The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1910, Image 5

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I'M Walters was itt t hvii miu lu..
Attend The l!ig I'latlo Silc at
A much'-. ,
Mr", Lcs Chancy went to Superior
V. !. Ileal wont west Wednesday
Miss Helen YfHi'kit spi-ut Sunday in
Mrs. Dr. .lones went to Alum Tins
day evdititiir.
.lohii Morrill wont to liiioriiil Hui.-
day evening.
Dr. Holes returiiotl Sunday morning
from Colorado.
Fred sleeper of Lincoln a- in
town lust week.
Cha-. Moedc wont to Wyniore anil
Dr. Stockman is ulllieted with a
felon on liK hand.
Mis. K L. Smith Is home from Ai
kuntiis city Kans.
Harry Walli'r anil family spent sun
ilny at .Jud I'.ullejs. '
Miss Irimi I'lillun of l!ivirton was i
In the city Saturday.
Mr. ilones of Clay Center, father of
Roy tlones is in the city.
See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed.
If you want a I'iuno save money by
buying now at Atniick's.
See The. Kimball Piunu Player at
A mack's anybody plays it.
A. Taukott ami wife loft Tuesday
for their home Butler, Mo.
Mrs. Lanny Smith arrived home
from California Saturday.
Chas. Peterson and. son went to Ven
ango, Xebr., Sunday evening.
Calicoes American Prints - Five
couts per yard. Mi.vnt linos, and Co.
Mrs. Will Hicks is spending the
week in the country with her par
ents. Dr. Creightou and wife and Ned
Grime and wife spent Sunday in ltlue
Mr. .larboc will preach at the Indian
Creek school house next Sunday at
I) p. m.
Evorot Stroup bToke two bones in
his right arm white playing foot ball
Mrs. Stewart Albright and children
arrived home from Orleans Sunday
Spuucer Bailey and sou and family
of Illinois are moving' this week to
this city.
Will Ilobertsoii and Lyman Kssng
went to Imperial Sunday evening to
buy cattle.
The Chief otlice takes subscriptions
uud renewals for the Twentieth Cen
tury Fanner.
John Winnie and wife of (JuidclJock
spent Sunday in this city with Noble
Hall and wife.
All the great artists sing for the
Victor and l'dison. Hear them at
Newhouse Bros.
Itay Palmer went to Arapahoe
last week returtiinu' with his wife
Friday morning.
Yes, you are correct. Mitchell tne
Jeweler lias a splendid line of detach
able handle umbrellas.
Two choisc well improved farms
close to town for sale by Sku.ihH,
CiAitiiKU and Hutchison.
The W. U. C. will meet Saturday
nfter-noon at 12:110. Kvery ineinber is
'requested to be prosi"'
Mrs. Strong who has been visiting
ihore tlie past, week has returned to
her homo at Culhertson.
D. 11. Larrick uud wife were in
ISroken How over Sunday visiting
their daughter and family.
Attend the musical to be given by
The Crescent Concert Company at tho
Opera House Friday Nov. lit Is.
Dr. Creightou has returned. Dur
ing this winter ho will do otlice work
oni.v. He will be glad to meet anyone
wishing hl .ervloes at Ids olltee.
5. "iOCALEfTeS
AbsoSluie! Pure
Tho only baUimi powder
matte from Royal Grapo
GS'GHVH (if TsiB'tQV
Ho&ta?IoFJMe Phosphate
ft Give Nevost Watch 13
ft Sf3
f Ytiti'l:r..e prob.ifv ro- jjj
Kj liccd by nil the magazines $
iJJJ that U.ereisanewwaU 'lotil. gj
5$ Every new thing in the E8
jewelry line if it's gooJ jH
-you find first in this Jg
gj store. gg
B Wc have examined tlie ncv W
7-Jcwcl Walcll
H.i.-., Li
ij waicn, ntgniy rccommcnaca
S for all who need a good pop- ma
S ular-priced time-piece. $5, gj
$7nnd$9accoidiiiRtocnscs. b
E. H. Njewhouse, Prop.
Jewelers S Optometrists
Well improvctl 80 acre close W town
for sale cheap and on -eusy terms
Ski.iaus, Gaiu:h and Hncnisos.
