K si Christmas Display mmmmmmmmmmmmm Our stock of holiday ioods is noV where you. can see it and we invite you to come in. We will just name a few of the many thing's to be seen. Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Stationery, Manicure Sets, Scissor. Sets Al hums all Kinds, Dolls, Gaines, Perfumes, Brushes, 'Books, Hand Painted China, Pyrography, Toys and etc. We invite you to come in. Chas. L. Cotting, The Druggist. S LOCALETTES J ('has. tirout went to ItHithiK tl' morning. I. H. llotutos left Tuesday morning for To u s. Dun Gather returned from the Hast lHst I'riilay. Lueian Krlsbie was.up from Superior over Sunday. Have you sealed your letter with u Christmas Seal? Virgo Law of Witchita. Kas vas in town this week. A square dual for all is n lied Cross Christmas Heal. The th st snow of the season fell Saturday night. liood morning: Have you usud ChriMnms Seals? Frank Parker and wife returned huine Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. MeXeny loft Tuesday on 1 1 lor Missouri. Mis. A meson returned from Inn vale Tuesday morning. Mis ,1. I,. Miner went to lilue Hill Tuesday morning. Luciel Coplon whs up from Guide Koek oer Sat m day. New turuiluie of every description nt Atkins A Barber's. Mr. and Mrs. Kruuk Cow den spent Sunday in Supeiior. I,. M. Cr.ihill went to Clippie Cteelc, Colo . Tuesday evening. Farm loans, I am again leady to make larm loans at the lowest rate anil liost terms. No delay. 1 examine the land my-elf at no expense. ILHaUey, lteddoud. Xebr- rin a : IHI ir i a i s.... V t'luu This is the chief requisite for making Perfect Bake Day Foods ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely Puro Jj ' The only Baking Pow- W (J der made from Royal IP W Grape Cream of Tartar Jg Made from Grapes IN t. No Unto Phosphato NH ftf No Alum jml W.J Lippineott and son left Tues day morning for Teas. Hay Palmer arrived Monday morn ing from Wrny, Colo. Walter Gurney and wife are the happy parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Xoblo Hull returned fium Franklin Monday morning. The W. C. T. t, will meet with Mrs. C. .1. Pope liext Wednesday at 2:.'. 'I he finest line of detachable handle umbrellas in the city at Mitchells. Calicoes American Prints Five cents per yard. Mim:ii linos, and Co. Paul Storey nt to Fremont and Omaha on business Tuesday morning. ltoscoe Sellars arrived Sunday and is the guest of his brother Alva Sellars. Call and get iioquultited with the new furniture men Atkins fe Barber. Mrs. Will Parker of Oregon arrived Sunday to visit her father. T. C Hack er. Mrs. Chas Gather anil son Douglas arrived noine from Denver Wednesday morning. Mrs. T. A. Jones came down from Alma Sat in day returning Sunday evening. All the if real ill lists .sine; for tlie Victor and I-Misnn. Hear them at Xewhouso Bros. It is pleasing to note the beautiful line of detachable handle umbrellas sold by Mitclmll. Yes, you are correct. .Mitchell tlie Jeweler has a splendid line of detach-, able handle umbrellas. Mis. Day of snlinn, Kas., arched Tuesday evening. ' They will make their home in lied Cloud. Mis. Bert .Morhart entertained her friends WediicMhu evening in honor of her si.ster, Miss I'erstcttn. James Holdsworth returned to his home in South Dakota Satuiday lie had not been here for 12 years. Philip Trout the 15. A M.. Hond Must er who has been sick foi the past two weeks is able to be out again. Dr. Nellie Mauior wishes to an nounce to the public that she is now oca ted in the rooms over the Tepee. Just drop in uiul see us. Wo will be pleased to show you the nittiest line of luriiitiim in the valley Atkin- a llviiiiun. , Prices within the leach ol all. I'umplcto assortment of reliable fund-tiii-e. ew dealers new goods Al kins A I! Willl.li. N Mil ild umbicl la made over with n d i.tch.ihle bundle at Mitchell's .1. w -'i ioie. No extra charge all in bu i the cover. i otting's window. showing ant.i tilling Hobble's stocking ft in his gnat bag full of Itobeson Mini Dilgo" Pocket Knives. Kolt Sm.i. -A l! Horse Power Whitty (.asuliiie lhigiue, Dynamo and Switch Hoard completed, (iood as new. Inquire of Amv Haiit. j Uoy Ilnst. proprietor of the .Royal , Barber Shop is running four chairs and invites you to call if you want a good shave or hair cut. Use a Hull Oetauhable Handle Um brellti. Childien sizes 81. HO and up, Ladies or gents sies special ol.tl."