C i.r ' ' .. . TMirri in nr - -'"--'-)-'-''"''' BJM MMftBifi l Jtrpuf-wrii i -fl t m iwnRuwrumwg.M.iiauJii xrmrMKC?rmvur.irttan.iMtim-xjnmimrri.0tmminm'ni .vrii t ir-f 8 a as'aas assess esra sss :rf 'rt The iKViiic lit P. A. Wullbrandt, 3 E I carry a coir-' etc line of t. .!..., ami mv prices are suui ui.u vour buying in this line of m l hmnils of canned and package goods carried. W All staple Groceries in 3 Cleanliness rt Y.i viiiiiiot buv tJvoffiifh in a llity, Ill-kept plnco nml be Mire o ft pure goods Cleanliness mid sanitation t.te our hobble. . : : ' Gi LotUc nnd Church Directory A n arity limine No. :.:i, A. F. and M. meets at Masonic Hall every nn.1 ..1 Friday. K. K. Foe. W. M. H. Si-liar-. Secretary. A 1st A. r.olih.uil Chapter NoW. Itoynl Aron Masons meets every Second anil rocrth Friday. 1) W. Tnrnure, 11. 1'. II A Letson, ft'eeretnry C.reiie Coniinandery Nn. 1 1. Knight remplar meets eveiy First Thursday. U A Let son. 12. C D. V. Tiunurej ttecinler. 1. o. O. F. Meets every Monday Nlht Hale. N. O. 0. C. Teel. C'lctU. V I! UKIJKIvAlI Meets First and Tlilid Thursday. In L O. O. F. Hall. MrsMiOttie Smith, N. Ii. Carrie Ilolsuorth. Seeretiuy.S iimrriiiti:.N viiutrii. Corner at 'itli Avenue ami chestnut street. 10 a. in Siiliballi Seliuul 11 :u in rreucliliiK T:IC 1-jn. ... riirlbiliin Vnikuli:unl KM) ii. in I'reiulilin; All nreliiNltul loutlciul. .1. C. .1 utiini:. Minister. UltAl'K tKI'IM.'OI'AI.) I'llUHCII Uc..l. Ml ItiiteK, I'aKtor. Sorvlec the ilrnt t Mimlns In encli tiKintli. Mnly rnuiuiinlim ut iiiorniiiK KorvlecH on tlio tlrst Sunday. Siimlav h-IiooI nt I'iu'elaeU every Minilay Mrs. v: It. Sinltli.eiliiten hiilent. rill'ld'U (iKUIIIUM'. In in h i si i s en i' urn Uvita Loan's I) vv nibli M'liiiol - 10 n. in. Soniioa anil I'oinimiiilnu . .. ., II a. ui. VhrlMInn I'.mlciMir . .. . i ll::W p. in. l'rt-acltinu 7S p. in. I'ruyirh anil piiitMi, Weiluesdiiyi., 7:.t0 p. tu. !Sciits fnr. tidoil niiiNle. I'otne. Ilrlim imr nihlcs. fileiiilsiiail giioil eluer. I.. Aa. IIi'ssiimi. Minister. lint Uoul'sjliUVlCK AT M. II. CllfllCII Mill lit M'.IIVIIKs. Min.l.i Mliool Ill A.M. I'rcai hlnit It A. M. I'laMi iucpUhk I- M- I'.VKM.Mt I'pMortli li'iiuao T l'. M. Vri.cliln N r. M. I'rn i r mi film: Wulm ulny e i nlim s 1'. M I.mllihAlil 1'ilihiy J P.M. Ymir presouee.ls rcipiestiil mul :i rnrillal tmll:u."H Is (Att'iuU'tt lit all. M. T. Sril'i'l.l u Piihtor. limits or scuviei: at ros'iiii-:u. TioNALriiriteit. SMIllAI'll Sl'.IIVICKs. Hllrti niiiMil 10 ii. m. I'rc-uhlni: , II n. in. l'rcftchliiK kcrvli't-K 8 p. in. Vraytr ami CoulerciU'O mi ellm; Wciluert day ai f p. m. A conPal liultiiUoii U extended U all. ItKV. A. A. I'iikshman rnstor. 9wtfts Premium Mams or Bacons. SI MV 1 1' H V rfmr&m Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Ncbr. A ' rf&i SPw rcery Prop. ft to to to to to to to to to to verything IN atables ili strictly fresh Groceries, (jj, ! ittiM iviii cnii In rid n ". r..v jv - us Only the first-class to ill ili ili ili ili ili to ili H, bulk at Bud-rock Prices. In ii Uroeoty stoic mote than hi anything else, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. DR. E. A. THOMAS ! DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Colling's Drug Store. This Wcll-Cnrcd For Plot in tin' cemetery is always a .somce of comfort to the i datives of the .sleepers therein. On the other hand there is always a feeling of neglected duty