The Uoyal Neighbois, had a Hal
lowe'en party Monday evening. ' Kvery
body present reports ?i good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uobinson visit
ed in tlie country at the home of her
mother, Mi's. Fred Wittwer Sunday.
lr. Nellie Miuirer wishes to an
nounce to the public that she is now
ocated in the rooms -over the Tepee.
Mr and Mi. ICrnest Davis arrived
home Monday morning after their
wedding tiip at Holdredgoand Axtell
Nothing preventing, Elder HnsMing
will preach farewell serriious at the
Christian church ne-xt Lord's day
Nov. i), '
Uev. ,7. M. Hates returned Monday
from St. Paul and will hold regular
services at Grace -church the next two
For Sale An Overland Auto as good
as new hah been run about !)() miles.
For fuller particulars Inquire of Dr.
I Mr. and Mr. -Lilly who have been
I visiting at the home of Will Auld's
i returned to tlniir homo in Des Moines
i Iowa Monday.
i .1. ii. Jarhne will preach at the
j Urethren uhurch next Sunday both
morning and evening. .Evening ser-
vices at 7 p. m.
I iLost Small bunch of keys between
lied Cloud uud iuide -Uock. Finder
please lvave sauie at Chief otlice and
I receive reward.
Foil Sam: A i Hoi-se Power Whltty
asoliuu Jiiiglne, Dynamo and Switen
I IJoard completwl. tlood as new.
I inquire of A.nky Um:t.
1 Ioi -lletween Ied Cloud and Nolih
I Wagoner's place a Ladles I! tack Coat
j with fur vulhtr. Finder leave at this
olliceand reivivv reward.
I Use a Hull Detachable Handle TJm
l lire I lit. Children slu. S1.00 mid up.
Ladies or gents sizes sptclal $1.j and
' up. CJet them of Newhouse.
i Attend the imi-dcal to lie kivcii by
; The Crescent oneert Company at Hie
'Opera House Friday Nov. 11th.
) .Mr. and .Mrs. K. L'. Overuian gave a
,5 o'clock dinner Monday evening in
honor of Mr. and Mrs Zinn's 4-lth aui-
vorh.iry, Mis. overman's patents.
! The little child of Mr. and Mrs
I Miles Doyle died Saturday morning
land was buried Monday after-noon in
I the Catholic cemetery In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. .I.O. Caldwell were
j married IM years Monday Oct. .11.'
Their friends reminded them ot the
I fnot by giving them a surprise party.
KIder Hussong has accepted a call
extended to him by the church of
'Christ at Lexington, Nebr., and will
I remove to his new Held in the near
1 future.
Chiuity Chapter No. 17, Order of
the Kastern Stars, meets at Masonic
Hall alternate Monday's -Mrs. Cora
! Potter. W. M. Mrs. F.dith Itob'iiison.
i Secretary.
1 Mrs. Dr. L. A Clairison, a former
college class-mate of Mrs. 10. .1. Over was visiting here last week.
She returned to her home in (irand
island Monday.
The lied Cloud High School foot ball
ttfam went to Franklin last Friday
and played a game with the Franklin
' AcmltMiiy. lied Cloud got defeated by
, a score of l'-J to 0.
i A meeting of tho CliniiUiiqiia Stock
lloldeis will hold in Friday night
Nov 11 intheeoinniorielal club rooms.
A board of directors andothvr otlleers
of tl e a' e . f bin w ill be elected
m 7-Jewcl Walcli Mi
Mb m
52 ond find it a lt:ctly well- f
made, accurntcly tunning VCw
m & m
A wry pleasant Hallowe'en parly
was ciwu by the teachers of the Lin
coln School IJtithling lit that place
Monday night, dark O Lanterns,
eider and doughnuts helped to re
mind all of younger days and the
affairs was quite u success.
Monday evening, W. T. Monntfotd,
Prank W'atkliis and Del Walteis were
given the initiatory degieo in tlie I. O.
