The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1910, Image 5

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    srr'ry jrwvffiW$
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Christmas Display
Our stock of holiday goods is now
where you can see it and we invite
you to come in. We will just name
a few of the many things to he seen.
Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Stationery,
Manicure Sets, Scissoj ,Sets AU
hums all Kinds, Dolls, Games,
Perfumes, Brushes, Hooks, Hand
Painted China, Pyrography, Toys
and etc.
We invite you to come in.
to P
Ghas. L. Gotting, The Druggist.
Hadlcy Font wus in I toil Cloud over
Attend The Uig Piano Sale at
A muck's.
Cluis. Shellak is the new operator at
the Tepee.
MissKdith McKeighau left Tuesday
for Lincoln.
Miss KttuCoon has returned fioin
l'nwneo City.
Iceland Ciildwell spent Thanksgiv
ing in Wymore.
.1. G Snyior and wife returned home
Monday evening.
,lne Pinker of Oinuut was in lied
Cloud over Sunday.
llev Smith ami wile re tinned to
Hod flood Monday.
O. A and Frank Wholan of lSlndcii
were in town Monday.
Mr. and Mr. Franu Hough- return
ed to Hastings Moiuhiy.
If you want u l'inno save money h,
buying now at Amuck"4.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Eld. C. D. Smith is in the city assist
ing in the revival services.
See The Kimball Piano Player at
Amack's anybody plays it.
Mrs. Noble Hall is visiting her pui
onts in Franklin this week.
Mrs. Paul Pope"-, sister, MissCietUiigs
returned io Superior Monday.
(Jeo. Hollister and wife and daugh
ter have returned fioiu Lincoln.
1 ho Unest line of detachable handle
umbrellas iu the city at Mitchells.
- Calicoes Aliieriuan, .Prints Five
cents per yard Misut linos, and Co.
Misses Marie and Cathryn Burlt
spent Thanksgiving In Grand ' Island
Lew White and family of Blooming
ton spent U'haiiksgixing in Ked Cloud.
Miss Dessio Taylor will entertain
the Junior Whist Thuisday evening.
Mrs. Nancy Hale who ha been very
Kick is not any better at thin writing.
Mrs Cojdoy of Innviile is visiting at
the home of W. S. Parks and wife this
Lew Vance .and family w-re down
from Hastings tiie latter pait of the
Miss lMua Wiliiuuis entertained the
''. R O. club at ho i- home Monday
.1. i: Jarhoe will preach at the Ind
ian ("reek school house next Sunday
at!! p. m.
Miss ntliel (iarbor will give a li.i-.kit
social at her school north of tow u Fri
day evening.
Mrs. Sujilor. sihU-rof 12 W. Oopleii
returned to her homo in Indiana Mon
day morning.
Absolutely Pure
Tho only hatmiff powder
matlo from Royal Grapo
Cream of Tartar
Hoaium, No Liins Phcsphe
.1. K. KiiUl ami family f Sodalia,
Mo., were in lied Cloud the latter part
of the week.
Mis. Poyor who lias been visiting at
the home of (too. Hutchison has re
turned home.
The Chief ofllec takes subscriptions
and renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer.
All the great artist sing for the
Victor and Kdison. Hear them at
Newhouso Bros.
It is pleasing to note the buautitul
lino of detachable bundle umbrellas
sold by Mitchell.
Mrs. Kiiinbaiigh and daughter of
Bladen were visiting Mis. Coplen the
tlrst of the week.
.1. W. Camer and family and
Norris and wife of Inaviilo left Tues
day for California.
Mis. V. II. Holiday and daughter of
MoCook spent Tliank-L'lcing with relative-
in ttod Cloud.
Mi. Chits. Crabill and baby loft
Thursday for Lincoln to vi-it her
mother. Mis. Halm.
The crowds are increasing in attend
ance and interest at the Miothieii
ehureli each evening.
. Kobe lioHer of Xiklahoiux spent
Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. .)olii Potter.
Yes you are correct. Mitchell tho
Jeweler lias a splendid line of detach
able handle umbrella..
Two eholse well improved farms
eloo to town for sale by Si:i.i.iis,
..Mii:ci ami Hrioiiisus'.
Hilly Uarton has bought Mrs. Fruit's
short order house and is now ready to
serve meals at all hours.
Walter Warren has moved his short
order bouse into t he building formerly
oecupiw by Hanson S: Trine. '
The lioytil Neighbors meet next
Wwluetalay evening and every mem
ber is r4iuested to be present.
Well improved HOiioros cloM-to town
for sale olieap and on easy tortus
Si i,, (Jahiiki: and Himciuson.
Dr. Xelllo Mauler wishes to an
nouuee to the public that slie is now
oeated in the rooms over the Tepee
Will Ilii-U is selling oil' his house
hold good, and will move his family
to Boulder. Colo., in thu near futiiie.
Potatoes' -One Oar of choice dr,
land Ohio and Huieka potatoes for
sile on track at l.'ed (.'loud, Fihlay and
haluidu.x, Dei, '.'ud and lid. price SK)o
J.T. N win. Alliance, Xcbr.
