The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 22, 1910, Image 5

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Christmas Display
Our stock of holiday iroods is now
where you can see it and we invite
you to come in. We will just name
a few of the manv things to be seen.
"J'oilet Sets. Mirrors, Stationer)',
Manicure Sets, Scissor Sets. Al
bums all Kinds, Dolls, Games,
Perfumes, Brushes, Books, Hand
Paint.ed China, Pyroraphy, Toys
and etc
We invite you to come in.
Chits. I. Gotting, The Druggist.
h'ohool will close Friday for u week.
Miss l'ureell i? isltiiiK iter niece,
Mrs. Luther Cnibill, this week.
Mr. mid Mrs. Dave Diekey of Brush,
Colo., were visiting in the city.
Miss Graee Frishie arrived home
Geo. Ovcriiitf was in lllue Mill Mon-; f" University l'lnee Wednesday,
day. Tin' ilrst real snow of the season be-
(Jeorge Untehi.son was in Trenton ! KM" fNltf Wednesday afternoon.
Monday. Wade Koontz has gono to Indiana
Dr. Thomas roturned home Tuesday, to I" holidays with relatives,
evening. (lien Walker will he home today
Mrs. Nellio Custer is homo fiom , fro,u Lincoln to spend the holidays.
Lincoln. Calicoes American Prints Five
A cent for every eal and a seal for . ee"lfc Iier yril.-Misi:i: ltno.s. and Co.
every cout. Miss Maud Wilson, sister of Vera
MrsAgues l.ongtin left Monday for W- arrived from Denver Monday.
Missoulii, Mont. 1'oit Sai.k.: House and i2 lots. For
No letter- without the seai-tlio further particulars inquire of L. P..
Christmas seal.
Don't forget tlio Fanner's Institute
January '2. 2.". 20.
W. W. Ulehaids was up from (itiide
Hock Wednesday.
Several of our attorneys have been
attending court at IMooiitingtou this
Mrs. Newbury left Tuesday for
Dallas, Texas to spend the winter with
II. Rust and family were down from , .
Illnilnii Riit.uriliiv.
.Mrs. Mittoneame down trom luavale
lifr milt In.)' Ml
t. .t ... i -i '- .-. -- - ...,.,
, ,, ., ' Mrs. Suttoneame i
J I Hamilton wvs up film (.uide Wc(Il0sdoy to vlsIt
louK Wednesday. Arneson.
A stpiare inch of good will for a cent
a Christinas seal.
KiV. Hummel attended the County
CoiniiiKsionors' nicetim.'' in Omaha
New furniture of everyde.'eription jllsl we"ef: . "r' """" '
at Atkins .v Uarber-s. v " All the great artists sing for the
IMieCoiiiity Commissioner. have heeii victor and Kdison. Hear them at
in session this week. Newhoii'.o Bros.
Chas. Crabill was in llosenioiit the Xo pack-age too big to carry the
latter part or the week. Christmas seal, and none too small to
Mrs. Charles Palmer returned from lu- without one.
Inavale Sunday morning. Mrs. Villa Koby and baby arrived
Hoy Whitakcr returned to Ilcil Cloud from Beatrice. Tnesdav evening to
Monday from California. spend Christ mas,
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses. Frank- Hall of New York state an
Satisfaction iru'iranteed. , old time resident of this county was!
The outward Mini of inward Christy this city last week.
mas joy the Christmas seal. Mr. Farmer you had better be select-
Paul Johnston arrived home from ing your best corn and other grain for
Lincoln Wednesday evening. the Fanners Institute.
Allen Tullcys of Denver was in I Two choice well improved farim.
town' .Sunday visiting friends. , olo-o to town for sale by-Sr.i.i.tns.
.. ii : i :...i i Ci tllllKR and HUIC'IIISDX.
Vern Bailor was in the city the last ,
C. B. Smith will preach at the
Bictluvn church next Sunday both
i uinmiug and evening, (.'nine.
Well improved HO acres close to town,
for sale cheap and on easy terms
Si:i,t..iis, (lAiiiuittand IUtoiihon.
Oliver Hodge arrived homo from
David City Saturday wlieic lie attend
ed the Sheriff's Association mooting.
Dr. Nellio Maurer wishes to an
nounce to the public that she is now
oeatOtin the rooms ovei the Tepee.
l'lwtu .latboe will preach at the
Bret In en chinch in (iitrtlold township
lidxt Sunday evening. All aic inutcd
i Mattic Iliiuderup spent Tuesday
visiting iclathe.s and friends at Itcdi
Cloud. Wednesday's Franklin New
J. W. Brown and wife, who have
been visiting Mrs. Chas. Kent, have
returned to their home ii. Pontine,
Al. Staby lias sold his harness shop
to l'elo Hansen who has taken possess
ion of the same. We wish you success
"Look for the label" on the really,
truly "Christinas Candy-' "iiono gen
uine," without the, Christmas seal on
the box.
