The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1910, Image 6

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T fries OHie:
C. D. ITALIC, Publisher
Homo and Foreign Intelllnenco Cor
dented Into Two and Four
Lin Paragraphs.
A social event ot interest In fiaval
Orelcs took plnco In St. Margaret's
Episcopal church, when Miss Elsie
JurvlB McU'.in, daughter of Captain
Walter McLean, U. S. N., became the
bride (if Mr. Paul C. Pntterson. A
number of naval oniccra were- among
the attendants.
Tariff b filed by several western and
northwestern railroads with the- Inter
Mnto commerce commission, making
advances bf freight rates on grain
and grain products from the middle
west to eastern destinations havo
been suspended by the commission
pending an Inquiry Into their reason
ableness. All of tho. tariffs nro sus
pended until March 1.
Uug doctors of all sorts and from
all sections wero given a hearing nt
the department of agriculture, the de
partment desiring to obtain their
views in regard to proposed regula
tions under which Inscptlcldes and
fungicides aro to bo sold. Tho pure
food and drug, act of April 30, 180G,
did not. npply to Insecticides, so a now
law has been framed to prevent their
adulteration and misbranding.
Cadet Frank n. Clay, first class,
Vnlted States mllltnry academy, a son
of Senator Clay of Georgia, has been
court martlulcd and sentenced to dis
missal from tho academy without pay
and allowances until August 28, 1911,
nnd then to Join the first class. Tho
sentence was commuted by President
Tnft so as to require Clay to bo con
lined to barracks until May 21, 1911
and during that period to undergo dis
ciplinary tours every Wednesday and
Crlppen, tho London wlfo murderer,
Is to be hung November 10, the tlmo
having been advanced ono week by
tho sheriff.
Elghty-flve per cent of tho inha
bitants of American Samoa are suf
fering from tho hook worm disease,
according to tho nnnunl roport of Cap
tain P. Parker, U. S. N.
President Pnlllors and the members
of the French cabinet aro being guard
ed constantly ns tho result of the ap
pearance of anarchistic circulars con
demning the ministers to death.
Tho United States government Is
preparing to pay rebates to Importers
of Mexican drawn work to tho esti
mated amount of nearly ono million
dollars on account of excess duties
collected during tho last seven years.
Tho Paris Petit Parlslon claims
that Spain is on tho verge of n rup
ture with Morocco over tho pnymont
of the indemnity of 130,000,000 pes
ntes, approximately J20.000.000, which
Spain exacted following tho success
ful campaign ngalust tho Rift tribes
men In tho Rummer of 1900, nnd con
templates dispatching forty thousand
soldiers ncross to tho Riff coast to
occupy Tctunn.
Tho last notablo speech of Dolllvor
in tho senato was a defense of tho at
titude of Insurgents.
Tho Hoston and Maine railroad will
not interfero In tho politics ot the
stato hereafter, says Its president.
Tho chnlrman ot tho Iowa demo
cratic committee- proposes a stnto
wide prlmnry on senator In November.
A Kentucklan who pleaded guilty
to murder was tried, convicted and
sentenced to bo hanged, all In six
Rhodo Island republicans renomi
nated present stato officers and en
dorsed tho administration ot Presi
dent TnfL
A decree waB published In Athens
dissolving tho national assembly and
fixing November 28 as tho dato for
the elections for the new revisionist
Superior .ludgo Walter Rordwell
bus ordered tho empanelling of n
special grand. Jury of thirty men to
investigate tho dynamiting of the Los
Angeles Times building.
United States Senator H. F. Shlvc
ly will undergo an operation for tho
removal of u dead bono from his foot.
Tho senator will probably not recover
in timo to re-enter the campaign.
Soventy-soven men heroically gavo
their lives In their effort to suliduo
tho disastrous forest. 11 res which rag
ed In tho west during tho lattor part
of August, according to figures given
out by tho forest service.
Tho lnterstnto commerco commls.
wlon made an order that tho long and
short haul rulo must ho adhered to.