Org in loi salo cheap. Must go at
once. Will trade fortuits, corn or gooil
milch cow. Call lit I hlsollico tor pal
.1 (!. Oveimiin and family lelt I'nts
dn. for their lioine iiu'alifoi nla. Ibis
loiue the oountv shoit of one I'mn
.Mr. Belts, a musician of cousldciiiblc
experience, is 111 town interviewing
our citi.iiis in rognid to iiistrui'tiin
our baud bos.
Vour old uiubrella made over with a
detachable handle at Mitchell's Jew
elrystoie. No extra cliiuge air you
buy Is the cover.
See Cottlug'.s window showing Huutii
Clans tilling Hobble's stocking frcm
his gieatbag full of Ifohi-sou "Slim
Kdgw" Pocket Knives.
Finnic Ailes, Fred .Mail re r, Walter
Means and II. Xouroiboig took tLo
initiatory degree in the 1. (). t). F ,
lodge Monday evening.
Foil Sux-A ii IIoimi Power Whitty
liato!iiic Fiigiuo, Dynamo and Switch
Hoard completed. Uooil as now.
luquiio of AmiV Haiit.
loy llust, piopiietor of tliu Roiiil
Burlier Sliop is running four chairs
and Invites you to call if you want a
good .shave or hair cut.
Dr. Crctghtou ptiichascd the lla;'ol
baker fai m west of town this week
paying 5U" per acie Tills is one of
tho nest tut tn in this section. The
sale was inn le by .Sclluis liarlor ,v
Hulcliis u
The Degree of Honor meots next
Tuesday evening, llvoiy tnetilber Is
reipiested to be present as there will
bo business of importance.
Use a Hull Detachable Handle Um
brella. Children bizus 81.00 and up.
Ladies or gents sizes special ?l.2: aud
up. Got them of Now house.
Mr. Rood, a representative of tho
Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co.,
of Lincoln, and his, wife of Edgar,
Nobr., were in town Tuesday.
(.'has. Cat tier will open up the Lyric
theatre Satmday. Chiuley lias hud
several years experience and will no
doubt have a lirst class show.
Kid Holsiuger is undoubtedly gl
tug the people of tlilscouiiuuuitysomo
of tnc most scriptural and iiiteiesting
ormoiis that have boon delivered ill
this city for some time.
All iitnbiellas can now bo made into
Hull I'otachable Handle Umbrellas
ntiil i be cost will lie tho pi ice of a law
eoiei. Covins cot fiom $1 CO In $7.00.
See Now house of course.
The Music Study dub meets at tho
homo of Mrs. A. IS. moIIiiis, Thuisday
evening. Dec. 1. The social committee
lias charge of the program for tho
evening's entei tiiinment
Tho best over. Hear tho Boston
(i rand Opera Singers on the Columbia
Grnfotiola Miguon at Cuttings and
Mitchells, lteeoidsd.-ic to S7..VI. Two
selections on every record.
Today Mr. R W.Coplen takes cliurge
of the merchants delivery service.
Mr. Crabill lias managed this for one
year but will devote his attention to
his legular business fiotn now on.
Pol vioks: One car of choice dry
land Ohio and Kureka potatoes for
saloon track at lied Cloud, Friday
and Saturday, Dec. Jnd and lid, price
DO cts. .1. T. X win, Alliance, Xebr.
Mr. Atkins of tho tlriu of Atkins .v
Itaiber, successors to Albright Bros.,
has rented the Spanogle icsidonco on
V. tth. Ave. and will move his family
here at initio Mr. Harbor will arrive
iua few days with his family.
Among tho University students who
spoilt Thanksgiving with home folks
wenote: Mis. Nellie Castor, Misses
Zella Taj lor. Vernon Storey, and
Messis. Hoy Tool, Miner Sherwood and
Glenn Walkei. They returned to
Lincoln Monda4, nioiuing.
Tho lollowing ollicers weio elected
at tiie I.O. O. F. lodge Monday even
ing for the ensuing term:
Noble (Irani!. Dan (Sarber.
Vice (iraud, Irving Ciimiuings.
Tioasiirer. S. K. Floranee.
SecretMry, . ('. Tool.
Trustee, (!. W. Iliitchlson.
The body of John Zaokery wus
brought hero Satuiday morning fioin
Knoll Co., Missouri and buried iu the
Pleasant Bill eeinetoiv. l.'ev. (!. W.
Iliimuiel oilieiatul at the Initial ecn
inoiiy Mr. Zackeiy was an old settler
of ebster county but moved to Miss
ouri a few years ago.
Tho simplicity of the Hull detach
able umhieHa has made possible the
extension of this featuie to your old
umbrella. Instead of having the old
frame recoVMif buy a new Hull frame
and cover complete. Let Xcwhuiiso
change your handle into a detachable
one. TJieeApene is merely the price
of the new cover fcl.(K) to S7.00)
which is no more tliiiu ,ii would puy
for having the old frame recovered.
Splendid Bfaoktts
Ask your dealer for
5A Blanket. They are
known the world over as
the best and strongest, and
the longest-wearing blank
ets made. Look for the 5 A
trade mark.