Just drop in and see us. We will be
pleased to show you the niftiest line
of furniture in the valley. AiMN's X
B.uhidr. '
Soo Cutting's window showing Santa
Clans tilling Bobbie's stocking front
ills great bag full of llobeson Shur
Hdgo" Pocket Knives.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold their monthly mar
ket at P. A. Wullbraudt's grocery
store .Saturday, Dec. Ill
Miss Mary A. Coffey and Mr. John
W. Chipper, both of Lebanon, Kansas,
were united in marriage by Judge Kd
son Wednesday morning.
Use a Hull Uotachable Handle. Urn
brolla. Children si.e.s 81.00 and up.
Ladles or gents sixes special $l.2' and
up. Get them of Nowhoitse.
A crowd of young people came up
from I Jed Cloud Saturday night and
spent several hours at the skating
rink. Wednesday's Franklin News
Did you ever sto.p to think that the
most acceptable Xinas Present, would
be a neatly framed Picture, framed at
Si.os"s Wall Paper and Paint Store.
A family reunion was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah McDowell
Sunday. About 20 relatives wore
present and all repotted a good time.
Boy Bust proprietor of the Boynl
Barber shop Jiaj. installed ,1111 electric
massage machine and you are cordial
ly invited to call for a shave, hair cut
or massage. 1
Mrs. DoCamp, sister of Mrs. Kov.
(led. W. Hummel, died at her home in
Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, and Mr.f.
Hummel went Sunday to be present
at the funeral.
Monday, while Ned Sutton ii"d wife
were away from home, some person
broke into his house and stole S3 and
some other articles. There is no clue
to who did the job. '
Married at the home of Air. and Airs
N. L. D. Smith in the south ward,
Wednesday evening at 7:.'lt, Aliss Pearl
A. Ueed and Mr. Millard 11. Hutisicker.
Kov. Hummel performed the marriage
of the week visiting his father.
Farm Loans, J m "gain ifiiidy to
make farm loun at tho lowest rate
and best terms. ' I am solo agent for
Trevett, Mattis A Hiikef. Some pri
vate money.
J. H. Bailey, Bed Cloud. Nebr.
Mrs. I. W. Crary of (iuide Bock at
tended the musical given by the Welsh
ladles' choir Monday night.
Prices within the leaoli of all.
Complete assortment of reliable furni
ture. New dealers new goods .Al
M.NS& Baieiii'.i:.
Aliss Dora Shuck and Air. Hoy A.
Bailey, both of (luide Bock, were
united in marriaire by Judge P.dson
Wednesday morning. These young
people are well known in the common
ity in which they live and the Chief
joins with their many friends in ex
tending congratulations
mtM im&&s'jRK es
9m rerc m m km
-senate. -3
m& S&H:$
cii fivr? &.ZZ
UfttSF pa&
S3v esBsg sac33Kaltfw'
I k.61 L.-ftil ML'W Tm WVnW H JV fMS V
mk v:m fix7 hiib h,
lBaking Powder
Its supctiof ity is unquestioned t .
I Its fame wot Id-wide
Its tise a protection and a guarantee
against alum food
The low-grade powders are made from "phosphate alum," or "sodium alumi
num sulphate," which is also alum, a mineral acid, and that makes the food unhealthful.
One pound of the imitation (25c.) powders contains five ounces of alum, a
mineral poison.
Food hated with alum baking powders is found to contain a portion of the
alum unchanged. , ' .
The continued use of alum made food impairs digestion, causing dyspepsia:""
' The careful housewife when buying baking powder, will examine the label and take
only a brand whose label shows the powder to be made from cream of tartar,
Reeid the Label
Mrs. C. II. Bust visited in Bladen
last week. Airs. Isaac Cowley her
sister returned with her and will spend
a few weeks visiting old friends of the
past thirty s,ven years residence in
this county.
Kverjhody lnvltd to attend the
Christmas ecicises at the Baptist
church Saturday evening, Dec. 21.
Saiitu Clans will be tliero with his air
ship loaded with toys and candy.
By Order of Coin.
loiumy I ane and Bill llolllday had
a fight Saturday night which resulted
in two black eyes for Holliday and
Tommy was aticsted and placed in jail
by night watch Wondciley lie was
titled -Woo and costs in com) .Monday-
With the elimination of Hog iholera.
Alfa If, i and hogs are heiu to stay ami
prollt.iblc pori' production will be one
tho chief subjects of interest to farm
ers to be discussed at the Agrlcnltuial
.Meetings in Lincoln, January IS. i!Mt.
Air. ami Airs. (ieo. Weaver of Ft. Colo., stopped off here over
Sunday ami visited with J. II. Bobiu
sou and family and Noali McDowell
and family. They went from here to
Stella, Nebr.. to spend the holidays
with lelalivcs.
Ben (ir.fnt, who was arrested in
Omaha last week on I lie charge of
burglarizing the hardware store of
Pope Bros, of this city last November,
was taken before Judge Edsou Mon
day and released ou a bond of SS()0.