Tho Nobel prlzo for medlclno has
been awarded to Dr. Albrecht Kossol.
professor of physiology at Heidolbeig
Tho government has closed a con
tract for monthly mall servico by dog
sled to tho Idltarod and Innoko dis
tricts In Alaska during tho winter.
Charges that lobbying has been
done in behnlf of a prohibition ar
tlclo resulted in depriving roportors
of lloor privileges In tho Arizona con
stitutional convention.
Dr. Crlppen testified In his own be
half nt tho murder trial in London.
Soventy-nlno men gavo their lives
to save tho forests of tho west.
It Is suggested that Associato Jus
tlco Whlto of tho supremo court may
bo elevated to chief.
Sonntor Klklus Is seriously 111 nt
liln homo In West Virginia.
Philadelphia defeated tho Cubs nnd
won tho championship pennant.
Edgar Allen Poo has Sicen declared
entitled to n plnco In tho hnll ot fnino.
Mr. Bryan has been making noino
speeches In Speaker Cannon's Illinois
Tho Norwcglnn steamer Ulucllolds
Is bellovcd to hnvo been lost In tho
West Indian hurricane.
The bodies of seven men, nil vic
tims of the recent hurricane, wore
washed up by tho wnveB nt Panta
(Jordo, Fin.
Tho validity of tho Carmnck uniond
ment to tho Hepburn rate law is be
ing tested In tho United States su
premo court.
Dispatches received at Duluth say
that tho steamer Langhnm was
burned In Lako Superior, but thnt tho
crow was saved.
Lulggl Luchcnl, who nssaflslnatod
tho emperor of Austria In 1908, com
mitted sulcldo In his cell In tho prls
ou known ns l'Evecho.
Memorial services for tho lato Son
ntor Jonathan P. Dolllvor of Iowa
were held In Washington In tho
Foundry Methodist church.
Society has given up Its attempt to
rcconcllo Colonel John J ncob Astor
and Mrs. Avn Willing Astor, tho beau
tiful wlfo who divorced him.
Flro destroyed twenty-sovon build
ings at Mayerl, n town of Orlente
province, Cuba, n short distance from
Santiago. The loss Is estimated at
A provision prohibiting tho "third
d'egreo" In pollco investigations wna
Introduced In tho Arizona constitu
tional convention as a part of tho pro
posed declaration oL rights.
By a decision of the Interstate coin-
morco commission, It is not lawful for
Interstnto freight carriers to advance
tho rates on shipments during tho
period of their transportation.
A brutal murder was disclosed nt
Cincinnati in tho finding of tho (load
body of n womun whoso throat had
been cut nnd her head almost split
open, apparently by an nxe.
Three women and ono man, each
reputed to bo moro than 100 years
old, wero among those rescued when
a flro broke out In tho cellar of tho
homo of tho Daughtors of Jacob In
New York.
Tho Illinois Dally Newspaper asso
ciation nt its nnnunl meeting direct
ed u committco to draw a bill to pre
sent to the next legislature penal
izing tho malicious giving of fnlso
newB to newspapers.
The stnto convention of tho Wo
men's Christian Temperance union In
session In Hutchinson, Kas pledged
sufficient money to plnco a lllblo and
hymn book in tho hnnds of overy man
on tho battleship Knnsas.
Orlando F. Altorre, former post
ofllco clerk, plended guilty In tho
United States district court to tho
embezzlement of $13,000 from tho Los
Angeles postofflco while ho was em
ployed by tho registry department.
Elghty-flvff per cent of tho Inhabit
ants of American Samoa nro Buffering
from tho hook worm dlscaso, accord
ing to the nnnunl roport of Cnptaln
F. Parker, II. S. N., retired, governor
of tho American islands of tho Samo
an group.
Seven thousand eight hundred men,
among thorn Governor Wilson ot Ken
tucky, coming from seven stntos In
dlann, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, West
Virginia, Tenncsseo and Kentucky,
were Initiated Into tho Woodmen of
tho World at Loulsvlllo, Ky.
A cable from Rio Janeiro to tho
New Oreans Picnyuno says: "Tho
steamship Wally was wrecked near
tho llghthouso nt Arrosnlos off Para
and Is a totnl loss. Some of tho pas
snngers wore rescued, but It Is be
lieved that nearly fifty were drowned."