Rujr a 8 A Blta Girth far Hit Sltblt.
Buy SA Squire for lh Strtct,
We Sell Them
Remember that 1 buy all my
Blankets direct ft orn the factory, no
jobers' profits added to my price.
Duck Blankets w.iol lined 1.50
and up to $3.00. Square Wool
from 1.50 up lo $f.00.
Joe Fogl
fled Cloud, Neb,
HE men we clothe in this store
men; not always
Corvflhl .. Sr SoKlr
Halt 'Ci .V M-' -
e immn
, The V. It C, met TucMliiy uftui
imon and Mrs. ) II n IV of Oimilui tho
Ntitlt inspector of the V It. C wus
here mid inspected the order. Mio '
reports tht Judge heie in (list ehiss '
shape. A big haiiipiet wus served nt
Comrade .MeConliey'. le-sideiice at six '
o'clock in honor of Mi-,. Hull'.
IS..I. Warren hiii sold the Topee to
Oiear Hughes, the train for lieiu
iiuido today. Mr. Wan en has enjoyed
u-good patronage ehlnliy heeniiho he
Juts prevented attractions of merit and
instruction. Mr. IIiighin will un
doubtedly eontinu tiie same policy
mid we bespealc for him success.
Just ns in ucli cure, iu fact a little
more, nliould he exercised in buying
electric Mid irons, us in buying uuy
tiling else. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others iu doing tiie same
woik. Get your elect lie irons of
MoiiilAtti Hitos., theyohrry thoHtitlicr
ized it on. He careful! of "just us
good" electric irons.
Miss llhinche Osboiu and Mr. ltnlph
Mc.'onl.ey were united iu iiuirrlii'.a
Sunday uftcinoou at live o'clock at
the home of Itev (i. V. Iluinmel. Mr.
McConUoy lias lately been eho-en
superintendent oi tint l'arinvrs' Tele
phone company mid tho young couple
will icside iu this city. The Chief c.
t ml4) congratulations.
Next Sunday is the legular day fur
lireacliiiig. at the liaptist chinch.
Muitiing subject, "Walking with
C j 1 1 . evening subject. "Our Uinpne '
Milile school at 10 a in. ami Bible
study class at tilUi p m. Prayer meet
ing each Wednesday ovuning. A uio't
cordial invitation is extended to all to
attend all of these services.
New-house hriH added another new
leatute to his famous Hull I'mbrella
line. He is now fixed to convert
Umbrella into a Hull Detachable
die with a now cover, tho only expense
being the cost of the cover you mHjv'g, arq'more people than ever who
select. Theconveiiicnceofthedetach- ' il,!' 'l,,,.. il,:, fr:.,lc U,
1 , , ,, ! .1
Huie i iiuiiiu uit i'ie lit cauuoL oe an ore
elated until tried. Covers come in all
prices rrom $1.00 to ST .110.
I'M. Amauli received two carloads of
fui niture I hl.s week which ho has add
o I to Ids already large stock. Air,
Auiack has the faculty of pleading his
uiistomuis and selling K"ds. He be
lioves that the more of a selection he
curies the better able Ills uiistouiois
wilboto get what they want. He
now carries as large a stock .of furiil
tuieiiMiny hoiiMeiu southern Nebras
ka. Base Hall
All fun. IntctvstttHIn H.ise Hall for
t the season 101 1 meet at. I'oinmerulal
Club rooms TucMlay afternoon at i
p iu. Tim matter must lie decided at
ouee as iho slate Luiigiio meeting will
i be Ic id u' Hastings. Dec. Iltli.
T W Coiuii'v I'reH,
when they first
always after that, as long as' they
continue to let us look after their
Hart Schaffner & Marx
makes clothes for well-dressed men;
for men who appreciate quality; for
men who are as much or more inter
ested in what they get for th.eir money
as in what they pay.
This store is the natural head
quarters for such men; and if any of
you haven't yet found that out, you're
doing yourself an injustice in the mat
ter of clothes that we're sorry for.
Come in soon and see what we're
doing here to well-dress our fellow
citizens. All-wool fabrics, fine tail
oring, correct style and fit.
Suits $20 to $50. Overcoats $16.50 to $40
This store is the home of
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking N
Ed. AmaGkp Prop.
:-.! ':
:-. :wkvZ
(j. 5 ready, to do the largest business
& Prices:have been put in the reach
t, .liV-lliSVI' I" llll.ll 1IIV.UUO IUI U
is appreciated by our patrons, and we are making every effort
to get orders out on time. Come early and you will not
be disappointed,
Having paid license I am prepaied
to do all hauling and wish a share of
your ti ndo. I am here to stii".
l'lomptuers is my molto.
V. T M vniwi s, l)iiinan
are well-dressed
come to us, but
: -:?:-:--i i
of its career this holiday season,
of all, and we hear that -there
are going to send pictures of
Farm Loans, I am again ready to
make rariu loans at the lowest rato
iiml besi terms. No delay. ) examine
the liiud myself at no expense.
!, H Ua'ley, ltedCloud, Nebr.