His heariug was sotfor next Alondav.
Just as much care, in fact a little
moTO, should be exercised in buying
electric-sad irons, as in buying any
thing olso. Somo irons uso more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
work. Get your electric irons of
MoRifAiiT Bnos., they carry theauthor
Ized iron. Be carcfull of "just as
good" electric irons.
Nowhouso has added auothoi- new
feature to his famous Hull I'mbrolla
line, lie is now llxed to convert your
umbrella into a Hull Detachable han
dle with a new cover, tho only expense
being "the cost of the cover you may
select. The convenience of the detach
able handle umbrella cannot be appre
ciated until tried. Covers come in all
prices Loin $1.00 to ST .00.
The cNecutive committee of the
Fanner's Institute has secured the
following speakers from abroad: Air.
W. F..Kydd of Sinieoe, Ontario will be
here two days and will judge horses
and cattle: Prof. John Bower of Lin
coln will talk on dairy matters and
Mis'jpK'ollIe .Maxwell of NhJiuih, Wl
will he here two days ami will talk on
cooking and "Domestic Science in Our
The simplicity of the Hull detach
able umbrella has made possible the
extension of this feature to jour old
umbrella. Instead of having the old
frame rccoved buy a new Dull frame
and cover complete. Let New house
change your handle into a detachable
one. The expense is merely tho price
of thSni'w cover 81.00 to S7.00)
which is no more than you would pay
for having the old frame recovered.
The Music Study Club will meet
witli Airs. (Jarber, Thuisday evening,
Jan. ,), 15)11. The following program
will b given:
Boll Call.
Biography Mrs. Caster
Piano solo Aliss (irace Coombs
oealsolo Mrs. IJiidsey
Vocal duet-Misses Anna and Jose
phine Bichards
Piano bolo m rh Heal
Selection .hh. Cunningham
Piano duet Miss Alabel Beck with.
Aliss Klla Stoiiebreaker
The Royal Welsh choir gave a most
pleasing musical entertainment Moii
I day night in the opera house. The
I house was crowded and every one do
I lighted. The choir rendered liiirh
class grand opera iiiuslo and their
voices blended most harmoniously.
One young lady possessed perhaps the
most mus'ical alto voice ever listened
lo in this city. It was full, deep,
musical mid sweet. She was repeated
ly encored and never failed to capti
vate her audience. The Chautamiua
management should endeavor to pro
cure this attraction for next summer.
Nearly allelic watch signs, probably
ninety out of. io0, havo hands set at
8:18, btft comparatively few people
know why this is. It is no accident.
W. K. Washburn, of New York, was
jmiiithig a igu for ii jeweler of that
city when the' news of the assignation
of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, I8',.r,
was re,coived in New York .and the
latter ordered the painter lo put upon
the dial the hands the exact time when
the fatal shot was tired, namely H:l8,
and so they have continued over since
Whenever you .See a sigu after this,
recall the fact that it points to the
fatal moment
( We wish to thank the people of this JjJ
ix community for their liberal patronage S
W given our store the past year and wish )(
(0 you one and a
Red Cloud, - Nebr
Is ready lo cry your sales. (Set your
dates early. He refers yon to his many
customers forrecoiiiiiieiidatlaus. Tele
graph, phoncf write or sec lilm for
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year
The Jeweler.
FffiHi Galore.
Now is The Time To Select Your Xmas
Presents OUR Stock is now Complete
With all the Seasonable Lines. Come
in and see us. : : :
Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas.
Lady When Desired.
Ed. Amack, Prop.
;ljis ready lo do tho largest business of its career this holiday season.
ij Prices have been put in tho reach of all, and we hoar that there
.;. are more people than ever who arc going lo send pictures of
,: uiciuauivui 111 IIIUU im;in.ib 1WI cl I(JIIIL.-1IIIJI1IIL.C.
is appreciated by our patrons, and we are making every effort
to gel orders out on time. Come early and you will not
be disappointed.
You will buy candy at this time
of year same as you would toys.
We are the
Candy Kids and have it to suit
y .all tastes and purses. Don't
I; you know we can and will save
' you money.
Siihscriiio for the Chief.
All umbrellas caunow he miide into
Hull liot-HelidhJo Umidle Umhrelliis
Hiid the cost will he the price of n now
cover. Cuvci'h ooit from 81.00 to 87 .(.
Seo .N'ewlioiine of ooursc
Cull itml uil iicnuiiinled ivith the
new furniture men Atkins A: Burlier
1 Tho most eompleto -jtouk of Pieturo
i MoldiiiL'N ttver eiirrled in stoek in tills
I city, over lOd ehoiee Outturns to .select
your Xniiis fininiug from.
MO-.H wall I'nper mH .aint Sfi0re
Ur. 1 . A. 1 rumble, U. 1). a. successor to r. j. s. umhw
Over Cotting's Drug Store.
At (he old stand nvav tifo
State Bank. Plionel3l.