Now York's Chinatown is to bo
cleaned up as It has never been
cleaned before. This Is tho decision
of tho new pollco administration, It
was learned at headquarters, and be
ginning at midnight, the pollco wero
Instructed to order nil whlto persons
from the district.
One of the naval changes nnd pro
motions resulting from tho retirement
of Cnpt. II. S. G. White on account of
ngo was tho advancement ot Com
mander Roburt E. Peary, tho Arctic
explorer, to tho rank of captain. Peary
has been tho only civil engineer in
tho navy with a rank of commander.
Ethel Clnro Lonovo was acquitted
of any connection with tho Crlppen
Governor Carroll will appoint no
successor to Senator Dolllvor until lif
ter election.
Colonel Roosevelt discussed aban
doned farms nnd clean politics In his
tour ot New York state.
When tho caso ot Norman Plndor
against Jack JohiHon, tho heavy
weight pugilistic champion, charging
assault, was called for trial In Now
York, tho complainant did not nppoar.
Martin W. Littleton characterized
Mr. Roosevelt as tho would-bo stow
ard of tho entlro universe
Secretary MaeVeagh la making nn
offort to minimize tho government's
losses through undervaluation,
Former Congressman Simon P.
Wolverin died at his homo at Sun
bury, Pa., from paralysis, aged 73
How W. F. and J. M. Taylor, broth
ers, of Columbus, O., perished In tho
recent huriicano on tho gult of Moxl
co, ono dying In a vain attempt to
savo tho other, Is told In advices from
Mobile, Ala.
mmmmmtmmtmmtf im&JmmimdbeathameSilmi'rt'
What Is Going on Hero and Thero
That is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Ueatrlco Junlo .Tuck und Charley
Mnhoncy, young boys of this city,
had a narrow escape from drowning
In the Blue river. The lads wore
rowing about In n boat nhovo tho
mill dam, nnd concluded to row down
to tho brink of the dam, where u
large tree had lodged. They made
tho trln In safety, but when they
started hack tho boat struck a cur
rent which carried It past the tree
and ever tho dam. Tho Mnhoncy boy
lonp-d from tho boat to tho tree,
whenco ho was ab;a to get ashore,
but tho Jack boy went over the dam
Into the boiling current below. Ho
Is an excellent swimmer, however,
and made his way to tihoro with lit
tlo trouble.
Crushed by Overturned Wag:n.
Wilbcr. Neb. Mrs. Charles Rasblsll
wns thrown from a spring wagon nnd
crushed to death beneath the team she
was driving. Mrs. Rasblsll, in com
pany with two other ladles, had been
gathering walnuts and were driving
homo when the accident occurred.
Tho wagon was overturned In a deep
ditch und she was thrown out, the
horses falling on her. Her com
panions escaped by Jumping out be
fore the wagon was overturned.
Drowned In Watering Tank.
Craig A 2-year-old son ot J. D.
Moss was drowned In a stork water
lug tank within ten rods of the house.
Other children were playing in the
barn und did not miss the baby until
tho father came from the field and In
quired for it. A search began and
ono of the little girls found tirp body
in the tank.
Institute at Syracuse.
Syracuse. The officers of the farm
ers' Institute have selected February
2 and ", 1911, for tho dato for tho
Institute. The itate will only furnish
speakers for ono day and the' manage
ment decided to either use local tal
ent for tho first day or secure u speak
er at their own expense If possible.
Will Hold Corn Show.
Ashland, Neb. Arrangements are
now being made to hold the annual
farmers' Institute and corn show In
Ashland. The dates decided on are
December 15, 16 and 17. Liberal pre
miums will be offered In overy class,
especially for farm products and for
rural school exhibits.
Will Go to Chicago.
Nebraska City. The Rev. Harry C.
Hnrman. pastor of tho Methodist Epis
copal church of this city for a num
ber or years, but recently of Harris
burg. Pa., has been transferred to one
of tho lending churches or Chicago as
Its pastor.