! ami up. (lot lliein of New house. The Ministerial I'liiou will meet .Monday, Dec. 12 at U;:Si in the study of the Uev. Hutes. Uev. Tompkins of the M. li. church will lead a paper, I'ho Farmers' Institute has been ad join tied to January J1, i!.", LO. A horse ami poultry show will be held in con nection with the institute. Plan to attend. The Royal Neighbor surprised Mr. and Mrs. chas. Grout Monday night by going to their home with well tilled baskets and taking up their abode for a time I Dr Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly lltted at Dr. Daiuerell's otllce in lied Cloud Tuesday, Dee 'ioth. All umbrellas can now be tuado into Hull Detachable Handle Umbrellas and the cost will be the price of a now cover. Covers cost from SI (X) to 7.00. See Newhouse of course. The Huroka Dally Herald says that Chris Hansen "Is certainly thegrcatest Violinist who has evrr appeared be fore' an Eureka audience." At the Congregational church Doc. tlt.li. W. M. Irons and wife of lnavale, Ne Wnska, have been the guests of Don Stoller and famll.v for two weeks. Mr. Irons and Mr. Stolfer were partners In stock-raising and farming In Ne braska twenty-one years ago. and the reunion has been a most pleasant one. The Fayettellle Daily. Fajetleville, Aikansas, Just as much care, in fact a little moie, should be exercised in buying electric sad Irons, as- lit buying any thii g i'is. Some Irons use more elec-tiid-v than otheis in doing the same woik. (let your electric irons of Moiiiiaiii linos., they carry theauthcr ized iron. He carelull of "just as good" electric irons. Those who have heanl Christian Hansen say that ho is beyond ipiestion the greatest performer on tho violin in this country Hear him at the Cougiegatlomil church next Friday tit S:to p. in A eiowded house Is assui ed. Admhslou f0 cent", children from (I to !. years of age '2' cts. Tick, ets at Cott lug's stoic. The littlo 10-monlhs old boy or .Mr. and Mr-1. Willis Means who live north west of this city died Monday after noon. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon. I!cv. Jnrboe conduct ed the funeral services-. Interment took place in the city cemetery. They have the sympathy of all in their sad hour of bereavomont. Xewhouso has added another new feature to his famous Hull I'mbrella line. He Is now fixed to convert your umbrella Into a Hull Detachable han dle with a new cover, tho only expense being the cosl of tho cover you may select. Tho convenience of the detach able handle umbrella cannot be appre ciated until tried. Covers come in all prices from $1.00 to S7.H0. Thursday evening at the regular meeting ol the M. W. A., lodge the following olllceis weie elected for the coining year. Consul. T. J. Diamond. Advisor, I' red Wnllin. Hanker. S. H. Florance. Clerk, F.r. Hanson. F.soort, Walter Means. Chief Forester, Louis Mauley. Watch, Will Holmes. Manager. Ceo. Ciiill'cth. I 'HE men we clothe in this J men; not always when they always continue clothes. (WRr store are well-dressed first come to us, but after that, as long as they let us look after their to Copyright.. r lUitkailirt .V Mrt PAUL THE Hart Schaffner & Marx makes clothes for well-dressed men; J for men who appreciate quality; for men who are as much or more inter ested in what they get for their money as in what they pay. This .store is the natural head quarters for such men; and if any of you haven't yet found that out, you're doing yourself an injustice in the mat ter of clothes that we're sorry for. Come in soon and see what we're doing here to well-dress our fellow " citizens. All-wool fabrics, fine tail oring, correct style and fit. Suits $20 to $50. Overcoats $16.50 io $40 This store is ihc home ol Hart Schatfncr & Marx clothes STOREY, CLOTHIER. Jennie -I wonder if tho Christian chinch ladies are to hold a bazaar this vear. Yes, they will bold it Dec. l7lh. Will the) have Christmas piceuts on .