-up-rjate
Job Work.
Suits & Overcoats
No Fur Coats included.
No Blacks or Blues in Suits.
ra Farm Lands Farm Loans g
ffiNe are ntw in correspondence with
prospective land buyers and wish to secure
a large list of farms at selling Prices on
straight Commission basis.
CJIf you are offering your farm for
Sale list it with us at Moving figures and get
the benefit of our free and Systematic Ad
vertising. " , ,
Chief Office.
r arm Lands
20 percent
1 Having Opened up a Real Estate and
Farm Loan Office in the Chief Office we are
prepared to List your farm and thoroughly
advertise same for sale.
CJlWe do not ask for exclusive Contract
but do ask for a list of your lands for Sale
that we may have oppurtunity of securing
you a purchaser.
Both Phones.
Farm Loans