Church Gets a Farm.
Reutrlce. The Christian church at
niuo Springs has been loft 120 ncres
of land belonging to tho eBtato of tho
lato Jacob Headings, of that city, as
provided for In his will which was
filed for probate, recently.
Ho wells has voted bonds for a new
school house.
Tho third annual corn contest will
be held In York the second week in
Nebraska City succeeded In secur
ing tho Hint postal savings bank In
Edlo Barleuu, near Harrison, was
thrown from a horse and suffered In
juries from which ho died.
Tho men's RIblo class of tho Friend
church at Fremont held Us first an
nual banquet Monday evening.
Craig will have nn old time debating
nnd literary society to while away
tho hours this winter.
A company has been formed to man
ufacturo gas from tho shnlo found at
Ivanhoo. near Falrbury.
Mrs. J. T. Gist of Falls City was
elected president of tho state federa
tion of women's clubs.
Kearney has a now broom factory.
Lincoln will get a postal bank tho
first of tho year.
Mrs. Emma Evans, of So ward, broke
her arm while helping put up u stove.
It. T. llalrd, a Shelton young man,
hns assumed tho manugoment of tho
Upland Eagle.
Barney Putscher, residing near
Cairo, was killed by a runaway team
ono day last weok.
Tho stato touchers' meeting nt Lin
coln, November 23-25, promises to bo
of unusual Interest.
Tho noxt 'meeting of tho stnto Chris
tlan Endcavorers will bo hold at Lln
Tho Avenuo M. E. church at Au
burn will erect a handsomo now par
sonage costing $3,000.
E. II. Unrnnrd, who laid out tho
town slto of Fremont, dlod at Los An
gelo recently at tho ago of eighty-two.
Campbell Pros, circus will go Into
winter quarters nt Now Orleans in
stead of nt Fnlrbury as heretofore.
Tho first meeting ot the Frontier
county teachers' osroelation will bo
held at Aftoil Saturday, November 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlckmnn of Roelus
celebrated their dlnmond wedding re
cently. They are over ninety venrs
Shelton Is In a fever of excitement
over the finding of oil In tho well that
linn been drilled there during tno suny
Application win made for saloon
license tit Pleasnnton, but the cltl
.ens aro making n fight against such
n procedure.
Tho Blue river nt Reatrlce has been
stocked with frogs, channel' cat and
black bass by the fish and game com
Rurglars gained entrance to the
pnstofTlce at Talmago and escaped
with $00 worth of stumps nnd a small
amount of money.
Erwln Lench, a btudent at Lincoln,
was thrown under a street car. He
saved his lfe by clinging to the fen
der, escaping with a low bruises.
Jeanette. tho little daughter or Mrs.
Nettle Harrell of Douiplyin, was found
dend with her head in a tub only
imrtiy filled with water, the child hav.
Ittg gone to the tub unseen.
A farewell reception wns tendered
Rev. .1. V. Jones of Graco M. H.
rhurch at Lincoln on the eve of his
departure for RIoomington, Ind.,
where ho will assume a pastorate.
Thero nro but three cases of diph
theria In Cortland at present, anil
none havo been reported for severnl
weeks. With strict quarantine regu
lations it is thought the disease can
bo entlicly eindlcatcd in a few days.
Tlie ceremony of blowing the now
cross recently erected In the Catholic
cemetery of York wns held Sunday
afternoon In the presence of a largo
rumber of tho Catholic congregation
and others who came to witness the
The hesslon of the state federation
of woman's clubs, held nt Tecumseli,
wns largely attended and was marked
with a high degree or enthusiasm. The
attendance of "dolegatcr. was larger
than had been anticipated, the total
reaching nearly 200.
Rural bcIiooIb of Dodge county will
observe flro day along with the city
schools and those of the state In gen
eial. The program outlined by Assis
tant Fire Warden Johnson will be
followed In tho rural schools of the
county and will Include a fire drill.
At a meeting at the Presbyterian'
church of Plattsmouth three patrols
consisting of eighty boys each of boy
scouts wero organized und now the
boys arc hard nt work tryx: to quali
fy to meet tho tests Imposed upon all
candidates before they can become
full-fledged scouts.