when one visits an unniurued giuvu. Tho Erection of iv Monument will vanish such a feeling It need not be expensive to be artistiu and ap propriate. Wo shall be pleased to submit a variety of designs which wo will execute at a decidedly moderate cost. Red Cloud Marble and Granite Works E. McAllstcr, Proprietor Shops at IU:t C'l.ot n and Al.i, Ni.iiii. Meeting. The Hist general nieutiiiga of the Webster onnty Teaelier's Iteading Citele will be hehl at Hltie Hill, Nov. l-.', 15)11), ut High School building. x All uu'iuhi'isiif tho Ueading (.'licle are expected to attend the general meeting in the noith part ol Ihecotin- ty or tho one in tin-south inn t id the county. ltegular Circles will bo dismissed at Cowlos. Hidden, ami Itoseuioiil. All attending will receive credit. Supplies will be on hand for those who are in need of any. Heading tilde books may be paid for at this time and avoid the trouble and expense of sending same. PUOtillAM. 10;0il Mine .... a merle lloll mil NoM'iuber Uridine circle l.i'hkun. I'lhInko.v, MIxh Miirllu IvMilutluu ol Doild, MIhk Killwlder Chlesmul Health, M Iks .1 nines inxi Clionit., Illue Hill llluli School lloll cull Vtiliiemitl methods u( (jond school dUelpllii, Supt. C. 1.. UiirUua, Hidden Orid hyuleiif In Piihlle.SehoolK, Hi'. Her hen llawley. Illue Hill Pimm sold, "I hi' (lulMston hUirin," lintlcr DiiiuUiy llopkii Hiutltiihlehus) nork for rand schools. MlssSclimiuui Discussion. Mlssl.nlrd HuailliiB. sttlietid. Mlssliiiln reiiiuuiishlp In tlii) Puhlle seheols. I'rlll, I,. K. Hickory. Coulcs illue ol the loiiihcol htud, Mipt.ii. r. Illxhy. Illue Hilt I'lioiuis In Iheruuil sehuols Msns Portciller nmidmoii. ( ,mis i uweeu I'm siiBui-hiliiim i,y i iniiiiy Siuperliiteliitent Sol.. sH,,i ir( My lliiuiiih," Menu' Misiussiitii. MUs I'liweelt Sllpl. Illll Summary for October 1910 Temperature: Maximum Ss on Hid, mlnlmuniUOon tlDih. Gieatest dally range mi 1'reeipitation: Total 1.18 Inches. Gieatest hi 'Jt hours .85) Inches ou llrd. Number of days with .ni inch or more li. Snowfall ti ace on 20th. Daysclear 20, partly cloudy !1, cloudy 2, Hist kill ing frost on 21, thunderstorms on 11 and 18th. Prevailing wind from south 12 days. ("has. s. Lini.ow. Ta -ffT JIRTJ 3V' Kit C7TV F-CT JP1& Sn IMfj A m. & rJMWSBgTBi A Guarantee Attraction RED CLOUD Friday DWlGHT A. MEAD In The Great Laugh Play A BACHELOR'S HONEY MOON A Merry Mingling of Music and Mischief. 10 Months in New York. 300 Nights in Chicago. Scats Now en Sale. for Dyspepsia Youlilsk NolhlnahyTryIn4ThlsRcmr.tIy We want every one troubled with in-' diKe.slion and ilyspipsin to come toj . .... . t. . . i our hiorc ami ooiaui a uox oi Kexau i Dy.spnpslaTablots. They contain His- inntli-Siibtiltnitu and 1'epsin piopareil by a process which develops tlielr greatest power to overcome digestive disturbatiee. Kexull Dyspepsia Tablets me very. it , i, .i .i ,i I pleasant to take J liev .soothe the ir- .. . . , . , . rit able, weal stoinach, .strenghU'ii mid I .1 uivigornie I lie digestive organs, lelieve naiiscKiind !ndig.stion, promotenutrit ion anil bring about a feeling ol com fort. If you jhe Uiall Dyspepsia Tablets ii reasonable tii.il we will return your money if you me not sutistled with the result. Three si,-.. ,:. ivnts. ."o cents and Si. (in. Uenu'inbi ,uu c m ittttin Ite.snll Iteiueilies only ul I Ik- KiViM Store. The II. 12. (iriee Ding L'.. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE tl. E. GUME l)RU(i CO. IncorimratCill i Tin: ci.osk or ur.sixKss m:pi. .'!'. 11)10 ASmKTS SUick ami ilxltirrson huiiil Hills nml iici'oiuits rccelMililf ... . t'usli . ? 7U.T..VI .. '."018.11.1 !I7I.I!7 i I00IH.1II . 77UO.OO . IIIUI l70n.H. I.IA III l.fll KS I'lipltul stock Hills mul iH'L'ouutN piiyulilu Surplus luml tuoi8.ni It. K. oniric, 1'ri-ililant. !:. I.. in mi:s, .Secretary, Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by tho Fort Ab struct Co. for the, week ending Wed- nesduy, Nov.!! 11)10. LI Hie It. uiggle to Ora .J. Mace, lolsTSl'J bile. Kl Koseinont wd Chas. L. .Jones to Theo. Hoet. lots'JI l-2'S. blk II Hltte Hill ipiil Harriet .Shutnan to M. II. Ash pobntn t." blk 1 Vances add to tiiiide Kock wd Frederick Nowhoue to Chas. M. Smiths 'j blk It'J Red Cloud t'.'dU lll!(I 10. I'. "Overman to Fdward nretthaur se'J:. I! fi wd.. . C. its!-' ? .-ilU) Mortgages tiled, l."illS."" Mortgages released. None. Wafton Boxes See Will 11 n for that new wagon box that you need Alsoeomplete wagons. Keep KmI- We have taken over the Ice business and are now giving tho same our per sonal utteutlon. Put out your Ice Card and we will dooiir best to please you. A. E. TuiiNEit, Thk Ice Man. CATARRH . itffco'tf 111 o2? 22 P.V5?t is 5.:1- - M-'S 2' , u- K o !;. e t m ?. a: 7. S 5 C -j - nS's j jji'g .Sy-a5 v a- it 3o c 2 &a! HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Apollod Into Hid noitrlls IB quickly absorbed. OIVE8 RELIEF, AT ONCE. It clonuses, soothes, lienl aud protects the diseased ineiiibrnuuiesiilting from Oatiurh nml drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, llostorcs tho Henses of Tinto and Smell. It is easy to use. Coutnins no injurious drugs No mercury, no coeaino, no mor iiliiuo. Tho household remedy. 1'ilee, f.0 cents at DrugKiMs or by mull. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warron SI., New York TSlML&i &" 4 AS ,ft-,d OPERA HOUSE NVa 4th. To vote la ft duty. Don't noloct It. , i.m.moiicy rov;i oxetts a comiiulliim Mi'd r'.fi t'lii;: Is n poor ilulonse for a jUa j01.(), i The Donmratie .state tlcUet Ij a good o:i' Vnte it stralKltt. Demur :a. . ill lnar cheering nowi from Now Yi.;, and Ohio on Nov. 1). , , I out m-M Issue the election or ,. ,, , ... , , . . .. Governor D.n.lmnn will lie duly cliron- i,.i(1(j Senator IJurkett Is an artful dodder, but the voti'is will conal him ou e.ec tlo 1 1 day. It Is not Hiifo to iiresutne on ffnllnt; th( peoj.li' hj tho use of trick pUman. Tho county option coating did not U.: i;ui.;e tlie iironihitlou phi. Tho mud tin own at Congres:na!t 1,'ic'uoil: only bi'ioulcd 'n tlno'A.u. I f ' ivu i Mi. 1 :.!,.. . i:i in laM ct lilic!'. nr., I- g.i ii.m; In moiiK'Utum in oery eiu.n.ln tlu st.it.'. A vote tor Jurkctt Is an Indorse ment of the l'ayne-Alilrich tariff bill. The NflnnsKaii who can do this siiotild be ashamed to look his wife or children in the fare afterward. Senator Hurkett put a low estimate on the In'elllgence of Republican vot ers in Ndnnsl.a when ,1k- thought luj amid neive t'.iu trusts in congreds.aud i'lieii fool the people Into giving him another tmm In the senate. , mm A ri'innrk rommnnlv hoard on the trains and in giithetlngs everywhere thiotiKhout the state is that Iiurkctt did not ho'l his case by using Hartley to dheit intention from a record in tonuress that he could not defend. If congress did not publish to the