O. !'.. lodge, (iiatid Secretary tinge
'of Fremont was present and everybody
retired to the Puritan cafe after lodge
was over weie oysters and cigars were ,
the order of the evening. I
The second number of the Leotuic
Couise will be "The Crescent Concert
Company" at the opera House Friday
night November 11 lb. Season Ticket s
can be bought at Cook's Drug Stoic
for the lemalniug four numbers for
St. -"). and 7oit.. for all school child
ren. Tie best "if. the course is yet to
'I r. and Mis. IIusong'.s baby l-JItu
was badly seal led about the throat
and over the chest l.nt Tuesday night
at supper. She reaehed a pail of hot
soup which .resulted a burn that Is
w ide and deep. This comes when it i
most grievous in that the family is
packing their uoniN for removal to u
new church wotk
,1 ust as much care, in fact a little
more, should be exercised In buying
electric sad irons, as ill buying any
tiling else. Some irons use niorc.elec
triclty than others in doing th6 same
woik. Get your electric irons of
Morhat.t Hnos., they carry thcauthor
i.ed iron. He carcfull of "just as
good" electric Irons.
G. L. liradbrook of Red Cloud, has
-opened up a stock of electric light ti.v
tures in tho plumbing shop of Hoht.
Miller and is now ready to do wiring
and furnish electric supplies of all
kinds. Mr. liradbrook helped in in
stalling the electric light plant in Hod
Cloud llvo years ago and luis been
working at tho business since and is
throughly competent to do the work.
Franklin News.
The Ladies Clio Club held an elabor
ate banquet and Ilollowo'en party at
the home of Mr. uud Mrs. Dr. Dauicr
oil last Saturday night. About fifty
guests wore in attendance and they all
enjoyed the unexpected surprist-s and
the delightful shifting of scenes The
club is doing some intensive Shakes
pearian study this year. The roeepN
ion given Saturday night will long ho
remembered as one of the most success
ful social occasions ever held in the
Young jiian.Htbaf beautiful gfii
whom you worship us a pillar of. Un
adulterated sweetness doseu't contain
even three ounces of sugar. It. has
been shown by unalysis that a young
person weighing lol pounds is com
posed of i)(X pounds of water, .'5 pounds
of the white of eggs, a little less than
1 pound of glue, :ir'j pounds of fat,
S'4 pounds of phosphate of lime, :J
ounces of sugar and starch, 7 ounces
nf chloride of calcium, i! ounces of
phosphate of magnesia and a little
ordinary table alt. "Js
. I
Regarding my statement in the last,
week's Ltlue Hill Leader and Ithuleri
Kntei prise I wish to say 1 was misin
formed and that . I, vl. Clmll!ii was not
'put out of Ciuldo Hock lodge I.O. O.
F." but was dropped for notes payment
of dues.
Geo. Auiack.
Vote for Llndsey
The mini that dares to come out on
the square and tell every mail where
he stands.
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April lttth. 1U0S
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
of Simper month, c'red Maurer, the
uttomev. has all necessary blanks.
Iltc Labor Vote
Should remember that the Lindsey
farm pays over one thousand dollats
eveiy year to working men
For Bald Heads
A Treatment That Costs Nothlnft If It
Wo want you to try thr.o large bot
tles or Uexall "i).'!" Hair Tonic on our
personal guarantee that the trial will
not cost you a penny if it does not givo
you absolute siitislactloit. That's
proof of our faith in tills remedy, and
It should indisputably demonstrate
Unit we know what wo are talking
about when wo say that Kexull "D.T
HalrToiiio willgiow hairon bald heads,
except where baldness has been of such
long duration that the roots of tho
hairnio entirely dead, the follicles
closed and gtowti over, and tho scalp
s glazed.
Keinember we are basing our state
ments upon what has already been ac
complished by the use of Kcxall "0.T
llaii Tonic, and wo have the right to
,'issiuuothat what it lutsdouo for thoits-
uiidteof others It will do or y,t. In
any event you cannot Iomj au thing by
giving it a trial on our liberal gu iron-
teo. Two sizes fide, and l 00. Ito
member, you can obtain Itex.tll Reme
dies in this community only at nw
store-The Roxall .Store '1 ho II. K.
Cirico DiugCo.
Moon Block, Red Clout!
In Rivcrton every Monday
Andy Hart has purchased a new
Lveiett automobile.
Hoy I! ust, propiiotor of the lin,ut
UaiberShop is running four chuits
anil invites you to call If you want a
good shave or hair cut.
Josephine Ihnlek elitettaiiied a few
Iriends Friday evening Oct. 'JSIh at
her home. It being her tilth birthday.
Ml reported a good time.
Dr Wat rick, the specialist will meet
e,e. ear. nose and throat patients and
tho-e needing glasses properly lilted
at Dr. D.iuii'iell's oulee in lied Cloud
Tuesday. Nov
Without an litirmy.