Tho eight-year-old son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Gus Klen of Auburn was severe
ly Injured by being run over by a
wagon loaded with corn. The boy
was trying to climb on tho wagon
and fell In front of the hind wheel,
which passed over his body.
Out of tweuty-ono nppllcants be
fore the naval recruiting station nt
Lincoln, not one was Accepted. An
extraordinary feature was the numllcr
of persons who were found to be color
blind. Eight were rejected for this
Prof. W. H. Smith, science teacher
in the Beatrice high school, has ten
dered his resignation to take effect
as soon as his successor is elected.
The board of county commission
ers of Pawnee county hnvo called a
special election for November 8 to vote
on tho proposition of issuing bonds
for n new court house at Pawneo City.
Georgo Cox, a Jefferson county
fnrmer, living six miles north of Fair
bury, marketed eighty-seven fat hogs
which nveraged 100 pounds apiece.
It required two stock cars to take tho
shipment to St. Joseph, Mo.
Tho Dally Nebraskan of tho Univer
sity of Nobraska hns been conducting
a campaign for a nnrao for tho now
nthlotlc field. At tho present timo
four names hnvo been suggested.
They nro "Avery Field," "Corn Field,"
"Nebraska Field" and "Ak-Sar-Bon
Field." A largo porcentago of tho
students profor to call tho now ath
letic grounds by tho samo name that
tho old gridiron was called, that of
"Nebraska Field."
Nicholas M. Farrand or Burt county
has been granted nn uncondlMonnl
pardon by Governor Shnllenbergor.
Farrand was sent to the penitentiary
for manslaughter. Ho was convicted
on clrcumstantlnl ovldonco entirely.
Ho has served cloven months In pris
on and has an excollcnt record.
Notlco has boon given that the Uni
versity of Nebraska students who
wish to compoto for tho Hart, Schaff
ner& Mans prizes should forward
their epFiiys to Professor J. Laurcnco
Laughlln of tho Unlvorslty of Chica
go by Juno 1, 1911. Tho prizes nro
offered for tho best papers on eco
nomic subjects. They nmount in all
to $2,000 and this is tho sovonth yenr
of their existence. Winners In tho
past years hnvo como from Hnrvnrd,
Dartmouth, Wisconsin, WnBhlugton
and Leo, Michigan, Chicago, North
western -and Pennsylvania.
1 wmyrmo&liwo
Controversy Dates Back ta Days of
Revolution, Forming Relic of
Carelessness of the Offi
cials of Virginia.
Washington. D. C'.-rThe contuvcrsy
which has raged In Kentucky for gen
erations over tho validity or so-called
"blanket grants" or land by Virginia,
the mother stato, and even Kentucky
itseir during tho enrllor .wars or slate
hood, came before the supreme court
of the United StutOH for decision.
Titles to lands now said to he worth
at elast $10,000,000 depend upon tho
decision of the court. Orlglnnlly some
of the land was procured at 2 cents
an nere. During the day arguments
were made as to the constitutionality
or the Kentucky statiuo under which
if is claimed a forfeiture of tho title
to 40,000 ncres or land held by the
Kentucky Union company would bo
worked In favor or the occupants or
tho lands.
Louis Hrandeis Wohlo and 7.. T.
Vinson argued that the Kentucky
court hud erred In not holding the
i.tatiite unconstitutional. J. W. Stew
art defended the validity of the law.
An empire, larger than the entire
state of Delaware, or tho island of
iPorto Rico, lying in the state of Ken
tucky, Is tho prize at stake.
Want Women on tho Force.
Cincinnati, O. Stirred by the fact
that murders of five women have oc
curred In the same vicinity of this
city in the last tour yearB and that
In the cases or the first four the mys
tery was never solved, while the fifth
to dato remains a mystery, club
women havo made a novel appeal to
Safety Director Small. They nsked
that in tho future the detective force
of Cincinnati should contain at least
two women members.