world a record of every word spoken and cverj. vote cast by Its members, Hurkett mlKht have fooled the pimple into giving him another term in the senate. The erdlct, however, will be, ''Killed by his own oflleiul record." Senator litiikett has shown consum mate skill In dodging a debate with either Atloinej Wln-ilon m Congress man Hitchcock. Hut the Congressional Record pioved to he too much for liim. There in cold type was found l ho reeoid of his votes to contound him. Hartley, li.illlngcr, the ('.uggcuhclnis aud tho Huenr tuist will he unable lo save Htitkett from tho wrath of an out rage.-i constituency. When 11 was his turn to vote In the senate he for got the inteiests of Nebraska. The voteis of Nebraska, now their turn has come, will turn him down with a thud. In both nnllon.il conventions In 1908 the people, through their dele gates, "asked for bread." The Taft administration answered by giving them u stone In the form of the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill. By so doing the Republican party forfeited tho votes of U intelligent freemen In the west. County option Is prohibition, when ever it Is anything. A majority vot ing "yes" puts a prohibitory law over oil tho cities and towns or the county A majority voting "no" makes no chang" whatever, all remains as he fore The effort to put tho cities and towns of the county under a prohibi tory law failed. See The Chief for-up-date Job Work. COL. J. H. ELLINGER Auctioneer. Red Cloud, - Nebr. Is ready to cry your sale-,. Got your datcb early. Ho refers you tohls many customers for recommendations. Tele-m-iiidi itlimic. write or see him for I n"l"M w - I dates. . jtu f j. ri.. i- " nviw'. -.-'! '. . -- -1-. ,i irv,Tjii . i tj-j a :T-,jTac nirn trjLTZAjeii m PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The fol'owlng proposed amendment to the constitution if the State" of Ve brnskn, as hereluuttor set forth In lull Is submitted to the electois ot the Stale of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to bo held Tties day, November Sth, A. 1). 11)10 A JOINT RI2SOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article sven i7) of ' the Constitution of the State of Ne braskn He it enacted by the Lolslutvtv o, the State of Nebraska: Section i: (Amendment cui.siitu twin proposed.) That section one (1) of article seven (Ti or tin- constitution ' of the state of Nobi.tska, tho senate coiicuiilug. be no amended as to lead ' ns lol'ows. ' S it in 1 I Who are electors.) 12v ' .!., iii-.iSi- litlzui of the Unit d Suites, ' ul t'ic ao ol twentv one ve.iis, v.no j shall have been a res'ilent of ibis state i six nionths next preculiug the election and of the county, piecinct, or ward, I fiir the term provided by law, shall be ai? elector: provided, that persons of foreign birth who shall have deilaivd thC'lr intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States and arc voting at the taking ef fect of this amendment, may continue to exercise the right of suffrage until such time ns they may have resided In the United States (lve years, after which they shall take out full citizen ship papers to bp entitled to vote at any succeeding election. Section '. (Ballots.) That at the general election nineteen hundred and ten (1910) there shall be submitted to tho electors of tho state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage At such election, on tho ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall bo written or printed the words: "For proposed 1 amendment to tho constitution relating to the right or suffrage," and "Agnlnst said' proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suf frage." Section ". (Adoption) IT such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors votlne at such election, said amendment shall consti tute section one (1) of article neven (7) or the constitution or the State of Nebraska Apnroved Anrll 1, 11)09. I, (loo. C. Jtinkiu, Secretary of State, or tho state of Nobraskn do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original eni oiled nnd engrossed bill, ns passed by the thirty-first session of the legislature of tho State ot Ne braska, as appears from said original bill on file in this olllce, and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters or the state or Ne braska for their adoption or rejection ot the general election to bo held on Tuesdoy, the Sth day of November, A. D., 1910. lu Testimony Whereof, I hnvo here unto set my hand nnd nlllxed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln, thl9 29th day or July, In tho year of our Lord, One Thousand Nino Hundred nnd Ton, nnd of tho Indepen dence or the United States tho One Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, and of this State tho Forty-fourth . OKORGK C. JUNKN, (Seal.) Secretary of Stato. GO YEAITS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Oesions copvi'ohts&c. AnTonnm-niUnc naketrh nnd deicrlntlnii mar milrklf mwrlalu trnr Hl'litlmi rroo wiiomor an Itnrniitltm Ii protiAhly ententHlito. ''rinimuiilra. ImiiirictlrSonnSoiithl. HANDBOOK unl'atciiU ontfrto. ililont KBiicy fori'i-iiniiKDiiteiuii. I'ntentii tftUim ttirnuuli Munu ArXc tccolr iprlinift(rf. without eh". In tho Scientific JUiiciicnib A hRiidMirrjfttr lllimtrtet weeilr. I.rept dr. filiation ui nnr ncicntlllo Journal. Tornn. i a VSari lour iiionltia.il. SolabyK iiowdia ora. & uo.3B,Broadwajr new TorK liri.n oinco. tea v Dinvniiiuniuii. i. i. "AMMEfe. jB?nTCH KyI si J INSURANCE POLICY Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us n single day. Flic isn't going to stay away becau.-e vott are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to-Mie without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hes"itnte about the matter. The fire Ilend miiy have your house down on the list for a vi,lt this very night. MARK WHA TI SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. We Carry Funeral Furnishings in Stock and answer calls day or night. Have ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Brothers on Short Notice without Fxtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COWLIiS, NEBR. FOU SALl-2 11Y YOST & BUTLER The 4fi Avenue Mont Marltot SHIGHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND ,('Ati? CO' '""to. I,M)!KS I Ak youi- Urura-Ut for Cm-CIinS.THR'B UlAMUilU UKA.Sii) ! Colo metallic boxci, Ulbbon. Takb no llrull and ak . 1 1MA1IO.M IJIIAMI PU.I.S, lor twentT.fivo years resarileil ns llest.Safcat. Alwavi Hellaliti.. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS I IT. rxSwrr dm. I mm mar jfFUv 6 GA AilMMTjitiav . "KSSEM He... nf JV- I5-I -J- -MJI O .i, ..a. nj nv uft r 'u V" .fiP" I flT i r?-. Mf VC W IW.S tu Ki'o anilA sealed with UliieV OTHKU. Iliif of your v up CIlI.CIIKH.Tf.il H V iSS& EVERYWHERE S-i cat & ) Wsi' gsrV9acSllH