-ale'.' More Until eer before, both UihI'iiI and fancy articles ami the prices will be i-o reason able. -1 am glad, for I shall not both to make them for myself, now, for they aie sure to. have just that I want. You are tight. And they will ero a chicken pie dinner al so, we will tell all our friends about it Mary Jennie M.ir.v - .leimi. .Mary BLANKETS HORSE BLANKETS Piano Solo . Vocal Solo. LMano Solo Vocal Solo . Synopsis of Vocal Solo. Piano Solo Splendid Blankets Ask your dealer for a 5A Blanket. They are known the world over as the best and strongest, and the loneest-wearinK blank ets made. Look for the 5 A trade mark. Buy t SA Bin Girth for lb Slibtt. Buy BA Squirt (or tho Strtct. We Sell Them Remember that Ibuy all my Blankets direct from the factor)', no jobers' profits added to my piice Duck Blankets wool lined 1.50 and up lo $3.00.. Square; Wool from 1.50 up to $6.00. Joe Fog el Red Cloud, Neb. The meetings at the Urethral church an' growing in Interest. If you aie not attending you aie missing a rare opportunity to hear one of the most intelligent anil foicible speakers that have ever been in ouroitv. lio tonight and you will go all the time. The Musit! Mndy Club will give Us ne.t proguun Thursday evening. Dec. Li, at the homo of Mis. Stewait Al bright. The evening will be devoted to a Schubett program as follows: i Uoll Call. Uiography Miss Lieut; with Historical SUetclies of Compositions .Mrs. Cunningham Miss Henderson Miss Coon Miss Potter Mrs. Sellars Krl King". .Miss Coombs . .. .Mrs. (inrbor Mrs. Whittalier Vocal Solo .Miss Igou Piano Duet- Mrs. Albright, Mrs. I'opu The American I tod Cross ami that connected with most of the foreign countries, as you undoubtedly know, stands ready to render aid in time ol war. pestilence, famine, earthquake, or other dtsasteis. Since tho giowth f tho Tuberculosis .Movement they have devoted a certain poiriutugo of inuir income to what they (erin peace i.impaign or the light against tuber citJiisih. Thiselfort isceiitcicd around the holiday tfrtsou when for the last four years they have issued a sticker or stamp, to bo sold at one cent each, a certain proportion to remain with tlie agency undertaking tho distri bution ot these stickers, and a certain pioportlon being rendered to the lied Cross to pay them, not only for tho printing and distribution or the stick ors, stamps or seals, as they are known thin year, but also for all of tho dis play and ad vet Using matter wnlch they furnish along with tho seals. Last yeur they began by exacting :KJi per cent, but found they could reduce. It to 'JO per unit. Into in the season. This year they are exacting only l'J', per cent, so that H7' ( per cent of gross pioeeeds from tho .iub: of tiu-e seals remains in the state of .Vebiaska for the prosecution of Anti-Tuberculosis work. ."V. A Line a Day Not "standpatters" but. "stlclcpiiN lers"- The Red doss Christmas Seal. Summitry for November f 910 Temperature: Maximum 77 on Stli; .Minimum 1 2 on 'JSth; Createst daily range I'.i on 81 h. ' Precipitation: Total 2li Inch; great est In 21 lus, .2ti Inch FHU Galore. Now is The Time To Select Your Xmas Presents OUR Stock is now Complete With all the Seasonable Lines. Come in and see us. : : : Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL THE PHONES Ed. AmaGkp Prop LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. sNVn"v'VJ ':H'x. M I 'A 1 X-XXr Xr: v "$p ti- THE MODEL STUDIO '4 I k 4 ;; is ready to do the largest business of its career ihis holiday season. r, $ Prices have been put in the reach of all, and we hoar that lhere$ (J. are more people than ever who arc going to send pictures of$ $ themselves to their friends for a remembrance. B $ OUR EXCELLENT )V0RK is appreciated by our patrons, and we are making every tiTotl to get orders out on time. Come early and you will not be disappointed. STEVENS BROTHERS RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. I s 8 ,W u&yz&fbKXtfteMZibtti her of llays ultli .01 inch or inoio a, Clear III, piuty cloudy .1, oioudy U. Snowfall on isth, 27th, and 'Jthh. Vievaillng iml direction X, V. l.'t ilij"-. l iiah. S. I.ror.ow. Sew Dr. Stonkman for eye glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Two olioine well improved farms close to Uown for sale by Siim.aii.s, on 20th; Xiim- iruui:ii uiul Hokiiii.son. Having pabl license i am tuepaied Jf you want a lMano save money by buying now at muck's. Hilly Uartou has bought.Mis, Prulfs short oiiler house and Is now ready to sei ve meals at all hours, The best ever. Hear the llostou . to do all hauling and wish a shuro of lirand Opera Singers on the Columbia your Hade. I am here to stay. Grafonola Mlgnon at Cuttings and Promptness Is uiy motto. Mitchells, llecotdsll.'ic to S7..V. Two V. T. M vui.nm's-, DrHjimiii .selections on every record. rrwqbMMNi Himt.mnjtn"Wi'?yi,st. ,mm- mmmtwitfij!frr . J rwai' in., ' .........