Tho director took the matter under
advisement. Tho action was suggest
ed by the murder or Mrs. Hnrley
Telle About Conspiracy. ,
Springfield, Mo. Aletter received
by the chler or police or Springfield,
signed "Mrs. Maud Nugget," nnd
mailed In Salt Lako City, purports to
give facts of an alleged conspiracy
hatched by Walter Dlpley and Mrs.
Goldle Smith to rob and attack Stan
ley Kotchel, the middleweight cham
pion pugilist who was shot and fa
tally wounded near Conway, Mo., Oc
tober 1C.
Mrs. Nugget asserts that the Smith
woman wrote of the plans nnd tho
chler or pollco hnH wied the officials
of Salt Lake City to learn the Identity
of Mrs. Nugget.
Decrees by New Republic.
Lisbon Tho separation of the
church and the state has been an
nounced in a decree Issued by the
provisional government. Another de
cree published declares for tho free
dom of tho press.
Thn novernment has declined the
Jlnvltntion to attend u memorial mass
for the victims of tho revolution on
tho ground that it desired to remain
neutral in matters of religion. Tho
press generally favors tho Inaugura
tion or n system or government with
u president und cabinet similar to
that of tho United States.
Just Plain Counterfeiter.
Washington, D. C When secret
servico men arrested H. Nathan Se
treest In Chicago a few days ago and
charged him with counterfeiting t
800,000 pesos in Nlcaraguan notes,
.they thought they had nipped in the
bud nnother revolution. Now thnt Se
creost'H storieB havo been investi
gated. Chler Wllkle's men aro not In
clined to believe Secreest's revolution
story, and think ho was counterrelting
tho notes Tor his own benefit.
Bolivar Day In Venezuela.
Caracas Tho anniversary of the
birth of Simon Bolivar, who led the
revolt that resulted In the liberation
of Venezuela from Spanish rule, was
observed throughout the republic Fri
day with tho customary patriotic dem
onstrations and popular festivities. It
Is Venezuela's only natlonnl holiday
and Is nlways enthusiastically cele
brated. American Loan for China.
New York An American loan of
$50,000,000 to tho Chinese government
lias been consummated. Tho group
of bankers interested In this loan
consists of J. P. Morgan & Co., Kuhn,
Loob & Co., the National City bank
nnd the First National bank.
Picture Films Como Cheaper.
Washington, D. C Moving plcturo
films mndo in Europo will not como
Into tho United Stntes at a much
lower rato of duty than heretofore.
Tho customs court has decided tho
films should bo assessed as photo
graphs at a duty of 25 per cent ad
valorem. Tho board ot general ap
praisers at Now York had contended
they wero dutiable ns celluloid at a
much higher rato. All tho moving
plcturo theaters In tho United States
mill profit by the decision.
AtUki UHnt'WiU HBUlUH'Ji
i i M M
I Ci 5U A if JU i i
I Sand School Leuon for Nor. C, 1910 I
II SdccIiIIv Arranged tor This Pacer M
I-osson Text Matthew 26:17-30. Memory
vrrsrs 2C-2S.
Golden Text "This is my bony which
If riven for you: this do In rcmembranco
of niR."-l,uko 22:10.
Tlmo Tliursdiiy evening, April 0, A. D.
line An uppor room In Jerusalem.
This lesson is full of dramatic In
cidents. A" harmony Is necessary to
understand the scenes in full.
The first great day of tho Pnssovor,
which lasted a weok, began at sun
set on the evening after the 14th of
April, which by tho Jewish reckoning
was the beginning or tho 15th when tho
regulnr Passover supper was eaten.
Tho disciples camo to Jesus, somo
tlmo on Thursday, saying . . . Where
wilt thou that wo prepare for thee
to eat tho paasover? "A room was
needed, with tables surrounded by
couches, for the Passover must be
enten reclining, slnco it was a canon
that oven tho poorest must partake
of thnt supper In n reclining attitude,
to indicate rest, sarety and liberty."'
Then thero must bo obtained un
leavened bread, bitter herbs, wine, nnd
a paschal lamb, which must bo slain
in tho temple between three nnd five
o'clock, anil cooked in a private home.