Heaven lu-lp the man who imagine- t
lie can dodge enemies by trying to
please ex erybod '. if such an Individ-'
Hill ever succeeded we should be glad I
of it not Unit we hrlicw in a man o-'
nig through the world trying to Uud
beams to kiMU'l,- uud thump his poor
head against, disputing every man's'
opinion, lighting and elbowing, and
eiowditig all who dili'er with him. i
That, again is another extreme. Other
people havo a right to their opinion,!
so have you: don't fall into the error
if supposing they will respect you less
tor maintaining it, or respect you more
for turning your coat every day to
match the color of theirs. Wear vottr
own colors in spite of wind or weather,
storm or sunshine. It costs the vacil
lating and Irrcsoluto tott times the
trouble to wliidfaud shuttle, mid twist.
that it does hottest, manly indopntid-
nee to stand Its ground.
Ranch Life in the
Great South-West!
The Picture With a Thousand 1 drills I
The people are real ranchers (and
famous), tlie scenes arc real (and ex
quisite), tlie action is herculean (and
marvelous). Steels ate loped and
tied; llrouchos arc "busted"; and
theic'n enough .real ilife about it to
keep thousands of eyes glued to the
Liiuotcd by Kunchois you've read1
about if you've lead about the Great '
South-West including tlie famed
Henry Uruinmcr, Tomiui.v Pat. Long,
Chit's, KiKMia and .loliiuiv M nil i lis. All
V" V1" tw
jWoic "rriisedtiu the Middle. At tho
,Tepe$!, Fiidu'y and SutuiduyandSalur
' "lay, afternoon. Isual prices.
' MeB's Luncheon.
Nouriy sixty men were present at
the luudhcofi given by the iiictt of the
Knptlst church ol Guide K'ocU. in the
I. O. O. P. hull of that place, on Toe
'.ay Xov. 1. Tho occasion was one
that will long be remembered by those
who was in attendance, both for the
luncheon and for the utter dinner
Bp'eches. The one by Kev. Wilson
pkljUs, 1. D. of Oiniilm being of special
Interest, being a call to men to attempt
the greatest things with truest man
hood, ills' thought might be indicated
by first Look look aiouud for oppor
tunity, bccond, Look forability. t.hitd,
Look above for authority. A male
quartette also aided much in making
the occasion of pleasure us well as
Card of 1 hanks
We take this method of thanking
those who administered to our needs
during the sickness and death of our
mother. Frank Hadley.
Anna Hadley.
Pearl Hadley.
Ctillil Keiter Roads -
Heo. W. Lindsey suys; '.Make the
peddlers and catalogue house pay a
tax and then create a fund for the1
building of better roads"' The I-'ar-.
iners say; Lets vote fdr Llndsey. j
zs x;:
w .
your monogram made;
up while you wait.
j. mt.i-M
The Jeweler.
I BRPmUlV'. ''' I
i:'i!W'-;ss70 :
1,0 m i
RlVii 1;
aiic i
Z0tTLL find! that it's poor policy
to shop around in buying clothes;
to go where you see the lowest price
quoted. Price doesn't mean much in
clothes unless you know what the
quality of the goods is.
If you govern your buying by the price you
pay, without reference to what you get for it,
you'll find some mighty cheap clothes for sale;
their cheapness is likely to be more in quality
than in price. But you'll find plenty of good
clothes, loo;
Hart Schaffner & Marx.
dojjt make any other kind. All their fabrics
are all-wool; the tailoring is the best possible;
the styles are correct to the smallest detail; and
we guarantee satisfaction. One trouble with
poor clothes is they're always unsatisfactory,
even when you buy them.
Our clothes satisfy; they're profitable
to you and to us. Suits $20 to $50.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Ladie Assistant in our Undertaking
Ed. Anicick, Prop.
is often
l. ZJ - r.
.7 ''-
feT. Aenrr
l(KS ,.XAih
ssyfji '
" IMJ 81
iJOV1!1-' 7..
I II iV(jll
s-Tiea (
:s:u-:c5::-: k-x-c-s-x
more effective than the most
elaborate pose. You can- see proof
of it in the sample photos to be seen !$
at this studio.
Wc Take he Photos
as you want them, however. You
select the altitude you prefer. We
will do our best to make it the best
you have ever had taken.
:--: rx c : &.; ccrMCieM wj
Nw -rKffti