Jesus and his disciples probably loft
Bethany late Thursday nftcrnoon,
walked two or thrco miles, and reach
ed tho upper room soon nfter sunset.
The strifo probably began when the
disciples wero assembling In tho up
per room, nnd wore about to take their
plnces at tho table. Even In this
most solemn hour, nforo solemn than
they realized, there nroso a conten
tion among the disciples as to who
should be the greatest, probably with
reference to tho places of honor nnd
nearness to Jesus, with an outlook to
wurd tho highest places In tho now
kingdom which was soon to begin.
Also because no ono was willing to
tako upon himself tho servile duty of
washing the travel-stained feet of tho
There was doubtless n mingling or
good nnd evil motives In tho disci
ples. At length nil wero reclining nt tho
tables and tho Passover supper was
begun. Jesus wisely waited till timo
had been given for tho excitement to .
be quieted, nnd tho disciples to come
to a better framo of mind. Then
by a symbolic action ho taught thorn
a lesson which has been needed all
down the ages. He who had all power,
who camo forth from God, and wns
going to God, arose from tho supper,
poured water Into a basin, and wash
ed his disciples' feet, Including tho
feet of Judas, Into whoso heart tho
devil had put tho plan to betray him.
And nB they wero eating tho Pass
over meal Jesus used tho samo bread
and wine that was upon the Passovor.
table and taught tho Passover truths.
The rltCB of tho new kingdom of heav
en expressed for tho spiritual llfo the
deliverance from tho slavery of sin,
tho redemption through blood, tho
promlso ot allcglanco to the Lord, tho
hope of tho promised land, which wns
enacted In actual llfo by tho saving
of tho Israelites from tho bondago of
Egypt "Tho PasBover brought to
gether tho largest number of individ
uals to claim and consciously rocog
nlzo their part in God's redeeming
grace nnd power, and becauso of Its
Eenso of all-embracing victory, millen
nial gladness, universal salvation,
was better fitted to become tho dis
tinctive and enduring symbol of re
demption, and express tho mighty
hopes of Jesus ns he stood on tho
threshold of his passion, than any of
tho sacrifices of tho altar."
Jesus took bread, tho thin cako of
unleavened bread, nnd blessed it, "In
voked blessings," "consecrated with
solemn prayers." Tako, eat, make It
a part of yourselves. This is my body,
symbolizes my body, does for your
bodies Just what my spiritual llfo does
for your souls.
This is my blood. A typo of em
blem of his blood, bis llfo, which ho
laid dowu as tho atonement for sin.
Of tho now testnmont, which God was
now confirming to men. Tho new cov
enant was that God would renew nnd
savo all who believed In Jesus. It is
tho now promlso to men, tho now Gos
pol dispensation, In which God hns
used his perfect wisdom In soklng to
snvo tho world from Bin. Which is
shed for many. Multitudes, not mere
ly a few, aro to bo saved by Christ.
For tho remission of sins, including
tho forgiveness of sin, nnd tho de
Hvcrnnco from tho pow'or of sin. Sin
is to bo put nwny entirely.
Tho Suppor 13 a kind ot All Saints
day. Wo become one, not only with
thoso around us, but with those who
havo gono boforo, to Join tho heaven
ly host.
It Is n feast ql victory. It was tho
sun triumphing over darkness. Tho
Lord's Supper Is n prophecy of
ChrlBt's socond coming, of tho perfect
triumph of his kingdom; for wo nro
to celebrate It till ho comes. It con
tains a hopo and a promise.
Our last view of Christ In tho Gos
pels Ib not of denth, but of an ovor
living Saviour, who onco was dead,
but now Uvc3 for evermore, it bIiowb
that wo do not worship n dead Christ,
but a living Christ, sitting on thd
right hand of God, leading tho hosts
of Christendom. It Is tho raornlns
stnr that heralds tho now day.
It Is nn invitation to nil to como and
bo snvod. It Is tho church holding up
tho bnnner of redemption that all tho
world may seo.
Wo ought to mako tho Lord's Sup.
per tho most holpful and important
servico of tho church.